The Wingham Times, 1889-05-17, Page 3Whet the newer* say,
. The Red Rose says. "lie Meet ;" this tour months.'
tae hue a blaw, for I baena had ane Dr. Outhrie oneeo
tld the following,
The. y says, "fl e pure t"
story ; One of our bop, a very little
Who breve, Ohryneuthensum, A number a Americans, Mexicana, but unconirtonly emart
o , enter -
4' Do etient and endure," end lialf-breeds f all kini
ds and eon- ed. the lists, and curried off a prze
and and
7Ito Violet whispers, e Give"— ditions might have been wen in the againthe whole of Eng!
"Nor grudge, nor count the cost," smoking ear, some time after this con. ,Sootland by his answer to t
The Woodbine e Reaps on blossoming vereation, gathered round a pillegunitie tie» : Oen you give the 'lister
In spite of cold am* frost."
Aud fee *colt gracious Owen old Sootclinme, who was tuning his Apostle Paul in thirty word
separate word, pipets with more or less of the us Intl ttesvver was—Paul was horn
Which, read together, malted
Has each a s up
t Joined
drones and 8quoals. Rosvever to come land brottglit n,
y of the a 4479
."" I)
t Tarans
ent ; I JIM 0 EARL
T'he message of the Lord, to our story. The goiikimrqrivd' i,outioued a perseetztor anti]
towards the eveniog, aud on Wring. version ; after whieli he beetle
nee'si eeraria At Trade, al...depot walked up the straggling lower of Quist, for wholes
A, correspoudent of the Meeteeftl street of the mining cava to the sole died.
Witams nays " Oile oe the eep„rtsne i titary hotel, or eather ' boarding -Weep
-questione of the day iti rempect to the Arriving tilft" Ali', Iful'°(i' w'derea —The length of a woosaue tongue.
boys is—What do they letend to do clew to strike up'. A.ucl now occurs Bananas, Bitter Oranges,
uncominoniTaimeuit to estimate.
fee et living ? It eaueot bo denied . one uf the most titirring ecenee, says The exact size of that vory remarkable
more „E,,oilteei,, but uot always oo under it tropical atm, come rushino w`a/44 '44" bagged'
that boys m general do net loan to, the correepondent, I ever evitnessed.
literati teaming a trade, but prefer the Millen, wearied with a hard day's work r2,,,h°11/47')ise number ilnafd hnirodli: thatyou
0 which somehow got ati1 your line, '
C:# '
sconfoneded sun' been in your eyes.
ina,ke n firet-clase titethauio but lie in ealuP stn:"( -1 like a' Plum ilre, and yloQt7r8.ererialit(loesi-'etttgb' sttlogeartiligi,"11'Th°01. p.m
eau, if so disposed, &weed io. bailie long ere the hour was over Me Mae- Always on band and served) in any style,
as fair tradesman, and will he in a posie land and flew were surrounded
by 'yorself. The respective weight of '
height of your own lofty opinion of '4- i M Z .1 •N" M SIX PA- 1:4 it 0 azz s,
dun to earn, a better wage then a poor enthusiastically - chewing brother '
-clerk who works at e loss rate of wages WEST OF LONDON.
Sootchtnen, mil ooe trying. to shake/ a flirt's heart and a masher's bratme,
his eon.'
ie a fol.
sake be ORA NOES Fitmt 15 CANTS To n OSINTe PSS Dozim
LEMONS " $0 "
remunerative empluya,e„t umus out of their teuts at the
work, It is not every boy weo 04 sounds. The news that a piper was
ullw°11t" The valise, to a fraction of lovers''
- then a :poor meelmeic, ' As a
It has 'been proved by ool
proof hands with them Tail, broad -should
of above I !wow thae at present and ered, unkempt, and sunburnt men— the result of no. less than
for same year it has been almost men who feared no living thing—were marriages, that the best ma
tenpnesible to get a supply of even a seen surrePtitiously wiping away a with regard to the e}'Ude n b
knitldthig elites of mechanics, wee° tear, brought to their -eyes by the them, are those in which the h
the clerk and otlice bop 3itio is aver memories of Bonnie Scotland and the is. senior to his wife, It is also
crowded. There are very *rune dear old folks at hOrne, which tee ly demonstrated that children a
boys to leara a trade or be Ewen with which everyone was invited, and the ander twenty, rarely,,if ever, become
lecting ROST. HILL, ror'roerly of the Pop businees
:bill: S T 0 IT.ES • AT
orn of
• Rooms.,
ideas held by fathers- told Mothers, sound of tho pipes had raised. An youthful ntarriages are weakly,
that it is not "re.pectable" foe their impromptu dinner was got up, to _Slathers under twenty-four and mothers
a dirty face or soiled clothing, but pipes were kept going till long after the parents of healthy children.
