HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-26, Page 4t atiRgimat (Tint(
iso is surrounded at Ottawa by
tt long b • th } • } ,g, ft •
mala whose interests are beim
with the presoak eystem and by eour-
tiers who wish to make therus
pleasant. If be asks questions
receives gratifying answers, 0
ion hug been so much dragooned
even from the newspapers, if he
them, he can hardy learn the tr
Had Lord Lorne, like Ifarouleal R
hid, gone among his people ir# disg
he might have seen things w
were hidden from his eyes in Govern -
went Mouse and when be was malting
viceregal progresses and receiving
loyal Addresses. Ile would have seen
that all monarchal forms and pro.
fesseious notwitiastandiug, the tisssue
of Canadian society is thoroughly
democratic, and aonpletely ider,tiiied
in all material particulars with that
ref f[Tnited States, so that to change
it into anything resembling the social
tissue of the Old World would be as
difficult as to change the tissue of the
human body. He would have se
when he got to the real mind of t
people that the anti•Aruerican sen
meat may he affected by the offio
class and the would be gentry, Amo
the masses it doest not exist.
ofl'r- The ntnasure#ni.nt was about :l • inehe
up three ir,c res wide tre if
PIIIDAV� AP1UL 26, 18t?0,
CalltAT reekint 13AOM,
Nothing in reeeut years equalled
'What is called �t1 Oktahama boom in
the states. laliatna consists of
acne 2,000,000 acres of laud in the
oentra of the 'adieu Territory, whirl##
being a grunt to Indian tribes, was not
�atva,itable for settleement, Various
efforts have been made to Wrest it
•from the "Nub'e Red Han," Recent
ly Congress pawed an act making
Oklahoma, and neig}iboariug districts
a Territory and authorizing its °pone
' •fins for settlement. Proclamation was
isestied, fixing April 22nd, as the day
•ou wench settlers coriid enter and take
Yup lands, Of late boomers have been
chocking to the borders of the new
'tarritery in thousands, all eager .to
' lave the first choice of the free lands,
(i ver 100,004 it is said were camped by
,ia.nd a great rash was expected, as wall
ma a keen struggle resulting in the
:survival of the fittest. The rush has
isince taken place, great excitement
. 'prevailing. Several murders were
,committed. A neaw 'town named
Guthrie, has suddenly sprung into ex.
-istence with a population of 15,000,
sntrin streets and avenues, a bank with
.a_ capital of $50,000,and all the Iearned
'professions represented, The descrip- t
•'tion of the rush, madness and impetu
'osity of the settlers beggars descrip o
'tion. In connection with murders Ho
i'perpetreted, we read of the formation V
•of vigilance committees. It appears re
•from accounts given that the soil is M
not of a character to warrant_ the fur., 33
.fitment of expectations.
foot was straight said the right tree
elvf s out and there w cc; slightly more irr#
pression oa the ontsido of the righ
he foot, lie could detect this track
pia, among 20, He measured the tree
that nrud° by .bIrs .Hooper when takep on,
read by Beate on Saturday. It. re-seinined
uth tore one they were tracing, Had no
doubt Airs .Hooper made that track.
ase although the boot was slightly° differ -
(gee out, To Vanstone---The tracks made
hieh on Saturday were J an inch wider
WIlltao ti rethe Anderson, oli.tri,i-IAtI ,
, , i9'' n
turned from meeting of lyt#od at for g,cvr,, %,,.2z, The council af--
D, iendersou aid I3„ saki re. icy, charity, ;an • 'rg
«+ ,r , /linefeed t fafntw
t Br.eutforsl, where they went to sop- ,1'tnrutd to meet CO ajorreay than ,27 t h
porn a call from able gleno to Rev. of M :y at 10 .o'clock a, in. as a Court
t :heir, Anderson, They wore not enc 'tf lt,*.igloo,
eessfarl, liar, Andermn at:o'ptiug a Arnoug the many stallions now
t call to St. ileletss,---.c1, large petty eyai able a more superb o#,` desirable
from Zetland took poesessian of the suint"' to breed to c,tn rftrely be found
residence of ,JrI. +'
