HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-10, Page 4.
'lee oin Win
m whore 80 twee
iitgnxrn ware p1a ted intone SeaSon, awl each
MAY 10, 1889, living mean. Next season the opera, -
designated, with nev er.ttt-be forgotten
but simple ceremony, to seine noted:
'"" - teen was repeated, and that wheel
1411101-1A*I?C8" INf3T1G''LIT7CI iS. house has now almost become hihtori-
Zn conmerftiat4 with the meetings at oaf, Tho grounds oortainly have been
the Mecha.tips' lustitutes generally read beautified. • The intertest that
held. throughout the provinoe during greatly
a � centered in this, with flower beds in
the Bast week, a fete facts gleaned addition, made the sohool ;rounds e
'Erato the laet report of Dr. S. P•1'tay, pleasant resort for villagers. ' Pleasant
,s;1.periatendellt of Mechanics' Institti recollections can thus be perpetuated,
tee for Ontario, Iuay be of interest, iaterest in arboriculture sF.imu'.ated,
No organized lostinetion in .lits the aestheti.e nature eultivetited and
°ouatry is 'calculated to exercise a the pleasure and health of the mem-
more wholesome or extended influence • munity added to. It has been said
than Mechanics' Institutes and none that " lie who makoo two blades of
have fulfilled their mission more grass grow where one grew before, is a
effectively or given greater pleasure or public benefactor." Let some other
setietaetioti to tae people, 'Whilst —the public will do it--pro:lou lee
they are oonfined to cities, towns and appropriate enootniuma ou chose Svho
villages; they havo become generally . break some barren monotony, cheer
so widely established that moat sec- some lover of the beautiful, add to
tions of country are brought within the physical and mental enjoyment of i
reasonable distance, There are now some one by planting suitable and
19 Mechanics' institutes in Ontario, beautiful " umbrageous shade."
representing about 20,000 members. _ Tuesday next is Arbor Day. Let
'Whilst it is estimated that each mom- numerous efforts be made to instil .
leer represents three readers, the num- into youthful minds a desire for arbor•
icer is still far below what might ieuiture. Mere is an interesting field
reasonably be expected, Last year for teachers to use their influence.
100,000 books on various topics were This duty is imposed on them by the
taken out. Besides this,. there aro enactments of the Educational de -
now in existence 8 free li.braries,wiich partment
represent t3,840 readers, The re-
4eeipts of the 159 institutes and 8 EDITORIAL OTES.
free libraries last year were $101,203. TiIIS great 1889 exposition at Paris
Municipal grants were given to 75 was opened this week.
institutes and amounting to $86,964f Col. McMillan has been appointed
twelve times what -was given in Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba in
1883. The reading rooms and even -
lag classes have in very many cases
...preyed great blessings in stimulating
e, taste for reading, affording young
people a place to while away the long
•.venings, and frequently preventing
!heir entry into questionable places of
resort. Last year 96 institutes had
Beading rooms, supplying 1,114 peri-
odicals and 1,155 papers. In 89
institutes, evening classes were eon -
ducted and 967 students were in at-
tendance, taking courses in English,
< oinmercial subjects, drawing and
mechanics. But two institutes were
dosed last year, whilst seven were
opened since May last. There were
donated to all $597 worth of books
during the year. To the free libraries
were given $1,017 worth of books,
Those institutes and libraries have
assets of $276,000 • and liabilities
of $0,050. The cities or towns sup-
porting free libraries were : Berlin,
Brantford, Guelph, St Thomas, Tor-
onto and Waterloo. A report of the
year's work in the 3'4ingham Institute
will be found in another column.
ror noon±ay s heat are closer arbors made,
for fresh evening air, the open glade.
Yes, tunefal is the sound, •
Tat dwells in whasosring bows
welcome the freshness round,
And the gale theet fsns ear brows. •
The warns days now remind us all
of the value of shade. A more Ian
/intent consideration is healthfulness,
and tree planting is unguestionebly a
sanitary precaution. Besides comfort
and health, we add to the beauty of
arroundings by an abundan;e of
elude trees. Then how much is the
elite of property enhanced by the .
preeence of shade and ornamental
trees. We should judge that there is
141 :.,oil in Canada where shade trees
fhoerish better than in sp ingli ten.
The Mayor has proclaimed Ta' eday
tonet as Arbor Day. The Council has
a.nde arrangements for procuring
::.de trees at a very low rate.
