The Wingham Times, 1889-06-28, Page 2tuness •,' The Sehefxee law in t1Ti1
ota,1 genius, that was eapeeted to eclipse The toms of the sea touch hat
e Qv" lI1C 1 tS which was euReted speeially for tho 1 as a convenient and-Expedition:illode its surface. lloa8;atli the waves that
i 1 of lccorDtiou everything of the .ago, %Peck the itrtlngest ships there is. it
pu111 it tno?1t of druul;rnllass, ope'is the , panned out but a speed of .four or five depth where the soft flowered mollusk
question, for legal decislolh,. when is a 1 Innes fill flour. The leveltor bid his pnlpitat('1, and the delicate shell duct
Ttlllil r, J 17;'31'1 «8, Isco. n1111i drank 2 From Ono standpoint face mud took himself away to pine ins tilltt•d sea blot -solus float in poria; t
Tho (Laguna' interests of this
touutry might rea:ouibly be said to
be paramount to all others, The
h1(rneonious working of our pro•
gressive and exoellezIt sy::tetu, whilst
.a.celitecl its a platter of Gomm ,is
looked . upon with pleasure. At
`tale last meeting of the county coup.
ti t' , t 1'
oil Inspector otos Anal ah w;f S a ill
Huron, Made - his )'early report
la which. be expressef ^ satisfaction at
,suite progress ma(ied the existing
educational couditi of his inspector.
ate, The notices les'4 frequency in. the
' except in cases s
:Where i?er tiv L .he expiration of
S;,ertificates. .He 93:s that, iI his
?siding 208 candidate!, passed' the en -
'trance dltripe; the y ar out of 851:
4pplicat:ts and ,diff Afar 180 have
'pressed their.inteution to write at
Pie ensuing July exanhinetioz s, He
;also notes an improvement in the.
:trustee reports. Wti append a few
03tatisties taken from ills tabulated .re-
-jort.The total rec4pts for school
',purposes in the riding was $64,466.
elf this sum Winbhaiti paid .$3,591,
eSeaforth 3508, Olin n $.Q591,. Erus-
els $2615, 13lyth\$1400, Wroxeter
:$1,091, Wingham's ' to per pupil
rias salaries was $ ,96,-Seaforth's
43.9.3, Clinton's 84.0 Brussels' $5.18,
,,BlytIfs $3,35,Wroxe. is $4.84, • The
townships in this ; spectorate ttie ,
Tackerstnith, Hu1let, 1eSillop, Mor-
ris, Turnberry, owick, Grey, _
East. Wawanosh, h ng; respectively
11, 12, 18; 11, 10,1 13 and 7. teach-
ers. The total eau ational expenses
en the ridil;g are $61,091, of which i
1. 147,600 is for teachers' salaries. We
find the average salary of the 180
teachers to be abou$ $368. This is
not a princely income for persons . of
the educational energy .and natural
ability of those engaged in this respon-
sible •and exhaustliug work. The
number of scholars in the inspectorate
is 9,045and the average rate per
Pupil for Wades i's° : $4.cn1.: Several
rr cam nendations were made by the
School Opnlrnittee of which the prin-
ecipal *ere : (1) That a minimum" fee
of 50 cents per lriontli beachargod all
pupils atteud:ng High Schools tind'1
• Collegiate Institutes ; (2) .that sub
scetieti 2 of section 121 of the Sehool.
- Law should be amended so as to make•
all ratepayer& primarily liable for
Public School texee, and .that the
Assc:,sor: shall .so`place them ' on the
Assessment 1o11t unless,tlleratepayer' .
shall himself express to the Assessor
that tis wishes' :to be rated as s.
f;r=parate Sel)ool 4.ltpporter; (3) that
the High School let should be amend -
ea eo as to permit one toaster possess -
hie ' the neoessar* 'gttalification ill; both
• departments to 'fill .the position of
teacher of Nutt Science, as well as
. teacher of auy • er department ;• (4)
that the Seim. s Act be so amended as
4;o permit '1'. , stens to apportion
toe mid stn . ?t' r and Christmas
-holidays in so.• . way as to them teams
- host hi the int ests of tlidr schools,
• rotfainitlg ho' 'ever, the aggregate
:.utt,lla x of he d,,ys.