T. Fiume', where t than Mr. W.Ci minitI's "Garnet" Tiara.
they spent the evening in eorial inter. ed on let 15 Con. 0 Tnruberry. Ile
course, plays etc, Mr. Finnen is a has moire), substance, size and all the
general favorite with the y •u##;; peon r•egeisite paints of
The tracke could not have been made plea—Bears were believed to be ex- auirnel, fie µ ei O a t 0aJly good
m we Alan 7 1#ours when found. Tlie ttrret in t!#is part, but a young man of °°rugae toy ant#. proportionally 8a? (levd ee
tort the tracks wit}rin 4 rods f this vicinity has discovered that such loped
Hooper's gate, They did not look in. is not the case. Be was -out to see
the fields beyond, Be knew bythe his best girl, and was rotnrning lute
6 (or rathor earl in, the n,a -m,,, '
step the person was going fist. He y
had no idea when he started whey
the .tracks might lead to, Dict no
hear Mrs Hoopers name mentioned
Hat? uo interest in the factory. H
through J, Ivinrtfn's s'varnp, when' he v
tscow a large animal behind him. Stop a Si a##} nab, r--death---in the ease of
j ping to iuvesti�,ate he found it to be Mr Thomas Fortune of lot 4 eon, 3,
elerle of the townskip of Turnherry.
I A'�VI 0a T:iOiut FORTUNE.
erribly sudden and entre ected
ne thw al,prnsch of drat stern and
' a large bear, Believing discretion to
e be the Vest prem of valor he at once kIuw full of dread, how hi': of hlipe
� tool, bail throush mud and slush tno#ne,li up inevitable death." On =.
was satisfied it was a woman's track
John Black testified that he ha
examined the tracks. fe'hey wdr by a boy or woman and fitted
number 5 shoe. Ile saw no one eros
the farm or on the road the night o
the fire.To Vanstone,l=le was 1i• miles
en from Btuevale. The tracks were not
he in his field the evening before at 5 or 6
ti• o'clock to his knowiedge. The tracks
ial were in the dreetion of and from
ng Hoopers.
W. Yeo, sworn. Am a Brother to
prisoner. He wits taken to see the
s en Smithse place and followed
hook st fir. After a dS he wedgy Beek the deceased attended
Qstopped and seeing bruin still in ur- tele onutrril meetit#;; at gbiu ate, On
p Wedcesday he teas ploughing and on
suit, he scaled the fence and niacto fel Monday he was in the silent balls o€�
f f death. A native of Berwickshire,
Scotland, the family emigrated in 18.31
and settled near Dcrudtis. In Febru-
ary 1856 they removed to. ",l'urnberry„
the deceased settling on the lot °con-
pied till his death. When Turnbei'ree
was separated from West Wawaimed),
municipally, in 1857 Thomas Fortune
U. Cook's House and banged `alt the
door which aroused- that gsntlpn)an
from his slumber, tliinkir#g a burglar
wanted to enter he was going to show
fight, when a well known voice inform-
ed Wm who it was, He put up for the
remainder of the night, glad to
- have escaped bruin's paws. Mo says
he hopes no one around will receive texts oho en, #first clerk and held the
sucli.a scare as he got. Some parties
The Foresters' hall was crowed o
Monday with eager listeners to bea
he trill which took place before J P'
obt Miller, of Wroxeter ; R N Du
f Bluevale and Jas D Edgar, o
wick. ivir Wade, of Brussel
ppeared for the' prosecution, and M
anstone, of Wingham, fcr the d.
nee.. The information was laid by
r John Burgess, secretary of the
luevale Cheese and Butter Co.
The first witness was John Burgess,
ho testified that he knew, the prison -
It costs nearly half a million to run H
the pubiic schools of Toronto yearly.
, Rebecca :Hooper, whose husband
as formerly a. patron of the factory.
er husband was last season brought
on a charge' of watering and skim
ng milk and convicted,. Mrs Hooper
as implicated in the evidence given
en. He never heard the prisoner
ke any„ti'reats. He had no reason
his own knowledge to suspect Mrs
oper. In company with S Scott he
nd tracks leading from the factory
inning across tl�e road and up to
ment's lane. The step was a pecul.�
one , the left- foot : being nearly
Parnell hae instituted a suit against lei
• -the London Times for libel, claiming wa
damages. th
Something like $1,500,000 bas of
•been granted in railway subsidies by Ho
Dominion Government. Thus fou
eople's money is squandered— b°a
11 anahotelf it to influence doubt- tar
tieelieies at election times. sir
icatoosa has re elected its feminine sid
'rulers', and two other small pities, tri
Cottonwood Falls ,and Roesville, have o'cl
quit their government into the hands fou
of women. Not less than 40,000 the
women voted, and the policy of female roa
suffrage, like that of, prohibition, has be n
apparently•comre to stay in Kansas. farm
At a meeting of the South and East The
Dame Libereis held at Formosa on and
Tuesday week encouraging speeche s lino
were made by Messrs H. P. O'Connor oft
Oaptain Finley, D.Sullivan of Brant, no t
J" Mc Lean of Teeewater and J. B. They
Stephena of Wakerton, The annual trace
a meeting will he held in June' apps
eight and the right turned out con.
