HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-26, Page 2.
truth, 1 lime hut little faith to the iIl
,Q new„talLglecl Bibles, ail' while. richt ane, the ,1rste that atld llorsc'[)u'tt,were
an c,fn iloru horned cattle into thuswhen
tvericl'sG a cant
Qeiitit frac
I Rii O% APRIL `Id, 1.8n, that the new ant` is the richt r t, (and to show its Gfld'.) wn]l, and DO
- -�•- ":::-- '" .1? m o' I2Rome, tylia they say canis drank women n wi wings riding ----"="--"'
_� �.. ., P.� . T - t l ' ! 8t an t4' IP tva tt6 to Dor sin contrivances, ata`
77--EKIST' 01 WITOSLES. gang wrang, says their's is the richt efter the beast, as ;ells ns that oven Zle, tht equal a1Eane, and nae Wier. Neo whaur doe. ] d sic Father, cam 1)Q to dae his all
I;Y x.rv. Sall nornes,, amettvxo, tors site differ 1 wad just say that oor
No sae very ham sin' syue, an' rQ to nue
gguid dna atly yereood fowk at
'pry far free ane W Cher, there lived g `
, arts
wi' their families twa douse, decent, is redo enett'eh for lee ; an' if it was 1 whaur ye set yer fent,
t e I••-•Jeems Watt ail' Tam_ to tale a taste 0' the new e 0'e mild clean Hoot, toMot,
Jebeles1es aJeems, ierr grain 1,yt 1e an' their altarstietale i'entiageProtestants
l� Qtt•ttaii hew pil-
. l ane I wad be like to say that Inas rim. 1~hey were heath' a wee bit
all' balaugNd to the Was the better, an' there we road,
nd sto ;dr 1�aHllulxt'edytt said, toot ilnd tUctlLtYlU9what ,ve their showy, et as sensuous tnasiclt1mai
1 ar:trret'+;sometimes
• ''rlte
1nillrelays, t , said afore, God's plain somata
hreidle class, honestly earning` their the 61inetlou o ta'xi's word,' ye wad �uIYatut)ists,f wi' their thutnpiu,.
braid wi' the sweat c' their broo, au' praise the Lord wi organs, town '
Wee], weed. than, stays Jeems, glen ' never think o inn sae far as to say drums at1 ti) kiln' sytehttls, yet they
l•y gumption an' guile guidin' bait'. +�w a�
ble leevin. way a bit, suppose we keep byti l the that
`thud !Lan CH vise and biddelt ueilseengin fowls ptltrefll?Ugoo).ese to tvliiu sial INNIIR t itlnt1s said
t a t' a very r same a bible et whaur wall ye fines sic 1.1,t I�
Zxattli geed' t'ddili He aha': lilt dry nor lift up, nor causes • 1 O.�
liktt their worthy minister, 'ifs, antther command free b „
d 't') ata' tho' he dill, it dime say then) t1C) dee, i9 Do bill }ant Olt bL�ICG'71a tV11a1)11IiPlwi' His tttltat!iples fined about
�r�. ..:.... -
• like the man in �(���� ��••tt t� rr rt • rl, a till' sal InitatC, because 11Ni'pE'1'a alit their
14ulllld Wfk, s 1
�.t� 41 4184 �i�t)el, ems, says 1'alntnns, p t
, 1ti wee iidgaty, to tell yo the 'plain 1L+>rps, alidl t'sania� 1;ruudttthey rimy
things lob 11 j1Ra1' t, tl,,a word—un
v' On t laht i
Ira, •e
t•t•{It's of thoo`san8, v''hen he filled their
tl—that wi.eu Paul Recant"
' he lee, t{t aye
within the bounds c alt .
