HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-24, Page 4• ,, • ."'t. /I Turnberry. Mr. John Diluent) is putting a fine board ttuee along the trout of his farm. For fifty cents cash, yott can have Tints tram now till the eat tof the present ; ear, Subscribe at ODOR. BORN. IXeCurodees—In Morris, on the lith inst., the wife of M. Joan MeClutoluton ; a son. Dteeel,, —In Clintou, on Mut 14t1k Wt., the wife of Mr. Verbs. Dickson ; a daughtur. wyeeNitoheson.—lit Morris, on the 19th inst., the wife ol M. James Aitelieson ; daughter. „,,,000Jortnytt—In East Wawatiosit, on the 21st inst., " the wife of Mr, Jabot Jermyn ; a daughter. ATAICR.IED. PINCONBE—Katals—At Lueknow, on the 150 inet., by Rev. BleHay, Mr. Wm. Pincombe to MN Lot- tie Ketttn. CLARE—Ginaos—In Morris at the residence of gr. Wm. Clark, on the 13th Met!, by Itev. W, T. Chaff, Mr. Moses Clark to Miss Anita Wbeon, both of Morris, MeLAuctunts—D—In Morris, at the residence of the bride's parents, cm the 10th inst., by Rev; ltobt. • Godirey. Mr. Donald MoLaugdlio, jr., of rey, to Miss Hattie Bell. DIED. iteJeoss—At tangside, ou the Ist Inst., Mr. John Roes, aged 69 veers. Mewed—At New York, on the 8th inst, Anderson. Berl of Mr. Huish Anderson, of St. Helene. ,ALSOLONG—AtWinghnUl, Ols the 10th inst., Arthur J. "—Long, aged 10 years and 11 mouths. DAser—At Seaforth, on the 13th inst., Winnifred Evangeliee, youngest daughter of Rev M. Denby, aged 1 year aud 11 months. 31111A—At Seaforth, on the 10th inst., Mlobael Sites., aged 15 years. PttaAtAe—AtSeaforth, on the 10th inst., Matilda a., wife of Marvin K. Patinae, aged 68 years and 2 months. LYONS—At Seaforth, on the 16th inst, Annie, eldest daughter of •Mr, John K. Lyons, 34gel 20 years and • 6 months. ' IYINGHA111 MARKETS. WinattAm, May 23 1889 :Corrected by P, Deane, Produce Dealer. Your per 100 lbs, , • * 2 65 to • Pall WipJat per bushel, - ispring Oats. • Barley, Peas, - • • Potatoe, • ' - Butter per lb. tub,`" - do Rolls, Eggs per dozen. Wood per cord, Uy per ton, • 0 86 to 25 to 35 to 50 to 15 to • 14 to • 14 to • 10 to 1 25 to 8 00 to C. P. R. TIME, TABLE. ' ',....L,,...--------•-..-----..' -,-../4 — ,-..,--....:..„....—...,,,' !---' . - --.! ° -L.........—...........,. ..;.. ^'• ..4.-....:.„.;...-- .. ;„.:.,:,..;...4......... ... . - , ' ^ . ' ' ' . ( WM. DIAMOND, Haviug purchased the Butchering fluid- ness of John Coati, next to Korman's hotel, is iletertained to keep aeonstaut supply of the very best obtainable artiotes of meat, ,J4 'e.v.etelege• • BEEF, FORK, The Fancy Goods Store apd Leiding Gent's Furilishin House' MUTTON, VEAL, &c. Prompt delivery to any part of of ,Wingham1 the town. WM. DIAMOND: TENDERS WANJ. Tenders 1 be received by e undersigned up till Monday, May, at 80' ock p. M., for remov- ing old fence trot he tem nd west ends and south side of the town par at erecting a gae pipe fence thereon. Awl aloe fo pairing fence on north side of park. Plans a ecitleatIons can be seen at the office of the wn b erk. The lowest or any tender not no sadly act., ted. JOHN NI8S ANDS, Chairma Property Committee., Wing' in, May 16th, 1889. BICYCLE FOR SALE. 64 inch British Challenge, in perfect order, only two seasons in use. Address, BICYCLIST, Blyth P. 0. ga RUBLE ROME gE AND DESIRABLE wn Properjr FOR SALE UCT 0 N. 2 06 sa B y 0 00 28 40 63 20 16 16 1,1 900 Trains arrive and depart as follows: LEAVING ARRIVING .35 a, in .For Toroute,. .... . , ..5:36 a. in 2:15 p. in 2:15 p.m 2:15 p. ni ..For Teeswater 216 3.0:SO p. m 10:30 " , G -PD TiR,T.TI\TIC IVY A. 0, STRATHDEE, AGENT, WiturnAn. Through tickets to all points In America—North- West, Pacific Cent, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes.Xtegr.mge chocked through to destination. Lowestfreight rates to all points, • —TIME TABLE.-- . , LEAVE WINGIIAM. ARRIVE AT Vri0Oliall'• 0:39 it.tn.Toronto,Gue10,Palinerston, &e.1130 p.m. 11:10 " 4 t 10.1.0 " 330 p.m. " " Clinton, " , 7:25 " — Palmerston, Mixed.. .. —10:20 S.M. 6:60 am' London, rho.. 11:00 " 340 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 11:10 a.m.. .... —Kincardine, Sm.. ...„. 