HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-14, Page 2e Tun nw' ber of electric ellantra its / G 1 � }� .cthe United States had i creesal in a. FRIDAY. JUNI 14, 1SS9. CORI'AL 1'Ulaliatea1 1N!I FOR CRIME. A trill hits paseei ata second reading on the British parliament providing Mutt corporal punishment he inflicted on bursars found axith,'weapons and in „juvenile offenders under st• ';eel1 years. in Certain cases. The mover deplored and deprecated the large increase in offences against woman and •+children. Mr,. Bradlaugh isa strong opponent of legistlatiou in this direction con- tending that .it is degrading in its: tendency as well retrograding as to legisletiau. The London Times enters. this rejoinder to the charge that core poral punishment is degrading in the case of criminals guitly of cern' teen offences. : THE CLERGY AND THE OEUCE. Rev. R. -Johnston attended the -West- Huron Teachers' assoelatiou hroughout and took an active; Ile wast •lnee part single year from 4,000 to 6,00@. A year apo there were 175,000 are lamps in tree. Now there are 219,- 724. A year ago there were 1,,750a 000 incand(sceut lamps in use, Now there are $,600,000 or more, I'IIo Essen Raynor, Bev. Mr.. Mo. Lood and Mr. J, J. Tilly, the coni - mission appointed by the Ontario Government to investigate the French school question in the counties of Prescott and Russell, have been at work for three weeks, and over 62 schools have been visited. TIIE Home Rule spirit is rapidly growing,in India. At a recent con- veeticn at Allallabad 1,600 delegates. were;presont and the demands made were as'follows : (1) the.reooustruct- ion of the legislative council; (2) the If absolute separation of studicial from executive, enactionsin individuals; (3) that the judieiary'of+the whole country shall bew"ecruited from trained and competand legal sources; (4) that the natives of India shall be freely admit - to administrative- and' •oxecutive4 itions. Rs. Gladstone was presented with iamond brooch the otherday by the les of the Womau's ',Liberal Feder - n, and in may for her Mr. Glad- ne said he regarded his wife as the atest gift he had +received from. the ds of providence. To the mind he Grand Old Man it is evident t the vulgar and profane question► marriage a failure'?" would be tight too .eonten ptible for reply'. his caseie one among millions re the silence of contempt would the most eloquent answer to the e infamous interrogation. Oaon iinationaliam wou no need not enter into this Consideration *;Occasional brief "visits, and a few Jciadly words to scholars might have more influence than whole sermons and laborious pastoral work in future years. We are not now urging any religious teaching or even moral in- -structions, but simply brief,eneourag- Sing visits to schools. EDITORJ,A.L NOTES. Anew high s ooi was opened at 4Witidsor last weeC. Tens degree of L. L. D. was con- `ferred on Sir John A. Macdonald and O liewat for Toronto University. BoxssEVAnN hada $50,000 fire Sat- urday, two hotels, Ogilvie's elevator and .several business places being destroyed. A. cotuplemeaitry banquet was tend• ered by the Toronto Baptiststo the rev. Dr. Oastle on his retirement after 17 years seraice from the., T'rincipalship of McMlaster Uuiversity, Tum rumors to the effect that' British warships had gone to Bellying Sea to protect Canadian sealers again- st the piratical attacks of the United :Mates revenue cutters are without foutndation,. A waterspout followed by heavy inundetiqu, and:. loss of property visited Coburg and the surrounding townships on Saturday last. The G. T:' R. eustained damages to the extent 4.f $50;000. Tun new translueent substance in. tended as a substitute for glass has been satisfactorily adopted in , some of the public buildings of Loridon, and various advantages 'are .claimed for it, among these' being'suh :a i'de- geat! of pliancy that it may 'be i+bent MOM M EGe,o>t1y country on' ea'ltli net open to mit,isions. ' It is about 'rte large as all the; territory in 'the 'United ' States east; of the Mississippi ' •River. The greatest length froth east to west ig 1,506,m'I,lefi, and the trpppulation ie estimated at 8,000,000• i It • is the stronghold ''of• Euddhifltrn. l Lhassa is ..