HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-07, Page 3• • VOL, XVI IL ---N0 28.. LOCAL NEWS. -Oche unntcFmel• tt,rt• --The Synod of Hu, n meets on June 18. at Laudon. Notice what Yates as to say in his ad, on the Tea question. -Owen Sound Inc aced in population last year from 0,300 t 7.230.. -St Luis, II 8, op ed. tyn Qddfellow's 'temple coating a mill' n dollars. -Clean a coated aakettle by •boiling a teaspoonful of amt onia in the water. -A nice lot of *day ce,rria :tie at S. Greasy -'s. Who'll b liest;to buy? _The annual eetiug of the High Court, of 0 0 F, wil be held in London commencing ou the ' .1tli of June. -For fresh Pa is Green, 13elebore, Ineeet 1'owder,Shig Shot, go to Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. Kid shoes may be :opt soft and freefrom ccaok, by rubbing them oboe a weal[ with a little pure glycerin: or easter oil -s-Amongst those a to obtained the de, gree of B A. at Tor oto University. we notice W Ross, CH ton ; J 1Iutohison, Fordwich; JD Swat son, (lodcrioh, - v Dr Moffat, ,f the 13 C Bible Society and secretary of the Tract So- ciety, will deliver address iu the Presbyterian church < 1 the 8th June, ab 8 o'olock. Bring along yonrictuses and . wreaths and have theta frat ted. Curtain Theles, neirroxa, hall stands, '0., ace 'S. Grticey, furniture dealer an -audertakor, Wing - ham. -RevJ Scott, M , preached -th able dieoui:se in the. Pre,byte:a:en chaste& ou SiLetbath •evening, hi theme • being T''rue 'Christian Piety'. 'fit• Scott keeps up. zt' °uritfetiu'ly high eta arcl of gospel peeuohe toe. -atm: Josepli N slbon succnnrbett ora Tuesday Best to the s era lawgiver, deatir,i at :the early age of 33 ?'care, Tire cause of her death was consult alien..: 111- Walton has been a resident if••.Wiughara .hut a short time, Tile General As -stably of the Presby' 'anima C hurdle in 0 sued*will bold;; its r, annual. moetiug . in T oronto, ,cc nineucittg t eme l:2; and -probably coupying the next ;'tett: days. About' 45Q 'inisterial and lay .ctxAfters will be pres ut.• Misers George • aserrrore; Bluevale;. lbobt Reilly,, East Wawanosh ; James Anderson, Sam'I an Alex Porter, Turn - hefty, and 0 .A A. Sco t, Winghane, 'left on Tuesday for Mania ba, The latter goes in ootxneotioa with h a pork packing busi- ness. --It,ltas been. deft itely decided that the ;1aturon battalion N 33, will go to the "tented' field" this ear on the 18th of -Jame, the plane of meeting not yet being decided on, Capt illiams therefore has devolving on him th teak of getting com- pany No 2 disolpli d and accoutred for ,:.appearance, • --Mr Jud Fergus() , ref Wingham, who -has been, working in the woods with his brother near G•raud alley, had nr narrow escape with lis life tfew days ago : but ,sustained consider le injuries by the ,�titiiug of a tree. .In the crush under a ;3Cdged tree which came down he had lsev'eralbad Buts i'nfii ted on his face and ,eevoral teeth broken out. int-Mveno sad fiY4wiry~:erari:atavia„a life ? Then` the need for the service' of truly rdueated Women in working Mt socia't questions ass ' urgent. N a laying the part 'of Lady ,Bountiful t vivacious and magnetic chid suffice. Tithe and thought and is popular as a lett work were required for that service. couple of days with Tile various socialqti iatiot�s. of ear McClelland, of Belgrav flay must' not forte the subject of de- A copy of the meso; bate ; they must not be known ani11 Ncturde 3Vir�Itt before us s d� tentiou to have a line of Was xeceived be full text of a bebsvoon that point and »,'t`iMpi441t 'history in ahools"'which was Lake fturon. The at 0005,44 40-10A46 tsaeetht g of aha ittsb Huron that the Grand Trunk !Teao ,rerie'Associatiett +y 1rr .1'f' It Lough, the puroliase of the A. T>rinciptel'ef the Clint' s;iitxrl; 'Teo aims an teaching hi.atory ll= ss,yti,ere t To create e. taste for ,reading; to trait# pttpliri to thick for .thotilse1vesto• fit them ler the duties reltieenshi ; . ad • a meant of seulture.. Iiia mean ofteaching ii largely by means or, ,'blackboard. The text book at