a. � rpt' tl,._: -' 'ho mum when fowk ah ie hi favor It inst�runtttl•
on some 1(1(111 o. mast (ie , , 1 1 wi' 11tH
the wltr wui, erin of e a t+ )wall but
beasts lite locusts an frogs tin. a ,
like. Sae ye see whaur ye land, the well o` Him that seat hila. it is o11
Tarn►nas, If ye diuna title moulkle tent the pritle)ple 0' inn,n•s e,111trivaUce for
tt elite' the mood that the Oawtho les
1 h,ai1 '
0 tri
OF ----
GO d'a
1 `. to the sande Mirk, ail' bilin'. mild t1 y
egtnnin' to dae an never in sae tnouyWtla*.S; )1 o a 1 in the street, an'
J. noura•s best
as weelcas tried to an o
honour as best thily cud their Christ pr ase God twi' orgins in the kirk, Ye still ? Ye ken fu wee that he t
lien we are telfd it1 the auld Bible that man that he shad • repent, an than conteentudly Ain' gond, neater Ile g"a'� xal t
illi professi,7n. Iiaitli lead aye been mark ce a righteous Mian` that his eoul.sel shall titan, an. that he'll iu)l• they had oily ittstrumeut, Icor oil
1 •Bens an nu often ' 1 0' as Bas
f d ff ,n 111d a it
Is a gudeh beast, dae a' l,ts pleestub
l chat theglther ro owe thethat e is to t t, e a £hi that Itrn
guile 1 , that he to is care .:be ' r ` lima, 'says Jeems,
1• leery G to :,• . o bat this disna mean ha
tbottle, back however, but only thro'it into the hoose wi' him, as Paddy ye ken that the Kline ullche'ugni God
tiUa Noo, reek. s had ot- did his pig. The commandto praise never makes twa (lays Illike, nor twit
s ail nicht, a efterbteem h the Lore we orgies is a ver different faces alike, Dor ellen twa tawtyer i s alike.
leu his !trap tan'. be thoeat be mall
b y
fitly up awee,to s e m a claimer et wast kirk. frae npau. kir instance, may praisraise God tyi* orgins in e eent+haus ittud wulltland ye;for a if yse
t re town'see Tammas, a iu a hie k 1,
aracl: tvi' him. Ou reacbin' the Gr)d wi` a penny wliuste in ilia ain hn]ci that the use o iustrt..
loose au' eha pin' at the door, he hoose of he likes, but ye mann surely God's .hoose is noo' as bitidln 00.119 as
I pet Tammas himsel', admit, Tamrnas, that she praise wadua it ance was on alters, an merely be-
tw cheerily met by seem or soond very 1,Onliie in the Cause is was bitidlii on Utters, an
fed hint, a ' gat a hearty welcomeEftehoose o' God. An' forbye, whaur did then its clear that its bindin on every
eettite c shy Tabby as wtheeel. cheery
t;t•ttitt' Busily seated by the cheery ye ever reed in ony Bible that Gfod ever bay .and that instead o being as sot,:('
commandit orgies to he used in the say a sin to use instruments in God's
fireside, all' kindly as we about ant' ot service o' his hoose ? Aubraullaum, house, it is a mucltle sin no to 'tae
('too !hiss nea n. that rveel as atthe
'loo this ane an` ane were gettiu' the faither 0' the Faithfu' an' the them, an that accordin to your view
on. they baith by an' bye began to freen o' God bad altars, but nae orgins 0 the maitter every kirk tha'd eat hae
I)awvtd the man efter God's 'Lin hert an instrument is uilt o a
latitude for their cuttys, an' getttn'siu
at) : a taitlst God ; ,1n, if sae lino can they
tlee►n oot, ilecl an' crackd an' in good
had nae orgin in the tabernacle; R
l,lhu,•in' order, they cracltit for a bit wiedol°n'hatho'
d u eted by God otrn, eithert`in great.
