HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-07, Page 5!�,'lir11berril'• "$lt~►4kmr' Henri." 3ameetowA. Mies Pier, n and her niece Aiiss, Wftkin tile'paet twenty years the Ou the,23t1' our baseball team thrid Miteltell of the 10th, who Imre been *nodical faeplty .has COMO to clearly a wait 1,0 ,1„!;thel end played .a friend y setien1•uiui.; herb setae trial] returned to s:oAllirehetid two,'acctlrataf cl],agnoeo•a roma ,with trip Zebra .elub of that I./art/it early this ween, disease which theynow denominate as "e�u�eiter's heart," "''i xreeslvo smoking, Vila",x.l q ,was 'called at 0.30 asci whether by Ore, cigar stir cigarette, iry ell went well for the first three or ca County Items, i filets the action of Ole heartand disturbs four inninge when tdie decisions of the \Vesta ace Reformers web itl , the circulation, The pulse will#nterink umpire hecaine so outrageous that a ICineaxclei,iie on Friday the 'dist of —not with any regularity—sometimes dieputearose ,and both eides,refused t0 J u tie, one beat in four, sometimes .one in ten, take ,the J eid. After vending con- siderable time in .dispute the game was thrown ,up, the Zebras having soul 23 runs m.6 •inningsand the visiting teats 34 runs up to the elle, puts in the 7t1 innings, The boys were well treated by tlte.Ethelites a.id Miry finial, who is aloof leaving. „ ,the remedy, tee „often relied upon, is speak highly of their .team. D:11z:Clure, hotel keeper, of Paisley as bad ase :the .disease, acid the subject was recently fined 850 and costs for: grows•slowly v.;oeso. Angina pectoris is ' —Newspaper correspondents, alike with lisping liquor to 1V, O, Valentine, said to sometimes result. editors, might profitably peruse the follow - after l,eing notified uildec the ()rooks Ono of the leading physicians of this ing from the Loudon Pall Mcll Gazette: clef not to tiv so., city relates a case ,In point. A patient Our idea of .a. good report is this: What- suffering from "smoker's s heart" believed ever the meeting, whatever the incident, that he had a chronic heart disease, and the report, written in simple, familiar, . Wine words To.,Women, - came for a, careful examination,early in In luta admirable address as Prost. the day--,beforo1;ie, had eaten any break- even colloquial language, should be lucid, alto of the Edinburgh Association for fast. The stethescopo showed the heart terse, almost dratnatiain rte form and in- tl . to be soaand as aedot—he had not smoked tensity ; that every point of importance, he U 7. .i, nn,eting et the Centre 'Fent. t;ometmies two ,or tae�ee +.it a time, and aFY!''{i,�rtYt assoaiatictt will be held at then vetoes trouble. ¶rlie:brain, hissing !t:linimstis on Tttes,lay, 18 aurae, at ouP is regulltr pulstttions of blood, wavers, litre heart Guttate, and alien follows a u'uloolt, temporary,collatase. Merehers of Knox cherish, Beryls, • Stroneecordialaare "Indicated." Strong ,Ears address and preeentativli to M iss ,coffeo is good; 4atrang spirits better. Bot ratty Education of Women1 11ti a for twelve hours tau - Greatly relieved at the should be conveyed in the briefest lau- l.ady' Aberdeen pointed out that verdict 1►e lighted a big black cigar and 1 Nage, and to these points of im, ortance women clitimed au entrance to the $ C 6 ' PA p sat smoking,_upon an empty stomach, I there should be wedded language and ideas University on the ground that in coli- w rile ,he talked. Ill a few minutes, as which would make the whole article pf- ecedilrg file right co go fliers .it was 1lo rv,e;to go, his;feet failed him and he quant and picturesene, so that the reader toonoeded tha3; they had a right to as fell ,in a momentary faint. The heart of the journal might be almost compelled wooii an •dt;cation ae neon, and. that ms,rluttering wrlldly, but yielded at once to read it even againbtbis will. For these women 'bed 0ilife•work for which,they; ;{inti resumed its normal action after a reasons I am dead against any longer life *test be prepared and disciplined, as, strong stimulant. wish, and wool, in the siva, way as The moral of the story is that, if you being granted to timate old stereotypaid form iii men. If they were not so perepared , .smoke at all, you should smoke in mode of !reining reports of public meetings, lLze dish eriF,¢t was nat;tlir+ty andici_ eration and ,on a well ;filled stomach. It The report of the future will be more of a ta is recklessness that hurts.