HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-24, Page 1VOL. XVI II. ---NO 91. a -Ni'r..FC G . , 1! ui ,a^ q- WJNG -HAiz, o a, r., FRIDAY, MAY 'A •, 1889. LOCAL NEWS. t f lee cream and osten croon et Aielialvires• de—A nice row f shade trees. has ben --Mr A:' AndL, of Winnipeg, Idallpec• planted in trout1 the English church. env load of hors ni tide week, --The elects te" -=An hrwngovil a man was fined 1ti,5t) iu Seaforth ou• for spitting tobaot t juice in the puatoffioe. majority of ea: --qtr W J Ferrand, of Norval, is now foreman at ]bless as Inglis k Armetroug's woileu mill. —De, Cochran.. has been appointed ,governor of the ) Lung Ladies' College at 3rautford. v/1 --For freak Paris Greeii, l;Ielebore, Insect Potederailua Shot, ge to Cideholrn'a Corner Drug Store. —The Customs partment at Ottawa k,. had placed the Det it Sunday Sun under prohibition. --Dr Macdonald" o speak at a public clt meeting to he held r Brussels on ,Tuesday eveniug next, called o discuss the Joeuit ,question. q ' —There wee a isaa' of sunatroke in Tor- onto ou Saturday atefilooir last, That temperature has bee- beautifully reversed since, however. - --Alin la Patterson has been movingg a number of buildings ii town, Frank is au eikperienoed hand at : is work and corres- pondingly expert, •••The man who h faith in his town Makes it the eubjeot f hopeful-'.cenversa- tiou. He buys wli t he profitably can use at a and end avers to get others l < •.• to do hue 4.ess in it a well. H'e takes a personalinterest in ev ry movementintend- mai to develop its reso rtes. he Junior base 1 team vent over to seawater on Ward , captained by G MoClymont, and defot ted the correspond- ing team of that place by a score of 19 to 9. Wingham players G Mcilymont, T McCracken, J T Liu dater, 1) Small, F Dingus, J Lockride, A on, S Shopperd' W Loutit. W Dono `cried as =pile. -•-We had left on desk a few days ago a veritable puzzl 1», the shape of a .•bottle with a .neatl ade';e,ltlal}or about twoand one half inobe long'hy •an4 {hat awl- iatalf wide, It ws made by llir'W J - ,1;oe, an ingenious yo ng man residing iu Y 'Morris. It ceatainly • uzzlee "any tallith" to know how it is do taut he says it is eaaily done. ---A genial pioneer :d et the Trntes bfftoe on Tuesday in tl aarson of Archi- bald McAllisteer of rs berry: Mr Mc - ,Allister rams here olu Scarborough township-: over twen • ears ago when there was • but one Ivo shanties in 'Hingham, His plod iug dustry, econ- onhy and integrity 11 ve geed for him comfortable carat:Ms+: ncetti WIIOLENO,90 otce oranimpal lemon at 3feKolvlee, -a-An "At Ho • e" will be held in the Mag - . e Review. --Read tho Maul ions of Geordie Preebyteriau el re}l on, tIonaay evening It may ftitere t the people of Wingham Short, as records on a ether page. next, A good rogramme will be rendered to know thatch s ev J. Scott bee a well - and a colleotio, taken up. All cordially reasoned article 3 the April number of invited, e the Methodist r' uarteriy, the subject Them Is scarcely a : reet in town on which some bon " The Su ernatural Religion and improvements aro n. oa...rvable In the way o! Modern, Thou t." He starts itis bonding, extending, repairing, painting, te:ccing, theme withtb-:fouryears'fruitlesssiegeof sodding, treeplantin , gardening. %gee or progress and prosperity are v .iblo on every hand. The evi- Gibraltar a, r availing bin:melf of an donees of taste and ornment are particularly ob• eatabilshed do ,trine of the itivolutieuists, servable. For many ears Wingham has not shown and some strig admissions of Spencer,. the same evidences of •althy growth and increased he makes ont h calm that superniitars tidiness. 