--11.11--- B.elfaat. Last Wednesday .while Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Agnew, of 'Saramount, were returning from Goderich the the horse got frightened about one mile and 'a half south of Belfast by a dog jumping over the fence with a tin can tied to this tail. The buggy was upset into the ditch and both were tbrownn out. Mrs. Agnew was severly injuced and Mr. Agnew Was also .cut aboi t the head and face but he still <kefrt 'hold of the horse till assistance arrived and they were tak- en to Mr, Samuel Alton's where they were attended to until Friday when they were able to start for home. La gsicte, The majority of the citizens cote* braced the 24th in Wingham, and we might safely infer from their arti• culettion that they had a stnpeudous tifue••-.Overcoats and mita Were quite fashionable lust week while °int -liars oilcloths and umbrellas .are the wrapp- ings ifor the present.—Mrs,. Brophy, •of. Goderich and Mrs. Sallows, of the Nile, 'twee been spending a few days with friends- here.—Miss Bella Mac- kenzie left for Detroit last Week. Daring the last few months: she has been visiting' friends here,-1Vir. Alex- ander Moue, of Algoma Nes home seeing his , pareuta lltse week,--\\ e believe our pathutaster rias had serious, thoughts i:oncerning the statute labor.—The renowned inventor Mr. Mr. D. Ross of the firm of D. do D. Ross, of this - place has provided another vOry useful article not only to the farmer but all wl-.o !rave pro• perity they wish' to inclose. It is au eeonbluieal patient and those who will patronize Mi. Ross's design will not• be disappointed. —A graucl Sciopticon exhibition by A, W. Struthers, of St. Thomas, will be held in the, Lang. side Methodist church on Thursday evening June 18th at 8 o'clock. Admission 20 cents, children 10 emits. .3iteading, Fiction. At the Perth Teachers' association Rev. Y. Wright: B. D , gave an address on modern light literature in which helm/mad the reading of light literature. There was no doubt In his mind that fiction stowed up human folly and made deep impressions on morality. Society was to a very great extent educated and moulded by works or fiction. I Man's very nature was tiled with a love for fiction, and no peejudice in laver of dullness could root it outa Light literature was as essential to the mind as an afternoon nap in an easy chair. The physical man wanted rest and so did the intellectual man. It should, how- ever, be restrained within due bounds. People should exercise discretion in literature as well . as in everything else, A. stern mbrality demanded that a writer of fiction should be as conscientious as a judge upon the bench. Some works of fiction were like flowers without order ; Ianguage without meaning. Men of lively imaginations mayplease the multitude but only those writers who were ,true to nature 'would find an echo in man - k nd, and thus it was that a fellow reeling makes all the world akin. Of course he was aware that there were depraved taste, which were fed by vicious literature. UIost of the social corruption of the day may be attrie buted:to the prurient literature that was not allowed, he now was proud to say. free access into the country, .impure literature must be put under the ban, but there was no harm in reading light literature, providing it was confined within bounds. Fignw atively speaking, he concluded by warning them not to seek in the swamp for light literature, " as they would undoubtdly get the miasma, chills and many other horrible things Clinton. The Huron'Farners's Institute held a meeting here, on Wednesday. Ad dresses were delivered by Hon 0 Dury, Prof Robertson, J 11l ot�l i Ilan and A McD Al1ar. The utlicers were elected for the Aisuing year thus ; president, John Kerninglnan, Ooiltorue vice-president, Isaac Fibber, Benin ilI• pr„ secy, 0 J S Naftei. Goderich Directors, Colborne, 11 Morris, J Linlflater ; Goddrich township„ j. Mc C:osky, J Malquis; At hie -ad, a, And- derson, H Girvin ; West Wateanosh, W Medd, 0 Washington ; East 1'Vawanosh, W Potter, R Currie I3ullett, Jno Govier, A T McDonald ; Goderich, J Washington, John Aiken - head ; Clinton, kat Rainsford, W Weir; Wingham, J A. •,Morton, • B Willson. The next meeting will be held at Goderich. the capital. Oue4 laloin' fCttlry has The address was n treat and a note - about 00'>Baddbist prieete,and there ' worthy departure from the Visual staid e abbot 8400p in the country' ideas regarding the reading of light ,t aountry its t ibntary to Chine„ 'literature.. . Wants And Woes Teacherst. At the recent Convention of the South Perth Teachers' A.ssociation, held at Stratfdrd. Mr. Charles Clark- son, Principal of the, Seaford: Colle- giate Institute :gave an interesting address ou " ThelaVants and Woes of Teachers." = He 1. said. there was no particular'virtuen neglecting to look at their woes. Isolation was one of the worst evils the county teachers had to contend agAinst True, some of them had plenty of company