HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-05-10, Page 1.4 .- „.set. '1 VOL. `i. Ta: ..._ U► 1). LOOAT., NI'tWS. —The School Et and meets cm Tuesday evening next. —Mr D B Cat ask has rented the resi- dence of illi el 13o vers on is lwerd St. —;lir D. McKim lee, 'Market gardener, is. Staving eefouudat ou put under his rose dance, ' —Beautiful vies s of Mr George Mason's residence and Alae fife block were recently t0101—Mr aIken by Mr W le lrocksnehire. • , — Hr It 0 Speen ag has npeued nut a shopp next door to the .Brunswick, where :'e. '•Ike will purchase le tier, eggs, and supplies generally. --Messrs II W 0 Meyer and B Willson want to 0olliugwoo ou Monday to witness the launching of th i now Canadian built `0 P,It steamer Meinitoba. 11 you want year coat !appals to re- tain their shape, ju t try one of the Stone p ut adjustable o at collar springs at T. . :: ' write's. • —erasers Ilatni ton es Gillespie, of Whiteeburoh, ships el a car of export cat- tle by 0 P R on Tu -slay. A second load was shipped at Te stater by this enter- prisiug firm. • —Mr, J. J. Ande-son left on Saturday, on a prospecting t sur tbrough•Manitoba, He goes to Delorai ,e Beat. We wish him a pleasant trip wee but hope he May not bo induced to leave Wingham. We ean't afford to lose citize s of his stamp, ` —Rey. J. Scott preadult/ the funeral sermon . tmo of the fat Mrs. Bateman, on Sun- day evening last, he text being', Peace, ::` bo still." He (.1 sauced valuable lessons from the text, oleo ly showing the necessity offaith in Cheist - ef --err 0 J Reding, of Bluevale, has :purchased the greeery buainees of ;lilr 'H ' ifis000ke. He wi I run the express "anti telegraph oMee as ' we11. - We are pleased to ha M • Roadie 'c vm t o4 to town, as he is a splid business an, anis we hope . he nay sleet With exce eniesuocese. : . 41 • W.1.l.,V GJ'LC\M, ONT..,. FRIDAY , MAY 10. 1889. ---A Wee lot 'of baby cart agee, a Gracey's. Who'll he first to hey d The Dundas bot it of ettneetiou is fatherly institutioi . It gave k15 to tau` chase Lana ball out its for the wheel boy of the WWI). , An exchange sa 's: Berrie hold it tru whatf'er befall, And dvo41 it Is, •,1 eh:neet• betide, ,vis better to 1- es lashed ,anti lied, Than never to hr eresi td et ail. —Rev. R.MoCosi, formerly a pastor in St. Paul's church, 1 ringliene, 1i:us arrived io Petrone, Ont:,'fret i Pomona, California, preaching his first mere last Sunday, Call Jai MCIxelvie at the Health CCrete. ''CerC 't. for ala famous drink — Boetou Weundoratand fr. Nelsen Ritchie, Provincial laud sury yor, well knwwn in Kincardine, is about t locate in Wingham. Mr. Ritchie's parents side in Ifineardinet ete-lifr Jahn Martini now nicely install- ed at the Brunswick ouse and evidently makes the oonifort of is guests a prime oonsidoratiou2' We ave no 'doubt the Bru.iewiek°will not u y retain its already splendid reputation, ut will enjoy a more extended patronage ..rpm travellers and the publicgenbraily, who require aceotn- modation. —The Dmaaannon correspondent • of Godericli Signal .eras : Ott Tuesday the 80th .eat„ Mr. J lin Martin, hotel - keeper, with his farm , reproved to Wing• ham. Mr, Martin .wil be muds ..mmssed in this village and vioinit He wa.s a good citizen, kept a very'res '.actable hotel, and was greatly esteemed the ooinanunity. We wish him and his f mily every success en their, new home. /Mr. Donald Giloh ist, who left Wing.. hate seine months ago has purchased lend and is starting a mar et garden some 26 miles from Vancouver;- .c fie is greatly pleased with the eon ry, and thinks the prospects excellent for oung men in the Pacific province. Th 'COOt of. living is about double what it is re. Forinstanco, Ir leebeet Ai"citienzio recently