HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-26, Page 5v�slw y .-�,anwmuw�r-• O7f . ammeter ot tRcR'Inylt 'iUI OTTAWA LETTER.' carried in a strainer such as is propos on%T nes: ea to subsidise and therefore this trade . 818, --,Another week hoe gone into Our trade rai. r.k with Australia Ilea one in. bosom of the past since 1 pi+r?ued creased $75,'I worth during the last + trey last few lines. A few .nines was ten years. �'I be ex port trade in 1888 .apausand , of dollars have born sat $446,010 :verde and consisted rt for now purposes. The N. W. almost entirely of manufactures in all mounted police are to be pcnsioncd the previuces with the exception of when in the service fifteen yours, or i1 British Columbia. This province disabled in the service previous to the which is the chief exporter to Australia expiration of fifteen years. There are slant hist year $300,093 worth, Of e number of timber cullers who have that .$130,637 worth was fish and teen in the service of the Government 163 i $ " BOLTON a .kivx Nfi, i would not be benefited by this subsidy. N, L. 4 D. L. Svavzroae ,txn Oulu Elenri alit, LISTQWEL ANS WINGUAM. All orders left at the ofAce of the Toles Will wive prompt at$ ittou. for a number of years and whose ser- oq was lumber. 1he lumber vices are not now required. Those coli.il not be exported in a steamboat whose servieee.are not required are to retire from the service of the Gevern- ,A? went with a pension of two hundred dollars a year. I wish the Tory critic's would show the farmers, me- chanics, laborers and the other hard working classes of the community what special claims the N. W, mount aid police, the timber cullers and civil servants generally have to pensions at *lie expense of the other industrial 'classes of our country, This Pez.sion Question will be a' good subject for those wlto are itching fur an opportun- ity to put in a good word for `the arGoverrrrnent, The Franchise Act has been amend - .ea and somewhat improved. The *Liberals moved an amendment to the Bill t� g t Manhood ff o eau wan oo su rage under the Franchise Act to all the provinces now having manhood suffrage under. the, Acts of their respective legisla- tures, viz : Ontario, Prince Edward Island and• British Coluinbia. This was voted down, only one supporter of the Government voting with the Liberals, many however ex, lressing regret privately that the Government whipped its followers so unmercifully into line. Now manhood suffrage is a C1onservative policy in Ontario. The leader cf their party in the Local Legislature urged .upon Mr Mowat the al,rsolute necessity of granting Man- hood Suffrage some time before he was pleased to comply. The Conser- vatives in Otts.wa refuse to grant this measure of justice to the people of Ontario. This principle is even more applicable to dominion matters than to provincial. Young men can justly claim to have a voice to elect members' foll,the House of Commons as they are contributors to the national revenue. The Dominion Government has the disposal of the domain, which is the inheritance of our young men, there - fere they have a right to have a voice in its proper disposal. •Here is an xample: Honore Robilard, M. P. ' for the city of Ottawa, who is a very ardent Conservative, bought from the' Go1lernmeiit last fall, the timber of; on of the Indian reserves, for $316.' He Wel his right to that timber this. 'winter for $60,000. This is one in- stance out of many that might be given to show how the public domain iiia disposed of to friends and supporters ,'ot the Government. In this way :the inheritance of the young men is tdis- posed of without there being allowed a a, voice in terThisld be an intestinahe subjmattect for our critics to kciebate upon. Hon. G. E. Foster brought before the House the intentions of the 'Government to grant subsidies to team Ship Lines, to ply between alifax, Great Britain and a French' ort, from British. Columbia to Aus- ral`a and .from Vancouver to China: rt Japan. This will involve an extra expenditure of $500,000 per annum. The object is to extend trade do Australia, China and Japan. The outlook is not very ,promising. The 1adian export to China and Japan, 1878 was $102,568 worth and' though the facilities have been for t:ie last few years much greater than i> 1878 and ,although the C. P. R. &.earners have been plying between lritish Columbia, China and Japan fir the last three years our export l'ade in 1888 was only ,•$132,448. - 'I his is only an increase in tan years o $29,880. The Government pro-, poses to enter into an engagement• with t e C. P. R. Co. to ran a fast , ++ s+uarnitr to China and Japan and to.