HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-31, Page 11 VOL, XVI 11. ---NO 2:e. Di GRAM, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1889. WHO[41 NO 9gici, 140C)Are TM $. -Choice oranges and lenient, a sf -The county council meet :text tho Atli of Juno. V -The most invigorating de actire is the milk sheke. viO13' lipti try it. -ercish etrewberrieeatel sok0111n4r. X. J. Anderson, naw free exhibition - -A, nice lot of baby oarriage$, Grace. Who'll be ilret:a buy ? stave manufacturer, who ba hleNcleiee' on Saturd soviet, taday, -Tee crown and Boehm an et lielielyieer milk shake at Messrs D, Welsi, Albert Ackerman y ni 'ht. and two daughters 4sul David Halstead: leave for fdossonsiu, - They go on a proipec -A. report of the -11 Instituto, a the Ora. on Tuesday you int,vo an, u of going to Manitoba fico the in( neva, nte offered by nk YOtcall the Paehect Re lway, Call en to Zco1- any agent of the rom.l. -The annual milAttry drill is likely t -Hey Mr •Amlersou of St Helene will be held at London t do year and the 93rd preach in the Presbyterian (Amnia to -day oflrnon may be *lied out instead of the (Friday) zit 2 pe!fl. • defunct 7th hataili tn of. London. elt S --Mr. C. B. Williams, otV Ingham, Lae Youbill received w bra to that effect, been put on se committee et the town A oiv1e'a me4binei being arranged Druggists meetiug vt Paltneuton, for Monday evozilnj to discos the Jesuit if von have a trip in view to the :litendis,n tiorth. question. The or akar 'of the evening weet, tete, othentago of the chem. reicursionauvie Tee mead Trunk Railway and it) Short Line On will be Prof ()avo4 of.Torento. Dr Mae. ;lune 4th, nth and lah. Soo GT d Agents for fell. • estorinetion. . clomild and other itizens will likely give 'shore addresses. The public are cordially Bringalong your pietures mud wreathe invited to attend. eudelisive thorn ;hinted. Curtain poles, eefrOa hall seauds, iec. S. Gre,cey, --In the 12 Divests:in. Courte in tbe coun. ' turniturae; ' "ee-ee'leelieldee'el'ee-e- winger, ty the total num on of suits entered was 'ball:ark:re-mot. sanded, not earpete,(.1060; ,total atnpunt of claima entered. lir There was no china-execpt no sihl r - b-- - 968 292.52. Thejuumber of suits entered 11 a stray pieee-in tee cuplesardotot eu ' when the ausonA claimed, exceeded On .il'' gieso to reflect light for the eye. Th was 208, Seale th has the largeet number 101111g hidy eatifilui"d hez' 8114 of oases entered 2i2; Brussels neeb, 248; ▪ arrayed not in silk, but in linse) wouleey, ar bright calico. An Win ham next -vith 210. neielier could carry off in triumph tl delightful vi,,ion of the other in t form of a photograph. .Books w like artgol's visits -few and far be ewes • as Wan as a 00 n. Mr. A. sDews --and they ware read by the aid, of 6as, but of the tallow dip and tr:D3-115,01/thi° i 1‘,,,11 pine kook The rude sun-clial, and the =elks many hoineF, was the only faini, with it make it clock, and such an article es a wag per no it 3 would have , been rewarded the eighth wonder of the world, esee, -Cheap Lake and River Tours, via the People, didn't travel much in the meet plor sant and picturesque route. The i magniacent steamers (lay of Detroit, City days. If a merelnine wan issel to from No w York to Boston h,, rode gliCeisleittl•tell(tituudo,weriutitisftifilign(?fetvtneicianeflty of Iar a coach from 3 o'clock in the Tamil four thne's each we'eltY,froin Detroit au until 10 o'clock a1 night for six st- Port Huron to uortherre I k a e porte-Mok- cessive days, It he had Business mac Wand. St. lguabo, SarzleSbeeIssrie,ete f etinee for all lake end rail points Albany he wont by a sloop tihwitLai.,°, Pr Arthur, Duluth, Manitoba, North. get in a ealm for a week. 1tWest, ete. For all in:ornesetion, lowest Bili after HO 5 t it at Fe I tan in anuged ; rates, etc., call on 04T, It, Agent, Wing. get th $ first sti;am craft up the Iiusham Statiou. , itt.o,nazd2oot,.,4411182. that Geo Bressrs- ,Tohn Tilt, 01 boon, and . leUe ,_ Huvon and Superior orts, Port Arthur; th''it'il1;"t" of List wet, spent several ' Duluth, etee making c oee emineetion for ' clays this week with 1-1 eir friends Me. It, all points in the Weete it States,Manitolny, Andersen and the Go by family, Mears. Pact& au•tst, etc. 1.4. le,'t3.1_, information, T3,. Anderson and J. Tt were the exact- ail4cle '''"d r"'" '1 rif' t're.'',,freight tors of the Gotby este c which • they have rates., etc.. ea on Ag- -t Ge Te1t., rotation, Winghean. .7 jaSt Satiefaetorily clot ed up. When the Yinitorie were about to -attire, ' rend at the ....