EDI - =3.7' 1TOTES.
. `.:115 Ontat:e Mor Teal Council tie
as;gatiu.qt;;A:e'li'Ocity in registration
with ( 3 --it zi11,
he is drunk when he takes a sufiiclout 1 solitude. His eoltftagues have ahem. repo°, Time is the surl'itan of the
amount of stimulating liquor as to in 1donee their lofty ideas of rapid travel ocean, eternity the depth ; and (+vee
and dou't speak much of speedy now eternity may begun in the son
tricycles. ---It lies been decided to hid amid the tempests of time. Letting
a two days' band and tireirtr'u's tour- the waviest: deltas into= it_8iax;s a niers
nament early in Auguste—In the all• in its palm,
sauce of Dr.p'urke ae physician to tho - •..
Perth battalion, in London, Da }day:, i] , T ] , ?, ]i] ` + (
of Remover, !las aherge of his pray 1F1i IA. 1R T t7S' A JM o j RO'N
tics.—Tleo young luau, Mackenzie,' 111 A 7
aliarged tet the last assize court with,. Clontraetprs and. Bedlelcr„
firing buildings in Listowel, was dis-
charged on account o nsatlioifrnt evi*.wn'T'a IAM, o:1T.
demo against flim.
'' ''.iaat Waritrnaos11.
any degree effect Ills reasaulug power;
from auother ho is sot;or so' 1011; as he
- can walk without a perceptible st:ag-
ger; from a third he is x•ot drunk as
long as he can go !home unassisted.
After sir weelss iilvcstigatioiil the
verdict of the Coroner's jury on the
Junction Out Disaster at Hamilton
was that the accident was cattsed by
the breakitf; of the flange of the lead-
in; wheeitaf the engine truck, which
.caused the train to leave the track,'
and, that the rate of speed at which
the train•titin
tawas 1 great
mulling bad a
deal to do with the cause othe
accident, and they reactuineed that alt
O 1vaswith a switch tch ondownwarda
grade, trains should riot rule at a
Gnomon vat Lih IMBUE.)
Miss Lexie Mortono is attending
gi • rth o ' C'4 x10 C nS itU.a frit V1t N.
l t d t t I Oil i
home ove unday.--11r. Jas. Walsh
o /calm 'et, paid a briefv1s
c to
relatives this vicinity,
last weep,---
greater speed than i0 ,' an hour. 111x, $ani Mclurney,sr., lefts ou
The jury suggests that the Govern- Monday for a trip througlh the British`
hent appoint a noutpotert person to isles --Mr. Win, Martin roanned from
inspect all oases of at out in whish Michigan on Wednesd ty,. Ile reports
there has been a loss, of life before dile weather in those .parts.—Mr. D.
anytlhiug whatever is rewoved'furtiler Cook is putting up a wire feeeo :along'
than may be neceessnry, to rescue the the entire front p£ `Lis precrisis.
bodies. There will now be an a'lit ost urtbroken
. Mn Gladstone addressed an enthuse. stretch of this sort„of fence along tlee,
whole block from one ,sideline to the
other.—The little bo must needs
watch out for and alleold • the angry
farmer on their wayxoul school,—
The Junior Oarnero ns received a
.savers defeat at t • .hands of Atte'
Stars, r
ofBlyth, l on iesdayof last
t 1
Y :
week, They receitlr'ed a challenge
from the Blyth.,7unio'rs some time ago,
which, of .course, wi s act epted. in
making was.
agreed that no one lover A,7 years of
age should take part in the;game and
it surprised the. lads: )f ;the sixth not
a ,little to see the Lyth team, com-
posed of youiig boys, ers if any, being
over 80. ThN;y•dese ve great 'praise
for theo•
to lens vl t It might
b y o
euoourago the ..littl fellows if their
,parents would .Jetty them a stick of
candy. The senior team is anxious
to have a match with that of Biytli,
in which case there will be no dispute
ill regard to the age of the playteie.
actio mass meeting' at Plymouth, deal-
ing at .length with the Trish question.
