HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-17, Page 1VOL. XVIII. --NO 20, WINGIIAM, ONT., FRIDAY, mAy17, 1889, fiAm LOCAL NEWS. 0000001t,•Tho builders these coma:Mimed the brio* work on Tel a addition- to his fee. tory. --Mr Wm Dallae hed the point of one of hiefiugers split men by a saw at the 4.7,aimi on Tuesday Messrs Scott Jones, of Listowel, chipped four car 1-ada oatJ tbe T 11. station on Thur —Large shiprmeete of furniture were , made from the B station, to Montreal and Winnipeg, by oth faotories last week, —MrPriest,stude t of WoodetockCollege will conduct the ervices •in the Baptist ele-- ohurah on Sunda next, both morning and evening. —Tenders are b ing asked for the re. moval of portion o the old fence around • the park and the etiotion of a gas pipe fence thereon. --We belieee step: have beeu %aye a leand stand •erected in t This is a sensible svgestion and to see it carried out. —Rev Canon Davi of Londe ntl2er to hfr Hflais. of this P taken to he park. we hope South, P fine house an lot are off sale in Teeswater, eo Advertise --A, nice lob of baby carriag Gracey's. Who'll be field to buy i oseltIr B Willson s 1 etriug afeud between his line grot ads etud the terian church proper —The Grand Truer expect to branch from 0340/1 14tiad to Tara atm by ()debar. —A meeting will he held in Hain the 25th of Tu 0 form a Obseryauco alliance Bring along your pictures and and have them. famed. Curtain mirrors, hall istentle, 4o., &c, 8, furniture dealer and undertaker, ham. —The shade tee4 supplied b couucil were nearly Il taken on Day. Quite a nu ber were apart from this sup doubt more would hay not for the general i season was too far ecly —A. man in Nalra Scc fined for sending false aper. The magistrat ered for —Go to ))/oNelvie for Vireworke,‘Z1 went' —The papulation f Galt is 7186. es, at S. —Choice banana anti pine apples ee j MoKelvie's: tee e erected —The Misses PI loy nevra e reoved to Presby- the shop lately meat d by Ws. IlloCanoe. —W T 'Fates tag n ad. iu his window have the this week. Isee —See what, B-ing bag to say in hie ilton on Sabbath issue. raciest was an holier le exception, as. be —Notice W. Diasioorre ad. ia thia -e-Fine blood orang3 at kideelyie's, - —4, Toronto dtv1j says that people wbolove to work Wihthe °here/I-workers never gruroble, an 1 gruMblere. payee work, --Tile word oprofes or" is now o'U5 of the worst abused in f1e language. Tray, ening professor in n reteen oases out of wenty is sysmoymo with perapatetio umbug, Wingham as been ra rendezvous of late, e believe the W11.0»E NO. 9041 y be a good hook w n they had, to take extracts out of it for ohool readinga beeu put out of m st of the schools and he was going to en port the motion. The motion was carr ed, urzatinnointly. infertual Oiseuesio took place on the subjects of supplyin the pupils' borne - work, the torraer bei • g brought up by Mr Robertson and the atter by tar Bell. ade a _The former onside d it a harOship to ehiro. nave to keep scholars s. .plied with sorib- ler% elates apparently , eing discarded ntirely, IX r Groves ex • aened that the doption of soribblers ' stead of slates as simply the will of • o Deluders, slates reanally disappearin As to the pm% ute of homework on advanced pupils it a the result of a d. and by or on of of parents to I ave their children galled rapidly for ard. Teechere, too, ere judged solely by result of examie tions, The board took n aotiou on theses, atters, Board adjourn did what he pretended to 1o. The last e rival — professor netoe, forsooth— a pirited himself awaf by moonlight coo- w eniently forgetting t eeven up" with his g wreaths --A hild, of dinu •r sets opened this a week at W T Yates', poles, Gracey, —Natural gas has een discovered near v Wing- Minsioo in large quan , —Boston °ream an Y the Relvie's, unequalled, Arbor —Mr. H. W. 0, pleated noted 05 to the boys town, will preach in St Paul's Ilturch next Sunday, i morning and