HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-14, Page 3J 0,ollsumption siftreiv Cured. To Tilt Enitalt :—Plemo Itilobrin your readers tho, I T prescribed its daily and long continued uA�."—Dostoill Herald. a c It a ow. A%, ND. W TAILOR SJJ0p 1-. TIM, HOT WATE R CURE4. lnm�ii ls'lilnds;and in the raciAc, In the' Tile ii4g of the e(f " 11'r stolle of at OU04 tat ftWaandaFnxAPmTLx INV Lz nmxtby. 01vo Expretti it bean cured. I sh&ll b6 glad to send two bottles of s;Wna hets, and, the neighborhood of the the lJow ul'o.,livit'l-illa 0,11111-011 The most violent hurricanes 06910ate A VERY AND AQREEASLE Philippine- 1*1ailds, As the West ladl4n, 1001; piece' im Alkitillay ofteribiomi 8rd ill6t, the coweal'aly u0ing, porf -voll"i b ditnionts of ovary kind at a, very 10%v Agate. For t.engis &4., o0ply 'to 'SIMPLE- REMEDY FOR DYSPFP,91A. (r.-0onv.-;foJIo%v the course of the gulf sir("Llu'so tilt, typhoons of the 114060 try lt,ov. Pt.)f, 0.4vell. Tho 100owill...'P g .1villea ;vLIrvs,Ld 1110 1141�,,Ytk crowd (411t C. CLARKE, HurisimilAlul; Conalotlux opiwono (pro the foliawthe e,arse of the great oceanic czirrtnt whivIx passes round the Last; of pfo)lo as"�lllolvtl: T'oo Mi(I'llwou allil When not Watele lildLia urclilpelago,the stores of China in behalf of 016 J. U." Mur- should Do luded-40nib" Hair of the poi asid.tla-Japant.-so Islands. A morecon- Watomlyrouglt and stormyllAtof the dneli repretientink, I,ho littildioty culil. In opening a. 1jew TAilor Sliop in Wingorham, respectruity soli(,,Rs a share Is Goo(I for the 1"Ite.11 ocealldoes not, perhaps, exist than that inittlie; Peter McKenzie -for the Of public patronage, It will be bis endeavor to ive satisfaction to all A 44constant reader" writes that, he is In in the neighborhood of the 81101and infinager,i ; and Rev. J. Grepii p,istor entl-ustin-11im with their ordt.-ni. a fog as to the effects of hot water in the Isles at the north of Scotland, where the iiIettiodist Church,; D, 13. MoKiniloll, treatment of dyspepsia, lie has seen it German and Atlantic oceans meet'alld pastor Baptist, 0hurult ; Rov. Mr. Mo Beina now in runnin,r order, desire to thank those who have advocated in these columns and con• wherti the currents are -both rapid and Qntilrrie, pastor Presloyteriott Churcl, favored him, and -to say tliab no paimi will be spared to give satifaction demnod by an esteemed contemporary, dun-erous. The most variable weather' [r. Anderson pastor Presbyterian 0hurch Sr. Helena, Dr. in tire future. who maintains that hot water brings on the disease for it however, expeienced off Honlulu,, Sandivich Islands.—NewrYork Telegoramo, E. C. OLARKE. which was recommend-' Stroti,gi-twit, Methodist Church, Ash. Wingbarn, Jwituary1lth, 1880. ed. He now writes to know which state- tield ; 1). Or 0anieron Preslipteriftil ment is correct. Hot water, hot tea or -Cliuralt Diinganuoii ; Rev J. McNabb coffee, in fact, hot food, whether liquid Lucknow ; Dr Atifloison, Glasgow - Rev. Mr. Coyle, Sinleop ; It " Mr. or solid, if used persistently, will in time irritate the Stomach and so impair its Davidson, L -i iwAlle ; Rev.., 1. 0 31 power to digest, Practically, it will bring Queen, of Ripley twil others. The on dyspepsia. aFtor •ptof the congre-,anon oi-ov.pied the chair, and the church eltair was HU a most complete assortment of the LATXST, CHOICEST, and NOT AL'ffAYS DYSPEPSIA. Naw as to the efficacy of hotwater In L ,Present on the platform to lead the MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in the treatment of that disease. As avem dy it doubtless appears of the "hair of singing,,, Iii the stone were placed thoh lowiii-:—A short history of Wachtes, Clocks, Jewelry the dog" sort. It must be remembered that there is a decidea difference between the Lucluill cm-re-ation, a docu- a healthy Stomach and one in disease ment colit. Ining tw Ilitillo of our and Silver Goods. In health, nothing ought to be liabitualh 0 present Sovereign, the iiaitto of our Gov. -General, the Prime whitister for put into that organ which is much