the !heexpect
m ? theft? Btitstltata uuto a' for t];tcblest
abootay.the ornery ttappenm s o'the
day: This bei u` got titre', TAmailas, oAenin', or efter" o' his gran new Clod khat that teli•d his folk ]itn;; 8yue
efter gift' his held a gay bit o' a temple; an' as we come dottn Miro' to use intitruu)entss tenet !hent
signeefieant senrt, an' efter puffin' std' a' the prophets in the days o'the forbye what kind o instrumments to
gey swairtly''•twa or three mair than apostles, when the Church thea was use; and if sae it is no far wuang. alt'
us blew frac his moa , said: By
at leest'as pure as noo, neither they very side' as weei to use ony ether
the bye, Jeams, what dae ye think o' nor their Master had ony Drains at kind ? An as God tleYcr tell' any-
nor gran' new organ ? ht's a wunner- their preechins. They not only had body either past or present, to late an
fu' affet to the kirk,and it's theist a yap rrgins then, but there wasna the emit is1 their glial, a hour dae they
lee�y we badna had it a gude while least sign o' sorrow shown either by et their ant Drily noo ? Bur, did he
I g reechers or people that they badus bents, syn!•, Niatist 0' the eangrP ,tabun, Ani them�an' no the slightest hint frae guy
espeeabialy a' the young fowk, are awfu the a oath t sl ghee shad gest a on"
prood abort it. I'm sure it'll be an` But coecaun , ca'ulanny hems, slay
undo great help to the singin , an y
Dominic Davie says he disntt see boo Tainmas. Losh me. you surely wad
he eud .moo get ou withoot it ; ate never gang sae far as to deny that
forbye,. I'en 'lair mistaen if it diuna God, own, and owre again, tell'd his
bring far mair fowk to the kirk than ain fowk, the Jews, to use instruments
used to come. o' music in His pratee—that it was a
Seel, Tatnmas,,. says fettne. efter gude Wing to praise him wi' instru-
= etrokin' Boon his beard very thocht tents o' ten strings,i and wi' the
fully twa three times, an' maltin' twa sawltery an' the, perp, en' -only
three verj lzleenin' kind 0' mol's, I alter sic conrmailds. Noo, a' , the.
that was bi-idin in the Attld . Testa
truck say I'm ' theae tuhing or unto meat has never been fdrbiddin' in tin
truckle teen wi' thing as some tvew, an mann be bindiu' flit]: an'
i" w1( seem to be. Nae lout it a arae' `
affair, t11a I'll no deny, but gin' the forbye., when we look frae earth ti.
mere guff 0' empty wund tliro' . sic a Heevm, we see that amang a' its
grate'ge't up is gaun to bring fowk to glory. they bas, music titstruttlenl•
the kirk, tether than the biddin' . o• there. Beein' then that it is no malt
' God, they rnaun late a queer 'kin' o' but the Holy petit that 1, genes toe
religion an' the mere feedin' on the use 0' instruments. I beteeve the:
empty wund,:hoo ever skeelfilly blawn there's m ny ane that hasna a richt
instead o' the breid o' life, will no idea aboot the important place that
mak' them either speeritual fat or
music shod thus hafs in t1n hoose 0'
wart fauvored. I doot. True, I think God, for I am clearly convinced that
nand o' oor minister reedit'' some- the use o instrumental music late as
whanr in.tbe Bilge aboot snuffle' up
the wand wi' pleasure but it happened
to be wild asses, and no human Rein's
that did it. indeed,1 aften think the
1 hoop 1 may be wrang, that the
gettin' gran' affair ^s'iekit Lip in the
kine shows mair pride thtui piety, an'
in my humble opeenion is raethir,
it'ss than a wicicit waste o' taller, stn'
to justifee tt oil the grand o' bringin'
maybe some mair fowk to the kirk, is
this no consul' gay neer daein• evil
that guid may come?
Hoot, toot, toot, toot, Jeems, yer
gam fer, fer owre far, says Tammas.
t.`rt,deness me yer imaginaallun s got
1lteali the better o'' ye all' gailupit eft
wit ye withnot ether guide o, l oapel .
J'rn sure you dlnna need to be el'`,
Jetting, tbet this is naethillg new f'1' if say,adows or e0 nudethiuse t that come, an
fang, hog syne gulfs fowk, Gods : bend d to dae a' that a'' , tell'datthein t'
fowk, used instrntlinuta in his service,
Jan' dae ye no min• that the "Donner dae`, merely because itsrser t I)'r
and fifty saw>tY' says to thorn still. basidia is what lean nether
prate* the Lord wi' orgies, au' whet nor admit, else we wad hoc to get
God sae plainly bids, no man dare molly ob. things i iirbyea mus n by ti'
f.arbid. line ye see thet the use o'the strtin 1
ts orgin is not only richt in itsel', hat same !living authority:tee. An what
wawa he a great gude to them that everikind 0tllare harmerasttnneyng {r ta) be-
lief: it. , hae nae. orgins there aid if vm gan,
'Wed, that may a' lie says tieetns, to llevelations to try find not wht•
!riven a lung pull' frae his pipe, bat,re
Tamales, ail a no ken that in the they ham in .'Ravin, mind Chats get
larmost, d y
rearmost Bible. ye '1 no find. tixm wnt°ii, lcittln l;ruutl•�-•to�l7inari�1', x�•ai'itablo, hu
its a' tle
• , ' •)' to rod set an' its.glide word o G , C 1 R
baiat o be the richt
1 there is danger, as we are .tell'a thin best ttttandan ,
itsd to be the rippip t jist,tan' eras
Non q ,trade mtobts, be
6 . ail- the unlearllyd wresr, this as they d,i. that Paul became a' things au,
a'a men own.
