HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-21, Page 1•
VOL, XV1 r" U' Via.
LOCAL =W% —Xr. ZT. A,-Mort In 'has 64 Vk new-PoOf _ur.s. Clliobkr bva i'40 a 11aw, show, I-tivrotoments, Lacknow.—Mis bbou is viLit.
put on his rapidenw, case in his. Cornet Drug f Wrq, Mr Mark 0'a. Q xbui
Z ,►hi b 'a his cottage all Ing friends in.] ; (a this week,—Ribs
=Ias 11t1uEu,,l(1,b+- 11 now giving draw- —The Iffission lend meets -in the Pres- --Crossley cad Turitir-motonduatl4o F44trick and CAtUeri a treat re'lood and ;enAle X-Stest. Petrolt is.atprose4t
itig A OUR, in QRrrio, as Wel -bytorlan cliuroh at Saturday at 8 p. great revival at `E •etsr,. trauslormed Into a t. o-Aoroy iestdiones', -visiting J12 Wiugjha - _N R Collie, oiyil
4 Wvoxator- Ur U green boa his, ew residence on PAC* engineer,
—The Synod of 4rou mob in Lon400;4_04r. S, Oti%cey purcI14304, tl ie promises --Fir of
lot the sasson—An- 4 If
W alrtj6o l at eIV10%. rick street nearly . mploted.—Mx Frank at the 33rd Aoct,,rpp,
at prasenv* ooaupi6l, from Ur. a9rgq,Mo_ fresh afft$ ba zlit'ni't",
G, atLondon as Uea•
oil Tuead%y. Rev Ur-, Xborlicuse is in 13illingalsylo new b use is wall undor way, Caaaijt _Xr SaMIX70uhill
Say, for 000, —Mr Tamuol uraoy, Qf East Wa.. —,,at U Sherk's ow cottage is. nearing
-No 2 CoMpittly t i6f 41
reoidange, jo cilti
—A millerw conit-ntion will be hold ih- T 1P torille., 014 lauds, A i0ampletio genoral.—Mr VV , ;11 AnIon 0
—Oat-,base -'b9l . Ceam- expects t'3 g, to waltOsit, left tax
F. 1 is Ill,,, L
Sacristan and ifia 144osoi-t;am 1 fow days ago. oom Kenoo,
Toronto on tljti%l-,and r.JQ&b 7uly, to dis- plete4t—Ur IV le.ouls. now zapj on
;re .week in lois. o&pqcJ*,,i if t
dine, on the 1414, —Tremendous. rgins to bo had at No.
,01164 vital q',hestiotis yi Xxitlan& street is )efug, put up'Tho'cbm. xogcompauy.—Rev ')y4olly,
-("Orm It at men's shoes at
75 i0h Cole- PIL gregationAl church is undergolag ri*afru.— was in Wingliam till week, hN
pit: a nA 01; 0pair of ladies a
—A. grand baud' -ournsinient %tid gehIsi%l cP' to So pa'r*
Bots at 1; &.11 oth , Butts At equally low Mr A Galbraith b. vs bad hiii4esidellce xe- aull0l here to attend a funeral of b
in. 10?nw- rdwolh,? Votes. painted, .3
athletic sports *Y take
dine on Monday, -T- iy fist, —3k,oboa son' v! Aonq; ym iV fath@r,, R v Xr U. durum, - of Norri'llp ,
I, I i0 hl IH-O.'suipPed-w"'Q?4r'rb-ctwaekof.inft wU!4# and. is; able to! Woo f c&J1sr ,U=dorq&.
—Xr.-T. bell lot - for a bufAin6"'A 8 'To'cin 1% rwyering from a - T>> >;a - week. :
worth the d, !tkstarred the day, this Ur Go rge
>1miiitob% sild tfiV Northwest djiOng. tbo; rqoi4ro, Loadort o. n VV ohosday. . 4a 04 the street a n. -I left old aly..". t T
4 tr- krot
Va. Winglism n his way hoitie ppin
lattar4 014d 6f W5 w telt, 11ii0)d rt* ,% IlWay compail, r H Karr has o. men employed - Now
near, agow-here, now there,
Goaded on stillibi WAItO. Of the, SAN r
*in, My, bas purchased' ry lob! i;hvo Pile on 0. *e boMeon troht=
w Blyth at, press No,*.A also, Bushing tionArmy staff o workers in Toro' tows;s.