present i .anti was strongly Ooudemned. WIN GUAM, ONT„ IDAY, S!A 7, 1889. -Ice cream and Boston cream a heaselvieee -Maitland street opl onto Brennan's tannery is being graded, -A free exhibition of mill shake at J MoKelvies' on Saturday nig t, -The Board of Health he 1 .a meetieg on Tuesday, a report of whi has to be held over till next week. -A. soiopticou etttiibition of the life of Christ will be given in the Methodist Chnrch on the evening of riday June th& 14th inat. --Fresli fruits, al -vanes[ ornfectionery purest ice cream ab R Hills Milk shaki the most popular summer c ink. Mr Hill is agent for the only milk s alto made iu Canada.. -Scarcely any changesar indicated in the appointments made at the Guelph Conference to the Methodist churches in this vicinity. The names -will be given nex week. Just arrived via 8 S "oronto from Liverpool and ripened out, 1 hhd of Die- ner Setts --latest designs -tat d the finest and oheapeat line of goods e er opened in Wingham. Prices range fr. m It8 > ti.0 per sett at W, T, Yates. -The Kincardine Begone reaches this lofty climax in hip graudilo ent appeal i favor of waterworks for that town; The money required can be go without a whimper. Waterworks or bu t, should be the shibboleth of all Kinoardi e. -We are indebted foran in ,wresting and well condensed report: 'of til : last East Hurou Teachers' Meeting . Mr G H 131aokwell, of Thrnberry. t r Blackwell evideutly appreciates what is of valine and hits splendid faculty or condensa- tion. -As Rev Mr Short[ is a tending the meeting of the Congregation union, in Brantford, this week, there will be no 'preaching in the Congrega anal church. Messrs R Currie and James Wilson were the lay delegates chosen t• attend this meeting, . _ .. Mr J R Grant writes letter from Winnipeg tendering hie real nation of the postmastership of Brussel:.: Of his effici- ency as a postmaster welen we nothing - general satiefaotion appeare. to have been given -but he has xrie,t wit' much un- pleasant and unprincipled apposition of late, -Perhaps the worst of is 'was from the now not Budpit. xe " TEAM.— l'he stauuoh, palatial steamers United Emp e, Campana and Outerio are now runnin twice each week from Sarnia and Kin rdine, forming the quickest and most dire t route for Lake Huron and Superior oris, Port Arthur,. Duluth-, etc., making ose e¢unection for' all points in the West n States, Manitoba, Pacific ' Coast, etc. or all information, lowest single and round trip fares, freight rates, etc„ call on Agent G. T. A, Station, Wingham. -In our report of the ports of the 24th May there' were sever: t omissions, Na mention was made of t 'e special feature of horseback riding. Fo graceful 'riding the first prize was taken .y Mrs, Proctor, of Luoknow. A good de of interest also centered in the hurdl races but prizes were not awarded. The Kincardine laorossists were beats by Wingham in four straight games, th home team hand- ling themselves with pra eworthy skill. -On Friday last Mr V Wilson, of oodgreon Methodist . urch, Toronto - was iu Wingham Navin. been in attend- ance at the Orauge ting iu Goderich and also having au app: ntment to lecture iu Kincardine ou F iday evening on "Prohibition and Pont' s." This is the gentleman who recently 1 under the ire of members of the police force in Toronto and has shine received a0 sobrioquet of "lltove along Wilson." ' e is of sun active omporament and er. He spent a his friend Mr '0 a and Au Sable ys it is the hi- 'teamors put on Godorioh across clo further . eys is negotiittiug' for Sable di' North. western road. J 13 Pot s, who is president of the Pgtts Salt ds Item er ootnpany, -lid the Ixr34tntr; spirit in the , anapoment and control lei' this road,ea le not affirming does nogele>i3y the tr hfulnesa of the statementi- this hue w 1 be completed to lxottsvilteassu dietauoe, of seventy miles, The Mr Potts referred' here, is a eon 0.. law to Mr > 1 Youh1l1. • -Fresh straw Merl at llciielvies today. -Mr Jam iieynolds left On Wednes- day for Man obi, -A meati of the W C T U was held at the residence f Mrs A. Rosa on Tuesday. -The race' .invigorating daiuk you caul seoure is the . ilk, shake. Go to J Mo$el- viol' end tr 't. -Gloves, h .every and parasols at all prices and i s eltdlese: are it at f. H, kloIndoo's. Bev. ,7oi Scott, 1kI..A,,.and 17r. Tow- ler are in a udanco at the Methodist Con repose t s week, at St. Mis,ry's. -Fon San on TO Lnr.