The Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 4r.rvoravattr-:41-442.7144,44m,.._ assaatiitereatireatenoimantaersteatatesaterearese nitif tut 1. had to avoid eeneevina the hu Vet. The OM% fat Olin 0) :1111. Int pr,,,,,itm that th, oland'Trutik com- The cauncil met on the e.vening of Girls, wall ti excellent (Waite) of Wroxctor. peity wide the mats fur Buell treble Teesda- e the tilst hat, in the commit conteniiimary. It is wholcs Pitlitaaa, 51.A.Y. 31, WE'D. — - aerie saorteet varmore. nippy 1.coo..a. the :armor's lifc. Itvistieee reue ; et wholetome toil; Au anieet HMI), sih loving wife, 4.y42.14yinj lattiv4.4 to the soil. Thrice happy, surely --in his breast Flinn wimiom and the trust in (.loa ; path more straight from east to west Than potitieleu ever troa. Ilis gain's no loss to ether men: 1 -Iii st,1,1wart blows inflict no woUnd; Not busy with his tonaue or peu, Lie questions truthful sky and ground. Partner with seasons and the sun, ," • Nature's ro-worker ; all his skill • A • Obedience, ev'n waters run, Winds blow, help, beast their laws AIM. A vigorous youthhood, clean and boll; A. manly manhood; cheerful ago ; is comely children proudly hold Their parentage best heritage. Unhealthy work, false mirth, chicane, Guilt,-neediess woe, and useless strife,•• O cities, vain, lostme, insane !- Ilow happy is the farmer's life! • • • Ian Hickson's Evidence. RE WAS 'PALMY REPORTED. Mr. Joseph Hickson correct 3 many flagrant errors in the published report of his evidence before the Senate •Claminittee on Interstate commerce sitting in New York. What Mr. Haikson really did say is subjoined as Wirer important tothe public generally: aintlickson said he saw the account, and a more inaccurate and misleading report I have seldom seen. 1 am stated to have unwillingly acknowledia ed that the foreign trade through Oa. a la from the United States was Mt..ell greater than the Canadian trade through the United States. I stated very nearly the exact opposite of this. 1. said that it was my belief, although figures did not exist to prove the accuracy of it, that the Mated States roads derive as much (if not more) 'avenue from the carriage of traffic to and from Canada as the Oauadiau, roads receive for carrying alai: through Canada for shippers in the United States. 1 am made to say that the Canadian Parliament annually voted. money to various branches of the Cauadiau Pacific lines as 'subsidies, and lines of steamships were yearly subsidized. I made no such statement to the com- mittee. 1 was asked a great many questions in regard to the Canadian Pacific, and also about subsidies to steamship lines, which, when they related to matters of public uotoriety, answered, but respectfully suggested to the committee that they would be able to get fuller and more accurate Information regarding the Canadian Pacifist railway from the president of that company ; who I understood would appear before the committee, than I 'could give chem. I also stated that I had some reluctance to express Opin• ious and give evidence in regard to the affairs of a company which was a competitor with the Greed Trunk, Then I am made to say that in the Northwest and particularly Michigan,• almost all the carrying trade was doae by the Canadian Trunk lines. Of course such a statement is simply ridiculous, and does not require any contradiction. "I am also reported to have stated that about forty per cent. of all the business done by the Canadian ruffle was due to the Uniteu States. [made no such statement. The question Was in reference to the Grand Trunk coin pany which was due to its connections with the United States, and its lines •iu the United States, exclusive of the Chicago & Grand Trunk, and Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukes lines. I stated tip the committee that I was not in a position to give the figures. An hon. senator asked if 10 per cent of the Bross receipts arose from pure- ly Canadian traffia. I said certainly, much more. Be then said, 'Twenty per sent. t I said I really conal not tell, but I thought it was nearly GO Per