�lnut c�lin� ars catty, an•
its there cried tL lwr ire was to t itlier seri tuvos to 111 it air. destruc Alm he nticht gain sloths); , y
team lint it she for *div uta' ; tr some p
• t tion ; and even tbo we 'tent far Inti, for bee, that Christ hi>laset' tells
fQwett10 ta 'Iilpik re tovtlloir dui s uuetlitase Id �uns�uas al,
penny ah Tisa for rrtu, it it/
onmerely to coax but to Corn eI y
thea hum hlllsula, or for tarn its #lis aboot 1IRevi11 than we dae, aft body ): y p
he t travai- sae for germ as fora moment to sup- to Cottle in' an' "Paves tut tocoutr1'?b holt
collie i clhw;; whim his i e t 6 roe that 'we are to Ileo at things 11t•re beat tri compel theta.
Out in bilabe' far was Ra Or a rI;he for p V cel, Tammas, says J`eetnit, my
r;)(t1'rtlitYal"rs'an' Haar hair like the the tame as tbPrr, It'('tica« i�f'tSvk diviaiL
sugar iu t ur kirk than it te('•tatain is ken feegur*Ltive frit 1ntei111 tlt iy'll l,.nowledge is 110 very I great, yet I ken
A ilpi nrir' jet:n1 nr a t t4tie' 1,o, le`b(3V. /t1." Ity' wroi � its( X01 ilia± Lt:ca tllpt b,lltrilrt art got tlie„great,'bf with:
o' the apostles after Ilii) Biter stillHite tlutargzlin �fl to clear out the
efts,'tl, 141'. Spttrgeoti without a I) 1). 'luting `t') (' of
to his name. or au instrument in his ilk of 11AD
'kirk, has gathered up, ti' keepit up LBEA+S t;gQI:;',
f r the mair them a some u' years, if t „AIIT'L`I'S,
01;01 11 I)
I`rl, 170 'admen, the t,ll;;;eat CU11 1'ega ' FLAN NE y, ItlAN 1'LIS
Lion in a'the \varlet. tlCOD;�' CLOT IIS,
But efler a' ye say, Jeeins, Fay'6 T\1 E1;I)w, 'PLANIiLTS,
I'antmas, are tbo' some o,t 1 cantle SHA\`' 144,
•weel see the drift o', yet ye seely - IfA'l S AVD (;APS,
twine say that there's ony berm in ,
the use 0' iustrtuneutsI An' ye canna (aRc'C]uP,Il;S, C(y('KEILi' AND*
but say that 11 great deal o' gude is C I, A S 4V A Ii E
dune by their use, else fowk waive Q
fiae then! in tbe.r kirks ; an' if they . f
late dune sae tnncklc to bring gude to - �,�^, b
man,. a..' glory to etad, 1 dime see a TEE ,� S�..
single reatson°forspeakiu' aiuixestthem
but a great, many strong reaeous for
their use, .All` as for Dir; Spurgeon
ye dilute, deed to be tt It'd . that the . i s t, t,�i 11 u.
ministers are nU fL ,Spurgeon% an, the
he had an orgin T dinna think it wad Chtil fled get Bar ai:es while the
the any o` his PevP' him. oil t l .c
\Veel,'`1'amwi st says Jee)118; We Dan n --Q
make 'fowk 1 hi St 1 is.complete,
only speak o' \vtl41 is, an' what mlelit ,.Iiia Is n,;
be. \4e ken the. •'orgin 1idnn, bring t
r Cleal ng Sale
ony o' His fowk, an' it Imacht no Maw - ' fq
ony o` thew ewe`: for money alta left a iii
them to come to Him, But, efter a' - 1.