He Maintained, first, that the separa-
tion of a dependency had never been
caused , by the refusal of . granting
autonomy ; second, that separation had
in numerous oases' been paused by the
refusal of autonomy ; and third, that
there were abundant cases in, which
separation has been prevented by the
granting df autonomy. Mr Gladstone
supported these proepositionsjey refer
erence to Colonial ''history. . At the'
beginning of his public career, he said.
there was not a colony that was not
held by a precarious tenure, but since
being granted the fullest liberty in
the management of f;ti`eirown affairs,
all have beers bound strongly to the
Empire. He appeal+d- to the 'nation
to give the sante liberty to Ireland,
The weather still continues ulsett
led and the long continued .ram 'has
caused the potatoes to rot .to such an
extent ixs to compel most .of the farm
ers to replant' their crop. =- The
"Willows” visited Wroxeter on Satur-
day lest and played a friendly gamo
of base ball with the "Maple Leafs"
o'lthat place, the home team being
victorious by a se e of 16' to 6.—Mrs
1iuttau is 'visitin/ friends in New-
bridge during the' present wreck.-1lr
AroKibbon: preaches his farewell ser-
mon next Sunday.
117rs, Cdrmicliaal had the misfortune
to lose one of hot horses last week.
The animal was kiokefl .and from the
effects it had to be shot. This is the
second during this year that she has
Iost.--- friendly game of base ball
was played here on Saturday last
between a team from Jamestown and
the second nine of our village, which
resulted in favor of the home team,
the score being 16 to 6. Immedi-
ately at the close of this ' match, the
boys encountered their lilirriston
frieads for a game, which resulted in
favor of the !Bored team. The scorn
being 6 to 4.
A short time ago, ambitious and
progressive citizens were inwardly
rejoicing in the fact that the laws of
mechanical scieihce were being deeply
investigated by men of established
genius and that in the near future
"something new" would come out of
Listowel in a mechanical way. This
man of genius and of "one undevelop-
ed idea" was expected to revolutionize
the ordinary *nudes of locomotion by
the luvontion and perfection of a
(INr'h*NDED P0a LAST tssui.)'
Soma time ago a TIMES reporter
visited the ut w factors just completed
and was kindly •shown through by
Messrs. Maxwell, Miller,. Dirnent and
Elliot, who were then 'impeding the
same. Whilst the' building hes An
atoraotive and. imposing appearance
from the outside, one is ' more struck
with its commodious character; con-
'Peelenoe, beautiful' arrangement aid
splendid equipments and f nigh within.
Perhaps the building has not its
superior in the Dominion of Canada, ...
The -melee-room is 28x64 feet; the ':0 M\T"
press -room 20x50• feet; the 'curing
room .36x54 feet.' The structure is
Wick, and finished with the very latest
improvements in very re=spect. The
total cost is about $4,000. The con.
tract was in they hands of Mr. Wm.
Walsh, of Belgraeve, and the directors. s: Y .
halo expressed their highest satisfac- 31
tion at 'the admirable wit' in which Ow4FICr, OPPOSITE rRE MARKET.
the work was completed, Certainly tiveeanenr omen= 44, hit t
everything seems to have been host
carefully and excellently done. Mr
B. Maxwell, an experienced lneuhanic,
was most untiring and' conscientious,
in his superintendence of the work'
'and his excellent judgment, energy
(id agreeable ,manner I did inue'li
towards ob'tai • so admirable, cou-
yeuient, and wglel quipped.a factory as
what they canoast of in Biuevate,
Whilst the loss "was a heavy one, the
patrons of this factory may well
rejoice that the matter of {getting a
new factory was so heartily'taken hold
of and so promptly disposed of.