evening h --Everythiug in he line of printing, from the small ottedeio the 'largest poster 1 work, done proMptly, well and at lair ti prices, at theeTeents office. to N,, T'llitith, land surveyor and '7 olvil engineer, of neterdine, has opened a an °MOO ill Wiy Ila , upstairs in J A Mor, Ill ton's 10,V7 office M flMtolije is a young an, active and sitiOto e up well in his pro m fession. • m 41eAssasser Poste has returned his roll Aif of o thenclerk, Win am's total assessment fo This year is as folio 0; Real Estate, 0430,- tne Y. WO h been done pression th ced. ia, has been ears to a held that t have no a Qricket 01111). were it —Toilet seta hav at tile at the raalaufactorie left which can be h heavily —The Grand Or local Amer*. will meet he pro- (net. '54 his —The degree might on Rev Hugh joh e hack land by Victoria 0 m of —Upwards of 50 xhibi- conversion in Wo view .Messrs Crossley r;i:tesenie —The druggist other counties hol that stole mestizo 21st i tion. a the s City ' 111 Progress The . TA P ty of Wroxeter and Goi and Winghem. sue —.The trout in t 11,teatc—" fiureuishLwVerms'uaplpllay Ni for several hours rietor depended upo blie good will nformants in the locasities where lee ave no personal Itu4dedge to guid —The Heiser Co npany's syste neaocleseett lighting will have an e Plau t in Loudon ext week,with letting corporation needing lighti hat they are doing. This is the s dopted in Sault SM Marie, the one et with most favor n Wingham, —Cheap Lake and River Tours, vi os t pleasant and picturesque route. agnidoeut steamers City of Detroit, Cleveland, City of Alpena. and Oi ackineo, now run daily to Cleveland ur times each week from Detroit rt Huron to northern lake ports—M an Island, St, lnace, Sault4t.Marie )rt Arthur, Duluth, Manitoba, est, eto. For all information, lo es, etc., call on G. T. R. Agent, W m Station. 'r 620 pereanal pro erty, 004,685 income, 00 34400 t tota10517, 2. Last yeaeeit revised Po 'assessment was 0e 0,855. Soo4, late of Lanarkshire, ha rat eland, has begun he study of dentistry with j Jere , in Winghamtit Mr gra Scott is an edam nd energetic son of ing -of Auld Scotitt„wh has spent about a yearw eh in Canada,iedeliglit :enacting for all lake and rail poi west frig. entitle in the city —Tizetelay'a Empire' contained this p : "Owing to Sereetery removed from eistowel, Presi Bleat, of the 0 L A has appointed E Groves, of Win atn, to aot as secre- tary of the Gerry istrict. The clubs comprising the Ge4 district of Manage. taent Coromittee evil meet at on Thursday nest."—No better s cotton could be made, Mr Groves is an o thusiastio laorossist, punctual, reliable an painstakingin every- thing he does. The person ref red to in the follow- xtraot from th Week is well known in gbam, having reached frequently in Presbyterian c ureh, and being now aster elect o St Andrew's ohareh, say: The mos distinguished pada- the year is r ;Johnston, 13 A, carried off the old medal for gener ing, and mos of the other honor ohnston's vale =ietory was a redee attire in the flights of rhetoric convocation are generally martyr d taste, °left ed sentiment, rounds ant periods, nd pleasing delivery ld medalist's farewell to his Al d 'with the aoientry and ea we believe has the ight stuff in him to. 7 make a skilful mani 'ulator of the forceps. —Some recently resurrected bilis an- nouncing the vote o the question of a railway bonus from Palmerston to Einear. dine in Septembet 1Fel have been posted up and being in a goof) state a preservation created a good deal f staring and surprise ice cream at At .1) yer generously ao. the seheca to equip earnings—if ay—bef a trip to the crossing urchase a ticket. THE 24tei1 A SPlANtap Programmes have b th.of May eel:el:matt ns are sufficiently n WT: Trees h 26 24 airdovnianoc2ed.6040upp.ergntselek go Lodge ,of British tie to afford a splendid da ere is first a baseball n of waterworks and ere will be a roam cession as well ite ded by