HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 9011Y11D-WilerlYiNNORPRVentV"AISM1r.'101.1Sir ;ZNORAYArAtillg^TgrXwasimigriportoccer. tionetaine Neout ?Lam 1 T' At I. big a won, %%loin flit:flag! a it ori 11 ..,* Nort horn noil ry 1,....ple ;,,,,, b, g,,,,,,i,t. uL 1..v;hyt.losir f111,4 dill !wavy wool ',IAN., ;Ind vigilllitl tit eii very in . II' ;nal bid aes leill'elo beea ere ilittitt4 ill r eel!, their droll Ilici hy de v and :light. n; w' rei er ad viet. in tem matter nitey O. 1 eies. N:ttliy doil.kr.t are wast• ph r 'ILA. lif :illill a dlid ehrteltleil tolete it 1 pee 111' in eteree Lf glun eam c.,, by whose strong, petitgeitt, and re- pellant odors these enemies of our clothiiig arc euppeeed to be driven away, the g Hui housewife making a point a tilling pickets with tetateco (nal camphor, and of laying bite of cloth soaked in sph it e of turpentine between the folde ,ie ilia truisat.,,s, almost every women having o•thod of her own. litit mute of these methods are neceesaay, and they owe the reputatiou of their ellitetcy solely to the card with whieb they are carried out, A method otleteping flys and and ell other art ieles uninjured, whieli is perfectly etreetual. is olio which re. quires no tobacco or camphor or any drug whatever ; it is eimply the mince of proveetion. it eve), article be hung on the line out -doors, shakeu well end long, and then whipped with to sit min tOd: ; this proe0s6 will expel every egg that has been laid in its re - clews. That -done, let the articlebe immediately folded away iii several layers If newspapers, or, indeed of any stout paper, and the edges of the pa- pers gu rained, with starch or mucilage, so that the mother moth cannot find an entrance to lay other eggs, and it it certain that the /nutmeat; will be taken out iu the fall perfectly whole and sowed. This, of course, presup- poses that the wrupping has been so compa te, that the mother moth can find no crevice through which to creep and deposit her eggs thereafter, and that the eggs already laid have been beaten out of the clothes. Ii these Pep have not been disposed of, all the tobaceo of A morica Or camphor of Asa will not hinder the worms hatched from eggs remaining in. • the +clothes, from eating till it, is time for then, to spin, and from riddling their ;shelter with hides, it being al irstys•un- tierstond that the little flying mother moth does 110110 Of this eating and de stroyiue, her ribtect behig only to de- posit. her eggsatial the vvortns hatched front those eggs --which after their own transformation, become 'winged beings. --doing all the destruction be- fore they put 00 winga. -But it is evident that if the egg' • have been shaken, end whipped out, then there ere certainly none there to hatch and work mieelnef ; and if the mother, moth which seems to be che most cun- ning and most contriving of' created, thing, cannot get in in order to ley ally more eggs, there will be no new oues laid, MA Stlfety is Cl13e. as well insured as if ono 1111(1 expended all the euperiluous change fu the limily in the purchase of tarred bags and mal- odor -ale drugs. or paid insurance mon- ey to the dealers, wito.tmiler secret of preserve lien is after all, the taking of similiar plant: Bury Elm poop, Bury tho croaker out in the woods . in a beautiful bole in the ground, where the humble bee buixibles, the wood pecker peeks, and the straddle bug straddles eiouud. Heis no good to the city of push, too UnpraCtical, stingy and dead : but he wants the whole earth and all of the crust, and and the s ars that shim; over his head Then. hustle him off the Once of the d ad, mai eury Mtn deep in the grouti:i ; ti its lirtre, get him oa: of tie. w!, eed make room for a Walt ;.. War 41 you cough when Shiloh's Clare Will giv ou immediate relief? Price 10e, 50e. and lid. For sale by 0. B.Williams. Doctor --Your blood is deficient in quality, Mr