HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-06-07, Page 1• '"mteee VOL. XVI II, ---NO 23. ‘.1 • WINGITAM, ONT., ]RIDAY, Sh4,47, 7, 18894. Otaa tie LOCAL MEWS. 1 n gd, -lee amain ane Boston crease a lucticivi_r e'r -Maitlana street opot--to 13ronnita's -ldie cienaI ; vett tannery is being rade ,a__y:fresorrme;:xttiwtatu meets ou June 18 i -A free exhibition of mill shake DA 3 the res 01)00 kleKelvies'nig i en Saturday nt. as to say in his ode -.The mos -Tlee Board ef Health he'll a meeting secure is the on Tuesday. e, report of whi4h has to bo 72e3dilein -Population held over till next week. -The Synod of Itlu tLou8on, Notice what 'Yates en the Tea questioe., -Owen Round iac last year Iron) 6,an t *St L3018, TJ fi, op tenaple costing a mill' na,if„.11,,,,, -A soloptioon ethibition of the life of El4P s"e`"`"''- ollarsChriet will be given in the lYfethodist d, March on the eveniug of]friday June th -Clean ar misted it -kettle by boiling a 14th inst. teaspoonful ouujuia in the water. -Freak fruits, oheinest omfectionery -A nice lot .3A'by "rrial" at 8' purest ice cream at R FItfla Mjlk Minato Gamey's. Who'll b first:to buy ? the most popular Rummer r ink. Mr Hill -The annual reetng of the High agent. for the only milk a.ake made in. Court, of C 0 F, wilt bo held iu London Canada' eornmencing ou tlieT lth of Sue. --Searcely any chancres ar indicated in -For resh als Green, ebore, the appointments made at the -Guelph f,Pefile Insect Powaer,Sh.g Shot, go to Chieliolm's Conference to the Methodis churches in Corner Drug Store. this vicinity. Tho .names ill be give» Kid shoes may be ;opt soft and freefrom nexiaweek. emelt, by rubbing th m °toe a week with dust arrived via S 9 oronto from P• little pure glycerin or oastor oil. Liverpool and ripened out, 1 blul of Diu. -Amongst those ulIlo obtaieecl the de. nor Setts -latest designs -al cl the finest and cheapent line of geode reer opened in gree of B A. at Tor nth 'University. we Wingham. Prices range from th 016 notice W Ross, Cli arm J Ilutchiaon, per sett at W, T. Yates. Pordwich; J D Swot son, Ceoderioh. --The Kincardine Beportel reecho this 40ple that to make a good wife and k /a nod mother something tnore than o, mere instinct was reguired. Onee let e '%LUJ we -e-1tMof,t, f the U 0 Bible whimper. Waterworks or bu Soejety and secrthe shibboleth a all Kincardietary of the Tract So - lofty climax in his graodilo ant appeal i favor of waterworks for that town ; The money required can be go without a t, should b e. tending the trnion, in willbe no °oar church Wilson were attend this ewe., will deliver Presbyterian church 8 o'clock. vies' and tr 4viea ot te-day. Iteyiaolds len en Wednes. obi, atilt) WCTU was held at 1 Mrs. Ross on Tuesday. invigorating daink you can ilk shake, Go to 3 MoKel- , -See what 11 Hill has to y. reply to the critiois e of "Parent" in last 10800 was receive too late for this week. doelleitr Bowe ree nix/ anaily /eft for Manitnba on Wearies ay lit ving decided to legate in that country. 5: probs,blerplisee a location is Mordhn. Mr Bowers has been long &resident of " inghain•and was held in high esteetialas a itizene His de - mixture is a matter for r gret but he is followed by the good; wi:4es of all bis as- quaiutances. -Gloves, hjaiery and parasols at all prices and ix( endless variety at M. MoInaoo's. -Rev. 301 ler are in al Con mime tl Scott, M. .,.and Dr. Tow-, alsnee at the Methodist week, at St. Mary's. -FOR SALP,t OR TO TAT. -On easy terms a fine brielt house and lot on Minnie -street. Apply to rateorp,e Powell. .-Mr Peter A, Miller has at his exten- eive apiary ou &Waled street a member of colonies of be for sale as well as hives. -The Govern General's gold ane sil- ver medals for se ati and third year and also the special g ldmedal at the Toronto University have een taken by ladies. --M. H. Mo doer has something of special important to say to the ladies and gentlemen this w k, Look at his csdver- tisi column. thos who passed creditable rst year exemi tions at the Torolitct University we n ice the names of Mr W L McQuitrrie a 3Et Cornyn, of Wing - ham . 