HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 2',1,'urTi1;ler iY• lr. John Dimwit, b is putting a One board tel,.ctl u1clll,' the irout of his firm. For fifty Goats cash, you can have tie Wiughunt Twos iota now till the 0110.1. of the present ,) ear. Subscribe at once. LOAN, MoOuralutoN---in Morris, on the 14th Inst., the wife of Or. Juan Mc4lutaheon ; a sun, Dtcats,tN—In Clinton, on also 1401. lust„ the elf* of Me, Curie. Diokeen ; a daughter. tt0h,,son.--h1 Morris, on the 10th lost, the wife el Air, Jaws Aitutseso t; a daughter, R,.MJorevess—Lu .East Wawauosh, en the 21st lust„ the wife of Mr; Jabez Jermyn ; a daughter. BSAItRIZD, PnicoMse—Kanent---At Luoknow, on the 15th lost,, by Rev. A. McKay, Mr. Wm. Piueomb° to Mise Lot- tie Keltin. C4aaq—Gtasort—Iu Morris, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Clark, ou the 13th inet., by Ruv. W. T, Chid, Mr. Moses Clark to Miss Anne (.ib8Qu, both of Morris Mbt, cLAlteuv--in—In Morris, at the residence of the bride's parents, on the 10th inst., by Rev; RAJA, • Oodttcy, Mr. Donald tioL.,ugolin, jr., of Grey, to Mies Hattie Sell. 4014osa--At I•angsido, ou the let inst., Mr. John ideas, aged 6e years. ANDitnaoi--At New York, on the 8th inst, 1Ytn, Anderson, 0011 of Mr. Hugh Anderson, of St. Helens, Loco—At Wingbanr, on the 19th Inst., Arthur J, hone, aged I9 yeara end 11. months. DAYnx--At Seaforth, on the 13th inst., Winnifred 0 vangoliae, yoengest daughter of Rev M. Danby, aged 1 year and 11111011t119. hn1 A—At Seaforth, on the 10th inst., Mlobaet Shea, abed 16 years, Pnaantre—AtSeaforth, on the 10th Inst.. Matilda C„ wife of Afarvin K. Tillman, aged 08 years and 2 months, LTON0—At Seaforth, on the 16th inst, Annie, eldest daughter of Air. John E. Lyons, Aged 20 years and 6 months, ; WIf•IGHA1i1 &(ARKPITS. 4r. <YINOLIAM, May 23 1839 Corrected by P, Deans, Produce Dealer. flour per 100 lbe, S 2 65 to 2 65 • aft wheat per bushel, - 0 85 0 90 Spring `. • 0 85 to 0 90 jai Oats, 25 to 28 Barley, Peas Pots, a, Butter per lb. tub,' - 14 to 16 do Roils, •14 to 16 fes per dozen, 10 to 10 ood per cord, 1 25 to 1 60 Hay per ton, - 8 00 to 0 00 WM. DIAMOND, Having purahasoa the Butchering Basi - 1 nesa of Jolie Coad, nein) to Kormaten Hotel, is itetern1ineel to hoop ucou- staut supply of the very best obtainable articles of gloat,, Olf•w, ew .01:0V '4'W"v N Clb W' N :, w1r"v"e'St1V.' 50'44 4 Q 4,'q �,'9,':II'A 41'NWi 40'01 fKil'4r'IA'4s4t''iF'b,9n'iu iyrk^. ra.'•w it o BEEF, FORK, aFancy r Goods Store aiLeidifigdF'inishinMUTTON VEAL &c. s [louse' I'rofnpt delivery to any Part of the town. WM. DIA1IION1E• TENDERS WAN�7''ib. Tenders ' 1 be received by a undersigned up i001 Monday, May, At 8o' ogle p. Al., for retnov- Ing old fence trot he cas - oil west ends and 11o11th ' aide of the town par an • erecting a gee pipe fence thereon. And also fo•. epoiring fence on north side of park. Plans an• a eeiflcations Dan be seen at the office of the • m ► crk, The lowest or any tender not ne earily act ted• JOHN NE • ANDS, WinMinna Property Comwttteo; g • in, May 14th, 1839. ( BICYCLE FOR SALE, 551 inch British Challenge, in perfect order, only two seasons in use,. Address, BICYCLIST, Blyth P. 0. CO OTIABLE RE1fE .gE AND DESIRABLE wn Proper FOR Ti C .6. 