Children should be encourage 4 and
-a coed in planting tr&:s---even one
•.'::cele tree each. How many &an Mol -
se -t• trees planted oa the old home -
need 2 What pleasant memories are
.�•-v:ved by letting Taney take a back.
•••art. flight.
`i'a plant a tree in memory ory of seine
teat !rain --dead or alive ---is a beau -
."f el Ameriea:a ceietorn, very prevalent
eclrot,ie, In irutidrnds of caries,
•::Saf (. qtr 1 ;tetioos have been indelibly
end pl i,. ,tly italpeeesed in this way.
e.I ;ti..., a sot grenni not tif;.y
place of Hon. L. M, Jones who resig-
OVER six million dollars worth of
public buildings are in course of
erection in. Toronto, The. two most
extentsve are the new parliament
bnilrlings and the civic and county
buildings. •
Toronto must shortly incur an ex-
penditure on uripite' account of nearly
seven millions- of dollars. The total
expenditure chargeable to this year's
revenue amounts to $2,800,000 and
this inclusive of local,improvements.
Tun Brandon Ston writes thus; The
Greenway Government has t-
tablishecl a record that any adeniuis-
tration might envy. Assuming the
reins.at a time when corruption was
holding high carnival and when mal •
administration had reached a point of
recklessness and .grossness that knee
not been altogether uncovered as yet,
their , difficulties were not ordinary.
Add to this the fact that many
had become very friendly when it was
quite apparent that the days of Toty
misrule were numbere 1, and we seo
Toltxt Coattaaf /lttoot11ig.
A11 the rembere were present at I
the meeting on Monday evening, ex
cepa 1. j. Anderson, Tho billiard •
license fees for the balance of the
year were refunded to A1r,Thes,Blaok.
Moved by Mr. Broulfenshire, seooailed
by Mr. liolnuth, that the matter of
moving the waver tank from. the
market to the lower end of the town
suet the procuring of a horsepower
and pump for the same be referred to
the Street Committee, with power to
act. Moved in amendment by IIIr
Williams, seconded by Ur, Brill, that
the question of watering the streets
for the present season be referred to
the Fire and \Vater Conunittee. Tho
motion was carried, The Finance
Committee reported, recommending
payment of the •fot,owiutt accounts :
John Foster, assessing and postage,.
$fel ; W. L. Towler, tickets, charity,
$18.`90; Jos. Bullard, teaming hose
cart, two trips,$4 ; Jos.Lallard, team-
ing water pipes, &c., a�10.09 ; Q. N.
Orii"zin,charity order,. $1 ; (,leo Mason,
stationery, &e., $8.27 ; Geo. Hueliee,
work on streets, $2,50; R. Ferguson,
wort, at waterworks pipes, ll; Geo.
Russell, do., $2.52 ; Geo. Pettypiece,
coal oil, &c , $1.45 ; Geo. Pettypieee,
charity to J. Sadler, $0; 1t. Rogers,
scraping streets, $8,13 ; Jas. Groves,
do,, $3.13 ; R. nankin, da , $1.25 ; 1•.
Drummond, do., $1; D.N.Watson, do
,$','2.88 ; D. N. 'Watson, ;rai.erworks
diteb, :7.50 ; Wm. Ramsay, do.,$7 50;
11.. Waugh, do.', $5.95 ; John Kerr,
do., $5 ; J. II. Stephenson, repairing
water pipes, &c., $10.75 ; Mr. Bisbee,
waterworks ditch, $9.70. The rep,rt
was adopted, Mr, Peter Fisher re-
quested the council to close those
portions of streets and lane between
the Grand Trunk Railway, Arthur
street and the river, and stated that
he would bay the grounds thus closed,
if he got them at a reasonable price.
Messrs. H. W. 0. Meyer and Thos.
Bell appeared before the council on
behalf of the cricket, lacrosse and
other clubs of the town to talk the
council to' put 'a fence 'Ireland three
sides of .the park, so as too preserve
the grounds for the benefit of the
youug men of the town, and recom-
mended a gars pipe fence. Mr.' 0. A.
Scott wanted to know if it is the in-
tention of the council to put a drain.
on Victoria street to Josephine street,
and stated that if such were done leo
would be able to run off his brine and
slop water by means of such drain.
Fred. Wright, on behalf of the town
band and -firemen, asked for the tree
use of the town hall on the 24t1i inst..