Home haVor a a- sacred cliarmo)
mud1%alIf4xwhio Cline b (UIAO ,
proVa Ur, George dKAY, next to ur,D a 44a'work oaa, Ur *1AQtQry,r&Vi4Iy All things against m@seemed in ax#s, in town this wee St;sigbteniiag up old
son's re( _,V Qd properby On the or. &jward.. Morn,.noou
an -n ht ohaAedby-i hrws. busiposgi scoreo. Mr sh, w4o left
0-k4ori Melutyre, In Win lit% Is some weeks ago r the Northwes, bas:
Diagpilal. road. c 7138", -ev"is's _0a not forget that bustling town, W1
at, t oboidest 4Q too, Do, resmi ghtAls tet vine,
sbyter-yt of Maitland' Wet bA '"Who"ioea,rxe notFortunalsbrown* ratarlied.. He d as not speak of ,going,
—The 'Pre at _ at ochring Or41 &In$ just now
,it licks, , Alho, a b. 0shost a onj"; OOLL
'Dul'a church, N%Wion, on Thursd iWaIllinesot their Swift Awq the ti —swift glides the hour, back.—Ur Walsh, f Newmarket, kikirly
my of or es"Ienicoo all 1110, Thanks meanwbil only can torm CUM, t,: to doiq AU they,
144 w0k. I of 1§ey. Dh-tid i 0 L I pour 01, has on in town this weik,
or the, i-Afiction of 1§ey. Dh 6 of this PI
- promise. Into the poor Is treasury,
11ment; '111 a
Th$ aaUy 'given fit
Porrest, late, of B-11fiefif, X 7!_ Rev Joha, Gray, a IFLincardilie, has been
the Method%U,chwu 4UX4aayeveaiog, —04 ,Tb Wi Thanks Be a rd give, laments ikye,
uradmy th 'ai in town this woek,— esers A Sebastian, Unto ;h6G1 a a
The Regina n", drsays whem0%inoh10s by Mr. Strabliers, fWl Of In sTdsb an& ilawled 'Robert bmaly crushad Thanits, ibabnae.L '%L shall ever',iso, W Bolliender,H D It d S bapUr4-'%
one cp an
long was left at .9 t3mucturat We are',' instruction 10"I.tbose 6, w0beaffed it. uud6r & barrel 10=14wwry. Ito Jitter a pleasiag ' rifles,
pidased to Bee that he town is gtft- 01kead "Man Inas.,: 1 - 'dt a, went to London this w ek a players in the.
0 T. it upjl irtashsheds_willbelat up6j'6A, Somforth baud.—Miss Nimer, Of Toronto,.
agj lle Zones is. d g its duty. r4rom, which points —A rt4M ! L
at Gorris MQUIC11"I '11.1 Phicent, V re, is visiting Miss Boa, of Win-ham.—M%jor
T .4 - safely ad and Vleftsod
D. Stewar shipped & load' of flbel he will ship,11i totur(= Re has shipped 12 --port of Jho. Moot Ot i4a High vourt, 0 . Scott, of Mucardine, 'as in Wingliam on,
*%Utdilsrs+ cattle to OrOlItO tlliwwe*, Ire Par leads - -to oewepQ, N. Y., since Tauu ry. 0, F,, the seryie .. as, 4h4 Congrg a 4 .7 Anderso add 4taily arrived in
gEtj on Tb . d last, wid letters Tuesday on his way t camp at London,.7-
Iis ptivehased a art, of Mr, W. Cl egg's *"Td:eOb61c91 Insti ay
We are- indabtd-: to-Mr.W. Lithgow' church last Sunda-;,, I MrJohn McManus lei on Tuesday on a.
o Me hanieW In received by friend say they all like the pIr I
8 1 I at utter 5 ootlrktr r very muc Mr Anderson says ospoothig trip to.. Algary N W T, EQ,
spleadM lot for tbt qxporti trade, M a good librarian, of the t4ti§; Cots. Board aw:p a;jl
ad b Irie.
