HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-10, Page 7AITA FOR SALE. 82,0 AGR s (;l Section) of First Class Laud, only Five Miles trim the �( rapidly growing City of .1...r -yr1 a! A'-NDON, The grain Minneapolis of the North-west. TSye above is really a desirable Farm and will be sold .o • Cheap. A staining Mill 30 by 30 feet TWO OTR 'Es ISI ti Containing all the modern machinery for manatee. glurini; Flooring, Mouldings, S ish, Doors &o Boiler and Engine Room Fire Proof with an Iron Shaving Room attached. This valuable property is in first•olass running ' rdor, situated in Brandon near the C P 1t station, Unit in the heart of tho nlututacttu•ing depot of the city where a Large and Profitable business can be realised, Immediate -possession can be given. Title perfect. For full particulars apply to P, FISI(F.R, 1Vinghuni P. 0, • FOS Iange, E caIIellclg of QaaIit4, the Stock now on hand at LESLIE'S NraW TAILOR SHOP 1 . E. 0. OLARKE,1 In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, ait will be his endeavor to give satisfaction to al) entrusting ltiul with their orders. Being now in running order, desire to thank those `v11.c1,„have favored him, and to say that no pains will be spared to give salt '(ic ioil- in the future. E. C. CLARIKE*.. has no superior anywhere. The most fastidious can be suited in his elegant lines of Oa,naaian, English, Scotch, Irish and French Tweeds. Prices Lowest, Compatible with satis- factory goods and MOST FASHION) BLE MKAE. Windham, January 11th, 1889. ED. 11.11C47, INILLILRY DTMLISIZEIT ABSOLUTE FITSGTJARANT1,ED ''Our own Goods Cut Free of Charge. Consult your interests by a call. giving' us Oat Meal Mill Opened. Play a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. TM s UN BUT §AT 11.4IGAI 1S. i CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORN. ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK 1i'011 YOUR JEWELLERY. THE &WALLOW. 0, to feel the wild thrill or the t wallow, The wonder of the wing: Qu the soft blue billows of air to fellow The nuatmer, to soar and Mogi. , To drink blue air and to feel it flowing Threigll every dainty plume, uplifting, pillowillg, hearing, blowing, And the earth below in bloom! "is it far to heaven, O swallow, swallow?” The heavy hearted rings; "For I watch your flight, and long to. follow, Too while 1 wait for wings," —Anna Ileynton Averill An Olcl Favorite's Husband,. Frequently seen about the kiliby of the St. James hotel these days is a ruddy haired man with a ruddier face, whose deep lines aro fully revealed by its closely shaven condition, NO is ahvays the center of a wide circle of friends, who listen eagerly to his reminiscences of theatrical events and sporting expori- cnccs of many years ago. A score of years back lie was best known to fame as "Lucille Western's husband," butnow from one end of the country to the other ho is spoken of as "Tim Mead, the the- atrical manager." IIo sloes not appear to bo more than GO years of age, but the occurrences in -which he bore part reveal the fact that he is well advanced in the sixties. Seventeen years hese elapsed since tltio'tdeath of his gifted wife, wlio, in many respects vas one of the greatest natural 'actresses this country has pro- duced. Mead's mode of life has changed radically since she died, and now ho is the prosperous associate of David Hender- son in the management of tho Chicago opera Mouse.