Moved- by Mr. Neolki ds, seconded by
Mr. Holmes, that -Mr. Fisher's request
respecting the closing of certain streets
be referred to the Property. Commitee
—Carried. The matter of fencing
the park was also referred to the
Property Committee. Moved by Mr.
; Holmes, seconded. by Mr. Smyth, that
the matter referred to. by Mr. Scott
in reference to a. drain on Victoria
btraet, be referred to the Street Com-
mittee—Carried. Moved by 1blr.Daw-
son, seconded by Mr. Sperling, that
the free use of the town hall ,on the
► 24th instant, be granted the town
• band and firemen -Carried. Moved
by Mr, 'Williams, seconded by Mr.
- sfl_
Miss Anna (Gibson and Mr, J. J A eorresl•oudetat in wlu 'vomit y
White, Chicago, are visstiug at Mr. we have tot y conliiden and wi,u
\Vnt. Clark's, 1<ioxri3.- .])r. 1�', ,13 obtttiuetl the itufer:millett �nrut. ftotu
Godfrey, is at present enjoying a well ul►e Jewitt family, sends its :the fano,
earned lieliday with his parents here, lug atco=int of what is ceeteinty a
preparatory to starting practice ,-.-• most c+xtr;eerrdiuttry earn of i npu..i'inn,
Miss Breit rrt %isiting he sister, mfrs .furl .louver aka a-irrvbca.ates.. the flatus.
.Hugel M.Lean, of this town.--.Mr.Jus The. tory i9 res fol owe:
Watson was here this week matting an atiiusiog handout occurred in
arratq etueuts for starting business 11orris, at sir. Thomas Jewitt's resie
here again in the shoe line. This does deuce., a few days ago, A young
not erotic welt for Blyth, where he is married tutor from Hanover, Truce Oa.
at the• present time. Mr. l ear'en will who head for ncauy vain et was
now have opposition, which they rely : alleged, been ailliett;d with tits, arrivt d
is the life of trade.—?sir. 8. Snider at Mr. JewitGs pine, where be was
ties gloved into the house lately occu- s'on ta.ceo nowt! with one of his pt
pied Ly Mrs. Gilmore, .Et is his in- sodieal uttaclts. iihe paroxysms were
tention to entre a butcher shop here. so severe that it tool. severe), men to
We think this is a good as there is not -hold him, and Mr. Jewitt was obliged
another in the village.—Croquet playa ; to call in several of his neighbors w, o.
ing is now thec.rcI'r of the day,the boys deft their teams staudiug idle dnrh g
have what th•ay call the association their flurry and came to hit; aesistetnto
grim ndsfor playing ouasitistacotitpany Their b.:et efforts, however, w;3re un -
affair they all eujoy ,a gau.e.--11fr. IVm availing and tete patient often broke
i3t.ttou,e.4ho lite been stere for the past lomat: during his supposed uonvuleions
tlit'ee 1raeii5 inspecting, lumber, return• and went careering through tete house
ed to T'ceswater on Saturday.- Alr.Wm aund terrible eotiturtious. 'Tie went
Clegg will this week ship five carloads an for two day, and two nights, when
of grain to Buffalo from Belgrave Dr. Chiebeh a of Winghatu, was called
station.--'fIn Bel,;rave Orange Lodge to see the patient. Strange to say,
have lately invested in a drum. Sup- there were no .manifestations of tile
pose we will hear nothing from nuts uiisteuce of the melody in the Dr's.
until after the 12th July but the presenctt. Tun usual symptosis of
thump of the drnrn, which is very kits, however were absent and the Dr.
nice music—that is, when you aro. suspected foigniicg. Ile was called
about a mile away fermi it.—Tho the second time, but the subjece was
farmers in this vicinity aro busily en• apparently not iu a ino. d. The Dr.r:-
gaged at their seeding operations pow, gaested the intimation to be made that
and you wouldn't see one of then. ire was gone Merge and went into an
in the village for anything:—Mr. 1t. adjoining ro tut. `Toe wily reseal was
. oCttm.tnings, little boy fell clown very soon niauifestin g his worst quip -
stairs one day last week inflicting a toms and the Dr.was caliedin. After
seyet'e w•nmud on his head bat is stn- watching the performance 'for a while
proving fast.—Mr, Wm Kerr, who the Dr. gave the feignitcg patient a
was hero with his sister, Mrs. Me. lively bat on the ear. This resulted•
Kibbon during her Miters, bas return• in an iuiutedi;tte return to coneeious-
ed to his lion:e in Peterboro.—Om gess, the patient jumpily. to his feet
Thursday of last week Mrs. Jane Mc- and showing fight. The Dr. repeated
Kibbon was called away from thin the dose ,a,t the setae time telling Bine
world of sorrows, to the better and he was an impostor of the ino t obnoo-
happier one, we have reason to believe. ious kind there being nothing whatever
Mrs McKil,non was a widow lady and wrong with him. He prescriLed an rip -
lived about a mile our • of the village plication of what he palled apple bud,.
