HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-14, Page 61 0, dingy little place. habit of a man is not transformed aft' r 011risty found itinch totj Will you send down fc)r Illy trunk, at once. Tlle-ooulloil met 00 th", 25th ult, ag -plex her, evou after A coult�i­of Rewd!"u iii4d appeal. Tliti Uncle, Willie I Wash up the tea discourage and pot f Blit Olt 1 they had gone to housekeeping it% a things B where am I to clerk sepuiitedickwt Win. Roach wns FRIDAtY, JUNB 14, 1880. bleeep I site remarked, with it merry red brick villa across the way, but, flirty elected otlovoillbiton the 20th of laugh. That must be 8,ttled before she kept her faith in ber uncle W' April toe, Mo. .11tub Wing ,present MANITOBA cause she bad faith in God. Anti &ubsci*ed, to, the declaration at quali. Nye do anything. y n Well, I dotit know, and that .40SHUA FLINTZ ANOM, a a fact when Joshua saw bow Bile trusted :hcatiall find - of office, and took It if;. him, he strove to make himself more seat. Tlyf comicil then as a who)(, FOR SALE. A CANADIAN fTQPV,. iindeed, I'll, turn in "lloll" the dry- Worthy. Tell per cents are profits 01.1 subscribedi to t4fe • affirmatimi re-quired "Oods ill the Attic, and you call have 8%) Acrim (I Section) of First One, the past with Joshua, and 1111111Y fs by statuoi. andi proceede,4 to equsider. my bed, is all attic 1,11 be all struggling and fallen brother hue he tile. appaaV of Walt«r ckott, lbt 36, Land, wily Five ll4es trona tho BY ANNIE S .61VAN. �Oli, if4bere helped to raise, and so its is laying up con. 7, who 011111114�d that 110 W90 US' rapidly growin City (if There was uothii1g, ifor At. Joshua riqht_j!jjsoo,l rix up a bed for 111y' for himself treasures in heaven. 11posea tee high. . After domparbig his -RAINTD01-Tt j led the wily iijto tbeilittle backroutil, se}; I bEra,nob likely YOU Or to turn assiessivient with others in haine lueali, whicki wall his home. It was a sinall out for rao,; bljf,, of course, you'll go west waWancish• meagre place, mith a -single bed, slid 9, to illoutiekeepitig tl.lo%v I've come, and Peter ty further netionl- was delerreil till neaplis. _,,tab, 11&1;j,twu,chairE. it swell nor Seafortb Bxpoaitor: Mrs. er nest vneetirrg oV,boaftil. George The grain Kin ,Lily it'll spl udid 4- the house u e- Glaagaow,of the 9th concession who Reid, S, B I lot 34;,-ooti, 9, coniplttinea 8, of the North-west. �*Ijd tile little stovo was quite road and IfurmAhed. for a short time suffered from infia- that he was too rusty. I Joshua staUtefi back into the. store oration of the stomach, has paijiled wont confisrum-d. Wri), Nethery,,,co)),. Dear me, Uncle Joshun, is this i and served otd,n quatit 4! coal Oil to A 7bvsbv-r-ilPr"lIy hib moutl'. allay tojointbegreat multibutle beyond 6, and Wur. Murthv, con. 7, on where you live, and you quite rich I Icustomer without opo .-bAiRIV, For the first, time ill hie life Josliva Gotoliousekeepitit ,fLl-.,tiiati,avAelv Ilouse, `011e leaves a husband and four children cation, Mph a dog struck of '11110'. -AA.2r.M0 Flint felt mean. And yet why indeed. Tli,e:idea'! and iwf, it lind a to mourn her lose, the nun est being court was timn closed to be nodl . a op I ,a about two years old, Her remains agamon gidnoday2ft4d,-June nexti-" should he, before a chit of a girl charm of its,own. After&lr!�;ty 11, ' ' A Plainng M R1, hf- n6untfi�f of eu so silly as to � tidied up everything she pro2eded to were interred in the Cathalie cemetery Uncil 20-M1,10hedt T whose mother had lie stud algv,.,g at St. Agustine. Ther sorruiving hub- the two )list meetings past -0. 