14r li;. Willem has a nice ce ksr hedge all religion, 1 e the rock -fortress of planted along Josophirt t in front *this residence-. Mr George McKenzie as been making great lin, Gibraltar is i pregnable, The price of provemente athis reef once, removing, bun ding and a siugle numb is 36 cents, and the first extending -.Mr F $11r ,lisle/ bas the carpenters at article on T : ' erfeet Christian Character, work on his new reelencs. on Frances 8t-•TheMesers by Chancellor rwash is well worth the - McGregor have a nit now residence nearly corn- The plated on Frances st pot—Mr Wililam Ellison is money' W L. erecting a house on John street,—The Misses Johns ba'• a added a verandah and etioti Sale, made other lin rove gents an their resi- deuoe•—Mr A k • rgie has a new residence i public auction , • n the *Ingham market on Milnnie street --14:r W J Chapman is , square on'Wedn :day, the'29th of May, et preparing to :.large his tannery.—Mr 13 o'clock in the ;': fternoonl the following Imlay has his : • e new residence about oom- articles: 1 cent table, 1 whatu t,,1 fancy pleted,—W J !yell has a new residence parlor staud, 1 ide board,! 1 lge, halt on Patrick st, dozen cane se::ed chairs, *2 catfe rockers, Ve were shores s les of fall wheat this week Il,"oMfrMo McF.au lin and Mica Hattie Gerry o' -the composing the table d3eberdetea• lallineleat ont, l aradleble, 1 l bureau side grown on thgtnlm A. Rose, Har Bitola, Canadian Laoroaae which were in th t Made and meeariroil:BD Excursions Association met at Wingham on Thursday 1 baby carriage, bins tett set, fruit jars' inches iu .lo},iftli.. ie ie surely • n unexampled Bear id, mind the cheapExcursions to the 1\Torthwest`to be run bythe Grand afternoon oils week thelawn 'Yore; wen, s am'wash boiler, 1 cook e Ti<iriik Railway via its North Bay Short taxdistrict secre- stove,feather alma pillows, a number growth idr bR '. f ay Hal any One a better.k sla'd'tltSll the - •• Line, on .'Tune 4th, 1 h and 18th, to Del- y' Gro =a,;preBlding• -The follow - measured' of ictures a • i' If you bar 'fit nlp in lea* thg Canadian North • or>lf>ie,'Moosomin . • d GIenbora $28 and. ing delegates• war' present,; T J'. Bunter; p • fookingeg]aeasu and othern west, tako'.+,dvantage of Ateap Exeo s ,. n Listowel articles, dla•'a plush parlor suite if not The Gra Trunk Trunk Rail fid Its Calgary X35, rata • ,ing up to July 14th,. l t , N L'ille Hues, ; Kincardine, and r and 28th -reap: Lively. No change of a' A. Morton, am. '?'t'. as decided to previously sol ? E. BowEas. Juno 4t 11th and 18th, See G T Ke,Wing w i m tion,, ti depots= -•Free terthsin through Colonist divide the gate r:ceipts equally between' r A Roe h s now c• v ,tea'his Sleepers. of 1. est design and everything the opposing ersonais. condpcive the welfare of passengers pp g 'el bs after deducting the. Mr Riobarrly .lroes; of Toronto, has extensive fluency entainsid `and outside; attended t •y experienced agents. For referees expen::s. The following wets,' been°on a visit o bis parents here'this t li eQ aiioes A now an .almorit' now dinew foil . diadWe' Aggeent , call on any Graud Trunk appointed district eferees a Wongham, d • week,,b2isa ' ou ba aIfibbin, of Toronto, pp g g A• Morton, G Ander. on ; Kincardine, A H is visiting•at u i. PMollibbin's.