She was a member of the Presbyter- with the result that Mr.Jowitt weatout
ian church, of which she wan a rout.- and cut a good sized gad from an
tar attendant when health permitted. apple tree and hung it up, telling the
Her death was from heart disease. youug Ivan that if he showed any
A.t the time of her death she was signs of fits in the future he would
68 years of age. Her remains were apply the gad according to the Dr's.
iu Brandon's cemetery an Friday orders. The result was wonderful.
last. The funeral service was condcuct The cure was magic'tl. The patient
ed by the Rev. Geo. Law.—We expect got up, dressed himself, ate a good
a number of citizens to go out to Mr. supper slept, wall all night and, went
Joe. Nicoll entertainment in 5, a, No off on the train for Hanover next day•
5, Friday evening. quits well, Mr. Jewitt paying his
.aA •
their difficulties were only increased. Gregory,that the Executive Committee
Their manner of dealing with the be empowered to renovate and repair
the town hall ; amount t:i be expended
situation has challenged the admire- not to exceed $550—Carried. Moved
tion of all who desired to see an I by Mr.Cline, seconded by Mr.Dawson,
efficient and economical administra- that a special committee, consisting of
tion of our affairs. No one can fairly Mayor,the Dawson, R Reeve
mSrth s. an. Councillors
Sperling, b illor
say that our affairs have not been pointed to confer with Messrs. Hutton
managed in the interests of the people & Carr, and request theta to let the
at large. Centralization has been water off the :Lower Town mill pond
1 abolished. Disallowanee has been 1 at once, and also to allow any person
destroyed. Monopoly is being crush -to. remove timber from said pond ---
ed. Favoritism is a tiling of the"ast. Carried. Moved by Mr.Cline, seconded
p• by Mr. Sperling, that Tuesday, 14th
Equal rights have'been recognized and May, inst., be set apart as Arbor Day,
are fully established. economy in and that a special cornnrittee,consisting
alminisration is rigidly practised. of the bia3•ar, Reeve and Messrs. 1-Iill
Efficiency is secured without loading •water off Ath
� from p rnewte s furl sl ads
down the civil service with a lot of trees, and that said committee shall
leeches and parasites. And what is havo power to procure as many treee
q"lite remarkable all this has been as they think necessary—Carried.
effected without creating any valid ; Moved by Mr. Smyth, seconded by
ground of attack. Mr. Noelands, that By-law 133, 1887,
be amended so as to prohibit cows from
Belfast- e. running at large in the enrporatiou r,f
Mr. M. McitLlillan lost a valuable Winghern, at any time, and that the
mar, );est week, in foaling. --Tho By-law making such amendment be
young people of Haelrett's appoint. submitted. to this council at its next
went assembled at the &floret' last • regular meeting. Yeas•—Messrs. Nee -
week and cleaned it from floor to - lands, Hill, Brocl.enshure, Cline, Spar.
eeilinY.--•A large erowd attended the ling, Smyth an:. Williams, gays.--
tlnartet'ly meeting on�Snn£liry last.--- enessr.s. Gregory, Dawson, Agnew,
The childre.i of this Corticol :.pent lfo:nttt?i and llolmes----Cc cried, 13y.
Arbor Day in cleaning the yard and law 157, 1889, emending Ey few 97,
planting three around the grounds.-- i 1885„ and ley -law 153, 1880, ;appoint -
he f+ool Tempters bare aro in- lag the oftieers of the commit, were
creasing. each read three times and passed.
*., GleirfarrdW. Commit a:ljottrned. t t.i
Mo m:ealpXereey beit�� er.• A cotton factory, to he x, largest.
Mr. .
drily intiispusecl, Mr. Thome{: Bolt ss under one roof in Ameriea, ie to be
carrying the rna I between herr and erected at Motitmorenci Qut'bee.
"4Vingliaan, to be r'unnitig in September.