-011 easy terms afind brick house and lot on Minnie•street. Apply to George Powell. .-Mr Peter A Miller has at his exten- sive apiary on . aittend street a number of colonies of be for sale as well as hives. -The Govern General's gold ane sil- ver medals for se lad and third year and also the special g Id medal at the Toronto University have eon taken by ladies.' -M. U. Mo doo has something of epeeist important to say to the ladies and gentlemen this w k, Look at his adver- tisi column. Among. thos who passed creditable rat year exami tions at the Toronto University we,n ice the names of Mr W L McQuarrie a J H Cornyn, of Wing - ham. -Miss M Pake,o was called away attend the funeral A.rmstrong,who home in Wallacel� had charge of Mi absence. yV L— wr might, could, won the day of a silve Mr and Mrs Daws be, the citizens of the public school staff, on, Thursday last to f her sister, Mrs J led suddenly at her rg. Mr Geo Mosgrove s t'ake's room in her tea: The 8rd of June i' or should have been wedding - ha the case of n. However that may iugham• will no•doubt, as they read thin fisting paragraph, wish the couple the goy! Meanie' of hordin the' golden weddi. . --Oh Saturday ast 14Xessra 11u1'mage took ocutrol of the cion• bus whicl`r they purchtased from Mr. Wm. B1aok. An ex- perienced and relish driver, Geo Ke - low, from Toronto, h sbeen engage Mr.. W. F. Dulmage cies 1y rooks afte the business. An intra a aoquaintance with the travelling publ aud their require- ments, and a deter nation- to meet these e are etion o those interested. ' -Cheap Lake at d River '2 ours, via the most pleasant and 'aturesque route. The magnificent steamer City of I)etroib, City of Cleveland, City o Alpena, and City of Titaolcinac, now run d ily to Cleveland and four times each w k from Detroit and Port Huron to nort ern lake ports -Mack - luso Island, St. Ign e, Sault.St.Marie,eto., connecting for all ke and rail points - Port Arthur, Dulu , Manitoba, North- West, etc. For al information, lowest rates, etc., call on . T. R. Agent, Wing- ham Station, -A, correspondent says r Hume, the Scottish sceptic, ma es a remark sono - wherein his essays hat sectarian animos- ity is not so rampan, 'n England as it is in the northern part o the islaud. Not so in Canada, and still 1: s in Wingham, for Messrs Scott and t'cQuarrio exchanged pulpits on Sunday ev ing last. Mr Scott's sermon was highly a repriate•, and his eulogy of John Knox ab he outset showed tae[ and discrimination. S. Gtaooy's R- , on wits. Having made spec' the New Furniture F goods, and being at n I am going to sell chs sure and call and if I dott•'tl ally. See my 813 mirror) for 310.60; and 3B 368 bedateads for 82 ; and Bedroom suits for 311. own make) for ea and pay to drive twelve mi furniture roma, on th door south of the big bri arrangomeuts -with otory to retail their expense for delivery er than ever. - Be nit give yea value 'debpards With 0088 for 338 ; 3.750ttes for 63, Lounges (my o $12. It will to S. Gracey's main street, next hotel,. Winghatn. A Now G T i& Station For some time past ou g popular *out at the Gl T. Mr A. CStrathdee, has authealtiea` ;the .nocessit cotiftinclation• itt Wiugha and, freight. It ,ts etceediu to knowfj03&b these recltiests ooded Wen exatninatiou a anon, 141.r.etrablidee he, that. a newpassenger staff here and the entire present b ed for a freight house. Wo ly referred to the very h here the thi'ppingbasins eitceeding that of many magnitude. %'inghham. vigilant and -station here, en urging on the for greater ac - for passeugers ly gratifying eve been no- ne consider - boon informed will be erected ildiug utiliz ave frequent• y trefl`ic done of Wingham