—New York World. i CLJTH MADE FROM WOOD. •A - 3Iethod of Reducing the noriils to a State a of Isolated Tubers:* Mitscherlieh has applied tho'bisulphite process for reducing wood to the pro- duction of a fiber from wood which can be spun. Thin boards or laths free from knots, but of any desired width, are cut into strips in the direction parallel with the grain, and are then boiled in a boiler con- taining a solution of sulphurous acid .or bisulphite. This boiling effects disinte- gration without requiring that the strips of boards shall be reduced to very small pieces. After boiling the wood, it is dried in the open air or in specially con- structed drying rooms. By thus drying the product, the fiber, which is originally very weak and tends to break at the slightest strain, becomes comparatively strong and does not resume its . very breakable condition on the addition of water. The operations are carried out as follows: The damp masses on the frame are transferred to a traveling endless cloth, which leads them to a pilir of rollers, which may be plain or provided with corrugations in the direction of their length, the ribs of the one roller be- * ing made to gear into the re- cesses of tho other one, where- by they effect a simultaneous strong bending and squeezing of the masses. The cutting of the material in passing through the corrugated rollers is avoided by causing the endless cloth to pass over the lower roller and by placing a canvas covering around the upper roller. The pressed masses fall from these rollers on to a second endless cloth, which conveys them to a second pair of rollers, from which they aro conveyed to a third pair, and so on, they being preferably pressed in this way six times. By continued treat- ment re t ment of the wood the fibers become at T»o Moet sneceee£nt Reln:ds ever dtscay.. length so pliable and isolated from each Dred, as it is certain in its :sects and does otherthat they can be employed directly not blister. Read proof below. fo DUFFIELD & SON Ni______ ,„ i 1,y1 TOP �. LKCNNES PTENT , i , ,,,, ., Milk Pails, Sap Buckets, \. Cream Cans, and Milk;Pans, And em 'thing tb. � � . `deb 'e. 11AVETEOTJGR'iN A SP1 A T 'i he undersigned desire to inform farm- S� ora and -the people generally that they have qi i loll ��� P Q ^ �{I I reopened their pr g p p Ont I1eaI IV�iII in Wingh in, .And are now prepared to purchase Oats in uniirnited'quantities and at the Highest Sax st Price. They will supply customers with the BEET GRADES in Oat Meal. ELDER & CLEGG, -WING•o3.� M - - ONT BROOKE TSHIRE'S Photograph . °angry. Long Experience,. close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me to turn out uniformly a crass of work equal to that of any Gallery in the west, jw$'Work of every description artifi cally, promptly and satisfactorily done. CABINETS } D FAMILY GROUPS -A SPI`ECIALTY,-- A Large Assorttnont of Frames Kept constantly on hand. Prices as low as are consistent with good work. Sold Solid (Diehl llaely. 1L11JJ aotd nor id rout. Wooly. Rest $83 watch in the world. Perfect timekeeper. war. ranted. Heavy Solid Gold limiting Cu.,,. Both }cares' and gents' lite., With works' and cases of equal slue. One Person in each 10. caltly can secure one Ree. together with our large and val- uable line of Household Samples. These samples, .5 well, as the Watch, we eeaA Free, and after you have kept frinm In year home for •A months and shown them to those Who msy haus' called, theybecome your ewe propert _ Those wbo write it Once ran 5e pure of notifying the Watch rd Snneples. We pay 511 ea rope, *eight, ate. Ad5fe in BtIRM1ON' 01., 7i0at BLrk 1'erita las »t*• OLVI3 .I ?a RAVES. Any of the fnllowln:; metropolitan weeklies can ho .',tamed with the whtgttnIn TIRES at the alums lam e siven: ' tt 75 Toms anti Globe. T ro, Mail, and Farm and Fireside, , .. 