HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-07, Page 9-771111/ laraseizsalitaissvasikostinilaistaii 1 tILIlottasmoussadosamitraimmi IN'GM MEN AT GODERICE. I N:D W TAILOR SHOP 1 TUE SUPdEttil ORVO LODGE IN ANNUAL SESSION, The. Supreme Grand Orange Le4g ritisli North America islet her untidily for the transaction 0 o nuua liusillees, Most WorsItipfe 'Grand Master Clarke Wallace oecuphe the. ehair. Meyor Baiter turd Town Council attended the meetin in a body, and the Meyor on belie! :of the town presented au athliess welcome. Most Worshipful Grand Mast:. Wallace replied thanking the mayo and conned for their address of wel oom e. The report of the Grand Seerotary *as read, which showed that the order had made good progre: s and WAS steadily increasing in numbers. Twelve new warrants bad ben issued in Ontitrio West, 4. in Ontario Nast, ! in Manitoba, 1 in Prince Edward Lilted and 1 in Nova Seotia, The address of the Grand nester dealt very fully with the Jesuit ques- tion, and the discussion on this sub. ject was one of the I. ading features of tl.e meeting.. Atuonget the Eames ef those pre- sent we noticed that of County Master W. H. Clegg, of Gorrie AMIE Flotaly, of Clinton, urii District miteters : B. S. Oook, Foedwitilt ; R Mahood, Ford - \vial) ; A. Woodman, Loncleotoro ; 'Gs B. Hanley, Clinton.; G. Petty. piece, Winglutin t. MeManue, Luck. now ; Thomas stewart, Bluevale Junes Perkins, Gorrie ;Jiunes Den. Dungiumea; Robert Scarlet, Winthrop ; Visitors Jatues. Lang, Kinearcline ; Yam's W. Dbuonue, Kincardine ;• When Walters, Blue - vale ; D. B; Oallieelt, Wingliam ; Al'bert Anderson; Clinton ; George 8he.ppard, Clinton ; Creorge Carter, Clinton. e MR. E. C. CLARKE,. I open/ng a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully cont.:its-a share e of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to ive satisfaction to all g entrusting him with their orderf s., f Ilbing now in running% oder, desire to thank those who have r favored him and busty that no pains will be spared to give tiatifaction r in the future. E. O. CLARKE. Wingham, January 1141., 1889. LD. MELLYT IDODILMIT • Has a most complete assortment of the. LATEST, CHOICEST, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Wachtes, Clocks, trewelry • and Silver Goods, YOU VIZ AMY si AT BARGAINS. ,. CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN' TO REPAIRING. AND WORK ALL WARRANTED. tuoknow. The mareledmen beet elle single in a game of bitsebull on the 24th ult. 1)y it score of if:. to 3 —Petitioes are being vim:I.:late& bo ascertain the peopl'e' wishes eke So, whether a steam Haim' be pr cnrid or a system of wa‘erworks estab ishetf. Wasto-of Energy. In the ottlinavy siet:eon candle power ftwandesteut lamp, accordiug to Prof. f. NiereEtt, oloy front four to six per (feta of the entlgy notaally expended is available ii. light,. the remainder Living wasted as heat, ' To lessen this loss °tie of the grketest elealtioDX hri A -• • • -VE,,Tv HOUGHEIG A SP"x.c T/1". veal:ems now ewaiting: solution. • -0 GO RIG -Ter TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY. FFIELD _ SO NEV PAN TOP MILK CAR, Cream Cans, Pallor Sap Buckets, and Milk Pans, ad everything in al. DatryhgL. • trienils Of The' Fartkeri, "a may be an advantage to pint out some of the friends of the termer which, consequently, no faenger should; destroy or allow to be destroyed. Among these are toads, which are, under all circumstances, the fannetee. friend ; moles and held miee; probably do a vast deal more of good than • harm; all birds, especially robins, wrens, thrushes, orioles, cuckoos, phebes, blue birds, woodpeolgers, .swallows and cert birds. The destruc- •.tion of all these and many others, -except for scientific purposes, should 'be made, under very heavy penalties; illegal in every place, The house sparrow, known better as the English sparrow, iso be rated an exception. This bird is now universally