HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-10, Page 3• Bra sold, Vill,Scott, wit's clouted school trustee uu Wednesday f' J J. Gilpin by a majority of let„ , e election was an oxeitiug nue,—no heavy contingent lett for Natlitnbtt on Tuesday week ---- J. H. Young, wife and family, Miss 1llake: eats, Airs, Themes Pieree and Wm. Pierce, Mrs..Delt;tttty and artily and bf iss Tiertuan. Lucknow. An ;us 111c0aig ie.. widely known as a heavy timber shipper, 'Phis spring he has shipped iu all about 65 car loath of square.timber•.---111r ,1 (Mu Baird, G. T. It, station agent I ere, has been removed to Carlton station and previous to his departure he was presented with a gold watch and a very complimentary address. The • ad.tress was read by 1? Grundy and signed by •I)r DcCrimcuon, Dr. La- mont, Dr. Garnier, John Grundy, A i1cieei'ry, D. D. Yule, 1!. Grundy, H llorl'ison, G. \V. Berry, D. It Mein - Loeb, A Lawson and others. Bruce County Xtema.. Kincardine school board has put in a set of anatomical charts costing $85. — The Kincardine assessment amounts to $617,525 for resident, and $12,800 for non-residents. The per- sonal property remounts to $8$;£350, and the ivaonie to $16,850. The total s $650,525, very little difference over the total of a year age. The population of the town is a fraction below 3,000. special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B• J. Kendall Co, publishers of "A Treatise on the horse and his Dis- eases" which will enable all our .•.sub• scribers to obtain a copy of our vast able work free by sending their address tenclosing a two -cent stamp for mail- ing same) to Dr, 13, J. Kendall Co., Lnsbnrgh Falls, Vt. This hook is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phen- omenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opporuanity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treat- ise." This offer will remit open for only a short time. Ireland Described. A patrint'8 pwu picture of the Emerald Isle Our lakes and silver sheen, Verdant plains trod valleys green! Rivers broad and flashing fountains, Wooded hills and r o dky muuutaiue, Shall re-echo full aid free Earth's glad sons; of jubilee, Truth shall Amish as of yore, God shall bless the shamrock shore. George Dear, what hind of fruit is borne by an electric light plant ? Electric currents, of course. Nature uses a good many quills with which to wake a acme, but atnail can snake a goose of himself witli only one, What becomes of omen who deceive their fellow -men ? asked a Sunday - school teacher of her class, 'Toy lose theconfidence of good people, was the' peoutpt reply, Very well, indeed. Now, what becomes of wors- en who do the same thief; ? The question stumped the class for a min ute, and then a little girl piped out. 't'hey usually catch the man for a .husband, A PHOTOGRAPHER'S TRIALS. Extravagant Demands on His Skill, Pa- tlene,o and Good Nature. A photographer meets with many strange characters and is a witness of - many curious incidents. In a recent in- formal talk before the Society of Amateur Photographers, Abraham Bogardus, the • veteran photographer, told a number of amusing stories of incidents that hap- pened to him in the course of his forty- one years' experience in the studio and dark room, He prefaced his talk with a few sarcastic remarks regarding young men who write long screeds in photo- graphic papers on how to take photo- graphs, whom the experiences of a single day "under the skylight" would cause them to wish they had never been born. He then went on to speak of the un- reasonable demands which many sitters make. . "At one time," he said, "a lady brought three children, two boys and a girl, to me, to have their pictures taken. d day. They came all prepared, with a doll for A gawky Jerseyman was on the wit - the girl and a gun and a hobby horse for ness stand, and, instead of speaking so the boys. Well, there was a row at the that the jury could hear him, he per - start. Both boys wanted to mount the listed in mumbling his answers to his horse. We got that settled after a time, counsel. Finally the judge said: but only to strike a new trouble. Of' ; "Will you kindly speak so that these course you •all know that the nearer to- gentlemen can hear you?" pointing to gether you group the objects to be photo- the jury. WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange graphed the better picture you will get. The up countryman turned around and Victoria Streets. Well,this woman was a genius in her way; and found the twelve men all ire an atti- she did not want her children grouped + tude of strained attention. His face - close together as other people's were, but ( thereupon lighted up with a half' grate - she wanted the little girl taken in the jjj ful and half flattered expression, and ho middle of the room and the boys off in 1 replied; "Why, certainly. Aro they in- opposite corners. Of course I told her terested in my case?" .. Sour stirring Eloquence. it could not be done, whereupon she I And from this point on he made a bet- - Old Colonel Zell at the time when said: `Well, Mr. Bogardus, I have always ! ter witness, feeling, as he did, that he Grant was up for the Americau Presi- been told that you were very accommo- had an audience that wanted to listen to. dency and when the Democratic watch- dating. 