40, address in the -Weare indebted for an in eresting and i the 8th June, at well condensed report of th last East 111i G H r Blackwell is of value or condor:sae Huron Teaohers' Meeting Brine along your 1 iotures end wreas Blackwell, of Tiernberry. and have theta fret led. Curtail) pries, evidently appreciates what rnieress, hall stands, &ea ace, 'S. Grocery, and has splendid fooalby furaiture dealer an -audertaker,* Wing- tam ham, -As Rev Mr Shoat it a --Rev 3 Scott, M ,, preaohed an obismeeting of the Congregation di coarse in th'e Pre hyterieen elletrela on 13rantford, this sveek, there S:pbath evening, hi theme being True ''preaehing in the Cougrega -ClArietian Piety' 1ST Seett keeps uc• • 0 Meesrs It Currie and James ‘tufiferioly high site ant of gospd preach- ing- a meeting. the lay delegates chosen t -grs joeeph 1 stll'on sramumbed ote Mr 3 R Grant writes letter frortj Tnesaak last to the s ere lawgiver, death, Winnipeg tendering his rein nation of the At the early age o153 ears. Tire cause of postmaatership of Brussel Of his effici- leer death was cenenn ption. Me Welton enoy as a postmaster we kn w nothing — 4 has been a- resident 1, Witighata. but a general satisfaction appeare , to have been abort tithe. given -but he has rnat wit much tin- -1e General As 'natty of the Peesbea pleasant and unprineioled pposition of as -- tat= Chtirch in 0 uada will Woe:1th late. •Perhaps the worst of is was from annual *meeting in el orouto, ,eorntheiteittg the now not Budget. dueve12, and probably :ocupying the next MI 6 TRAVEL.- The staunch, palatial eecee days. About 40 4-inisteriai awl lay steamers United Emp e, C'ampana, and Ontario are now runnin twice each week nes rs will be re at, . from Sarnia and Kin rdine, forming the -41eeitrs George ammo, lu.evale, quickest and most dire t route for Lake tbbt Reilly, East Wawanosh ; James Huron and Superior orbs, Port Arthur, Tame Duluth, etc, retaking ose ceunectiou for' Andercson, Sanell an Alex Porter. berby, and 0 A, Soo .t,. Wingham, left on goplicatz ia the:West ea alt Manitoba, Tuesday for Menai ba. The latter goes loevest single kneCt? EOnn'odrtriplaurfeosrrretii oii2ii in clorchebtion with h s pork packing bug- rates, etc., call on Agent G. T..9„ Statigon, 1101113. Wingham. -In our report of the ports of the Sat -11 has been.defi *Rely decided that the May there' were sever otnissions. No. guron battalion, N , ei go to e , mention Wits made of t e spectiol feature "tented' field" this ear on the 18th of of horseback riding. Pb graceful riding- • autte, the 'place of meeting not yet being the first prize was taken y Mrs. Proctor, deeided ow Capt illionise therefore has of Laoknow. A good de of interest also :devolving on him th task of getting com- °entered in the luirdl races but prizes pally No 2 diseipli d a.nd aticoutred for were not awarded. The Kincardine appearance: . laorossists were beote by Wingham in ---Mr Ed Fergus° , tif Winghaan, who four straighb games, th home team band. -has been, working in the woods with his 'ling themselves with pra evvorthy skill. brother near drattd alley, had iv narrovv -On Friday last Mr escape with hie life few days ago bat Woodgreen Methodist sustained consider ' 1 ' by was in Wingharn Navin ;falling of a tree. „In the orush under a ante at the Orange ni ell5aged tees which came down he had and also having an app ElVeral bed deo 1Mil'ited on his face and iii Kiboardine on F Aeveral teeth' broken out. j"Prohibition and raw. elevate, aid' 'PINT lize'''Ivxmletteelgentlemen who recently lie? Than the need for the SerViCii of members of the police of truly educated Women in stocking and has since received out social' selleeti011e was 'urgent. No ellove along Wilson.), ')laying the part 'of Lady BOuntiful 1 „gracious 0,,,a =peg° ,iefoilld state. Time and thought and is popular as a hid ' werk were requiritd for that service, couple of says with T The various social questions of the .