regarded as a nuisance, first, because it driven uway insect destroying birds. Among insects, many wasps are friends, es. ..pecially those with a more or less protruding horn or sting at the mid lie the abdomen. Lady -bugs and lace wing flies live eutirely upon de- structive insects, aud should never be destroyed. Dragon flies, or devil's elarning.neekles, are also useful as well eta harmless. beoreaeing the Death Rate. Yha mortality among oonowniptiveO has been ma- tes:tall decreased of higt ,%saes by the use of Scott's kinulsion of Cod Lieres'011 with Ilypophosphites of !Linke and Soda. Phis, Sronchitis, Abcess of the tungs, Pneninonlit and Throat Affections are cent. Iplitely subjugated by a thnoly use of this excellent 1pultitiMie. Palatable de milk. Sold by all druggists tatbOo and 81.00 Future science. • "What would one not give," asks Lubbock, "for a science printer of the next century for, to paraphrase a well-known shying. even the boy at. .the plough will then know more of science than the wisest of philosophers tio now." Mrs Gladstone bas been presented by the Women's Liberal Pederation •With a diamond brooch containing a miniature of Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Parnell made the presentation speech and Mr. Gladstone in reply referred tty his wife ai the greatest gift 114 butt reaeive4 (An the 114114 vf Provid,- tIk00, tl,.. 1 zraging 61 611 rolp.1 1. MOST CERTAINLY WE. CAN SUIT YOU rN HOUSE DECORATIONS, • CONSISTING 01? CANADIAN AND AMERICAN WALL PAPERS and BORDEIIS. 0111 Mock isliaried, Stylish and Cheap. Beautiful WIND -QW BLINDS of Latest Design, Colors and Best Quality. CROQUET SETTS Excelldnt and Checei verythinq in the Book line, Sahool requisites, Stationery, Larrosse Slicks, tase Ball Bats, Balls dm. ROSSPOPT.ILAZ Booa ST03,2, WINtMIAM. THE LEADING BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Owing to the late Boum I have made room for and CHM on hand Largo Stook o UNIT - RADE BUM and SHOBS • In addition to my Custom Business, defy..Covetition in Qnality, Sizes, and am determined to sell ior CASE, AT OCK P012.0 PRICES r'Repairing as usual, and Cee ent Patching a Specialty. I solicit a Share of the patronage. Don't rote ; the Place Opposive the Central Hotel. Itips sewed free in all boots purchased from me. Butter and egge taken as ossh iu exehange fur goods, Art- - F. H. LOD4RUS4 WING11.11f, Car. IIt TT § I CALEDONIAN /TALL. tun:11.80er meets every third Mondly MISS. NELL° 3110}1A1MT. Inn VI Ring brethren welcome. •41,511. This COmmodients hall can be secured fee enter tttsgEs OIt TATAR VOTIGN fl' O AND ten aininht of ovary kind at a very low ligure. tos rivPI.kNversa &e., aorty to ‘,/ tlaou, In Voice Cuitilin and Harmony. 11,»s; Is Must% thAtA ..1,‘S111-1 LlitriTeo .10 Li. us s BABYHOOD'S PILLOW. hesitation her kiss canes Oral:Ott te, in the night guiLl unerringly finds me. — Translated :ran the French for Tho bfl- A REVERIE THAT TANS A MAN adclphia BACK TO HIS INFANCY. ..”...1*1•91M.n ..t.cintrettue Reinitthwenee ot chttatiotioi mom, uoars—Pana Gives iitm Candy V801;10100d -The 3/other Whose Rise E Inds /let Little One in the Dark. levereo'clocle strikes. Immediately I make ready to set my papers its order on my desk and turnout my lamp, when all at once my bed, on which I have somellow turned a more contemplative loop than usual, begins to wear a strange; mysterious air, meditative and thought- ful, with its coverlet turned down, its sheets open and -its pillow ready. for my head. Why do. I alt down again and think an hour? and still another hour? Zyly lamp•goes out of its own accordand the night passes without heeding me. IN THE LITTLE WHITE CRIB. I am 8 years old again. I sleep in a little white crib, larger than papa's leather valise, smaller than mamma's piano: a crib draped with fresh curtains which close about me every evening and are fastened with a silver pin "to make me a little room." When I raise my head