no- tell fowk instead. to trail tea -string Tananas, if ye Bet up. some gran
ed ilastrutoent snwIterys, )011) , tiling in the kirk which' plod never
t uutpeta, au' sin life. an as the saute te:l'c ol.y see Mt `dae merely to ave ; 7, r
God te.l'd tlloen. fig use instruments, please the e'e, an' pay, some ane to �`
what kind to use,as well fowk that pity gran' on it, sae as to please the
l better ha.t'll please God ear, is this no tnakin' the staundatd o' •
Sign of file Red Flag
tak Gods way nay when It shalt, stead o' what waist gloom£ es
theinsel's, an tal their ain way when , nn' rather than prayin Lold what ,
Ilia distils suit thein,, can surely no be wult Thou lute ale to dae. When God
free frac great bin. . commands ye to come unto His loose Oat real Inn O er alp
But J soya n'enur -Is 'without we singin' • an. there ye hear the ' '
�rtlun aMaitl into pante' ars, i orgin The uncleraiglleti flesire to inform farm- ,'�'d
general prt enclple a' itlstranrenta' dae ye never think ye Naar 1151 lI'aUttye ,ers and the+ people generally that they have ''"
music is adutittit, ail' 1.'m sure, enter a' a' the voice Q' CA& sayxn' When
ye reopened tl)eirl
that I 'tae said;, it canna be•uenied, 1 come to ewer re me, whir has Meal
�I SII in 1tIi1 hrdll t
thunk that the mere maitter o the required this at yer hauns, an where ly g f
rttaleuts to be used is but time at the tri o' the Ila And aro now prepared to purchase k"Xtrts la
thuds u' Insttrue sifter p 1
e snug' alien:. ate if the Jews used the - er's . fingers sends forth its empty,
unlwuttten quantities and at the.
y, we wain y,. uric n.say, a
never c
v d 1 is no worsliiptt we m'ra s tau
Lush rue Tammas, says .Teems, Rae he needs sic? an' 'Oars the things is .They will supply cnstomera witbt o fair
" GRADES in Oat P�eai, `
ye no gettlte' a wee aft the straueht 2 bleat in' awe' we a' it 'nicht, dis this,
Use ye no ken that this kin o' dee-as ye think ye help to roosts, up yer specrit. " re
L l R 4„a ,EGG,
like religion is ane 0' the waist crytn'1
wal eemushuns, an' blae yer hert's - �
Nous o' the day ? Man can never be praises the better up tae 1 -leaven ? WI1' 'Gr23A.14T
11 t I Gods hoose la wiser tuna his Ma at, au' re
they colt '? • +
than 11e dis Itil7a'tl? Noe, then that praise what maise gratifies man irt-
e GedI
T. A. i I LLS
311 ('015)8, 811 p n ,
k1 'f theloodly buminin' furth its best,
,esu kind they bald in'their da I o 911ns soonds, did �' t � I � •
each fist, like them, use tile best we it come into your --min that God
,la an o01 t y lamas as 11
yo thaut: 'is • growth' piety, an
mnc I e sanction 'n ' rether pride
singin has; end seem that sic thine,- aawtan inmselo,ever promised• auTeii.fenssspeeythet lntaksrinony. fowl B��� ' �,> 1T1�.g i,E'S
swine, we daurna, b' U Y A
are sae, we 1 da na sad
anything agatnist them.
e sill l .• as )
,r'eet as L dae that the 'tin' o' instru• sae awful anzioua to law events an` a` o;'." b gi?deyo
•, w h is the train' or then, eonuectit therewit? Did not God 5th +
t stle,altol,tion anti,
speekiither? It was or.:nls we were )r ftp' the itlier, for If there's nae w' cheerfte voice? an' are; we or, unexcelled facilities, eatables tate
to 5110 about ; and they bee a' gem g tell'd in the N ew ane to sin en mak y i
to the wand wi ye ye,. as nater ha, ti Alertly for the 'kite o' iustrutuellrs � A to torn out Uniformly 1 c ass of
then thes'e's nae authority for there melody iu oor liens (no in oor orgies) w'Tk equal to that of arty
been required o the in his hoaseof use av;L Suppttt30 somebody was t , the Lard I an' dae ye no think He Gallery in the west,
itused by roan there. An as fir god your service au he not gens beat what pleases llini here I au,
ether lnstuulout , teig 1 d lila but said it was a dae the no Lope Co sing
Alt, but'I'amtlIaa, dae ye 110 see. nlelltS a t.t t
says Jeenis, ye hae shifted yer gr)t.0 teats on the same divine authority, au the Auld Testament tell all peop',e that
y IG 18 clear 111115 baith maul/ stars on airth cies dwtAllto sing to'the Lord Long Brperit r.ce, a ose
M 1v11i'e 1 at ant' may
ge in „oil + . sit wit the general 7 r
admit that trod tell'd the Jews to ns m y �t its he ' csttaT ork 'o, t very description era-
i worship,et a 0511111 eine' ulaitter whether ha tuk your way assembly ill Heevitl that new sang chilly, proulpt 1) olid satisfactorily dome.