—Cincinnati picturesque panorama, a microcosm of the dually, but theig children and their Enquirer. i speeches and resolutions, no suggestive in - country, that iw uld ,he the losers. , cident bein omitted and a ett d d the rix of the They could only wo-ntlelr at the delus• isroa1cfast on Time.. proceedings, down even to its underour. g , pi ion that to make lt.giel a good wife Ono of those mysterious amateur rents, being clearly and decidedly deline- etna a good mother was to teach her a swells, who might prdperly be, called. a ated. little Freaeh and musie and a smatter_ 4peetiniary dude, has been boarding ing of other a usli.ahtnents. All the past few months at a fashionable i Consumption Surely Cured. e week he received a, shock, which literally south side boarding house. One day last To TUB I1DIToa :—Pleas inform your readers that. I -effort . was being made to COnvinC have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases havo people that to make a good wile and knocked him Billy. He labOrs daily for boon cured. I shall .be glad to send two bottles of a ;nod mother sotnetbing more than a largo wholesale house here, and re- co umpttonna to they riof ll funour d mclthdeerExpho css have Isere instinct was required, Once let ceives a weekly stipend of 310, but as ho P. o address. ttespectruar D. T. A. sLOCUI3 women be admitted to the University dresses according to a 810,000 per annum 87 Yonl;o st., Toronto, Ont. once bit the standard by w hick a income it is but natural that he is mapy'1 woman's attainments were judged be weeks behind in his board bill. This I Dr. 11lackenzie is about to brie; a the same as wen's and they would youngNapoleon:of some oneelse'sfinance suit against The London Times and chanis supposed to be at his. deal HVO1ymprn- I The St. Janes Gazette tor publishing educateion, the whsle system. of girl's ing at 8 o'olopk sharp, but lie had been a letter written by the proprieter of whether ion, and make it more University thorough tartly every sag fora week or slope, `the St. James Gazette, in which he �l hether they, went to a University rr ()wing to al fate breakfast. One morning :accused Mackenzie of conspiracy riot. it was a remarkable sign of the ho breakfasted at 7 o'clock, and this gaup i while treating the late Fmperor times that the theological novel was him ample opportunity to resell his °Mee • laeinrr the •on time. +'Air "l:o said t $he landlad ' love novel in the popular interest glancing. t the clock, '•l; see I get my I Auveon so MoTaaRa. Are you disturbed at nigh » and broken of your rept by a sick child suffering an What feature of life - could be more breakfast on time this morning." She trying with pain of Cutting Teeth' IP so send at. significant? blow could the unedu- regarded him with a fixed• "give -me- once and get a bottle of "lire. 1Vinslow's Soothing that -312" look,and replied: "You have S •rup" Por Children Teething. Its value is Meal ad, sated mind, the mind tvithotlt•intellee- p , aLle. It will relieve the poor little sufferer been getting it 'on time, sir, during- the immediately. Depend upon it,,,nothers; there is no vagi.] principle or consistency preserve past two weeks,," It is hardly necessary mistake about it. aIt cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, 4t�3 own faith construct a 210w one to state that the young man saw tile' soac,sthetit#une,mreduo aeh and suflanenatio,i, and ti�curesWind �ea Educe- t century - n Eho whol stem. ` bi e. w Ytl the nineteenth et to Ldtica .tone and a to e s r y force .of ]lei rer>itxktid produced nt rosyrup y gait must prepare women to face this, earliest O oltunit. —Chica oHerald. Bleasa Soothing teandtoo rcseriptionofo of pP y g pleasant to the taste and is th>ipresmiption of onq of fluid take up that service in their 1 the oldest and best. female physicians and nurses in families. And then when theywent sexuality in Atones. i the United States, and is for sale by all drug sts I throughout the world. Pries -twenty-flvo cents a into society, what service was it which Mr. Mason Isinne is a: quiet gentleman battle. Ba Bore and eek for "if RB. Wu(ai ow'B ,society demanded of them — that who has lived par many years in this city. • Somme sraUr," and take no other kind. sphere where woman's influence had He is an enthusiastic member•of the Mi- i —People frequently stop in the midst of b .ell always considered paramount 4 croscopical society, an honorary member a letter and rematch their heads in per- ep them look . at the despotism of of several foreign scientific