0:39 a.m. 3:30 p.tn i4 11:10 " 19:10 " .1 6:50 p.m. . . / . OUNTY COUNCIL. qcommth OF THE CORPORATION OF I the County of Huron, will meet in the Court use in the TOWN OF GODERICH, on , YUNSDAY, THE 4iEr DAY OF JI,IN NEXT. ,lay•Itoth, 3880. PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk, 'GO NOW eq,,e,,ifithielaimoviotioviiitiolopeoolotsittneeileVitql.14,11e'lliiitt11061101,1141011'190101149110119,1A Dress roods in Black and Colored Henrietta Cloths, Foule Cloths, Crape Cloths, Servs, Opera Twills, Nun's Veiling, Mohair, Luce Stripes, Wool De Meige &teens, Satins, 111arvelieux, Piushes, Crepe, Velvets, Spring MantleOloth, Dress Tin:wings in endless variety to match. Sturnanse variety in Prints, Zephyrs, Chambray's, Tablings, Damask, Table. Naphius, M.uslinu, Checks, MuIl, Downs, Curtain Net, Curtains, Quilts, Gloves and Hosiery in endless variety. TAILORING DE PARTME NT. We control many lines of goods not to be found elsewherein the trade. For the present season the number of orders we have taken. show We have what the trade reiptires, and the prices we nal day cutnpetitiou. Our tams aro liberal, BOOTS AND 'SHOES, For value, make and assortment, Seo them Groceries, Pare and Fresh. , The undersigne will offer y PublicAuctran: We inak_the requirements, of the trade a study. See the immense variety our stock contains. Inspection regneste (unless previously di potted of) is entire property situated in Wingnam on SATURDA ivijtY 25th, 1889. one el ck p. en, The Property thus composed: PARCEL res 3 nee and one-half acro of land on Diagonal Roa ; R0EL 2, consisting of 11a mires adjoining; will e s d separately 9x in con- nectiou. PARCEL 8.-9 T wn Lot one-third acre each, on the Diagonal Hoed Patten 4—A • t, eonsisti g of a acre, on Francis street. • Pincer, 5.— he store on Josephine street oc- cupied by Mr. 8 Gracey as a fu miture room ; also, a lot in rear of s tut). The reside •e on the Diagona Road is a met desirable loca on, the houoe bei g a commodious frame one, a d in good stats of epair. These properteries ill be sold on favorable tering, as the -proprietor c ntemplates removing fr. Winghatu. A favorable opportunity is .thus atter ed to those desireue of ecuring, first-cless property. 670r,fu ther particulars, apply to the roprietor, • . GEORGE Mc AY. Wing in, May 6bh, 1889,. Holstein Dull. for Service. The Holstein Fresian Bull • "ITUADN LAD," ' Will be for service on the farm of .1, A. MeEwati, Lot 11, Con. 1, !Sortie, during the season. This animal, bred by 18. Bollert, Cassell, On- tario, was calved on April 28, 1888, sire Boynton, No 347, 11.11 B ; dam, F,ustrolia 2114, No. 8900, H 18 B. Sigmas bred by It Bonen, Ilessol, Ontario. TnliNS Grade POWs, $2; Thoroughbreds, Hol - Stoll*, $20, Morris, May 2nd j889. J. A. McEWEN. 4--; PUBLIC NOTICE. anaaian ailway --TO- BELORAINE 11/100SOIVIIN t CLERBOR SALTO' S) A 04P RY $28 $35 Sp cal Colonist Excursions will leave all points in On rio, Sharbot take, Kingston and west there- of on 4th, Return Un3 Ilth, 18th, until Jul y 14th, Q a ul 21st, O.18 28th. For full particulars apply to nearest station or ticket agent. "V. ELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. Surveyor. Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Particular attention paid to division of properties into building lots, settling disputed noundaries, preparing complete plans of towns and villages, as per Itegistry Act, awl descriptions of properties for intertion in deeds. Croes•Sections of rivers made and estimator of cost. of Bridges, Culverts, &c. Pro- file,3 and eetimates fot'gracling hills, drainage, road and. street improvements, sewers and other Engl. meting worke. Correspondence volicited, stating place:Ind character of work. OFFICE—At J. A, Iloarmett law office, Wingham, Ont, irowN AND VILLAGE LOTS FOR. SALE. Town lot 439, west Ade Leopeld street, Wirighein, and Village lot 26, McCrea's eurvey, Delgrave, both excellent building sites, are for sale, Apply to S. A. MORTON, Barrgter, WittanaM, Ost, . • HOUSE AND FOR SALE E S 'W A 'I' nn... Thai, 40040 for tale a eplendid Lot senttaranu anent 3 nersu %rid, ad Whin c is a llama house and etabler; Mae13,laljnit °rens A. Excellent lot for ntaAnt gardiner. Under gee I cultic StiOti ncX well feneca. Apply to 14. WILLSON, 411.11AN T.1.8198, Wingliam. 