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The Wingham Times, 1889-06-28, Page 1
xa •7 VOL. XVI 11, --NO 26, LOCALS NEWS. -+Marri6obe pap Qrop prespeete this --The Prbitb'ter Witogliam en Tuesd 11.16 a.tni • .There are tw. it le impossible t vtill —women aud —The Orangom North Middlesex Litt the twelfth of . --Tire legal me colons at 2 &look i 1 o'clock on Seati•.l indicate splendid =rLr. of Maitland inset, he y, the 0th of auljt, at classes of people whets# oopvince against their en. of South Huron 11 celebrate at 1{lxete Y. f Liestowel close. their July aud august and. s. ,--Tee' . A. MoFman, of `.Giveeton, will preach in the i3ap est chore'', ou leutiday Moat,.morniug aud :veuiug. -+There were 7, t 0 people present at the tournament Liu G Iph ou 7Yxureday, aud tli© affair'was a gr • 4 success, —About 200'deaf ` nates passed through Totreuto of Wednee y en their way home trate the Deaf au. Dumb Iustitute. at 1301 leville. 'c• -Tae young ma, ' Klieg, Who Was inert last week at the on factory, is fast recovering; and will a able to attend to Ws duties shortly. '• t --.The 33rd Platten if, of Huron, o:trried Jeff the accond prize tett the band Numb - went of the militia r'cwnmp in Loudou, the 03ttr taking iirat --The editor oil e Hamilton Spectates trips up the editnljof the Kingston Acus !Or writing, "Ottt o graduated, Zed, -filo; i'ootly written? —Joan Tod, Feng viade, forwarded e, pijroel of books, of tvbieh he is the :tuth'_:r,. to Mr Lithgow, for t)e .Mechanics' xneltgte, . A more ex - ten d notice evilLa ear. -3Ioe rs Giloh. ritGreen. & Co, have ;ten adding greatly to theta menhaniail staff, and everything is now. humming 'at the Valera The ea ablishinent is taxed, to its •utmost capaolt --The Liberals of ie town are request: ed to attend a meetiu in the Caledonian Hail, on Tuesday eve lug next. It is hoped that every mem r' of the partywill take thio rte a special i vitation addressed to himself. Meeting e 8 o'clock. e Dtvisiou.Court tea held Here on Toes - day by Judge Toms, o Goderich. Some eight case's were diapos d of. In the case of the I3elgrave :beese ane Butter -Com- pany vs, Watsoii, to rewsver shareholder's payments of stook, judg hent was reserved, t �, ^ WI GH AM. Q WHOLE NO, 910' --The town eo troll Meseta on Monday evening next, ---New cabbag. t Zfio ,el;yie'A, . - special m - ug .gi the i efbool 80ard was field eon' >, uegAlty ovehing. 110 business of Ito • oor.ii was tranaactesf, —We are .gt i to learn that Mr Jelin Linklat: , of L .wet. Winghawn, has bees • some + orlt at the Uyiox; factory, t e m at 'detectable ice c ,ami, ata► r o:ea/Xtt'tt'a, and d ioua e, go iglat• to Mcliel 'tar rant. A horse s ' . e that sines ,act require ails, but is ingeniously .forneed and teatimed out ft t,is no* -wiaetylased . in Englaud, 7.it 13. A.'s recently Weald this be our - St. Leonards, Lass- --Rereemb .the dediae,tioo ae>v,ces in the Catholic' huroit on Sgnday. Able preachers w' be present and clever muses.: clans have b' , secured. —Fon SrAOa xo — Q anal terms,' a fine brick h, se and lot on Minnie street. Apply to Geo !.'Dwell:_ —Ambngst, hose who; > re to :deliver addresses at tsie Orangettieu's gathering ]beta on the 1 1 ruly. are Rev W lt' Wilson, ; of Toronto, ;1 Rev d; T.aivingetope, cif,• Clinton. —The ilr setteou at. J can secure apricots, ba n,toee and'clfer lee of tate elvie5r; ',lite ubry Oho' as, pine Fr!. o,. you lea, },.- -- Wiugba haying - p... Dominlo • . day - celebration, items have a choice of takim in a of the' eurrpuuding• torous' amusement: ,r remaining at home. 