more than -blood warm." But in disease the Brilliant I -tile Dominion, the- Leadvr of the TQV QAX BUT I AT BARGAIN86 condition of tbings is very different. What is known its dyspepsia spring Strom Durable I .governmeiit of Outi�-rio, the Lacluiow Council, the buil(limr c0illillittoe, the variable conditions, too many, in fact, to Economical f I Rev. gentleluell Oil the platloral. gg- Cr.ost ATTUsTION GiVE-IT To 1101 PAIRING, AND WORK : ALT, discuss here. But in nearly all of them the stomach is less active than it ought. I Dia.morid Dyes excel all others copies of the Globr, Mail, Eaq)ire Sentinel. Canada 1'resbyterian, Mwby- WARRANTED. to be, or it works to a disadvantage, and needs a spur or corrective. I . in Strength, Purity and Fastness.i. (.-Han fleniett?, and Presbyterian Recood; GO RIGHT TO UREE N'S VLOCX FOR' YOUR JEWELLEIt-Y.m Hot water acts in several ways. When None other are just as good. Be -, and current coots. Before laying tho do -taken into the stomach itnot only stimu- ware of imitations, because theyi corner stone the building colutuittee Tates itand quickens its action, but it- are made of cheap and inferior' presenced De. C.tveu with a 8ilven tends—awdoall hot applications—to a1- materials, and. give poor, weak, trowel bearing the following inseript- ion "Prosetitk6i t6 11'ev. V. Cavell D- DUFFIELD SON "ayirritation. Beside that, it acts me.- dbailically, and washes out that organ,. crock rocky colors. To be sure of, D., oil the occa"ion of IiiS laying the hurryingits contents down intothein., testing, When without it the'same would i success, use only,the DIAMOND, DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock corner %t)nci of the Lticicnow Presby- be retained longer than there is any n eed ' ings,'Yarns, Carpets,' Feathers,: terian. Church J une 3rd 1889-" , The of. Leta person 'wbo four or five hour,., Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant .church when completed will be a after a hearty meal still feels uncomfort- - them to color more goods, pack- liandbowe structure of 40 ft.x8O ft, Will will. cost in tho wdgh , borhood of NEW PATENT TOP MILK UN 'able sip a cup of very hot water, and it, will bring him great relief, stliblulating - age for package, than any other $lU,()00. A pnblic tLiVetill" wits lield,iii P the stomach and washing out of itmuell - dyes ever made, and to give more C, tim Teniperetwe ball TuGkiday 4th inst of its contents which would have been brilliant and durable colors. Ask ill the evoll ingy -,f,r tile P�Irpose of Ji Cream Caus, sent oil into the intestines had not that . d by overwork. organ been fatigue for the Diamondand take no other.' A Dress Dyed FOR, discussing the citquehcdou, and Now, in what passes under the head of -appointing dVIPJbl,tPS to intend tile in Tot -until ou thf, lit.], T ilk Pails, dyspepsia there is often a catarrhal A Coat Colored 1 10 .0011vo,titiun all(] 12th of this mouth. Mr. M. trouble of the stomach, and the saille, sort of affection, also, frequently exists in the Garments Renewed CENTS* Campbell J. P. occupied the chair and Sap 131ackats, intestine. The Ruin- is more or less it- in it, A Child can use them! Dye Book free. beside hire oil the platforin were ritated, and, consequence of not At Druggists and Merchants.' 11ev X1'r Harbley of Billevule, Rev .Jr aural Faas, only is the secretion of mucus greater than in health, but tato Same is changed WELLS, RICHARDSON & C06 Green, ttev F Rav Dr• ,& Montreal, P. Q. St,ron(ruitan, R, -v A MuK ity, and Rev NI character, is thicker, more adhesive. J Mc.'siLbb, of tilis pliteP. Rev 11ir 0 Aid amorything 1.4 th3 alird= Ilae. Y etc. Vvlidothe Stomach is empty thi: meatus of its walls and glue., Hartly skas the principst sp-ttker and S N them over,,as it, were With such a de• Illost of the. otli�rti spoke in favor of, posit upon them, let food be taken into various , resollitiepl." whie'll w Pre carritid. Al.