170m.1 -try 30 by 36 feet marry it "newspaper man" for love,, investigate the garret, v band and relations have the syllipathy H. at%Tdy witil- N'Ppoillted Pilthrmliter. and go to certain poverty, instead of saCisfactorily aurangag -a zleeping, it . of all. instead &.9 Thomas Cassidy, Aipz- H111 becoming the wife of a rich old farmer place for herself, came cdo4via to -4he Council met on the 2,5th ult. an a Patterson instead of Wa). Xvhjua, 10 �whom she didn't love ? stole, it was now .dark, ;azll the Covirt of Revision and for other Wsi- John Wilson iliwealir d All-% Day, CootwningaVal—oll"m mAeMaery lop, inarmbe,. If yo dont like it, I guess you lamps were lit in ti -e witidow, ualdsa+i© turl" , Floorrag, Mouklingv� kw%h, Doorvft� Dallier *needn't stop, lie said brusque y. suspended from the ceiling abov's die, ness ; imemberb all prevent. The fol- Joseph Lloyd in efilvI. 0. 1 it)- 1.1gillevireunivirt rhmf+411411 Bit Ron Filluvino and the kettle, counter. Christ, changes; ware made in, live stead of ileo Stewart Y &�o Stewt A in litoom attAellf"ok nib vallistva ikin asst-oon ininninw There's the stove 1 81" mt - roll : John Mees, thteli. division, No. 25 imatead oil,3ane9 Roth. Mb,,d i. 1,T4Z %ear thee. P, R station,. You% find teacups and things in the the counter, find, Ilealling Iller ircland., I .29ses =the h(mrt of she mianulKetliv depot of We 0 . ruck.oft'; Joseph Clifton. dog atmack Moved by Mr. Awlerson, a4cosx)ed'by City i12.1ntsu Can h& cupboard. You can get yourself white arms on tit, ifixed iher &I- -4t a %T11tre w Large aint V�ofltalyle something to eat ; but dont bother. Byer full on ther u,ide.Q SQ." off; James Somerville"o lot in fit, `,lilt. Sat!Ter)and, that tl,. fbikywing re�ljzed, Given- pathetio e) Heleris reduced to sm; the globe iamonata be expesded oD the IT09fl&i For Vo - me. I'm busy. We had a dreadful hard tiMP, l r, rnmslt, Deoperty bt,longing to the Cratholie Ithis year as folluwa-, eazt-?% bojitid-. F. Q., So saying ke(I ]lack into the mother and me, nifteir father died. I I I ;A he stal t chuch and 0�,,lvin chureb, St. llelefAj ary, �1)75 - we0pria boand,&ry, $75,; , think why she •wouldnt come o store, 6d Christy Curtis got her can't ryas struzk 0,T. The roll orfs them' ;northern bomr.d&rj-,,050; eouricffloir8 T valise on the table, and shut the. door you, or ask for help., and you so rich 1 w into the store, and looked about list I she be. -an sim,'Ply,, eana somehow a adopted and a eh.,ck given the aoaekjs-;e3ch $100, orb roads and I)ridges 17b with a wavering, uncertain smile. flushof shaitie it t9 tile mail's orifor the amount of 11W Sala, -Y- The °thsr()17911ODt tL'G- t0w"Bh-iP�—Carried, E�ff&qrol olf: qatlit Ka treasurer's ireport . tor April showed 1 Joahme, Walsh oras premiil, requeabisirg UB Everything was so mean and miserable bsow. Ali, ary Icailew him too balance on hand tri, lie $125.44. 'the eomeil to take some ration regard- the Stork now on bawd at -she did Q oil! not know whether ro laugh or, well. 0 Mother got sick just kiter father Moved by Mir, Bowem. seconqed by ing tisre purchasing of gravel pit cry. She did neither, but, laying her. ibson., that the weasurer be Jo1A%eon-& Messrs, Patterson and bat and cloak on tho. bed ,she gave, died, and Itook needlework, 3 ,utherland were anthorhea to go prad but it Ashlield t' the stove a cleaning out, put in some - was very hard,and we were quite poor. autdiorized to receive front L E S L 111111' coulicil the suw of $0.13 for this ;see the pit ana, repoi, t at next raveting. wood, and set the kettle then 1 am afraid that soffietimes mother -tee,& of S. S No. 11 applied she opened the cupboard, and inn did not have enough to eat. Often 11 to,%vaiship.—Clar-ried. Aloved h.f Mr• The tras has, nost-Verior anywhere,-. odd, secolla.0a I A%e raost Estidiora can L-,,3uited 11V very gingerly fashion bran to bandli, was too hungary to sleep. I wish P T by Mr. 13ower:, that 107 a loan of $140 for a tqvm of three b deputy -reeve and clerk L 9 a years, to pay for hftpvoveneMz� htely e reeve his oftant litres of what was therein. Nothiug was con- - had zome to you, Unice Joshua ; but t I I . vrisilip made- on their nb4ml bovea end spiciously clean. Site managed to got mother wouldn't. committaehi belial ' f of Oe tov Canscian, Einghsh, Scotch, a meal set down, however, 0 and thea Too hungry