'Rill. eardine,Tees, ater, Briiseels said Wroaoter ' have sports that day. • —Ladies a reapeetfally invited to call early at G -or on & Melntyre's .and inspect theirbeaut al Summer . Dress Goods. Also, lovely:,.ndes add'upique patterns in ,' cheap, See. them before ed over. - ndsome end, well-bred two Pongee ail they are pie ileellekbr his e -+Mt. ,C. Summer, e-' London, e, watoh- msbker of long exxperieum and good i;eputa- rtion, is now in 'the employ of Mr, E. F. Gerster, If yott have an nusatisfsctory tireekee er, Gerater oa repair it if it can p l p be repaired,—if not, h to:exchange or buy a . ' —The Bay' City ( that Rev, rather Moll duet th ttdivatioh ser' Church -:on Stiiaday,:ir s is the right shop w one. lob.) Chrenick says Son, who is to con - ices in the Catholic one of the best preachers that ever via ted this city," Rev, Father - Walsh, one. .1 Loudon's roost talented'and eloquent treaohers, will also lecture at the morning ;orvice, junior -brise ball team—the A,onee-- as been organized, w r it Mr. George Mo Clymont as captai ai d Mr. W. Loutit'aa secreti.tytreaaurer. i a or :nl to playttho jun Set of ,7`uly.' They • eh team in Huron county for a friendly match.. accept? --The Mitobe1l counei a by-law for $4,000 for poses. It is proposed eighty horse ower enj K y p oopnoot the syetern wilt the waterworks, the =Online e~`peuscs. if •which would be 2ZI„ b00 per Amstutz. It, n (slairnod auffioieut fnoorne will be ;oat*'.to, key off.the debt in ton years +• .: t- , ---ht the elleetifg f.ttio•'f3ynod' of the Mosso of Intron, '&ld'in London last week, the Bev. W Reties, formerly of Wtugtiane, aid thr of his sone—ltev Canon Davis, M. A. Rev, T. R. 'Davis, A., aud Mr. W. I 'avis, of the ricioocate ey have arranged at Wroxeter on the (lenge any junior or the provincq— 'Who is going to teeided to submit ectrio light put, b- pm:chalic a new n, and boiler and llr, )titelteil, were el ed members of the standing or adhniu tattiest committee of the tic nese. 'Casio Davitswas also elected a 'delegate to' tip, Fravioalai Synod at Montreal. The taint of .Huron College bawl also re -else d lk>t , Vt. Davis preei• tient and Cason •. - ^TY' • yen; -'old mare, 'Instinct," Mr Meyer has aeon offered 5.1 by aiknnowing borsornan. The owner th1ks, ,however—breed aud quality consicle. d, the beast sing in foal =tba t $1,000 is ,bout the value se no fiuer stock was ever ought iuto the west. ' .The'regul meeting of Court Mait- land, No. 25, ,wi1I be held in the hall . this (Friday) ev ping. The Representa- tives to the recti High Court meeting will report. Every n mbar who can make it convenient is re. nested to be to attend- ance. —Apparently he bow by-law, which came into effect a week ago, is not very scrupulously obs, ved or enforced. Caton and horses may t be seen at large. It hale been the avow d wish of the people to have this law pass d. Nowitremains to have it strictly enf reed. —On Friday eve ng•tast, ar complimen- tarry supper was to rierod Mr. J.13.ld ughes, Inspootor of the '!aterloo Mutual' Fire Insurance Company on his resignation of that poeibiott to acept a similar position '. btua, of -Hartford, known at an affable, entlensan, llfay sue- leis new sphere of on the staff: of th Conn. Jerry is wide shrewd and active mass attend him t. labor. —A new puzzle which is receiving g spots are made in a Throe coppers are three ;din es on the tl has been introduced eat attention. Seven city thus,eseaoco. ,laced on the e's and �rsis o's, leaving oath. Ling, on the br, The peele is to