HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-21, Page 3'A P STORM. V et stfill Doris, Iier crook w 4:44 znU mix And sliw An o shepherd Maiden; intoned with wreathed strain; idi her throtuda sunlightwheellag, we stealing for hourS and tiong oho, my Doris* whose lap Meioses Wild summer riises or faint perfur0. )p The while I sued her, iropt hushedre -berrirenea Tilt shades had darlamed,from,g.if,pdoom. :She touched my shoulder with r4v.tfuf filIffen B110 SSW: "We linger; we must not Irian My dock'sdn danger, MY sheoP Will Wonder; ).leholiktinun yonder -how for theY strafe' / answered bolder: "Non .lot me hearyou, . And still lie nearyou, andhtill adore; No wolf sior stranger will touch ono yearling; Alit stay, my darling, element more." • S41) whiSpered, Sighing: "There will be sornow Deyond 4a-rnoow ft Ilosotoclaye illy fold unguarded, my flock unfai, 1 shall be molded, and sent away." Said 1, replying: "If they do misX,Ven. They onght to kiss you when yolk get home „.• And. well =carded by friend and neighbor, Should bethe labor from svhieh you eon*" • "They might,remember,I.she answered meekly, "'Ttio.t lambsare wealtswid sheepare wild; mut, If they love we Ws mum so f ervent4 • I ant a servant, and not a elxikl." • 'Then each hot ember glowed quick within me, And love (Lid win me to swjft repry: "alit do but prove me, and one shall Windom, Nor tray, nor findyon, until ,Slie blushed and started, andstood awaiting, As if debating itl dreams divine; , Wilt 1 did brave them-Itold her plainly doubted vainly; site must be mine. . • So we twin hearted, fromall the valley • .1)1(1 chase -and tallpliernibbling ewes, Uti homeward drove•themove two together. •Through blooming henthcrand gleaming (Iowa •Tinttsimple duty from grace did lend her - ply Doris tender, my Doris true; • Illot 1, her warder, ma always bless her., And often pressher to take her -due. Isard now in beauty she /dia.-my llwellIng— With lova excelling,,and undefiled; love doth guard her, both fast and foraext-' No more a servant, nor yebaiebild. COUNTY COUNCIL. • ^,- i'••‘ • ' and Rienettobut owing to the very unfavo,444,0 :stilt° of t'm weather the partisafrom %Perth county did not meet us, however, we found the WI PA ktery, vivikl wooden structure appeared about time it was rebuilt, • by srequeet of V. Bats, reeve of -8teplien towneitio .1 Juin John H. Jonete, angineer of the county of Lawbton, at .0.ae Grand Bend, ou FridnY, 8,1.May. We examined the bridge at tat place and found the (Ann ds opusidetol,ly decayed, It will roe/tare sotne.o,atteutien as soon as possible. vtWe considered by putting two Awing -bate to support the chords - the +ridge. slay stand 1 wo or three years deuger. Some improvements winelielialiinir should be attended to tins euntmereare the following :—A stoue wingivall to Egniondvill bridge, an4 the stofieworli of the Maitland, Maneheeterand Clinton bridges to be repairetlyhp 01ingu the cracas and . joints vela . cement. The probable cost of tinevault for the registry office will be "about $1,500. i There will likely beabeut the usual amount re- quired ion -amen repairs. The amount of meney•likely to be required for the year4889 for bridges and ap- proachesetuid repairs to the county buildings, yteueluding the vault will, I estimateeeiot exceed $6,000. . 411-whiallie respectfully submitted. J.Jonrr .A IN3LEY, • eeOn motion of Messrs. Kelly and jaeques, the :Council decided by a e majority of 19 to dispense with the December session this year. It was decided that , in the event of auy appeal from .the equalizing of the assessment mils, the final adjustments be,left.with.the county judge. eliate Misioiming,I,Lizzie Miskiming and • Mary Hayseof Morris, were certified by Dr.• ;Holmes to be insane and destitute persons, to be supported at, expense ofstAteCounty. Referred to the Finance'Clommittee. . .. ,The county .treaeurer reported that the„sinking:tands are now all satisfac- torily inveeted, .