HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-21, Page 6'ariervommillisrdr- harmarimaralsomisimankm. .identglytin trvinits THE BEGGING BUSINESS, AV*. FRIDAY. JUNE 21, Isaa. NOTLS. Tun judges have fixed Tnesday. Sept. 3, as the date for trial of the • petitiun against the return of AIr. ' Colter as.M. 13, for Ilaldiniand, Tim State Grange of.Illinols, offers 10,000 to be paid toany one who will invent a machine or device to attach to teitpers that will bind wheat Ord oats *ith straw, U. Grabauie and Several legal meg • of Montreal have deposited, with the • gOvethinent a petition asking that the,, Jesuits Estates. ,A,ct bo referred to' the Supreme Court for opinion as to:: its legality and deposited $5,000 tai defray Costs, • Messrs. & 0. Ayer & 00. of Low., 611, mus., have entered a claim for $125,000 • against the Dominian„ Government •for damages sustained: . through the illegal seizure of their preparations at St. John's, Quebee, • Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton sevl. • eral years ago. ' Sin John Macdonald, while in Tr - Onto gave at opinion- on the Jesuit? . Estates bill. He said : There was no power in the Dominion, out of the • Quebec Legislature, which could re- peal the Jesuits' Estates.Acti .and it would not do so; but he would say io . those who were against it that he bad not the slightest objection to their taking it to the highest courts; and going to the foot- of the throne—the Government would put no obstacle in their way. As.to the attempt by a side wind to get the Government to take action, he would say that the Geyernment. was ,the executive of arliamenk, .atncl.fter .all but thirteen of the 211. voted that-A..the .Act was •• unconstitutional, Alto Government. could net -fly in the face of that vote. Itj1a be tantamount. to handing in :;.-:•K;',11:11eiii resignations. 4:AlICOORDING- to Le Canada Becleilaw. ..tique the Company of Jesus Possesses Canada 14 establishments,. contain- ing 230 members. Of these .all 4.but . sixteen are natives of, Canada. The entire number of the religion belong- ing to thenrder is 12,070, distributed 25 provinces all Over the he , sitperior-general in Canada la RAF. _rather Hamel, s r.The geneFal of the order, who resides ii,i •Maher house at Rome, is Very Rev: 'Auioine AIaria Anderley, T1.0 Provinial house in Canada was founded • is 1842 by Rev. Father Martin, S. J. firit rector of the institution, .is gm colleagues were Fathers Pierre ehai.elle, Renal Tellier, Paul Luiset Joseph• flanipaux, and Dominique Durauquet, In the diocese of Mont, reallhere are establisInnPnts, and. at &Ail an -Recollect. In the diocese. of • Qn‘lbec there is one establishment in Inc provincial•papital,gir:Three Rim titer° is one and in the diocese qf Otta.wa there is one,. Ir St. Ignace de, N Anininique. In • the diocese of Hamilton there is one at Guelph. In the diocese of Peterboro the are six - Wick wemikoug island). Sault St Marie, Garden •'Sliver/ Fort William," Sudbilry,1 and kart iiituur. In the diocese of St. bouquet: there is a college, founded by Mgr, Taeho, and served by • seventeen • religions, Willi Father Ifypolite Lory, S. J., at ip hPftd. • 'cloderich. . 'Tito council was advised that they r:ould not grant a bonus to the Oakes ' Organ Co and the bylaw, proposedly aid hake been rescinded. • C1'41,:nil CURED, health and sweet breath Seourol. by Shiloh's Catarrh aterneay, l'riao tat cents. Nasal Injector free, For ey C. B. Williams. Searerth. Ales Kirkman has successfully pass- cla for a grade A,. and P Pearen and 1.t:tx grade i3 certificates, at the raGent, ex nat io • 00AellniptiOn Surely Cttred. T 1.1.) Enna* :-Plesse infant year leaders tins r h*,- •. nqd ti rmttedy for the above named elleettor, .10; if .ly wee thonsands of hopeless 61344431 itA.V0 ' • 1shall he glad to send to betties of 4.01•01ity rcet Ay AWN $0 :my of your readers who haws MIUSUJOOR they will send me their Evorssa and ••• • , Respeobintly, T. 31,0VITIL Y34.