Ager4.8 for Downey's (l?elgrave) lime, •
▪ $300,00Q TC LOAN.
on Farm and Town I'ronel•t,Ottt very Lowest 'lately
and t;n Tarots to suit borrod'
honetlors eau obtain mon jy in 5 days if
sari•actory, '
Be ver Block Wtugllann,
1,11:010:7 TO
Turnberry has about f9,(
505x08. For terms apply to,
P. McLAl1LN, oe 11
Tr. Tauaswiu o, Wingham.
55 T
0 to to
-Items, (Sonia
("12t tuin
—15 PUh'I.1SUl:i)
BTT•<Iii I'ItIDlsX 1.1101 ING,
—Ar TUE—
TIMES .orri
tesertetioaet2ceeletact'Jenri a.c va:nco
tipp t•. Mi 15r 6mo. 1 i mo, i' inn,
(me (:0. ;1 of "nil 00 .8 55 80 1 t..20 til ' - es tiff
WO t' 55 00 tri 11011 SO 0 P -
(,lnortor'F to 00 12 o" I 7 00 400
un0 inch _f _ 5 80 8 u0 1 _ ; 00- 1_(:0
I.a-1 ane otter r c-eret acitt•rtinatt-eTt , 80, lei
for first inseitiwl, and De. per line tut each sr,bse ,netat
I+orul notices, in nonpareil type, 10c. for.Yiret in»
setter), mai PA per lino ter melt eabsegttrat insastion
No loud moire trill he shnrged lets that: :lite.
Adv urttst.hroats C4J.o. t...tbuTld, dtrayed, riituatkkrtr,
and Luhille3G (Meares IVO -fwd, not, exceeding 8 linea
Tlonpa ii,t1titermonth,
Tiwls fa rend l`aln H fol f le, not exceeding $ hues,
`oe .. tS1101411.1 >,
a, f aC Il -
' slllf C Lttltl month.
, 1 . 1 t.l,
Theso'ttrlos will hestlr It adhered to, .
Si mina rotes for lua5s advertisements, or fee •
tonger,tarla,ts. , .,
Adrortls,,uun.ts without 1 uelhedirections, wilt he z, -
Oniertcd till forbid and eh Ftt ncc 1diln•.
rk ,,
sitory s.1ertlu,.n:cats rats ,e •.t
T.ti in advance ""' 't'
(Menges for t'eatinct itp Itlt,enlents must be its
the otitis) by Wednesday 1 on, in order to ,a1 ptat `'
that tuck•
,UCo ey to Loan 7n Notes.
Notes Disc cited
Molloy advanced on Mortgages t 0 per cont. With
privilege of paying• at the end o any year. Notes
surd accounts collected.'
OrrluE,—l;egvor Block, Wing , Ont.
OPTIC ift t1KENT'SB'L', , WffdGFIFtC!!,
barof wilding Lots roti
Motor Sale.
Those desiring to naked boatel
eonlntunlcate with, .or apply in pi
where all necessary infohnetion Js(
tesidel ala proper
o 1
1 r eh
1Viogham should
'on at my Mee,
be btaolnetl.
tiCi'2NGH' ` N.L. ,
Capital, $1,000,000. st, $400,000.
President—Joni STUART.
Vicc•Prosldcnt-ETON. JAMES Tu a.
A. G. Ramsey, Jong PROCTOR, CIS Vis, 'CUaNEY, GEO.
EDAM, A. T. 1w'o'
,, Cashier --J. TURN LL.
aaviv50 Bank haurs,10 t • Saturdays, 10 to
1. .Deposits of $1 and upwards' ceivod and interest
S')eeiul Ttepoel;z alaoveceived 'at eutreut
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United States
. 04
borleuznpiien can"b(S Cured •
By proper, healthful exercise, and the judie1ouo tie -
of Scott's ,Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and t ypophot'
phitcs, which contains the healing and strsngth•
•giving virtues of aftosa tivo valuable epeetfea in their
fullest forme Dr. D. TD. 111oboutld, Petiuodiab, N, .
