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The Wingham Times, 1889-04-26, Page 1
ke VOL. XVIII. ---NO 17. LOCAL NEWS, --Mr. S. Grace, took part in a concert t Teeswasor, on i ouday evening,. --9. nice lot of baby carriages, at S. Grucey's, Who'll be first to buy ? --'fir.. R. Elliot;, of the Tanta, has been on business conn, oleo, with the C.Q,1r4 ap_ Teterboro' this well. • -Rev, D. Dar lc, of ,listawel, :preaolled two practical au.1 acceptable 'neemous the Baptist oherab last Snudi,y; -� —llr. George iicltenzie hassu4oessful passed,.htis eeoon year leediral examen ti n`wtt/ o the Toro School heel o f ,�.. ,11f' dicing.. `s Maggie J'ohnaton• hare,openeek,attt a dressmaking establishment in the Gregory Block. Ali work in this line done prompt- ly and satisfaction assured. Braug along your pictures • and wreaths and have them framed. Curtain poles, mirrors, ball stands, ipso„ &o, S. Graney,. furniture dealer and undertaker, Wing. bean. 'i W fl GII.A. 1, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL G 1889 ti • +Mr. T. Bell has Kan work on th •the enlargement, of hie urni,turefactory. •001=.•Mr Beemer;; C P agent, is greatl improving the pretzli.he by adding a flown rden. H. Roder and..wife celebrate their china wedding a ` Wednesday eye ing of this week,. , —4 meeting of the ;ricket olub will b held At 142r. Meyer' office this (Friday) evening: ' dead tris inter° iog, views, of the .'organ question _ 9 et oo ill as tlx� uelnnan b >Zev y a• Dunbar, of T'orontr Messrs: $ W C. Meyer and Thomas Bei} ,attended.,, Minor teetered to hie friends. by Silt ;A,.0ri of L radon, on Thoradav evening.' —The lectere'to•, hati been given by Mr A H 1t osgrove, of 'IV�t4 oehurch, Inas been posponed from V •elle sday till Friday, evening, .. I - R ", e ' —Saints waterin several days in the y --prof. Shrieves) cart was on the street For eke fresh p °ginning of the week. banal as, oranges enc 31 ' vle' xeataurant, ✓ from the and till tie 9th of filay. See his g left for Cleveland.-' ,i'12/ti returnan; ad where, we under: !eleetinn op Wed --A meeting of stand, he has a on will be at the Queen's • • Wk1D ,E NO. 901 apples, cocoanuts, , 8 mous go to aleXel- It is said that •r Thomas Tipli Ohio, a few days ag s '.s 11:1n iild widow litd5' mete from prayc? w, esday evening Imo' in the: cburej ..es• s he went, tilt'b' ur er almost ruin, as ft much frightane.d). e shook bis fist its and was heard to d + g be R W Grand Orange snout employmettt g e of her bret)l., n' Ledge will be bold in Goderieb aommeno is a reliable and oleo r young ma#, a d we ported leer as fa ing on May the 28 • ,. hope he may meet fbu ever success, he walked (or tall Y h Over ;Soo delegates - eaid expected,. i S. Granters Reason Why. the woman wa along beside her, —A. number of O.kifellows went over to i:,uoknow on Suad+ro,/ where an miniver teary. sermon was pre' Mita to the . organi' nation hi that place -•y Rev A 12oliay. —'Jibe anuiversar sermon -et the Odd. fellows orgnuization of this toWo will be preached iu the Cot gregatioual church on Sunday, the 28th incl., by Rev W 1 Shortb, Ai .L, at 3 o'clock, p. n —By bill iatrod�ed by Mr. O'Connor, ,M,P,P.,at the last Session of thelegisla- ture, incorporated viciages may' purchase Are engines or ill an way bo tax them. selves for aceuirin /Appliances against f fire. A change of time !able takes piece on G.T.It. on Monlay. ,'lie 7.05 train leaving , here in the morning aillnow comma with the east bound' tra-h at Clinton, which will be a great conve ience. —We have receiv d .from Wm. Bryce, on kelt s Look by publisher, Toronto, AL G. McClelland ; Ceertship by H. li.. Ogilvie, by Leslie Vau entertaining reading a —We have" received' • jaw Mies, , published —Division Court w held • by Judge Doyle on ¶1 —Division, wh seven dr eight eases were di$posed