societies and plexity as to whether it should be receive Lfashion, which insisted on that form of dress, that needless luxury, that waste of time, those unhealthy hours, juitt because it was "the thing." Let 'them look at the subordination of serious interests to- the love ' of .plea- sure and ease. Let thorn look at the two standards of. morality which so- ciety sought to uphold—one for mens and one for women, one for week days end one for Sundays, ono for the wealthy and the fashionable, another for the poor and .insiguificant. Let tilers look at the degradation of mar- riage. Girls wore taught more or less t sell themselves f ltlosi- for the moment actually disp g y, 1 Frederick. o emsD res or wea I or ' p tion. Was there not a very definite necessity for woman to alter the cone dition of things which she has so largely contributed to snake ? If her education was not a delusion and a sham surely she must turn out a diffe rent type of women, who would scorn to make pleasure the main object of life,Ind conformity to fashion the rule of conduct. M'ight not the influence of women who were truly cultured be to create a heaven of thought. action and morality, which would re -act through all classes of the community and elevate and purify the national life? Then the need for the service of triily educated women in working out social' gtiestions was urgent. No playing the part 'of Lady Bountiful would suffice, Tiwe and thought and work were required for that service. 'file various -social questions of the day must not forts the subject of de - hats; they must not be known and realised so that, they might help to grapple with them. More educated and suitable workers were wanted to . .Help to form all sorts of agencies which would help the people to help themselves; help to manage Board eehools,prnniote small borne i'idustries and: give a taste for wholesome seerea tion, and do a hundred and on things which were needed to bring borne to the working classes - the blessings of education, to entitle theili to use right- ly the rights of citizenship in a free cteuptry.--0/trittian, World. Te the phtee to go if you want to get the .REST . QU ALIT Sf Op' QOD - at the Cb.eapest Possible Prices At which they can be sold, as HE BUYS FOR SPOT OAS:H.,.. Vanstone sells Gold Filled eased Watches on a little advance of what others sell the same movements fur iu Silver cases. Also keep on Band. a Large Selection of FINE STONE SET RINGS). KEEPER ,AND PLAIN GOLD RINGS. Also a Large and Well Selected Stock of atelmsa GItIc ;, Xew Shy, Silverware, Spec,, t ,cie1 a &lt:. I do all kinds of Repairing in Clocks, Jewellery, &o. All work •!.. Warranted. S. H. V' Post Office Block, Winghanl. - i r SUCCESSOR TO H. PARK. • STOVES AT HALF PRICE.. D. SUTHERLAND'S STOVE and TINWARE ROOMS.. Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON & Son; we are offering; GREAT BARGAINS Ill. STOVES for the next GO DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDITOED PRICES. - Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have snlmea SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new, at LESS 'J'HA- N HALF COST. • A SUPERB STOCK OF CHOICE LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCURABLE COAL OIL. READY -ADE TINWARE, A :HEAVY STOOK AT VERY LOW' PRIOES. Er ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. - WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange hotel, corner Josephine and Victoria Streets. -o -:0 0 1 contributes to several scientific journals. A or recieve, beleive or believe. Without a 1 e �atnA He is an indefatigable investigator. Sono , a single exception i always follows l and e i Itl i9 time ago he declared that he had dfscov- always follows c. Bred sexuality in atoms—that is, after, exo.mining the smallest fragments of in- THAT IIAeIIINe COUGH can be so quickly organic;natteiry iron and other mineral cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. substances, he. had discovered certain i For sale by 0. E. Williams. traces that ked him to believe that all i —If you have property to sell or sent, ;atoms, animal and vegetable, are either ' if you have any article to dispose of, or if maleor female, and reproduce theirspe- you want to procure any article the best cies. The importance of such a discovery 1 „tedium through which to make your cannot be estimated. If verified, and Mr. ' wishes known to the people is the Wing- Kinne ie confident that it can be verified, • ham Times. it means. the revolution of science—a, Se:manse NIenTB made miserable new. alphabet for geology, chemistry and.; > by natural phiigsophy.