-•Mise Bettie. }oom, sem e r ` s, and hall, kitchen, =-T i annual I% thodist Conference! gym a and H inning; Listowel, L Meliibbiu, Piston, is visiting Mies Roof: sheds, woodshed dm: hoe` barn added. will be field as folio vs ; Niagara Confer-: , A Jamies.' , H B. II'farphy'; Luck - t ' now,in town,— ► W L Holmes. recently gradu- eine, set Ingersoll, sine 5 ;Guelph, at St, H Morri; -noaD 'ttcIntyre, The Mr•Itobert tumpbaii''tSf the dory aced, has Ioca•:d at Baldwin; welpI.9ieoonsiu, line ,between 'uruber •". aha.. u`-l•rola, Marys,. June 6 ; Lo .loon, at London, June arrangements fo .l€tying Were as follows t and is reported a ileang well professionally brought into taay on W esday stalks of 6 ; Bayo# Quint°, at Belleville, June 6 ; Kin rdine play- 'at Listowel June 7, —%Ir. James a it Iis},on, of Palmeratou • fall wheat meaeu ing 41 fnohea in height Montreal, at Sh brooke, Tune 6 ; and Wingham June 21, 1 noknow August 23e was ha town -0 Monday.—Mr. Fred Brown, Toronto, at superb specimens or,tliis seasonof:the year 7'oront , June 13. Listowel ,pjfiys a Wiugbam July 12, for some tim an employe at T. Bell's• y, pWay —.After ,consider ble dela Luoknow July 26, Ii incardine August 9 factory, has one to Chesley, where he haat - csrtainl The ss. les be seen at y, the attest Mr P Dean's aliowatering has been 1 t to Mrs. Saint, the Lucknow pians t Kincardiue May 31, secured eng •• •. ant in the same lirxe. — merchants and subs ibeishaving .balloted Listowel Suly 1'• Wingham August 9; era • .$. fthe BrusselsPa, who —Mr A Dawson,nsuranoe agent, ism to dispose theter between the two Wingham playa at eucknow June 7, ILIn Was a delegate t• the district meeting. of, attending the annumarline July 26, l meeting of the applicants. If the work is done as faith- Lis owel August 23. . rue Methodist •, arch, gave file Tuns w Ontario Mutual Li. a Assuance Co, at fullyand cientl as. last fraternal call o • Wednesda a4Mr, T. Me-. Waterloo, on Thursday of this -week. The y year•there will Etas! =x11 blato8.. y be no possible groan, for complaint. An•intoresting atclh of base ball was ()reckon, of 'ingham, has .gone: Dun - Ontario ham splendidl-y managed and pros-keld, ne r W: Itertou perous'ii s,itutian ing Mr Dawson is one —If Wingham hal a Board of Trade, pros - played on the Wi.glttam Recreation Pak, to overkill a cheese questions like the of street wateringon Thursday last b. ween the Unions of factory. Mr= McConnell, of Teeawater, of its reliable agents q Wroxeter and Gerrie and the Atlantics of was vial ing 1, Ingham.. this week.—Mr. I► might he amicab y and satisfactorily liir. D. H, Doran, who has been settled in a few hers. Aro not business Wingham• • The ho • e team was beaten by Robb. Hill, oft q restaurant, spent, •bare with his son iu law, 1. H. Vanatone,. tnen'a interest So netting in common ? a score of 22 to 1'. There was a good some days In orouto. last week.—Mr. for some months, •stunned to Mitchell, Why thea might not united action be crowd of apociator:,inolnding a large num- dii htme er, s t manufacturer, of Bincar- " where he has retained. control of the ber of ladies. T Union players were : dine, was in t , von on Saturday.—Mr. J. taken along the ss. lee line ? • P y woolen mill. He is an old and tried man J, Sanderson, .Laughlin, T Nash, Endes, of Olin , welt haoMn in Wingham,. has and strong efforts were made toinduce li%in —Mrs (} 11iolnt-'re has been for nearly APauliu, 0 Smith, " Kaska, A Wil}lama, gone on atrip to •a oro a. Mr, Faulk Dawson has to return to his nati ,e town. • three weeks in atbndanoe on her mother, gone to wu'Ikert•; ere he been a situation ek: A Kaake, The Atli atlas were ; H Ale• tailor. -Mr, Geo. 31 :.0 has been absont for a week Mrs A Cameron, •' ho was gradually sink- Hardy, G Duffield, H Macdonald; T vieith,g