rettun. erg ft " Momitoba,' whore be liar 'spent son �ir l'ku#', having one out with a load eofeteteeeand other. , rticles. He says the It s n early spying a sou aand beautiful b. : one, enr_t spring whenwas waving in the wind when he left. l�e saw nothing that st. hose seeking the ehiropodist, during justeeecanoepdoe .dttl afflictions pre. ,}u, so exception - w • Wingham. We nconvenience may had been injured by ft =-The 'Member 'of' services of Prof Emilio the last week given of}c of the extent. .to which I vail in this age ;slid eve ally healthy..a"•place hope a little. tienuntneteyl on all their tx•otibies' eggs sell for :15 cents p r dozen, butter 85 cents per pound; bread, teats per loaf. Lasa Theme ---'Tho staunch, palatial steamers Lneted Einpire, Camipana and Ontario • nevi running twice as iv a t h eek' >.e e x from Sainte and. 'Xi a� ine, formingthe Huronsad. most ' 'rr route forake Hurn and S erf r is Arthur, o Up - 'l , PortAr aur, Duluth, etc., making close commotion for all points ro the Western States, Manitoba, Pacific Coast, ei'c.' For all information, lowest. of gle• and- round trip fares, freight rates, c,, call on Agent ,G. T. ,11., Station, Win am. The postmasters tilronghout the coun- try ha,,ve been notified hat in future the rate for registered len •rs will be five cent this score. 1 This is in pursuance if the : power con- e -10 Georges `Md Mats/ has decided to ferred on the Postmarier General by the offer for sale•oxi. May 2 th his entire real estate and residence ii Wingham, having been 0fivirtdtitt by his a get trip"to Mani- tuba that1io'cijrtx?•. tsibet r--ae to oomfor tee and ate 'al. • t '-. m rt to erx there than h e. er Vie el ence is a'. deei*ble one on the 1)iag`b road; and the : other propertie`a' ere also good investment -.''See his large_ posters. —Mr L Rgbbins; for fa r yours .foreman in Messrs Inglis. & Are trong's woolen : !Hills, left thin week'for T -onto, where he eras bbtained a situation ' in the carpet works of Ur George tinsel on Melururrieh St., Toronto. ter Robbins has an excel. lent reputation iu his ohosi line of work, is an intelligent assd respec nd eitizen and' we have no doubt he will 4-ve satisfaction to hie new employer. V a tatni1y dome no Bare town at present.; A. nituxbor of.illusteeti ins were shown us the other day drawn b, ' Blaster Robert Galbraith', which are real] ' eroititable and. indicate the possession of •artistica ability and applieation. •They w re illustrations' of ars, entreat Intern onal Sabbath Seltree 1'ettlethi Such, unFr any circum. etanntte,`are;espeoielly heli ul and interact ,ie'eaded When inlay are tit , work Of loeal trtleut. Stick to it, Rots. Ton may yet snakeyour'hiark'in this 1i'tor.. Mr W I J,7avis, of this Mitchell Altos 404, spent Si edify in to ru visiting his brother, Me 1 'I avis, of t' Customer. IIs gave the ; da call ext eturday, , Mr' o eo daft th and Davis hAs:l7eaici, s 1 to &tit rd a bearer ter 'elle total Legielesseatee Smith Perth. Mr Davis: is. widely!• 'known ,and popularLbut we tleinitt soh noes tf wrest. ing that fine and strong Lteetral oonstibtn enoy from its support of Ittt IHowti,t is very. tains.. Mr '1' Daliautyne, . i ?,a -corn ly ltuown as cheese To- a.