cent. Canadian and 40 per cestt United States. "I am repoi•ted as having hesitated to Sektiowlifflge that the Grand Trunk road controlled the freight between Portland and ellicitao. and as Saying that the Grand Trituk was allow- ed by the American roads to mitke rates for westbound freight, that if it did net have this privilege it :Ionia not do baeinese. What the latter uw without auy referenee to other emu- i room. All the members preseut, the and may do you good :- Wle n a re • peal km engaged i11 carrying the truffle, 'Reeve in the chair. Minutes of hat spectable .young wan &siren the ite. or, in other words, dictuttel what they I meeting read awl confirmed. A .quaintance of a lady, lie does not ehoula be, and to explain that the 1 petition front A. 14 Gibson and lia amid upon the titreot and seek it making of rates for such business was others was laid before the coutteil through ell Melon. lint on the other a matter of couference and negotatt ! asking them to allow the bitse ball and hand, the flirt on the Ansa, in) tam between the cousaanies interest. ifoot ball (antis the uee of the villiwo platter lii...W inmientmaybe ' her ' perk for the season free of charge, iateutione, is the last person lie Mr A 14 Gibson and Mr 1) Weir ape would selost ns his lite companion. peered in support of the petition, and 'He desires purity without tilispation. ou motion by Air Jae Paulin seconded The gill who eugnes in this kiwi of by Jas Ireland the prayer of the absurdity shall bear in mita that -Dia you hear Mr. Dopew give his evidence ?" "I heard a part of the evidence which Mr. Depew gave. He spoke in a friendly spirit of the Oalladlatt Itnes,petition was granted subject to rules - she not on y endangers her repute - but lie thought .they should be obliged aud regulations to be made by the - tion and puts a stain upou hetDante, to obey the seine laws as controlied Park committee of the council. The but that her mune is a by -word among the United States companies, and he clerk's account for postage and station those with whom she ilirts, to be entrained from recouping losses in ery and light and fuel for the past isanditia about in the saloous, on ale carrying through States to States past year was paesed. The clerk was street comers and in low down, nulioly traffic by charging higher rates on requested to make necessary examina local traillo or from retailing, of traffic Lion in Gocierich about certain lots going from one part of tho United (thawed 'by Wm Johnston. Ou States to another in Canada. To the motion made and seconded the Clerk questiou what lie thought ought to be' was instructed to • post up notices done to protect the interests of the 1 regarding beasts running at large, United States lines,he said he did not drawing the peopleat attention to the concur in any proposal to interrupt bylawitt that behalf. The rules fur the truffle between the Canadian and the guidance of the Park committee United. States lines, but he thought were discussed and agreed atm and there should befttrthor legislation ma the (stork was instructed to give a ciliated to more fully control the . copy to the presidents of the base ball Caundian lines, and foot ball clubs. On iuotion made "I had occasion, when before the and seconded, the cal:moil adjourned, committee, to explain that the Grand to meet on the tiara Tuesday of June Trunk Company considered the inter- or at the cell of the Reeve. • state commerce law applied to all JOcavaa, clerk. traffic carried to and from the United States and Canada, and all traffic TATTOO AND WART CURE. • passing from one State to another through Canada; that no such thing MAUR TWAIN TELLS ROW RE GOT as re -billing of traffic in Canada in . a order to avoid the law could possibly RID or MTH vias, take place, for this reason that if A tattoo mark is easily removed traffic were so re -billed, when it reach - May I drop into • personalhistory ? ed the frontier to . again enter the White 1 was a small bey I had my United States, according to the United shat•e of warts. I tried in tura the States law, it would be