-Th'elelyth•Pciaclat "voints 11, morar stetion, a seven year d deughter of Mi. to tome benighted rem I- nisi in this dotty ti --- -- --- ------ Nath. Tilt took eeriou ly ill and he was emit fashion t• :4B lyth is blessed -wit-t few unablo to leare. T ie child Lias slime • vary econonsW: souls 'Wheuever they gradually recovered. lose e.nythingetii-wish - to cell a meeting somersitiiesredeeVeave a e possible %perm, ,ovie--The E'er son refereirred to in the fol. They beitextee*eee 'o. paper and with lowing item was the mother of Mrs, G. soenebecie04 ee and Dalt. a notice is McIntyre,.of 'Wingl am : Another old *Amen :'4iie; ce a h,,iimos is seoutea, and highly esteemed •esident of West Wa- -half aildelgrifAaCks begge 1, and the 'nierowa,nosh has passed or to the great ma. -,glyphica.itifiliar on 'a, tel graph pole or ie jority in' the- person of Mrs. Cameron, the .- post. Not ing hko keeping wife of Ma. AlexanLer Cameron, 'of th down the expenses,'! 14th concession. Di ceased was in he , 56th year and had offered for many -The Plxeter 13o4d f Trade, recently months ease with li ,er troubles and al. organized, has' already got acitively to though for some tient; little no hopes Work in disetteeiug the teen -1i welfare end e ware entertained for -ecovery her death making Bagge"i°118 ° /11"'' Vr°1,i"?U'' the is none the less sever on her tusbancl and same. Tho question ' • f.' eseablielibig a family. She was uni orsally liked by all market for the disposal .f eggs Or cash who knew- her and. in her demise the was diseussed. They al -o dacided to ad- neighborhood has eufeered the loss of a vertise for parties villin' to , establish a ' true friend. Her rei 1418 wore followed binder twine factory. he usefulness e to their last testing glace in the Iiinloes • such an organization to of late b""', cemetery by a large concourse of friends made apparent to niauy iith prn 1 - '°'-- °e1'("e" and neighbors on Th ireday afternoon. thereto. All thatis ne ed is hearty co. qeperation. Remeinbe ganination in Winglia 141r, George-koKay; 3. on Setur. day lot shelve of hie residence on the Diaeonal road ith the 11e acres adjoining p1e of lots to the west, to n, insurance agent, for a meat beautiful location pasture lands connected n exceptionally tete sndiig to keep cattle ar citizen's letter (loadings of the Tonal to be held over till ue Bear in mind the the Northwest to be Trunk Retitle), ia it Line, on June Olt, 11 mine, Moosernin an Calgary 235, returnit and 26th espootivc depots -Free Berths Sleepers of latest de coudecive to the w atteudod to by experi full iuformation, call Railway Agent. -The deceptive called professor Im • W T on Saturday big' tour, et 'Huron ]arrears o meeting ab Goder- nd part of the pro. We Association have ct pap 'Excursions to run ley the Grand North Bay Short and 18th, to Del. Glenboro 628 and , up to July 14th,21st Ly. No change of u through Colonist ign and everything lame of passengers laced agents, For o any Grand Trunk d irrepressible so - again beau hoard orn, Says the Dx eer Tinos "Prof," Johnston has acted the rogue in Wingharn. • Last week he left th ib 'town as ho Beater -without pay ng his debts. The press will do well to .eposs Wm around." Yes, make a susteine effort to etrip these newndeseripte of Omit means cf making a fat living out of their « upee. -We notice that at the • exhibition of the Canadian Society o Artiste' very com‘ plernentavy reference k s beepilule to two geutlereen well known. n G A. Reid formerly of 1/wettish and Mr L Foster, who occas tonally visits his friend Me johnNeeleud We also Mention in this conneetiou Mr Homer Watson fro ear Doan. -The people of Grsi-rieli are some What exeited. (riot: the 0' It cheater which they obtained in lune 1. 