-»ia a asset':. ally Strang man. amendments to the PI ed at the late session has also been decided mission free thug•o h i newspapers,- as has' practice. —The Salvation A_my held a successful' Jubilee and Banquet n the town hall on elenesty`evening wUi►a was well attended. There wore present Itsujor Morris, of Lon - den, and his two -se s—cornet players— Brigade-Capt. Veale; ;f Loudon, Adjutant Cousins, of Palmerst n, as well as Cap- tains from EIarriston : I?tiimerstoe; Listo- wel, Teeswater and _ lroxeter. Ari inter- esting part of the cer mony was the dedi- oation of two ohildre ---The Goderich B and of Trade at its last m'oetxng discus d, the tine:Mons of feirs,new factories, indicating the con - on those eubjeots, find these useful t Office Aot, adopt- of pariiateent,, It to stop the tram- s mails of specimen been formerly the mouthly marke ts,c attl &e., thus unniistakabi7 census of publics opine Iii other townswo organizations•--Iieardjpf Trade—working along the same linos Wingham has Ds charter, aud• business nen ere almost per- suaded that material eavantages might be derived from its reer3anizetion, but are procrastinating. Why ? 1 /-.4 bylaw has bo. n passed by ;4he cotureil prohibiting cora running at largo, clay or night, within th i limits of the cor. poratiouj We don't th nk any reasonable asceptieu can be taken to this legislation Or that it has been enawed too ' soon. Na pasturage of any atom- at is now to be foetid within the toW i limits and the injury douo'in the pas to shade trees, gardens, walks, i&e., by ;having cattle at largo was very great. ' iiia is' a still greater inducement to keep uT the highly torn. .ineudable pr'aotioe of tre. planting,as,whilst mach has already been, #Drier not a little teMains to ba t'tono yet,;: WIIOLE NO. 9w..; There is a ver able building hoomin the ortli eua. —The fire brig,, do- beautifully. had the est on the amain street ou Weduottday eveuiug. —Miss Minnie cQuarrie read a paper. On Missions before to W. F. M. S, of Brus- sels, on Monday las c, —The water pipet have been extended as far as the Heim factory, where ,a. lry- drant has been plan ii. Jas,, i- .'d elvie ",h' he choicest and cheek:, : collection • Wore in town, No p'? g dais. Meters Thalweg have purchased Mr Wm Blaob's bus uud baggage wago They have arrange to rum it from the first of June. —The next meet ug of the least Huron Farmers'' institute • ill be held at Gerrie,' on May 20th, at wh oh the Hon. elr,Drury', Minister of A.gricultatxre, will be present -Mr. as Mrs. Rut les, and son Baffle and Miss Beatrice Co. In, of Chicago, were visiting et Mr. T I) esley's this week, /Ira. Ruggles and Mrs. it- ; e be` *•eistorse Miss Maggio J'oh en has peneri1 out a dre^seniaking cote nent i the Gregory Mock. All well is lin done prompt- 13( rompt 1y`ars<1 s uttsfp ' scrod. —Rev W, tUe r- Woodhouse rectory, is at ,resene:on at vi 'Rat• his son, Mr. H. Davis', ;EIe was le fry" er pastor in Wing ham, ttul also rural deich: ;of' Huron dio- cese. w Wide flesh the field-:, the soften2oi uir is balm, Echo the ]sills arca:*_ e; the forest smiles And every sellae anievery heart is joy.•' Vail bounteous Ma then dost inspire Mirth, youth and tt `irnirciesire ; ' Woods anti groves a 3 of thy dressing Hill and dale doth t test thy blessing.„ • We believe the action of the oouucil. in appropriating 06( to repair and TeX vate the town hall, v. ill meet with univer sal approval. Thir action was west ep +ortune: Bring along your pictures and wreaths and have them framed. Curtain pales, mirrors, hall stands, &o., &o. S. GraceY, furniture dealer and ,undertaker, Wing - ham. _ —The con ail dee u water tank to the lov This is a move in th connection with this p rovereent could be ed to remove the r end of the town. right ,direction. In :emovitl a great im- sada in surroundings of the hall, by ''ving . the pleas a general cleaning u=, as a good deal of superfluous maxbri s*s lying towed. —The Farring(ou debating society: has been in existence in 3rantfetd for thirty yearsand has done siuch to develop the thought and speech .If• the young men of the city. At a b quet recently given larestus Wiman wa present and made a obnvinoing speech i favor of freer trade relations between ; nada and the 'litotes, -Ili