erably. It resembled a woman's
Sam Scott testified that about six
ock the morning after the fire he
nd tracks across Diment's field from 1
fence opposite the factory. The -
d was so hard that no tracks could
otieed. After breakfast be and T
on traced these tracks across the
s of Dimwit, Smith, Thomas.
tracks were traeed--one going
coming—with more or less dis-
tness—to Hooper's gate. They t
no tracks going into or coming
of Hooper's place. They found
racks after passing Hooper's gate.
hadjust as good a chance to u
the tracks farther on. They c
aced fresh, The tracks were p
iar inasmuch as one foot—the r
some 40 r
they were, He saw it was an
ods. Could not say
ward track. .fie did not tell
qr Greer that they were Mrs. Hooper's
hacks. He knew Hooper's we
satisfied with being expelled fr
factory. She said she was not
right. He heard Dillon's name
tioned in conversation, Mrs, H
said he was a b_ He did no
all the'cbnversation in his house
was lying sick. He did not teli•N
nr Greer that.she cursed the fa
He did not mind graving shown
how Mrs. Harper walked:
Wm, McBride testified that
working in R. Harris' field he
Mrs Hooper say ahe would put an
that before he made many
oheese. This was while she
crossing from one of Hooper's fa
to the other. This was in the
To Vanstoue: She mentioned
names or factory. Was on good to
with Hoopers. Was working then
a shareholder.
David Weir, of Wroxeter, rlid.
know the prisoner but ; heard s
remarks made in Ireland's -store
xeter by a person he 'as told wa
They were to the effcet thatshe
was not well used attire factory.
Robertieo.`• 'Am a brother to .the
prisoner. Heard suspieions'�felt oil his
sister. He went to see' fhe tracks.
Did not know elle had any peculiarity
in her walk. Live a mile' frons Hoop-
ers but don't visit much. Did not hear
her talk of Dillon or the factory.
George Barris --I live near Hooper's
Have seen her track. The right foot
toes out. Examined the tracks in
Smith's fields with Nixon. The tracks
locked like Mrs. Hooper's. Think
hey were hers, Had no conversation
with her nor heard her speak of this
Wm. Harris testified that he lived
ear Hooper's. Saw the the tracks
riming from the direction of Hooper's
lace, The tracks are peculiar, the
ight foot turning out. Never heard
be prisoner speak of the factory.
This closed the evidence and M
anstone was then heard in defence
pas tion ft,
whose tracked the animal afterward, but did ap ' t d
#' many years, He was re-
awk: not capture him. Mr, Leaver heard pour e some Six or seven fide ag
hien in, Mr. iVleClene en's and ennKcic•ntfaitsly and efficieutl
Nixon � #e duties till his
Rev. • r, Kennedy, of Innereltip, held
sere' He was a Allan whom evf+ryon
n g swamp.—discharged tl 1
roe Isere the Iasi two Sabbaths.
re not spected and apple elated for bis stere oro the ling (#malities, a roan of active Mind,
served Turnber . wear judgement, deep and accurate
wen The ,Couueit met stn. he 15th lust, . knowledge, but of few
carper words. He
t hear Alt the members press t, The reeve ic Was cou active
cions, faithful, syinpathet
as he in the chair. The minutes of last i saiiimpresstfortigcoi. worker whe o leftu
ixon meeting were signed. The clerk eider in Eaddie's Preb1ytvrian church.
°tory, stated that he had got the Revised Be left a. wife and a family of three
they, !statistics
bssttiicsfo p hhe'rforeeve through
whichothe ,hos. had sous mud six daughters well provided
While paid $4 80 and postage 45e. Doben .or, jTva brothers—John and George
heard tures granted for this amount, 'Three —survive, him, living on adjoining
rand m e respective wast g ton Wednesday
letters were read from tharms` The funeral
more parties requesting to be appointed largely attended.
was township engineer. 0, F. Miles, Wal -
, ewis o ton, Lrs
lterton • L B i . towel ; and Belgraye,
fah. Coad ak Robertson, Glencoe.. All filed Mr. Z. Leech, of Walton has been
no in the meantime. . A letter was read engaged as cireesemakerfor this season
erns from Dr, Brown, Wroxeter, stating The factory opens about the middle of
for . that be had attended the family.. of the May. -.-,Mr. Wm. Potter passed leis.
widow Bryant, on the 6th con, in first-year examination in.uiecliaine.---
„,,, capes of sickness for some time past, We understaird the ' second hotel ,
owe and requested the Council to give him lieenese for this villiage has been :.
petro• some remuneration for hie se • ' • +
rviors, retread, d, Dont see bow, it could .be . .
s she Moved by G. Thomson, seconded by otherwise. ---At the recent election•,..