the Listow liver cup will he pia Clinton and Wingh ere is a varied pro ping, throwing st will be au affair I tvilj oentre. See the u Goderich on the 28th Th tio D has been conferred Tie top G Sather, pro lege, ""9Item personklitve professed s stook since fins visit of the d Hunter, evieLeglists. Th of Huron and several jun' war a coventiOU at lealniers- et., to form an associa- est e going. He- took 8 then felt free to w ti V fera.lte NG ANTICGI'ArND. n issued for the and the attrac. T morgue toed varier oth oalitbumpian ex firemen's fight. ar ) enjoyment ta an To atoll, an exhibi- citizens' procession, eel and town bands, to ed for, between ate lacrosse teams. nar attune of running, Lo es, &o. The tug of ber Inch much inter- �m rotramines. One acq my sale and son, G R ese visiting at Mr •R situ George Murray, a �o es, of London, to I. on Wednesday, had e funeral of Mrs that old settler who in t let Year.-Afr F pres Whitby last arae hter attending Was Russell, of AI. whe sister, Mrs IT with Mr R 0 Sperling ache a last week.— the t m HE MARKET S ARE AND1 SURROUN MOS, the Editor of the “Tniss SZR,--1 WOO recce ound , your Own erase when itre of the town a Snd that the cattle d close by the town row roadway been oiling over the fen of cattle in the e all parcel of gro fifth of an acr minted with own town, it eoial notice if ated in the ce ahead town, find out how suo come into exist° in 1888 there w he council th ent site and t last and live fo determined re everybody the minorir me carried. own and drew a tly taking a walk for my evening trolled into the owu natal wsua:Prsiistld- hell, only a ebween them. e I saw a num. closure, It is a d containing only As I am more unicipal business in ade ins take more this unsightly spot re of what is called ook some trouble a bad scheme. ei). I was told o a 'vote taken choice of the e vote stood eiti and the mayor s o have the pound old see it, voted ^-,‘ and declared the Bengough visited uggesbiva sketch own hall, of the e pound iii the in great danger xposure then- in Then another told me that the pular or conspic. the present tithe. able& what was hese straggling e they were old I moved out .of en placed there. 8 &eboards over the tit the purposes of e told me that the Poor House and one apartment. the lockup,end were private eked him if n kept in the told me that it d :since it opened ed it. 1 took a small plot coe- ritft,ble institu- the ocluncil of of humanity to e or the pouud, d to remove the II is only a few it strikes no oard of Health th the council allowed in these such a largo ass a game of basebal IYr °tweeze the Unions of Moi le and the Atlantics of Y°12 of e Grigg Haase aquarpas - cl on• account of the 3/4117' haviag been cut off Dlur ile repairs were being died aterworks. C Sp Verson rs Geo Moir, of as r, of Quebec, were ng's this week,—Ivt ensall, and his son j ed through Wingliaan ng been attending ti ray, of Langside, in Culross her arling was on a viol week, where he has a .csla the Ladies' Canoga -1W me/de, was visiting h Sutherland, last week. spent some days in St Mar Mr S Qiarke, manager Hamilton, Listowel, was nesday. Be purchase from Mr Wm Black, der Brennan attended tj te, mother, Mrs Mareley,at re.. She had attained her 80th tea nem had beeu away for s in lel Taylor, of the Listo a spent Sunday with hi Little, in Winghara.- Bros, millers, of Listowel Wednesday.—Mr John B el, was in toile on Robb Wynu is again i Gerster.—Mr. S. from a four weeks' vi PUBLIC SOHO erne simnel= mine Mr George P tathesone jormerly of ara' Wigharn died at Sarnia recrntly, He hal?" bad an ulcerated ooth extracted, which dent resulted in blood posoning, and caused 111r death in a short ti e He was a man about 55 years of e, atid ne many ciesee egfeeling of having beim nide tr. sold. Win Conveya/100 4ir;iel, a load of the the members oe Metith Lodge, eNo 119, the Is 10 0 V, to. Teiesweee er Stenday last Lind where a splendid azativersary siernaon was ate of preached, by -Rev W Speling. 