friend, in L ndon and vicinity,—Rev. Mr. ing at her homer if West Wawanosh, near Johustohi, T McCr.!ken, J T Linkle.ter, Moorbousahas bee doing miemmary service hr lint: Lucknow• On Wednesday, the oalmly , vicinity of Simcoo, Rev. Canon Davis lau•I•a.m,, ,a! George Mosgrove, W atterson, C Knecht - looked for mesastel' ld and this ek,—Gorrie Vidette Mi':' "Wm.; • her release from earthly suffering. The Hill, whohasbee running a barber shop in-'abrr;e• -• funeral took plan u on Thursday. Sad Case. of • rowaing. for the past two oaths, has sold out his chair, en",,:t Cheap Lake and R}vsr'i'ours, via the utense excitement, ollowed by gloom, to Ma S. T. Fenno and closed up buairees. 1i i,.hc most pleasant and piotureaque route. The was created on Su .day forenoon whilst in Garrir Mr. Hili p Dyed himself not only to be - magnificent steamers City of Detroit, City citizens were in aft udance at church by good any tri workman hobube glah'gentleunan and rands. of Cleveland, City of .Alpena, and City of many frionde'who , be glod,to hoar of his fano Mackinac, now run daily to Cleveland and the anuouneemen that a young mall, prosperity. --Mr an. }:: Duffield returned this utak•t, foul dimes. each week from Detroit and Arthur Long, had a - drowned in the from a lengthoned t to llamilton and Looden, -" Port Huron to northern lake ports --Mack. river below the prairi= A number of luso Island, St.lgnite°, Sault.St.Marie,eto,, young men had gone to : well-known spot TV - S i'OR SgItIAYC, connecting for all lake and rail points— I3ow Welcom=;is the spring's so£t breezN Port Arthur, Duluth, Manitoba, North- iu the river, whets th. water is deep, to Eike a true ova' Drla i •h' ' West, etc. For all information, lowest bathe. !t is auppos.d the young man, It stirs the yot; • g a g tender leaves. rates, etc., call on G. T. R. Agent, Wing- Long,had taken era. pa, and when reacted, With a sweet Ulla y, ham Station. all efforts to resuscit to 'him were unavail• It coudesoends to ; toop so Iow ing'. The remains :to taken to the As to kilt the 1 •tle flowers, p nts' residence and bo no to the Wing. And then as if 't as loathe to go, hani cemetery no Tuesd . The deceased It lingers in th bowers. was for two years iu th employ of Mr D It fans the war , sunburnt brow, osh e t brigs, orn that lowly bot-, ud sings. light by-law Irks voted on —Anice lot of bub cerria les, at S. onday and nierried by a . Gracey's.Who'll be A st to buy? —The G. T. 11. a thoritiea have again ---Mr B Bower is having his cottage'issued cautions ag ust walking on the rest*ingled and is utting a ueve, fetice in railway trach. front. it will b otempied . b' Mr VD —.Mr. Johu Whyt• , of Mitchell, shipped 4albiak, a oar load of hogs to the Milverton cheese —There will be 'reaching in' the Bap- factory on Tuesday, tilt church on Sun.. ay morning and even- —A lady is to be appointed principal of iug by Mr W P;l•cook, student. at the the Brantford Ladic ' College with an ex- Woodstook college, perienoed hoadmast —Mian Jennie Oa 'giin and Iizr Jae A Cline —Col. John Wal r, of London, was in are to take part in ea entertaiumefit under Wingham ou Friday having come up for a the auspices of St James' church £u Sea- day's fishing. This name is familiar to forth this (Friday) : ,venin, politicians. Bring along four,pictures and. •wreaths --A goodly repres tatiou of the young and have therm fraimed.. Ourtai>t, pples, People attended the ante in the Caledon- mirrorrt, hall Amelia '&a., rho ,arttcey, furniture ler ;algid undertal a, Win- Ian hall an Friday. Music was furnished ham, by the itinerant