its report • the joint Collegiate Institute Board me ting of Toronto the Mabe says : ls'er th first time in the his- tory of Toronto, t ladies, representing the Western Collo ate institute, took their 'setae et a school b erg meeting, and, in- deed, their present did much to grace the proceedings of the .veuing. —With a view to_haviti the lower mill pond cleaned out, t .e proprietors, Messrs . Mutton cot Carr, how- decided to 'offer the timber lying in the -gond free to any one who,dosires to take 1 out for wood or any other purpose. Tb s Is, a favorable offer as thorn are thousa 1s of coals of ousel - lent wood acounaulemed in the pond. —Messrs 13e11, 111c ion, Gerster, Merri- field, Bollivar, Sut'.erlaud, Wright, Fer- guson, Pringle—the 'rogramtno committee —trot on Wcdnesda evening to draft the 2411 01 May progra inc. ' We are satisfied that there will be on the programme, to be issued in a few days sufficient variety to th satisfy e desires n expectations of all lovers of innocent spa t. Those near and remote ought to speed( their. 24111 of May in Wingham. —A copy of the 'r -press, of St John, DT 13, now before us, eentains an excellent picture and Ilatterin • biographical sketch 'of Rev John 13 Bayo 13 .i'Y, formerly an esteemed pastor in .the Congregational' church at Winglia no interesting sketoh pays a High" tr me to the natural ability, ambition, app 'oation and devotion. of Mr Sayer, and th sueeose that has attended his earnest a 'd faithful niinistru. thine. The kindnessestowed whilst in Winghatn is feelingly 1 ferrel to. Ile has, been at St John ieinee' , land is exoeediug i ly popular. A,. -. T A Mills 'ants'wool and offers great iudueetneuts iu Ws amigo of ad, this week, —Tuesday's ifail ; the Gerry lacrosse district has net 'et organizecl. Teeswe.ter has no club this 'ear. ---Mr A. B Iieellie, student of Woodstock, will preaoli iu the Baptist ()hutch next Sunday, morning awl evening, '11to annual heating of the Wingham District will be held in the Methodist Church in this tc-wn, on the 21st anti 22nd of the present mirth. —The. Misses le eCeeele & Stewart have removed their dre :smoking establishment to`1.Ir Nomiuth's 1 ;ilding, next door to P A Billingsley's harm as' shop. , •1't rebase )mak very highly of the celebriu'teil /Lica '. seefoR!'ltsh, prepared. by'J ieba' an le cooling, soothing, bealtbf d i :tsa beautifuli ss Ro to th r. - • :_ efe meet ng of the West Heron Farmers' r tmtuto vill bo held in Clintou : on the , r ,tlr a 6th of June, The }ion. Cllaae, Druryn. lug race Robertson will he prefout.. --Cheap Lake and:River Tours, via the 'Meg pleasant' nd pictueesque route. The niaguificent st.• triers City of Detroit, City of Cleveland, 4' $ Alpena, and City of 1iittckivao, now • , t aily to Cleveland and four times ea ° ' ok from Detroit and Port 'Huron th as ern lake ports—Ma&k- inateIteatid, St 1. 'ce, Seult•St.Marie,eto„ conucethig for a!' .-. ake and rail points— Pore Arthur, Da a, -Manitoba, North- West, etc. Por ut nformation, lowest rate , eta.; call en ", . It 'Agent, Wing Station: a n. -The high e sb of nc e tin e,exeum' a io �' tot ri sepal be held on t 4th, Ptii;and Lith days of ttly, beginning a 1.3.0 p. ins on the 4th telatethird, seeone and first';te1ae teachers elemaivatioix will bcgiu on .'.teesday, the 9th -of Ih'ly. ` 'App Mations Istat ug age and optional subjects ..nv1 enclosing' at fee of $u tnbvtl be.seet tc the inspector before the 24th of Miry. The provioeial examination for Kindergarten assistants and afeectors will. he held ln•th.'lest awl weeks til lune. Frtim whatt. plishel in '11ile olriropadist, lore witb his marveilo corns, bunions. en and all iiitmeut public may rese sa a straight and •legs wishes it distrncel s in no w y unsexed who ht e u on, nights a Prof, the Brunswick, clrearly been' ..accona-. am by Prot. Emilio, •l,y of .1+lorenoe, Italy, process for removing ingrowing toe nails of ; the feet, the 'ed that Ile is doing ate bu i u e s n ss, He n °?