I see above me an ivory cross swinging at the end of a blue ribbon that hangs from the cornice; on each side of me is a long white silk net, so that I shall not fall out. But I ain always kicking off the covers and slipping through it and they continually find me with an arm or a leg caught and hang- ing in the meshes. My crib, which I warm with my little childish body, where I am given my warm. milk in the early morning, which is so comfortable when the doctor says I tun sick, stands at the foot of papa's and mamma's big bed, so that it gives me great confidence to be so near them— they who are afraid of nothing! I do not know how it is, but I must be always asleep when they come in to go to bed— I never see them. Their bedtime is later than mine, much later—perhaps even an hour. As soon as Pie, my nurse, a big gill, brusque and good hearted, who teaches me how to say my prayers to the Bon Dieu in C4erman—as soon as she has given me my dinner, quick! I am popped into a littie bed whose end my feet never see. When shall I be as big as my night gowns? In spite of all my efforts I can never catch up to them. Then as soon as I arn stretehet out on the mattress, and P'*1 has vigorously tucked me in, I cry out with all my might, lamentably, like a little dog that is being whipped: "Mammal Mamma!" Some one comes. There is a noise of footsteps in the corridor. It is papa and mamma. Papa says: "Will you stop malting such a noise, you little rascal? We can hear you allover the house!" He turns to time nurse and frowns: "Pie," he says; "tell me the truth. Has this child been naughty?" "Nein, he has been very goot," says the excellent Pie. • "Then he shall have a piece of candy," says papa, satisfied at once. "Mint, papa, mint!" X cry out. "Yes, mint!" and papa himself drops into my little Moist, open mouth the big, whitacrumbling penny which I love so, and which I beginto taste as soon as its penetrating odor reaches my nose. Un - dor my little teeth the mint drop disap- pears like magic. Manama whispers: "Eat it up, then, little goose!" or, 'ale iVill break his teeth to pieces." MAMMA. DOESN'T SAY A WORD. Monshe bends over me, and then *hip out my two arms from the cover- let to clasp her around the neck. 1 know very well that it must tire her to be weighted down so, but still I like to do it. And then I lovie her so! She kisses mo twico, three thnes—then with her pretty fingers she hurriedly traces the Sign of the cross on my forehead (before leamo there were two little brothers who both went away to heaven) and she tenderly closes the Curtains vsvithout ceasing to look lovingly in at me through the open- ing which grows smaller—smaller. At last the curtains are tight shut anal can see nothing more. But I van hear. Papa bas already gone away to his study, whore I somehow know that he is going to smoke a cigar. Mamma, all, but mamma is still there. She is talking to Pie in a low voice—she is talking of all kinds of things and, they aro all abont me. Then the lamp goes on its tightly ourney. It travels abont, it changes its t cdace; finally it is put ori a certain corner of the tnantelpiece, always the sante orner, whore its dim light cannot reach tis. Then I hear the noise of the fonder —a chair put in its place—a carriage in ho strect—then---- All at once I am at last a man, and am c, varing trousers liko myrnelo Edward, But often I awake With a start and hen a great fear of the night raid the darknesa seizes me; stretch out my arms and knock—toes tool --on the big )eil. The big bed will protetit me, Toe, aol Toc, tat Tho knocking Itself right qua mo in the silence. Tho big bad maks confusedly. I hear apa„ half :stealth, telling are in a queer, vet tone to be "MI We aro el asleep," lie mys; "everybody is asleep." !attune does. not nay a word. She vises —she risee—and ahl oven aftei forty ears tny heart reeolleetisthe light falkot ter dear soft feet on tho carpet WI the sound