HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-26, Page 8•
PF1h age* k4; t14l4vi111 The Gerrie has RC1 S' �.....
rr a
u ball Club was organ-
_ ized with the fella mg officers : presi-
dent—W. ABIs G 36, 1889. dent _ I4'. IL Clog x; viee.president---m
Cleo. Walker; treat rer_S. T Fennell;
My IA.
Robert Brownie , long a resident of
Blyth nr victinity, ted mast unexpec.
tedJy of heart d serise, on Thursday
wfit-.k. He was a generous hearted
and esteemed ciltzon, ,leaves a wife
' and four'" of a • ft Tinily well provided
fee. lie was bt richt by the Orange
organization, ze resentatives being
preeeut from eJgrave, Winglnam,
Nlanchos+er, Le desbaro and Sun-
.shlie,--Tlne que thin as.to who euf-
fered most at th hands of the white
Bean—alae Negr or the Indian—was
debated here o Friday evening. The
affirmative wa led by Mr. J. S. Md. -
Lamm, and t e negative by Mr. W.
A. Stewart, ft W. W. Sloan and
Mr. Mathews supportel Mi Stewart
and Messrs Hunter and F, Met-
calf aided lYI McKinnon. The de,
.bate was an a,le and interesting one.
-- Wm, Nett -ban has ,graduated in
medicine: --T ere were only two cases
at the division eourt on Monday before
Judge Doyle. .The sprig; show was
held on Tues ay being fairly well
attended, --He 1 licenses have been
granted to life ere: Mason, Emig
Scott :and Miln and shop license to
Mr. J. A, Magi gold.
L stowel.
Will Burgess of this town, gave a
concert in Mite ell last' week, which
was well receive , The Advocate says
he hes left a god impression of his
ability to amuse nd entertain, and is
undoubtedly a god ventriloquist.—
The annual sprig show of entire
ho.•ses was held o2: Thursday when
$200 was offered in. prizes. The show
of horses was most excellent, being a
marked improvement on farmer years.
Following is the list of prize winners :
Imported heavy draught -1st, John
Wilkinson, Allan o? Clochkid; 2nd
Ct,ilisons & Laven's Cry Me ; 3rd, J.
L. Turnbull's Sir P. trick, Canadian
heavy draught, any age -1st, Isaac
Efy's Tom Dinnie; d, J. Wilson's
Warrior. Canadian heavy draught,
3 years and under—l.t Ii. Leaoteh's
Banker ; 2nd, John , Mitchell's Gallo:
way. General purp;se, any age -
1st, Achim :Dennie's oung Leanon;
2nd Andrew Thornps • n's Lord Shod-.
dow, General purpo e, 3 years old -
1 0, JaVilson's Ox rd King ; 2nd
P. Mcb i.rlene s To Clerk. Tho-
roughbreds', with regi.tere3 pedigree
1st, Kidd Tiros.' Bar. Rothschild, by
Red Eye, by Boston Carriage, any
age. 1st, Kidd Bro .' Blizzard ; 2nd
D. Lament's Hie nder. Roadster,
any age --1st, Kidd Bros,' Oliver
Wilkes, 10,647, by ' Brown Wilkes
2r,d Rolls & Roth's entucky Star, by
Mambrino Petohe . Sweepstakes-.
Best stallion oe t : ground. Judges
—John Kemp, Tonto ; Geo Moore,
Waterloo ; Stewart Campbell, Strat. •
ferd, -Rev. H. D. ' anter, M. .A., of
London, will Iectul a on "The Jesuits".
in, the Congregation 1 Church on the
evening of the 20 h int. ---A ten
yeAtr old gill named Annie De/ph, who
was indisposed and 'iervous, died from
fright on beholdin the firesof Tues -
da one of the
ist" who travelled
op Patterson, of
seerotr ry-..- 0. Se
Sanderson ; 1r'
major Keine ;
Robert J31aeli.
ith; captain• --J. W.
norary president—
cinerary president—
Hey oral.
On Monday n2 ruing dameS were,
dieeovered issuing from the roof of
the residence .., .1. Murphy, lumber
merchant of 'alis place. Damage to
the extent of n2,6QQ was done.
The wind wind was high, and but
for the timely larrival of the G. T.
R. Fire Brigad by special train
front Wiarton the whole place
would have bee burneddowe. The
origin of the fie is ainystery,
Blue ale.
The contract for he erection of the
new cheese factory bas been let to
Mr. W. Walsh , of 13elgrave, for
$2,190, ll [r. Weis 1 is a competent
and reliable workm n and the direct•
or may feel assure that the work
will be 'well done —The Turnherry
council meets on Ionday afternoon
next for the appoi tment of a town-
ship clerk.
s0 Iv,
AGAR.—in Morris on a /7th inst., the wife
Mr, David Agar ; a son.