Ii., says : "I have hewn proscribing Scott' Emul•
sfon with good results. It- is -especially useful in -
persons of eonsulnptIve tendencies." Sold' by drag..
trycleie with Inannnoth wheels anis shots, 56c, and$1,00,
xtraordivary speed, It .was to be .
repelled by hand with unprecedented A. rAttaltan smite.
eioeitee. Of. course, in order ihat . Nothing on earth cal: smile but
Liu highly endowed genius may be no humatr belugs. Gelds may gash re.
dirhary Carter and hearer, there's fleeted li ;llt, but what is a diamond
cott to be funds, provided, and public flash eoinpared with an eye fiaslt and _
Brit and enterprise are not to he mirth flash t • A face, filet cannot
ut,slte el by orclulary difficulties. The. _ shite is like a bud that . cannot bias.
? t.dl illvr•11t)e + C, m st 1 hitrlst*iw and Soul, and dries 'i1 oil the Ste lk.
i e s ii et its '.t ',y i:i" Fn >::lift' ^:tagllfior 1R (lay; and solaiety is Iaui ti e,
ie.-) e u ' xli>,I 3ettli + Cil. a., 1.:1 ati, y'r i?it(1 : t Il'ialt' 15 the twvih;.;lit i.h:tt lldvf;T's
t„`,tty or t"i:wl + ilit,li• -tli. r;f'I.tly l•CL (:.'ri t1•Jtii,tllt+t matt iUtli(•1tr'.1.•
Liz tri .'.4 t f-;O(.tily ^.flit rllgu(r. big than oitilvr.
c s . r: it t flirt ht;u tot Ttri
E,t ( 1rrl.ii,- 11 Grlatslta ,ry ui ,:uyC
f u' UrAi,iutifr'al t) i!:;,lat'ltt,'41.,s f
Tao o Lille lb of West Wellii gton ' b
,t ee iii wt t: e r prEsEnt member. - p
Ia<.,t. Vii. fan, its the eandelate at v
;.de Ih..•:ct Pro itit•Ia1 election. . t
i,L i;r uei rs of the Law Society r
., +. s 1cd lE: P.iI a:i iiof
r anal the G
law etho,}t f T'• trh' iI) IIuil. f3
4 i
•t.a. 4 ...-.. t , u4... t. r,se, let
:.f, .1 ..y>:+ 01 Tr
AIX y )411. r l' i T t(rt 1E t,Ji aiir.;at.t311,
f i./. itlty l'1t , D r'+lur i) 7a :a i1,411;;b:`,.'. 1 1
F , it.'4i(ltr , , 111 r? :7,1;1011Sc i I,t ty fa) (4j.. U$i..n )Lbt.!i (;J'i'nn Duple occult
,, , 1.110 .1,a..t:::t, tn.c lG3.vat.. jl',:..ti.l Vf'. n .)t'e :yat t ,:...ale'7 (..,I , „ill::4r i, ir' ;Iaam lbl'll(i*yy ,
It rastawzi, zarg,arareaitiaar r:rZM! v:,•• •,.,si *, 5...
S. GRADE .11. ,
Supplies all ceasaries for fun.
eral furnishing having a Delivery
Wagon specially for this branch of
business. All orders. attended
personally, 1,111 ctnliyt3red arty;
where wiihiu 10 miles of Wing:
Remember the place, firsb door
south of the bis brick hotel on the
stain street, Wingham,
VraosE axle nom Q000 LAAMal
'oPstr: 1t oOf.S. '•i5w ''ro I 1”
:YNA"i REs
r Rt n?