0 N. 50 to 53 to 15 to 20 C. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains artivc and depart as foflowe: LEAYINO AARIVING •35 a in ..For Torouto, . ....5;35 a. in x:15 p.tn " ' 2:15 p.01 3.0 $0 . n: For Teeswator 2.15 10:50 " -.0-12,A.1\71:) 'i'RUNK R' 4 A. C. STRATBDEE, AGENT, WINalwr. ' Through tickets to all points In ,America—North- West, Patine Coast, eta, via the shortest and all popular routes. :Jlao,age checked theough'.to destination. Lowestfreightretes to all points.. —TIME TABLE. ..- LEA{•E w•1xe11AM. - ARRIVE AT 11190tH 'N.: 0:39 e.m.Toronto,Guelph,pahnerston, sac ri 30 p m. 11:10 ., ., ,. 10:1,9_.x. $:40 p.m. ••" Clinton, " 7:25 " ......Palmerston, Mixed., ...,10:20 0.011 •-6:50 a.m..... London, &o.. 11:00 ` 3:40 p.m. " 7:45p.m. 11 10 tan.. ......Kincardine, &:o6:59 a.ln. 'i 40 p.m. 11:10 " ...19:19 " " 6:50 p.m. COUNCIL. /OUNTY tto L OF TELE CORPOIIATION OFnty of Huron, will gleet in the Court TOWN OF GODERICH,THE 'IT'S DAY of .MINE N1ixT. PETER AIIAMSON, Co. Clerk. 889. 00 NOW anaalan ¶aeffli --To-- DELORAINE MOOSOMIN MIRROR ja SALTCS) CAL RY diva. $35 Sp :ai Colonist Excursions will leave an pointe in On .ria, Sherbet Lake, Kingston and west there- of on 4th, P.etnrn until f14th, UM; UM; 11th, ' d Y 21st, 18th, " 28th. For full partlaulare apply to nearest station or ticket agent. • 140 ELSON T, RITCHIE, le, L. Surveyor, Clvll Engineer and Draughtsman. Pesticides attentionpaid to division of properties into building iota, settling disputed oonndaries, peeparin• complete plans of towns and villages, 89 per 1:egletry Act, and descriptions of properties • for lnaertion in dAede. Cross•Sections of rivers made Mill estimates of cost of Bridges, Culverts, ire. Pro- files mud estimates foi'grading hila, drainarte, road and street improvements, sewers and othar Enel• nerving work*. Corrcapondenee Aolicited, stating sF',laraand character of work, OFFICE. -•-A0 J. A, 31.0ttetne 8 law oillee, Wingham, Ont, 891 TOWN AND VILLAGE LOTS FOR. SALE. Town lot 439, West ado Leopold street. Winfihain, and. Village lot 26,rtoCrea's survey, Bcigrave, both tuwollent building sites, are for este. Apply 00 .]. A, 11UI1i.'Ot , llarriater, Sec„ svindum, Der HOUSE ABI') LYr , FOR SALE •TF~.ES'{iiifti'i There, ` pale n dp;cutfi,i LOt contalninsr anent 3 aces" 01leeld, 4900 WWII is a haute house and oathbk• auft 0r yOreird'd. 11*0000at tot for market ifsrtlbtlar, Under goo 1 s oltKotioit sad well tenetl. Apra to , Mang. ,'x01 Ji1.'F.'1T8Att WJLIJhen , Wieghain. 