but very little society. The appropriate checks for this mental solitude were monfahly tneetings of teachers, educational journals, experiments in new methods of teaching and careful study of development. The second woe he attributed poverty and bad pay. The remedies might be obtained for these if teachers would draw closer together. These were some of the things obtainable : The abolition of permits, the extension of third class certificates to five years, extension•of Model school session to a full year, formation of teachers' leagues, elec- tion of teachers to townsnip and city councils and tat, Parliament. He concluded with the saying that there is a good time coming when there will be a hnuse attached to every school, and the married teachers will take their places there. The band competition at Port Perry a. few clay ago, resulted as follows Dominion Plat e> a1' d Orgn) Co's band, Bomauville, first.; Anderson's hand, Toronto, sea tutl Hein tzmite's lewd, Tama), third. Hon. John Hamilton Grny, Justice of the Supreme Court of 13 itieh Oolumhia, died on ''Wednesday at Victoria B. C,, aged 75, IJ fIT k ARM TPat1q, Contractors and Builders, VINGUAM, - . ONT. Agents for powney's (Belgravo) lime, $500,000 TO LOAN, oFarm and Town Property at tory' Lowest Rates fid on Tomato suit borrowers.. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. $qq OOMMIBBIQN CHARGED, ,renewers can obtain motley in 6' days it atisfaotory, 0 a s It. YANSTONE,' Beityer Block, Wingham.. '` MONEY TO LEND. WIRE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TurnbOrty has about 53,000 to loan on Mort- gages. For terms apply to, P. bioLAltEN, orWM. MCPHERSON, Tr, TREASURER, Wingham, Item, Glenfarrow• Wingham, Afuy Mot y to Loan. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. • on Notes. Money advanced on Mortgages at. 0 poo cent. with Privilege ,of paying at the ond• of any year. Notes and aeosuuts collected. • ROBTr, MQINDOO. Ohlncta,-Seaver Block. Winghani, Ont. Sar :.'1 Y'oulzill';� REAL ESTATE AND FIRE.INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE : KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHAM. (Private funds to loan. a • A.numbor of ,Building Lots and Residence proper tics for Sale Those desiring to makes, homein Wingham should communicate with, or apply in person at my Office, whore all necessary information can be btaotned. BANK OF HAMILTON, W1ITGHA1V.L_ Capital„ $x1,000,000., Beet, $360,000. * President--JonN STUART. Wce•Presidoit--Hou. Jnu4s Team. DIRECTORS A.A..7G. RAMSAY,'Jo'ni Poo OTR GRAS. GURNEY, GEO. Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank houvs,3.0 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of Sl and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Depbsits also received' at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, ' Sonlcirons, The 0. T. Raiiiway. General Manager ,Hickson gave a reporter of the Chicago Tribune who interviewed him in Montreal recently an idea of the ,maguitude of the business and the extent of the rail- road under his *management, In reply to the question, 'What is the total mileage of. the Grand Trunk system, and'how much of it is .in the United States ? Mr Hickson said : 'The mileage of the Grand Trunk company's lines in 0anaela is 3,110. The mileage of the lines leased, owned or controlled in the interebts of the Grand Trunk in the United. States is. about 985. The total capital of these United States lines is about $46,000,- 000, and of the lines hi Canada, in- cluding all the umnieipal and other aid recived by them, $300,000,000 The receipts of the lines of the Grand Trunk system in Canada amount to about S17,000,000 per annum, and of those in the United States to about $5,500,000. The proprietors of the Grand Trunk hold htrge investments in many of the United States lines mentioned and th stand in the same position as other English investors in United States =HON, securities', who are estimated to hold,1 think, $1,250. 000,000, .. , .. . , a DAVIS IS OFFEIR,ING M 0 jT:E — ' ON_ 13' A. lir PROP_MRT Y" AT VERY, LOW J3 TES. SSE I37CM I OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WINOHA,( OOTOBEa 4T0, 1988. S. GRACEY, "ITN D :R.TAK-EZZ, Supplies all necessaries for fun- eral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of business, All orders attended. personally, and delivered any: where within to miles of Wing; ham. Retnetttber the place,- first door south of tl e big brink hotel on the ran.iu street, Wingham. 