Goner's—In Kinloss on he 19th list, the wife of
bfr. A. Gordon; a dangh er.
COIILTIBr1'ANOAnr—I East Wawanosh, on 23rd
Inst, at the residence of he bride's tather,by Rev Mr
Godfrey, Mr Thee Coulti to bliss Mary Van Camp.
on the 19th Inst, Robert
, on the 23rd ineb, Thomas
aged 64 years.
n the Ilth inst, bit Robt
!a° uoRRsi—Rt Wingha
Cornyn aged 46 years.
ORTIINR—In Turnbe..
ortune, Township cleri
Baowmani—At BJI th,
Brownlee, aged 50 years
WixCorreoted by P. Deans, Pro,iuce Dealer.
Flour pper 100 lbs,
Fall Whp '$095
Spring ;r bushel, 0 95 0 93
- 0 95 to 0 98
26 to 28
40 to 50
53 to 53
Potatos, 20 t 25
Apples,per bag • 30 to .40
Butter per lb., • 15 to 15
Eggs Per dozen.
Dressed Hogs, 5 to , 9
Wood per cord,•• 6 25 to 6 30
Hay per ton, - 1 05 to 1 00
- 11 00 to I3 00
1„/ tions 1889,
Second and third class nonprofessional examina-
tions at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools in
the county on Tuesday, 9511 July, 8.40 a. ni, First
C., July 16th, 8.40 a. X, I, Candidates who wish to
write at either Clieton or Seafortll must notify D.
M. MAGliocir, Esq. P, O. fn.,pector, Clinton I'. 0.,
not later than the 22nd of May, stating which of
the two schools they intend to write at, and those
who wish to write at Goderich roust notify Jor6v E.
samedate.*Thenoticeemut beraccoh rpniedtbythe
fee of 85, or $10 if the Candidate applies for the
First . Class as well as Second Class Examination,
No name will be forwarded to the Department unless
the fee accompanies it. Head Masters of the Colle-
giate Institutes or High Schools wilt please send the
applioations of their Candidates to the Inspector of
the division in. which the Collegiate Institute o
High School es situated. Forms of application rn
be had from the Secretary
Goderich. April 22nd, 18 f. B. EX'S.
Clay week. -•-filar
."H*ndinaicla of Oh
in Europe with 3ili,
Detroit during the last tw,p years' of i
poverty and great Lightning ra. To tat ExtractoM. r anti proprieof tor Ont., t
Ills life, is dying in
distress in Glasa
resident of this lo
That portion of S
betwet:it the Forth a
north, and the Be
'eared a larger uolnl
in the, IateleVictoria
'A TED SALESMENurseryStock. TOAil goods BELL
wrranted First • Class.—
Permanent, pleasant, profitable positions for the
right men, Good Salaries and eepeneaO1
ly. Liberal inducewents to beginnersee
NT) a°
experience necessary. Outfit free. write for term,
giving age,
CHAS. II. CHASE, Nurseryman,
(Mention this paper.) Rochester, N. Y
w. Formerly a Pride of the Valley
alrty, Medicines, wilt arrive at the
:otlancl which lies
nd Clyd.!i nn the x I CTRSID A.'Y", t M.&5 2,
fish border, has AVIV i main until Thursday morning iday 9
er of fatuous lien oihoand havevtieirot ethhe tractor tree should call
.era than any early nd av d the rush. SUNDAY 10 a. tn. until
other stretch of c,iunry of equal sizeRink OF
Lsi+,y medieilVes for sale by alt
Of the 97, 29 are a fliers, includingrtlt VA/Aire
loath tuert as the late Thos. Carlyle P. s. a a try bync�i'o . W' A,Mathews.owing roe.
nail a
Pr,.fetlsor Aytoun, James Grant, and
R,ttert Chambers, wit i William Blaak, For Sale.
Jt heti Lou it; Stev'nson, . Robert 'ttretve Aeres of Land adJolnlug the Corpo'ratiort
Buchanan, Professor , of Wingham, hr Turnberry, Erse of atonee and
Jackie, Norman stumps and µt11 fenced, shade trees and a never
Macleod, Sir rtlie�do ' Martin, and failing spring. Apply to
other's. In art tiji.>*'e he two feeds
-Orohardson, M, W!1h1.
ri'hoebnrn, and other g
or dead. Science An
preservatives in the 1
Brew's:ter, Simpson (w
tem .& greater boots -
then tiny single i»orta
Pc'), l rlttlessor ()Tilde, 0'!
ti x) tofu ;Balfour Ste
Arelitl,r,hi Alison, t
f',a!rt,•'t,r'll,. the late ba
lie myth the enginee
e'1'ftr, Arid -41 cnnside.