• _bark to, [ ' . • -A eopy of the Ow McClellatid, of Belgrav a Night before us e I' Wilson, of arch, Toronto' been in attend - ting Goderich ntmeat to lecture iday evening on s." Tine is the 11 under the ire force in Tomato 10 sobrioquet of e is of an active eroperament and er. He spent a hie friend Mr 0 f • th sul ject of de- , day must not et in e ) - hate ; they must net be known and eratie..0 tendon to have is lino of 44-e. ave recteived be foil text of ft histween that point and 74140 legisteey la ehoole which was Lake Heron. The ar eai.*44ae1ast neeetit g of theillast Aaron that the Grand Trunk Tetteitlre4 Associated afr '1• 4 Zoitgle, the purchase of the A Triactipel of the Oliotem Ilia ants peeeeee eee,a, 1.1 Bet eta teaching Itietery7M saykaari: deetete* of the Pettis Salt &Lam a taste for 'reading; to tialie pupil* to the nveiteag spirit in tho think fer,theMselsces ti fit them foe the control* this road, AvI a awl Au Sable ys it is the in- teomers ,put on Goaerieh across ole further °stays is negotiatini for • Sale cle• Nort11- s, Whois president er eorepany,agd eaworaent add that it new paaseriger steAl le not affirming hero mad the entire presont 13 hfulnees of the *4 for a, freight hotlise. Wo 1 bo completed, to ly referred to. the very largely by means of, bloatkboard. The Pottsvilleasle ditstaneta• of seventy ankle. hors thethipping bitelue tett book at present t use was strongly The Mr Potts referre( here, is a ittoreitt- exceeding that, of many ,eendernned. law to Ur 8 Yeuhill. magnitude. Autiee of eitieeushi aft.a =sane of does not,lt eey tr Aulture. ills mean . of • thing statettie Th1411110 Av M Pake,o the public school staff, was called away 100 Thursday last to attend the funeral f her sister, Mrs 3 Armatrong)who ted suddenly at her home in Wallacelfirg. Mr Geo Mosgrove had charge of Mks .L'ake's room in her absence. might, could, svou the day of a silve Mr and Mrs Dews be, the eitizeus of tes : The 3rd of June ' or should have been wedding ill the case of n. However that may Inghamwill nedoubt, Por envies. Mr W Groom was i, Montreal on busi- ness this weeka-Mr t Elliott. of the Thus has been at Brant ord for the last fortuight in connection ith the business of the C 0 F. -111th R Ludo°, has gone on a mouth's visit to sends in Peterbore and other places. Sheriff Bowles, of Orangeville, was vi ting his son Ed of the firm of Bowles (Ft 'nooks, last week..- Mr H W C Meyer ha been in Toronto on business this week. -Mr roll Stewart, who has been ailing for some months is very low -Miss Nellie Oolli of Bluevale, was visiting Mrs A Ross in Winghanz this week.-lars W W St wart an cl children from Detroit were vis ting at Mr I Ire: land's this week -Mr noes Aikenhead and wife, Mr. Malcolm oEwen and wife and Miss McTavish, of Stanley were visiting friends in W' ghoul mid Turn - berry this week. -Mr Copeland left for Manitoba en Wedn sday.-Mrs 3 C Hay, of Listowel and th eo daughters were visitinther sister, Mr T Gregory this week.Mrs S W Galbra th and son and Miss Emma, Youhill of ast Tawas, Mich, are 'at present on a sit to their parents Mr and Mrs 8 You till, of Wingham Mr John Neelands w s in Brantford ta Foresters' business • is week. Board of Trade. rganized. tie* At a meeting for the e -organization of the Board of Trade on Wednesday even - hag thereawera preoen : Xessre. -Wilson, Cline, Molunes, Meli oo, Homuth, Mills, Gordon, Stiles, Gri s: n, J. W. Inglis, Fisher, -Scott, Clegg, Dr. Macdonald and Sr. Graeey. Amoral a to the charter and by-laws the organize, on is still legally in oxisteuee. IC was ug •ed on motion that the membership fees o remitted to those whose names aro • rolled except one dollar, which payra:-.1 constitutes thein members till Februa, y 1890. It was de- cided to -retain the p eseut officers till the endof the ()threat y ar-B. Wilson, presi- dent; Di Mein es,ice-president ; 3. A Cline, see.