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The Wingham Times, 1889-05-10, Page 6
` I I '� I I it l i I I I, III-..-•�-+,••-.+". of ert rt. .-x .- _.,._�"�,.!; ,- is $cruel$; Samuel 111$(1, ova eke(°rs,' Then� a a fancily living in Ohio Council mo an the 20tH alt., mem. 2,800 pounds ; Hugh Rosa ,six steers, IL. Q A /tit ,,,,,,0/111 p74,411,A.... West Weesanosee, t11Gy sees are WI, ;10 , 111 and bens all present, minutes of last meet• two years old, 6,828 pounds.. 1, l been ma• FRIDAY', MAY 10, 1889, Granulated is now smiling at 9ie• the sideline between lots 15 and 16, teTee aecrcnty a t ngCon Consumptives m t 0 definite llCtintt n of Cud Liuor Oil with Iiypophnsphites inf; approved. B. J. Crawford and 36 Docreaain6 the G year$, stn Bate. klu0Kti is getting to bo a luxury. othera petitioned the council to haVe Tee mortality etme consumptives has he of 1 the use of Scotts of. con V, opened up.N EmulstoAbcees of the ---- beingan token. Robert Ellis' claim of $113,71 Liiiroand Sada. Phthisis, llrcuohitis, for datnage done to his property in Lungs, Pneumonia and Throat Affections are cotn- 1J:IjVLItEaI11'1�+IZ �7�ION a cent last week. Yellow augRra aro ,lotoly subjugated by a timely use of this oxcellont• y talon outby Ii' puhnonfo. Palatable as milk. Sold by all utruggists After one of ttta most brilliant now 2kc. 1[ighet•per ib. than the were gravel,Was settled the 1 �• ° •teasiastoo:tl discussions over witness- two months ago. This perhaps is the i er through his soliottara, threat- g p p council payiug Mr. Ellis 820. Thos. pigment° POD. �G�p r has M11 m (� ',lin Clauada the general col,ferer.Ce moat rapid advance in sag:Ars that sued legal proceedings against the � I T A 111 •t �a `t sal been experienced in this generation, counted far ira iu ori• flooding water t t' the Aletho(l +t church last yprep y YYk ") i decided. on University Federation to The reason. advanced is that the stock on his premises, If the moil be not in view will bo far less than usual. reinedied forthwith. The clerk was Contractors and Builders, remove the U•tburh college to Toronto, instru3ted to enquire from Mr. Miller oxT. Tao advisory board last fall mom. Ab1PsRICAN ASSOOintiOn for the ad- to say definitely what be wished the WINGIIAH, ' f t f Science have chosen �, o f ntt soled that aS soon as 100,4©ll o eateeln@fi o clenco couneit do. The reasurer s report p $234.- Agents for Downeys (Relgrave) limo, Aubscriptious applicable to the build- Toronto as their next lace of meet' showed balance and receipts of 69 and expenditure $33.5ii. A state- ,in tat(• $500,000 TO LOAN, leg fund were paid over to the treasur- ing, on the 27th August next, to re- of o„pariirand TOWn Property at Rely Lowest hates P ar the eontraot for the new buildings mein in session one week. This accounts for 1887 sat from the howed a balnnof dceof . and on Terms to suit borrowers. e �� UP,etli8 Perk, Toronto, should be p gathering of interesting scientific men $6.13 in favor of Wawanosh Mr. MORTGAGES can obtain money yra^ian.6 daJ9H RMED. 1tCTed into : Dr, Potts vigorously will. prove all intet'Catiltg event, As Martin presented a Vowninnleatioll satfafacto rs R. oneyVANin 6 d J from the Educational Department re eoavei Blook, tVinghaui.. • 1)rosecuted the canvas and $2G.