P ricer. almost Ar regular Itere . 6tin aout, s much expects to be absent I little more than 0,
Isu of_thatil g:,Cr 40, lie
.tbiijka So time of it its he'did
—dol. Bmlley, of TbrontQ, Made a pros, paper,-the- Hpojilto (SbDtlauai'.tX T4645,000!4qvis dil*utures have been. mouth.—Ur A. Hen rson and wife mud.,
notation of •colors the Winghuid corps 9k, on his first -visit. a bas a;varsl 'times Mrs A Henderson, at cbeltsilb4m, who.
driold 40 ` t K OeOtge StO11804, been offered $5000 ore than he
., P, , r r
Mr. TO-1hu H'an 7 Is WQe UVO paid -for have Veen. - visitin& at Mr, Wm Millor's,
the Salvation Ar on Vhurs4sy evening, - 4. 11'. . k.4 Of Mbn*e 4'9i, 10 TIN Is ',daily a, very- bis land) The C F lja s raised Tihe price
F& oar lead of b 46-
A number were eseat,from'Toeswa4r. Lower Wingbam, I ft for home on Thurs
w"g X lipu4s je, Indicates 4 splendid
It ilod ,sod,' 'tit P qJ3
B.* C. I of its -19bd to 010 a acre around Melito, Chicago,
f)mpt. Fielder is it fir command- here. day last.—Mos"s & Yates, of
church, has the pick that locality. Ila
S q. -
—We expect to S& a large nulAber Of :, .1 .. , u and Jus Yates, .1 derich, were on a visit
He was in, town on daesdar.. I On 1 eq.0 k&1 so' Te4ffilY at .such 00,Yo potatoes.Arerea ly to so
t up, pose are
.our citizens avail themselves of Ore, 0110ILP'. d to$." out in blossom ane everything- looking to their brother T in Winglip'ni,tilis
are reepec I to call
ff 7,v .4,
weehMiss Jessi Cowan, of Wroxeter
Se,tqrdkv exaursi. ns oil, the Grand Trunk early at Gordon a KCl a's and inHpqQt 'a a 1,$D R11(or-Tourg, Tim, the - well. The frost did A , dams, -a farther
plol go. now teaching at Mon b FQrest'. was • VWtk-%-
to Kineordius nuc Godetich. •Fares aa-85 their beautiful. it Gooas, ;iIt#0q4o TOutO.-`TbO says'. "Mr Livingstore, a neighbor
Also, lovely shades n Iii-as patterns is erg our"' inWingliam this ask.
coats and 11 res betively. Pres on 61 City Of Detrolt,L'City has two covet L'
se Silks, Jc Im ity Ot7ivens,city of a whish *d two calves each. Ing-
so thollft, •befoka:
The Llackno .96tinel says 01310.09 trio Pong S of me, -Amily,o Clovelaina. And' far two yea,.,
Anot r.nsj -tea
now run Ighbor has th
th, ey are picked-ovt - U L I
vown Co all.
features. of tb b g me in the match, played folul 1 each -week JJrOM Detroit and,_ sheep, -one of -whiob $d three I0,mbs,e&Cl1 The regular meeting of the Coullail.wao
—AAter- talriNg in several tbptbitsp Ila a %
by—pot the Atla ties Or janiors—the team r t6northorn Jpke porta—B 9,oX-, year fortbroo years u! qV M0,TeRWhiell hold oil, the Sr 0
Inao I& St. Ign4ob - x1e,6to., in
c a inst. All the. members
th4t went up 0 aaneaday was, the goal States, and winuinc ivery race in which i" F f ,S&ult.lqt.XP had ten colts i:. 'Va yJ 4. This,.Is ouo
h 6 is,
Competed, Will. 6'11)ojmor,'tho eliam,blon connecting for all lake and rail points— present except 849 parlirg Neelauds,
keeping of, Scott. Itonrin Is P, (Tandy, and the best places in,
y oarsman of Americ i,, returned t6 Toronto.. Fort &rthur, Dulti6b, Manitoba, 3 orth- 0 Zafor :tO`ik ia10' Brookenshire -Und Minutes .were
lay f .11, 1 to 01
tli&tt . apWs,10154 ro",rj% , 4 West, oto. For all intormatioh, lowest 4jig. VmuHOrUWwJ tit On Wilt- reaa. :an& approved: In Ad t0i TOW ;Wng L L . I I hq Vinahce Com-,
'p Efe. will lqave, t G':T.' . 'Agon
oil rates, etc., 0611 oil da ,'ancl roservdcl. anottersebtifin adjoinIng Mit
opo, Unfiei Clio direction ' roFitf ; - tea's "re art. roe kutuded payment, of
The Band to) Searle the AnSt 4, On `the Thames, for' ham Station mini, MrkBowera d wife, came as Jai- following accounts of the W C T U''was organized on Vri4hy the ohatnpionshi of tlfb wbrid. :,,*BIsbeo,_w.ork,51.25;1
XoM Wi
Mr,Tames Sle sin Ana purchased the as Morden from Wi peg with, us. Ur Bf Wangh, do, 0&10.; D. Watson, do, 55,63
fast, with 54 nr;inlY6rt;".. The ladies •.who
9, ary from Messrs.. Gilchrist G Vorgie was in De ine and is in exzel. W J:tamsay,d
The young a of the Presbytori eT).