of all of e. trifling natures }Taadiee are invited to' make an early cal at Gordon. g}ntyre's. They are now re lying ban . e. new desigus in Dress. ods at prices lease P —For uice nobby suits for boys, youths or men, away dow n price, go to Gordon oIntyre, whe you ;can get a large st Jit to select from. Bohn CI horn attended the funeral of. his fhe , Thomas Cleghorn, at Alma this week. T e deceased was avery old resident of that ocality, Gordan de McIntyre are showing the greatest noveiti Hata'of every descrip- tio , either for 13oys, or Misses, See tl mat once and is t the first choice. —Building open• tions have begun in man nd iter Y s.o q the, town. Genet cleaningu fence building, repainting, p, gardening are now a order of the clay. The place of Mr ..., Allan, relieving perator at the G.T. 3 ,than beets taken , th Mr'• W, D. Sutton, of the Jtiiiotion, andL r. A Latin' Quarter 0000. and Charliz o hen, all cheap anti. • ,. 25 cents each h specie arrangements with front of her face e New Furniture Factory -An Irishman tae planting shade trees the Ne made i when a passing lathy saki, ':3Z'cur'r@ i Y o retail Choir w t o t; n od s , g g K a s uG the Boles are �, I am �otad toipg at nq expense for del%yery say , Its a lie jts _ a jae !" 'j`}aP , ori Y , Mr: Hurt ? 0 Y o g sell olieaper than ever. Be• woin(rn..was alone i�rd defenceless, allot mum i'n diggi i' eel the flirt ans. aviu' sure and call and if I don't ive you value had been confined t het bell only to tote hales, i don't bur• vie my 91i3..aide cards ('th f ALLanm1A PAM euitoba and ' all ean secure all ne� applying to C• E. tor the C• P. A. Iti Vide paseenger'wit b look niter their wel -1VIr A Roe of rafting exetasfve otas,--Passengers for >ihrts in the North' -wen tscary iuformation by illiams, ticket agent r _1Williarns wilt pro. m 'pe and rates, and ar while on ttae road,, mirro wi d e tZt fog 01n..'in and• 010 ones for $8; ew ays bofor d eadsfor 02 •and �3 75 is almost its _ a no er .nese. which. $3 be Anes for $3. i quid x1tAC Y £ a ve,...-° t. Bedroom suits for 01X.75;, Lounges (my known citizen li ving• received an. own make) for 05 and up to $12; It will anonymous letter t reatenin g hint in. pay to drive twelve miles to S. Gracey's the wards I b furniture rooms, on the mein street, next , Beware, Aware I There door south of Clic big brick hotel, lyingliam, . are some desperate o araoter . in this world, persons who . " l e only disgraces era r'tJne year ago„ibt Corngn was one of should . not be alto he Q ens hes *been repairs illich largely increase his accommodation tad add to s t u the attractiveness ►•nd value ,of his pr misos, A very 1;rge dinning ball h been ' added, a net kitchen °rooted a severer new sa,mp , rooms added. Th whole bnildi has eon treated ,to a ne coat of paint. Larg sheds have been pu up in the rear and tri stabling uoeornmo dation increased. • l5eooase o#R-.bert Cornyn. to the moth wh. here thein, and ed to run at large orld,--• The Salem hid] was dissolved -been re -organized make any, disk almost impossi- onipson has been me with erysipelas hope to soon see aures Stapleton is- , owing to a sore hoped the disease the most robust and Apparently well con- in this beautiful tit tanned men to inti seen in ti5ingham, , Methodist Choir, a About that time •dsaiease embraced him a 'few weeks ago, li: nd with n its firm and atal grasp. Amid the on such a basis as t is friends he gradn_ greem,ent therein tiding 'the treatment bility.