HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 3-44....,4-,-/••••,•••11..1., ere VOL. X V J I ! .:-N O 2 . ' TIN GHAM, ONT,, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1889. LOCAL NEV S, -Choice oranges and lemonb of LI 'c• vivito, -Tito county oouncil meet on Tuesday :text the dth of Juno. /• -The most invigorating de nlc you eau v eecuro is the milk shako. G, to J McKee - vies' and try it. -Rev Mr Anderson of St Helena will preach in the Preebyteriaa ( ltttrch today (Friday) at 2 p:nl. -Mr. C.U. Williams, of V ingham, has beeu put on a cor unittee iC the recent Druggists' meeting M P(61me ton. If you have a trip in view to tho ilanadim North• went, take advantage At the viten , Iixcur•,tons,via The Orand Trunk Hallway and ih Short Line on June 4th, nth anis 18th. tine C: T.4 ,agent% for hull ' :nfonnation. Bring along your pictures and wreaths ttuci'have them framed. (itrtein polos, 'mirrors, hall stands, &;a., do. S. Gracey, xurnitu' .w ' tsi1.11- ,. 1( n. khat -Iry oh atrawberrie3 at Af Ilelvirs to -day. •-_A free exhibition f milk shake at J Mol>elvies' on Haturd 'y Melia • --If you have an, Doti n of going to Manitoba ice the in neem pts offered by the Canadian Paoif .o Da lway. Call on any agent of the re. cl, -Tito annual mil Lary drill is likely to ba ]teed at Landon t tis year and the 33rd of Huron may Le of lied out instead of the defunct 7th batalli( n of London. Ma S Youhill received w rd to that effect. -A citizeu's me bine is being arranged for Monday evouir_ to discuss the Jesuit question. The sneaker of the evening will be Prof Cavei_4 of.Torouto. Dr Mao- dn:utld and other a itizens will likely give 'short addresses. Phe public are cordially invited to attend. -In the 12 Dietsle- Courts in the coun- ty the total num:ler of suits entered was 1060; tonal stns nut of claims entered, 68,202.52. Th number of suits entered when the amou claimed exceeded ill00 was 208, Seafe til has the largest number of oases entore 2f3; Brussels next, 243;' Wineham next -ith 210. Mr, George 1toKay, J. P., : on Satur- day last dkq os of Itis residence an the, Diagonal road ith the 11a acres adjoining as well as a co le of lots to the west, to Mr. A. Daws n, insurance agent, for £t 175R.. his i a most beautiful location and the 'xcellet t pasture lands connected with it make it n eceeptie. nilly fano pro - port ne its uding to keep cattle or sea. -Cheap Lake and River Tours, via the mope pleerant and picturesque route. The miegniiicant steamers City of Detroit, City of Cleveland, City of Alpena, and 'City of Mackinac, uow run daily to Cleveland ax four timed each week from Detroit an Port Huron to northern lake porta-Mack- hem Island, St. l;,t,a6o, : anit,St.Marie,ete., connecting for alt late and rail points - Port Arthur, Duluth, Plenitoba, North- West, ate. For all information, lowest rates, etc,, call on Gat. R. Agent, Wing - bean Station. Metiers • Joint • Tilt, cf Doon, and No- thot iol milt, of 'Lint wel, spent several days this week with tl air friends Mr. 11, Andersen and the Go-by family. Messrs. R. Anderson and 3, Tait were tho execu- tors of tho Uotby estate which they have just satisfactorily otos od up. When the vititors were about to return, and at the station, a seven year cid dnugitter of Mr. Nath, Tilt took seriously ill and he was unable to leave. T no child bas since gradually recovered. 1'he person roferarred to in the fol- lowing item was the another of Mrs, G. McIntyre, of Wiugl am : Another old and highly esteemed eesident of West Wa- wanosh has passed oy:3r to the great ma- jority in the person of Mrs. Cameron, wife of Mr. Alexan*tr Cameron, 'of th 14th concession. D,moased was in 11e 56th year and had suffered for many months peat with year troubles and al. though for some time little • no hopes were entertained for=ocovery • her death is none the lose sever( ou her usband and family. Site was ani 'orsaily liked by all who know her and • its her demise the neighborhood bas sof erod the loss of a true friend. Her ret tains were followed to their last resting iii ce in the Kinloss cemetery by a large +,onoourae of friends and neighbors on Thersday afternoon. Mt