1 have been. to three or four him,—Philadelphia Press. word was "Anything to beat Grant t". photographers and they all told me the was addressing au enthusiastic meet- - same thing. I don't see as you are any]Gate Castleton at Home. mere accommodating than the rest of One would not think it probable, after ing of the Republicans, when a Demi. them.' At another time a man, an Irish- witnessing pretty Kate Castleton dance erat, who was banning on to the verge man, of course, wanted a carte -de -visite, about the kick up her heels ansa of the crowd, sang out : "It's easy and he wanted it `life size.' Sbme peo- about in such stage,a saucy way, that her pet talkin,' Colonel, but we'll show yon ple, by the way, never seem to under- hobby is to arise in the morning at her something next fall." The Colonel stand the difference between 'full length' charming home, Castleton manor, near was a Southern Union roan of the and 'life size.' I told him that the plate Oakland, Cal., cook the breakfast, and ultra school and a great admirer of wouldn't hold it. 'Then take it with the then tramp allover the place. But she Grant. 11.• at once wheeled about legs hanging down,' were his instruc- does. After breakfast she takes a peep and with uplifted hands, hair bristling, tions. Gen. Logan, who used to sit for in the stables to see that her horses aro and eyes flashing fire, cried out : mo, did not often joke, but he did occa- clonally. He camp in one day and saw being properly fed and cared for, mean - dens around to the hennery to feed the "Build a wire fence round a winter : hanging on the wall &picture of a man poultry, then to the garden to water the supply of summer weather, skim the whom he greatly disliked. Ho turned flowers, and last, but not least, to the clouds from the sky with a teaspoon, to me and said : 'I seo you take pictures kennels, where she has the finest selec- catch a thunderbolt in a ladder, break of everybody."'Yes,' was my answer; tion of doge. en the Pacific coast. In a hurricane to harness, ground -sluice 'that is what I am„here for.' `I suppose fact here are very few kennels in tho earthquake, lasso an avalanche, fix you would take a picture of the devil if fact, tt that can equal it, every one•of the a clout en the crater of an active vol- ', you could get him to sit for you.' `Of world,dogs being a prize winner cane, hive all the stars in a nail keg, course. I suppose I could run off a good She frequently spends hours ^in.their a many of them in 'Washington 1' 'Yes,' com pan and it seems as though hang out the ocean on a grapevine to he replied ; 'that's the best place in the company, really dry, put the sky to soak in a gourd, world to sell them.' i they expected her visits as a part of their andpaste 'to let' on the sun and moon, "Au old ladyonce came to me who daily routine. Big Ned, the dog for but never, sir, never for a moment de- wanted a picture, 'full face, but a little whom she would not take &fortune, oncesaved her life.. She was taking her morn - hide yourself with the idea that you three cornered.' I once asked Dr. Tyne ing canter ono summer two years ago, can beat Grant." if he would not prefer a sido view, and and was about to alight.from the horse, 14e replied: `No, sir. I am an upright when her dress caught in the saddle. He crazed around the cheerful and man. I don't turn to the right or left The horse became frightened,. gave a comfortable -looking apartment, then for any man.' But amid all the fun we . sudden start and dragged,thefair, actress then addressing the widow, lie said— also see some very sad thi>,igs. I rennin- along the ground. Big Ned jumped to her once a woman came in with a bundle the rescue, seized the bridle rein and Your husband's been dead over a year in her arms which when unrolled proved held the animal still until she was res - ON TIME STAIRWAY. Alone on the stairway we sat that night, While the music throbbed mei lieu, Anil the hum of voices and laughter light Vitiated round us on every side. The strains of that waltz «•ere bewitchingly sweet As they rose and fell on tho air; In a dreamy fashion the tilno she beat With her slippered foot on the stair. 6h0 played with her fan, she lifted her eyes, She pulled her red roses apart, She looked up amazed in a sweet surprise When I laid ather feet my heart, • 'Twas a bold and a daring thing to d0, Iut she seemed to tike it well, And, besides, 'twas rare good fortune to woo The ballroom's reigning belle. I eau see thoso oyes so dark and bright, I can feel that self same thrill That shook 'no from bead to foot that night When two lips said softly, "I will." Ah, there she goes noW 1n that shimmering gown And tho silky, yellow hair. Yes, she jilted me for a man in town Who is three times amillionaire. —Nona P. Brown in Philadelphia Times. THE OITY RESTAURANT IS THE BJ ST Pa,AOE IN TOWN TO BUT YOU1. o A IESS BOSTONS IMS,FRENCH N` nn% Looking for Her Pocket. "I see you have been poking fun at women's pockets," said. a lady friend to tho Stroller. "I am glad of it. Why, it has got so now that a woman has to get out a search warrant to fincl the pocket in a dress when it comes home from the dressmaker. We had a funny case in point in our women's missionary meeting at the church. Tho leader of the meeting had just finished reading a most affect- ing appeal from our lady missionary in Caffraria, and there was a solemn pause of expectant attention till some sister should feel moved to speak. Presently a white haired old lady—a mother in Israel—rose slowly and feebly to her feet. All eyes were turned upon her, and wo waited to see whether she wished to make a few remarks or lead in prayer. One hand, incased in its wrinkled black kid glove, went fumbling and groping among the folds of her skirt. After a long pause she drew out a clean hand- kerchief still in its folds,. and then with an air of relief, slowly sat down again. She had only risen to find her pocket."