'They who were also acconapaniid by the band, who stand played appropriate elections whilst the Mr members of TeeswAter Lodg, No 183, ing fe marched teeliealin'eem from their hall. whieh —issNe*Hrdy of Wirighara, took In goo part cantierta Orangeville and trench 2mo:tt= qaets *es The Brampton the.g° —Reef a, dozen itizens drove over Seaforth on Monda night to hear Soott•Sidclous, who peered there un the. auspices of blie Mechanics' Iustitu They were greatly leased, in fact eve body appeared de 'ghted with the p gramme. Anythin , we might say praise of Mrs Scot Sirldoes would be feeble repetitioll of vvhat has ,been f quently better said before, As a dialec- t:Irian—n Irish at le st—he has, in our opinion, mauy super ors. For two hours she kept her intelli..nt audience in wrapt attetion. The s eotions sa pleasingly al and effectively ren red were : A Scene from "As You Lik it," (Shakespeare); ro' Curfew Must Note ng, (R Hardwicke) to Father Phil's Coll °tient (Samul Lover); el The Captive, (Yt Lewis); Selectin, d i eDavid Copperlielde (Dickens); Row we , Hunted a Mouse,- ( osiali jenkine) e The Condenmation of C nstance de Bverley, r (Scott's Marmon); cone front"School for Scandal," (Sherid ab) to Mrs the 'Baltic of at his lecture ha the n town on wed- mayor standing in t saddle horse midst of the cattle a Mr and Mrs 31 on account of his futieral of . her Such a popular piiice •ndon,this week• person came up an ear. Mrs Bren- place was not so p days.—Mr 0 uous then as it 13 a el express office, I asked for infor cousin, Mrs Wm contained in all r 0 Bay, of Hay buildings. He told was in town on buildings that had h rton, of Litowthe way and had b ednesda,y.-311r. As there 'ye 2Traes says Miss Illoleardy is an artestio Ms'ste player and the Pe I ,Bannee, that she lettere, received a meth bettae reception than is —Th usually accorded les tettOentel perorm- official anees in Brampton. 's The Orangeville nen. Advertio! said he erfoetned her part Oa b • mese satisfactorly. Edsva,r . —prof Emilio, chit pedist, who spent a who re . 'week at the iirunsevio left for Seeforth PanY,C ea Mody. Emilio ttecornp1ishe4 mita- Adatu tient hero to ensure a aeerty welcorcueit he Forrest ever returns. Memb ,re of the Medfcal The fo profession saw and aarnittea this eozne lettead rna. II es iae etfeeii. If the reituhe 'celerity of so called ti evelliug professors militia, tre quack la veil known fact— 2 Comp ,Professor elaasea As ono Alexand or does hkfellev:their rIereenstrative or (Brussel questienet r takes the elm of any nee ever listez ed to in Montreal, e following militia changes ar ly announce :-83rd Huron Batts No 2 Comp, y, Wingliam—o be Lieutenanb Charles --A writer in the attnadia 11 lialeperalen • thus "peaks of the " nghaan Cngreation., al church and its ester : Here the Rev WE Shortaltt A,hasj st begun his pastoral Work, as a Congrega oiled ministr, He is pruderit, gentle, erne st, Painstaking; thoroughly devoted o his work, and most solicitous about res tie Justin the prime of life, with the , i vantages a a good university educati and several years' experience in the work of the Ministry, The 1;5/Ingham eh reit has had a hard struggle since its o •anizatio, less than teu years ago. .Sit church home to start with, Alla on1 a limited inunber of adhereuts—ated e thee overweigh bed with this evorld's oda—ib 1104 done won- ders. To,clay it hat oue of the fineet ehereh edifices in the towe, and sitme ter Shorttes settlemeut the entir debt has been raised mid a Sunday ool oganize. Thie has been neglected r sometime. (Mr Hell) weft peemitt to egotist a couple of weeks in Evaugelisti work with,(r 8hottt, t Prone the tarot, and roughout, the mee. ngs were well att ode& The Members ook active litter b in the work, o ug in the !singing an • the prayer meetingin nA they appeared o be greietly bleets bile renumber profe ea to totem to the ti