considered an three hundred and sixty-eight ways of importation from a foreign country removing them, but without results ; rid be subject to duty ; that as to indeed,t1 seemed to get wartier and allowing rebates in Canada on traffic wartier right Rang. But at last some- thatcarried front one btate to another, body revealed to me the three hundred was done; and it was manifest : that if the Canadian lines carried and sixty ulutit way, and a tried it. thus diave a needle down into United States traffic as a loss and re - the basement of the wart; then held couped themselves by charging higher rates for local traffic, they would be the other end of the needle in the flame of a candle some little time; simply throwing away so much money, the needle becanie red hot throught and that they would be better without the United States traffic. its length, and proceeded to cook tire wart. Preser.114 1 drew the needle "I had also to point out that as out ; if it had White atoms like nits regarded the local rates in Canada, they were probably quite as low as sticking about, its point, that wart was the local rates in the United States; done; if the point were clear, I drove it in again and welted till I got those that the excellent system of water communication necessarily kept the white things. They were the roots of the %tart. TwenIty-four hones latter rates low in summer. Farther, that the wart would become eeft and flabby Canada in the matter of local rates, in relation to the Interstate Commerce law, was in precisely the same posi- tion as, say, the state of New York, that the Interstate commission did not regulate rates -upon the New York Central, for instance, the business being wholly 'within one state, and the Interstate law did not, therefore, appiy to them any more than to the local rates in Canada." Lower Vifinaham• Mrs William Cruickshank left on Friday for Peteeborough to visit her parents and other reiatives.-Mrs J Kemp, of Wrexeter, is visiting ftiends. in this locality at present. Mr Win Cruickshank lost one of his cows 011 )aces In the town, fastening upon her a stigma that will cling to her for years after etie has attempted to weed her ways. rsaao You A. 14otIter7 Hare you a mother? If so, honor and hive her, says the •Chrittian at Work, .1f she is agea, do all m your power to cheer her decliniug years. Her hair inay have bleached, ber t•yes may have dimmed, her brow may contain deep and unsightly furrows, her cheeks may be sunken ; but you should never ferget the holy love and tender care he hat had for you. _ In years gone by she has kissed away from your cheek the troubled tear ; she has soothed and petted you whim all else appeared against you she has watched over • and nursed you with a touder care known ouly to a mother; she has sympathized with you in adversity; she been proud of your success. You maybe despised by all around you, yet that loving mother stands as an apologist for fat your' short - cominge With a 1 thatalisinterested Abeam, would if not be ungrateful in her declining years, yon failed to reciprocate her love andlioner her as your best, tried friend? We have no respect for a man or women who neg- lects an aged mother. If you have a mother, love her, mat do all in your power to make her happy. Cure of Inebriates. Front t.be Quarterly Jo7trnal of ineb riety, publithAl at Hartford, Conn., under the auspices of the American Association for the Study and Cure of Inebriates, we meal the following ex tracts from a reeeut lecture by Da Elliot, a Toronto : Four conditions must be observed. The first condition of cure and refor- and I removed it with a single wipe of illation is. abstinence. The patient is Oat Neal Mill Opened,/ my hand. Where it had bean was a beingpoisoned, and the poisoning, must ernooth surface now, which quickly healed and left no scar Within be stopped. ta ere it an arseuie in teho 'undersigned desire 'to inform farm. Stead of an alcohol, no One would dis- and the people generally that they have days I was wartless and have so re. re mained unto this day. pute this. So long as the drinking of opened their intoxicants is indulged in, so long will nae T IrVIT tm Well, a long thew afterward, when the bodily, mental, and moral tais- 1!