=rstood that he is the "professors" e triietsfor some �ilio',s rooms being at Collebtious and testi- monials would tranvia Inquire of those who Winghar. No fool No better chance wil get rid of your cor remaius only a few ci e the most sceptical. have been cured in ill .cure, is . effected. ever be afforded to s, bunieifs, tem. Ile ys. - • The *delle Aoeideist. Mr George A. Black, oorhnrercial travel- ler, of Hamilton, who as on the illfated train to which the die star occured at the 1 near Hamilton on upriay morning week was in Wingham on onlay and' detailed a thrilling experience ud scones of suffer- ing and distress Dm • will ever *amain fresh in hie meteor . A. few evenings before he had passed seer the same., road and been" a thrilling recital of the Des- jardins canal disaster-cvlrich made a =vivid impression oe, his mehd. In the second passenger coach, on be first.intimation that eomothing was *tone by the jolting of the wheels, this rc 2,ita1 flushed, on his mind and ho thou;!• e. being about that that locality there w s to be a repetition. of the Desjardius of i ir. - Me Mimic's evi- dence before the i'. castigating committee was as follows : " e thought ',the train was running ata ve high rate of spend before reaching Du das; then the train slachec p, but i 'creased. again after passing h, nudes, an was running about as fast as be bad ever k own it to run there; ho teavelled over the road almost' every ween. 'About half t e way do',vn from Haneiltoma felth brakes applied h tlnd a the train again'slacl•.00d speed. A little while afterwards he It a plunging as if the cars were bsittg 'olted over stones. Then the car came to a standstill. die did not stir, fancying rat the ear was tieing into the Desjardin's nal. He expected to be killed, Ile got out � f the car, however, by a window. He and •there went to work iminetliately and wor •ed as long as poss. ible. Ile thought it euld have been ire. possible to do more t an they did. The fire started almost it mediately after the wreck. In about ha f or three-quarters of an hour the auxil cry train arrived. Afterwards ho went ack towards the end of the train and in going lie thought lie noticed that the is is at the switch were spread about six i eine. Ile might have been very much miei lteh in thinking that t was the 'cense .•• f the acoideut. He was sure the somite signal was right. He beard some one as. "'!'here s the cantle of the trouble," but die not know •tvlto the elan was, '31ie tr' `ii was slitekone,.l n, very, greet deal bef , ro reaching the scene of the accident. Per nuts. Mr W Green vias on bushxeas in Mon- treal this week, --Th flrussels Post r,,ys lecirttli.etl a tush from A Mortols;'btarrist or, Wingham, on Thi .•sday of this week, he, is one of the aldc. mien . of that town tinct takesa great into tin the affairs of t r• place. ; Mr Morton resided in Breseel some years ago." M Morton (bee tabs sac motive inteeest in pt do matters, but es • not in the council this year. -.Mira Wi.:, Gilchrist and her si ter, Miss AI Deyto:;, were visiting at Tive n last week. --After a two months' visit i Kincardiri aria Wingham Mrs. Jas. Am returned to ler "home in Listowel on M. iday. Mrs. Ar ,a is mother of !Vete ittlewoll, of th,; town.- Bliss Bailie, w o has bees visi.ie;, relatives near Lucke • ' for the past tete weeks, returried Aron, ay, --&Mrs. B. Tre- main. mother of Mrs. E1liott,.returnel to her home at Listowel after a menu:"a 'visit.