$1.4.250 having been leaued:onoon first mortgages at six peecentenince Jan, 1st.. It will be necessary to. grant the usual power to borrow $,000 to- meet. current ex- penditure until the taxes are paid. Collectious low nolerenide it lands • ,from Jan. 1 t.) April 80, 1889 amount- . ed tp $94648. • Cash on Lend • and available to Meet current expenditure, 418449.90, lees -814,847.18. The reportof the Special Commit. tee on the poor • house question, was read and laid on the table :— • Conunitteee•-Messrs,: Kelly, Man- ning,: ,Proudfoot, (Rollins, Wilson, Keine and the, Warden. let aecor- clance•with the instructions contaiued in the ,reeoletion ot this council at its January session yotar. Special Cont. mittee have entteavored.to obtain all i the anformatton, possible relating to f the oostof land, buildings and main tonance ..of the ,varsiouti institutions : called liouses, ofatefuge, for.the care 1 of tile po,,r„ in Ales province, and 1 other information ,of a .kindrednature. A subecommitteeveonsisting oft Proudfoot and Manning, has collected the statiotios which we bereby,submit, 4 and whicieevill he leund of great im- portance in, tonsidering this •subject. Tho sab-conamittee thought its first duty was to •ebtain a correct account of the anionnt.spent lby the , various municipalities eof ..the council: under the head of Charity." This,: allows a comparison—though an imperfect one—to be made between that cost of keeping•the poor in our owne.county andethe cost of.ehaving a Ilotiee of Refuge.. The returns under this head en] e the years 1887 and 'O. ---,- mount spent ley.the variotmmuni- cipalities of the county of. Huron upon charity it 1887 and 18881 The council met on Tuesday; a goO8 .• .inaajority;.of the members beitig pres The Weerelen stated that the peti- tions for amendments to the Munici- •N .pal and Assessment Acts had been forwaided to the Logislatare ; that the alterations otdered in the petit jury rootn had been carried out; and recommended an amendment as to the •elate of enforciug the by-law fixing the • width apart. of sleigh -runners. The ,report of the jailer Dickson allowed . • that there are at present 7 prisoners- 6 males and 2 females. • A motion to grant the East Huron Farmers' institute $'25 MIAS passed. A cotnemnitation from the Wing 1.11 am Board of Health, asking the . Council to hear a share' of tint expense of removinga- jaznof timber in the Alaithinel river was referred to the . Special Committee. • Tine report of • Road Commissioner Ansley was. ,referred to Read. and , Bridge Co mai ittee as ows Gcnitlemen,74. beg to submit to you k, this ixty.second,epci rvi,slso year 1889. (1) All the bridges )yhich....you gave orders to huild at the January meet i.ng leave been de 1 y. piaced.under con- tract, except -that. over 4the Stable river on the „boundary line between the townships•ef Usborne anditibbert. The contract -for the Winghatn north i)ridge was let to Ileht .Junsieson, of Fordwich, for the price or :/stun of $893. The• contract fur the •.,,goger- ville letidge• WE S awarded to. John oster of Win rhalat at the th prJ,eeof &timid Creek bridge was A• twavded, to John Foster for $86. The contract to meet. the Iloafreeti .bridge was awareled.to... Robert Jamieson, of • Fordwichaor the .stno of $393. The county of Pertinis to pay half the cost . of this bridge. 4l the above men - Coned. bridges are to be ceitspleted at an early date, The contract to fr.far- , wish, the plank to refloor the Maitland e•- 4tridge,::Was awarded to eP.enjainin • Naylerr,..-of East Wawanosh. at„th• e prioe la.: 14,50 per thousand, to . b • delivered and piled at the -bridge s idireoted. • Fijom, the 1st of January 1889, to this date, 1 have issue& the • following orders for the amounts and purposes mentioned as follows: e•(1) . Jan 14th; Wm Vanstene, for repair- ing south abutment of Bettualler bridge, $6 ; -(2) Jan 23rd, Cap Paisley for repairing Cope:lane% bridge and the approdebes to the Xirktoii bridge $$.70; 8 Jan 23rd Ralph Kit kratrick, • for repairs to the Crediton Bridge $2; (4) Jan 28rd Corporation of Aliefield, . tepturs to approaches to county bridges 817..98; (5) Jan 24th, George Hawkins, for reptile to approaches to .• .to Port Albert bridge, 0; Ja •24th Win Lasbarn, for repairing th •• ..lioor of the Maitland bridge $7.66; (7) March 12111 Samuel Stanlake, for: lumber for bridge floor, 2.W;..