�,883 the discussion of scientific subjects, U. S. S No.14,Moved by �1r, has been subscribed with over $105,- the: interchange of experience, and 'd T! advisory con the application of its results, mustU S S N 14 be request- Stuart,Stuarrt, s Todd, I t h LEND. 0,10 pat up, la a vts Trust4ea n o tllittee and board of regents met in stimulate the material as well as the ed to prefer choir eiaitn when sending THTCORPORATION one yh s about $3000 to loan onlMort- .poronto last week oeress of the country current veer For by •t the proper r MoLAItEN seconded by Mr t to the MONEY TO v elc to discuss matters intellectual pr lu their warrantfor the gages. DR. A. V. bicliENZIE, when the proceedings were of a lively The objects of this Association are and that the clerk asst l sin t p p or obi, bfePIIERSUN, Honor graduate Toronto University. Attendant 4ltaracter, The anti-federatioliists periodical and migratory meetings, to amount interest charged to West Tr. Tal s0ann, Wingham. Beavi,, Glen arrow of Now York Polyclinic. Winghnr, May ro ore ltlter@Onrse between t}IOSe WawanOSli, also that the same Value Ofltceand residence over store ofGordon &McIntyre. eventually failing to prevent the carry- p' er acre agreed on by the as to the at Moneyto Loan ' on Notes. lug the intention to go on 'with the who are cultivating science in different last acre be applied to the 600 l7 REASONABLE RATES• y advanced on Mortgages at 0 perracent. with e of paying at the end of any y s ounts collected. wilding operations entered an parts of America, to give a stronger ,Amor, • niqztni - •IS rUUBLISii1'sD-' EVERY FRIDAY 1UQRNI G, ••••• AT. TIRI;«-. TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ETVIKET WINGE*M, . ONTARIO. Subscription price, $t r year, iu advaneo, ADVERTISING 'RATES; _ ,Zapata 1 1 yr 1 O mo 1 3 Inc. 1 1 roe. Ons Column $40 QO 330 00 I $3Q 00 $800 uaU 30 00 2n 00 + 72 00 000 Quarter ” 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 4 01) Ono Inch 000 3 00 2 00 100 Local and of ter casae advertisements, Sc. per line for first insertion, and 1 .. per line tor each euboequent. insertion. Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10e, for first in• portion, and 6o. per line for each subsequent insertion.. Nc local notice will be charged less than 25c, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding s linos uonparell, $1 per month. $11 ;or dist in of th d Fantle No. peor asubseque t exceeding ciontl .liner, These turns will be strictly adhered to. St,ccial,rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, rill be inserted till forbid and charged eccorrlingly, Tram• sltory advertisements must no paid in advance. Changes• for contract ad' ertrsemeits roust bee la the odieo by 1Vedneeday noon, in order to apy that week lt. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER acres added Carried. The to the section from. West JORErn1NE ST. • WINDHAM. Notes Discounted Dir. MACDONALD, . JOSEPHINE STREET, .injunction restraining the Board of and more general impulse and more Wawanosh in 1886,— uar scientific re- el Regents and Victoria University from systematic direction to sa o ing the university from oCbourg search, and to procure for the labors tred from on the work of the and a wider usefulness. The coming b rs Ted r@nl vl ra from taking any steps to that end, of scientific leen increased facilities i The carrying 1 P university in any place outside of meetingwil'be the thirty-eighth annual 0 G .Cobourg, from expending any mony on gathering of this learned body. T L the cdllege buildings .at Toronto and 'While two previous meetings have 0 W efe from federating with the University of been held in Montreal, this will be I Toronto. This, injunction prevails the first time that the Province' of ' C 1 until May 7, when a motion will be Ontario has been honored by hair- w made at Osgoode Hall to continue the ing the Association assemble within dy, the restraining power. However the her borders. The first meeting was A P •check is but of a temporary character held in Philadelphia iu 1840. The Cam The ceclesiastical court of the church Association