17. At the laet moeticg of oumoi1 & 00atunnication was received from It W 0 Me er, of Witighaue (goring to take the mat` r of preventing the charter from lapsing nto his hat ds by complying with the ter s theroo4 The matter wile referred te n. conitnetteee and delayed till tin:Aline stip Wed expired and the question was allowec to drop. : • -A. large and euthue astio tooting of the druggliet's of Huron, •Rruce and Grey was held in the council hamber,Palmers• ton, onikuesday, for the parpo4e of form- iug a Druggists Asso iatiou for those comities. The follow elected: President, Dr, dine ; First Vice.Presid Brussels; Second Vire- Hargreaves,. Paisley Muir, Port Bight ; Trea Port Elgin. The Asia Mr. Wightniren, of Owen date for election to th Council to he held in Jul ug officers were Martyn, leinear- nt, J. S. Pepper, President, 3. M. ecretary, R. S. rel', M. F. Bby, ation nominated Sound, as email. Pharrilacentieal next, vreiser. successful "At Ho ne" was hold in the Presbyterian church on Monde, even; ing, despite an unfaioralle evening. The ladies of tbis congregeti m always make ample and rich supply is edibles whioh is no unimportant elatilen in the success of li, ellen% eateriainaent Toe cream and cakes- were served ite a dition to a sub. stantied prograueine. special attraction was the presenee'of t , Methodist church eating for or- Id Dean "Tiress,"-- is for next seems somehow as if you had done Wedifeadity.evening. me a personal favor by inserting a para. • --eThe Wisest basineNes Men and the most graph it Iasi; week's issue regarding Mr. Tames Scott, He 1, a native of Lesma successful ones, are thane tvho keep their names prominently bmotsithe public when hag" Parish -a13" sh dear to the ee home for many ye , ea. And new sir, 0. trade is good as well as when it is poor, when located ou the same stair -head When trade is driving is the time to make si one's businesso well known that when days out of the savor , I feel as if I had s got 0. new lease I have come into the atin aeason, conies there will etill be pommel entsob h leitti at hitervala eusto,ner8. Men wi deal with those he improves upon Whorn they know, o of whom they have '1°86 upon e' year, all heard so much that t ay feel acquainted. acquaiuteeice„ e B ent five years at law A erzete‘iit, a»d con lima! advertisement in matv° c14.H ef in 0.eepatiible jouru 1, which ie noestantlug er," Camille, Ins ad of writingp. word ly sitens is like the 1 ripping water. which rn010 perhaps yoaee 11 insert a, fragment is woritig away th flinty reek, eieloy it threw off at roe ho a the morning after the Way he, but sure . Ciro -tikes may be Burns' festival of 859, 6,0a which have thrown in the w etc basket-eatelognee been saggestet1 to ny mind by allowing nay imagination to vender back to former may find Issigram t on the elielf, but the frequent arrival a reputable journal is a seene°' eoinits.at e. -- id au o reminder which moaner 1eAtie4k4"thl entire vele' Tao tread a, f re,; or later must be r fruit. When everybody witnia love seqsea vale is, rushed it is 0 trick to metro oustomf *fete the Ai1aetle"0- rear. 'a m ' 1111 When hitt' eeighbers ...ea idle that the . or lae ertlittivti VAler sun me feast and won ; - man who has ' bfs .name and twitalaloave native vele, knOWn bi:,.?:Az 0,1! himself so AP*k186tral'licr6ute. shave. of 1 cam* leave :Ay native tae, Nett:1104 eniestio river lasgov before cone. VOA 'before .‘, 1 winos ft.'s -av natives SAle, viAht ts!‘ 1.0 UndtvAri nay ri rector. • orchestra who rendere musical selections. Rea by Ur. S. Grotty Dr' Carrie McDonald and gill. An instrumental by Miss Fisher, and Fr several excellent flattens were given :Kenzie and Miss lies 'Maggio Oar. lection was given ukie.l3laek and the choir nese sang a sel. Won. The pastor occupied the chair a. 1 gay a short and. suit addrees. Monday, Mr. banker, of Listowol call, haviug spent ther-in•law, Mr. 8. errs. Halstead. By awl faithful applie .,W. Scott, private gave the Tiehe a clay with his bro. Webb, anti hie sister, Icing years of close tion to business Mr. mitt its won entitle- to and has ittitinecl financial standing Well enabling him to emey a trip areal., Ile, his wife and daughter and Mis Halstead, of Mount bleared, will leave bortly for a trip to letrope where they will - spend several months in Britain ind on the cent itient, Mr. Scott entered ''usibess in, Listowel itt 1852 and in 1873 in started his private beuk which he ha • conducted with uni• forni emcees eine e Ffe has ve brand.' office at Palreeristo. By his shrewdnese, close