of her low voico, lite terselfstunreturieg eloae to my elle* .1kuitit it, darling'?" while irigin4Nt t _ t p IMMO 0 •maw • PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND ACTS AT The SAME TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. " PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, angsrmalrow, KIDNEY OOM. PLAINTVURINARY DISEASES, PENALE WEAKNESS,RIIEUMA. TIM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. i Why suffer Bilious Pains and Ashes I Why tormented with Piles, Constipation, Why frightened overDisorderetlXidneyel Why endure nervous or sick headaches! Why have sleepless nights I Use PM,sIis CELERY COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It is an entirety vegeta. ble remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Druggists. Price $2.01. Six for Om WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO,,ProprIetclil. MONTREAL, P. Q. w Vali,' FS •miser reatiallisesh 1 U FITS! When I say Ganz I do net mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. I MEAN A -RADICALUURE. I have made the disease of FITS, E PI L E PSY or FALLING SICKNFoSS A life long study. L 'WARRANT my remedy to coanthe worst cases. Beeainie others lave failed is no reason for not now receiving a. cure. Send, at once for a treatise and 4,.Flittll BOTTLE of myl, INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address: B. G. nocor, Branch Moe, 164 West AdelaAele Street," Toronto. .11,1114. KENDALIS SPAVIN CURE , Tho Moat Successful Remedy ever discov- ered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister., Readproof below: KENDALL'S SPAM CURE. OFFICE OR Orientals A. SNYDER, BREEDER OF TTELLND BAT AND TROTTING. BRED HORSES. Ermwoon, Nov. 20, 1888. TM. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Ken- dall's Spavin Cure by the half dozen -bottles, I would Ifice prices in larger quantity. I think 18 13 one -of the best liniments on earth. I have uned it en my Stnbiettyofurtruly,orithree ears. CMS. A. SNIDER. KENDALL'S SPAV1N,,CURE., Bitooxima N. IL, November 11, 1888. 1)15.11. 3. Rinatc.r. Co. Dear Sirs I desire tb give you testimonial of my good opinion of yoneKendail'ASpaVin Cure. I have ssed it for Lameness. Stiff' Joints and mpavina, and have found it a euro cure, I coral-. oily recommend 18 5* ad horsemen. Yours truly, A, IL Grcnorn, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. ',KENDALL'S SPAVIII CURL SANT, WINTON' ColINTY, Onto, Dec. 19, 1888. Dn. 18.3. KENDALL CO. Gents: I feel It rot duty to say what 1 havo done with your Kendall% Spavin cure. I have e55ied twonty.avo horses that had SPAYlita. telivof !tug Bone, nine amieted with mg Head and seven of Big 'Vali,. Sinai Ibave had one of your bonito and followed the directions, I have never lost a 03531 02 any kind. ,71. Yours truly, . Anntrw Ttatit0n0 Rome Doctor. TrINDALL'S SPAWN CURE. Price 58 pier bottle, or six bottles for 08. All Drug. aittl Lavoit or sanget it for you, or It will bh vont any address on receipt of price by the proMie- ,..e:I. Da. B. J. ICENnam. Co., onosburgh rans,-vt. 'OLD WE ALL. DICIIGGISTS. 003 ttsevrincOurrielitisop enet. hiltdblInh pawing 511,, rosehlden trade in all parte. by and yeah ithern the people r.in Theis, we trill tend free tootle prststal eSeh lociaity,the very Out rewing.me‘blna made he he World:with all the ettaehMIsqui. Wu will also eandrreefa rOlnpleta line of oar costly and rideable art tapes. In rendre We ask that you shot/ Whet we Weed. to Moo who may eel: at yr)* hante Atm after fa menthe all *ball beef:ens ;ant *Wm °petty Vida rand reathme,A1 a'tlfg4rirgt.: MD Mit it sold for illeit,tAh the teutelnefents, and now arlle 1*3 $50. 13ett, etrortat,nwet ful ma thine Hs the world. All te ee. NO elitrimi tetraittd. 311'114 twler hintseilorts Welt. l55e ones eel PP Ittl *AO* • t sit SUN Moyan *Whet In ALe.r,ra, ter* %ply dm bin sevring.PMOlite r the werld. ro.1 11 7Z IC a VO.. Adz WO. Au -tunas .Lielittele •