HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-24, Page 2Prir."911110,
body ell
seers at you, sty ye (Enna lien, e said, Iain you tan bring folk
C cittumant units whie„ wu„ afunny sayin' mair4frae the fire en ivery nicht tee look
.ettpecially eoutiin free her. Sfor warlocks, ye muckle saft bruit, an'
Wm, after she geed ant, I pouldna mitt ye a' the time she wee spealtin
FRIDAY, MAY '24, 1889, get her oot, O my sioht—E couldnalehe was lyin on itie wi a' her pooer
Ned, red tbe sunzet dames behind
Tie blcleir, black eltes and hedges,
All through the noon no least loaf stirred,
Net crick:Ss hummed and beetles Mgr:v:1,-.
Now comes a breath of fresh, sweet wind
Front silent pools and 6eagea.
All through hot noon the reapers stand
And toil, with jzzts and la ghter, s
NgncatIt tho blazing Sh that burn:
'Igien, laughing still, the omeward two
key threcs and fours; and hand • hand
Go two that linger after.
.Azul her wo linger, hand i and,
And watch the blookeuin shadovrs.
Had wo been born to p and sow,
To wake when swallow ir, and go.
Forth in chill dawn to plow thend:
Or mow the misty meadows,
Rad that been nobler? Love of ino,
Wo still had only striven,
As/a= we strive, to do ou best,
TQ do good work ancl e good rest.
All vorlc that's human is divi
All life, lived well, makes h yen!
—B. Nom.
DEAR Sun,—I write is to let you
know that I am in th. Ian' o' the
leevin' an' they place howp, an'
wussin that you, an' a' y 1 tr frien's are
the same. 1 beg leeve speer if you
will put in neither ter free me,
which will be a gre obleegement,
mair espaishalJy this v y wat waither,
which is yer a crushin taea chap's
.spoerits. The last tim . I wrote my
dear moister *was very angry at me
for daein' sae; tho' beloved mis-
tress leeched eherser intae extairics,
;olio was a peaty in ed, for she is
booky, and can bad sten' Bich
emotions; an'stae ma ' the thing
a waur, nay master wud la budge an
inch tae help her, sae, a I didna ken
whaur her cordial was yin', she had
tae come oot o' her e tairics tae tell
me whaur tae fin' it, ailed then she
gaed back into her ext ries again, and
1 gaed and got the bottlin and when
she had taken a cook o it, she was
rnichtily relieved, and t e extairics
gaed aff, which was gran'.
Bnt. sur, it's no' aboot 'my moister
I'm gaun tae write at this bout, nor
my mistress either, but aboot mysel',
•and what I mean tee tell yon is, that
I am waist dread& in luv at this
esraisent meenont, and ha'e been in
this bad way for a guid wheen months
noo, which is the September o' last
year. I daursay thiel may supparise
yon, an' many mae besides, for my
maister, whenever he mentions my
name, jist mek's me oot a muckle
cuif, that thinks o' naething but my
meat, while a' the the time .I'm jist as
muckle in luv as ever lie was, an'
maybe mair, for I rely believe he's
ower tem? o' consate e'er tae ha'e luvit
anybody better than himsel', while, as
fack as onything, this meenont if she
askit me, for ..e
- My bonnie Annie Boois,
I wad lay me doon and dee
a wn11. And this brings mo tae
the pint, which is ' her name and
station, age and ram; Her name I
ha'e already menshuned in the po't'ry
She has nae parteeclar station o' her
ain, but her faither is a souter in oor
toon ; she says her age is saxteen
come thofirst o' Aprile; .and for her
race, her faither is a Boois and her
mither is a Macturka which is a very
guid mixtur', or I'm disemal far, mita
ta'a II.
The first time I paid my attenshun
tile the object o' rna afflickshun was
ae nicht she cam' intae the shop when
I was my lane. She brocht in a pair
o' her faither's, breeks tar, get 'need',
and wheaiver she cam' in I ,jist foun'
something gie a dunt at my heart
'whirl made .me flu' a feelin' at my
heart as fine as I used tae fins at the
sicht o' milk pattrich, which is glori-
ous. Weel, she begood and tell't me
what was tae be dune tee the breeks
hooiver 1 ne'er heard as single word
she said,but could dae dash't the
the halt bat jistssit and look at her
beantifu' mou', at the vera least, it
lookit sae sweet. Wed, alio was jist as uswal, but instead o atatinin at the
gauia oot at the door' when I noticed I door, she came owner yont, en' there
the breeks lyin, and as 1 thocht to she got her e'o on me stannin squeez-
wad be needfte tae tell my moister ed up against the wa'.
whet VMS tae he dune till them, 1 Is that yon Geordie? quo she sae
cried, lo, Aunie, what did ye say sweetly, but I delayed nee steer or
Was tae be dune taa the brooks? speak a word for the life o me.
te muckle cuff, clue she, Pm sure When she got necr answer she cam
tell't you weal eneuch afore, and nearer and said—what are ye dant
she begood again, but 1 was jist eaaja. at that wey, Geordie `1 you're surely
iatae the same state, when she hap turnip silly ?