place the coppers on the o's andatae dimes on the o's by removing the coin • and jumping one copper with one dime. tied vice versa; Bever moving a coin backwar4, --Cheap Lake and 1'tiver•'Tours, via the mast pleasant and picturesquo•route. The magnifidcnt steamers City' -of' Detroit; City of Cleveland, City of • Alpena and City of Mackinac, now. run daily to Cleveland and four theme eaoh 'eek from Detroit and Bort Huron to Witham lake ports-••-lilaok- m ac Island, St. lguace; Sau1t,St,Itfarie,etc., iiouneeting for all lake and rail points-- Port Arthur, Duluth, Manitoba, North- West, etc... For all infortuation, lowest rates, oto.,:eall ou G. T. R. Agent, Wing ham Station. —'elle annual meeting of the Bank of Hamilton,. held last week, showed this institution to have enjoyed a. year of marked prosperity, The profits. for the year _wore $187,402, alter deducting man- agement charges and making allowance for bad debts. Two d►.videnlis of 4 per cent., amounting to $80,000, were paid stock• holders, and 040,000' were carried to the rest fund, making . it 8.00,000. Agencies were opened at Toronto and Owen Sound and Tottenham closed. The year hie been one Of steady .and satisfactory prograde, —Inas the jar tixe baby carria For pure jet' City itestaiitai --How vs+gttl you had a3to Those wishin ought to crell enc as prices ate lilt of tstraetberriea 1 --The .Bast elation meets at 28th. t circulation oft record - . Fresh etraw cucumbers. and Y lee area ea i at'Silt's, Hll ' (lett Ilea Meeers 1I you ineaadre 4 inohes if nd'a 28 inch rule? berries leave the toadYs r 8f •at 1x11'. opened out e.' Bank of Set of Listowel a n pr ,seryl d . former reside ders at once Ten boxes —The ladles Restaurant. Band of Ho urea Conservative Ass(); agreeably surp russets, on Friday, June tendanoe aud p Were W preaslrkt SVe believe ths3' sansei,• &prig oherriee, ' Lore tito ugar loaf p' apples, art, At a meeting i • uraut, this week the org bsohwerlin & Norris have OW ailgr shop opposite the Eon. „Tlie former was late Toroiato and the latter a f i o i� pgliatu. who have ipailgurated ibe •movement have been sod .at thesplendid at- ospecte thee far. There at the xp'ootine last week. per' persons have the stairs the interest aud —Do riot forg • t that ilardon & Wiefutyre _management to are offeriug ex reordinary value just- nova render bee meati in elf lines of T as. (tall and inspect their teas that they are ;doing alt that they -'Mr p;. Bowe prowiati., weelte ago, has 1 A nice speoi +. en Lief that uocturtml bird, toba, He says th dietinguislted •y large head, projecting exoeuaelefarmiug eyes, and deli +' :ly feathered cheers, booked a populatiouot .o s and downy plumage, of fon: years old;; = 1 bx'der of ttecipitrea, family by a belt of.large: le gents of atria, nifty be He sayteahey are napp'.e, He oaIls it an rain,' ' .' this durious bird free, —Messrs E Iiaw ve, ii you eon ou Harry. S . Wthiarns aud bill. Crooked or the ornitliotogic irirfidae or Line seen at 11. L. owl. You can se and geea clean a. -t idor the Guild bf t?t. P Bazar will be h the afternoon of In the etrening, a will be held,, articles has bee prepared and a.'cordial iuvitatiou is- ext ided by the,ladies of the Guild to the pub o to. attend. ge at profit. who left here a few cited at Moran, Mani - place is toasted in tttr ottiiti y." The town had •thou'satlt> "' nd isbut. zs sheiterefdon one.side areet lreee,•chiefty oak. eking and hoping for on, of l incarditie, and T Liui#later, were the uspices of the Ladies' delegates from Utt..'an couuty at the