—Wiflie edioalmen, till Friday con fined to his robed the last physical an his face. yWre g of a dropsical char- him around. =-Mr aoter. Born in Packenham township, indisposed at piesen Lanark Coatis far>3ily removed to Morning- throat, but it is to b • Per ails, '. Mr. Thomas Wri t ' of the Tceswate Furniture factory, . an old Winghamit spent Good Friday n town. ale wee ac- companied by bis ife. Will- Scott, for merly a clerk in mars. Gordon d Mc Intyre's store, has btained a petition i the establishment Messrs, ,Eaton ce C Toronto. Mr.vCrow 1'Walaouleft.on Wed nesday t_o resume is studies at Uppe Cana o da Col lee P+r i D 4 altympl ,of th Bank of Hamilton,•sp nt a few Jaye wit his parents at port lgin, this . week.— Master Rollo Gxordo was ho¢ Listowel this we k, but ,front Q wi? a he �brt$ndin„ e High eohool,-Mr. inti, Irvin, of'the istowel High .;School staff, sPeut hi holidays at home.-1Vlrs, George Maynard of Toronto, was visiting her sister, Mrs 1t Elliott, this week,—:dr. George Me- Iiibbin, of Toronto, was ii town this week.. —Mr Richard Rober son, of Palmer. ton, was visiting•in W' gham this week —Mr. Robert Talbot, as been,. speeding his Easter holidays at home, -..Mrs. C. E. Williams is visiting re. W.. Corbold at imcoe, Rouse and ;Got for Sale. A comfortable cottage , on Edward treat, near the centre of the town, is Bred for sale at a bargain. Apply to, ' Bowsns, on the premises. hopes and fears of e ally ' a nk notwiths of the most expert last when he suce manifestation bei ton, Perth Co., w -,ere they resided nine - will not prove seri . s.—Reports from r years and in Mardi 1857 removed to the Louisiana seem �t. he becofning more e, present site of Wii„ahuni. His father john highly. flattering han ever. Cornyn,. with his three sons Robert Thee g We' hope the san uine h••es of interested • made William erect sd the first resid ace on parties will, be no than realized.-- • the present site of the Queen's hotel. , ,The Mr Alexand© nter has gone to n. deceased . resided :iere mutinousl . c Michigan to: en th o smoe e summer.—ilFar • having a share in all the ups and downs to 'Howell slid hi; s . er, of St George,. • which the place as subleot. He was a - have been via34 c-th their relatives••, r Mall of a some at taciturn disposition i r James. heu•''nd family during e taking little acti a interest in municipal, the -past week. v' Mr Walker, .c,f h social or public ' tters generally. To his Clifford, eccupie. • the - pulpit in the, fowuasbusiness aff bra Ile ,handled privates Mt thodist 'chur i here on Sunday' rl be•atitQn d cioselyand assiduously e• i1yo 1?t t ; e goccasion. of lies "; ¢' :and succoe-dedi rating oonshlerable taking 'up d, rational colloetiot wealth. His •fu eral-. on Saturday was and ,.Subscription The sermon swag a lar gely attended. He leaves a young widow vel ,,interesting oth as to mattes' and ,. , but no family., a was in his 46th year. manner in which i was delivered. About fifty.of t,e friends of the- y Robe t .raurier, of Harristo>, copy of the Moose• —If you wants:ome hingchoice in. Boots, y .Mr J;N Macdon- Shoes, Ties or Slip , for ladieschile 'Cana - add, formerly a teacher near;Listowel. It dren orgentlemen, i erioan or • dicta and and ma • line make, go to is a creditable westeiu ;Beet and we hope Gerd & McIntyre, who peep an immense at keep eep abreast oft he times. It will, sto . { Two trains of alai rants for Manitoba no doubt, be itgreat elet lent in furthering the interests of that grt ing hamlet. . and the North-West,1 ft Toeonto on Tues Mr• J W Vanatter . foreman in the day-` The ooloniete, Goderioh,S'ignet office toilsome eight years, is the ninth party fro mbered 200, This Toronto, and the b with ;his wife were visit, g at Mr Peter and party which will 1eavc� on Tuesday next vhomas Deans' -his brcther•in-laws res,- will be the last of the r eason, deuces this week, Mr. Y -smatter is a wide- —The old Royal sial les; opposite Black's awake fsethber of the Typographical craft, livery have been repo red and restarted so - taking au active interestiin public matters, as to be now one of the best in town. and, of course loyally eapports the huh. Messrs