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The Wingham Times, 1889-06-21, Page 8
a� Y • t 1 '1. r the Ed:tor et ate Watl,fllataTW1W : mouths ago, 1 uiaderatand; ,1'e t:,.L'rt 1 '•:1n1e to the timely relief of t r cvel ills . ,sed cruel overtaxed constatble him of pert of his ditties. ' Ilia 'Pay : '.era been well, se we don't wish tee ..n , :rm 1 oveltworked and underpaid. tut. w1':t ::1 .'at lookiug after broken and -I-Tor/Tone si ;'.walks 110W ? T11e east: and if VUtcie% ,-'reet has long been hl a clan- 4cr.,17,4Alla requires, immediate L' r . a or :rouble may arise. Who is Yours, cite., Emir LT1nnul, Cienannan• Mr. Rich, .Artustrong bee now on his re ttleilce a beautiful fish pond - wakes put therein a nice lot of trout. r- -Roadwork is being busily engaged in by, the fanners of the neighborhood andThecitizens of Glenannan.--Wrs -James Weir has bad a severe:, attack of iuilarnmatoly rheumatism.—Rev M Linton, of Teeswater, supplied the pulpit of Eadies' church on Sunday last. Rev Mr Hartley is attending the General Assembly in Toronto.— Mr Robert Aitken of the boundary left on Tuesday last for a trip to • Manitoba. --Mr R Armstrong is put- ting up a fine board' fence in front • of 14 Ir John Scott's farm.—A library bas been purchased at Eadies church for the use of the Sunday School. Zetland. Miss Susan Kennedy, of Toronto, ,has been up to visit her parents* and returned again. --toad 'work is on hand now and the .new bridge across the stream is about completed. This is a stream that flows into the Mait- land at Zetland.—Mr Robt Kennedy had the misfortune to loose .a fine colt %which was over a year old.—Mr Robt Laird, who has been employed in the 'limbering woods of Alpena, Micb.,for the past year is horde again with his -parents. Lower Wingham. Mrs Edward Mulholland, of Ripley, is visiting her many friends here at present.—Master Herbert Benson, of .eeterhoro, is spending a few weeks ;'• with his sister, Mrs Wm Cruickshank, —Miss Maggie Tervit who has been in Detroit for some time arrived home on Saturday, also Miss Kate- arrived by the same `train from, Colborne where she has been visiting three week.—Mrs Wilson, who has been' away all winter in Stratford, is back amongst her old friends again.. We did not Ieara bow long she ;intends' staying in her old home. Goderioh. At the last -meeting of the Council this resolution was passed: Moved by Councillor Proudfoot, seconded by Councillor Smith, -that this Council expresses its regret that the applica• tion of H. W. 0, Meyer. to take over our' ailwaycharter_could not, 'awing to the lateness of application, be car- ried out, and we hereby tender to Me. Igeyer our thanks for his .;courtesy Mild efforts in our behalf to ,preserve .. oul;'charter, and we trust that at no Y distant date we will, with M.r.11l;eyer's co-operation, have direct railway eon. : nection with- the town of Wingham. The special committee recommended that the necessary steps be taken for renewal of the charter. Morris. - Mr, Thomas Bridges sold 1.1. head of cattle to Mr. Thomas Wr -lace which realized to him neariy $650. The animals weighed about 14400 lbs. each and brought 4 i cents per pound. That. sort of cattle evidently pay.