3pened tae look up, .and said, What for I Its no Geordie, quo t a' sliakiu, it's
in a' this wort', are ye gatiiin and 1110
glowerin' at we as gin you wucl eat a Att' whit are ye I she said.
body, and then she took me a elceIp I'm Willie Ilooateen, quo ; ye
therug wi' her WI, which was vera min o bringin you faither's breeks tao
eitoo for ivery time I lookit tau the wed pith ; but 1 got oot o her clutches
1 saw her looly countenunce at lasr, and made off; hut matt,1 watt
on it,. and 1 limine the heart tee j !that musty, and vexed, and diejaskit,
; nor could t thread my needle, for that I coultlea help roarin not as local
ivory Limo -1 lookit at its e'e I saw her as lye'. I could rours—Yon'll swot
e'e on the far bide cat, loam) vent
lovin halter ts w hi !h was qt'r. hen
=biter oatr," in he asked if ony
customers tilt I (Wed I bail, Aye
boatel: Boa s's cloehter was in tee get
i pair o new knees, and then. I never
kennel.' where I wuz till I got a
tromenjous reeste! on the frae nay
Whets that for, said,t till hints
1'11 let you ken what its for; said
he, itt a rage I'll learn you to
some later body than- me tae tak'
your nap ,aff, What was Souter
Bo is's dooliter daein hero, and then
1 saw the mistake 1 had made. A
treineudous heat gaed a' ower ;
my face, I foun, gru verra red up tat,
the lugs, and then aisweat brats ewer
me, and then I explathed the thing tae
my mister,. Wha wi his uswal inpi
detice eautioned me against takin sich
awfu feeds at dinner time as sent me
ower asleep, and said that I wud
safteu my brain wi my greed. Tho,
if he had kenned, it was my heart that
was as safes a dishcloot. at this blessit
• meeeit, which was very aivedent, for
when I gaed oot tao bring in the coals
my e'en ran fairly ower, and I took a
guid greet tae myself in the coal -
hoose. And when my rnaister askit
hoo my een was so red,„I said it was
sparks free that confounded coal which
was a lover's lee.
Weel, my dear sur, you'll see free
this that 1 was vera wuoh in luv in.
deed, and it sune begood tao tell on
my constitution, for 1 oouldna sleep
at nicht, and I geed clearo free my
meat a'thegither, which vexit my dear
moister and my beloovit mistress
terribly ; though my moister lauched
at me, and said in fun that it was jist
stoon o cauf luv, which made them
a' leach vera much, though he was
nearer the mark than he thoucht,
which was n poky.
Nen, yett,l1 maybe think that the
paikin 1. got inicht haw cured me n my
luv, bet no a bit o't, for I grew wain;
than iver 1 in tact, I think I wud lute
gaen ,ft.. a' thegit ler had 1 no gotten
an inveet the it 11 110W8ril Shine at ihtl
middy, whim 1 lienAl fine Arnie
wud be praista . Alan, I never
wearied sae tang for a nicht tam' come
as that nicht, but come it did. Weel,
ye ken, I had modeirip my min that I
wed tell her ray stbte o min • tae a
certainty, sae I sha0 mysel—for the
first time—dressed Mysel in my hest,
and aff, 1 set. The taties were Pup-
pit, and capital clitunps they were,
and we were a' tattin oor sates roon
the room tae heel a sang or tww,
arra wi a bravery 1 canna explain
yet, what did I 1 niv dee but clap
mysel doon %side i ay lovely Annie.
Geordie Picken loo it desperate fierce
but 1 didna caro (4 button aboot that
sae 1 heepit my sate, and as a' the
lads were puttin their airm roun the
lassies necks, hale 1 lad I ventured
and did the same, a1
nd it was vers.
gran, and vent pro mous, but 0 man,
when Annie liftit iser airm, and tee
be like ither folk,!, put it men my
:neck. as fack as- oucht, there was a
;delicht, rombustioaness, a smoother-
'iness cam ower inAheart that nearly
'made me fa' aff thq sate.
