HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-07, Page 7• Glenfaxrow. WEST IIURQN TEACHERS. 11lr. I;. Campbc,tl ,liar been having a 'This association held its half yearly 'a('i;ulence removed and repaired. -11-1r. cour'e tiou; in Exeter on the 22nd and Ilugh illcEwen removed twobuildinge 20rd ult. luspeotor Tom occupied lust week, --Mr. P. Campbell lost a the chair as president. no subject Ot)w this weep, Being chased by colts of history was dealt yeith'by Mr I3, E she fe1l .er a log and was'fatally in. Brown and literature <by •R Piu•ite, jnred,-= H, Henning was badly 130tH subjects were fully discussed and hurt by olt a. few ..days ggo..-441r. the latter paper ordered to'be publish• I1cKersi' -, who has •been ailing, is ed, W LI. Johnston discusses corn - not improve g touch. .i osition for junior classes and others followed on the same topio. 'Friday Trlolesworth, afternoon review and[t7•e:teroises was m Willie Cumming', son of Hance taken up by Mr 'J T Wren. •Reviews Cumming who had been suffering from . and general entertainments • over aa, spine fever fur a number of weeks died voeatt.d. Rev Mr Crossley, evangelist last 'Thursday morning at 1 o'clock, spoke briefly and gave a -couple of•selee•• During his sickness he was often un, tions. Mr W H Baiter presented cuncions and suffered considerable an effective plea for school games and •rantil death brought •2•elief.—Bev. • amusements at••the discretion of the A, Stewart, of: iolesworth, Presby- teacher, This was discussed favora- terian chuiveh, preached at Brussels, bly l,y the association. Inspector Tom last Sunday evening —Rev Mr Muir•, dealt with drawing in a practical of Fordwioh, ,preached the ,prepartory manner and was followed by Mr S ,l communion service in the Presbyterian Satt ou the,same subject. The latter elruren on the `last Friday in May.— paper was ordered to be published. Master Charles Bonnet, who had his The to -whets' responsibility was da - ankle sprained last July has still to: banned by lir Thos Gregory, especi- • use his crutches to get about. Charles : ally as to .the care of school and ' has been a great, suffer with his ankle, grounds, The relatio•a between sfor many months. „parents and teachers was dealt with by lav I<2r M.arti,i. The meeting was Wroxeter. ti wall attended and successful one, •Mr. Wileon, ,Who a short time ago: Jr1\V 1-I Johnston was appointed purchased the stock of dry• goods aid representatit+o'to the provincial asso- groceries freni`11ir. 'Thos. line, has cia4len, z;,ld the stock to nur townsman, Mr-. james Ireland,'.;yho intends continu- ing the seine in -connection with hie Clinton. gracery businese, Wo wish Mr. Ire• `The total sum raised last year in land success in.bis increased business Jtattenburry street Methodist church Mr. John' Sanderson is putting a new was $2,733;97.; in Ontario street roof on his store to keep out some of church, 83200.. The membership in the 'rather abundant showers;—Mr. the former is 351, in the latter 250. ' James Ireland is putting an addition to his house in the form of.a. fine Clenazinan. brick kitchen.—The . large addition to the factory uf•Messrs Smith & Malcolm Mrs Peter Anderson left Glenannau is fast nearing completion and we on,the 24th of last month for her May expect to 'hear -before long the home in Washington Territory. Slie ' Burn of the machinery.—The Unionswas accompanied aslfar as Toronto by ot.Wroseter and Gerrie are •almost. Mrs W Anderson and Miss Annie despairing of having another game; of 'Anderson.—We regret to state that 'base ball this season, The Council held the court ,of Trevi- . sien beginning nn the 27th and ending' Miss Annie Metcalfe has been ,coo - fined to her room with a severe attack • WIMRHAM SA MILLI FRUITS AND CON LBMBER An NOODj;jir YARD?