— On the 9th inst. the relict of the late Alex Macdonald diedin her 82nd year. She was a native of - Argylshire, Scot- land and removed here with her hus band some thirty five years - ago. She was highly esteemed as a devoted c• hristian and an honored alidrespected member of society. • ZO1P N. ABU -At Wingham, on the 14th inst, the wife of R Crean • a son. GRxas-At Wingham, on the Idth Mat, the wife of Mr W Green ; a son. SM -em -At Wingham, on the 15th -Inst, tho wife of Mr Win Smyth, marble dealer : aeon. MAtwr:LL-In Carrick, on the 7th inst, thewifeof Mr . George Maxwell ; a son. BRINK— At Teeswator, on the 10th inst. the wife of Nr L A Brink, hardware merchant; a son. IJSAR1fi1SD. 'but, Wingham, on the 10th =nut by Rev Mr btoorhoase, Mr W II Macdonald, dentist. to Miss 111010e Griffin, both of Wingham. Buh�rr::--Iloo2r-At Teeswator, on the 12th fast, by ILO J Malcolm, Mr M W Bunton to bliss Nellie Ilooev, unth of reeswater. SrI rl .ei5-btAsstL-At Petrol,t, en the 18th list, by lacy A Russel, Mr Wm Stevenson to bites Annie Masse], both of Petrolia, -PATERs0N-At Port Elgin On the 12th inst, by thoi;e+ Jas Gourley, at the Presbyterian church. Mr John Nichol, station agent, G T R, to Miss M 11 Paterson, daughter of 311 Paterson, 11 D Port Elgin. DISD. tL ::••--In 'Turnberry, on the 1Gth inat,. Mary • l:edy, si- 84 years and 10 months. i',r',w.-in Grey, on the sth brit, Emma, wife Of Jo=nes Brown aged 82 veers. 2 months and 17 days, bc' --1 t Serforth, on the 9th Inst, Janes Murray wife of ,r'.••x Scott, Jr, aged 25 years. iia '. tr -Ir deatorth, on the 7th lest, Edward t I;ott. :aid 52 years. 3ENDtl S. 9YAN E le e V,;11 1•o rtel., NI for plasters ceiling, • 0 : r ,.,,r r, n.a:cin, new platform. etc., . School 5 r s. S. 3, Tarnterr5. Mao Teacher. wanted Jti,cra.0?:: err for the gait half v-ar. Addres ( O- B. SCOTT, Wens Man, P. 1tr,—.1..,,,i,r".4-7cr:c FIN4HAM MARItZiS._- _ •+�/ia'a WaNGRAN,. Juue 110, 1889 Correoted by P. Douse, Produce peeler. E'lour psr 1001be, 9 a 00 to 2 56 Fall Wheat per bushel, •0 8i 0 68 Spring ''' • 0 85 to 0 813 We, P 0o45 Parley,y, • Peps, •• • • 60 to 50 Potatos, • 20 to 25 Rutter per lb. tub, • do Polls, •• a3 to 10 to 10 Eggs per dozen, • lO to 11 Wood per cord, • . 1 25 to 1 00 flay per tat, 7 00 to 800 0. P. R. TIME TABLE, Trains arrive and depart us follows: % VINO. ARRWMQ :35-a. au..........Iror Toronto,. ' , ....6:36 a. an 1b'p,tn " 2:10 p.m 716 p, ni F0r Tceswater........, 2715 10:30 p, m 10:30 " ©-RA1\TIO WI'VtrTT I R27' A. 0. $TItATIIDEE, Aeair, iVnnoueal. Through tickets to ail points in America -North. West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the ohortest and ,all popular' routes. Baggage chocked through to destination. Lowest freight retesto all points. ---TIME TABLE, LSAVR WINGMAM. AIrRIVI AT wallotca:16 0:30 a.m.Toronto,Guelph,Pahneraton, &c. 3:80 p,m. '11:10 " ` " " 10:10 " 3:40 pan. "' " Clinton, " 7:24` ,...Palmerston, Mixed .,, ..10:20 a.m.. e:60 a.rrr r London, deo.. .11:00 " g:40 p.m. 'e 7:45 p,m. 11:10 a,m....., .. RincardIne,.SA.... 0:89 a.m. 3:30 pan •" 11.10. " 20:10 " 6:50 p.m. PLEASANT • VALLEY- APIARY. The undersigned has for sale a nurhbor of Colo. vies of PURE 3TALL1AN BEES: Ile also keeps on hand a full supply of Hives. All'• orders promptly ttended ta, Carpenter work in aiilts braneTies'attended to at all tines. PETER A. MILLER , Wingham, Oppostle Brennan's tannery: AI IL Ale ei '4'4r w'ir �r'A"l, �p'v,ta'4.7,�'h"MnI�tDM1,9t"i=Ta']r il'0='Uhl''4'M,nknu'ip'4'ui4��,'1H'tlt'tf�{F9p'h,'Irb ri. •'�,'N+'tU'It LAflhiiS IP For press Jitsti.S y 1UIuslins,, Prints; Silks,, Satins Parasols, 016VeS, Iosiery,,. Lace