1 75 Mire, Globe and Rural Caminito,. .. .. 2 00 Timrsainl Lennon Atlii:riser, .. .. .. 17.5 TtIlt11 and Montreal witness, ,. .. 1 75 Ttmfasatni'roronto N'ws, .. .. .. .. 11 2 7C Tams and d tilt' world .. 'lila* and weekly News with premium, "Christ't 75 before I'llate;'.. ifQr "Pathefa of Confdderation;". .. 90 cyn m ,c2 M. 1-c a Gr' v q g:I.. �..) m to dU, a o a • tJ � � a r� os to co trs S ID 5 a -0 -z V d F? ai g os ,.a co e, sz r. • —1 se v y a V CVO U Ivo �Hvim w a Et, O r l N u tl a�1 �^•e, cd 1 TJ �"• No. r., m a> 1 1� nt rE j bC o • a t-° .5 o 45 b°'n a. ng � � o'. Q1 N 53 '2 Fa a, s~ I ACTS AT THE SAME TIME 921 THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it' won- derful power to core all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. ,,;, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOIISNZSS, PILEe, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COB. PLAINTS,11RINARY DISEA8E9, FEMALE W EASNESB,RHEUBA. TISK, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Eifion Pains and Aches ' Why tormented with Piles, Constipation} Why frightened overDisorderedKidneye} Why endure nervous or dolt headaches} Why have sleepless nights} }Ise PA1NE's CEcORY COMPQt1ND and rejoice in health. 11 is an entirely vegeta. bte remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Druygislo. Price $1.00. Six far ,$y O.. 5 WELLS, RICHARDSON 4c0";rropriatorer MONT1U AL, P. Q. THE LEADING 9001 ANO SHOE. STOREI :x: to the late Boom I have made room for and have on hand -A Large Stock of 'J AB RiaTS aid In audition to my Custom Busitipss, I defy Competition in Quality, Sizes, nd ani determines} to sell for CASH, Ai ROCK BOTTOM PRICES are of the patronage. Don't Forget elle Place Opposite the did not gee n.few bales of cxc'elsior from 4 ,911 Airt`tiste., where it was made, and try tho itepairing as usual, and Cement Patching a Specialty. I solicit Central Hotel: iJ4Ila..ote�alila ul1".w: , 111, As •11:1,641 .I.r yiW Viten I say CnnE T do not mean merely' to turn againfor . 1 anciid A RADInCIALOUR& 1 have made the disease of l''ITS9 EPILEPSY or PALLING SICKNESS,. A-Y.felOnt;8tndy. I WARRANTrnyrembdybo Orrin the worst cases. 7,,iecause others have failedis noreasoait rrnoti now receiving- a cure. Sand at once for a trnal.rse an to Fitn.: BOTTLE of n y INFAr,LIRT.'m 1trtMEDY. Give Express and Post Oface. It costa your nothing lora trial, and it w,11 cure you. Address Dr. S. G. ROOT.. 7 Yoga St., Toroato, Oat.. KENDAL'S SPAVIN CURE .4i: „„„,_.(_______,.___ „_..... ra r cgarse filaments. For obtaining a perfect isolation of the KENDALL'S S AYIN CURE Q fibers, however, without material de- OMIT= or crfAnrais A. Mays, i BREEDER OR terioratiou, these operations alon0 are •CL�LAND BAY AND TROTTING TIRED BOBBER not suitable, and their special purpose is yrntwoon, ILL., Nov. 20, 1888. to loosen the fibers in the transverse di- DsgsIhaa°D ainalways purobmed. ourSm- rection, so that in the following opera- dales spavin Cure by the half dozen ytiottles, c, would Mice prices to larger cuuantity. I tyle it i • tion a thin, long fiber may be obtained.cis my stables Tori three years. artlt I Have utsed i. For this purpose the boiled and pressed . Yours truly,cries. A. SNIDER. masses are completely dried, lifter dt'g ' ing they aro cmbd in the direction • KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE parallel with the fibers by means•, 6t de-' • Baooicsvv, N. Y., November 8, 1883. O D.J. SENDALL Co. vices provided with pins or