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The Wingham Times, 1889-06-07, Page 8
,..,,,......: flus 7taar C}oQhir. s, r, a►r t,J,tr,:,. Beelmanaland is the paradise kf teas' An itrportaut improvement in , ease, and therefore, �vltatev'sr t11ey l I clocks hits been stir. t, the oral t.utnba�� � � workisi•'#inan In the, cellose of our so C b ► l^I� 1 (ow 0. FRIDA r. JL7Nla 7, I8 9, 1:•DITORXA.T4 NATES. Arrau ;eulelats linea been agixtpietod in Toronto fur a lecture by Rev, i�r, 14Ir, Robertson, seooaaded by )11 t, .r&Glv'ne. of New 'York. Jacques, that work of lots , To. 5 and tions, yet fear God, and ao ICightreotte• bl "th '� .� t' fA t1iH Advaneen tit of Association r may be Called, are acceptable o K'1•. ' jQHPn R'e never sow a be�'1ir or 8#Ylr�7n � W.H.-is I'UI/I.l$Hk:lt-<- Him, ing' person masons in Ileeensiiniir,;41$oiecuce key ,lr, '11�Douglas. The 11rTJRY PllIDAY AMQItNING, KoWiCI . , and this with meat at Dd. a pound. Na• r tti►lolt,'with lever rod escapement; Ar The council met on the 27th ult, tivos,in-the coal pits were getting 6s, a l may b+� applied. to ordinary works, and TIMES C►Fh ICL E., .4QSEPH'Ilet c Members alk. present, elf ilautea e£ day', When we consider that a I atrlr'e 1 by ite sluw''rlf-t-t oif vii+ration uralfe> ' Wl wl'fa•,rti4'i"ii, - C►%i'P.t R. last meeting approved. Moved by oomllcl toGd�lu day, Itheia ail pap, !tract icallltR bht('fionv,`rr'in� o£ auitleltk a 1zs Y tY rip Yee s�r r !? d elocl ►nt , nor it a v♦ 1 ; were getting wa(�esof 13aa,'to Ipeedieni„ ! flew feature ie the torsion 1>endulum, ' elle•-^ /ET • �, . ; ' tl '. ' S • u er it o price, . , :.ori oar,inadvrarce gin for saving. We had Baralongs and vim a year 0,0y, Dasutea working for us. The former we Mat. (Redstone says it is better to6 go oit sideuins - Citrriecl,. Moved by Mr. Grallain, seconded by Mr. lose,lsraisc than to lose the braehg p,ilma„a, that (,leo.. Beaty receive A iisotiph.ne of free criticism. one barrel of flout',: apid Mrs. McDer- . Tun, High Court of the Canadian mitt and, Mrs. Walker 'eachre,oive one hundred of flour each as charity, Birder of Foresters will meet in J,,ou- --Carried. Accounts passed—Robert 4 dots an the 11tH till the 14th of June. Blow repairs on '. awnelti.p hall 4 THE annual report chows that der- G. Tilker $10.ga. eulver on con, and 5 ; ;Alex. Campbell. $5.61, .culvert and ing the past 85 years • 107,767,6$88 ditch on Hawick and Gley boundary ; ,copies of the Scriptures and portiuus .Geo. Padfield .$130 for srlary as As. thereof have been issued by the Bri- tish and Foreign Bible Soeiety and kindred societies in Europe,. Briiiish India and America. • Casani>.,ts consumed over tw q hue deed million pounds of sugar last year --that is an average of over .4.0 lbs. for each Man, woman and. child, -The late Mathew Arnold charaoterieed this •.eessor. Councrlvadfourued to meet iu Fordw4. h on the third Wedeeeday in June. Ctlross. .At elle`last .meeting of 'Cu'•ross Fire t ns.urauce Co. 25 now applications were received. Sumoit's Cozen and Consumption Cure is sold by.,ns on ar sale u e. Bt. eta 11 s Con- sumption, T as the age of sweetness sed light. Our people have imbibed tha aeweete .Kra, •C.nrfie+ld's Fortune. ,ness and as to the lightneg4—we11 The •dt'bscriptiou raised for firs. Aartieldthrough the instrumentality ltheia Ap H no staetistics on that score. of Cyrus W. Field aggregatt.d, when fr.c. $UGIIES, public eohooi in. invested in Governmeut .bonds, about ;,specter,.e1 Toronto, went to Brant $314,000• General Garfield's life was insured for $50,000, the payment of ;ford, ,tel :deliver himself aoaiest hiswhich the companies, for the sake of :Catholic ,fellow .citizens. The fav; I': the extended advertisement it would Dr. Qo.chrane, took him in charge and _ give them, pryinptly'made. Congress ,obaraeterized,l<nany of his assertions; also voted the remainder of the salary .principally ,Bose in reference to the w. Well would have been due Gen. Gar - „scripture ar- p o " column President, h d to$40 field for the first year of services as seri tore t mast as Brost{ which IIATER: found clever with their lingers, but very . �- space. 