'they can be called head of a depart- n'idnig". Before Petting the whole healthiest families are the offspr
Inept, even if it i$ only a pea uat _ company joined bands. and sang the 'fathers from twenty-five to forty, and
stand, they are "geutlemeu." I song 1)1. songs, 'Auld. Langeyne.' of inothers.from tweet to thirty years
heard a few clays ago. of an advertise- - When ths two bettors met in the morn- of age.
ment being inserted in one of our city
patters last fall for a sextan for oue of and said, :.
ning the Yankee turned to the empire
There. was once a distin
o ' suburbanc inches end there wore Hand Scotty the dust ; it was weld person who got married in the morn -
over one hundred 19plioatione for this worth the money,' --The A9cuttish Amer- ing, and later in the -day became so
place, although it Is only worth about ican' absorbed in his scientific ,observabions
$250 a year. An advertisement in- , that he entirely forgot that interesting
aerted in any of our city papers' for A oup of strong coffee is au antidote tell ' ••
little circumstance A correspondent
s of a Scotch gentleman who was
y seventy•tive to one hundred - Use ammonia and water instead of was walking elm'''. a Glasgow street
ing of
Having purchased the stock HINGsTos & SONS; We are offering;
for the next 60 DAYS. COAL itild WCOD STOVES in Great'
a youth for an (ace, for a clerk or for the odour of onions.
assistant book keeper will be responded even more dreadfully forgetful. He
to b from
and fifty lette,rs and aft for a storenum soapsuds for washing marble. with a.friend, met a lad 13
Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have some'
SECOND-HAND sroVES as good as, new, at LESS THAN
* day. How different it is with the membo f
, • gettwo hundred to apply any Mr. Parnell has been elected a life saluted in return 'Who i th lady? 5 ES
bowed ; and as in duty bound boob ,
stove mounter, reaohinist, boiler mak- - ,Wree will you cough, when Sbiloh's Cure
trades. Advertise for a pattern maker
ore elderly companion,. I seem to
tote National Liberal (nub. asked- the young geutlemare of his
*le or in fact, any mechanic. in the will give y 9u imaciediete relief? Price 10.3, now er ace. you mast aye
k h f Oh
iron trade, and you may consider youri. -
plf fortunate if you get more than one.
or two replies. The mechanics of to-
day are alt the average earning better
wages than office 'help and are much
'more independent. The auestion f'-
5oo. and For sal " seen her hetbre, was the reply ; that
-. . Mine.
Chauncey M. Depew favors a. pool-
ing system among the, railroad comp.
:Kerosene ie usefue cleaning*, -zinc
• parents to solve is whet to• do with e
0,11 it bite been washed witte.
, their boys, and if they want to make. '''°1/P811(18'
them indeeendent of the upa andJ Sittreir's Cane imemediat ly
dons of fortune have them. learn a 0, .8, wiliwns.
Croup, \Vhooping, Cough and Brouchitis.° Fot7ralleeviiye
trade and they will then at,vays be
Thorough and frequent bathing is
the best cosmetic for preserving the
The John Hopkins Rospitahat Balt-
imore, was opened last week. It has
been ten years in building and cyst
over $2,000,00o.
a position to earn siacifiut waged to
. support themselves and . families- in
to 33agloipes
The love of &etc:Innen for Soothind.
and everything Scotch, even to the
kItusie of the bagpipes, was peculiarly
demonstrated the other day, writes
a correspondent frinn Mexico. A Mr.