teeth, inn '� Den• ire : S desire to gl�e'you testfmontal of m r manner similar to the operations for •aep te lit for f your1 a ea 86 l Vi ine.1 wr,•a combing flax, cotton, etc., but With -the ntlyumcomm:nclliatoalltioreim®neoure,Ico1•„t• difference that the pins or teeth of the i3 Yours truly ali00 rsemenTroy . cur stabs. Tho separation it must be made tr very strong. �ECCALL S SPAVIN CURE. The se enation of the extractable matter' 9 from the fiber produced by boiling the se Pr, wnrroit Cour2r, Onto, Dee. 19, nag. gums and soluble organic matter can be DE. B. JKENDALL Co. effected at any tilno. It is, however. wee gourfeel a nd 11 sdSp6 isab°ur`Ooziai bhaveeu�i preferably effected 'after the fiber has i„RyBonehnfn a0litedltL p Rt t H'etid a been spun into thrtsa.ds, etc.—Scientipio eevm of Bia Jaw. grow t have ha� one of yr books and followed the directions, I have ae'l. ,. American. lost a case of any kind. AanREw TuhaP n,"� ' n Yours truly, Horse Doan.:. Pty from valueale• "i11tIKENDALL' S SPAVIN CURE" <liuCOvOrF Of filo of 1"701101 Til paper making is credited ,to Dr. I3. IL. Price Stporbottle, oreisbottles tor ev`Ai1Dr111• Hill, of this ci About forty years ago Bglots have it or cangot it ler you, or i.t win bo ty gat alarms on receipt o,rice by the t1 the doctor visited tho paper mill at • Vas- tore. DE. D J. KcitDALI Co.,, Enonburgb Fete r. salboro, and after looping over the ma- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.. chinery suggested the feasibility of using wood, and ashen} why the manufacturers Rips sewed free in all 'hoots purchased from me. Butter and eggs taken as cash in exchange for goods. F. It ' D 5, wood paper'!"` asked the doctor. The re, 'tVl*ltl•1 :�i [, >, • 'ttion was a experiment of malting paper from wood. "It cant IJe•(loliel said the manttfaetur- arfe. "Ila.;: not you'as much gumption as the hornets, whose nest: aro made of 1/1MT'S_C. • MISS NEIiL() 1\1011A117.. Ci,ASSF:5 PON, INSTRUCTION ON I+1Ak(1 A1) 1 k; Organ, in Voles Culture and tt:nrxtoail ?tics i'.edirs : as 1i>tAves 191 G 1 ftp"r. suit of the conversation letter, folate time later, front .the firm's whole- 10W A:I IiA}.ft. Gil 11 tl""sinal in ''- - -ll, 1hshilij; what they Atrl t putting in Choir paper to 111101:0 it Trio Society rose:at ovary third Monday were ntnnth, Visithq brethren et&eine. Po lulls.} hotter t}fan it had been. 1twaa Thi+ram... unsII.ill rtu In: scented (co, este! , "t1Ci5 rad 1tSec1inthisw ay0— inlnmdats et ^neve kind at n very 111w r;yllare. lilt tilt woods .t tetras ki„ n}il+b' �+ 1A515:4 t.r+tlrlt, lnetlnlabeo (il1e.) Jctezt•nsiL at l.... A 4)0 ii 0. )ltstf To etonCOMtatsIiIh T, at once nehtnh trade in all parte. by piecing nun machines 1 and gouda where the people ran . • them. we will send free to, • paean in each loss Itydhe r. beer sewing -machine made a the world,rrrtall the attichnui. We will oleo send free a comps line breor costly and roluhble t. samples. In return we ink 1hat5 n , chow what we 'Rend, to there n• MO Call at year bogie. and leer :., Mouths all Moil become your el, , property. This grand machine .. made eller the tilitltter Patel, .,• *filth have run batt before pate • . turn Dour sold for Ilt83, with t., �,_ eaachmenta, aid now 5111 �1/a a, aAr,�C *SO. Beat,inongest ■ *1 Ill1, �j}d7y. G11ad 1I. Nhine to the world Ai' ' • j,� ARMs Ttee. ,\o r►pile}, ripulted. M• 1.1et bonnet:me soon. [hose who 5111, tows 51 enlI tan. euro '/Neel the boll',e51I.5$5alik" in the oSotld. 5114 .: c �rretr oiterkaofh1 hart suer skew.tawlhn'15 Ar+F� 7c1�t milt at Oel.,t 1�01a 7d.0. awtrNaw. r.,