1 yr. I 0 meet 13 ma I i ma, ., T R poor in physique, her, sor great dei , aro a find raee, magnificently 'pr'opor- I -_---.._...._..._ tioned, and :excellent 'worl;es, willing ' Contraotors. and Builders, Local and ot ler casae. advertisements, Re. per line Mr litat insertion, and 8c per line for each substemei r and intelligent, The .:s►tperiority of Alm' insertion, Basuto and the Zulu is ,showzl �ind4sput, WINOIIAM, , - Loral notices, {Ir rIoliparc`ft type, 1Co, for first in- ably l• abl , lay the fact that from theta • re Alp Section, anti 5e. per line for each subsequent insertion y y . Agents for Downey's (Ilelgrave) lisle, No local notice will be Ghateed Irs•s than 2&s eTUltk^d tli0ralfCeancl alta searchers Gf' Ad vettinmenisutLost,Found,Strayed,Situaticns,• inclination for hard work. k, Tllo Dasutcs w k 111 . 1 U l dna 4ohilitti , ,0 0(1 �bJ4 QO�I ego 00 vs o!3 l Half '• 35 00 20 00 I•• e0 Q W fuel, � I quarter " 10 00 12 0e I 7 00 4 00, (Inc 5 00 al 00 2 00 1 nC ONT. the diao dff ld . Seine think itprobe- 1 • and alutesse. Chances Waisted, not exceeding b lime sale, eat oxoeedlng 8 Neg. e y n t 0 P d Town property at 1 cry Lowest Bates of for fllat mot ill 50e pet subeen ner,t month. forms to suit borrowers, These t<tnre will be strictly adl c,ed ' i° i ui n e s: + non narait, 81 per month. bio shat thsnative .rl,ces.of South Africa $500,000 l'O LOAN. llouacil, p r o on r came oris small ,fro i the South Sen Ise: m arm and M1 . • , , • • , ' andoil to, antis, but, be tbaj cos it may, it is certain N10RT�AGEti pu» 11Ad5o. NO OOMMISJIQN OHAHSED. Special t'atee PUC lULgcr 'melt t ttlttcnlCltla, or for that Jewish,clis3,tenls obtain among then'. borrowers can. obtain stoney in 5 days it longer psrincts. sutisPuctory, Adl5ctiac,nonta without epcci60 directions, will he SC.frcuIn,L'idiori is universal, and the 0111 11. VAhIS1t1:iE, insetted til] forbid and churr;ed necoruh+t;ly. Tran- lioal er Bloch, Wingt,am, triton, advertisements must he paid. in cutworm 1 r memento least bo hr • u�aar 1V.QNLY TQ LEND. tnatwouk a. ELLIOTT next r0 ser mares TIIE CORPORATION OIC' THE TOWNSHIP OF 1'Aarl:niTatt the children afterward born from this ' Turnborry has about 8,000 to lotun on Mort' union are accounted the children of the gages. For minis uppry to, dead man, not of the living father.—The P, aioLAREN, or WM. MoP}1EBSON, Fortxigli;tly Review. Tr. TaaasURUR, W iighton. REEVE, Glenfar ow VVingham, Mev �letvi, li ;law or raising rip t3ee(i to the de- Changes fur cent met ad c t ;Ceased brother 'survives in, the South. Af- — - tire eke by Wednesday noon, in order tototem :titan tribal law that when a chief cries his brother marries his widow, and Damon in. Search of Pythias. There was a popular play running at .a Money to Loan Boston theatre. The crowd was crush- ing in at the door and the auditorium 'o tes Discounted was already full, when a man from Mie country rushed up to the manager, who AT REASONABLE RATES. on Notes. stood rubbing his hands as he listened to Money advanced en Mortgagee ata per cunt, with the plume plunk of the money on the privilege of pays.'* at the end of any year. Notes little box office shalt and accounts lanceted. "Say, mister, you're the manager, I - EMT. McIND00., believe?" OKS,os,-Beevor alockk.. Wingham, Ont. j "Yes "Wal, I've, lost ray friend in the crowd, Saiii'1. 1. ouhi11's and I guess he's got inside by this time. Would You mind going into the theatre REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSti'R- and jist hollerin''Higgins?' "—San Fran- ANCE AGENCY. cisco Chronicle. . OFFICE :' KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHAM• amounts , - Gcondl. Appetite. ties," Principal Wilitinson, of the 000. The little estate which Garfield Private fundsrf B loan. A certain well known college professor A number of Building Lots an Residence proper + began his career as a teacher in a conn- ties for Sato. rantforc public schoolst corrected hie left aggregated some X30 004, This was all that he had been able to accu- Thor