- Teree$0, A POLICEMAN COMMENTS UPON THAT AND OTHER suoJEors, San Francisco Mendicants Who Sell tho' Food They Becolvo-Tt Is Used for Free Lanch-The Ofilemeit Grief Because no Can't 12o President. What a policeman doesn't know is oftentimes past finding out. Ho is traveling junk shop of serail inform& tion; a peripatetic encyclopedia of mis- cellaneous bite of knowledge. As a rule he isn't much up on theology or science, "'cause he never bad .no show" in that line, but on the hews .and whens and whys and wherefores of the life that rolls en about him he has a "pretty tight grip." • If fon know how to go to him, You can learn. a great deal more than the /way to the pavilion or 'what time the last .car leaves the ferry. Of course, there are a few policemen and a regiment of :ether policemen. • "This is a pretty hard kind o' life," said one who belongs to the first class, last night. "It's killing. After a man has been an °facer for a while he's good for nothing else. Hobbling about from ono • corner to another, and. keeping within erybody who. kn9W 1434 knew Ws -weak- ne,A. for those j.eweita although. everY* body knew that he w4gt poor.'. • They need • to laugh at himkindly, becauSf: when he . badn't a quarter to buy a' cheap Weal he'd,ollow a Itobinonr in his shirt front, One day bo made. lucky •strike and, • foundirimaelfilich, fle wet off to Eu- rope, and in the meantime be kept ing riches. He came back most quietly dressed, without a sign of jewelry of any kind. An old fried metaim and looked at him. "There's something wrong about you, • Dan. You 'lack something. Where are the diamonds?" "Oh,"" said Pan, too rioa, to wear ainaionds."--San Francisco ChrOnicle. '• A PRESENTIMENT. An Tim. Soldier Who anew no Was GO*. , into IMe- War lleadniscence. In the: autumn of '02 Gen. McClellan was relieved from active duty in the Army of the Potomac and,Gen. Burn- ' side assumed command. This change was Neu unpopular with the boys, who loved Little.Mac and who felt a great de- gree of uncertainty in the ability of the now commander. There was widespread discontent lair,. the ranks in consequence of this change. Added to, this, the in - sound of the sergeant s whistle,is bad. vincible strategists at home Wer0 still for ambition. Younever aeard of a blamoring for a forward movement, ae- policeman getting any bigh °Mee. ,Tail- gardless a time or favorable opportunity. ors, plowboys, rail splitters; carial*boys In view of these facts, it was deemed and printers' devils have climbed to the abablutely necessary that a battle should president's chair, but nary a policeman. be'kullit under the new leader At the onoeheard of an officer who became - e possible moment. The first president of a literary society in Kansaso. battle of Fredericksburg was the result. but the meetings were held in bis house; °utile day of that battle our brigade his daughter was the secretaryahis sou climbed bike heights on the southeasterly was the treasureaa his other son was the bank of '4the •Rppahannock; opposite eergeant-at-arms an' his wi.a an' bal. Fredericksburg, and halted upon the made the audience. He was the fir summit near some heavy batteries. As officer I ever heard of whoaaot a high . we looked down upon the river with its position, and perhaps he didn't cr.,,Lint. •slender pontoon bridge, with the city: SOD'S officers graduated to the dash haard upon its opposite margin, and as we . of street cars, but they never appear to raised our eyes to -corresponding heights go any higher. Although we are con- just baok of the city, frowningwith can- samtlya inR; people to „amove on,' ave. . non and breastworks and swarming with always stand k stilLoufeelv.es. We P cai 'a.ponfederates sOldiery, a painful aud over - up a good deal ofa.mformation on differ- towering muse of the impossible task ;Lfikis aa ent subjects, but the only people that iitand the deadlinessadthe an - seem to want it are the reporters. You afrtaking.in all its horrible :magnitude, see that girl there with the bundle?" •:forced itself upon the minds of • The reporter took off his glasses and • present. saw her at once. She was a very dirty, A sense of duty, the imminence of'the slovenly dressed chil,c1, and-ilad a bagain great dangers before us, and „the near - her arms. , . " nese of the conflict; served to close up "She's beggar -aid is loaded up With ; • the ranks sod, to keep nearly every man bread, cake, meat, slices of pie and about in his place. everything that's eatable." • :I had beer!, detailed with a small aided "Why, shelas enough to last a family, to int as provost general to prevent „fall - for a, montlaa said -the reporter. al, sup- ing out and straggling to the rear. Dur - pose she can lay offanow, 1ikeththe ant." ing the .hart halt on the brow of the • "Oh, no She can'tor. won'tcr returned heights, a before the march • 'across the the officer, ,aShealhe out Again t� mor- rive. r, several of 'the: boys •caane to the row morning turd Will work another part reav of the column to leave avith the of town. Do yoti know what :the beg- , chaplain valuablessnd messages to their gars do with the bread and other staff , frienthrin case anythingehould 'happen. the charitable 'people give Aaan? • No? Among thenumber cami3Mike, alarge, Well, they ell it to the salla on the, 'powerful and :courageous Irishman, Barbary coast antainwather tough quer- great favorite in the regiment, and a ters.. The 'meat, an' loaves that are put man who had always' laughed at danger antarthe diftalands of mendicant pov- and had rejoiced at -the opportunity Of ertyatoday furnish the freedunch cows- having a "scrimmage" with the enemy. • tersbf the saloons to -morrow. That giri On this occasion he appeared tote an will make from 82 -to V a day begging. entirely different man. He approached Shesells whateatables she gets and cleans the chaplain with tears in his eyes., He up quits a peimy from the sales. Then gave hinre, picture of a sister livizr2; in some people give the beggars money, arid Portland, his Catholic catechism .and in a week the earnings amoant to a good other relics, and in a choked voice gave Tne WAYS Yr PROYBeinONALS. I then, declared to be his dying. raossage to deal." the address of his friends and what he "Do all the beggats sell What is given. thain. them?" • I The chaplain endeavored to cheer and "What «wiid: they do 7ith it? At encourage hint, but in vain. some houses they got enough 'to keep a "Chaplain," said he, "I'm not afraid familyfor a week. They all bave adozerf ta fight; I'm not afraid to die; I am not or more pockets inatheir clothes. and be- Ia coward; but there is something hero foro they make their appearance at a (slapping his breast) which tells me my time has come. Chaplain, will you please write nay sister a kind letter? She is a Christian Catholic and I love her dearly." Soon the word afotwavd" rang along the line, and Mike, with the tears cours- ing down his cheeks, grasped the hand of the chaplain and requested the good man to pray for him. He then took his place in the ranks. The long- column began to moyo slowly down to the river, soon increasing its speed to the double quick, over the panto= bridges across the river into the Streets of the.eity, out On the plains and hillside beyond it amid amok°, shot and shell and death wounds, up to the very frowning jaws. of death on the heights beyond. The terrible charge, the inurcletous reptiles; repeated again and again that afternoon.; the night cannonade, the long day tollowing of Okirmisla and movement, the atcceeding night aild the early morning abandon- ment and retreatawross the' elver ,Itave been many times told. As seen as possi- 'lac otter, the 'battle the chaplain made second house they have stowed away what they got atthe first." . "Do they eat of the contributions?" "Oh, yes, indeed. People throw out their back door better food than many an honest man has ever a chance of see- ing. The beggars keep the choicest and sell the rest." ' -tiWliat do they do with .the clothing they get?" "The boys and girls don't go for cloth- ing. The fathers and mothere work the wardrobe racket. The old man is will- ing to do any kind o' work for a coat or a pair o' pants, and the 'woman has three ragged boys at home who can't go to school because they have no clothes. The beggar is as sagacious in working his 'trade as the cleverest business man in the city. /le picks out tho houses with the well trimmed gardens and the clean sidewalks and stops. The woman. at the places where well dressed boys play about the door. All the clothing Meg get is sold; some for rags, some to the second hand dealers, and the pro- marnestinquirie,s for /dike; but 'no Mike seeds go for drink. I him been travel- was there to answer him. ing a beat for seven years, and I never '. b. the terrible charge he c was seen knew or heard of an honest an making t to fall IA the forefront of battle, and Was a door to door carivasa tor assistance. • borne: from the field fatally wounded. No matter how near he was to starve- Ills boisterous, cheerful voice good na- tion, the decent man won't do