-treas. T e first meeting will be held ou the enin of Tuesday the 18111. of June when the su jeot of street light- ing will be discussed. It was the univer- sal impression that in .many important respects the interest of the business com- munity and town could be reauifestly beuefitea by keepin c this organization alive. 11 is to be liquid every business man may see it to be 1 is duty and to Ms interest to accord his lioperation and the benefit of his views to his valuable.aid in furthering the 'well ming of Wingham, Onward is the motto and Win,ghatnites may be justly proud len they consider the comparative progre e and prospects of their town. as they read this fileting paragraph, wish the couple the goo 1 foeteee of holain the' golden eveddim. " ' • -Oh Saturday est 'Meseta Dramage took control of the anion bus wide* they purchased from Mr. Wrre Black, An ex- perienced and rehab driver, Geer e Ke. low, feom Toronto, h sheen engage , Mr. W. P. Dulmage Woe ly looks Late the busineas. Au intim e acquaintance with the travelling publ' and their require- ments, and a deter nation- to meet these • e are etion those interested. --Cheap Lake al d River Tours, via the most pleasant and 'eturesque route. The mognificeut steamer. City of Detroit, City of Cleveland, City o Alpena, and' Oily of Mackinac, now run d ily to Cleveland and four times eaoh w k from Detroit and Pbrt, Huron to nort ern lake ports -Mack - 'nee Island, St. Ign e, Sault.St.Marie,ett, connecting for all ke and rail points - Port Arthur, Dulu 'Manitoba, North- West, eto. For al information, lowest rates, etc., °all ou T. R. Agent, -Wing - ham -A. correspondent says Hume, the Scottish sceptic, ma es a remark some- where in his essays hat sectarian animos- ity is nob so rampau 'n England as it is in the northern part O the island. Not so in Canada, and still 1 8 in Wingham, for Messrs Scott and eQuarrie exchanged pulpits on Sunaay est- ing last. Mr Scott's sermon was highly a opriate, and hie eulogy of John Knox at he outsets showed tad and discrimination. S. Graoey's tam Why'. Having made speci arrangements aith the New Furniture r (story to retail their goods, and being at n expense for delivery / am going to sell °het er than ever. Be sure and cull and if I 'n'b give you value dehltseetty. See my 9313 -debearclA (with mired) Or 010.50; and 6 nee for 6si 1$3 bedisteads for 32 ; and 3,75enies for O. Bedroom suits for 911,7 ; Lounges (my own make) for $5 and to 312. It will pay to drive twelve mi s to S. Gracey's furniture rooms, ou the main street, next door south of the big bri hotel, Winghatn. A. Now tT X, station f Ivor eoine, time past ha popular agent at the G T Mr A C Strathdoe, bus authetities theemeessit commedatioh at Yin gla a and treiglit. ^•/t,is etceodin to know billet these request oeaed tie,on examination an tatioe, Ill3trat1id00 Wingham. vigilant and station here, en urging on the for greater a- 104' passengers ly gratifying eve boon ao- due eonehlet. boon informed pill beerected debug utiliz- avo frequeat. y traffics done Wingliatn far laces of greater 1,1 , • • ,.. • Blue" e. Messrs Robert W* iters and T Stew art attended the 0 snge meeting at Goderich last week. It. Wm, Hart- ley is home from oronto where he boabeen bine.bill.- '--Mr. john Farrow has charge of the n ercantilo business of Mr. 3, Timmins ri his absence. It receives bus closest ttention.-Mr. J. Timmins, cuerchat h s in course of erection a large block of buildings iu West ' Winchester, - Mr. T. Nixon's maraticy t k first prize for the open, trot at the • Walkerton raees on the t -1th May. s your oorrespon- dent said, she is hard o boat,- A G. W. R. tariff of passeng r fares written in with pen and date llth of De - &tither 1876 ia hangi 'g in the station here.. -Mrs. F. Putt son is ill. --Mr, WM. Messer has p b it wire fence ,around Lis prop lty.-Mr. Robb Mosgrovo is home f •ote. Manitoba, - Mr Wen Alosser's lit to boy, nonzio, Igot kicked with a hot e on Monday. The lower putt of hi face was badly oat hut with medie trhattnent be is !iming provnicely, ..Ir S Scott has I now L'00 hogs ati„ o factory peels :-,- 1 Jim Adley -who ',seat. ktiow Jiro ?