attention tO RISinoes, integrity ilea iaublio spirit his °veer has been one of marked sueeess, a business, social and enelaidastioal mat rit he has made for hitilheit Oaf excelle t reputation. ay be enjoy his deserved, oliday tthr6a , • e -For fresh Paris a'een,. Helebore, Insect Powder,Slug Shot, eo to Chisholm 's Career Drug Store, -The household effete of Mr, E. Bowers were sold an the Market Kara by Mr P. Deans on Weduesd y far satisfao- tory prices. -Fresh fruits, choices confectionery purest ice cream t R Hil • Millt shake the mese popular summer rink, Mr Hill is agent for tlzo only milk hake made in Canada,. -.Former members o Trade are especially held at the rcaorganization in day evening the 5th prox -Apparently Goderia as made ft rens - take in not putting in sufl)cienb electric light power pn the st rt. The Reliance Co. are now offering 50 ghb dynamos: in- stead of 55 light for 016 0 additional, -The Manila of Be'Win NT hitfield. 111 A, a Biggar (Seothied) to hear that marked $ hie labors in Maio Slow speaks in high te and lee tiering efforts. -Twelve canditlat s will write for first 0, twenty-seven c ididates for second 1 class and fifty-seven for third else stt Clin- ton in July, in. ode' 'on to university stn dents. At Seafortet fifteen will write for second pleas and thirty-nine for third °less. -On Tuesday yelling the Salvation Army held a. ver sueeesssful jubilee at their barracks. T le service was conduct - ea by Adjutant 013fiitia,, of Palmerston, weeded by the o item from TeesWater and Blyth. The ant prominent feature of the service wer the enrolling of several new converts an the dedication of a little boy for the s lvation work in India. The meeting elose with sortie it or 5 seek- ers at the penetent arm. • , reenilet'the nee t,of thope who heve successfully pond tl sir examinations at the Ontario College of Physicians we notice the name of ori McKenzie. of Wiugham. with hono s in his primary In the same list 1s3. J Danby and C. hc- Kay, Of Seaforth, an It. Knechtal, of Brussels. Six ladles messed the primary and two, Miss Jennie S. Carsou, Strathroy, and Mims Isabelle, Mcfmenville, Kingston, passed the final. S. Ora:lea's Iteszon Wee,. the Board of d to bo present ting on Wednes. an, will be pleased mese is Attending The Huron Tri- s of his preaohiug preying mado special I:angel:outs with the New Furniture Factee, to retail their goode, alai being at to ex , elan for delivery I am going to sell eheape than ever. Be sure and call and if 1 do 't give you value flon't buy. See my 813s deboaeds (with mirror) for 410.50; and 81 ens% for $8; ee bedsteads for 8.2 ; and e P75. Tees for 03. Bedroom suits for 011,75 Lounges (my own make) for 85 and up t 112, It will pay to drive twelve miles 0 S. •Gracoy'8 furniture rooms, on the na n street, next door south of the big brick oteI,Wingliam. -Wo have reoeived a py of the God. erieh Illustrated Signal -84 r, the cost of which Was defrayed by ti e cctuneil for the purpose of presenting t claims of the towu. The matter is wj 1 arranged, the advantages as a pleasut 1 resort ably set forth, the history iate stiegly reviewed and the work well eief.ted typeetraphi- °ally. Its wide oircula cm will hive the effect of malting the tractions and ad- vantages of Goderieb otter known, and its issue reflects the en erprize of ettizene, eouricil and the arti. jo ability of the joint printing of5cos. -Miss 'Nellie Da idson, of Tiverton, daughter of the late ev Dr Davidson, of Guelph, is at meson in town canvassing for a work entitled he Light at Nations.' The work i the pro tuition of Dr Deems, pastor of the Stt neer& thumb, New York, president Of the Institute of Chris - hen Philosophy 0, 11. editor of Christian Thotighl, 'and the b ok is the result of long travel in the het nil took three, years iu preparation. In hie scholarly and mtg. geatiY0 pen pie urso1 therlife of Christ _theologians and eientists hail an effective 'reply to the hill el age:sults of Henan and Straus, and ti wor meets with univer. eally favorable &mem ata front the Clergy and the seculne mid r Iigiosn press. Mine Davidson bait been p evented by ?Arlene affeetions of the °yea am prosecuting her higher !Audit I and a opted this lino of ;`work wide elm ha been exoeptiottallY soecessful ler he pan