Fsae William Oruileshaeks, that the request in 1P. Wawanos1l' .. ' .d't,v t1#e, resig... ;
be laid over till next nieeting.—our.
ried. Bylaw No. 1 for appointing the nation aelected Zby a `rnajorityY f 6 -over
members of couneil road commis-. his opponent Mr. Couites.--1 tine
sioners for the present year was Godfrey and daughter Katie are this
passed. Road Dieision No. 84 was week visiting at Toronto.•—Miss C.
divided into two to be known as the Parrett is the guest of !ter, Wm,
East # and West • .. West ,l to be McCrea. — Master Harold Whiell
composed of lots 1 to 6 inclusive, coli, returned to Clinton Monday after
A and the gravel road ; the East i of spending his hol.ikays with his aunt
lets 6 to 10 inolu'sive, con. A and the Mrs. N1cKinuion,--Lriday being a
boundary. Moved by George Thom- holliday the village was ver
tion, seconded by John Diment, that nearly every poison seornmd tombs
a by-law be passed for the appointing spending the clay day else where.
of poundkeepers, fence viewers and Service was held in the English church
pathmasters for the present year. on Good Friday.••. -..I+', G;rdfrey son of
The following appointments were Rev. R. Godfrey at the - recent•exami-
made : Pouudkeeper--Bell J. Sauits, nations, Toronto School of Medicine
AIex. Orr, Duncan McNaughton, passed with honors, --Mr. Wm. Walsh
Thomas Gilmore, Robert Jenkins, W. has the contract of building the
Netherfield, James Hogg and Gideon Bluevale cheese factory which building
Parks. Fence Viewers Samuel An- 'will he of brick and is to be completed
Berson, Thomas Evans, William Mun- by 1st of June.--�1r•.It.1—Jm soon was
dell, John W. w siker, iVlaloolm La in, Brussf 1 i '
recut, y, ort Spells.
P pathmasters=George I3L'dmlter . F1�obt ANuTrit;R eonneseoetnase.
of Jetfroy,-Joseph Dray, George lily, T. Town] recently purchased from
e, Jeffrey
Jenkins, William Mit- ,1 e, Levy, Hire at very flue drivin
alcolLamont, henry U it mar;. iv r, Merit Pulling, of Natmill--
m fir, A leb ton isliere at present ir,specting lutn-
am 3+'argusan. Thomasapplt-by, ber at the station also Illi. Wm.
d �'t'liPaat? Mitchell, Button, of Teeswater is engaged at
Nichol, Wallace,acenry hlhe'e m, G,aorge =the same. ---Mr. ?red Kay and James
ones, David Hastings, Thomas 'Nicol Were in Blyth Sunday.
re crank Carruthers,I'1
A. prehistoric canoe has been dis- left
covered in England imbedded in sand..: right
ed. He was not acquainted with V
marked nearly straight and the t
It was made out of an oak tree and "tic
was 1 feet long -by 21. feet wide. Th the p
remains of a prehistoric man has bee
discovered in Texas, indicating ggfi
%ie stature and with the body tapering
ke a serpent. A. rade stone hatchet
R^a#s found with the remains.
In the Elmira, N. T. prison there
re facilities for classes in political
°Homy, physics, ttivit government,
language and mathematics, English
t'r•:iture and practical ethics, 75
r cent of the prisoners are classed
illiterate when they enter the in-
itntion, only abont 5 per hent can
se designated at the end of the
year's instruction.