numbers from 1,500 to 2,- j R —the general conference—has decided 000 members,Americau and Canadian, J Cl in favor of Federation. There is little and there are about 800 Fellows,some T doubt as to the result eventually, of theul';twiadiars•• ThoMpsou eine L1 xcutnrrroau, IVEW SIaADES, A Harper, H McDonald, A Stuart, A • McDonald, E Haines, J Ramufe, J e. o. 0. F. Statistics. Complete List of the New Tints to bo Farrier, W Barbour, 0 Smith, W W In counection with the. 70th anni- seen chis spring' Scott, T Stothets, 0 Taynor, P Caiup- versai"y of the above Order in America The ,°Domestic Monthly" for March bell, J R Gaunt, J Gordon, A Thews, now being celebrated, it, will be inter- gives the followiug list of the principal W Webb, D McKenzie, E Jarvis,, T esting to note the following statistics colors of the season and their descrip-_ Taylor, J'Laidlaw, Sr, P Callahan, A. tion: Bohner, D 1VIc:4lillan, :W J 1VZcQui1 oz the Order in Ontario on December 1 leo, We Orr, I Carrel, A Cameron, l W 31st, 1888 : Membership, 16,053 ; Empire green—Dulleyellothan em green., ' Patterson, W Wells,, J Foster, W Reed—$oats lighter than empire. Thorns, Jr, 1'I Ilintoul, W Symington, r@ebipts (for y4ar 1885), X159,937.90; Dragon—A bluosh green. 11-1 J 1id,ng, P Clark, J G Ward, J Why- removing Yhy- n.tnlber of members who received sick Eserhazy—A foilage green. benefits during year ; 1,951 : number Chambre—Faint tone of green. • of weeks for which sick benefits were Peintemps—Light lettuce shade., Soutelle—Faint grass green. Tend, 10,199,317; total relief for year Lime of linden—The inner side of the ,1538, $53,497.01 ; average .for each lime leaf shade day, .$145.56.'General statistics, Gar zun—Tu rf'green. 1330 to December 31st, 1887: Initia- Roseau—terayish reed green. tions in subordinats lodges, 1,517,420 ; Rased t•--,elignot:ette. Vert de gris—Dark green. ;total receipts, $121,285,779.18; t lorentine—Dark bronze green. members deceased, 130,265 ; members Snowball—Whitish green, relieved, 1,328,189 ; widows and fain- Willow—Shade of -a willow tree. ilies relieved, 169,766 ; total relief, Nile—Pale green for evening wear, $46,020,890.79 ; average each day for Lincoln and Robin Hood --Positive 'E7 years, $2,210. EDITORIAL NOTES. "Not this year but next" are the words of encouragement held out by tire- World to the millers re the increase et the duty on flour. g eau. Yew—A dEep green. ta'hartreuse—Yellow green, Water cress—A elver faint green. l vy—Pistac}te—M,arjplaioe. Ce•nard—Duelcs wing shade._ Vandyke—ls reddish terra cotta. Bois de rose—usewood shades. Fraueilloil---Dark old rose. Aurora—Deep pink. Tug Central bank creditors were Beige rose—Dull fawn rod. paid another dividend of twenty per- Sappho—Light rosewoodshade. Scaeieuse—Purplish red, Cent. making eight°six and a half per• Vl'ruis--!d olden red. cent in all. Enough will yet be reali Lltrasgne—Brownish red. ;sed to pay one more dividend, but the Vernose---Deep rich shade of red. "antount is still uncertain. Azalea—Evottilie shades of pink, lie Schools" is t the tit'e of an essay Burnt rose•—Bri;;bt aches of roses tint, written by J. Il McKiny, of Kingston, An able al±tic}e in the West Monster shell fray --A pinl;i:.h orav, a b awarded the first ard, A b13romn. The same euce- viewers and Ploundkeeps aa served last year were re -appointed, Follow- ing checks were given • R Alexander, minding gap, 50 cents ; Thos McKen- zie, wire for fence $24.45 ; 11 Ellis, gravel,etc, $20. Council will meet as. Court of Revision, May 25th. R. K. MILLER, Clerk. Clinton. A Live Stock Mutual Insurance Association for the province was pro visionally formed Here on Mn'iday with these officers : John McMillan, M. P., president; M. Y. McLean, secy.; Alex. lanes, 0 inton; D. Radcliffe, Seafortt , Mr. Evans, St. Marys, Trustees. Measures will be taken to secure the ;,, Fades, of government deposit. barber TT DAVIS Fades, of Clinton, has sold his barber oBE>iT CUNNINC+HnbI, shop and meditates a trip to the INSURANCE Northwest for the benefit of his wife's 7S OFFERING FIRE AND MARINE, health. The new man is Mr. S. Atl- derSOtl, of Kincardine.