It inns. a. —Reorgani2 tion of h 'Board of Trade has been --On Thursday la a gay wedding party, decided upon, A me g with that end f,riew is with some fifteen or . sixteen rigsran the called for S•'riday even1 , 81st inst;, Ili the:council, chamber, All former bora aro c,pec}allyrer;uest gaiautlet of . th publi<r gene on ed to be presto* our streets. The oom and bridegroom otsiehir. J. ILVanat> e, h ug disposed of —The Departm.elt of Education Ihas hie jewellery basin - la Ingham to his decided to allow an examination iu Tem - 'brother, Robert, bit articled tolocate in peranoe and Eyg ane to be taken at the tendon and •left her: on Thursday. ex In December amint tion for entrance to his year's residence :reMr'Vanstone las High Schools, as a bonus subject, on the made Mnhky warm fri oda by his courteous same basis as Agri. ulture. The maxiuna snt;nuer, 1bliging disO`aition and business number of marks a -lowed will be 76. quahtlea He hopes e. improve his busi- noes prospects by this (Mange and we hop (met curt Maitlan t, No 25 C 0 F, had the itiii oxehtations may be realized, following officers it stalled on Friday even ing last ; 8 Graoey C IV; it B' Ferguson, - 40file dictionary : YDAn anchor cousists V 0 It ; Sos Risdot, R S ; 1) M Gordon, of a'. loneititttdie,1 pet or shank baying, y, S t Ii At Tiobin€;:n, tress; J Gillespie, curved arms at Anend • terminating in S W ; Ezra Hart, S W ; W Stapleton, B; bathe or flukes . and at the other a J Neelands, J B ; ; 13radwin, chap, straight, trenverse bar celled the stook, . -The 1ZeinstatEment Committee of the placed at right angles vitt the planes of o r e 'tile arms so as to cause onoother of the 0 L A met at Woodstock on Monday and flukes to hook iu tale 110 or If .you • reinstated B R R ,bine, of Orillia, W S turn to Gordon fin Mol yre's ad. you oft% ,Hewitt and 13 tewart of Bright, 'who clearly uuderatwud tit ° definition, Then must play with t e clubs of their towns: read what they have t ay: J Corliyn, of Wi gham and Thos ,Maines -Woare'b t Ware or no aatiou Navin;{ of Brampton. hey refused to reinstate been taken by the 13b rd of Health thin James. Mcoonerc ie of Richmond 11111. season. Whilst Wi ham is especially pse Tnnvac. The staunch, palatial steaamer' United Empire, Campena and exempt from any info ions or contagious Outarie are now running twice emelt week diteatws, .tho o} iinary reoautions ought to from Sarnia and liinoardine, forming the boa taken, uy y •ds and outhouses, quickest and most direct route for Lake 1r, hs Oec., ha metre eived the attention Huron and Superior ports, Port Artliiir, Duluth, oto., making close connection for tide Beason at the aw directs, There all points is the Western States, Manitoba, miff 1i `fact many flags-ut violations of the Pacifio Coast, etc. For all information, Otter and, the Spirit or the law and private lowest tingle and round trip faros, freight uitizen8, vbo tihemselt-3s do their duty, are rates, etc., call on Agent G. T. 11., Station, justly cc4uplaiuing, Wingham. —It l frequently asserted that ` the —On Tuesday a naw a "wall doctored" f Mowatt lyovernmont lie 'e used the licensing keg of butter at r Sperlin %of shop, which power se a leverage to retain power. "Thee lie lug detected t obtained f OM ono odefeat, and being atones. . Most absurd chargee whin persintontly Boring e e . out open, about t vee pounds of salt wart xeiteratedi impress the minds of certain fouled in the cent , as well as, a heavy Classes, Weet Huron is, we suppose, res layer in the heft i of the keg. We maim 'representative riding at to the fraction of etch ptslitical . ho ]told licenses, Iain that as the u Hie is ktlown, expoeur6 party 'hall, there are 47 Hoe o }folders in the of such eontempi bin and degrading ensu. does ought to be radii, Itis an injustice tiding and of these At . ere Reformers, to honed dealer . Clivo file names byw}1 This haoludeu holders f shop licenses. Now docs that look an if meat had lieu- moans. iptih ted the lnasinelse to is advantage? .