7/44.4.iater. Another largo consign- ment of Fresh Teas of superior quality, In order to counteract the dishonest practices perpetrated on tb.e pub- lic by pedlars and others we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee. , and solicit your patronage, W. T. Y,A.TES, The China House, TIEDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS MANITO$A, BRIT1Sk COLUMBIA —AND THE— NORTH WESTERN STATES, BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAMERS "Ustren tuterte", "OdrAkto" and "CAMPANA." Leering Sande every TUESDAY and FRIDAY night during navigation, (weather perleitting), and calling every 'WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at Goderleh and Kineardine, where they connect with•the G. T.' R. train leaving Wingham at 11.10 n.211, for st. JOO'S Island, Garden River, The Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port Arthur with the C. P. It., and at Duluth with the Red River Valley IVY. Lovits'r 1lbrEO, BENT acoommonspox, ESPit9S3 tint ANG CHOICE at rtGETSS. • Ask your mutat Grand Trunk try agent for freight and puteenger raw. %Mg. H ATTY. &IL L Cline & go. For Sale. Twelve Acres of Land adjoining the Corporation of Wingbant, in Turnberry, free of stones and stumps and well fenced, shade trees and a never failing spring. Apply 50 A. am quesh'e. Hotel Begs to announce to her many patrons that her stock, of . M. H. MeINDOO. SPRING, - 1889. EIERDSMAN The marl eigned, Executor of the Estate of the late ROBER DORNYN„h 'by give notice that all persons indebte to the id estate must pay the „ , amount of their in bt sees to 11 s promptly upon tor this season, is complete in every The (roods were bought fel.' the maturity thereo All parties having claims against the said est a requested, to present the, C'ash, in the best Homo and Foreign Markets and will be sold at the same at once. lowest possible profits. All CORNYN, 11E, ' DAVIS. Wingham ay 7th, 1889. tt) diumaery T NSHIP OF TURN urt RP Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins; Brocades, Plush and Velvet Mantle Cloths. R V N Mr GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT. Ear EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. MIAS. HERDSMAN. Notion is her first slain; of the Court of Reels wnship ot Tiumbeny will be hckl lit _ SAUL1':1?' H I3LUEVALE, Monday, th 7th May, 1889 at ti hour of 10 octoc in. Ilatepaye will pliose govern tile elves accord - Th toll can bo soon at my oflic JOIJN BURG SS Townshit erk. Ill ale, May Oth, 1889. RED ROCKER Funiture Storq. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Fine Scotch, • English„ Canadian • • IN WEBSTER'S • • Ettillir • TAME. . .NTABLIEMENT... .1N WINGANL. FURNITT.thE of all Kinds, Which will be sold at lowest figures. HAND MADE OR ORDERED GOODS. See my own make of Metrasses, Lounges, Ire, and everything in the upholstering lino Picture Framing and ordered work will recoiee prompt and careful attention, All work done* ic,. first.cless style, Undertaking promptly attended to at any bonr Every requisite in Stock. Embalming a specialty, D. B. C&MUCK Funeral Director and Embalmer, Pioneer Hardware Store, STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the fallowing lines : 3 stit. A trial will convince. Remember we guarantee 0 give you a perfect fitting - Nos PIPn, ALL SIZES .rnont i• mo In11. ' FIRE BRIMS, MILL FILES, IRON AND Dttess PIPE FITTINGS, , MEM D . , T MACHINE OILS. ' argtiTr El ,„ iv, ..,,re,. AlIERIOAN WATER WHITE COAL OIL. We are sole agents in Wingham for 021-1ATS, , STAIRTS, COLLAR, the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the'best in the world, and those Celebrated HALIFAX TWEED .9) At prices that will astonish yoix. crated Suits a Specialty All kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom prices. Lula Plaster in bags always on hand, PI5.44GE, r.:AM414, ,ckt 8cc., AT HALF ATPRICE, WEBSTER'S.