Dulmage will eamove their stallions -Me J p• Nicol, now ib the Hamilton to there promises wl sn they hand the office of the Bank of fatamiiton, spent a hotel over to Mr. Jo day or two in town chs week, leasee, the Crescent City evid_otly agrees:with Rife fn tose C E Williams ht ,— laim ,� ' illi Joe $ouhill sp in Loudon-.a4x;'j P Ge .Friday in•Be}` , where side. —Tae "town council ordered the chief of town bell at. nine o'cl arrest any children and age found playing or I streets after that hour. may be wholesome, bu be considered a little a • tolerable by the youth.p � 'he Mitchell Board tively at work. It di oommuoicatious from t councils that was bolo nail and on which uo given. It also made soy alone to the council as t �r'11re protection. Buch'd• vastly beneficial and su suggestions a great - council. - • —The annual email bramh of the Royal ,Club Wits held at Toro wall attended, s we notice ,the Wingham ; Jobix Wirt 10,'Cameron,. Luc/IMOlr: ,gardine. There ars"air oeiation, G may ou yr. The preheat*, ,batiner and a gold m *A a silver /medal dor their atmooae leaned: i, e tri ettte.n Wroi n Marten the new floored ` airs. d nt Good Friday store and is now thoeoughly renovating of liter spent' Good' re,papering and fitting t up generally Its th is' relatives re- .entire appearance . *11 be greatly im Resides -co to Rent. The residence r, present °coupled by Mre T Price, in Lo• isr Wingham, will be ,ted on ver land, large orcha •d, &ons For particulars pply op the prem, ea, to Mss T. Phxcs, or e owner, Jss 112rs ten, Bluevale, Out. of Berlin ha p• ice to' ring th 00 at night, an er fifteen years o of ring.about t Suoh legislatio t • e thiuk,ft would tiquated• tend in Wingham. - Maitloald Presbytery. At a meeting o:' this ecclesiastical cou held at }Brantfcxd, on Tuesday wee whilst the synod ,:1 Hamilton was in sea siou, a call was derated in from Duff church, Waite/13o ev. Mr Forest, of Bay field, signed by 108 dherents. The stipend promised, 0750 wit manse. The call was sustained. Rev. • McLennan reported that he had' mod ated a call from St, Helens and East A hfield to Rev. R. S. a'" Anderson, signed b, 169 members and 186 adherents. • The sa ary is 0800 includin a month's vacation yearly. Of this 5 Helen's pays $525: and Ashfield $27 Rev. Messrs. Hende 'son, of Attwood, An derson, of Goderi b, and McMillan o Manchester, sat as corresponding me here Rev. J. Na bb, also reports having moderated a call to Rev, R. S G. Salmi itfethodi ,• a arch assembled aK the residence of I'r James Bentley on rt 61,1e,,,evening of the 8th inst and pre- k, seated Miss • Sara Bentley With, a a silver chewier y .the following framed. The ad- r 4V J Wilson, anal e by Mr Anson'. ry, April 8th, 'A3. Dash• friend anti' me here tbisevening e with you in the ting it will' prove thankful to a kin:} is eparing Wneroies, ,,. - r. otniu together „that K*:j u the sincere thanks friends of Salenr. id Stiatli aoiiu� • silver butter dish an 's dish, accompanied - address beautifully dress was read by the presentation ni Chrysler. Turub . ....Miss Bentley, sister s, We have c g to spend a short -,ti t. social capacity, tru 5, profitable MO us, all . Providencia for and in f this our ,n_ desire bo return y d.: o£ he members an 1tthodist church a proved. Mr William • always keeps the A nes rugs and the,best ie. bis line of The?.e hay everything. Toronto 7ruththu e of the Lent season : dDr Mackidd and wife, of Seaforth, f were the guests f he • brother, Mr H W C The forty'dags'relax he Meyor this week Tis Dr, has been ap, follies will soon give n " pointed, by'the omi on Government a teas of egi and, Tl .medical saiperinteudeu; of the Sanitarium sue fastwil and self -r - Banff, N W T. The D tutor will leave to such as will really m assume the duties of its position about forth fruit t