« �. LEAN 5 STRAWBE PROPRIET „ ALL, .ii:INDS . t LUMBER, .LATH, SHINGLES, a 1fll,k t. ARRIVED TIIIS DAX RRIES, BANANAS, ORANGES, LEMONl , PINS: AMES, 4.10. &O. Finest Quality at :Bottom Prices, Milk shake,. The Most Popular Summer Drink. Something New. To Taste is to appreciate. PURE I O E CREAM, AND WOOD, Any Flavor always ready, Very special Reduced Rates to all Public Entertaulments, Rept constantly on hand or cut to order and del'rer- ed in all art of the town on the shortest possible notice. i All orders attended to promptly , The most complete and satisfection•puarant.e`ed. Orders .in Car lots a Specialty.. Mill and Yard on Josephine street, adjoining the 0, P. R. trsdk. . L. & J. _;ltiIc,LEAN. wingharn,:May 1st, i880. 1889.. MILLINERY; 1889. MESE lifIlElakalr Begs to announce to her many customers . and the public generally that her stock for this spring is full in every line. I BOUGHT' FOR CASH iu the best Moine and Foreign Markets, - and Will be sold at; the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIDES. Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, &o. 5.1 also Silks,FSas an Fringes Velvets, �� • Flushes and Fringes for CONFECTIONERY. stoat: in the county, ; Pure Creams a specialty, Call and see roe. • HILL'S CRY ,RESTAURANT. BARGAJN S IN "MAINT'2'I S.?' of 'bron5hitis.—The young men seem Eggs taken as oaslt. Gln the 31st May. There was only to be•desertina Turnberry for Itiani. MISS 111U1tPhx, .one appeal against the assessment toba 'within the last 'week, three Opposite Queen's Hotel, Winghani having gone Messrs J Metcalfe, J Por- ter and'G Porter. `How about the poordone girl df Ontario ?—Mrs J Metcalfe was ,called soddenly away this week'•to attend the funeral of her mother, ars Stephenson, of Stanley. —The continued rainy weather is giving the farmers a holiday. which was reduced from $2000 :to X1000, There were- several changes made where property lead changed, liatal's since the assessor' had sumer this rounds. There were some) dogs,; .;that the assessor had missed and tom-, sing to the knowledge of the council` were added for $1. A*td some dogs' • diad thought it a pity that a dollar; .should,•be paid for them and ,hey ,parted this life in time for the court of revision to <conclude .that no taxes shouldshe paid :for them. While a good .aiany changes were made in the assessment roll the amount of the ',roll was not much affected. On Fri- day -evening the 81st May the Roll as finally revised , was passed and . the 'Court closed its sittings. J. CowAN, Clerk. The' Directors of the Howick Mut- ual Fire Ins Co met on Friday evening in Johnsteln's hotel, with a number of their friends to give a compliment ftry supper to Thomas F Miller Esq. who 'has acted so long and so faith- ully as secty-treas of the Company The supper was got up by Mrs Jolihs- ton in her best style, which its as much as saying that it was all that the most - fastidious could wish for. After the -tables were cleared off Mr. James Edgar was called to the chair, and I aright say, 'filled it in `first class style. Short extempore speeches were made by the directors, inspector and others all testifying to high respect and es- teem in which Mr and Mrs Miller were held by all classes iu the neigh• F borhood. The Directors also all testified to the care and ability which Mr Miller used in furtheratrce of the But we must sell our goods. • interests of the Company and lament- Great Bargains are ert very strongly the loss of Mr Miller VP from the business of the Company. ---IN They all stated that it will be very ry •, , Prints 7L6IIuslins Fawns �eersuckers TE SALESMEN TO SELL :nursery Stock. All goods warnin ' 1 1, test -Glaser_ Permanent, pleasant, profitable positions. for the right men. 0001 Salar,ey and espensos paid wook- ly. 