far aces of greater • 1E -See what R Hill has to Y. -Areply to the critiois a of "Pareut" in last issue was receive too late for this week, eMr B Bowers' and amily+ left for aaitoba on Wedne ay ht ving decided to locate in that couutry s probable'place of location is Mardian, Mr Bowers has been long a•resident of ingham and was' held in high esteems AB a •itizen,. His de- parture is a matter for r gret but be is followed by the gaodiwi es of all his ac- quaintances, Per muds. Mr W Gcoeu was i 1%2outreal on busi- ness this weeke-Mr Elliott, of the Tams has been at Bran ord for the last fortnight in connection ith the business of the C Q F, -Mrs R 1 eludes has gone on a month's visit to fends in Poterboro. and other places. Sheriff Bowles, of Orangeville, was vi: ting his son Ha. of the firm of Bowles & iscorers, last week., - Mr H W C Meyer ha been in Toronto oa business this week. -Mr s rob Stewart, who has been ailing for some months is very low. -Miss Nellie Colli= of Bluevale, was visiting Mrs A Ross in Winghanr this week. -Mrs W W St wart and children from Detroit were vis ting at Mr I Ire- land's this week. -Mr ames Aikenheed and wife, Mr, Maleolm oEwen and wife and Miss McTavish, of Stanley were visiting friends in W' • ghain and Turn - berry thissweek.-Mr. Copeland left for Manitoba en Wedn: sday.-Mrs J C Hay, of Listowel and th -es daughters were visitin her sister, Mr: T Gregory this week. airs S W Gelbra th and son and Miss Emma Youhill of .'est Tawas, Mich, are at present on a sit to their parents bar and Mrs S You till, of Wingham Mr John Neelands w t s in Brantford n Foresters' business is week. Board of Trade' • •'organized. If' At a meeting for the e -organization of the Board of Trade on Wednesday even. •ing there.were prosen' :.M'.xessre -Wilson, Cline, McInnes, Mei ' oo, Homuth, Mills, Gordon, Stiles, Gri n, J. W. Inglis, Fisher, Scott, Clegg, Dr. Macdonald and S. Gracey. Aocordi' ' to the charter and by-laws the organize 'on is still legally in existence. It was ag ed on motion that the membership fees o remitted to those whose names aro : a rolled except one dollar, which paym t constitutes thein members till Februa y 1890. It was de- cided to -retail" the peasant officers till the end of the current yar-B. Wilson, presi- dent; D; Mein es, vice-president; J. A Cline, see; areas. T first meeting, will be held ou the enin of Tuesday the 18th• of June when the su ject of street light- iug will be discussed. It was the univer- sal impression that in many important respects the interest of the business com- munity and town could be manifestly benefited by keepiu' this organization alive. It is to be 11 ped every business man may see it to be 1 is duty and to his interest to accord his 'ooperation and the benefit of his views to his valuable aid in furthering, the 'well >eing of Wiugham, Onward is the motto and Wiughamites may be justly proud ten they consider the comparative progre s and prospects of their town. Btuev- e. Messrs Robert W ters and T Stew art attended the 0 a nge meeting at Goderich last week. Ur. That Hart- ley is home from 1 ovonto where he had been lyingill.-=Mr. John Farrow has charge of the ercantilo business of Mr. J. Timmins 'n his absence. It receives his closest ttention.-Mr. J. Timmins, tuerehat h s in course of erection a large block of buildings in West Winchester, -- Mr. T. Itixon's mare,Luey t k first prize for the open trot at the Walkerton races on the' 4111 May. a your oorrespon- dent said, she is hard ;o beat.- A G. W. It. tariff' of passeng •r fares written iu with pen and date lith of De - caliber 1876 is hangi a in the station here.---112rs. b'. fait . son is ill.. -Mr. Wm. Messer has p t a wire fence around Lis prop rty.-Mr. 1 obt Mosgrovo is home f Ten illetiitoba.--- Mr Win Messer's lit lo boy, Renzi°, got kicked wzth u hot on Monday. 