O rtainl and Carp You win find -our value.extra good -as 1 cTyared'olit some of these lines at my own prices ft.om the wholo.ali • houses and•ean give you thesegoods at I01o15 per cetit'less than regular brides. swe,iibieoit't,'sstioi,tillil st,1NiMk'ib'Ih'iok'Noiliiforiklioti'h==n+'IoVeloloiettetssOt1i116'N='ip'ti'1 l° GENTLE For Suits' in • 'Mf Nrstedsf Sttch1 English aid= Caliadin Tweeds.; DON'T MSS. SEEING TITRIA. RATS, stiff and soft, in the'•Iatest American makes, SHIRTS, (1ULLAPr ;,•'I'IP�, . eNDEBCLOTHING� EXECUTORS' NO flC .• and. everything:in gents' furnishings:. e oir#rnlal;e of BOOTS and SHOES'aud get prices. Pureaant to the Revised Statues of Ontario, 1867, Chapter 110, Section 90, the creditors o9 Jerre ]$c- Groceries always co*Meted• Ribbon, lata of the Township ot East 'Wawanosh,• in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontarfor who died on or about the 2nd day of May, 1880; are. re• • qquired to send to C. McC1e11and Qr, Jartte3 M ex:014m, BelguavoP Otn the. County of Husony. Exseu3or,t of the saiddeceised, on or before MONDAY, THE /:6TH DAY Or ,aULIcr 1890, Inspection requested, M. a MIN OO. their names, addretaea and descriptions; the foil 8 . IG OT A . C �-r i g , Q particulars of their claims ; a statement of their ac- (1� Nom S "yl '1,71 _ `t` -`" tib counts and the nature of the securities Of any). halal - a,v by thein. And notice is hereby given that tho -said - - executors will, immediately after the fist mentioned, ; 1W t S . R D S • �j p'i!'' day, proceed to distribute the:wads of the said de- . $,atf .Sy ,tv ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having - regard only to the elaima of which they ehlrlt then• Begs to announce to het many patrons, that her stock of have had notice, p .. C. McQLELLAND 7 yawl. tom Another las e c sa ri ® y . ® . 101 JAS. JdcCALLUh1 rt f' r' Dated at Beigra%o this 7th of June,1SSi• „ 1 „ me1tl:•& of Fresh Teas of • '',i n ,alEr superior. quality. •for this season, is complete is every Iine• Vie goods were bought foe Cash, in the best Home and Foreign Markets and will be solei at the= 1 . order to counteract 'lowest possible profits. - the disb.s nest practices -feathers, Flowers; Rtbl ns;• 1.0es; Silks, • atInsl� .Brocacies- Mus perpetrated. on the pub- . and Velvet Mantle Cloths. - GOOD5' 1diPORtED .DiFIECf): EGGS TAE43CASII. lie by pedlars and others - - MES. HERDSMAN: . N =ON T. RITCHIE, .. a P. L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer Rfibi:. aughtemam Particular attention paid to division ;ur properties into building lots, settling disputed' banndgrter -preparing complete plans of towns and Tillages, as' bier Registry Act, and descriptions of properties' for insertion iii'deeds. Cross.Sections of rivers made and estimates of cost of Bridges, Culverts, fro. Pro- files and estimates for grading hills, drainage, road and street - improvements, sewers and ether Engi- neering works. Correspondence solicited, stating place and character of work. • OFFICE -At J. A. bioaros:s law oi0ioe, Wingham, Ont, TOWN AND VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. Town 1ot430, west side Leopold street, Wingham, and Mace lot 25, McCrea's survey, nelgrave, both excellent, building situ°, ore for sale. Apply to •J, A. MORTON, - Barrister, &c,„_ . WINOUAM, Nr Holstein B>Tll for Service. Tho Holstein Fresiau Bull "BIUROTT LAW' Will; be for service on lho farm of J. A, MoEweu, Lot 11, Con. 1, Morris, during tho season. tater ii we are Offering Special Inducetuents in Tea and .., THE CITY GROCERY Coffee,and, solicit your -• e jj. +.. ,ii. RTES, The .China,. nouse. 