` ry the Company $125,000 annually,. Rfortnightly service, or in. :words, to • pay the Company. Iv thin $7,448 of the value of our et ole export trade to those countries 0, ?trio, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have no export trade with Chine, and none of these provinces, vi 11 the exception 'of Ontario, has any. ex ort trade with Japan. .Ontario' exhorted to Japan in 1888 $8,571 worth. Manitoba exported in 1888, $100 worth. to China and $385 worth to Japan. British Columbia is the Cil•ef ,e,,,�.porter to those countries. It �'rx �rteZi lass; year to japan. are $118,392 worth. $62,861 worth of i�tliis coajsts in the products of the fox .est, composed of heavy timber, spars, »eructs, &c,,.and tllercfare cou'd not Evil i y p d Chintz of the character proposed to be put on that line. l� or this service the Gov. erument proposed to give $125,000 annually, This arrangement will give futilities to ship the surplus mann- faecutes to these countries to a limited extent but furnishes no markets for the farmers who have to pay the most of the subsidies: The Canadian cotton niaunfactnr.: ers shipped last summer a cargo of cotton co China and sold it there in competition with English cottons at a much less price than they sell it in Canada. This was dobe to clear the Canadian market of its surplus stock. The cotton manufacturers then oom- hined and put up the price of cotton to the Canadian consumers 15%. This was done to make up from the Canadian consumer, for want of profit on export cotton. This fact would wake another good subject for Con- servative critics, NO as these .steamboat lines pro. posed to be subsidised at the expense largely, of the Canadian consumers of manufactures for the .purpose of facilitating the export of the surplus production and thus enable the maim - re. Tenders WWznted, Tendons will be �aetvel by le undersigned up till Wednesday the iscaf May '89. Foy Lathing, Plaster ing and rofloorlrg' he school I ?min S. S. No 11, T4rnborry ([.ower Ylngham.) Plane and epcchlca• ions m�'y be seen at the of ,, of the secretary. Tile lowest, or a y tender n tNecesbrorly accepted, . b :ILP,AN, Se etary, P. S„ Board,. Lower Winghem, March Itlt1, 1888, CONTRACTING AND BUILDING; LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SAND AND LIME, IN ANY QUANTITY, BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST MMES. Estimates furnished on application. Apply to F. WRIGHT, Contractor and Builder, Victoria St., Wingham, REDUCED RATES TQ ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA —AND THE— NORTH WESTERN STATES, —VIA_ BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAMERS "UNITED EMPIRE", "ONTAalo" and "QAD1PANA," Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and FRIDAY night during navigation, ((weather permitting), and catling every WEDNESDAY and SATURDA at Goderieb and Iitncuadine, where they connect with the G. T. R. train leaving Wingham at Il.lo a, m, tor. St. Joe's Island, Garden River, The Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port Arthur with the C. P. R., and at Duluth with the Red River Valley R'y. LOWEST RATES, BEET ACCOMMODATION, EXPRESS TIME AND Qno10E ON RouTEg, Asir your nearest Grand Trunk R'y agent for freight and passenger rates. JAS. H. BEATTY, GENERAL MANAGER. SARNIA. £acturers to put up the price to the iID09, MILLINERY. 1889. Canadian consumer, it is unfair and unjust -to ask the people of this country to assume a double burden of increas- ed prices and increased taxes to benefit the manufacturers of certain commodities and lines of trade. As these steam boat subventions will not open up any additional market for the fanners, it is unfair to.burclen them to benefit those who are now combin- ing against their interests. The farmers, laborers and mechan- ics and many ;other classes of the country will •eonolude, irrespective of politics, or parties, that their interests are opposed to such a system of sub- sidising All. that the trade of this country regiiires, in the hands of the intelligent