111•, r Im , r, ifG• Vl • MEDICAL. LAKE. REMEDIES . •c.'tc•6t�pp' fi tfP-CL MPcP PNO' NO. �\ P,t� Qts b4.0 Nf. 00 A TRY NATURES REMEDY PURE -PEERLESS -POTENT SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS TO TEAM Of HEAL TNCOLONDON• ONT. CI3t11f#Ofufld'li bourn . DIUIU ,STeat, Wiinghkm "Agency. 12e0ittintillain 1115 .43 PUBLISHl:i)--f 1 Vi:1'.Y, F1 II).1Y iYI(.11iI' f"1', -^'r TIE— TtniteS OFFICE, ,1t;:S1'PHtNS,, .S.•i'risILET WINGIIATJ, ,. - ONTARIO: Subtccript'touprise, $titer yenr,Suaiivar,co ADVERTISINGRATES: Space._ _i _ 1. yr.11 I b 0. 1 J 1110. 11 !I.,' utio Vo(uum ea() e0 t,:J 00 1 510 00 eS •i'a1 Halt' " • 3., on 20 tib 1d 00 0 00 Quarter "' 20 20 11, 0" S en e eta• Ulmint111 � .5 'le ` J00'I..,_200 1110 local and of tet' eaenal oda ertisunients, Pe ley title for first insertion, tum A,. pat 1i ? toreach subsequent insertion. Local notices, in non iarcll type; 101. for first in- sertion, awl to, per linetot vac i,subsequent insertion 1`o local nark c will be hatgcd'iess than dSe. Advertisements of Lt5fPst, Omani,Stmyed, Situations,. . and Business (Mantua 11 anted, not c:tesediu„ 8 11t.oe ' nonpareil, 51 per hunts . • Houses and Forms tot Sale, not eacrcdiug 8 liner., 51 for 11 st month, 600, per eubeequetit month. Those terms will ba strictly. adhered to. Speuial rates for longer adsertIsuments, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be , Inserted till forbid and charted accordingly. Tram sitory advertisements must de paid in advance. Changes tor contract advertisements must be in the Gillett I,y 1\•ed:eenuy poo l, in outer to appear that week 12, EL 0717 . PRga'lisn'rolt AND PL•SSLISUER t )it,.A. 1'. McEENOIE, '► Honor graduate Termite fversity. Attendant of New•lork Polyclinic. Office and residence over store otGordon & 111oInt re. JOsliri:'ss S'r. •WisOnAd- i )R:'t11ACDONALD, 3J JOSEPHINE STREET, Wo anati, • - • . ' ONTARIO. DIt. J. A. MELDRUIH, honor Graduate of Toronto University. ' Office and Residence—The old stand formerly ecru.. plod by Ur. Bethune, at the 0011101' 04 Centre and Patrick streets, Witinti Act, • ONT. METER St DICI2INSC,N, DAR1i !STEER, & o. Solicitors for tho Bank of Hamilton. Comin.isstoncis' for taking affidavits tor Manitoba. Private fur de to lend initrai ht loons at;lowest rater. 0flico--- Kent's Block, \1 itrghrau, U+�i�1ltuGw and Gerrie. u. W. 0. MEYER.N. u. 0101011001(, ' J. A. MORTON, FRRISTI R, &b,, Wingham 4rhltario. R. VANSTONE.• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CON v1:YANCE1R ETU. OFFICES—Beaver Bruck, \Vz .'alj0,I, UN'r., ' GOlutia 0,1u1. ..4YTIt,I/J1rT. ' Private and Company fund$ to loan et low rates ct interest. Mortgages, toien and faint In firmly bought and sold. Mercantile, collections a specialty. DENTISTRY.— J, S JEROME; it mono. • J $,Jerome is manufacturing cel- luloffd Pli4es Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. • All work wgr> ranted. t Vegetable Vapor admi,itetured for the" painless extraction of teeth, the oulki safe anesthetic known. OFFICE : In the Beau,* Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel, DENTI8TI0Y._ W. H,. ANACDONALD, %IaonAN. Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Silre, Gold, atoi, etc., Plates, ranging tssAa�ii er set orprices 1'i g frontindg0 upwards Teeth ex traded without the least pain by the •use of Vital, • ized Air. Head Office, Whigi1raim, side entrance op• polite the Queen's hntel, opetfdaily (Sundays except- ed) from 9 a m to 5 p m. Will be at BIyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eaohmonth—OIIiceatMilne's hotel; Gerrie: let and 3:0Iifondays of each month Office at Albion hotel. Extracting 26 cents, JOa"HN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINORAti, w ONes ROBERT CUNNINGHAM,r INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. �y EOROE 1 oU '1t, Wingham, Licensed Auctiohoe l7f for the Counties of Iluron and Bruce. At moderate rates, sales will be conducted in ' portion of the Comities. Orders can he loft at the TntEstgRice. JOHN CHERIE, wiNenAM, eJ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Orders left at TIMES' oafco promptly attended TERMS REASONABLE. , DDEAN. Ja., WINGH As,, LICENSED AUCTIONEEnt Ilea THE COVNTF, Or HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JAMES HENDERSON, LIOnNeSn AucTIofil,En P011 Cettt(TIISN lionme ,tea Barras. Ali Attlee nttelliItdtaproraplty and 011' the Shorted Notice• Charges Moderate and Seti:,fael Ion 00arantecd, All necessary arrangements Cali be made at the Tins' office. WnositAu, ONT. DOLTON & f1AW111NS,. t P. lie & D. L. Scnvrsotta v�b Ctilrt I~No1lltP.R0,. LISTO*%gf, ilia Vi11Cis' AM„.w Ali orders left at the title!), .St Abe Timm will re olive prompt atttntion, . , • .