Sale. ring t , or ap home in W'ingham should :"vagaries in regard to the separatetry school district and, following the CUs- cormnunicate with, ot: apply in parson at my Oiflce, sohoal law. The valiant J. L. "will malate after a life of unusual activity. tom; of the time, "boarded around" one whore all necessary Int,ormation can babtabined. This makes her total estate in round winter. His arrival at one rural home ,g totoon." ;gang nae main yon ." . numbers, about $450,000,, in money, took place just at dinner time, and he at Ai ©lX�'��i •once sat down with the family to enjoy well invested., From this aria income j y AN exchange has an editorial on W N C'{ 4 M - the decay of imagination in which the °f probably X16,000 is derived. In ad - He 070Ho does not remember that his apps- Capital, $1,000,000 Rest, $360,000,. • (Wien to that site hase from Congress tits was particularly sharp that day, but C writer argues its deterioration and an annual pension of moo, which at the close of filo meal the mistress of President- JoIl1i b02. J . Vies -Host. Host. J'ARES Tq>t93En• perversion in this age, judged by the is now voted to the w'illow's of all eX- the mouse looked across the table toward DIRECTORS lack of poetical appreciation and 'Presidents. This fortune hasn't do- her husband and remarked: A. G. RA 1sAY, Joax' PROCTOR, Curs. GURNEY, Gni?. 'manifestation of poetic gifts of a high creased since James 4 Gar i'leld's "Well, John, I guess you'd better kill ROACH, A. T. Woon:' ' death._ „ , CittOler i. TURNBULL. that heifer after sell. Youth s Compan- t Whig& laaatic hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays. 10 to order. The faculty appears to' be , i011. 1. I3e nosnts oESI and upwards received and, interest; • possessed hi.its pristine vigor but mis • 'QATi-Rs caws -health and sweet breath• 1.lowed d Sh'loh's Catarrh Iten,edy A Caro of Coturuse. $peaipl Deposits i d' at ur nt secure , by u i also received c re exercised more strongly in different price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For It is remarkable how moral tours a Ya e8 of ,ntor0at 7. testis on Gtoat,$ritain and; the Utlited States ,channels. Hundreds of people in this sale by C. E. Williams. age have as great imaginative power mproving the-23rble. as Allan Poe, John Milton, Dante at Those who are hest qualified to anybody else. It is the phrenologists to judge of such matters agree in pro - Ideality that is lacking. if the poss- nouncing the King, Fames version of ession of imagination would constitute Bible a model of style. But the Rev. 1?,odolphus 1iehil}son thought other- • a poet—every newspaper would have tyisel and hp. therefore put forth a now Sixty or more regular poets contribut- , translation. foucerning the old ting, version he said in his preface : There is, much inelegance and inaeuracy, in Tip w'enato qnd Board of Geyer: the selection of words, the structure pors ofx• • Me Master University , have of sentences, and in every comport - Made the following appointments : meat of composition. Here are a few Chancellor McVicar to the chair, of of the improvements: I;'Vhen thou art beneficent, let not philosophy, psychology, and logte, and thy left hand know what thy right Fro the principalship of this depart- performs. ment ; Dr. Welton the .chair of Ile- Contemplate the lilies of the field, brow and cognate languages Dr, how they advance. Be not, therefore, re, anxious for to - Newman to the chair, of Watery, both morrow ; since that will claim corres- - retaining their. positions in pendent attention. t the theological faculty ; Mr. P. S. Then his dioiples approaching said .Oauapbell, .M,' 4., Principal of the to Him, Art thou conscious that the Hamilton Collegiate Institute, pro- Pharisees were offended when they fessorr of• classics and acting Professor heard this observation ? But he, answering said, Every plantation of New Testament Exegeses in Greek; which my heavenly Father has not Principal. Farmer, of Woodstock Col- cultivated shall be extirpatedt And age, to the chair of New Testament Peter replying, said