deny intheir y y or no what wad ye think ? an what that naobody hens, lir can learn, but
deny that. He tend Iberia to d' CABINETS jkND FAMILY GiIOUPS
mann (trod th]ult?' the redeemed frae the afrth ? L•'t CABINETS mons things forbye diets leo Lillian lieot toot pleetnst`sauTammas, yer Goth's fowk honestly say then that
on us, an that ye wad nay r 4 tau ons u' mole -h1 it'
their only wet -stint rant or lap'
d e think
' 'n ' illy f lineal'. urgtns
-- A b 1'I C1AL'1'Y.
dole. We're no
Jaws„ but Chrlstaau>, utegit .L xuuo
Lhegither. to giethings sic wunnerftt iu their kirks is, merely the wash u11' •A Largo Assortment of Frames
stud two hae but little to do wi til• twists an' torus that a body can :mare(' the well o' elan, an' no the kept 0ollattt: sly MI hand. Prices as
believe their ain Call, or trust. to their word en' time wall o' God : for tflEre's low at; II V., t + , •,':tell' t1 is h ;.nod )tvork.
.lin seusee ; for ye tilt sic queer views nae luau' divine authority for brim an
:r' things. Od, name think ye wad orgin i1.1 God's hoose than forliaen an
milt a tle gado • lawyer ; for ye ken orgiu oil peettny in yer ain. An' et
they get the credit o' aftan ]nakln' the pen what they're used for. In kelt
,ver 0 appear the better reason. it a'jist comas to ti,is, that sin' mat
'elite be it, stye Jeeus, but ye mann faunal oot moray ]nvenshuns, he ha,
aim' that this is no law but gospel, heeu trying to melte a better me8111u1
tit' that we are to wiilk by faith an, internment tion God made an' 05'4.
tri by stent —that, thea is, not its we stay but very gude, told he toinits that he bar
.s Grill rays ; an, f' r this we imam succeeded, an, diverts bimsel' b)
arch 'tile Scriptures, showin' it ars in even God's hoes(' alt
Brit no to interrup ye, ,roams, Bays service. 13111, tech me, Taverner.
families, ye kon fit' weed that kirks (takin' a glop at the 0 auk);t1' llaid'i1.
i whltur there's instrutnetlts Imo *0I1' the think it sae far on. Zit y
P • ani ye Iron brawl y wtlnnerill' in a' the world whttt's,com(
Tzar r entONO Cocoa can be Fie quickly
cured by ti1111n11's Cure. We gu ttrautee it.
rot sale by ea E. Williams,
Try the Tnat►a sur job eluting;
9n E0 1,1 o1co est blletIFRRR
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Hoe of our ceetly, and valuable at
eempleeto return we ilk the150■
chow what we send. to those whe
may call et your home, end mer *
montho ell shall become your oils
property. lbI Wand machine ie
made titter the Sin er patents.
Width bowline. oat before petente
run Ousel'gold for $113. With tld
muchmenu. and now 66110 for
1010. lie*t, mronge0t, most sr**
Itrlmerhine in the world. All It.
■ •swr, n n ■,m.v,6tree. N0 capita) requited, Pldd,
brief inttlaca)M given. I how 17110 write to us a6 *orb can rt-
purr arcs th0 here eewing-machine in the world. and den
Anent dna otrvorkeofh_$Rkhaltever.shorn 1000)1400toAta05 '
i 1a u.v. ids c0.. no. '740. August**, IliY
Any or th •i •I;c.1vu1)f trot vo tnlitatt 5001415a daft lea
otaain, d win: : the wlaghant 'fIMF.e tit the retires hate
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