& -bit iiiialikii )usly, MV E A V RX TT R U A 9 P 11 'A T1 [.,*.a it and soon the same is coated Nvith mu- cus, and so rendered less susceptible to q UnENDALE J31nes soluervill-, vX INL k. was 1; the digestive fililds. Not only that, but PAVIN CURE prmpitt and spoiry for it short,' time tlicm-Licusinqtiostioii,wililoontliew.l.Ils- taking exe ptiOli to Sollip" of the speakers re Btateiul�nt+ Iiji't(lij ILJy the , I t U1 ad, p�iltl? hW keeps back to a, certain extent the gas. tric juice, and prevents its free, entrant( into the For Snell a gardingy the 188 nistubers Mito opposed 1 stomach. conditiol: of things as this hot water is thosimplest. the O'Briep resolution, but exprossod most grateful and effective rcmed3known. Himself asentirely opposed to the acknowledghig the, Pope's right to 0 I n terfore. in the affiti rs of this cou - itry. MOST CE 111,TAINLY WE CAN SUIT YOU IN A PHYSICU&S TESTIMONY, . But by hot water is not, by any means. Who 31 e m; fuOIZ,., d1scov-, .. erod, con I_ I . r 7 cv(" does It I -to a - b! ter, B t bielcbv� Tito delegates—'appointed were 11ev. meantWa6er"sculding-hot." Water too .1o;.d not �A4" Dr Strongman, Dr. Tennant, and thehot I 'HOUSE DEOORAT IONS may injure the lining of the Stomach ill Hot to KENDALL'S S Iftr 1401IN CURE. chairman A . Campbell. —A Ministerial Associatici has been I and cause other effects. water be taken internally as a medicine sliouY Omen os CaAmuse A. Strimmi, BRUEDRa OF I.- --formed here Nvitli'Rev J McNabb as CONSISTING OP CANADIAN AND AMERICAN be ata tbiriperature of froiA 110 to 12( 10mvitiAm BAT Aim TUOMXG BMD ROBARM Etzwooll, Ux., Nov.2D, 18M president and Rev W A Strongman Secretary. A committee Was oilosell WALL PAMPN an(I BORDEd S. ilegs., or,aboutas hot as the coffee and indulges in after dinner, It Should bL, IDR. B.T. NIUMAM CO.V Jour Biro. I have always purchased urr Ken - ,,is Spavin Cure by the rialf dozen ottles, I would.I.We III larger I thinkitis to draw up a coustitution.—Messrs -5 taken -before meals—from one-half to aii hour and a half—and be Slowly sipped, prices quantity. ane of the best lialments on earth. I have used it. c4 my stables forthree years. 11ollolian & West Ilinve Sold their Our Stock is -Varied, StYlish mild Chear. Beautiful If ono is even fifteen or twenty miuutes Yours truly, CaA& A. Ssiors. grocery business to Mr M Corri�yao-- INIr W Viacdonald sold hia saw mill WINTDOW D IjTl*-TD S Ili drinkin- a glassful all the better. ;13herc are some precautions to be used in KENDALL'S SPAVIC, CURL 'to Robert McCarr01 for .$2,500, -s of Latest Deshin, Calors mud Best Quality. taking hot water. 11 person who is liable to hemorrhage Bizoomys, N. Y., November P, im DR. B.J. KeNDALL Co. May Biro, I desire to give you testtMouW of my Kendall's SpavIn. Cure. I bave, opinion41'ameness, Aum you marle miserablo by Indigestion, .40dristipatioll, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, GROQUBT 'c only take it "blood wartu." should One with heart trouble—who has a weak 1. good used It for Stift' JoInto ftnd� your Sp gine. and I havelound It a sure cure, I oordl,' '31 recommend It to all horsemen. . Yours uttly. A. 31. GMBYRT, Yellow Skin? shiloll'sVibaliverisaposi. tive cure.. For sale by C. E. Williams 11 Excellent ilnc[ Cheap, heartmust sip it more slowly than' oiliers lived to do, occ-.*py1n.- the longest kanam Troy Laundry Stables. �4 1 Dungannon. 1J3veVytbbja7,ill blie Biolc line, Sallool requisites, Statiunory, Licrosso time advised. 'While this. remedy is one of the Simplest and most effective in KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL SANT, WrNTox CouNry, Onto, Dee. 19v IM Rev. W:J.0am'pbell, of the McAbo. Sticks, Base Ball Bats, Balls &c. Suitable cases, it must not be forgotten Dn. 73. J. KENDATZ M Gents: I feel It my duty to sai what r have dome with your lCendall'A Spavill. are. 1have cured. dist ollurcil WAS Ixesentea Mill avery 1_1 .31 BUSS ' POPU` Ar. BODE SrD 1:�], WI,.\TC-..