210#4.1,4ter• 4.1 • of . V(inghaffl1 vh,11,'y,44,11rN4'slit'ib iviP�i,'Y, outiolioIh4timo Nl'hl14.41 hi'6�7 .410110,4,'tA')u'tdtfPl}AVPIA' ovi o Dress Goods in Dlacic and Colored Henrietta Cloths', Fettle Cloths, Crape Cloths, Sel'ges, Opera Twills, NOD'S- Chambray's, tln'S Veiling, Mohair, Luce Stripes, Wool De Reil;' Sate.eus, .Gilles, Satins, olt1rvelieux, Plashes, Oi•n a �r p , Velvets, Spring Rtantle CI!othfl. Dress ka0unailigs in pndless variety to match. �litnil,nso vnrleEy in Prints, Ze li rs Chu I,r ' Tablings, Damask, Table' Napkins, 11uslins, Checks, Mulls, Downs, Crurtain Net, Curtains p y , 111 0>' cl Hosiery in endless variety. , Quilts, (haves slid . TAILO ING DE P ARTME T, We control many lines of goods of orders we have taken show we have aro liberal, not to be found elsewhere in the trade, icor the present seasonthe number Our t9nt e. what the trade requites, and the prices we asii defy competition, BOOTS AND 'SHOES For value,' make and assortment, Seo them Groceries, Pare and Fresh. The undereigne, will ober y Pubiio' Allatbr We 111a P,,the requirements of the trade 510 study. See the immense variety aur stock contain$. Inspection regilesiL'fti ((unless previously di posed of) is entire property y situated in linguae on ' SATURDA Y 25th, 1889. one 'el ek p. m. The Property • thus composed: PARoLL 1,—Hie rest . nee and one•half acro of land on Diagonal Ro ; ' Item. 2, and, of 11i acres adjoining; will •c s d separately gx in C0/1- 119901011. osnec01011. PAao01. 8.-0 Twn Lotone-third acre each, on the Diagonal Head PAao6L 4 —A • t, consisti •g of 3 acre, on Francis street. • PRBOEr, 5.— he store on Josephine street oc- cupied by Mr. 8 Gamey as a fu niture room; also, alot inrear of: mo,. The reside e on the Dfngone Road is a meet desirable loco on, the hou30 bei g a commodious frame one, a d in good state of epair. These properteries v ill be sold on favorable terms, as the proprietor c. itemplutes removing tr• • Wingham. A favorable opportunity is time odor ed to those desirous of .enuring first-class property. • • Or fu ther particulars, apply to the • roprietor, • GEORGE Mc AY. Wih .in, May, 6011, 18Ei). Holstein • null. for Service. The Holstein. Fre sianBull "IIUON LAD," win be for service on the farm of .T. A. Me1waq, Lot 11, Cone 1, Alorrls, during the season. This animal, bred by II. Boller,, Cassell, On- tario, was calved on April 20, 1888, sire Bnruton, No 3237, 13'1113; dam, EustrolIa 2nd, No. 3900, 11 le a B. . Shp was bred by u liollert, Costal, Ontario. Zrugs Grade cows, $2; Thoroughbreds, Hol- ateihs, $20, - J. A. McElnii. Iiierrie, Alar 2n44.889. PUBLIC NOTICE. Another large consign- ment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dishexnestpractices perpetrated on the pub- lic by pedlars and others we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your patronage, W. T.'YATES, The China House. REDUCED RATES 10 ALL POINTS I$ MANITOBA, BRITISH CQMJMEIIA —AND THE— NORTH WESTERN STATES, —V1A. BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAMERS "Ululate RUMS", "OYrieul'r , and ''CAMintra." Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAI and FRIDAY night during pati •ation, (weathev perrrdttina), and calling every VEONESL)AY and SATUItDA at GOderleh and Kineerdin ', where they connect wItlt*the ti. T. 1t. train leaving, Wintham at 11.10 a. in, for St. Joe's Island, Garden Inver, Tho Soo, Pott Arthur and 1Juhtth, connecting at l'ort Artht,r with the C. 1'. It., and at Duluth with the Iced River Valley 1t'y, Lowr,,$-r Hares, Dear ACedfiltoDATlo:f, Exratlea Tisa AND cams Ur IloCT$8. Ask your nearest Gtend Trunk Ivy Agent for fright and peseengn1' rates. JAS. H. BEATTY, .8N8NA4, MA./A0ta, 38.8)43*. For Sale. Twelve Acne of Land adjoining the Corporation of Wingllam, in Tarnberry, free of atones and stumps and well fenced, shade trees and a never failing spring„ Apply 5o A. ROE, f2ue.sh'u• Hotel ECJTORS` R,i ICE. The Ind• •igned, F,recntor- of the Estate of the late ROBER ,ORNYN„hbygii'c notice that all persons indebte” to the id estate must pay the amount of their h,. -bt ,nee$ to 110 prooptly upon the maturity there° All partien having claims auainstthe .said est a • requested, to present the 510110 at once. Wingbam T tA.II CORNYN, 1110., • DAVIS. ay 7th, 1889. NSIilP- OF TURKS 'RV. urt of Re . ion. Notice is her Court of Revisi will be held in •given that for the t.. flrat sitting of the wnship of Turnborry SA.ULrf H= , BLUEVAI.,E, Monday, th 1th l May, 1889, ntt hour of 10o'cicc- Ratepayer will please govern the :elves record. inky, Th toll can bu seen at sny olfie • J031N BURG SS, Townsltif crk, 1 •ale, May 001, 1889. RED ROCKER 'ars tic Stag. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT —elf--- FURNIT1 E or all Kinds, Which will be sold at lowest figures. IIAND MADE OR OEDERED GOODS See my own make of Metrassea, Lounges,; and everything in the upheleteriug line, Picture Framing And ordered work will reeeiva. prompt and careful Attention. All work done* lu first•clase style, Undertaking promptly attended to at any hour Every requisite in Stock,Embalming (21 speoiaity, • D. B. C aLBICK, Funeral Director and Embalmer, M. 11. MeINDOO. SPRING, se 1889. MRS. ii..lL RDs A N Begs to announce to her many patrons that her sto ik' of i a..r•1 `i *!r ne y for this season, is complete in every line. The goods were l-.,.. lit for, Cash, in the best Home and Foreign Markets and- will be sold at the• lowest possible profits. Feathers, Flowers, Ribhnns, Does, Silks, Satins,- Brocades, Pinsk and Velvet Mantle Cloths. ' GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT. • tar I000S TA$EN• Ale CASZI. bi.ttS. HERDSMAN: IN WEBSTER'S MEN.11414 -TA141110. 4114:11107: owes, Apes .--Aat IN " TING.AM.: Fine Scotch, English„ Cana "t and those Celebrated. HALIFAXTWEED S, bt/ At prices that will ase dish yoix. crated Suits a Specialty Pioneer ardare Store, Pine STONE RT.nr1r BLOCK. , We give special attention to the fallowing, lines : - IRON Pim ALL SIZES PROAL - TO a St1t. T24`CIi. IRON AND ]DRABS PIPE FITTINGS. Reinerrber, we guarantee to give you a perfect fitting; Atrial will convince. GIME BRICKS, MILL FILES' 'tl 18 At, N 1 MACHINE OILS. illi 4'' w,, 1 6'� t Il. IS r AMERICAN WATER WHITECOAL OIL. We Etre sole agents in Winghltm for Mr BEATS, 1 SHIRTS,. the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the' beat itt, the world, &o., AT CALL R. 1111 kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware at HALFPRICE,. bottom. prices. Laud Plaster in bags always on hand. as. . CI no CC et AT