-i+r eh wbOft irxt MetelvIe. to•tiay. --Naturalists tel eft that 'the Salimo fario, or common ri e. trout, found in the clear streatnx:- of temperate countries (ain't that ours?) a''e generally from 12 to 15 inches in length A question of ques- Sutherland, tinsmith a d stove dealer, and And swept re None is : Aro the naturalists at fault ? was an industrious, reliable and popular And weak gad i' 1ti Revive again Are the general characteristics of this youug man in his •20 11 year. The sad it hovers o'er th • waters bright, ?rucfe ohauging? Are the disciples of news was telegraphed to relatives and one And in fantastic ,lav, Walton -the lovers if the piscatorial art-iu ' brother, banes, just a rived from De- Seems vieing with he bright moduli gilt• Wingham atoppimaebeyond the confines of trait to meet the fume cortege, An- - To boautify itss• ray. what is capable of visual demonstration ? other did not receive tit - message tont, in The warbling notsof singing birds time. `—Maitland strimb through the now Mrs Jenkins, Sisters, Goderi Alre 3'a antierd Muss Jenniof e And stir thea mei • ctm rymore titan word& booming portion o the north eud opposite Loug, of Toronto, iv re present at the Of childhood's tender years. Brennan"a tanner, in rapidly coming to funeral. an The case is exceedingly sad The whip-poor•w I goes soaring high, cue and widespread s mpathy was tho front, We an leratand it is Loon to tended. A most off < tive funeral die• Ilaw plain it se>.. s to call, be graded. T' W sight and his gaug of course was preach!. by Ii ev, Con And there betrvee . the earth aura sky, workmen have 1 orn putting in 'telling Davis. Is. mon re of i al). 'work this spring.. Of Inc seven Nausea to ........................ Yt seems so like o eared S. Graocy's newton 'hy. I heard long•ars ago, be built by Dr Chisholm this season four ti or five are well wider way, some nearly gaming made special arrangements with Brings feelings at 1 canna name,the the Naw Furniture 1! aotory to retail their And yet T sure know. ready for occupation, They are unique in goods, and being at no expense for delivery The fiolds so gree , the lovely flowers. design, convenieaaly laid out and solidly I am going to sell cheaper than over. Be • The balmy bre: ze of Spriui;, erected, Bel}d s work an these Mr a+tra and call] and if 1 dou't give you value The music of tis: avoitin„ hours Wright put up a barn and shed for Tae dash t buy. Sae lay 812 s0 oboards (with ,'should sweat •.utentmdut bring. mirror) for $10.50; and $10 ones far 158; n celonegban, Year Whitechurch, an Ile bedsteads for $2 ; and $345 ones foe 65 And grateful pr se and thankfulness. addition for "Vii Ganns&ti;tttid has e. rest- Bedroom suits for $11,75; lounges (my Vet' a lratlior'tr nye and ears; • • donne for 1' Billin'galey tinder xray. pain mare) for 45 and tip to $12, It will Cold winter in lhk bath's short 'rent. rent. The fact is, he herd over ears in fisateril pay to drive twelve nuke to S. tl•racey's . To make thea : iug mora fair. i furniture rooms. on the loath street, next Mn.e1'. 4l r;..r,•n. al and work. door south of the big brick hotel, Wingharu. (iIananuan,()nt io.