that." tnred countenance, rich brogue and burly "Do beggars get any,food from restau. form, wore never again with us, Ilia tants?" was the toilet marked and startling case "Very little 'A bit ofoueat is faiv bad of presentinaent of coming death or dis- tvay when it can't be used by a restau-, aster that came trader my observation 111 rant. And thentho reftticin all the eat- Alio army. ing houses As sold to the dairies or pig aArtuy life and its dangers naado many raisers. Men go around everyday with • bf us believe in fate -that the decree of 'wagons collecting the refuse, and the Alto Great Author had fixed the spall of worthaf the stuff is knocked oil the milk life for each one. We are sometimes con. bill," I strained to believe that a very thin cur - Here the sergeant's whistle soundedo tainwas stretched between the soon and and when the officer responded he had the ttnseen, and that a few mortals were not breath enough to continue his re- permitted to look beyond the visible and marks. -San Franeiseo Chronitrie, to receive the absolute assmance of the future fate in store for theirt =c1, near et •••••••••••••••• consumption can bo Owaxl By proper, healthful. exercise, and the judicious use of SeetVeRmulsion of Cod Liver.Oil and ifyp•mhos• phltes, whici contains tho homing and strength. giving virtues of these two voitudde specifies in their fullest form. Dr. D. D. Woe/maid, acticodisc, 1i. 13., say: havo boon presoribing Scott' NIOUX• Sion with good vomits, it is especially meld in persons of consumptive tendencies," Sold hy drug? gists, i0e. and 81.50, Beauty goes wir de necssities n' life. Ebert de..pertater top had got er flower oa it. tivqp Altilagwal Contactore and. auaclors, on. — . WINGIIAM, Agents for Downey'a (Beigrave) lime. : S500,000 TO LOAN. ,?:,1d!girii:iVsTtootikrtozort;:eL•as t very Lowest Rates' MORTGAGES PURCHASED. NO COMMISSION CHARGED, bOTIMWei'S cal ODtZsiU money in 5 days if Satisfactory, • VANSTONE, Beaver Biock, Wingham. MONLY 'TO. LEND. • frIllit'CORPOSATIONOP.:THE TOWNSHIP OF 1 Turtiberry has aboutt$3,000 to loan on,Mart- nes. For term!! apply.to, P. MoLAREN, :tor.WM. MoPHEBSON, Tr. TREASURER, Winglrona. .11zievn, Glenfarrew tylngham, ANY Money to Loan on Notes. • Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. • Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cent. witfr privilege of paying at the end of only year. Notes. and accounts colleted. ROB. NoINDOO. OFFRIE,-Beavor Block. Wingham, Ont. Sam'l REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. 03:F10E KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHANI. Private funds to loan. A number of Building Lote and Residence proper Castor Sale. Those desiring to make a home in Whfgham should communicate with, or apply in person at my Office, where all necessary information can be btaotned. BANK OF tHAMILTON, • -w- lar 0apitaL $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President-Jonx STUART. • VIce-Prasident-Hott, Ames Tenure. • DID.HICTOES A. G. Rama; Joust PROCTOR, CHAS. Gummy, CEO. ROAM, A. T. Woo. $ •• Cashier -3. TURNBULL. • Sweings Bank hours,10 fo 3; Satuydays, 10 to 1. Deposits of Oland upwards received, and Interest allowed. Speoial Deposits also received •at, current rates of interest. • Drafts on Great Britain and the United 'States bought and sold. • B. WITISON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Somczrons. • DAVIS IS OFFERING WI i\NTE ----ON-- 8' 1E pieopmmir-sr AT VERY LOW RTES. S II 1441 OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WINODAN OOT013ER 4111, 1888. irettowfWELIMWM7Zrnad.ariareasin S. GRACEY tri\Taym3R,T.A.=-E, . r Is ., Supplies all necessaries for fun- !: era' furnishing haviug a Delivery 1 . Ping AND MARINE, Wagon specially for this branch of i, GUELPH. business, All orderS , attanded • I. 1. porsoually, and (louvered any: .!4 here within 10 milea oz ,Wing: GEORGE for the Counties of Huron and Bruce. MoKAY, Wingham, Licensed Audience ' At moderate rates, sales will bo conducted in ham. portion of the Countlet Orders can bo left at tho Tams Office.. Eltabling4:un *Is KuninniElo- , 11YERY Iflii1).A.Y i',WitrING. --vr TUP.- f TIMES OF 'E, .10IIMPH'INLEITEEKT IN ING:r isi111, - 01\ITA410. Subscription prig*, par year, ihativanee ADVF4T1sING RATgSE_ Space, 1 1 yr. 6 mo. 1 3 Mo. i 1 WO. ...........--- ................... .. .....,.... .........