—Bev. F Newton of Berrie, wee visiting Rev. Mr. Moo' louse this week, --- Mr. John Mallough of Lucknow,• wri' visiting his nopbew, r. D. 13, Calbicla, of Wingham,this week, Mss A, Hutton bee returned from P.'orot to after nearly t year's absence,—Mr, - A. Stone,,.+ x,r, don, Canadian repres ntative oft ,:an Field was in tow, this week. Pll';iCS.rie12dEC'' lx13TITt1TE. The Anat:t Meeting, The annual meetin : +elf the Wmngbanr } e0hanics' Institute' as. adjonrioed s#. fre. Monday till Tuesct y evening, when fife attendance was fai -• good. Air J A. Morton, tete president, oectipied the chair. and also read the see r'tai 's report, which. w onthe he whole a-atisfaatoiy oue. Subjoined is a s .. wary of this repot The total receipts f r the year were 2505.- 23 made up as folio vs; Balance ou hand last year, 2144.78; t • embers' fees, $60.50 ; Legislative grant, for membership, $50 ; for library $150; or reading room, 50; Mmuicipal grant, $ '0. The expenditures wore : Far rent, ligl Is and heating $83; salaries $78; books (not fiction) $.126.27 e books (fiction) • $26 ' ; book binditneeetteirt magazines,, news • pors, &toe $00,,4;, cellaneous, 138elea''ng a balance- ham" of $07.09. Donati. '8 to the vane. of 2t; were made. Tho 1. al assets stent to 0$82,09, made up o; furniture and appli- ances $70; books 00 ; other assets $15 ; balanc e on hand $67.09. There are no liabilities. The resent membership is 121. There were p chased this yeor 220 volumes, being mad . up as follows pure: sed In Library. IlistoTake-t out tliie ear: ice tF 45, Biographonryy Vii:, d 8Qe asst Ficti405 1717 4 Miseelleneons • f es '`'1 88. 188 General literature 5 47 1227 Poetry and drama o 37 374 Religious literature• - eo Science and Art e'E' ..^ 8e . 4e Voyages and travels i 8 '• 8a 830 Works of Reference 0 16 Q 775 2236 The number of . ally newspapers taken was 4, weeklies 24 , magazines 8, periodi- cals 6, On motion of Iessrs Fisher and Grey/e Messrs John - ickson and Dr Mcleen.i,t were appointed to audit the accounts of theeer year just closed. Tho election of officers was thenproeee. dwith. Messrs aiser;oir and Dibkson were ioinineted for aresident and -Mr Morton de 'lining the position, Mr Dickscu was deola ell elected. Mr ?,forams was chosen secret ry agog Mr R eleIrelho treasurer, witho opposition. The fits' directors °l usen by ballot were : leecsst h. II W C Moyer, Pislrer, Dr Towler, ett 'Ill Grover:, and ' 2'toKenzie. At • thee , juncture, Mr J Di ' eon declining to et t:, president, Iris., read nation was ace it.i:l and D C Munro wa chosen in his stead. On tnotien of Mr a eorgo Payne, seconded • by Mr'G•roves-•-b: li paying hitch tribeteas to his interest,. e •lated:ustn and fGciency in this work a tarty vote f thank.. be tendered to th .retirin•,, r igen; D p », l r }Horton. The n ting thea adjourned. S. Graney's Reason Why. 1Iavine trade special arrengornonttr with the New 1?nrniter +aetory to retail their goads, and beim; a rio expense foe delivery I am going to sell cheaper than ever. 13e sure loud call and if I, don't give, you rtaluo don't hey. See myelin sideboards twith tnirror) far $10.50; curt $10 ones for (iti; $3 bedsteads for $2 ; anri. 48.75 0058 for $3. :Bedroom suits for 011.7:x; Lounges (ani' own make) for $5 and up to $12. It will pay to drive twelve miles to te, Cara ey e furniture rooms, on the train street, rto•t - door south of the big brick hotel, Winghattt. CHB kels Court Maple L N. 116, C. O. t , is uftio°i od as tali 1 lx: ,i.. ; l.0/18:''�r. 0. 7B.Y `1• il8olt 7' l". • . +i M V.T., Ytniles. , MR, ,It, . Cui : ; 1). 7yiel;itigoii ; S. W , si't .':lrrowhilt ; .t. St, II Stanbury •" .ti. 11., A. ivarc:t- ell ; i7tlajp:, 1, x -sJtln. John girt it:i unit IL 2toveiits WI, i•t,•lrye,ol fir°.!,ga. to tlrO l lxli Walt.