to him, El.ueiaate and Patristic Greek ; and Mr, w.a.this parable. Sa1t•is salutary ; but if the salt Huston, M. A., English master in the has become vapid, how can it be re-' Toronto Collegiate Institute, to the stored 4 Z' riacipta:lsilip of Woodstock College. Be not surprised that 1 annouzkoed to thee, ye must be reproduced. Tug following sentences are the For this the father, loves me, be. peroration from Archdeacon's sermon pause r give up my life to 'be after. on John Bright: We have lost him; ward resumed. No one divests sue and may God make us mindful to of it, but I personally resign? it. 1 c110 au that was good and an that have authority to sfrrender it, and 1 K was noble in his example ! We have have authoripy to resume it,For eorporeal exertion is of minor lost him and may God raise others advantage; blit piety, is advantaizeou" like hint to our needs I God give us in all respects having' a promise of the. teen I A time like this demands present and of the filture life, great hearts strong minds, true faith. This is a correct remark, that if a ' man ardently wishes a spiritual super'• and wilting hands— intendancy, he earnestly desires ' 'an erten whom the lust of li9'iee doer not kill, honorable r'tllpioynlent. Mon whom the 51)011s of -office cannot will almost always overcome brute force, t,sought and sold: ' When Gen Clarke was subduing hostile B• WITrLSON, Aoswr. Indians he once had before' him a chief Mlf]YER &, 3?IC,KT..I+7SON, whose record was ane "of bloodshed and, . be?,zczr°u9' . pillage, and who made it a boast that he • • feared no man. Clarke treated him with' D A V 1 contempt, accused him of being a squaw; ,,4.J who would never fight, and had all hi • r g ' e, is oP.EXAI G insignia of rank. stripped off flirts: The, savage, who had always been:'accustomed' to being cringed to, was awed by the i}1= trepid bearing of the 'white man, and begged for peace and pardoii;' He never gave any more trouble.—,St. Louis Globe- Democrat. ON- F.A-RM P1?2(2PE1TY AT VERY LOW RATES. Wants( to Anew Her Sphere of,.Duty. ".Are you the girl:'iho Was to °oma to �__�� T our house as a nurse? f', asked a fashiona- ble lady of the healthy` looking girl who OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. had just entered'th0,rO0rii. "I am, ma'am.'" {ylNauAu OCTOBER 4Tii, it{stt. JOHN RITCHIE, ' "I have examined your.references and -, ,r .. „ =ty ,rr�,,,,�c•,. ,,y ; I find them 'Satisfactory. Yeti' may be- , gin next geek." "But if, ye plaze, ma'am, I'd like to ask s. ry A �y T,� �7' yez wan, question." l7f V ['1 1 "What is it?" "Is it a baby or;a poog dog that I'm to look aftlier?"—Merchant Traveler. AND PUBLISHER DR. A. k', AictENL1E, Honor graduate Toronto University, Attendant of New York Polyclinic. Odle° and residence over store of Gordon & Meint re, • Justinian Sr. Wiaouatt. l ,R. MACDONALD, lJ JOSEPHINE STREET. WI1O1IAq, ONTARIO. E. 3, A. MI:LDBUM, I tenor Graduate of Toronto University. Chloe and BAsidettce—The old stand formerly oven. pied by Ur. Bethune,,at the currier of Centre and Patrick sprouts, W:,(Onart, • - • ONT, 11F1ER & UICSIINSGN. BARRISTERS, &q. Solicitors for the'I#tnk of Hamilton. Qemmissioners for taking athdavits forManit0ha. Private funds to lend in straight loans at lowest rates. Coleco- - Ilent's Block. wlnghr.oi, Iancknow and Corrin. u. w. o, URYER. E. L. DW$1ftRON. J. A.1tORT01a,. pRBl.TER, 8cc., wingham • Ontario. VANSTONE. BAARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES -Beaver Block, IVt ilIAM, ONT., GORRIN And DINTII,-01T. Private and Company funds to loan at low rates os interest., Mortgages, town' and farm property bought and sold. aiercautile collections a.speciulty., DENTISTRY.— J. S. JEROME, WTNOVAM. J 8 Jerome is manufacturing cel- luloid 'Plates Vulcanite plates of the, bestmatcrial as cheap as they can be., got in the Dominion. All work war. Canted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic k11o1511,. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the. Brunswick hotel. ENTISTRY,-..W. IL MACDONALD, WIxo1AM,,, Maker of Yuloanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Silva, Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging in prices from 4500 upwaids per sit crownng and bridgework. Tenth ex traoted without the feast pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. Plead Office, Wingham side entrance op- posite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 0 a m to 5 p m. Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eaehmonth-011ieeatMilne's hotel; Gordo: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month-- Odioe at Albion hotel. Extracting 25 cents, The Graphopliene in Sickness. A Dr. Richardson has gchioved souse•, instructive experiments in the use of tete" gra,phophone 'for recording physics • symptoms, such; as coughs and pulsed. A cough of today,oltn always be recorded and comparedt readily with one of day's before. " Geographical Information. Freddie—Papa, ti+Iiy do they call Cali- fornia "the Pao►fi'c Slope?" • ' Papa (refieet4vely)-It toast be because a good many bad, ''ashiers and others law breakers peacefully Blip out •t'liat,way.--. Pittsburg Bulletin. The I;ietote Stolen in rortigia. Not long ago I corrected a lil:iindering statement had gone the' round of 'tile press about a robbery ofItaphael's "•Entombment" from the Chur, It of San Pietro, in Perugia, tate fact being that the picture was painted for another church, from whish it was removed in 1707 by the lorench, who ultimately tient it to the Vatican, It may interest solve of my Alen buy, Sclleol 'mistress -at award, give fee _ rf:ailers to know, further, -that the rich 1iI au who have eaour,antn u who will the definition of E'xcavate. E Iward . tire stolen from the church of San I'ie- not lie. �---Fxeavatr, to hollow out. school- ..tro, at Perugia, was a reduced, though cYtretnely, beautiful, copy of the same --above all, filen wile are trite Cltrist- mistress—dive me it setitranca can- .. toniel titent° by cassooerttito. The iaite as well as eminent poiiticialls,titetl tail1i11,7, the word, Edward- :i hit Bill theft took place in 181'00 and the lecture' who Can live cure lives, its well Its and lie nxa.tdatei . , remained concealed In a private house in make good Breeches, Merl who, what- °neer, wtloortse cocas and Bronchitis F1oreltice until a fo'ii'' months ago, when IIISIIo%Id's 'CORNER ftnmediately relieved by :Shiloh's (Jure. it was gieen up owing totil'e intervent .:rat their mistakes or their lituita. Por sale by O. r,. Williams. trot, of the government. -WLo1)A on Truth, u TD-EMIR,TAKEZZ, Supplies all necessaries for fun- eral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of business, All orders attended 'personally, and delivered any: where within 10 tntles ot Wing: hem. Remember the place, first door south of the big brick hotel on the main street, Wingharn. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wINGRAM,, R BERT CUNNI�GIIAM, INSURANCE. FIRE AND MARIp, GUELPH. ONTA GtOROE MoKAY, wingham„ Liicense.d Audience, kx for the Counties of Huron and Bruce, At ,Moderato rates, sales will too conducted in portion of the Countio3. Orders can be left at the Trona Office, IJOHN (MARIE, Wuaat145, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. •Orders left atTIMM'office promptly attended °" 9if_ TEBMS.,IEASONABLE. A W ' i ERFUL LAKE SS WATER METH GOOD 1.1 A MEDICINE MEDICAL LekKE. REMEDIES Q`0°V.0°) BC p` 0HEA 0 TRY NATURES REMEDY, PURE -PEERLESS -POTENT, OLD ®Y, ALL DRUGGISTS.' T1 TEMOFHE`ALT//CO LONDON, ONT .r Duro Wiugham Agency. to �DEAN, .1a.,a., wnrouAlr, . .LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TIM COUNTY(. OF HURON. Sates attended in any part of the Co, Charges„ Moderato. JAMES IIENDERSOl' , LDOSNSED AUCTIONEER ten COpNTIES HURON AND BRUCE, All sales attended to promptly and on the Shottes Notice. Charge Moderate and Satisfaetiefi Guaranteed, All necessary arrangentente ran he made at the : TIMs9' oIIlee, l'r e.olt&s, noL'ro.l & 11 WtINa, Otte. 1'. L.. & D. L. Seavnsons AND Clvtf. EDOPN1En1, Lt3TOWEL afro 'V1NGIIAM. All orders lett at the office of the TiMss *10 rat, delve lrroncltt alteatien,