[1AM. that -its indisc-nininato use is strongly -ibitu (Ii.i-,couraged, Before applylngith� - twenty-five horses that had Spavinme ten of Ring Bonet nine afflicted with Biff R ad and complementary address ai his thLea Lilly, Clio safe way is to consult a physi- seven of 1111 w. since I have ha one of yomr books and iciiomwed since I have never years' term expires at all early date• ances where it Nvould ciall, as ill soluchist, lost o case I any kind. yo�. truly, AxDuk,& TuRNER.0 Godeklah, T HE LEA D IN G BOOT AND S H OE ST OR seem ldvisal,lo to take it; it might be contra-indicated. To settle this question regarding the value of hot water an (I the To KENDALL'S SPAVIN OR& Ross Robertson, of Toronto, dangers of using it, rho Possible o follow- Price w per bottle, or six bottles foo $K. Ailbmtr have Nor cariget it for or Itwillbosent, will lecture here on June 6tli under the auspices of Maitiand Lodge No. ing tvstimony of a physician is offered: , I INVo it that the free gisto you# to any addressreceipt. ."' cob by the 0% 11 tors. Dp- & J. .C , price Mr. t. 33, A. F. A. 11. - Owin(f to the late Boom I liave waile room for and bave on iiand often hear said 'and prolonged use of hot -tvater tends to I SOLD LD BY ALL D4Uq(11�STS- Bruce County Items, Large Stock of— injuretbo system. Some say that it 1!4 weakeningri that it weakens the nerves 7KIinear(line firelli011 are making for fire demoll- "Flo qq 4 %1J P-1. ) L B10078 uartl, Sal" & DIA of tilt., stomatal, that it causes an"Umia of the stomach, that it intuffferes with di - I CURE ,gretut preparations ilk wi I -estion, th at it tends to produce a, fluslwd 'etrao.wa July 1. Ue.v 4 L Atirpity, *Mrs lblurray, and = In addii,ion to my Oustrinit Business, itify Ooinpntition in 0,nality, Shed, face and cerebral hypersomia, that it de- bilitates the ttlimentary tract, and that it nov JJ IvLeDoiiald, Ashfield, sai!ed aura ant determined to sell dor CASH, AT OOR BOVI 0 PRICE% caus,is a host more of most direful evils: _TS1 ifrona New York Oil Saturday by the I Soli- -Repairing as usual, and Ceiy int Patelling a Specialty. it -1 es cc are tic A,.3 tt rule, all these obj t ons I o• F1 �Gteaulol: Devonia of tlio Anchor line. ,,TV Central Hotel. a SI)ftre of t10 patronage, Don't Fori, . the Place Opposite the Ceti '11 anti come from those who never let!,!, used. it intelligently and Systematically, IN Blyth. 1, Rips sewed free in all boots purcliased from me. and her(ce are ignorant of the facts. In Grand eomeort, ttildta the auiief-s of Butter held eggs taken as :cash in exch,tiwe for goods, reply to such objections, all 1 can say is vnien I say ount i do not mean iiieteiv to stoo them for a time,and then li%v,, tl�eni refilri, that I havo used ]lot water daily for six .again. I XrAw A RAI)ICAL CUIt4 the fire brilyarler, wid, wo undelstatidi `iVedaes,&y0Ve1iillg, F� H. ROD.14SIRUS years without, tbo 'slightest perceptible I bave made the disease of be given oil 1901 1 injury, and have seen only uniformly VITS, VP1LnTb87Z ov hist. WING1111ift (yq,r. good, results in persons tot whom I haVe VALL'XXG 810XX:M8A 0,ollsumption siftreiv Cured. To Tilt Enitalt :—Plemo Itilobrin your readers tho, I CALEI)ONIAA TIALL. prescribed its daily and long continued uA�."—Dostoill Herald. A We long study. I WAItUANT My rerhtd� , to CuTut the worst emes, 10caumeothtirlibilveMim Is no r6ason. for not itow reeelvilig a curo. &vil }cavo aoq1l;Ivs p(,mily till, the above narriod disease. Aly ltd slaoly use thousands of hopeless oasis have MLLU XCEAR Tile, 8mto�y intoti every third Mondoy, III-ittilo visiting brethmi WeltIOV110. Stormy Parts 6t the 00hild. at OU04 tat ftWaandaFnxAPmTLx INV Lz nmxtby. 01vo Expretti it bean cured. I sh&ll b6 glad to send two bottles of MISS Y This Wilwokilous hall a-th be vocibired (07, enter The most violent hurricanes 06910ate omin t, ea ft 110thm lot 0,4 nay Mull rallit to ftoy of your roaditts who )love e,onslinipV4, n it thay will solid me their Express wild LA%ft Volt IRSTRtICT10*14 61 PIANO AND' b ditnionts of ovary kind at a, very 10%v Agate. For t.engis &4., o0ply 'to in the tropical latita"M in the Atlantic will e 33rab V ItodpwAlully, D& T, 41, $1,00U.1 Mob Toritilt., Obit. u,11,111T, a :,o i, ocern My