nowledge of the trutl ib is in esu. • on d Williams, .s.r., vice Wm. Elliott, tires reteeni g rank. No 4 Com- linton—To eptain, provisionaly, Morton Tod , vice David Aurlrew er, veto r tires tetaifting rank, llovving o °Ors having failed to the moult .1 drill for 1888 d froro the list of officers of the viz Lieu: mita Wolin A.' y, o any (Wing lam) ; Lieutenant jolie er Matt ghto, No 5 .tanpany e); Secon Lieute; t: o 5 Comp:. ey (lirtistib); Liouten. Beitoone No 7 Company (Perter's N —The pletirsIng (L0fl05 entent hue been ant3°h° made that Mr C E Willi ms, chemist end druggist, of Winglunia uas beau chesen Captaiu of Company X 2 of the 38rd Battalio, instead of It Wi, lilljott,ro the Xew Havin Moved Irons Wingletin an resigned. Thie goods, an is * peoultatly bapp appointment. I atn goi Ceptairt Williams is a WO of well &Asa rornItailllauv. military talent and dieposi ion, genial and mirror) to comineuding presene, ta t, obsrvation, 4$ bedete and in Sao prime of enthuriattic menhood. 13earo6m, *heti aleo- graduated tiondou (mritctil militery echool. wil rtily cen. furniture pay 0 r atuliteO on Ws appoint door loath S. teradere flesteosi way. g made special arraegementa with Furui tura Factory to eaten their d beieg at no expellee for delivery ug to eel' °hes th or. Do eel) and if don't gem you value See my $13 sideboards (with r 01050; and 010 ones for 08; ads for 92; and 08.75 ones for $, t auita for 911.75;Lfotrwtevesimmdipto312. It wilt s to s. Graeoy's - rooms; on the main street, next of the higliriek hotel, Wingharn, k as At tlae regular month school board on Tneada were present the chair Bell, Abraham. Mooe, minutes of east meet' The prinoipal's report ed the attendauce for lows: /teem. Boys. Girl 1 15 2 2 2,1 28 4 80 5 38 48 V 41, Moved by Thotaaa T Abraham that the the employ of E. doors I inquired, • .Webb returned to 'Whitby and these buildings. large one was th only contain° xt large one wa e other buildin modatios, ''as any per ouse, and h vettoylevrtocsonupppio survey eg the So many eh d would say ta in the 114 the poorhou d reccomine the Town M the steneh oibly that the in leaglie w eh things a ed times Wingham. ours bservingly, PROGIIMS. that it L .130AR. tThhaetntile 05 tErItOWN aocora there meeting of the Poor H evening, there was all 'eatutypaineace.M.e;hes gaelinaertahle g were adopted. taining the mouth show, tionsitn ril to be ae fol. Wingtia, remove ArersoctO• potiWhOcilla1 4:3 feet frO 4s vety for 30 SO 78 must he while su core, seconded by enlighten ok of Scriptures ton as Beading now in use in th school opening exercises be withdrawn and that the teachers be instructed t use the Bible instead. tar Abrehem s d he did not kaow Lem T of a tiohool—hoe even etlad—that uove steamers retaiued the reding% Mr Pettypiece said Ontario ar he had no objeabion to the rottdings in frere Se.rn themeelves bet under nem...-. The etaituch, palatial United Empire, Cempane, and e now awning twice %telt week is and "Einardin forinine tl ea meta direct vette for Lake d Supttrior ports, Port Ar iur re at West close commotion for n the Vesteen States, Maitble, est, etc. rot. all Information, le end tottud trip awes, freight tali on Agent G. Telt, Statime quickest a le present ciroune- aurae Ise stantes they ought to he ereoved, lie did, Dul uuj, et not think it right to pi out portions of all points i Scripture to suit eertai classes. Ile had l's6ifis no polltioal 14elit/g8- i here might be bad e away the whole Bible The tendency as to s f bake—the Bible sled. Thie was the oohed at it. He then )0 whole. of it. go hildreu thought the III lowetab sing the Ileatter •but entee, ero„, este front takiag Winghm, ut of the liell001, Oat that the Book not, At to be Tho ere ay the oligarch Rev. Dr, troonghtto woo. the Metho betel that the j The I)r. is euld not Imr,: Mast inepr Whil101utr411. amer ened oti Henn oilicittted Ably in an dist trohnitiesrrteaoinnhtiodaszi essive aohor. •