Sawyer; an American of the do w
Collectors of Customs have been in-.
strutted to seize any copies of the De-
troit 'unday Sun wineh they may
eastern east, arid a Scottish gentle. I think immortal.
man, a Ur. James Macleod, happen-
ed to become iteqpainted on their way Au you made miserable by Indigestiort,
Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Appetitet
to the Real del %still°, nowly-opetied Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a post.
up milling district in the north-west tive cure. For sale by 0.,11.
of Mexico, where there are a large
number of Scotohmen. During the That was a burst of eloquence I as
journey the two, gentlemen got foto
the Lord lIdeyor observed when an
is the lady you are going to marry
An important hygienic rule is n
to thwart the -advanee-guard of s
—the drowsy impulse—which in h
thy inctivideals wilt leiftiond to 0
at, the same hour every night.
its approach the individual should
variably betake himself- to rest; nor
should he tarry until this drowsiness
verges on unconsciousness, but at the
very first intimation of brain-weari
ness he should seek to assume the hori-
zontal position as quickly as•possible.
-If this rule be scrupulously maintained
it will usually be found that sleep sup
ervenes almost as the head touches
the pillow, if there bas been no pre-
vious abuse of the pleasureof the table.
There is a new departure in the tteatinent, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND J.EWELLERYfIN WINGHAM.
ever WARE ROOMS Axle SHOPS; Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner Xosephinrn,
and Victoria Streets.
eat -
in -
0 n
Thc Ilun uhjoiguti olaim to h positive ant
tupgtidai)lo fact::
of disease. It consists in the collection of
Europe and America, and brInging the= THE BEBT.
the specifies. used, by noted- epecialiitta of `led. THAT THE QUALITY OF MY :GOODS IS EQUA.C., T
within the reach of an. For =stance thc
treatment pursued by special physicianin
who treat indigestion, stomach and liver. 3rd, THAT MY PRICES' ABE SUCH. THAT IT IS SAFE ANDI
troubley, was obtained and prepared, FITA.BLE FOB ALL TO. DEAL WITH 111E.
. The treatment of other physicians, ceIebrae
nationalities. the 'Yankee maintain.-
respeetive merits, of their diffet
an animated discussion regardine the
. e ee. for his health having been drunk, ao an till these incomparable cures now, -a--
'"u sneezed all over the table. include disease of the lungs, kidneys, female .
ted for curing catarrh were procured, and, rrim six fr3aIs pax?" -.2-0-0-itm
a erman, who was returning thanks
ed that the Scotch were a slow, tacit. Count Leon Tolstoi, Miaister of the Ask your' druggist for them. Those who,
weakness rheumatismandnerveus debility
urn, self.people,
who didn't care a Interior of Russia, who has been ill cannot proem these remedies from their.,
jot how: ir neighbors tvete, as long for some. time, is dead, aeed 61. He Remedy Co., 808k 'West Ring St., Toronto,
druggist racy remit the price to Hospital.
a,s they got aleng ail right themselves is famous as a novelist :ad social re. ana the remedy will be shipped to therm
aint that the err -called Scottish clam'. former.
ishneas was all fudge and imagination., Descriptivc3 catalogue sent On rei3eipt of.
direct, (Tho price is one dollar each).
Tile Stott:11mm at last could stand it Suiton'sCAnsam ltauscv—s. positive cure stamp to paz postage.
no, longer, and, to convince his trans. far Ct rOsRiPiltheria twa Canker 51"b11. ,
1 or sa e y L. Williams. .,
atlantic cOusin of his erroneous idea We owe more to poor boys than we
offered to bet him five handred dollars 1 Children's clothing should be as think, Columbus was a poor boy,
thei within an hour of their arrival at 'light and as warm as possible, seith often needing more food than he could
that u
i destination he would heve it. flannel or 1,veollen next to the skim get. Luther sang ballads in the
a him nine out of every ten Mae. Either of these materials SO worn wilt streets to get the funds for the an
leods, and three out of evory four ward 'Iff InallY a clang""3 eill and a a ion. tanklin used to buy a
, beetehinen, Ulla were within a radiug 811" tilatlY ti "Ici` roll for a, penny and eat it alone.