PO Dominion bake
d441 charge are Ura'voss, Mrs Rit6hie o,6&38 i,. W Moore, do, 02-8-117
church pi is
'horati , purpose ail, P, picnic on the Brothers and will u future One, leat sitirits.'* 'R M Robinson, lay' g, watorpipe 01.70.
and Miss T a. It is to- be hoped rho "I ron,
interest Maybe a stained a d the. meniber-
Lower , Wingliant. is on Dominion. day. as well as the 09 in the Zatu old It is F Hughe ry"59; 2 Hughes,,
The matter of art ugements is wl►olly in an undisputed fa that Mr Sle
. this
I& a oranx& osso=s.
ship largely ineraseilp the hands of an nergetia committee of first-clas trees fore=140;;t mith, gates for
or, Live, attentive, obliging, Our popular dentis Ur W H Macdoaaldl, weigh a6sles, 07 , Thom s' "vin' wbsiel-,
Wehia a a It on sattiramy, from mr. ladies, and we raigh say -success is assured. and the so i ugham have secured has with the coo enc an of an, estimable baxrow, &a., foit — tery,15 60; Thomas
P, Tatrlif post ),star, of Delmore, wno is 'Singhigaroquotti nuis, and other amuse- cheaper bread I a he began operations lady of our town-It - les Ferguson"
tao ',4t' ter R til Delmore Cheese so Munie Griffin — Irwii]i, part sal
(lasil here. No doubt, ith iacreased. facilities,. ,idea," which we ry, '0'
ments will be provi led for. ,;, IN j50
happily worked out John Jackson,
isMmtiy jj4bL Sale from, the factory constable, 24th:
—of Rev'Veibc McKeon, who is to he vVill bl)e in 6 -p ition to do better than sincerely hope may rmound to the highest Wk4aw a ,—v days ago to Mr. A. F.. r speak in the- Qathol c-chavoIx at the dedica- ever for his numer •as customers. do, $1.50 ; (',scree t1ol; Wait&
happiness and mater Q Comfort and well Walsh, sundries, Ilust "1 414 pump,
is' 6 1.501 H.
t h *a tory services on a 10th itist., the press —In the ends of justice and for the being both. The 'Edea" referred to was tank and horsepower, / 80; 3eO Hughes,,
t er, lig'. are 3lat . %sod. tbasy.,,. speaks very Highly: The'Chicago Infer-Ocean present and futu-_o. proteohlon lof citizens, the consummation ?f their hopes and work, 612.83; kin plauting,trees
T4d asel't anj'door faouryot 49ssrs. says, He is one of, 4nada's star preacbers. y of aspirations by formh .g a inabrimanal all!- In cemetery, 01,27; 1 F Patty,piece, lumbLV,
Lldyd & Son . when the law is Violated, those guilty 91Y well The Lancaster New : He iss charm- such offences slj uld be held responsible
-L IT which fai excaedih' ance,which was,iteatfy,briefly and effective- 68 75; R Dreaver, rppairing waterworks,,
ad Le *,is doftig a large business ing young orator no of the very'bast W r Ly accomplished by ev Mr Moorhouse a,, 01 -, Chailes Barberl kbhl 11.25. )IIs.
equipped, and Ro to their deeds. _ t,,Ieast all law breaker, 0 1&
(f by q. .appearance' anc6 of the ar. 'ever heard. Fiji aoipu,&.2Kws-X He'ls a ought to be treatLi alike.: Have not some djour _d t7
and judging Wednesday mornini , about 6-o'clook at the Council then a' till 6th inst.
ticI I o Choy ought to` CIO&AIM'd daptivating-speak of our citiz6ne be )a establishing & danger• ros-Meoce of Mrs D Kent, Wingham, The ' The Council met according to adjourn-
have no doubt a large 1, Tameo, McKel of -the Star, oeeaent in *,to caae. of those guilty a, groomsman on the C MWOU was Dr Tuck, It, OA 6th just. reso=ay,,,r 1,nd
be established est on$ pr of Delmore, and til bridesmaid Miag Ella met JU.W . ,
a Summon my pat ns to: the bar, shop breaking? Whi!tt animated by no Messrs Noolauds. A th Cline,.