people of this country, is to be left Beverly alone by the govern- ment, A fair field and no favor is all the progressive and -intelligent Cana- dians require. With this advantage they will hold their own :against any nation of the world. With a revival of trade restrictions the"'•infant" swaddling 'clothes would be laid aside and Canadians would become men who would be able to compete with the world in the home as well as in all the *neutral markets. Canadians are libeled by those who say they cannot compete in their home or foreign markets with the U S., and it is disloyal as well as unpin tri'otic on their part to entertain such an opinion of the Canadian people. Ess nter Bogs to announce to her many customers and the public generally that her stock for this spring is full in every line, BOUGHT FOR CASH in the best Homo and Foreign Markets, and will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Ribbons. Feathers, Flowers, Laces, &e. also Silks, Satins, Brocades, Velvets Plushes and Fringes for Eggs taken as cash. MISS MURPHY, dpposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. RED ROCKER rurat�a Sidi: A SPLENDID iASSORTMENT • —or— FURNITURE of all Kinds, Which will be sold at lowest figures, HAND MADE OR ORDERED GOODS.. See my own make of Matrasses, Lounges, dc, and everything in the upholstering line, Picture Framing and ordered work will receive prompt and careful attention, An work done im tirst•class style, Undertaking promptly attended to at any hour Every requisite in Stook, Embalming a specialty, D. B. camel:, Funeral Director and Embalmer, MOST CERTAINLY WE CAN SUIT YOU IN HOUSE DECORATIONS, CONSISTING OF CANADIAN AND AMERICAN W ALL PAPERS and BORDERS. -Our Stook is Varied, Stylish and Cheap. Beautiful. WIND0W BLINDS of Latest Design, Colors and Beet Quality. CROQUET T SETTS Excellent and Clieai), Iia gORDOS *MYR 1 The Big Brown A.nchox.'' 0 0 H G csag QTJR' C1:4 lea 0 . 3-, t-itiP til ti r - z Z Q rl Cr: 11 SPRING STOCK OF CHOICE INNT"\T\T" GOODS, Selected with greatest personal care in the best Markets, IS NOW COMPLETE In every department. We do not believe in "blowing", but it affords us great' pleasure to be able to say to our friends and the public that we never had greater attractions or greater inducements to offer in every line of our unusually large stock than we are now displaying. We extend a cordial invita- tion to every person in need of choice Dry %Ind , Gents' �° :�{.rnigkingg, Bland -wade. Bets and Shwa, C�'PRIMg, FRESH, C' ' AP GROCERS, To come right to the Anchor House; it will pay you to du so. GORDON & MCINTYRE, THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR, Wingliam. UFFIELD & SON NEW PATENT TOP MILK CAN, Cream Cans, Milk Pails, Sap Buckets, and Milk Pans, And ev yt bbg a. the Dairying 11z . HAYETROUGlINt A SP I . flxin fl and Priqtlyd e 6111114 gvm' Pioneer ardwarc Store, Via S. S. Circassian STONE BLOCK. . HHD We give special attention to the following lines : Everything in the Book line; School requisites, Stationery, Lecrosse printed Toilet `a sets) Sticks, Base Ball Bats, Balls &c. IRON PIPE, ALL sizes FROM ¢ TO 3 ROSS' POPULAR BOOK STO ZE, wINfxa X11'! , Beautiful Goods, extra cheap. CALL AND SEE THEM, T.A.iSTE3_ EZ,Eta•ANC.rn. PR0F'USMOZN'i'. litglIZENTERT and Imo" b,&AL$N 'Ab �.A'+ EekJ1sd:&F2KId5lii [l3'i e MISS A. BOYD has now en hand a most varied, well assorted and niagnifcent display of SPRING AND SO"MMER MILLINERY, New, Fashionable and nodally selected ,TOC oP w i— - C` -oon8 Au euumcre,tieu of articles a' rl novelties would be impossible everyone cordially invited to tail and, e *whet is offered at very reasonable pekes. The MANTLE DEPARTIVEENT contitins s varied assortment of the Latest Designs and Colors and boat qualities in Clothe, Silks, &o, to be worn this season. 1"EiiF'LCT FITTING AND LS.'ESS'1' A24b E#18T DBSTGrtix.0 C}Aa tE.iT , • CHOICE AND FI2ESII, CelluloidStarch, Maple Syrup. Till vett ea: and Coffee:, and realize how the public are daily INCHI, .. IRoN AND'I3RASS .PIPE FxTTINGs. FIRE BRICKS, MILL, FILES, MACI INE OILS. AM1 EICAN WAT'E'R WHITE COAL OIL. We are sole agents in Wingliitrn for the' calk of Genuine Rubber Paint the best in the wr'rlil. All kinds of c1..d heavy } rtlwar,: r • t. bottom prices. gulled by tea pedlars, Lana Plaster in brigsa-0tvas;3 ou ltltud. W. T. YATEIN ' 1 L CH10 4