$ (8) May 18th, Arthur Forbes,. for guavel. ling the approaches to Grieve's ink* and repairing fences, $10, ; wive r-, quosted.by the commissioner of the nnaty, tirt1110 'Meet the reeve of Faller; . hitneelf at t bridge at • the goH boundary line about a walk • cil is also aware that these sums do flet in any way represent the full anmuut •of the charity bestowed by this comity. Private charity by imli- Ytdua}s sliming), and societies, is largely given to the vex), same parties that receive menicipal aid. Another large nem of expense to the county is in connection with the running of tins goal, The manner in which tide expense in paid is as fol. lows; The government psys foe all prisoners who are chargewith indict. able offence; and the county pays for all others. The last quarter the government was charged with 119 day and the county with 151.8 di1/4ye. Of this 1513 day; 1483 days 40 chargeable to the maintenance of indigents, In consequence of this the county had to pay $842, 848,37 paid by the government, or about 14-15 of the whole expense.If there had been no indigents confined the government would have had to pay nearly two. thirds, and the county something over one.third. , Jia this way the cost to the county was for indigents alone over $400 for the quarter. This quarter isnot above the average, so that the county pays annually about $1,600 for maintenance of indigents in the gaol. The question naturally arises —how much of this large sun won Id be say- ed.to the local municipalities by the erection of a House of Refuge? Froin information in the hands of your Committee it is .quite evident that only a very emall .proportion of the charity grant to •iudigonts would necessarily remain. It is not pre- tended that there would be no amount to be spent by the local municipalities for charitable purposes, but it is estab- lished beyond all ',question in the counties where Houses of Refuge have been erected, that -adding ,the items for charity and increased county grant for House of Refuge, together, the result is a less 8a131 by a considerable amount than the ..sum previously spent for like purposes. The special committee appointed by the county council of Ontario county to report on this same subject.at its June sesi ion, and of whoeereport we have been favored with it.. copy, on this point repoit as follwos : "The erection. of houses of Refuge appears to have obviated, except in the smallest degree; grants to indigents by the minor municipalities.” The various Houses of Refuge in 'the Province are as follows: County of Elgin—Town ship of Sonthwold, 8 miles west of St. Thomas. County of Waterloo— Berlin. County of York — Near Newmarket. County of Lincoln Township of Grantham, a little over half a mile from St. Catharines.. County of Middlesex—Township of. Adelaide, near Stratbroy. .0ounty Norfolk — Gore of 'Woodbonse. County of Wellington— Township of Nichol, midway between the villages. of Fergus and Elora, 'Comity of; Welland — Township of • Thorold, ' County of Brant—Township of Brant- ford. The mailer institutions, such as would be ample for the county of Huron, do not average incost over $12,000. The Ontario county cote. mittee agrees with us that smaller farms and cheaper buildings would meet every want, and save a large and unnecessary expense. Your committee would next call attention to the number of inmates, and the cost per head, of these insti- tutions t Cost per Hale Emote, Total. head Etgin . 33 109 $56 64 Waterloo .. 78 39 118 49 66 York k• 112 45 157 5798 e I n . 28 24 52 88 63 ne iddlesex.. 84 43 127 64 60 rfolk.... 58 19 75 40 33 42 111 63 97 15 60 0....... . 1887. 08 54 83 nom ellington .. 69 28 Ashilehi ,•8125 50 eno 00 Welland.... 44 th IlrYintsia ....... Colborne. .... Exeter .. • • 61 • Go:fetich Town- • Ooderich Township Clinton ...... . .. Grey .. • . . • • RVIiett McKillop 4. • • §.(lafirth • • Ile a • t • :MAU*, • • 64 *4 Stephen . • • • • • 1.4t Tuokerstnith.. 48 80 55 47 -grant. , ... 147 73 101 58 . 218 81 822 95 The average cost of each inmate in 200 50 277 15 195 03 220 72 these Houses of Refuge was the sum 536 05 1112 2 of about $55. -0e have also ewer. 202 00 103 00 tained that the • average cost of .• 24„all 11,181, 37 Maintenance, including salaries, food 136 50 175 25 and olothing, of each inmate in five of • 181 57 .• 102 00 • 147 18 2°1 2 the institutions during 1888, per week •- 05 fiei2oo •was as follows: 278 OR Turnherry .. 