Dacey cl@kLp:• There- they will naff,the new milk shake.
" . . a' hts Brookenshire,of in stn. Piesents,ap- Brockensbire, bp rh ig. Smyth, Andersou
a, M r o fake vindictive' feeliA16, very many reside
The simen pare rid art k by Mv. Cline, second-
'should gay ddu 4, tI.1,0, Doney'. strongly pvoboat against compounding piopriate, d' numerous, were. and, Holmes. M ve
h Mr. And
Cod Empire, Chtmpaum and and given by fr"Zillas. Iraid drizzly, rain, ed by Mr. Anderson, , hat the clerk be in-
Aellf tell you- m mil Cony;
Oufariq'sto noiv running twice each wook t, is it crlme . It is well that the authorities structed to pr a ylaw for the. purpose Atonia, too, in a mt4er other Oth6 s but with s a unus ly blithe, and boney- of, raising fun
from 'Sarnia ektid Xijadardirie# forming the, Better than bone oullea. on heather - r' should knaw this, 'ntdf fun loan for the
sy 0
quickest avid, n%ost diroof route for Lakes To-praise my goo I 126'er will-shrini, A, pretty wel).attanaed =acting of the, moon air, ibutl- car yiug the o6ngragula- erection of anew t ball-I said bylaw to
Hurou and,gidparfor 'parts, Par$ Arthur Claus of friends, til , newly married couple be submitted to th, council at its next
I `
My fruits, cigarst r Bummer dtink; .0. Board of Tradt we,% held or, TUoulty u a regular meeting; th a motion to be. rog%rd-.
DtIluth, etoA ji 4kin elloso'cannection for A kind invite X gi to All, left for Dbtroit w d other •- points, The
all poirtts !a thoWettern States,Manitebs, Se, give tile I evening, Presi"imb Willson in the chair. ad as uOttue of 't ilatroduotioti-of. said
'For all information, tar a 'early tal), TrAtEs extends its : elicitations and wishes bylaw; cost of pr posedbuildingnot t6,..
Vadida Coast, obea Therer were adin tied as new members by I
lowest single and round trip farts, freight —Who eso docip or this ingeniom puz- Ong life and hmpp aass to Ur Macdonald exceed ten thousa dollars—Carried. Tho•
rates, oto., 6AI on'Aptit, G. T. R,, Station, zle—apitaph •—whio , was given -to- the ballot Messrs 11 W 0 Meyer, T Bell, C and his fidt partn(r. Property Commi so were authorized to
winguam, Griffin, T Stiles, N1 H MaIndoo, P Fisher, 14N that the Marl ground is cleaned up
public in the me 1186? The tpuzzle" r I d 'rubbish removed
year . Elli , B V G ,rater, S Gracey and 1) 0 Vat sonalir. and ail aid mater un
from Mr.R. Herdstilmi was addressed. to til penetrating genius of Mun-rc l r was appointed ballot- Mrs WM Robert on is visiti therefrom, and t t the matter of building
600 . py of tile a onii4 0raind River saofift) oxford, ca, m bridga, , ton and to the learn- ng wends at & good picket or til substantial Jones,
whioli contodua Interesting oketoll, of M wee 4 -,1 t is Ong the entire A -side of said grounds,
r, cry a icor foi'thatoaril, The subject Luohnow this M S Yonhill end 41
a a 1 oi
04 society of I'mutl uarles, t ran I thus., of
tile new stat` a to be erected by the Miss V on 1, 7 o referred to a committee for their
" , at
,MMm Y :0 of East Tmwas,
Isaac Nellea, w o has just celebrated his 81 9NIt relatives
Ana consideration. Tile Public Weeks Com-
, I
gatil birthday, Ing still Actiya and viva- A. T. TH. lost. Grand Trdnk Ra way was discussed and a Mich, have gone onla visit to re Mittoo report renom ended certain ina-
a committee conal ting of MosersWillson, friends in Winnipe Man,-141Y Robinson,
Ong fft LT committee Cons
cious, With am aired vision, clear mental HXLirD. as Tzu, Tilip Cline, Gordon, .. Macdonald, Inglis mud provemeuts on the at cote in tile way of
' ravelling, &a..