+'t "n,inetlt doctors, Is yen and states -
M$14,1 up the complement of
t? t tt. o-' u:Rhnrl avtlan • na whtlt have
a,rOuglat'ieru,,t'' u ,tcr11 hrtln: wast 4 :311(
their ootuay,
tcy. wlthit4 ahs nio.tt'.try of
ebe .err'' Ntii l,�'P.nt"r'it
, Pottle, Etart,
od sten, living
i s worthy re.
to Sir David
o perhaps' co-,
pork huthaniiiv
wire eeet':
t lacier" I,+ eebet; Supplies all eeceeeeries for fun-
art,- tare ," Sir oral furnishing having a Delivery
o tate Cohn_ Wagon speeiatly for One branch of
id Livingston°, -z business, Ali ardore attended -
Cedeil the ex personally, and delivered atiyt -
tibia sprinkling .3 where within 10 agnea of Wing:
Remember the place, first door
eolith of the Inn brick hotel en the
f1Y0.eTS street, Wingltatn.
11.11! 1 its!,,e,
A. 1t0E,
queen's Hotel.
Room attached.,
eC r. Ir Station,
nd h, the heart of the manufacturing depot of the
ity where a Large and Profitable busineee can bo
Immediate possession Can be given. Title perfeet,
Wth hanrI',O.
WrW w u w •lJ'l"v,lu'is7ll'At`h°!1"tl'k4'1�'4,".er ie i err Ri''ItlRle6't1rR 4M It gl'Ib�lp�fr�> IhRU'inRl'rj,' ' ^1,'w,ryt
e Fancy Oryfoods Store Gent's and �[louse
of W,o harp,
tivir1'wtotohnotvothivil d1p'4''I,rl,'9,'Ip7p9,'9r�1fA4ttlp'lP'1r1111oh'llethMU'i11Ritho tlpilli9lob"rev
Dress Goods in Black and Colored Henrietta Cloths, fettle Cloths, Crape Cloths, Ser es 4
Veiling, Mohair, Lace Stripes, Wool De Reige Sateen8 Silks,Satins hlal'v(lieux Pl22shes Cia e.
do � Opera Pcvtlls, Nun**
Mantle Cloths. Dress Tiilanlings in endless variety to match. Limon* variety tin Prints, Zep11 rs a
Tablings, Damask, Table Napkins, Musline, Cheeks, Mulls, Downs, Curtain Net, Gnlittills Crape,
Velvets, Sprint.
Hosiery in endless 'variety. y Gh mbrey'°�
r �nilt8,. R(,'tJOVEB and,
We control many lines of goods nut to be found elsewhere in the trade. For the
of orders we have taken show we have what the trade requires, and the prices we ask defy. competition. Oar tt;rni*
are liberal.. present season the nulnt,er
For' value; make and asso3t}Rent. Seo trim'
Groceries, Pare and Fjesh. make the requirements of the trade a stud „xe�� r
y See the ilnmertse variety aur stock centains. Inspection repeated.
age, E oeIlerlc oof. . Witt
the Stock now on hand at
has no superior anywhere.
The most fastidious can be suited in
his elegant lines' of
Claxacian, English, Scotch,
Irish and, French Tweeds.
Prices Lowest, Compatible with antis -
factory goods and
ur own Goods Out -Free of Charge,
Consult your interests by giving us
a call,
320 Acnns (, Section) of First Class
Land, only Five Miles from the
rapidly growing City of
The grain linneapoli,s
of the North-west.
The abo re is really a desirable Farm and wilt ho sold
A Plaining Mill Vii°
30 by 30 feet '
Begs to announce to her many patrons that her stock of
ra Ulnae
for this season, is complete in every line. The goods wore bought for
Cash, in the best Horne and Foreign Markets and will be "auk at thir
lowest possible profits.
Feathers, Flowers, H bbons,, Laces, Silks, Satins, Brocades 'Plush
and Velvet Mantle Cloths. '
1a' Eau TAKEN AS cash.
NERCNd�1' TAI&IIlG 211111211217.
flees ARS ��� LOWeS.
rine Scotch, English, Canadian.
a.a.i. W.✓ZJ.
and those Celebrated ' HALIFAX_ TWEED
�.t prices t]b.at will astonish you
anted Suits a Specialty*
TWO STONES ISI -I e3.etsa."ber we guarantee to
Contaluingall the modern machinery for manufac• feat fitting suit. .A trial will convince. e.give you �' % °'
turing Flooring, Mouldings, Sash, Doors 4O _ Boiler
and Engine Room Fire Proof with an Iron Shaving
This Va./ a de property is an ilrat.elass running
rdor, situated in Urandon neat th
a u
iter full north:Wars apply to m
• jtirF ;, of 71i Fal ' .. .
54 inch llritishChallenge, In ported 'Crder, only
two seasons in use. Address,
Myth t'. O.
and Village 439, ea,, MScCreLeopold survey*, Itelkav:a b t%;
exoetlent hugdia sites. ars for sale, ,apply to
Banister, kt,,,
Wniteaue, 010,
&c., AT