Annie, quo I, after I had sat in a
state o great gloriousness for a
while, Annie, I Imo a secret tae toll
Bete ye, says she, what is it ?
Ay, said I, but di/Ina speak sae
lood. Aunie, as sure as onything, I
like you better than the nipple o my
, ma. or a' the nipples that ever growed
or jerganells either.
• She lookit a wee surmised at this,
but after a while she said ia a de.
But the warst o't was that ane Geordie • lightfu whisper. Dee ye. Will I Aie ye
Picken, a weaver, was coortin my no waggin mac?
Annie extra hard, and.bilis vexit me . Me wag you quoth, no, no, Annie
sae much that I thocht y' sendin him - that's far ayout my, pooer in my prai-
a bottle o yill wi pushon in't, but , sent state o' min. As fack •as oucht,
when it strack me that 1 micht beiver sin' ye brocht up your faither's
hartg't for't, and what a breakheart 'mild breeks tae get nee't I hae likit
that wud be tae o' concerned, 1 dictna you like—as sure as anything, Annie
dae't. Hooiver, by hangin aboot at --.1 could eat you, Annie.
nicht, I lairned that Geordie Picken, When I said this she geed a bit
when he wantit Annie oot, was in the start, took awe,' her airna and •irew-
habit 0 gien a queer kin o whistle back her head kin' o' skeered like. I
forenent the hoose, sae I begood, and was muckle surprised at this, an said
by lyin ahint the haidge, I sune What is't Annie?
learnt his whistle, and then thinks I Od, Will, quo' she; I thocht ye. were
tae mysel, Geordie my man I hae ye ackwally gaun tae dae't an' gaun tae
noo. Weel, when 1 had fairly Inasbegin at my lug. Ye shouldna open
tered it, a'e niche I teli's my stance on your mots' an' look sae vorawoious
the road, and ,after various attempts when your courtin'—that's no the way
tae compose my lips, and wi an awfu ava.
gowpin at my hettyls I whistled as Did 1 dae that, said 1, 1 didna mean%
rood as iver 1 couldMan I could as sure as. ouoht. Come nearer an'
hae bitten my tongue oot o my head put your airm in its auld place. That
for my rashness,as sune as iver I had is praimous. Noo, Annie, ye ken I'm
dune ; and when I heard the irx door no gaun tae borro Gordie Pichen's
apen, an saw the scud on the lozens an whistle frae him, for I hae fours' oot
on the tap o the oot door, I was that ane o' my nain—a fine. ane. Haud
blate that I oouldna face her, sae 1 yer lug a wee nearer an' I'll due%
breenged through the haidge, and rale canny. Did ye hear% and will
there I lay A shakin and saw Annie ye kenned again ?
come oot ttte the door, loisk roonaboot Man, 0 man, some folk talk o' sur -
hex for to while, and when she saw prise, but, a man, what is a common
naebody,there. she geed awa in again, surprise tae the an I got at that
Its no rioht tae swear ava, but if ane blessed minont. For I had nae sutler
does swear, I think it is the beet way gaen ower my new whistle than Annie
jist tae swear anesel, and I can tell Boois got oot wi' ane o' the maigt
you 1 did. sae on that nicht. I. mis- dreadfu' skirles 0' lauchter ye iver
ca'ed mysel for a' muckle tips iver ye heerd. Some cried Order and ithers
heard, but after I had geed on for a cried Shaine, but it was a' ane, for she
while, I got mair composed, and jist gaed on waur an' waur, till the
promised •faithfu 1 wud dae better the singer, wha was in the middle o' the
next time. Weel, 1 tried next nioht. Low Itackit Caur, had tae sit doon'
.but wi jist the setae ootcorae ; and I an' then they a' cot& roun her an' de -
did it sae often that I begood tae be mandit tae ken what it was she teas
flee'd I was ower saft tae coort ata; lauchipa at. An' what div ye think
but a'e nicht I was fairly broolat tae she did ? Why, she jist begood an'
the scratch. It was a bonny moon- tell them the hale story frae boginnin'
Relit nicht, and. I took My poseetion tate en', whistle an' a' thegither, an'
and let aff the whistre ; but instead o man, while they were a' lauchint likin'
runin through the hisidge, I ran ahipt tae split their sides, I was sittin'
the gable o the hone, Annie cam oot wussin, wi' a' my heart that the
groan' wud open ber mous and swat.
low mo nn. But the want o' a' was
tee eome, for the weemen bodies (witch
loud o' me, an' the men bodies got
a rope, ant they threatened if 1 didoa
let them hear my new whistle on the
spot, they wud hang me ower ane 0'
the sraiddy jeests there rin' then.