to sleep I That slim in settling 6he water diSculty on cou- grounti&. Me,;aKl by Mr. Andlerson, opened the door. womaulyellild, with a face so sweet,i cession 1 2_AQarried. Xoved by Mr. .:econdeel by Mr. ffathe3lamdy that IrIalk and'Prench Tweeds. Tea is ready, Uncle, are you com- that it was a Mirvel it had not; Gibson, seooaAed by Mr. Todd, that th's council- .90thDriAe UVAd trusteps to -, I P-111, the ilme.F, sow tive., wwa batis. -ing ? won compassionate aid from strangers. � Messrs. Johnston, Gibs;an and Bowers borrow Mrat affloa'4 N7 t ; nce3� west his 10 per' act, RE road commissi(mers for con ]BI-30ved, that 14iitov�b govds, and) & Joshua started off his stool it this Joshua Flint thought of cf.ssions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Gond 7, and FountaiL? summons; he had Leen sitting staring cent, and felt meaner still. 3,40%. 'y 7 the - 901' Y�SHIRNAELE,' MAKE - he When mothe got so sick that Bile Messrs. Todd and Stuva for the re-: sprvicep I ?Lderel sea awt o 11 Araight before him looking as if laiiiing part of the towinship.—Car�; present yo. -,r- 310-4d, by Tor. patt er- I ad not yet recovered from the shock couldn't get better, continued Ohristy_ , vied. The followiug whecks vviare� son, secund'i by 31t. Roawkj, that no uf Christy's appearance. - He came as if he were listening intently for the, - o4 the as-',ABSVLV1Z.F1Ts GUArtw.N . given: John Bickinaboutwn, salary as does or bitches be atruch TEEL> into the room, and. somehow it warm continupAon of the story, and so lie:' ed his heart to see the young creature was, though it stung him to the assessor, $75; S. E Salider'son, work', sessmel'it roll at"er, the eanct of re - kneeling by the stove toasting the quick; she told me that after she On W. B.5 $2,00; Thos. Lett, culvertt vision is finally closi4i­---.Carrfed Glar own Coosa um Frmt 'd.0 Clarge,� She -k , uPposite lot 19, cons. 10 and U. 13y -law No. 5, 1889, V)Xffrin�119 bread, with a bright flush on her died I was to try and keep on writ cheek and a sparkle in her eye, whichand keep myself if I could, rather' $3 60 , Jas. Bryan, printing, $16. b0. appointmei t of patbw2ateriy, pound- Council adjourned to ineet.61i Satur- keepers and fence-vievrevs- w" read I &-ne-a-Pt roar i-z4e7e93 by'..Xiving nista' certainly had never been brought that, "o to you. ' Only if I found it is too hardi I was to come: and it was day. Aug. 10th. and passed. The fullonizp &.ben- a ca,,W there by the heartiness of b. 111lxtnx, turK-s were signed - J�Ule� Fleuty, welcome. How like her mother she too hard. Once I had nothin.g to eat so lky.. Clerk. Witagliani printing Ininu0s &1 1-888, was! He could almost fancy the years for more than two Aa then 1. lists, &C., days, patlimasters' to a,,t;,e, otl 'Gat Zeal Kill had rolled back, and it was his own came.Seaforth. P. Porterfield, expenses of ntuillociral" ,,sister Mary in the old kitchen at Joshua. flint started nervously to In the first game of the champion- pleadoll jkpril 120th, 1889, :Tyler =d!qrM-W"4 desi-re tv, �Ufaxm farm-, his feet. vej� home. =YaRy t"t, v hip series the home team, heat St Fountai Naylor, services as w -w lei's &ne1'thvp?ajj4s q I&V7 ba w., Haven't you anything nice in the If you want any more eggs or 8 - ty"ci Marys in four straits in 5G minutes. in 1889, ',$65, '-I:Jle 00OUnCil ftdj0Lr1lad leo"t"Da V' store, Uncle Joshua—eggs or Choose cheese oranything take'eiu. Take any- *the 22nd June next. or something ? The M table looks thing yo like, only dont tell me any This was oil Tuesday week on out- till Saturday 0 X ham hungry; I can't bid(. grounds, r. B. Coultes, of the Wing ad, Real �f I b, w1glam, dreadfully meagre ; not even 9, bit of more about being I pie. I'll make 0 pies to -morrow, if Itm -it- chair factory, was Norte on Sunday.— Ate mtv Ova -'m prepared @Atsi i12;, -Mr. 8herk, of Wirgharri., is painting annuAwd T Ike - alive. 