171 80 234 84 Osborne Elgin gest svtein'ee;ii "6 us $1 07 Wt sh est Wawano156 52 Wingharn .. . ....... .. 207 26 X780asoog ladtaoirelEloe0X. 1 05 • , 1 2985 York... 1,0&•••,•• 1.171 Average .. „, ..1 19 - 1.711: TO disturbed at nigh In v I panties not reporting .. $4665 00000 et, -tc-frefirair'—'is nth that clirlireWo of the local municipal exchequer. has been paid the sum of $9,284 iro‘two To these sums met be added thcett spof $284.10.4.and•01480,, re. speatively, which are the artiounts4es- tintatert lee the County Treasurer as spent by the county for the same pur- • poses as the local grants in the same earn, and thee two make a 'grand tiotal of no leas than $10$751, or 4;5,875 per 0,1101114# • Elegy ouuber .the,CeuutrOouu .* northeait of Kitimat' on the 80th elf` May, I was at the place appendant, ou time company with reavas VAT 57)11 o en of vonr rest. , s ck d stiftering tryinswith .pain Tv-the7 13 so so el at gt 110385 61 "Mri. 6/17510W',, 110 )thifl aide. It will relies°, the poor little ts iffernel: immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhea, - mutilates the Stomach and Bowels, euresWind golliantellIZPliatise;21ilsrelftlintrt.191N1441. itlioetsmifizstat:g s4rup fr:f children teething fa to to arid the VreftriPtIOYI el ono of L. oldest and ben ieflalthyRh.iii s an rti nu iain the thilted Oates, and is for ottIe by alt tirovists tliftsichent the world. Trine twenty-five bents a bottle. lie sure and Mk for "Mu,. Writoboves gootipse settee” and take no ot4at sip& , • Is the place to go if yon want to get the BESI.' QUALI'r i OF„GOODS at- Ow Cheapest Possible Prices At which they ran be sold, us HE BUYS IanFOR SPOT Oie1/4SH Vstone sells Gold Filled Cased Watelne, on a little advance of what others sell the same movements for in Silver cases. Also keep on band a Large Selection of FIN STONE SET RINGS, KEEPER iaTri PLAIN GOLD RINGS, Also a Large and Well Selected Stock of ache% Meeks, Zewelry, Silverware. Sfee4 • Ude% tte. 1 do all kinds of Repairing in Clocks, Jewellery, 43c, All work Warranted. 1. R. VAS 3 0 L. S17ocE8soa TO H. PARK, Post Office Block, Wingluttn, STOVES AT HALF' • D. SUTIMBLAND'S STOVE .rid TINWARE ROOMS. Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON 83 Soles, we are °freein• g GREAT BARGAINS IN. :STOVES fvr the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. • Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this, year, we have SECOND-HAND srovEs m good as new, at LESS TBA• HALF OOST. A SUPERB STOCK OF CHOICE LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCURABLE GOAL OIL. .351,1D:i'. ADE TINWARE, A HEAVY' STOCK AT VELY LQW • PRICES. (Ur ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. WARE ROOMS awn SHOPS ; Opposite xchange Hotel, corner Josephine and Victoria Streets. 1)10P.1 1414 0 : 0 _ 111 g11;joiati olaim 'to • IN uputinahiI It 1 :1st, ':THAT.I HAVE THE BEST ASS3RTE S. TOOK OF WATOHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY IN WINGHAN, 2nd. THAT THE. QUALITY OF MY GOODS 12 EQUAL TO THE BEST. 3rd. TELT .141Y.41ICES ARE SUCH THAT IT IS SAFE AND FITAI3LE FOR/ALL TO DEAL WITH ME, TZEIS FO lzt **Y" OT...71RZIL11-1 :CALLING ON F. GERSTER,„ Lit.A.S11"M. 1-M,C)1-11.7-SIOZT antIZINEker art4 lititInXEMITIIIIA6 • • MISS. A. BOYD has now on band a naost variea, well assorted and magnigceut display ef SPRING AND SUMMER 11/ULLINERY, New,Pashionable and %rattily selected STOCIC G-OODS. Au enum'eration of articles noulties would be impossible II veryone cordially invited to call ard e what is offered at very reasonable prices. The DIANTLE ',DEPARTMENT contains a varied assortment of the Latest Design's and Colors and best qualities Cloths, Si1k, ism, to be worP1 tb is 5084109. Ii.E.RPECT PITTING. AVD LAYrnST .131!:18T DEISTONVID• lamturra, ONTARIO MUTUAL flesh Income for 1888 New Assurances written in 1888 Assets, 118 at Deo, 81st, 1888 .., .. Attsurances in force, Jan. 1st, 1889 Surplus, Dec. 81st, 1888....... tiwAr.l.rifliaL.. • .. . $93.07.4 rt . . .... .. ...... 2,518,0SO (C 8,318,858 CO 12,041,914 C ." 90,347A ..1••••••1•604.4..{1.11.. w • .... SPECIAL FEATURES: proutpt Payment of Claims, Annual bistribution of Profits, Outtrauteett Surrender Values, and.Xdbern,1 Polley Conditions. —AreElt. DAWSON, Gatisatan Amur, - • • Wirneleau • _ • .