Court Royel•Oak, No. 26, 0.0. F.,
elected otiicere as follows : Bro. L
Wauetnan, 0 It; Bro John Stewart,
V C It ; faro R T Kempe Chap ; Bro
A Huston, it S ; Bro feeo H Edg-
cumbs, F 5; Bro Jatnes Les, Treasurer,
Bro 5 J Stevenson, S W ; Bro Geo
Scott, J W ; Bro J 5eburger, 8 13; Bro
3 J Purcell, J 13 The following
.brothers were elected as rnpresenta•
tives to the .FIigh Court, which meets
in Loudon in June :, R. `L. Kemp and
W. R. Clayton.
Court Mapleton, Nn, 123,. 0. 0. F.,.
elected these officers: Bro. J.J. Foster,
P. C. R. ; Bro. Lawrence Campbell,
C. R.; Bro. ,T: H. Gunther, T. 0. R. ;
Bro. Geo. Bergin, Chap. ; : Bro. 11. T.
Hayden, 11. S..; Bro. Wm. Dickson,
F. S ; Bro. John Gabel, Treae.; Bro.
John Glenn, S. W.; Bro. W. Bierman,
S. W.; 13ro. — (ioillns, S. B.;. Bro.
John Hilliary, J. B. Bro. Robert
\Voolfe, P.C.1o,., was elected ea Iiopro-
sentativo to the High Court.
l,Ir. 1r. Kraus has left the Imperial
hotel and gone to Baden, Mr. J. 13.
Dinkel being the new proprietor. Mr.
Chris. Zilliax removed •frain the Com-
mercial to the O'Neil house itt 13rus•
eels, which he purchased, Mr. M.
Sullivan, late et :,:treieton, takes Mr.
lilliax's place in tele Oocumcrcial. Mr, , Lower Wiz?tgham.
Val, Merger takes possession of too • The friends of Miss Lena Hill will
Attwood house, et Attwood, which he be sorry to hear of her iMIimes, she
late purchased. --- The Lillico opera being tinder the doctor's.care at pres-
house is ,being converted into a hotel, ent. We hope for her speedy recovery.
--Thera is a great deal Of sickness
Iineo,rdin.e. here at present, especially among the
On Sunday morning a fire broke aged people.—Mrs, Netterfield,
out in the brick block in Queen -street jr., left this week for Montana, to join
west owned by Thos. Wilson and gees- her husband, who has been there all
pied by Dr. Wilson, veterinary sur- winter, She goes by way of the 'Soo,'
.geed, and R, Hicks, stationer. The where she has friends residing.—Mr.
firemen responded quickly to the alarm Thomas Martin left this week for
and suceeded in confining the flames London, where he expects to work on
to the veterinary surgeon's ofice, the railway, work being searco here -•
where the fire originated. Mr. DIicks' The warm weather has come, and so
static is l,at.11y damaged. Lass on have the Gipsies. The flirts are decor.
stock and building about $800, cover- • ated with tents, horses rand dogs.
cal by insurance. The cause of the
tire is not known.
Mr. James Stevens and his sister -
Hannah, left on Tuesday for a visit to
their sister itt Maustona, Micnigan.—
ktiss Seraph l3:cickwel1, she left here
for L•tr River,Algoma, to teach school„
arrived there safely last Tuesday, and
commenced her duties immediately. --
Miss Ann Marshall, who has been
spending the last year in different
parts of Michigan, returned home.—
Elliott Bro's intend going into the
manufacturing of tile more extensively
than ever, acid have erected a view
shed- for drying them.—A. number of
farmers have finished seeding and this
week will tree the greater part of • the
grain in the ground.—The . imported
stallion Gold the. property of the
Messrs. It.- & J. Harris is an attrac-
tive and popular animal possessing
the best points of the Clydesdale breed
This horse before being tmported,wnn
prizes at some of the best shows in -
Scotland. His record since importing
has been a most favorable one and in
the hands of men so reliable and well
known tie the Messrs. Harris is likely
to prove profitable to the owners and.
valuable to breeders.
Miss Lizzie Kennedy left on the
first of the month for the "Soo," to
jour Ler sister, who went there last
c11nunc'e. While we are sorry to Item
therm, we hope they may proener i1i
their new home, ..
Mrs. John Longmont eft White-
church on Tueeday morning for Mon.
tont. ller- husband went ahead emu
months ago.--li rs. Thomas Campbell
arrived home after visiting her dangh•
torr, in Dumfries—.Rev. Mr. llrvai't,
of Bradford, prraehcd In the 'r mot yr
teriall church last liabbath.