DM, "Testes,"- It seems somehow as if you had done me a personal favor by inserting a para• graph in last week's issue regarding Mr. James Scott. Ile i a native of Loma llagow parish --a par sit dear to me as a home for many ye Ors. And now air, when located on the same stair -head six days out of the envoi , I feel as if I had got a now lease of lift I have come into personal contact `wi h 'him at' ititorvale close upon a year, are be improves upon acquaiutancc. X•ie n .ant fevo years at law in hie native cify of lasgow before nom- ing to Canada, Ina ad of writingea word moro perhaps you w ll insorb a fragment I throw off at red hes the morning after the Burns' festival of : 859, and which have been suggested to ny mind by allowing my imagination to ; vender batik to fernier scenes. I canna leave: n y native veto, Tao tread a tt mike it ire ; 1 winnn heave s iy native vale, %se Lace the htta(itio'e roar. _ •lar . ,. Huron and Superior orts, Port Arthur,, Duluth. eir., ruakinq c one vo.,ttectien for all points ill the VYeti "^ tl. States,' Manitoba, ]:taenia Coast, oto.. 't set?all inforntatien, lowest single anti roto d tan fares, freight . rates, etc., call ou Age It C .-TeX., Station, Wingliam. . • .--"17ie'I lytlh4 tanda: 1 "points a moral" to some benighted rest ants in this clear `eutfasltiou t''131ytlt is blessed with a few ° very econontitlal, souls, \Vhenever they lose anythiagt pr' wish to call a :Hooting somo'i'itnas; tie `Have a possible expense.. They boxrosv' ie'It eco o paper and with sokri+poueelst£ ,a" hien an ink a notice is wrltteu ;t t 1 ` ii of a h gamer is secured, -half; t ;df t~a_}j.;+woks Ito ggo 1, and the hiero- .glypliicp•ap+ear on a tel graph polo or in the • poet"' agog. Not ing like keeping down tete expensen." -The Exeter Bontd f Trade, recently organized, has already got actively to Work in discussing the to it's welfare and - Making suggestions to lee ter proninte, the tame. The question ' . f• establishing a market for the disposal .f eggs for cash was discussed. They al o decided to ad- vertise for parties williu • to establish a binder twine factory. the usefulness of each • an organization has of late been ,made appareut to nlauy hitherto opposed thereto. All that is ne, ed is hearty oo- °operation, Reine'mbe a meeting for or- gaulzation in aainglla is called for next Wednesday, evening. -alba wisest busiue s tnen and the most auceessful ones .are tl me who keep their mamas prominontly bekare the public when trade is good as well as when it is poor, When trade is driving; is the time to make one's business so well knowu that when the dull season come. there will still be elastomers.. Men wi l deal with these wisora'bhey know, o of whom they have heard soenuch that t oy feel acquainted. A eons4fknt tend con finial advertisetncnt in s Teta-table antra 1, whish .ie constant• ly •aeemais like the' l ripping water' which ,is 'we'arivg; away tit flinty rock, slowly it relay be, but sure . Cireuhtrs may be thrown in the w ste basket-catolo ues may , find lodgme t on the shelf, but the fro jUent arrival . a reputable journal is a corseted and su e reminder which sooner or later must be r fruit. When everybody is rushed it is o trick to seorro custom, it ie When hie •aeighbore are idle that the man who lies, Italy tt; j1is .name and. gasses batorb ' Filagds,'himself so welt known , (;full share of What pg d -Ica cream and Boston foam at efete lvle'o• Messrs D. Weise, Albert Ackerman and two daughtei`rs Fad David Halstead leave for 11Tossomin, N W Ton Saturday. they go an a prospeo $til; tour. -A report of the least Iluroti Farmers Iuatitute, of the 0ra:5e meeting at Goder- iolt, a citizen's letter .nd partof the pro. endings of the Teac1 rre d secoiatiou have to be held over till mast insuo. Bear in mind the t soap Excursions to the Northwest to be run by the Grand Trunk Railway via its North 13ay Short Line, on June skth,.11 le and 18th, to Del- oraino, Moosomin an 1 Glenboro 628 and Calgary 235, roturnin. t up to July 14th,21ab and 2801 rospeotiv y. No ohaugo of depots -Free Berths through Colonist Sleepers of lateet de ign and everything condeoive to the w-ilfaro of