At Sulj(
laddities mild back, bush halt. He at. of Donfiela, $p Jv'y with Ut sidewalks, gmaing.,.,
B 1. Elliott appoints to prepare and transmit ipproximato expand IRS amounting to
tributes his heal hfulness to apan Mt labor, V, IN1- I Xr Dulmage.—Misi .1reland, of Detroit I mo
a Memorial to 0 proper parties, asking is on a visit to about 6770. On AID ion, the report NUS
temperance in f d mud abstinence from w0g. Do b a here,—Mr Ross, Zoptea. communi atiouR were tead—
Str6fig drink an tobacco, Ile speaksTfr that a brick att Lure, Instead of a, frame of Brucaft4ld, has, benvisitinghis laugh- From the Board of calth, requesting the
iUt6IlJjdntly',0f'0 WOO TuRtalrill PtOgt688 one, be oralated here. The -question of tar, Mrs Dr Mwdoll Id this week.—Blyth rOMOV31 Of the PO nd from its PrOsc"
on streeta
a Smeltzer, of Wing, PO
-1$&.tIpg is than taken up. Dr. an 31
Aition, from lua a Doyle, Complaining
end hopefudy of I national future. IL A. E." Mr of the court ao0ow a0dation -provided by
6 gu
—There will be big dmyla sport on i6v- V. Dulmm a, of the Bruiewfok. resolution In favor ham, were tit us a of Afro Brownlee the town of Wing ase, The Property
dayl-awy latistBr sets. Tn thq morning, y t* Mr. chav, of streatiamps erected, this wook,—Mrs M I D Morning and child, Committee ivore real pstail to sea If a pto-
puippoa last asan,
It -UV, V#64ti4iiov,d, a resolution in favor of of Listowel, has bee on a visit to her all be 0 bebt& [Cod for a new pound.
mata lg%tuo of b a ball will be plvytd 4,Ws011 0. Begins, N. tI16 bro i ', per place 0
The communic'Ition cru ..Tuago Doyle watl
bstVmkt1, rutliel an Jainastown. At I btallion, ishwood, dire by Riago*ood, be - ift gea,*ikc ".Efidl-sof thowgentlemellspoke parents licire.—Gode ell Signal: Mr W T Tho Mayor and B x-
ham, Vito In town Wo4nes. r ininitte to instructed to 6alt
ill favorof their --asolution. Mr It Elliott 'rates, ;f Will& dered to be filed,
940115 01 rn.410, Listowel VA. of, Xt aaykls gamble niau (10), dam tries boutive colbraitte 0
Vilson' Sir Ileury, son of • bUdued as to thocost of --s I a left the Iluevr boy," the 05,000 *1 debon t ma remaining uusold-
t 'loon' gave home 10att, day last. Will say
lrw 0 be followed, by M6 mare, bi VI
gas atListowel. The discussion was ad-- who earao to his ho a on rtiday last, to The by,law restrain ng cows from tanning
h wises, tc` o & lacy closely contest. II811Yy. Athwood's a , Celerity, record a tim,
19 jouvad till no%- mooting, to be held on take caro of the bust, iess in Wilighant dur- at large was road a 'tat mud secou 0.
tubas" [ser
game f base hall between 4,84J, by RU191A Of As laud, son Of MI&M- ; Mr P B Vlmil%good tit tressed tile dottucil ill
tug6e,'t6,1s of Lond and tile Brussels brino Chief (11); dam Groville Ross, by Tacsa&Y, the Oft Of Inly, This vital' in„ his Hi friends aro coligrato- opposition to the sing of sii4, by-law,
imported Hodgafotd, saoouil Um by the question is now -befors the people in eating him upon 111.4 ntsw &ssJst%nt._1VL on motion the b I was
road third
club, : Athjatio games '4na sports are also a-
4 use
of xrorobt
leaving as 0,
C1 t
If Wi
,on,the'progrSlAme slid b&Ija concert at Havftor horse; third ai ra by Xorg&u Black pracbia&iway &j, itisaosivabiathaitbe. Spedding, of the Ban i of U%milton, has tijue, and parsed, b itt to borrow
fully discussed. Evoty business M,au 01200 for 13011001 tzolr rurp()Awi was
night. Chow taros ox the railway. If nawkift TldsyOunstallion winpr6Vo ought to land h s to-oporation, Applies. gone on bi$ holiday to his friends at passed, The trom r w" iustriletod to
you &'Iloas%ut -406Y violt a. gtomb acquisition to that suction, being tions for mombe ship can be sent to the MiltOIL—Ve 1) 13 Cal.Adk and wife visited piece $650 to t1it oterli of the school boar}.
)3ra"A on. 06t, finely bred, handsome nd can trot fast, Storstary, Mr C us. this week %,Yitb fri -nds tt Clinton stud Council then adjourno