fat- rnantlin, *MICA *larking iti Marto Pateley and Port ester „eat ii Iss , 1, tit some weeks prospecting in bt nitebe r • turned on Thuraday kat. H travellei. over a good deal of country a d it wee' pleased with what he Rave, haying --. splendid future to be in store f r Ole co°1-• • try. Ile Ilia the advantage f WYell:5, , in company with a0. P. R. caolal, N. Attwood, Wo understand to he t pa • chased fourctions-2,560 oreo t;: s :c. Souris river. It isO, P. 3-2.2ild an,7 '3, . at 04.87e pe acre. We bell a mt.. ,%ntir- son has been eeceeclingly f buttaeo in e. eating where he did as it is expect -el 1.r' extension branches of the 0. F. It. at • likely to meet and cross tit i ourie river ii' or near this location. T' ase ezetencien - are being medic in ordo- to repels Or southeru coal fields, We are peeteed 1. hear that Mr, Andorsor has ,r,a&' e . seemingly excellent ti, stria in the wee': At the %tree time his roe oval from 'Wine ham would be a matter het seneare covo` he being a man of onterp ite who hes ee, years given employment o a largo staff of hands. • Porsonaiss. Iefr. 311 Kelly of the "isboru12oily Co, of Hamilton, passed, threetgli WineItem on Tuesday to See to the nutting in oe the engine for the Teeswaeer wateretoree. • - Mr R Vancitene has be spending a fr''Ar days in Goderich this w rod Kt., -1 Diusley attended the urieral of Me W Hinsley in Clinton on Wednssdn.r. ie had boon ailing some ti ea with coesurep. tion and was about 19 'ears of twee -5er Joseph Ferguson, of Li; don townehip, well kuown agrioulturie. and forwor Ftna dealer has been in tows thist Wm Mitchell, of Miliba it, spent twv,..721 days this week visiting his grandrether Mr A, Mitchell, of Wingh en. -Master 'Dello Gordon, of the Listowel high wheel q.zli• his holidays at home. -Ur W /men, teacher in the ListoweT:Iigh :decal vete Friday in town. -Messrs 13 Wilson end II L Dickinson spent a et male of deee Strives, thinweek vtitin : Mr 'eerie, °:-1. A Patterson, of the 1 ank, spent PriOsy and Fp. turd9.,y in Ham titan with Idi pai;ents.-:tri T Price be gone to Wind eor where she purpose remeirsing fee some'mouths.-Mr joht Davis who le. studying the drug busi east 20 Geerieli spee't Friday with hie pa -.mete in tniin,- AtriT B Anderson's and. deughter left' Tuesday for her ,home n Dreeelco.. -Mr Jets Cochrane left on Toe clay for hie ren. lar year/y' visit to friend in Wa,terlee New Hamburg, where he formerly reeided. Mr Thomas Smith, of Toronto, seer t sortie days with his sista , Mrs It XVII last W D Brock, of London, was visiting at Me Pe t is Week. --Mian Nettie and Helena. Snt rland, of Luck. now were visiting in tow this 'eek et 11:Tr D Pringles. -Misses an and Matsjlo Murray, of Luoknow, w visiting in town this week. -Mise Mary ittle and her bro. their Johe, of TInderwr od, were e !siting their siker, Mrs Di: M drum, this week. Wingham Dist bet Meeting. The following resell bion was pose at the Winghane Distri .1 meeting of the Methodist ch irdist urch held at Wingham Mei2y eloYed by nev A W T ge, of Blyth, set'. onded by Wm Torten of Welkin, thea this distribt meeting iew with alarm the rapid advance made b the Jesuits in the political control of the affairs of We try ; that wo especial y deprecate the re cent coition of the D in voting to suatithe for the eudoivment out of the public fu said Act being isubver.: of equal rights to all time, and recognize. as legal an etrilee whieh has proved at hindrance to good government and sae' 1 refortn in every country where it h s heel an eeietetee, In view of these /a s we pledge curatives henceforth to suppo t only Bueb etendieleztee for partiamentery loners OA urn lova to the sacred prinelp es of the Protea.. faith. This dietri meeting would 82',)place record 1 high apprecietaes .f the 'emble thirteei" who under smelt tey leg eireuresttmee pue ptintiple bet ro party and voted againab the An. aria further', we Can et allow thin oppottwitr to pasi;by with ut malting special men. gen of 1)1 Mac • nalci. M of Wirodtant. Who bait tiroV to be such a worthy ret. violent:dive of •e people, in advatieing tame of tem nee anti defending tali.. Civil earl:11W tts libertiese 0)101011 I'attliament which provides f the Jesuit Ordee sof the einuttry, ve of the peitteiple religious denienis°ta• . . '