'Liberal inducement to bCghinors. Noprevious .experience necessary. Outfitrtree:. write for terms giving. age. CHAS. 11. CHASE, l�lt,rseryman, ROLilester, N Y Mention this paper.) • .A1 0 GO®DS. ST0P THE MISSES MALLOY •Have changed their business premises to the shop lately occupied by Mrs. McCance, next door to S. Gracey's furniture warerooms, where they will welcome old and new patrons. Customers will find amongst the numerous. articles usually kept in a fancy store, Silks for Art Needle Work. Medieval Lace for Trimmings. GLOVES, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, APPLIQUE EMBROIDERY, MAURESQUE EMBROIDERY, POINT LACE. POINT LACE AND .EMBROIDERY MADE TO ORDER. eas a><.; !.. A 14r3e �� 0 `' "e43 g" at a bt rOd atse IQ a t the vi lea? we @ " Stamping in newest designs. Knitting Silk. Material for Point Lace.' The Tailor system taught. Feathers. Stitched Braids, DRESSMAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. WOOL! WOOL! '®OI ! WOOL! 50,000 pounds of Wool wanted, for which the highest market price will_ be paid. T. A. MILLS. rn Therefore to be Had hard for tht~ut to fill Mr Miller's place, but wished'him God -speed in his new home.- The expressions,of all present Parasols, r� s, Showed plainly the hold 1Mr and Mrs• Miller had on the ,hearts of the whole peo[le of the community and the regret all parties would feel at party ��.q�.�_y^�, with so estimable r family, Messrs DRESS GOODS! RE GOODS! T Gibson and R Black instersperse3 We snake a specialty of Black Dress 'Goods, and would invite every tle i ate songs,pproceedings Tho with some roce.edini e las d lady rewiring those goods to see ou.r largo range and get quotations tll hear e stns' ,hours" when all before buying. See our All Wo01 Good at 15 cents per yard. event home feeling that they had a very GENTLEMEN, N GO TO T. A•. T TTI ti FOR YOUR Embroideries for skirtingppu_rposes, ilk anI(id Glove Sheetings, Cottonades, Linens, Tablings, &c., &c. 1�1 00 D FRES • COOD, H, STRONG TEAS S0c. Tea. in .5.pound l'"t . at, 20 gents. a potmd:.. a. Y'Jti. `:.:(e _,."'..?ii x•:+�itf a"tir `:(1' 60c. «r 45 IC All other Groceries are offered equally low. Any of our customers who are dissatisfied in any way with Teas purchased from us can return them at any time and get their money bath~ DRY GOODS In all lines. Gents' Furnishing New and Stylish.- BOOTS S AND SHOES OF THE BEST MARES ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND AS USUAL GORDON & MCINTYRE, THE BROWN .ANCHOR, VinghamT THE CITY GROCERY CHANGED HANDS. C. el. I a -. Having purchased H. iliscock's grocery and made heavy pur- chasses in GENERAL GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, °mite, Gedeet141.@tys G ekery, smlleatitztee tlitathey phial toapart HATS TIES COLLARS GLOVES UNDERCLOTHING &C ' _ T with friends, and see our range a£ Palmerston, Rev. G. 13, Cooke, of St. Path's for ordered clothing. All suita guaranteed to fit orlat Sale. SOLID T L v P,EDS A.N I,:L`r GS, &C., church has gone' to Acton and was . e presented With a purse of money and 'floss an address before leaving. 11r, Cook they is an able orgival and e<trnect preach - era ons worke, .,Ind his departnie have the largest range of goods in Wirtrham, and we mean busi- every titne, so come along and get some of.tho cheap goods while Como and so. are going. A. CHOXOE' STOCR OF O•AII Eat suEDS & UOUSRITOLD ?IAA Wt.'. . LI. READ 1. He has nor 1-11R,MS I C4'001) e AR1lIViNG DAILY, and offers BARGAINS ' FOR CASA. Try goods and ascertain pricc,p r.� is regtied, Wliighar, 8th May, 184 « T. Ar,. : MILLS4