0 -RANGED HAN•, • :: - • Having, purchased 13, - •r% '1-' rio chasees rn it ►-, rte . 'F . This animal, bred :by H. Bollen, Cassell, On• - tario, was calved on April 20, 1888, sire Batnton, No . !t f; ' 3237, Ie B dam, Euetrolla 2nd, No, -Onto H 'F H �'" �{r311)', ® Stare B. She was bred by H Bollen, Cassel, •Ontario. 4� it a� f �! TERMS : Grade cows, 32;. Thoroughbreds, 2301- Steins, 820. Morris. ,liay 2nd, 1880. J. A. IS0EWEN. WM. DIAMOND 9 Kavisng purchased the Butchering Bust. uess of John Coad, ueict to Korman'a hotel, is ileterininea-to keep a con- stant supply of thevery best obtainable articles of meat, SEEP, - PORK, • MUT',-; ON, VEAL, &c. Prompt delivery to any part of the town, any WM, DIAMOND. REDUCED RATES STONE BLocA, A SPLENDID ''.--ASSORTMENT • FURNITURE of all Kinds, Wtifoh w111 bo sold at lomat figures. AND MADE :DR ORDERED GOODS. See my own make of Matrasses, Lounges, &o, And everything in tho upholstering line, Picture Framing and ordered 'work will receive prompt and careful attontfon. Alf work done in first-class style, , Come and see. Try goods=and ascertain price'v; UndertakiegPrOMPtlyattended ,toatany hour ` Every' requisite in Steoiicc Embalming a specialty, A QB OICE STOCK C'! 'r d 61.111 `..1 S2* EDS 8o 110;btS '.F' O'Idi 'LAN' '� lliscock's grocery, and made hearty' pur- I t F s e,nd: • ' 1,1,` 1f@SID ' ate He has hove' - 1 RY Y IrJI'WW•i.Meh1 Gro@oar. • -A R R I V I' N G• I� A: I• .1 a• ' ,,, —and and offers SOLI, BARGAINS' lO1• CASA. D. B. C ALBICK, l!'uneral Dirogtorand geepaln er, Pioiieer Hardware Store,- TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA -AND THE= NORTH WESTERN STATES, -VIA-- We .give special attention to the following lines: IRON PIPE, AIL SIZES FROM TO 3 INCA. IRON AND BRASS PIPE FITTINGS. FIRE BEIGES. MILL FILES, MACHINE OILS. BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE AMERICAN WATER WHITE COAL "mom Elms", "ONreRIo" and "CAMYANA.' We are sole agents in Wingham for The the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and FRIDAY night during naviggation, (weather permitting), and calling the best in the world. every WEDNESDAYand SATURDAY at Goderie t and Kincardine, where they Connect with the G. T. �' R• train leaving Wingham at , P. rS Ar St. Joe's All. 7 i 7. icy ds of shell and Island, Garden 'River, The Soo, Port Arthur' and ,Cjll ti,. ai Duluth, tg at Part Ad Rive with the C. P. heavy hardware at R., end at Duluth with th& Red River Valley IL'q. Lewxsr ltAtss, 2ls88 AeadnitODArto4, Cyt y� EXIMPAS Tole Ann Mat 01~ Iionrns. . bottom prices. 00 N FECTI O N ERY freight ta.nsret rites. Trunk R'y agent for . Land Plaster in bags always 0111hand. The most complete f4ock ill, tho county. Pure Creates a apeaiaalty. OalI JAS. 1I,. Btl[TtY; lilies 1t!oitto,4 l and sae ra �/!�� OITY R it5N8#e Mmp4i 5MNIA.HILL'S OI { ■ R RESTAURANTII ST)r�.AMERS FRUITS AND Oity O� tL READING.. CONFECTION est 4t ERY. - ARRIVED . THIS : DAY if STItAWEERRIES, BANANAS, olt,:d: 1s, ' LEMON;, - PINE APPY -0, - •&C, ;&C . Finest Quality at Bottom Prices. Milk Shake, Most Popular Summer brink.Something New. To Taste is to appreciate. PURE IOE DREAM, 1 `y 141avot always ready. Very special Reduced Rates to all Public Entertainments, •