Grand 1`s Church, an ,.Apron Lodge of z 0 G' it, of Canada, belch in cl in the skating rink en Toronto this we. k: Theisorganization hursdey, the 4th pf July: has now. 808, lodger with iv membership of rend'promenade concert 12,588. Tile grant lodge Owns'in halls and, baautiful assortment of equipments $2,1 receipts were 45,2 —The fifth ants LAirs ..Teavinx,. -+ The staunch, palatial steatriera United Empire, Campttn0,;ttins Ontario are, now running twice becli weer from Sarnia aud Kincardine, formiu the goiekest and most direct route for Lakes Huron and Superior pporta, Port Arthur, Duluth, eto., making close connection for all points in the'4iroa'tetiu States, Mauitobe, Pacific Coast, ate. For all information, lowest. single androue trip fares, freight rates, eto., emit on Agen�G. T. ll., Station, Wingham. ' , , • • —Lonaciou s been bolding i1 assemblage apellbo trade, for two even could not credit the there is any strin just now But wh domestic article b mediate`reaob, at. :imam r e.os• have e rge public" square d and plying a good gs, past. 'A. -spectator urrent statement tbat ncy 1u money matter, n people hive a useful oughb within their Lim- cheap cash • rate, they might be,expecte c'f to pour their shekelsiassmsalr,.Alen Haile into the itinerants 'bands. he news will ie received with univer- sal satisfaction tht t Mr: John Rutherford, book-keeper at Mars. Gilchrist, Green Co.'s factory, has?ecided to romaiti in and the last year's - 1. al meitingof the Cana- dian. Soeiety•of lSivaio;ans is to beheld in the Normal Sob -el Buildings, Toronto, July 2nd, 3rd anda4th. Jude ug from the programme just r ived,'the meeting will be of great intere-lpd educational value to ail mueio teat is did others tgtetested in rnueital pro obtained by as Wingliam, --Messrs 'Tamil s:• Programmes eau be 'easing Mies Houghton, Is'Atetureseee, tratford on Tuesday of nizetio, of the Mutual Live Stook 4ssur','•,co Company of Ontario was completed, T ere are 87 ebareholdera and about $50,000' of stook has already beep subseribod. r J McMillan, M P, presided,. and Mr Y McLean acted as secretary pro tem, Fifteen directors were appointed, as folI. • s : 'J McM,iIlan, as 1' ; IIW•CMeyer,Win` barn •A,Jones,Tneke-- smith, it Heath, • owmanville,• T haps, St Melrye•f W Sor• •,Guelph; D D Wilson, 8eafortb; D Idol itosh, 13ruoeijold; John Beattie, Seafort ; A Bishop, AI P P, gay T J' Idington Q C, Stratford; W G Bissett,Exeter; •,obt Grahame,Pembrol1e e' Thee McLaughlin, brussels ; -- Blank (liinton. The Ii adquartere of the Com- pany is to be at eaforth. A rewriter ' Ingbamite Cone. i1 3r.Druucan As dorson, a former reeidenb of Lower Wingh •• , wbo was in Wingbam, arranging. for th ''rection of a monument over his father's grave, about a year ago. The fathert're Line were intecrecl. in the Wingham ceme ry about a year and .a•ltal ego, A. Letter one a brother -in law of . deceased,Mr,W. Thedford, of Port Elgin!. informs us that r uuean A Berson died at . the "Soo,'! some " eeks ago Ile had been somewhat soone nl i nl n aPee tat' ona . ' giving up his teal = as blacksmith, at which .' , . bo had previousl ' worked. Fie was in the. - blacksmith bust `=ss for some time in, Wiugham, where he has many friends. He was ill but a s • .rt time, and though he. lfad the best nu ug and medicar;trea,t- meet titatit could e procured, he passed. away quietly, itpp ently viithout+pain, on the 20th • of . Ata,y, .' nd was buried . there, (in. the Americana' Soo?) 