A, of three niiies.of the place. The Yank I You'll have to pay fare for that child Lincoln and Garfield were poorly
',thought this rathtly too tall) so he, sir ; he is over six. pusseng,r outfit? clothed and worked very hard.
planked down, his coin, and a third leantly)— SVell, that's the first time
gentleman they both itnew was asked. i I've ever been asked to pay fare for Deoreasing tho Death Rate.
to hold the stakes and umpire tho bet,Ithat baby, and he's ricidere with inc on The mortality among COMuneptives has boort tua.
141t. Macleod had an old servent whose 1 the street cars for eine pars
I and tenati decreased of late sautes by tho nee of Scott's
310116 wus Itew, atul after the bet was mere,
VittZIKEItY arid xiiliTIMIttitatATO.
has now on hand a moat varied, well assortecTlind magnificent display cif
Naw,lashiona,ble and carefully selected
.SDCIC OZI Z12L70 G-003DS.
• An enumeration of articles d novelties 'would be impossible veryone
cordially infkited to call coid what ill offered at very reasonable prices. •
contains averied assortment of the Low Designs and Colo% end best qualities it
Clotho, Silks, ere, to be worn seasoa,
Lino and Sada. PlithishEmulsion of Cud Liner Oil Avith flypophosphites of ?O1 CT PITTING AND LATEST AND ISFeT leelSeGNDD GATteetNT8.
fixed he went to him and asked :— 1 lion 3)„,,,,,,,and Liver Complaint yott, Lungs, Pneumonia and Throat Afteetions
ns ate eons.
i, Bronohitis, Alamo of the ..660 -,-,—*.44:2.„ ....* . _.......,____,____, ,_.,__ „,,„,,, _ ,.______..............,....................".............a..a.,.. .
Have yon got your pipe with
new / you, ' have a printed guarantee en every Witte of Shileh
• , Vitaliser. .it novo fails to cure, Persia* by 41, t., puhnonic. Palatable as rulik. Sold by all druggists -
William*. ,A, pletely subjugated by 4v -timely use of this excellsrit ONTARIO MUTUAL LI.FE
'An' doe yo think, sir, 1 wad travel ' and
Mr. A— May I Confide in you 2 I 050c $1.00
••••444.1.60.....4.11 Cosh Income for 1888 ..-_,-...
211 farm- pe,trts athoot them ?
have to toll von a teeret. Bruce County ttertitt.
N I** ****** 110411110414M ' *$ P.,.:1g:fQ;57t) oci au
‘Wtai, have you gut them handy ?,,. B— What is it 1 Kincardine's aesessuteut ainouts to Assets, as at Dee. Sist, 1888.......... ........... ,, . ...... . - 5,31'0,853 ts0
New A.8S1.1tatIt'eS written in 1688*
'Then get them out. When we eet
'Ottsay I They'll ht in ley kisto
sAe urances in force, Jan. 1st, 1889 ' . . .
Mr. A- (L)oking' around ,to See if $617,5,.?1! for re,,,ident, and „9,12;800 for.surplus, Des. 3ast, 1888. .....,;. ..... .... . . .. - - ' 12,041,914 t)O
down to the iteo 1 want you to pia al) Y 1)(id V is listening)—I twee $5oo. i utirerestaent. ene pereenet property
Y , Mr. B.,... Don't fear ; 1 win bo as amounts to $33,850.'very little differ.
.• a tune —samething lively, a reef or a r. sLont as die grave.
once over the total of last year. t7SPECIAL F.EAll ItES: .
. . 90,337 u9
jig. If yon play well I'll give yen a ' , . li ‘Vallterton is to have a new post .Protript Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Ottaranteoci
., • tive•oond note to yours1 ' . /„7:"„1::"*..(11`;':iiiiii'„*X;'18:11i11,71„.13t !!inttowbo(wnle' office, ilsviow,seeered the' neeesettre - ' , • 8101.Tender littitit3, and Liberal Policy Conditions. •
1'4 :11114 be flair than Wall.'11‘,r ss.1,1 by el, 1:„ wa,,o,,,,
'Itli no be oeed1u1 olkY 14e-Pauut I earlyes to seinesee Cusse:errIcht cesr.„- government aid.— ‘‘'alkett 3o. is tot
littv,0 a tlith of May th‘h:l.natini.
, .- • `Ocataat. mule?.
- 'W ilvta i.