Goldwin Smith, in a recant article'
rote as follows ; i Having, thus
ared nfe position, I feel free to den -
toed out so as to be easily a
risoner at time Of th
e fire' He and Mr. Wade for the prosecution,
e had her walk out on Saturday since both making a good presentation of Wilm
n • and " noticed the peculiarity in the their cases. The room being cleared Brya
n track, The position of the tracks was the magistrates deliberated and theca °hell,
g just the samo—only on Saturday she lt7
a reached, that the prisoner be seat rip Witt
as to Lord Lorne that 1 think the
ritish aristocracy had better meddle
a more with the affairs of this con
tined. I have not the slightest feel -
i±,;* 34%41(4 -aristocracy any more than
have ao:atist mitt other Histories?
and establis"•red institution , , ,
"1'lre r;overtror.flonoraal of Canada can
,i,>�ttdly l#»lt living in a fool's paradise, la
appeared to have on a finer boot,
quarter of an inch shorter than th
tracks found, lie believed they wer
made by the flame nevem, Cross ex
amined by Vanstefte r The track
appeared quite fresh. bey examined
about a mile' pant Hooper's place
James Bente JoI
s t its week on business
r Miller expressed the deeisiou kin, J
e for trial to Goderiche The same Davi
e . evening the accused was sent to Gott- Johrr
erich--bail being there refused --in Fort
s ebhrge of constable Brethour, of Giltno
Wroxeter. Deans
They did not examine in the fields
past Hooper s, The track measure. It
went was 01, inches long and 8 inches ed t
wide. Ile was not prejudiced against here
'loupe's). Mrs Hooper's name was take
not mentioned to,him before seartiir May
out til look for tracers.
Thomas Nixon was not at the fire •
He made a search for tracks and
found tl;ern just' across the fence cane
opposite the factory. He and S Soott were
followed the tracks. At one place the point
person who made the track, had been being
attacked by a dog as they had turned :;eche
round and walked backward. They the s
passed through several hind holes.
They followed the tract; with a fa,v
mfeses here and there. Once they Irl,
lost it for about 260 rode. They lost word
the tracks opposite Hooper's; ;;ate broth
They went over half a u,ilf, past hut C+Arai
could find no tracks, They could ailing
are Seen them had they continued. 4t yea
St. Helens,
ev.R S,G,Anderson having accept
he call to the Presbyterian churol#
. is ordinationand induc'i,,n will
place on Monday the 18th of
wo of the Southampton Croak
to Tara on Good Friday and
sent down for 30 days, one for
file a revolver and the lookup
broken open and both found to-
r, the second was atrved with
", George Tliotnpson received
a few days ago of the death of :s
er-itt•letw, Jos. Collins tear
rev, Ma'litoba, Re had been
for a abort time AE d was about
ra of age. 4
gins, , borne to Porters Hill after 'visiting
t3aranel Vanstone, William tggletson. - friends in this vicinity for a few weeks,
' Jaynes Kirton, Thomae Stacey, Donald . .. xi•. John I'tiippen h,.s opened out
Stewart, James McEwen, sen., Girton a cooper shop in thita phice. Mr, L.
Parks, Robert Hamilton, John Mc-
Ewen, Jaynes Hislop,Alexander His. ';cont of Ais shinfir! e again.— Mr, James
, paid a short it to
lop, Dance Moffatt, jetties Nicholson, friends here he aa aures on his way to
Samuel Black, Demean King, Willieln - Dakora,-..•Wnr, ems, of 7r, lien Per.
Smith, John Diment, James Hogg, ries, of Con. 10 East Wawanosh, is
John O,tsemore, John 'Meek, Williamlying sericnsly 01 of blood poisoning
igght, Ji hnalGillrspielliainrgoPrkip f- at Mr, S. 1). Weilwooete et present.--
Anion Chrysler, Andrew Gemn011, LaurierIn prizelistlast wake you gave
William ioitchell, Robert Miller. Pers prize Anitera by #tad
town plot•-•-Thnmas Netterfiold, Sam. of Bismnarck Hereford Animals ilistc�ttd
uel L(,g;r;att, Laughlin McLean, Jos.
Flack, Robert Steen, Jatnes Netter- Bast Virm anosh.•
!iota, George Patterson, The scale of Win. Welch Was duly elects' . '
Statute lllabor. to .iiittsbeatthee. atone ;lay last by n majority of 4 oe afoot
as last ' p Janles er hie
i+`leuty, Minting. x`,8,50; Jos'pb:Leach seleaney i John he (,',t bcip, to till the
fiad:cr, l$:?,55 : T+a..ti.rutfrrrong, ctitarit 't "meaaucy in the non irip;+al ['nuileil of
t,5 ; James riper, c;,arity, $14 ; Win, l balsaaoWilla/lip
ofi ire prself enb yeaiwana�sli fur
, Alexander Kelly, R. M. Ander. Lrlwwer Winghttra•
George Nicholson, Elijah Ric,- Miss Jessie McDonald has returned
Peter Campbell, John Powell