Jones. hat you need is n ore iron in your tweet. Mr Jones —that can't be, doctor. I have stop- ped ou at leas rw two tacks with my hnn i .1 sit/ " t. eleamite be- gan, HOSPITAL REMEDIES. There is a new departure in the treatment of disease. It consists in the collection of the specifics used by noted specialists of Europe and America, and bringing them within the roach of all. Per instance the treatment pursued by special physicians who treat indigestion, stomaoh and liver troubles only, was obtained and prepared. The treatment of other physicians, celebra- ted for curing catarrh were procured, and so on till these incomparable cures now include disease of the lunge,kidneys,fentale Weakness, rheumatism and nervous debility, tisk your druggist for them. Those who eannot procure these remedies from their •daiggist may remit the price to Hospital Remedy Co., 808i Woe King St., Toronto, and the remedy will bo elupped to theni Aired, (The price is one dollar each). Deseriptiee catalogue tent Oh reoekit of stampet.ampto Ps/ DoBtaila- • 1' TAILOR 0 1) SHOP 11 .T t : o. OLARITE, in Naming' a hew Tailor ;.41iii1 WinePlia,m, roepectfolly solicits a share of publi., patronay. it Will bo bis endeavor to . ive satisfaction to all entrusting 11110 will their orders.j3ijn• v now in ill nnin ord (1 i re to thank those who have favorail him, and to say that no pains will beepared to give hatifaetion in the future. Wingham, January lith, 18H9. 4....f."!siesrlaavrm,naneesain. 1,11WEILER? E. 0. CLA.B:KE. Has a meet complete assortment of the LaTZST, GEL0I0E,s;r, and.. MOST CilARMING A.UTICLES in Wachtes, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. orqu WM BUT AT C4' CLOSIf -:'ATTENVION GtVRIst Tr) R,I3PAIRING, AND WORK. ALL 1,07 WARRANTED, GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S ItLOOK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY. PTFT .A. .AD„ delosMIKKOcipaiatruara........C.-arAba,10, SO I ararbi.r......noTaxuaratau NEVI PATENT TOP MILK CAN, Cream Cans, 1";". I 4" 'Pail cl Salo I3uckets and Miik Pans, And everything Oa likiryilas P. 1,111.1TE1 T All Binds or testitbeite It has been demonstrated that all sorts tiatstitiantilir th:pttiaittnettnI,.,ailsetisx.1 aLko brome.t t9 Ova tan ..1;ar41, met the prim; of elicit. stiles arealeeeiterly (metal in the pray current of The Slice niel :her Reporter. Alleentee have heee been a fitvor4ie inatertal for the Malin- fittqliro .of pocket:boo-47 and eateluils. The high prier which the first product commanded soon induced tuanafacturere to prod= imitation% 'rhese are merc-. ly embossed leather. The peculiar scaly nature of the alligator's hide is 'success-, fully imitated by means of steel dies, which leave, a datable impression upon the leather Ho perfect in resemblance td the genuine alligator akin. that Only ex- perts can fell the difference. The same process is used to imitate other fancy skins, so that. there 18 220 novelty that to not haittited within three months of its first .appearance. The alligator skins were first put ou the market in 1870, Kangaroo, skins have only beep on the Market ii,bout three .years.- Tbaskinf the porpoise_ Jia lately been used for glees, and is•well considered because of Its fine grain -making it waterproof. It resembles a goat sain, The skin or the "seal bas also been made into leather, mut ,sells for about t340 a dozen skins. • One of the latest novelties is rattle- snake • leather, which is used chiefly for making pocketbooks. The mottled ap- pearance -of the finished skin makes a pretty leather, anil it is rather fashion, able. Tho imitation skins, made of em- bossed sheep skin, are already on the market, 'The skin of the monkey has alio been teemed andeisecl for making pocketbooks. Bear skins have long been used with the hair on for caps and coats, ancl the hides have also been used for lepther. Of course these novelties are not made in largo quantities, and are mostly used for- fancy trade. During the past few years the hides of horses have been successfully tanned and ptit open the market as a standard article of leather. American kid is now taking a proma. nent place in the leather market, and is even preferred to French kid by many manufacturers, who find it quite as soft, pliable and durable, and much cheaper. 