Life is swept sis., ftin daith is mice
bitter, especially when tine has a
weedow mither an' a wheen fatherless
brithere tae look tee him for susteen-
slum but, 0 man, it was a bitter task
had tart preform tae save any lift.
13ut, tvi‘ a tremendone effort, I put
oot my lips, soonat my whistle, burst
sore and also vera prune. When tam get wiee'd, at Geordie Short's oot the greetin', an' ram free hoes° like
wag pun !Wel jig ,tae break the ice Man, sho ne'er said a word, but she! goer.
0. wee, said,. Iron .?les ye a' at home, bmood and sho paikit me till 1 Noo sir, my purposo in writin, this
:444704; to whioh, auswored, If onprivro4bIsolt and blue, vrbiltle you season is tao spoor your advice, Era ye
1 ken I'm await miserable, First 0' a'
II Ins. A mph, !loafs ae steevely as ever;
then I amm5 gab, alang the etreet, or
intou a farm bootie, witheot ha'ein'
every crowd or servent lass insultie' A KI
ale by askin' hear iny new whistle ivirkru L.PA
an, then there's any mither and tho
weans, rah( tiwy,ro the warst 0' A.'
1 ken that slip has hoard 0' the thing,
I Ow sins hat; ewer loth!11 word about
tee me, but 1 ecce vv;a1 emnd) free her
' hitt' 0' do winethat there something
sad on her mita' Yo ullilerritt110,
enure amy faither deolt 1 hive jist nokit
like the head o' tho house. We 1110
jist wen the books as uswal, the big
Omit has aye been filled at e'enan'
my brothers jiet look tip tee me as gin
they were my ain. molly a nicht
when we were sittho mon' the fait' er-
less fireside, Intie I tauobt them their
duty tins their wither, tell't them hoo
their faither luvit her'tube when I
got warmed. on the subjeck, 1 ha'e
showed them boo I was gaun to con -
duck mysel, when my time was oot,
hoo ever pay nicht I wad bring liame
my baa bees and say hae mither, hoo
she wadna need ony mak tea gang not
and wish and slave ower Wier fowk's
bines, but wad sit like a queen at her
fireoto atO hoo, when we were a'
grown up and had oor trades learned,
an' she was- growin' auld and grey,
we wad smooth awe' her rinkles and
gladden her auld Wart, and actors her
white hair wi' wreaths o' fraternal
affection. An' on I We gime till the
weans were a' were a"-'clappin their
hands in their excitement at the glor-
ious prospeck, and my mither would
come ower and fling tier airing mon'
nay neck, an' thOuglt the tears would
be runnin' doou mytheeks, I kenned
her heart was once 'led, for mair than
anoe 1 ha'e heard her through her &tbs.
thankin' God: for blessin' her wi' sio.
can a son.
Ye see the meesery I 'Mk in, an' it
jist tell me honestly whether
1 should gang and list, or stay at
hame wi' mither' youdl uneoly obleege
P. S.—Ye unnerstan', be Sant
the nicht tae post my master's letter,
brit„I.11 jist plump this ane intae the
box and keep his. 4..
The present population of Peter.
borough is 9,284, beicg an increase
during the past year of 295.
The family of the late Lemuel
Young who died at Fingal of small-
pox, is suing the, Board of Health for
,!damages for bedding destroyed.
The lectnreitstdsiniced to the desk
and responde,d,ANollows am not
'half se big a fool mis Dr. Vincent—
long pause and loud laughter—would
have you suppose. ,
Mr. 0. E. E. Usher, formerly of
Hamilton, has been appointed assist-
ant,generel passenger agent for the
whole Canadian Pacific system, with
headquarters at Monteeal.
Mr. Patrick O'Brien, M. P. for
North Monaghan, hasbrought actions
for libel against the London Times,
Liverpool Courier, and Mr. Thomas
Wallace Russell, Unionist M. P. The
defendants accused the plaintiff of
refusiug relief to a Protestant tenant
at Falcarragh.
The Rev. Dr, Hanson, of Chicago,
recently lectured at Chautauqua, his
subject being "Fools." The Rev. Dr.
Vincent, sta is somewhat of a wag,
introduced him thus :—We are going
to have a lecture on fools by one—
long pause and long laughter—of the
wisest men of the country.