- Ins working at Ilea b att. - WHOLE NO 90.7 '.2bo Town Ball Conclemined. The following letter has bon received by M. bleIndoo, mayor; Goderiob, May 1 Ha '89. To the Corporation of the Tow! of Wing- Geisteraemen,-I deem it nay d ty to call your attention to the fact that 't is your duty to provide suitable aceon nedetien for bolding the Division Court I d that you are not tibial/am. In the pres t state - of your hall it is impossible to 'Make it . comfortable,- and its appearance simply dlegraceful, Wingham has tabled a position which entitles the u igbboring Municipalities to expect from 1 an ex- ample in publics spirit and pub eater - prise, yet I regret to say that the ourt se- commodation furnished by you will not compare favorably with that of our less important neighboring divisions. ln'every instance where municipalities, acting on my suggestions, built imitate buildinge they wee gratified with the result and found the investment pro much less opportunity of rne, Mal success than you have. trust that for the sake of the respect doe to the ad- ministration of justice, as well s for the public convenience, and the cred t fyour town, youiwill take prompt *te a to pro- cure suitable accommodation. '• Respectfully yours B. L, DOYE Z. J Further reference to th crowded out this week. table Lb ngit tnan- dge, matter is .Be1grove- Mr, Rugh McLean, le on Monday • last! for Joliet, Illinois, to e'his sister • who is dangerously r. Milton, aocifreST, who has been at -.tiding the Toronto 'University has r timed again to our midst -for his cation. At the recent examinatio s he passed creditably receiving h ors in several' subjeets.-Dr. Tamly ; of Wingham, was in town Sunday last. Eo and Dr. Towle were in tendance with Mrs, Gillis who is ver ill at resent. -Miss Erskine, ester a visit of some two months to her siste Mrs. H. Mc- Lean has again returned to the Bruce Mines. -Mrs. W. Wals was visiting at Bluevale last week.- Ire.. J. John - stony of Bluevale, is A siting at R. Sterlings.-Miss Ann e Meikiejohn. hes returned from Be ie. -Mr. J. T. Kidd, traveller for Be' Bros., London was in town Monday. -W. Shane, di Blyth, paid us a shor visit.On Wed- nesday. -Say Fred! why did you not. get,, "Peeks Bad Pe ,y" to g,ive you a lesson on. initiation before you joined the Foresters. The i we would not have- heald your tearsX so far as this. when, the goat appeare to you.- A very interesting base hl match was played here on Saturda evening ix- tvfeen the Scotch and • h members of the club captained by .0 meOleileaid and J D' Nichol resp tively, The *tune waa welt contest and resulted 9 In favor of the 8cotela ide by one run the score being 10 to -S Wilson, representing G W Gage dr Oo og Toronto, was in the v nage this week; Grange 111., The young people o ' this vicinity celebrated the Queen's iirthday day by a picnic in Mr. I-Towa 's grove, Al-. though the day was Indy and: cool and not very favors e for a display of muslin, yet they were amply favor- ed by the absen it of inusquitoes, Swingiug as tiuu 1 was the thief amusement which was greatly aidel by the wind, so m h so that all were surprised at its eta ing powers. -Tho crops in this part knit well and, des- pite the severe BrostoE last week, promise a hountif 1 harvest. The fall wboatAeservee pecial nfention as it is ditlieult to fin, etter.-Mr. joint Spotten is visiting riends in the town- ship of Cavan. it wish Litn litany kind greetings tid many a warm hake of the hat from tbent.-Mr, Samuel Howarct. los greatly added to the general appea voice of his premises by renovating his ouse and enlarging bis barn. -Last we k while exercising a fractious pony, Mtn Balm wits violently thrown. fr m the saddle in- juring seriottsly th ligaments winch bind the humor s to the scapula. He is noW undiv lie tare of Dr, Tut*, of Gorrie.-e-We it anxiously lookin.t forward for the le 1 soma the loyal people of Howiok re going to take on the aped of the Jesuit Xitate4 • 9.