'Tice lower pact of hi faeo was badly cut but with medic' treatment he is improving, nicely. , lir S Ss ott has now 200 hogs at a factory pens Jim Adley-who.sent. knowJitu ? .... is working at L'en • ults. • • WHOLE NO. 90.7 11ie Town Hall Condemnied. The following totter has be u received by Mr. Alcludoo, mayor ; Goderich, bray : t th, '89. To the Corparatiou. of the Towi of Wing - Item. aininEatsv,—I deem it ney d ty to call your attention to the feet that 't is your duty to provide suitable aeoon nodati.rn for holding the Division Court t id that you are uot dieing' so. 1n the prosit state ofyour hall it is impeesible to. make it,. comfortable,: and its appearance simply disgraceful. Wingham has , tained a position which entitles the u ighboring tnuniciralities to expect from t an .ex- ample in public spirit and pub 'o enter- prise, yet I regret to say that the..•ourt ao- commodation furnished by you will not compare favorably with that of . our less important neighboring divisions. ' In every instance where municipalities,acting ou my suggestions, built suiteb : buildings they were gratified with the result and found the investment pro • table with much less opportunity of ma 'ng w finan- cial success than you have, trustthat for the sake of the respect due to the ad- ministration of justice, as well `• s for the public convenience, and the ored t of your town, you'will take prompt ste;'s to pro Care suitable accommodation. Respectfully yours DOYL • Ji. J - dge, Huron... Further reference to th matter is crowded out this week. • - Belgrave. lir. Hugh McLean, lef on Monday. • lasts for Joliet, Illinois, to e his sister • who is dangerously ill. --h r. Milton, Godfrey, who has been at ending the Toronto University has r tuned again to our midst for his cation. At the recent examinatio s he passed creditably receiving h. *ors In several' subjepts.-Dr. Tamly of Wingbam, was in town Sunday , last. Ho and Dr, Towle were in tendance with Mrs, Gillis who is ver i11 at present. -Miss Exsltine, after a visit of some two months to her siste Mrs. 11 Mc- Lean has again returned to the Bruce Mines -.-Mrs. W. Weis was visiting at Bluevale last week.-- rs. J. John- ston,, of Bluevale, is t siting at R. Sterlings.-Miss Ant} e Mt+ilsletohu- hes returned from Be 'ie. --air. J'. T. Kidd, traveller for Be'; Bros., London was in town Monday. W. Shane, of; Blyth, paid us a shor ' visit on Wed- nesdisy.-Say Fred ! why did you not. get,. "Pecks Bad r:,y" to give you a. lesson on initiation before you joined the Foresters. The we would not have heat your tears so far as this. when. the goat appeare to you.- A very interesting base hi 11 match was played here on Saturda evening be- tween the Scotch and 1 - h members of the cloth captained by :0 aue0leiland and J D Nichol reap; ti"ely, The *ante was. welt contest and resulted in favor of the Scotch ide by ono run the score being 10 to . -S Wilson, representing G W [•'age. & Co of Toranto,, was in the v ago this week, Orange ill. The young people o' this vicinity celebrated the Queen's ,irthday day by a picnic in Mr. Howa.'s grove, Al- though the day- was • indy and: cool and not very favors e for a display of muslin, yet they were amply favor- ed by the abseu, of tnusquitoes, Swinging as uau I was the Chief amusement whish . was greatly aide 1 by the wind, so to all so that all Were surprised at its eta ing powers. --Tho crops itt this part lo,li well mind, des- pite the severe frosof last week, pretnise it boimtif 1 harvest. The fall wheat desetvee peciaii nfention as it is difficult to fin, otter. -Mr. John 13potten is visiting riends in the town- ship'tf Cavan, u wish him many kind greetings nd many a waren shake of the ha 1 from them, --Mr, Sainuel Howard:• las greatly added to. the general uppea ance of his premises by renovating his ouso and enlarging his barn. -Last we It while exercising to fractious pony, into Edgar wits violently thrown fr in the saddle in- juring seriously th ligaments which hind tiro burners to the soapuIa. Ile is now undtrr Ile care of Jr, 'uvlt of Gorrie,-We •'e anxiously 1ookiu,r forward for the to +1 stand • the loyal, people of 1towiek : re _going to talon ou the repeal of the , Jesuit Ilitato4 Dill, • 6J 5