—San Francisco Call,, that terrible cough, Shiloh's Gore is the i Remedy for you. For sale by C. E. Force of Habit. Williams. Congressman—It affords me pleastwe,, A Presbyterian, church in the Mr. Scribbleum, to present you this. come State of New Xork furnished each mission as postmaster. I have brought family of its congregation, not already it to you myself :tea little surprise,supplied, with a religious paper. • The Editor Scribbleum—Col. Greathead, subscriptions. for these papers are paid you have, indeed, taken me by sitlprise. out of the regular churh}r funds. and placed me under, • infinite oblige— \Vhatl is the blamed document rolled?' WILL You serene with Dyspepsia and Sir, I reject it!—Chicago-Tribune. 1 Liver omplaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is - i guaranteed to cure you. ror sale by C. L, The swaying of Chimneys. I Williams. • Observations upon the swaying of tall ' The law gives the right of way to chimneys during high winds show that the pedestrian.. A man or woman one 115 feet in height and four feet in who is crossing the street at a regular total diameter at the top waved, twenty el -Rasing is not obliged to look out for inches during a heavy gale, and another the person who is drieing the team, 164 feet higle but with six and one -halt but the person driving is to take care feet diameter of flue, moved through aa not to jostle or incom2)lode a person ere of only si. a]nc1 one-lui]f inches„ ,walking. lie Clot Square. Si12Lon's'muesli is what you need for A young lady broke off her engage-. Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, Ment with a suitor when a wealthier lover and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 appeared upon the scene. She wrote 'to; and 76 cents,kier bottle. For sale by C. E. her old lover requesting frim to return Williams. her photograph. Here was a chance for Some years since the bright girls of revenge, which he took by sendieg her Reno formed a Pancake Olub to cele - the following note: "I would gladly come orate May day of each year. They ply with your request, but if I dr, it will, are all married now, but they still ob- spen my euchre desk,. I have a coilec- serve the day. At the last Wresting tion of photographs which 1 use for play- one of them suggested a change in the Ing cards, and I do not want to break it 813 g by giving away the queen of diamonds." name. She was in favor of calling —Waverley Magazine, it the "Spankakes Olub." Carried. Ontario has 770 cheese factories 40 Ma. said * I3obby, is it wrong for prof., little boys to tie tin•kettles to clog's creameries in operatfoti►. The essor of dairying in the Guelph Agri. tails? Decidedly wrong, Bobby ; 1 cultural College says the dairying' live you'll never do such a thing as industry is new recognized ne the that. No,,indsed, ma, replied Bobby, moat important of an bnat;plies of emphatically; fll►7.do is tp, bed the Canadian agrioulttle, icl°g' upntgla0 fact, 1st. THAT I HAVE THE BEST ASSDRTE STt)CK 0 F' WATCHES, CLOCKS ,AND JEWELLERY IN WINGHAM. 2nd. TEIAT THE QUALITY OF MY GOODS IS EQUAL TO THE BEST. - e 3rd. THAT MY PRICES ARE SUCH THAT IT IS SAFE AND FITABLE FOR ALL TO DEAL WITH ME. TMST 'TI -IIS 2040R �OTJRJ i.tLl�' BY CALLING ON E. F. GERSTER a.. LAG A rSJ CF_ PROPITS MOW,. ZIEVATIVE I' and WANT LE AKING. MISS A. BOYD has now on band a most varied, well rssorted and magnificent display`of- SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, New, Fashionable and carefully selected STOCX OP F CY GOOX I•S An,enurneration of articles end novelties would be impossible E veryone cordially invited to cull and a what is offered at very reasonable prices, The MANTLE DEPARTMENT contains a varied assortment of the Latest Designs and Colors and best qualities in. Cloths, bilks, ,eo, to be wore this Seaton. PERFECT FITTING. AND LATEST AND BEST DESIGNED Ge1RM1iNTS. ONTARIO WM-AC LIFE.W — Cush Income for 1888 ,......... 833,074 nil , New Assurances written in 1888 - 21,5113,650 C0 Assets, as at Dee. 81st, 1888....,... tc,81'.8;81i8 (IC . , . Assurances in force, Jan. lst, 1889 12,041,91-4 (H .5I Surplus, Dec. 81st, 1888 . . , 00,387 GS • ) ..4. a SPECIAL FEATURES: ProMiptl Pa;rthont of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, C,•ual atitecd Surrender Valnce, and Liberal Policy Conditions. ALEX. DAWSON, Grtszn% Anent. '1'I, irig lam.OV