1 knew yo couldn't. I cant think sommaete Women. L Joshua stalked back into the store why mother didn't kuow, said Christy, Lucy Larcom . was a will hand. Mr. W. Scott's house.—Mrs. P. Me' ffl .Donald is visiting friends in Wing- g and brought basket full through f hut Market Pike. out a big aset uoher grateful tears. But she Anna Dickin"u. began life 0 0 as a ham.—Weatfield Lodge L O. G. T. in - love] fresh e,,(,a from below the knows now, and will be glad in olloot teacher. They v6Z ",ppiry motem-ern iKibb bU Bn-zr y asheavenbecause I've come to go to Charlotte Cusillinlan, the novelist tend having a grana ipicnw. on DO- GUOVA bit, out. Tsai counter. minion day. Several sister lodges are Ob, chats splendid i Nof Not a bit housekeeping with you. and be your was a utility actress: in the English i tie girl. provitaces.. to be. prezent,—MI r. Brown, A=. tionaer, ELDER' & CL.rmo�, ill ese, uncle, and we'll have a cheesp I , of &eafGrth, paid 11r, B, Clorley a Joshua Fliut took down the shut- Sarall. Bernhardt was a dressina cer s visit 2C omelet. 1'il make it in no time. 1 on Alon0y. CATW­ believe we'll have a good time sooner tors and put them on the store will apprentice, so was Matilda Heron. than I expected. doors, and when it was clobed up he Tile most renowned womi.n. who SH;LOK'SCAT,%RRHltrul,!Dy—aP_*6itive cure bade Chritty keep herself warm by sprang from the lowest esti to was for Catarrh,Diplitheria and Qa�nkgr Ubgpjt. sq) Zy _T Tho cheese was brought. It was the stove till he came back. And he Jeanne d'Arc, who fed swine. For sale by C. E. Williams. BROCK NSHIR "I her sweet darinp, that did it, 6he I clapped his bat on his head :end Adelaide jPhilips, the singer, now caught in the &Ot. took everything as a. matter of course. : Photograph "Gallerye 0 walked straight to the parsonage. dead, was a very poor girl, and so was Mrs Faddleby — What a ru4p: and spoke and acted at; if circum- Memories tbron,_,ed about him as lie Sarah Jewett, the: aetr-ss. woman Mrs Hilflipr is. She always: stances had been agains-t her undo, went, and the man's whole soul teas Nell Gwynn,. sold oranges in the looks back at people who pass, her. Long Experience, close atta%ffon loursel and lin was to be pitied for -living so in a tremble. The minister himself streets and theatres. Front the unexcelled facilities, ena ?5 y in that poor little p, ace. she too Pit Mr Fadaleby—How do y)a liw)w r blim nief' lonesomely 1peued the door to him, and Joshua while vending her wares, k a Mrs Faddleloy—Why, I've "augliz her to turn out uniformly a olabw of -It was the very best way to treat him, said bluntly— fancy for the stage. c 0 though, there was no plotting or plan. 1 6 Kellogg at it several times myself, work equal to that of any Hing , I wat t a word with you, Parson. The mother of Clara Louis 99 WeAdy. Gallery in the west, 0 in it. Christy had been 'reared Wr Brandon in some surprise let strained every nerve to give Clara a in an atmosphere of love, and had Mita into the study and shut the door, musical education, and "at one time Bright Sayings. j, ''Work of every description artig- There's the ten dollars you asked was a professional spiritual rnoaium. The age of hutnor—badinage. tally, promptly and satisfactorily done, /beentaight nothing but lessons oi love and, charity, sr) 1311` ha(' of"= for this afternoon, he said, abruptly, Miss X-110cra failed three times. A big cable pool --the Atlantic. .sweet compassion for the man whoandtea more to buy s'hoes for the 0hristidne Cushman was a poor The latest thin; in. stockings.