passengers attended to by exporiyuoed agents. For full iuformatiou, call en any Grand Trunk Railway Agent. -The doseptivo sad irrepressible so - palled professor has again beou hoard from. Says the Excimer news ; ('Prof," Johnston has noted the rogue in 'Wingham. Last week he left tit tt town as be --did Exeter -without pay ng his debts. The press will do well to pass I}im around," Yee, make a sustaineta effort to i trip these newndesoripte of titoi Means of making a fat living out of their upas. -We notice that at the exhibition of the Canadian Society o Artists very oona plemontary reforeece h s been made to trio goutlemen well known n Wiu ghant---Mr. G A Reid formerly of Vane -abash and Mr J L Foster, who ecce ionally visits his friaud Mr d'ohn Nooland . We also meuticn in this connection rdi Homer Weteou fro ear Dom. '---Tire people of Gnu each aro some what excited over the C " Itcl.trtar which they obtained in June 1.,37. At t110 last Streeting of council a co formication was received from H W 0 Me,•or, of Widgitam offering to take the mat' r of preventing tiro charter from lapsing oto his has ds by complying with tho ter s thorn The matter was refereed to ; committee, an.l delayed till the -tithe stip hated expired Iane the question was allowe to drop. -A largo and enthu. astio meeting of the druggis't's of Huron, Bruce and Grey was held in the council lumber, Palmers- ton, on 11uesday, for tiro purpose of form- ing a Druggists' Asso •iatiou for those counties. The. follow ng odbcors were eleoted: President, Dr, Marlyn, Kincar- dine ;' First aloe-Presid nt, J. S. Pepper, Brussels; Secoud Vito- resident, J. M. Hargreaves,, Paisley; ''eoretary, R. S. Muir, Port Elgin; Tree rer, M, F. Eby, Port Elgin. The Asso• ation nominated Mr, Wigbtman, of. Owen Sound, as candi- date for election to th. Pharmaceutical Counoil to be held in Jul next, e nijOelity successful "At Ho no" was hold in the Presbyteriau oburch ou 14londaeven* ss ing, despite an unf avora- le evening . The ladies of this oongregat'. 1 always make ample and rich supply is edibles which is no unimportant eleinent in the success of a church euterCainmOnt Ion Dream and cakes were served in. a ditiou to a sub- stantial programme: special .attraction was the preseuoe'of t . Methodist church orchestra who renders several excellent musical selections. Pec satious were given by Mr. S. Graney Dr', 't 'Kenzie and Miss Carrie McDonald and fin Maggio' Car- gill. An instrumental .lection was given by Miss Fisher, and Fr nki lack and the choir also sang a see( ction. The pastor 6 oeou led the chair a. aa short and p suitable address. 't tseem%!cave i native vale, wFlaur seen co forht and won; 1 whioe,loxve y native Vale, A caneeerata rosin'. 1 caroti leave.. iter Clyde's• 1 winne Leave O never, ger • iy native rale, naJostle rivet•; %+t native Vale, Ir, never. -0n Monday, Mr. banker, of Listowel call, having spent b ther-in-law, stir. S. Mrs. Halstead. By W, Seott, private • gave the Txsnss a 1day with his bra - Webb, and his sister, ling years of close and faithful applies + tiou to business leer. Scott is well entitle= to and has attained a financial standing well enabling him to enjoy a trip abroad , He, his wife and daughter and Mia t, nalstead, of Mount Forest, will leave hortly for a trip to Burope where tlt y will spend several months in Bribainand on the cent Went.. Mr. Scott entered anthers in, •jtistowel in ISO rad in 1873 to started his private bauk which ha ha . conducted with ani. form success sine a, Igo has a branch office at Palnierstc-i. By kis shtetvdnese, °lode attention to Business, integrity and public spirit his or,eer has been one of marked suttees. u Business, social ana. ecelesiastital matr'tl he has made for hirchelf an melte t reputation. May he enjoy his datterved oliday abroad, _. • -A nice lot of btiby Gracey's, Who'll ba first; -For fresh Paris Insect Powrler,SSlug Shot, Corner Drug Store. -The household effe Bowers were sold (u•the Mr i' Deaus on Weclnesd tory prices. -Fresh fruits, choices] confectionery purest the cream at R Iii!iMille shake the most papular summea irink. 