In Simcoe, 194 schools, there are
four in which 187 pupils are taught
partly in French. No teacher is re.
ported as unable to use English. In
Renfrew, 186 schools, there are two
in which 82 pupils are taught the
French language. In the Roman
Oatholic school in Windsor 112 pudils
out of 450 take instuction partly in
Vrench. There is no teacher incom-
petent to teach English. in the
schools in Russell and Prescott, about
which there is the greatest dispute,
there are, among the 146 schools in the
united counties, 65 in which the teach-
ing is in part in French. The num.
l,er of children who receive such. in-
struction is 4,525. There are no
teachers who cannot teach English.
Catarrhal Deafness, Hay Fever.
Sufferore aro not generally au aro that these die.
eases aro contagious, or that they are duo to the
presence of living parasites in the lining membrane
of the noso and nustraohian tubes. Microscopic re.
search, however, has proved this to be a fact, and
the result Is that a simple remedy has boon formu-
lated whereby catarrh, catarrhaldeefnoss and hay
foyer aro perm:mot:Nye:trod in frOtn ono to three
simple applications made at home by the patent
once hi too weeks. N. 11,—For catarrhal discharges
peeuliar to fomalts (whites) this rowdy is a speoille.
A panlphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on
receipt of toe cont, by A. 11. Dm/ es Sort, SOS Wet
King St., Toronto, Canada.—Sciontifie American -
Sufferers, helm terriositteutwiee should toad the
above weenie
Laud, only
Section) of First Claes
h'ive Miles trwn tbo
growing City of
13 11 A_ D
The grain Itlio.nexpalis
of the North-west.
The abor.: Is scally.As Farm and will bo sold
gA Plainin' Mill
30 by 30 foot
TWEJ sToo Hio
Containing all the modern machinery for manufse,
taring Flooring, Mouldings, S...sh, Doors foc. Baur
and Engine Room Piro Proof with an Iron Shaving'
Room attached.
This valuable property is in first-class running'
order, situated in Brandon near the CI 1' 11 station,
And in the. heart of the manufacturing depot of thw
city whore a Large and Prpfltablo business can be.
Immediate possession can bo given. Title porfoot..
For full particulars apply o
• P,
Wingloon I", 0..
Evolloilog of Qualitg„
the Stook now on hand at
has ncesuperior anywhere..
The Most fastidious can be suited in.
his elegant lines of
Oanaaian, English, Scotch,
°Irish and French Tweeds.
Prices Lowest, Clempatibie with Satis-
factory goods and
Our own Goods. Out Free of Charge:
Consult your interests by giving as
• a call.
Oat Illea,1 Mill Opened,
Thf, undersign desire to inform farm-
ers and the peopkgenerally that they hare
reopened their
bat in. Wingligni,
And are now pr
unhimnutedquantjtjes and at the
reit to purchase Oats in
Highest cachet Price.
They will supply customers with the BEST
Gluons in UM Meal.
Photograph Gallery.
Long Experience, close attention and
unexcelled facilities, enables. me
to turn out uniformly a class of
work equal to that of any
Gallery in the west,
rff'Work of every description artigi-
cally, promptly and satisfactorily done.
A Larg6 Assortment of Frames
kept constartly on hand. Prices as
low as as eonsistent with good work.
pip,r.„,,,,,_;,, , SAN Solid Gold waecn.F
BIlaelettj°8764°.tch Inutuhtell whet:115'.
Perfect timekeeper. War -
...,P. .. ' ) ranted. Hoary. Solid nail'
Bunting Cams. Loth ladies'
end genie' sires, with work*
and canes ot equal value.
on 0 Person in earah—
rainy egg teCtire 0110 fretti
together with oar large and val-
uable line of nreneoholdi
w8callnlaPel etrie. nwitette6htaraWele6erred. IS
there 10 your home for 1 rsoirtlesea'naretd haotirnel ytboeurahatrthoklet
who may have called, they become your own property._ note
who Write 01 onto ran be sure of receiving the Wrsteb
0,4 SaMtples. We pay all envois, freight, Me. .Addrese
Bibuletk dal CO., Box 812,,JPortlaftd,larano.
AnY of the following metropolitan weeklies Ma ke
Obtained with tho Wisigham Tomei at the Sgures beta
TIMM fond ()lobo.. . ..$1 ?A
TIMES, Mail, and Fenn and Fireside. .0
Timms, Globo and Rural Canadian,. • -
Treas nod Londondvertisor, .. 1 75
Toms and Mon t: eal SYltness, 1 74
TIM and Toronto „. .. 1 74
Teets and daily World 2 7;
TistS simil wechly News with premien:, "OhHit
before Nieto,”
50 to Of CO tottorauot "
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