—feet. G�BINETS AND FAMILY GROUPS though rich in money, was so poor fit . .everything else. children's feet. I saw them run hnve- Swedish peasant. and run. barefoot in - Long,serffions are spoken of as —A SPECIALTY. foot i,y ti,e store in the rain yesterday. childhood. Jenny Vind, also a Swede clerical errors. Was that your minister, unclel sire And wli(-n you want any wore come was the daughter of,a principal of - a - Why say a Bull 9008-6he Blin Stays A 'Lai -go Assortment of Friimea 4- Prices asked, with her mouth full of the to my niece, Christy Curtis, my sister young ladies' boarding school. there. kept consist tly on Land. PricP4 as - ,delicious omelet she had Prepared. Mary's ol,ild, you saw come into the All groat men are attentive lhitners. low its are consistent with good work. Vhat a nice face he has ; but what store wl,ile you were there. She's Wild Uoy Are Many of them- acquire the habit by ass - 1v was he going for you about. _o6ing, to keep house for me now, I Who tire those arrogant, self con- being married. Sold A041%W2,1111 He wanted a lot of money to give giegs,and women folks litre toba e ceited creatures wbo move about Always hanging around—tlio 'fel- lidit $83 watch In the world. Poffict timekeopt roate ft War- toa drunkard's family in the next cue spec ding of money, And I wish without sympathy for others, and low who puts oil wall paper. HuntiCow. bbth ladloolodl township. I gave hien his answer, I to say that though that slip of a girl who think more of an Alderney cow, The chief trouble with society's no and geate'sizes, with workii Mid etka of equal vxiae. One Parnon lu each to. guess, maid Joshua, gtimly. the Lord has opened ixiy eyes, find I'm or a St Bernard dog or, a Southdown upper orust is, that it is too thio.' caltly can hotare ono *a.% tojithetwIthour 10981vidVid- Perhapg the famil� were, not, to a uii;ivrable sinner. Good night. sheep than a wan I Those who never Wheil: little children, gambol they 111blo llne of� 110UNChOld It n W., do $A P blame, Uncle, said Christy, g ntly. And before the aAtonisbf d minister had any trouble, or whose troubles do not play for money. atz. � wattli. a Bead fital Aftdr yao'havdik t I'll see about them, Christ says, could say it wotd in reply Lite store- were never sanctified. Who are Open to question—The mouth of an m. h p, 0 t a A'tkd bhown thein to b who a I , the cc 6, our ovV* prooftZ,,T11 •,Veed my lambs,' and they can't help keeper Avas 9011(1, those men who listen with moist eye inquisitive Person, who w Q$ CAP, -a SIX a 1440,vi the Wnte Wnd 8 Via a IL %U To", *61%ort,ete Add" Aipl*r poor father being so bad. Wliry Pliml l3ay that that iniloo-lit as; you tell thpin of suf1briog, and who Took long steps, my chieldt said gtj Ituas just the Battle theory Ntr young mitj;len, %% ith her beat b so fil.11 have a pathos it1 their voice, and a Solomon Isaacs, You Von't vear ouel, go 0 Brandon had so often pronouneed t, of love and trust that site know kindness in their tusintier, and an ex -your shoes nearly so qlirk�f ot t1.1111ING Anv of ew fidiomrig motropolitAn wpkilell canbim 'y but somehow, coming from notuing (I suspicion or ulicharitablo- Ouse tor those gone astray I They are Did the wedding Smoothly obtal6ed with tho Whighain Tilow at tllAfigures hot SSS ,Christy's lips, it Bounded differeufly. hemr, wait not oue of the Lord's meB• the men who havo graduated at' the About' as smoothly as such affairs elven I'MrA Mail 76, Ir Ito wished, yes Actually wished, be a mgot a 2 loyal aeadenly of trouble,' and whose always go off, The only hitch that TiNots, Mail, and Farm and Firoside, 176 � diploinsis are written in wrinklqu on occurred was when the pair Stood up Tt"P, 010bTend Rural amhdian,. 200 find given that ten dollar bill. flail Site was, bpyovid a dou Ot, the Lord's Tunics and on dNettilear, 1 76 bia dead sister's child bewitched hint mPAfwng-r 0 Joelluft Mint, for from their own eottritenances. No diam- to be united, Timm and Montroil Witnomi, 176 TiNiz and Toronto No C04116511. ViLk the WO& of her shoe and voic* 7 that day be began a now life. Of Ond is fit for it crown. until it is cut. Twitti knit daliv world C04116111. Her 000" 11"Utint to i ooar" there were mpny fittmilingF, NO whdAtflt for bread until it is 811mos's Cunc will Immedltte1v rell6VO Tumn and w6 ekly Nowt wtth provilant "ChA w 1tare .* ed&T&1. OmPWa*usonkh alas BroaoWtlo �or mat by. befort Um 13a,'Pitthars of