1%Ir Hill ie agent for the only milk :hake made itt Canada, -Former members o the Board of Trade are especially invi d to be present at the re -organization meting on Wedges. day evening the 5th prox -il.pparent1y Gocdoricl eirast made a mhs- take in nob patting in sufficient olectria light power on the at: rt, The Reliance Co. are now offering 50 • ght dynamos in- stead of 851ight for 016 10 additional, ---The friends of Rev- Wm Whitfield, BI A, a Biggar (Scotland) tan, will be pleased to hear that marked s cess is attending his labors in. Mioltiga The Huron Tri- bune speaks in high to . s of his preaohiug and lecturing efforts. -Twelve candidat s will write for first 0, twenty-seven c diclates tor second class and fifty-seven for third class at Clin- ton in. July, in add' 'on. to university'atu dents. At Seafort". fifteen will write for second class and thirty-nine for third class, -On Tuesday . vening the Salvation Army held a ver• saccettasful jubilee at their barracks. T o service was conduct. od by Adjutant ousing, of Palmerston., assisted by the o cern from Teeswtiter and Blyth; The est prominent feature of the service wee the enrolling of seeera1 new converts an the dedication of a little boy for the s lvation work in India. The ineetiug close with some ,l or 5 seek- ers at the penotont arm. -amen* tete rifts successfully passed tl the Ontario College notice the name of C ;carriages, ab S1 b buy? `roan, Belabor e, go to Chisholm 'a is of Mr, B. arket wears by y for satisfao- es of those lips leave eir examinations at of Physicians we orga McKenzie, of Wingltatn. with hone s in his primary In the same list is J. J Danby and G. D9 c - Kay, of Seaforth, an R. Knechtol, of Brussels. Six ladies passed the primary and two, Mies Jeanie S. Carson, litrathroy, and Miss Isabelle, McConville, Kingston, ;ston, passed the final. S. Graoog's Mason 'Why. Having made special tarangenieuts with the New Furniture Fact, 'y to retail their goods, and being at no ex enae for delivery I am going to sell oheape than ever. Be sure and call and if I do 't give you value don't buy: See my 813 s deboards (with Mirror) for 21050; and 21 ones for 28; 03 bodsteads for 22 ; and w A75 ones for 23. Bedroom suits for 011,75 Lounges (my own snake) for 26 and up t 212. It will pay to drive twelve miles o S. °Gracey's furniture rooms, on the m "n street, next door south of the big brick 1otel, Wingbam. -Wo have received a py of the God- eriolt Illustrated Signal -St r, the cost of which was defrayed by ti e council for the purpose of presenting t claims of the town. The matter is w 1 arranged, the advantages as a pleaatu resort ably net forth, the history inte stingly reviewed and the work well exe. ted typographi- cally. Its 'wide oireula on will have the effect of making the a tractions and ad- vantages of Goderich otter known, and its issue reflects the en erprize of citizen°, council and the arti. io ability of the joint printing officos. • -Miss Nellie Da idson, of Tiverton, daughter of the lite ev Dr Davidson, of Guelph, is at preson 'in town canvassing for a work entitled 6e Light of Nations.' Tho work is the pro nation of Dr Dooms, pastor of the Stn tigers' church, New York, president of the Institute of Chris- ian Philosophy a d. editor of Christian Thought, 'and the bolt is the result of long travel in the last ud took three. years in preparation. In hie sobolarly and sug- gestive pon pin ure'of the life of Christ fiionlogians and cientists hail en effective "reply to the Intl el assaults of Regan and Straps, and ti.e'wor r meets with univeta sally favorable emirs ate from the okergy and the secular and r ligious press. Missl. Davidson bas neon p ;ovented by sbrlene aifeations of tlo eyes' am proseottting her iiigber stttaie a and a opted this line of twork . at whit she eta been exceptionaliy successful for he pas few months, whilst '(working in. alk6rtosi, Paisley and Port lti,lgin. ?VU N().. 