/JI Jim wingna,, was sixteen years old, a sailor tattoed an anchor and rope on the _ chief be intensified .and made perman- And are now prepared to purchase Oats in, back of my left haud with India ink. ent. Abstinence must be absolute, and unlimited quantities and at the The color was a deep, dirk blue, and on no plea of fashion, of physic, or of vr2 T._ Tr religion ought the smallest drop of an Laagal0314 laaltrls'eti, a anew -,. ri I.., .17. r:•)11.0,4, ,. i , i. ,,r,..„J i.,1,...t., i ._,.t.,,a,.._,..•,,, MANTOBA COr:, CM at aaa Auree lien; of t ireaelata Laud, may Five Miles tram the rapidly Srow;ig City of 13 RAND ON -t The grain Alianeaplli3 of the north-west. The abo,•.- IS re.illy a de.,r, isle Farm al.,1 will he Eolel t 'Leap, A Plaining 30 by 30 feet TWO OTOTEO Rio Containing all the modern maeliin.re for nuinufw. taring Flooring, M•sd.iiikgs, n.sh, ioila awl Esglso Whim I'irs woof wits an irou staring ko.an ittaiwa. This vi.inabh. property Itt fir3lnlass running order, eituat,d in P.r.iselne near the It 1' It etation, and in the 'aqui of tin nt.nufa('anin4 &tut of at, city where a Largo and l'ruilt4de lnininem can bc. realize.). Innuedlete pessenninn ean be given. Title perfeet. For fnapartiNlare pt ti, 1', 1161f ER, Winghatu P. O. extravagantly aonspieuous. I was proud of it for a while, but by the intoxicant be put to the lips- of the a! Tho will supply custoiners with the Baer eohnlie stave, Alcohol is a material - time had worn it nine years I was Galoas ra Oat Ucal. tired of it ante ashamed of it. chemical narcotic poison, and a mere sip has, even in the tnost solemn Mr - could find nobody who could tell me cuinstances,been known to relight m how to get rid of it; but at last •nly thefiercest intensity the drink crate wart experience of near a had a gene- ]. which for a long period of years had ration before oceorred to me, atid Sunday. There seems to bequite a got me several beedles and a candle beendornaa.ut and onfelt. The second trouble among the cattle this sprinstraight away. drove the needles g, condition of cure is to ascertain the cows especially. -There is 801138 talkthe of predisposing and ekoitinci causes of in - of just taller surface the Mr David Halstead opening up a. side and tolerably close together, and feather cleaning business in Lower made them include the whole tattoo Wingharn in tho store vacated by Mrs mark' then I fired up on them, and King, This will be quite an acquisi : cookedthe device thoroughly. Next day to tile place. .1 wiped the device off with my hand. Belfast. The place qviekly healed up and left ' tio sear. A faitit bluish tinge remain - Miss Flora Thompson has gone to • . , Londesboro where she will with Geo Snell -Mrs Crosby , has gone to visit itt Dungannon. -Mr and Airs Robt Mullin, of The Nile, were visiting ebriety, and to endeavor to remove these causes, which may lie• in some remote or deep-seated physical ailment. - The third condition of cure is to re- Long Experience, °lose attention and store the physical and mental tone. , unexcelled facilities, enables me to turn out utaformly a class of This can be done. by appropriate med. led treatment, by fresh air and exer work equal to thatof any Gallery ht the west, cise, by nourishing and digestible food . ELDER & CLEGG, WING -IMAM - ON'Z' BROCKENSIIIRE'S Photograph dailerya e , an was min e to eg n agent given to reeoustruct healthy bodily ' and cook that out ; but as it was taarWork of every description artife. tissue and brain eel), :titled by kite!. hardly detectble, and not not notice. able, it did not seem worth the fuel,' lectual, eduentional, and religious - callY' promptly and satisfactorily "Ha' at I e 1 1.f • • tl ' d 6/ e .0 .6 •_ fluences. Nowhere can these eoncla , i at the homest,ead. on Sunday. -The tions of cure be so effectually carried . . . yet, though I su 0 I ' the only ' farmers are all through seedine around it ppos . . ane out ail in an asylum