'rte was born.' In Crieff, Scotland ' tithe 30th ApriI,1828, and was therefore, years old. on& Gillespie, otWhltee < A Cbaraa+: is tiifxiter: church, shipped at Teeswater, this week,$2 In the Hamilton Sootlan;i) tidsertieer we, o r note � ha o e tin:. t s a c a t 1e ter £ro . R? Bee. V Wliitfietd.M ., note, ofr$i ieetone,. Mich. It has, to d.lw;:th Bigiaa:.neen:i Canada and South:warn deals th Sourtt a' Central ()starlet! ¶l re is ct ttatbr ii�`' mipesteness of ,;cleta 1 and faeein;,tion' Liu; 11.r. SVhitfield's desciptions'that remind one of Johnatou`s ,fautous biographer,. Boswell. As a same of his pointed non-- ., 'erection slid' mode of sleetingyith indi- viduals, we quote, an incident recorded at Seaforth. Having herd of Mr.Cermiohael, the writer says he ea 'ed at his blacksmith shop and food an od and a young man. . urn if he came from lug an ,answer in the bead of •fat export ettlespi:rchased froth;; Mr H ArlrelI, of C iosa;'for Whieh..they paid him the ban t some sum of $3,301.' . This is perhaps on . of the heaviest pay- ments made to one armee in thialoeality for many years. r Arkell, we under- stand, fed most of ' ese cattle ons Itis 300 acre farm. is the conduotor who est tern' of service of Vdnghani, iuotead ening to Auld Scotia, as conterri•pt 'tad obi' is a shrewd and •sterling man, ha as faithfully and most4aticiently disc arged hie responsible duties at the TIM 3 We'. believe the private interests of t is institution. will be served by his remain feat his post, which we hope he may long remain to occupy. -'The Hamilton oard of Trade pur- poses holding, as one. 1 the features of the carnival, a mirthful u ' convention, to dis- cuss matters of tra and commerce, and invite delegates frd all Boards of Trade." Aa well as topics t be named for discus - Sion, they have thr \important subjects to be brought for art: In relation to bankrupt stocks—t 'eat means fox their disposal so as to eau :e the least injury and annoyance to othore unjust compromises; insurance. ' —The Winnipeg )'tee 1','eaa of June 5th, thug refers to two former Wieghamites, sons of the tate ..'S 'gas Clarke, of Lower Wingbam':"The pe-icenea are branching out into land owners, Chief Clarke, of the Provincial foxes.; and his brother, ban. Clarke, of the city foree, have purchased 1,440 eeree from th . Canadian Pacific Rail- way, near fitetita, r t the point where. the Southwestern will oie the Souris branch, They will arrange for =a largo amount of breaking to be do at ouee, and propose to settle down au enjoy the felioities> of rte a life after a y ar or so, tr James So norvillc,M 1' for North 'Ilrant, was in to n on Friday last on his way to visit his 0 twin, Mr attics S"omer- vilto, ex-rit 1? 1', o Lucltuow. Mr Somer. villa is an ex -n wsdiaper tan, having started the Ayr 0 sesta,' and. then the Dun. das Renner, whleh c conducted for about thirty years, plaei 'g it in the front rank of local papers. ome three years ago he banded ib over to hi's3';sen's management. Mr Somerville is n able and influential representative, an being it; "hived" Grit, he has no appretr Menne as to toeing his Boat, beingvirtually elated if nominated. 