1 -hie. J. J. Anderson, saw 'eke- e , e stave manufacturer, who ha Is, :,n, 1 it some weeks prospooting in M nito'ta rye turned on Thursday last. H _ 4 r v1, over a good deal of country a d as steel pleased with what he seise, elirviu ; a splendid future to be in dare fir VIA woe - try. Ile had the advantage 1 tarareilio, in company with a' C. P. R. otk:eira, W. N. Attwood, We understand he has p:., chased fourctions-2,500 roe -nn ti; • Souris riser It is C, P. ]t. nd ass sea., at84,87a p0'acre. We bell a.Dlr. rlteas- son has been exceedingly 1 tuna!e in 1 eating where ho did as it is expeete'1 ter t exteusion branches of the C. P. 11. et ° likely to meet and crone tit ouritt river 't' or near this looation. T ase ant:en:40n > are being made in ordo' to reeds ter • southern coaa fields. We are pfe•a:ted. 1.. hear that Mr. Anderson bas made ', •• seemingly excellent a stri., s in the west At the same time his ron_oval fro'n Wine ham would be a matter f+' sincere eretrc'' Ise being a man of enterpt ze who hes f s. years given employment lic a large ettcff of hands.• (; - Porso*s a Mr. J 11 Kelly of the :bora Kelly Co, of Hamilton, passed thr ugh Wini.'la'.ru nr Tuesday to see to the .sitting ,in of the engine for the Teeewa er watery otic , Bir R Vanetono has be 1 spending a fear days in Goderioh this w ek,-.-Mr tsad Mee J Dingley attended tlse uueral of are baa Dingley in Clinton on Wednesdn•r, re had been ailing some ti re with cc/Jai 's tion and was about. 19 ears of - aur: ,- -Mr Joseph Ferguson, of Lo don towr:,!,i', e. well known agriculturis. and former land dealer has been in tows this -went.---•;t+-t• •Wm ilIitchell, of •Millba k, spent ser .al clays this week visiting his grandatt'irw Mr A. Mitchell, of Wingh am -Master hello Gordon, of the. Listowel high school Ppm': his holidays at home. -Mr W Irwin,- teacher rwin,teacher in the Listowel high school •lana i Friday in town.-MessrsB Wilson :and .tl L Dickinson spent a certple of deal r'a efmnoe this week 'visiting. ;kir Cinry c 'Mr Cil` Patterson, of the bank, spenti'ru'n•; and §aturday in Hamilton with Iii paitents•-],frs T Price bags gone to Wim1.• sor where she purpos 't remaininai for some•montlls.-Mr Joh Davis atlas le studying the drug busi egg in Goderich spent friday with his parents in town. - Mrs T B. Anderson's and daughter left' oda. Tuesday for her homs . n, Dresden.-• Mr Jas Cochrane left on Tne day for his retie. lar Yearly' visit to friend in Waterloo Co New Hamburg, where he formerly rnsidcd, Mr Thomas Smith, of Toronto. sp:rt•t some days with his siste , .1rs Ib Hal last weei,-Mr W D Brock, of London, was visiting at Mr R Hill's last Week. -Wiesen Nettie and Helena Sutherland, of Luck- now were visiting in town this `week et Mr D Pringle's,-Misses Jean and Maggie Murray, of Lucknow, w this week, -Miss Mary Little John., of Underw their sister, Mrs Dr. I11 visiting iv town idle and hot h:te.d, were i !siting drum, this week, Winghr6Sei Dfnttlet Meeting. The following resell .tion was metal at the Wingham Distri ;t meeting of ties Methodist church hel. 'at Winghac-t idea• t 22nd: Moved by Itev .A W T• . go, of Blyth, sec• ended by Wm Torrenc:, of Walton, that this distribt meeting iew with alarm the rapid advance made b tho Jesuits in tete political control of tho affairs of tide ceun- try ; that wo especial y deprecate the re- eent action of the D minion Parliament ' in voting to sustain a .i11 which provides. for the endowment ' f the Jesuit Ordect out of the public fu • is of the et untry, said Aotbelug subver ve of the pr triple of -equal rights to all religious denotninta Mons, and recognize, as legal an ()sane which has proved a bindranco to ,good government and sac' 1 reform in every country wiaereit h s lead an exit:tett: e. In view of these fa° s we pledge ourselvot henceforth to steppe b only suchotntc1itharesi for parliamentary toners as aro leyatil to the sacred priuoip es of the VroPet'tanv faith. This distri• mooting wrnl:i also place on record i high appreninti('tn ni the "noble thirtee s" who unties. stt,lt try • ing eircumstance, put principle Waal party and voted against the Act. flea further , we can'.ot allow thin oppoi 1;trsie Is to pees by with,ub making special men- tion of Dr Macdonald, ltit 1', of Win ;ham. who has provel.'to be such a worthy rep- resentative of cane people, in advancing this tame of tem ranee add defending ottlt civil and religi us liberties,