R. u; JOVE
It VS1110l5 AND 1'LiILISRS4
t A. 3'. ticEE1 Z1E,
Honor graduate Toro
Of New York Polyclialo,
()Maenad residenceoyer
Josernms ST.
xa.w•:nvwalumm .raeortrt
University. Attendant
c of Gordon B Medd re,,
1 E D tId
H 1 0f scutaUniversity,
Oluee a:d ltosi,ivueo—Th old.Steudformerly Coen.
pled by 1)r. 1 1At l0,at re corner of Centee and
Patrick streets,
Solicltor'a'or the Banti n
for taking ander it*. to
to tend ex straight loan
Rent's Bleck, 1i in;;hr.l
it. W. 0: DETER.
J: A.
• o1 yn
05 TICE5..-Ilr;arer'Moe
GOittuo and 1
Private and Company,
interest, ytortg:tees,
bouarht and Bold, Stere
• Ore.
5118, f;, &o,
14:41164i. Co1}nrtseSor:rt6
7at:t,.ba. reeltt ful;6
at ±00,,sr rater of•.tov—
GLcknott III d Gerrie.C.
S. L. D1GSVYS',-
• Qllt0010,
012, ;tOTtfY-0>VDLti.'
1.iCER, ETC.
Wt3lnll tat, 'ONT.,.
0'rn, ONT.
0S1:d3±0 loon at km: 11.30t of
w•n awl t.;41 I)r,tl r (07
,tile collections a .•0eclulty..
'I-ltls'NTIGTIIY.-- 3. S.EILOME,;1:. r3. •
.'tsq.,,, i••w d S.Seto111,is manufacturing. eei-
tk.,lateid Plates
040.-2d-±1.31ti irq bestml.uteriial autlreaipoat. they can be
got in Die Dol:tinfun. 141 work wrrr•
Vegetable Vapor administered ea the painiers
extraction of teeth, tho 0114eyfs, anesthetic itnown.
OFFICE: In, the beaver ,Clock, appetite the.
Brunswick !Tote!,
DENTI$TRY.-,1V. Ir, 'MACDONALD,. WixalfA(t
c r
i. !r Vulcanite, Celluloid,
etc., flutes, re'tit hprices from 6'.5e00 upwards parso
or0wang and bridgework, Tectls ex
filleted without the least pain by the use of Vital=
teed Air. Bead Kee, 1Vingbarn, side entrance op
pot:to the Queen's MAW, opcu daily (Sundays except- •
cd4011 fand tlaSaturda,,t<. of enchn)outh: nomaantMilne
hotel; Gorrie: 1st and Srr( Mondays of each month—
Mee at Albion hotel. Extracting 25 cents.
ruts mu brAnnDi E;
GEORGE 111o1CAY 11/hngham, Licensed Auctionce
At moderate rates. Counties
will be connducted in
portion of (ho Oountie•-,,
orders can be left at the TOMS ()Mee,
DEAN!, 3'u,, wrxona)r, ..
oF' IfCRON,,
Salol Attended 111 any part (if the Co, Chat„ o
AzfT:S fiI:NDE alt
to promptly and on the Shortest
and angenx uis &can bo made cat the
All sales attends
Charges Modern
All noacesary 4i
TIDES' ,)(flee.
'1 ELSOas*'3 Et
P. L. Surveyor, 0
Particular attentirn
into banding 1
11 Engineer and Drau'hisinan
paid to division of pro(p crtits
settling disputed atllnk'arlee,.
preparing e0mplctotplans er towns and Villegee, as
fper ltegkrry Act,- tool 1rsetiptions of properties
or insertion in ,).e(, Cross Sections of rivers mala
and estiulatc•s 0000
files and vatl111atee
mud street iml•rOv-
near111yi works, Co
iliac% and c-haraeter
1,1outte••8 law chino,
I t d los; Culchrts, &c. Pro.
eiseaBter'rndtntlas hills,
,apotalentc sntielted, Ftat1ntf
f work. AFFI(F At 1. A.
Ingham, Out,
5. L. 11 D. L. Bus,
LI:J.Co; t
'Wu Wt4t1li:. i.
All or,1 •(.i left cC ►;•e i± ;. 4 the lilt 5I11re.
(tiro 1u0s:y.t rain.:
1 .