1.1 is declared that American kid at twenty-five cents. a 'foot is. equal to French kid at fortycents. Pig skins are yet in demand for saddles,—New York Sun. Kept Within the Law. The action of that New Jersey bank in dumping $4,000 in silver on its floor in payment of its checks in tho hands of • a rival institution brings up tho .question of legal tenders. Gold has always been legal tender in the United States. With a brief interval previous to the passage of the Dland,act silver dollars have been also. Greenbacks are, but gold and sil- ver certificates are not, except on cos. A. S t' F. A • Tv toms, taxes and public dues. National lerek notes aro not legal tenders, and can and have often been refused in payment Eqi-tiq Vhil-1311qt.1,7 " MOST CERTAINLY WE CAN SUIT YOU IN • HOUSE DECORATIONS, CONSISTING Oh' CANADIAN AND AMERICAN W ALL PAPERS and BORDEitS. Our Stock is Varied, Stylish and Cheap. Beautiful WINDOW' BLINDS of Latest Desigu, Colors and Best Quality. CROQUET SETTS Excellent and Cheap. Everything in the Book line, School requisites, Stationery, Lacrosse Sticks, Base Ball Bats, Balls 4c. ROSS' POPULAll BODY:: STORM, WING11/12.1.., mawnennommoronnehnorarysva• THE .LLM G 'BOOT AND SHOE STORE.i Owing to the late Boom 1 have nuule room for and have on hand A Large Stock of HEIDI • MAUR BOOTS and KUNZ 1 In addition to my Custom Businese riefy Competition in Quality, Sizes, of debt, Subsidiary coin is legal tender oniy in limited quantities. A gentleman went to the stamp win- dow of the pOStaffiCO in a neighboring city and called for 100 one cent stamps, tendering in payment 100 one cent pieces. Those are not legal tender in any such quantities," growled the stamp clerk; "I refuse to accept them." "You do, eh?" answered the gentle, man. "Well, give me ono stamp," at the Same time shoving out a penny. Tita stamp was forthcoming. "Now, give mo statup.” HO got it. I "Another stamp." "Now another." ' I "See hero," said the clerk, "howins.ny stamps do you want? You aro keeping tweeaty people waiting." "Oh, i always keep within the law," responded the gentkraan. "Another stamp. please. Pennies are not keel tender in largo amotmts. Another And he shoved. off his pennies and pur- chased stamps, ono at a time, till he got Ilia hundred. But the clerk was cured. Pennies aro legal tender at his window In. barrel lots.L.Washington Post. Poet, et the Pyrite 'Pretests, t Vollege.gart : "Women determine* the se Sial condition of any country and any rue& No r:ua' has eter uboins the CtinJiLtoh of he women. The boy is father of ilo ni-tr..but the woman 18 mother of the bee and 'elle- determine') tile whole A•gtla 1. Wait. INA oniy o her own geneeatios,, It n; of tiix. ,leireriVion,; I/wt. aro to follinv.” .Tatora l'rown, son of Mr • Brown, of Berlin. having attaihed 1118 • iiI- e&r, was the iluply ret?piellOtt the banfr, bei father r,f fl,4110, In Willow:at of • prOinise made many voar KO that if fly eon would eleteitt from the Ilse of tit4 , oun 1;41tWili qnd tobacco until he rili,c1.tql 1 10, stae et manhood he would make him ;. .present of the sum stated. Spirits Scored the Jtditor. We don't believe in spirits—in. any way, manner, shape or • form—but Wednesday evening (Mite a party es- sembled the residence of Hr. J. Re • Forrester to Breve a table. rapping, and the results of that meeting were wonder- ful. Tho table used was en ordinary wooden oue and the circle was formed' by tome of the party seating themselves around it and placing their halide in such a