where the Tudor- Member of my tribe that kziows it. here. -Mise Robertson, of Duugannon, tunate victim of drink is placed in , A Large Assortment of Frames. is visiting at Mr Thompson's. ago,w11011 the Tichborneelaimanascase I was in London a good many years qnarentinet treated with s.uitable re- ' kept constac try on hand. Price as west being tried, and a batch of learned medieauntil the alcohol is removed low as are consistent with good work. Tan Itnv. Gno. IL MATSU, of Bourbon, from his system, then surrounded by ex e a t t•fi el ti t I el' • 1r Ind.,says: Both myself and wife owe •„ tattle mark coma uot Ohristian and elevating influences, fed oar lives to SWUM'S CONSUMPTION OVUM" be removed ; but For solo by Ci. lil. Williams. I was not asked to testify, and so with a nouishing and suitable diet,and to supplied with skilful medical treat - those peeple don't know any better _. , , A. poet is born, not made. This is plena eels Drain and nervous system this day. -Mark Twain hi New York lucks for the poet. If the populace caught him in the act of making him. a" • • Tall then be gradually restored to its 1 —' '. normal oondition„ and, after a period se f theta! would be an injunction) of from six to twelve. months in most served on lain so Unfelt that it would antranaCsetneaBreszoa-a pesitive mire cases, he will be so far recovered as to for Catarrhatiphtherini aud Canker Mouth. make his headawiln. —A SPECIALTY.-- eeasotati.oter Protet,FRTM Sold tor 411100. until lately. Beg *83 watch In tho Parket timekeeper. War. BD ranted, Hoary, Solid bloat liantingeaseri Both. and gouts' eizei,evith work, and texts ot equal value. OntsPerSon Womb Mo wily care ward oft* ?mei togetb'Jr with our largo and Oat - noble line of IISiusehold Thodo sompIeo, avocation and sac , them Is your Immo to y m 13 i:rtlikOaE4 Por sale by 0..11. Williams. return to his usual rOlt DPEIPtPSIA alia Liver Complaint you tessfully resist his oravitie for dank • ex reltharet3 caned, Met become your tesproteniAr Those have aprinted guarantee oti every bottle of Shiloh's The Bezar is informed of the very Ti f Lilt",'" oa onco out e sure of race tin Ir retch iti °lath condition of cure ie ein• a Lii2tat'Z'Araer.W.Yeireita learatataltaza="1:: ez rot t‘r I r, Vitalizer. It never 15118 to cure. Portal') by 0, E. • winiarm appropriate selection Of en organist ployment Idleness is the f ist . ettseitt ataerea. • • - — Father -What would you like to t at a recent church weildin As soon means 1 do not know. It may luive a. he of drunkeness, industry the bill 0 .=.;,,i. Iv, ithit,hionriggtuaentropolitan weeklies tan be wark of temperance. . Let the mind of- b I referenee to an answer which L gave be when you grow up, Johnny ? joins. al tee nappy pair had,been pronoune- ny-1 think I'd be a soldier. You "he and wife the .organist rilaved i i.---epenetent inebriate be kept oceu- Viva 'one Globe . - I 1 h 1 Timm at the figures lane to a question by one of the inettibers vitae, Mail, and.Farm andPireas, ... might get killed. Who by? 13y the will 0 mtssaa," utievdr will be ms.ed, elle never pied by attention to regular work, and mote and Rural canaaiano • • of the Cmumittee, whieh WO to the enemy, of course. Why then 1 etuess Tints mal Montreal Witness, ' .. •• the task of -reformation will Lo shorn It ES' SINES a ct London thornier .. .. eriginated tieteary made through rates, Plot that the roads upon which traflio 1 had better be the enemy. As you made mieerable by Indigestion, of half its difficulty. awe a d T • won wts1,04 roaltiud tapi ofielo 0,t. billoye,Oatarrb Itett:ftly. ryle? CO cent!. For I t.° °Vi Skil,' S12110161 "311"riti * P°04i• Orbilp,IIISIOpit/kNOSgli AtId 13roliclollake rreritil:by° v Tem and weekly No1%11,161 tiranilusn, 4Chriei IR a arse the t4rend Trunk cirrus A NASAL Milacron 4reo with each bottle gerietipation, latniese, Loss of Appetite, Snitorasi Cott will imam:rat I 1.1""na daily Wnia ., 1 74 Od 1 74 .. 1 7$ before Pilate," . . •• 0.1 Witco! • • .11111, cute, 'or sale by C. B. Willituue C. E. WIdlems. • • "liatlierii 01 tuntade;atiet;.;*. .. 2 00 4.