11e IS n. genial and c pable member, has put in the Ion any on the Grand T nk, He ran his first train on the 1st of march, 1865, but had bee on the road ab•-ut a year before that Sime Ele Inas beet not only a faithful servo t to the Compaq, hut is an exceed- We asked the old Scotland, and ou get ingly generous lien ted, accommodating,affirmative,. we aske from, tti-e. eplace'and intelligeut and h 'norable man, wh o has made hosts of *ladled ftiepds where he said from Biggar.We Dai London's intimately known, Wid hatwon-tlie respect big t but $iggar's Bi fax;" e1 be sititl, and esteem of pasigets of all (+lasses. Its aye been first/ ]`fin young man it;�apla, ha hopes. in con. asked; is that Lond n in this cotiotry r tendon in England.' s kale of astonish - cion was the biggestd' r . e said tim, +you attache' towbioh' hn:� R len,' we said, 'that, nearing'` ing any better. A man of high pr tempt all actions b or of a selfish chs mate the number of rail in that time present health and the number. -A prepared an mous preached i Church,. by Rev Dr Sayer, of St ;oho, 14. . rev ted this elTlia $, has to w ,h be ebb ot. morning discourse vas based on the great- uess and. power of tte Gospel: The great- ness of the uteterial iuiverse,the progress et aeiontifio knowled and mind expansion were ably and pie iugly reviewed and aptly applied to it tstrate spiritual de. volopmeut and pow — The bermoti was a Welled literary eflrret, indicating scholar- ship and research. Ie pleasantly referred to his pastorate l =re aud the progress since made by the congregation, : In the evening, Itis sermon teas of a misgi ed on sordid'rtaotivee `No, we replied, 'x eter, Who pan esti•'" Wliy,' he said, wit' miles he has made by neent,''I thought Lo May be retain his place in the world.' vigor to greatly swell would be burnt in answered. yes, accounts for you no 'nary of the two Ber- th'% Congregational Bliss Zang olraraeter, and W. largely statistical. showing wbet has been achieved in the foreign fields and lowing hopefully the prospeote for futu a work. Ib was a eeholarly and comp 1liansive review. auks. To the Directors the Mechanics' Inset• tute, '\Vingbam GaNTtatrts, --I tender you my host thanks for 'the ineaso of selary granted on a late occasion. 1 accept of the same, not as a money eqt ivalent of my laborious attentions to dirty, but as a token on your Side that Such labo ahavebeen appreciated by you and the u inary members of the institute. 'you rna depend upon; it, if health be vouoheaf I me, I shall use my utmost enaeavoi* to widen the iullueneo, and enhenee the Mt ,utaatsa of the insti- tute.' W. room ti's Conecr;. Miss IToughtou on, '.er closing season's concert with her in to pupil's,, in the Foresters' hall, on ednesday',evening.. Gaily attired and wit) pretty and I . eaant faces, and cheery sur •unding4, tit is class, by their splendid •' meaner .zed the efft iency of their m si0at aucl literary. efforts, greatly pleased the large numbed of parents aud visitors resent. The per- formances elicited be.+•ty and deserved applause, The pregr .nee carried out. under the obairmetiehi of ?dr D M Gor- don,was ria follows : Ch us,Grectiug song, Glass; instrumental du t,Aiiee laibot and Annie Kerr ; solo, Gran papa and I, Davie,. Dinsley ; dialogue, The '3ehearsel; insttu mental solo, Silvery Treves, May Cline song, Lullaby, ; instru cental !solo, Les; iinguonots, Norma Iain: y; instrumental, eelo, Seaforth Scliettisel ,,Frankie Meek dialogue,Throngh Child' 4)0`8 1:13439 : insttu• mental sole, Troubad •urs' march, Ella Leary; instrumental tr a, Norma Dingley, label Kent,. Cantle net sr; solo, Listen la my Tale of Woe, 1'Tcii t;'a Mosley ; instru- mental solo, Old Disc J s Alice Talbot; dialogue, Unjust Snap' ion , ioetramoutat solo, Bloc' Bells of Soo and,Carrie Fisher, Bong, Wake,` Septth Sunshine; song, liorneward Bound. r 3' A 11,1o1wen, has s plots or Tye height, it beta be 1)enni!:flurry aalo mouth eau. Vii, Maria feet CI inoheas tiesn in Mr is t your mom, rAa •i