manner ae to form a circuit. For some time the table remained unmoved, bat after. a little more time it began to bob about and move front ono end of the emu to the other. Then the medium said that the spirits were at work. Of notate we didn't believe in that, but s the table raised up from the floor cold hills passed op and down our back and . fit of trembling seized bold upon us. VC clidn't Lave any notificlenCo in the pirit pad Of the perfoinutnee., undt:t, stand, but we trembled all the same. At no time the table was raised a consider, hie distance from the floor, falling with tteli force as to break it to pleCeS. 801110 and am determined to sell for OASH, 0 OK BOIT° PRIGE8 :0 -Repairing as usual, and Patching a Specialty. I solicit a share of the patronage. Don't Fory tthe Place gpposite the Central Rotel.; Rips sewed free in all boots purcnased from me, 1 Butter and eggs taken as cash in'exchange for goods, P. H. RODERUS, a a WINGITAat, ONT. of the names even by the spirits were nly known by one of the party in the M I MISS NVLI.,0 P4LASSE$ FOR INSTRUCTION 014 PIANO' AND Groh, In Voice Cultore and ilar.sOny. iutzu.; i!,uerts : 11111Vall .01,1);84 0 oom; at other thews the intmes were ittrecognized. The Inessages defiverud were, sense of them, quite startliag, and ere enough tO 'Make a believer Of the oetincredoloua, Verily, some strange hings happen at these!meethige, und they aro things whalt weean't otplain at a—Albany kGa.) News CALU EDONIAN RA. r tr The Soelety meets evelry thirty Moflib math, Visiting. brethren welcome. This commodloue hell can ha Iltuniewl Mr anter w tainaient4 01 e.ary kind at a VeTy 104' figure Vur : ura terms A., lkIMIY to . J.iml.,1 mutt?, •t o0:14 6.;• Ekiljiant! Durable !' Economical 1' Diamond Dyes excel all othersi in Strength, Purity and. Fastness. None other are just as good., Be-' ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior material; and give poor,' weak,' crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored Oarments Renewed J CENTS. A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Montreal, P. Q. • lagemmettaaeasearameces.) HTS! Si When I say Conn 1 do not mean merely -0, stop them for a time, and then have them retu..1 again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy t, °cantle worst cases. Because others have fall'1. is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sel ;. at once for a treatise and a MEE BOTTLE of 1 i INEALLTELE REMEDY. Give Express and Pi Office. it costs you nothing for a trial, ano willcure you. 'Address: G. BOOT, . Branch Mice, le4 West Adelaide Stmt.., Toronto. . KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Merit Successful Remedy ever cltseor orad, anoVbrIslr.talit ncililveoffebeetisoalid does KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. OFFICE OP CRAY:LNG A. SNYDER, 13ussorat or 1:k.uvzr.,sun BAY AND TROTTING BRED HORST'S Fuziwooe, rzt.., Nov. 20,1888. De. B.J. Xiamen Co. bilwarlhPalraVg ,7.4ganthebbeVitgggleorncliOaTttliit.Y.I en 2ny stables for three years. Yours truly, CMS& A. SWIM= KENDALL'S SPAVIIN :CURE, Bnommlix, N. T., November 3, 2883, J. KindiALL 00.. ErFoTtiiiiiiitgOlte,VoralgraPAPAPAT grinviinsf,"ARtraritittnittthUrgliitsi mcorartestgticlit te hursemen.A Ylkanagor Troy Laiinciry Stahl, KENDALL'S SPAY'!" CURk SANT, WINTON Cotrugr, O1110, Dee. 19, 1$8:,. Dn. )3. J. Kurtosis, Co. ;Gents: I feel Pally duty to say vrbat I Savo del. R. gg147011110gretellrgeg444rtigng''; Bing Bone,. nine afflicted with I ic mead •t, seven or Big4swi. Since' have ad ono or yi + books and ronowed tho direotions.I have t lost a ratio or any kind. go Educe Wily, AstintroTreatisurDze KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUR4II Pries Si sor bettli, or dr bottles for IA All isrs.v. 'tits bave t or (Angst Or fort ye% or It Will bast , tottaIlltd. ater 1114'eaftvgjggAti'vtiVM:...' -SOLO .B1' ALL 0111700U:1: .1