— Chicago Journal. Willing to Oblige the Jury. .An amusing line was spoken in Judge Garrison's court, in Camden, the other ORA NGES Fitonx 15 CENTS TO i36 CENTS PER DUZLL. UNIONS " 25 " 30 Baiian.as, Bitter Oranges• 1 FRESH OYSTERS?4- AND CANNED GOODS Always on hand and served in any style. - T1 E FTNE ST PAR2.r0RS WEST OF LONDON. R0 BT. HILL, Formerly of the Pop business GREEN'S BLOCK, WINGHAM. - STOVES AT HALF PRICE. D. SUTHERLAND'S STOVE and TINWARE ROOMS. Having purchased. the stock of HINGSTON & SONS, we are offering GREAT BARGAINS IN STOVES for the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have some SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new, at LESS THAN HALF COST. A SUPERB STOCK OF CHOICE LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCURABLE COAL OIL, READY-MADE TINWARE, A HEAVY STOCK AT VERY LOW PRICES f ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. now 9 Yes. she answers to be the dead body ofbaby, cued from her perilous position. Nothing, sigh, over a year. I remember read which she wanted photographed. I ea- is too good for Ned. Miss Castleton is. ing his obituary, he said, and 1 member once ono of our venerable also a great lover of old bric-a-brac, and thought it contained a nlistatement of judges came in with his wife. I took her summer home- is filled with rare and facts. A mistatetnent of facts I, Yes, both their pictures. Iio was perfectly costly specimens,—Chicago Herald. it said that‘he had gone to a better satisfied with his, but she did not seem- Eloped in to storm. ° 1 home. 1n my opinion it gonia be exactly pleased with hers, said it was tool For some time past William D. Hayes, old The judge 'e turned to her and, re - impossible for liim to find a inure marked: 'Well, mother, if you wanted cheerful, more comfortable, and with a handsome picture you should have.bo- you its it a more charming and deair- gun thirty years ago.' That settled it; able home than this. The widow she had nothing moro to say.. .A lady smiled sweetly, then he was accepted. came to mo once to make an appoint- ment for a friend who, she said, was Ho (a pessimist)—Yes, mankinit has very ail:acid-ye suit. She had tried greatly degenerated, particularly in dozens of phobof frs and lead never been suited. Of course X promised to wit find beauty. I am going to write de the best 1 could for her, At the ap- a honk 00 the subject. She—I should pointed time tho lady, came. She was advise yott to lecture; yfonr appearance old, and weighed at least 200 pounds. gored lend klteh force to your argu- Her skin looked like aboiledlobster, and lents, you know. elm was clad in low neek and short ;,1: eves. I Citi not wonder silo was never Ile, pethotieally-'-.\ i great ore's rl:i+cel. i'Teil, 1 did my b Wit, but when have sol iced, my clear. tiler with tho picture wall .:rad:' elm :greed v..1" -ll • animation ---Oh, if you will only ;;id 0 rite per:eetly that it dii look hors•! ,1, She up smoking until y.0 are great I shall al not order miry ci them."—NewgFoeek be quite content,content,'*lti:econtent, —c Hotel, corner Josephine AUt Vigtr o:•:o o— The time, subjoined 1azii to In positing �� uaquesiienable facts: of Prtiirie View, a young son of a prom- inent citizen of that place, and Miss M- onis, Seltzer, a 10 -year-old', daughter of George Seltzer, a wealthy , banker of Fairland, have cherished it, fond affection for oath other, but the stern, parciits of the girl have all along warned the young man to cease paying his addresses to her. Not to delay matters longer, young Hayes stole hie intended bride out dur- ing the absence, ofe her parents, and,, placing her in, a hugly,, drove through the storm a dia,tanee of over fifteen miles to this+ city, where they were urarricdt by' tkh'r Theins fdtviirils. '1'lie t,irl was, almo:,t iroi;cit after her lea;; ride, but bravely laved t".1u r +i el and We .t;►c r and returned is the t,au►a n i n:it•r a:;:o c ansa, bat a happy l;ridr.•--Tur.eola Oka) Cor, Fit. tot.i:i 1 �t.lil.11::• l.st. THAT I HAVE THE BEST ASSORTE STOCK GF' WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY IN ViTINGHAM. 2nd. THAT THE QUALITY 0F,,MY ',GOODS IS EQUAL TO P1111 BEST. 3rd. THAT MY PRICES ARE SUCH THAT IT IS SAFE AND FITABLE FOR ALL TO DEAL WITH ME. TEST' T IIS FOR •YOTTREILF I3Y CALLING ON E. F. GERSTER. CHEAPER THAN EV R. IN Dry Good , Grocerie Glassw e, Bo • s and Slices, Dres Goo ►, s, Pants, oil rs, t c. M.0IN '-N 'ES ALBQT'S. • Ps alr.c- way own. 43; -oat rice for: ociuto,. we us a Belly • a. 6