—Mr. Wm. BOIaT. '1l3eINDOQ. $,-Beaver Block. Whig -ham, Ont. m.'1 Youhill'S L ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. n• . cE : KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHA14.• ato funds to loan. ii bar of Building Lots and Residence proper e Sale se desiring to make a home in wingham should inicate on at my Office, all necessary inforniiati n in cans be bt oined. • NK OF HAMILTON, WZNG-KA•M_ wt ltal, $1,000,000. Rest, $360,000. President -J our; STUART. Vice.President—HoN. JAMES TURNER. DIELECTOES A. G. RAMBAY JOnN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, xO110. ' ROACH, A. T. WOOD. Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturday*, 10 to Ill Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest owe Special Depobits also "received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYE-R & DICKINSON, ' Semc ToRB. • S. GRACEY, V1\TTY .W11AK ER, Supplies all necessaries for fun. eral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of business, All orders attended personally, and delivered any: where within 10 miles of Wing: ham. WINDHAM, •• D16. J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office and Residence -The old stand formerly ecru.. pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centro and Patrick streets, G rt. 1VIOOIIAM, ONTARIO, �yre� EYER & DICRINSCN, BARRISTERS, &c. Solieitore for the Bank of Hamilton. Commissioneid for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Private (untie to lend in straight loans at lowest rates. 0fficce- fient's Illock,Winghatu, Luckno v anndD 1orrle. lir vv. 0. MEYER. E. Remember the place, first door y JOHN RITCHIE, south of the big brick hotel on the - J main street, Wingham, , GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ra {V{fj d . •,• .1.S.4.�A•i is W1NDHAM, - i bb Nin, ill 51 A19tY.,.,u o.!+.iL..i,s,.+:�—+ It J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., WInghan, - Ontario. VANSTON.E, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC. CONVEYANCER, ETC, OFFICES -Beaver Gnand BLYTn, ONT.M, U eT , rates el interest. aaid Mortgages,ytown tandloan farmoupropert.y bought and sold.' Mercantile collection a specialty, DENTISTRY. -J. S. JEROME, WINo11AM. J 5 Jerome is manufacturing eel- luloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the best material -as cheap as they can he got In the. Dominion. All work n•ar- ranbed. Vegetable Vapor administered for the parolees - extraction OFFICE: teeth,n te the only safe Block, anesthetic toppOsltknown. o tits Brunswick Hotel. DENTISTRY. -.W. Id. MACDONALD, W1Ndn4M. (taker o5 Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,, SOve. Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging in prices from 6500 upwards per set Crownng and bridgework. Teeth ex tracted without the least pain by the use of Vital-. ized Air. Dead Office, II Ingham, aide entrance op- posite tho Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 9 a in, to a p m. Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month -•Office atMil ne's. hotel ; Gerrie .lilt and 3rei Mondays of each month - Office at Albion hotel. Exinacth)g 25 cents. • silas - Kan was presented by the employes of the organ factory with a watch chain and locket nn the eve of his departure foe Michigan. —The ;NW h'ra says : "Teaching Writing in Pub - Review compares the American strug- ;ie of 1776 with the Irish struggle of to day. The results are likely to bp the seine the latter to be accomplished reaceabla and constitutional; means, AT the recent meeting; of the share Italders of the Grand Trunk ItYatlway (,`o. bir ILeiry Tyler stated that during the half year $8`21,000 had ..eau spent lit doubling the track lie. tweets 'Montreal and Toronto, and by the end of this year they hoped too ou11,1efe 01133 h ,If of the wtr)•k. Ciotti lt,t the company, tiuriug 1887, lin -.is than $2,000.000. Ois the coal ., Steam—Light though dull gray. Granite-131ue gray. Oxide •• Dull si,vor gray. llolunllir.---Dove gray. Heron -Whitish gray. k:unshine. The list dest'ribea 14 brown shades, C. O. with all of �'llioh we are quite fatale it Court Sunshine, No, 156, , and eight blue shades, inciudiug chose the following oificers : 0 R, Jas. the new pcaccek, which is a grayish Smith : V 0 It, Jatnes final+'; R S. blue, On the French e dor cards Jolla liirltcnnt)1.11 ; 1'' S, James Rob - there are right shades Of hray� @i,^,ht Irt$Uli ; Trees, Janne; uhllrrii' ; 17 NV, of blue, sixtt'en of green, twelve of bed, 11, (3 Stnbl/a ; t W, Lawrencf, �Vhetfl 4t-Vr'11 of Brown. live of lank, six of er; 5 13. Rubt Me:'<.rter; 'A 1VL PIR,OPIJPb'Z'7' A'1' VERY LOW RATES.. n� ere) which tuts been OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. ,,:ize in t110 ramp, tition open to the United States slid Canada, Sot up by i W't .,+,. n=• r„^: •,•na; 1. r,1. 1.*'.. 1 Yeoman's. Art Journal. yellow, four peach shfultt•;i, four of i4('WColul), v hit t@l'r prom: tints Ith.1 a nCW yellow 'whirr, :,;arts' I .vt`ly tllet'i lttl! Ji.ur?'1 orri1• 3 3, 3111 produced cion'., tb,' summer. 1'.- Tlu;h 1', nos lip:)t d :t fine ear. 1 l,I.ld of f; t h"l t le from 1; ut't rticf it s CttTlN iiion tern" Cured ,,,,(,Ir 1 he following were mum:, t 13, on , . ' To-nI' 1:LInn Ylea.15 t nn.,.,,rle t+le r- th t 13 ;„,,1.:: Tri t,1r 1''U\vl(!r, (me bull, 1.11tItl 11 n ; '1 u nlH l 11(1 rlf rF( tt, 01:0 ('OW, 1. r-ai:ril f:,ttl--- ;Iu+V iu__, t+) Tay au i1.r- ., AI(V brought into 4.tlltfil114 f:(Viii' 'Vine 1`av, u p •t.v,•„ -1: ,•n fa�arwf .11Ei+ha�r•r t W hen, . un t nl ne ,^rd t Ci6U you Il h ; ,IIn111.1 Aealel•eon, ,., � i:•!eL Tl; P ,; � t,n a •'• r I u•br r rl , I ,t,,, 3..n,,• 1 U1ul 11,850 101111tH ; • Ail is ,„ dtA . + el 11%' ••r te.n1 ,141 e,'r u, tt, 0 V tt16 , l ,.14.3 _ . '1 I TAY tot a: r . ,I l�:rir't't 1.0 :1tJ:YJ1'n, tZrr(tf lI('rfCR''1, u,'.,) to WONSERFUL LAKE tNRGSE WATER DOETH GOOD 1.1 E A MEDIC • J W b (cAti;'lt • , p 1pf, uhtt x,$-.'f0r,a OLD EiY.ADI; CIE O l 4V1 ; r, Mo titre aIO4/8PM N GUELPH. ONTAR CXEOIIGf Mr hIe Ao Winties f Ii'Licensed r oil and Bruce. At moderate rates, sales will b conducted in portion of the Countici. Orders can be loft at the TIMER.Office. JOHN OU10R1E, WINOIIAM, ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Orders loft atTIMES' office promptly attended to TEAMS REASONABLE. 1?• DEAN, Jo., WfNOn0M, LICENSED AUCTIONEERI.roil Tut COU1tTY OF Saks attondod in any part of 2130 Co. Muses Moderato, pi'AMlB 1IIINlil:l(l4Otr,. L11/ci;NNpn Ancendil fan Inn C!nNeles IlOaolr Allis tht tra, Ali Salm a(ten.l(il to ),ietivie'y utld on the Shortes eil, o. Chums P•1.,danrt, ia, d F;,t;aP.ie Yi,n'Ouaranteed. Al un .•: •1117 nrrat i,• n...ln tin be made at the Tints' s' n:, iv Ora. �, W...... Git1;.9nonsi'll v ('ouNult 1'n )t} i)Ttslti,, IH(lt.'TON & If.iWKINS, P. rI, it 11. Jr. lltlwts0r.s Am) Cult Et. yens,. I.1;'0'IV)W1)L nut> +VINIaIt.tM. A1104(18 lett at the Lin:+w of the 7,)01. x4b ��iUflllalli A.,, ii+% 6 calve i:tutrpt attu:truu.