„,-.. .... .. One (Minton 550 00 On 00 1 no 00 eN 44 HRH " 05, 00 2" 00 3.2 00, 11 et Quarter " 20 00 12 00 .1 7 004 eV One Inch 5 OD 5 00 2 00 1 t 0 Local and ot ,or castle advertisements, lic. per Site for first lasorti nt, Still J. VOIIII30 for OA Inthietteuetlf insertion, ..• Local notices, in non) arell type, 10c, for first in- sertion, and do, per line for each subsequent insert4,14 No local notice will be c au etd less than 26c. Advertisements of Lost, Sound. Strayed, tfituattets, and Business Chances ii anted, notexceedIng 8 line, nonpareil, 51 per month, ' Mouses and Iearnly for Sale, not exceeding 8 linee, 51 for that month, 60o. per subsequent month. These terms will be strictly adhered to. Special rates for longer advertisements, or fOr longer periods. Advertisements without specille directions will be Inserted till forbid and charged aearrdingly.' Trail. sitory advertisements must he paid. In eel vance:' Changeel for contract ad t °Waist:Ids moat& in the entice thy Wednesday noon, blearier to 'Wear that week , R. 'ELLIOTT . PROPRIETOR' ASO aunwsura • • . DR. Ar• 3fenor .graduato Toronto University. Attendant of New York Potyclimo, Office and residence over store of Gordon & Meant re. JOSEPIIINE Sr. - DR. si440DOXA.1.41), , JOSEPHINE W4VOlnax. STREET, --"'•••• ONTARIO. inine.J. A. MAXIMUM, L., (Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Moo and Residence -The old stand formerly ecru. pied by:Dr. Bethunar. at the, corner of Centre and Ratricbstreots, • WIN011Ait, • • . • , - ONT. Rypp. s,,,DIC1411StaC, BARRISTERS, &c. Solicitorafer the Bunk of Ilatailton. Cornmission et for taking affidavits for Steatite ba. Private funds to lend inetraight loans at lowest rates. Offices - Kent's Block. Wingutin, bucknc,w and Gerrie. . u. O. itlEYER. E. Is. DICKINSON. J. A. MORTON, ' BARRISTER, &o., ••• 1Vingham Ontario. R• VANSTONE, ' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEVANCelt, ET0. ° OPPICES-Tleaver Block, WiNCOIA1S, ONT., dennut and Bann, ONT. Private and Company funds to leen at low rates of interest. Mortgages, town and farm ploperty bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty. DENTISTRY.- J. S. 3DROME, _etw„ S Jorome is manufacturingel- lulold Place Nulesuite plates of tho best material as cheap as they can to got in the Dominion. All work war- ranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction 61 teeth, the Only, safe anesthetic known. OFPWE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick•Uotel. Ikea. Ai • DEliTISTRY.- -W. II. MACDONALD, %Inanity. eleltst. Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Silva Gold, etc., eto., Plates, ranging • '1 in prices from 5600 upwards per net. crownng and bridfiework. Teeth ex treated without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. .1Iead Office, Wingham, side entrance op' poste the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 9 a In to 6 p m. Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month-OfficeatMilnele hotel; Gerrie: 1st and $rd Mondays of each n'tonth- Office at Albion hotel. Extracting 25 cents. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Wtkolten, T-, °BERT CUNNINGEAlli, INSURANCE ONTA Remember the place, first door south of the big brick hotel on tho main street, Wingliar ..agataaaataaattavoassaaaagaraaaaaa.uaaaaaaaaa A WONDERFUL LAKE SE WATER DOETH GdOD OM A MEDICINE .., ,111$ 1 )116511 CAI" 4keskragiff*It IRYNArI° :4: S REMEDY SOLO" 13Y. ALL ORUCCISTS:' MITA( O'NEAL NCO WO OAT (Inxsnomes COrtlfall DRUG 5'1"..`112, Ton IMO& for Diataoladit. hat4.-1.. CarVer izt.LeWist4M hut* Wingbrat Agency, I • All.erders left at the office of tite.,Zonle re tOi 01. bfia9atho. javit (Mite p.t.mpt WA:idiom JOHN CURRIE, Wnemiat, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Orders loft at TIMES' office promptly attended to TERMS REASONABLE. ID DEAN, 3a., WenonAre, LICENSED AUCTIONEER POR TIIE COUNTY OP HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charge Moderate, JAMES iiSNDSitS011, • LICENSED AUCTIONESIk FOR COUNTIES HURON 450 BRUCK. An SSW attended to promptly and on the Shottoe Notice. Charges ilodorate and satiaactioa guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can bo made at the Tesins' office. WiseraMt est. BOLTON & IIAWKINS, P. L. & D. L. SURVEYORS AND OR 14 E.'4015nt1t., LISTOWF,L AND W111011,01. • ara 4