the mall not been of the scull of Trade is ac- s eased the same. Paisley • village r the Winghara deliverance was al recomirteudu . .0am:captions and grrssidns must be welt'•, a insidered ssistanoe to the the tui4,dle of.May, —The , anneal brie }triton Teacher's Ins n the Clinton Colla of ';tile- Ontario 'e rax�ai Curling. td oh ruei,dr`y and mengele >:bb dela- Mee of I# Miller, • Cloderioli dos;; 1 rune,• sled Tut kir elegant Wass t and a which many of the au ing of the East indulged themselvesir ,luta will be held that they were mak, fate Institute, oh pleasing unto God. 1 Wednesday and Thurs ay, May 22nd and ever was that the beet 23rd. Railway cert, ates for reduced ourselves to the favor rates ihave been applied for, and no doubt •;justly, and to love t e G. T. R. The humbly with God, orator, Dearness, of now living Saviour, 111 be presented; "beautifully commem will Pour arldreeses 13y Ins Middlesex ; reading nderson from Wh techurch and Calvi church, East Wawa/ osh. It was signed by t Season. 180 members and 22.- adhereuts, remarks on the close promising a stipend of $900- vith manse and globe. Lent is about over. The oall was suppo•ted by Messrs. H, D tJ,gn from thethe'Vvorld's Rendersen and Rob et Seidel, Rev. Mr, la a to joyous- Anderson, n f ii your very effiei e Clbek trusts that opted the dell to duce to tile bringing cbe held at St ss, and tkat it has r13trerretchne OL fent Sews so often were aepointed to the mistaken notion emanation. Rey. T. stung the court, act - St. Helens and East meeting of Presbytery Helens on Monday, ination and induction v. Messes. Cameron ondnot the tele' ex. g themselves well- to eddress way of commending ef Heaven is to do Teervater. ey and o walk R. T. Copeland rill be in Walker - he Easter season is ton thia week and lilt be in Tenswater nd it is a health gora e religion that it is be- fretting stallion AI nt, George, which desk coonpations ; Music) the gaining to share mot and more the Wen. for siSe, appeartin e, breeding and Public school: and the 31ementary rules of tion which Christie peeple give to the action cannot be b t,—A successful tory in public schools Mr. Lough ; pub. aaithmotic ; Botany, by Mr. Robb; his. supposed annivers: ry et our Saviour'a eoncert was given der the auspices birth. Of the two t ell since your Akio ntment.as organist and §. S. tencher positions, you have nobly filled with atisfaetien to us lend' credit -to .yours• Ir. Yin& consistent. ehriefiib,n life an., competency to fill these positions ha e won for you the admiration, Kaye al , esteem of your S. S. class and of our 'amity friends. We therefore oi half of„:thern desire yon to accept of hese small presents,, net on aecount f their intrinsic valuo but as a token if our love, respect pai,l gratitude, atid : would humbly pray thab you may be long spared to Um kind Provideoce las so richly bestowe ed upon you. ' le evening was spent 111 singing, kne ing addresses, inch*: jug in -games tnd friendly chat, and elosel by th singing of "Auld Lang ruesday noon his celebrated filer classes 1 sign of an invi t Rieke and a ' Ii0 school temperancas and bygenie, Mr• alittoitt venture to s .y with reverenee that al 6 i , ast. .A:. good , pro remake of solos, • Y • ar 010 1. i suitable pro. the more worthy of 'ding ikeU iii adoring dnete, nuartettet &e. was given by . gramme tor the publ a entertaimnent, on remembrance, The one was the obtrude 1°01 telent, The boir sang nicely is being prepared. into, the other the *tit out et our Lord's tinder the leadersbir„ of Mr. Mitferd. is meeting will be humiliation, By th one he assumed the TI c ies ra o t ke G. 0. h. gave only by the teaohers robe of tide humanity by the other, with- eevertil geed sel •ctions. Mr. S. ut also by the trus• old discarding that r be as am unworthy Gracey, of Winglawn, WAR 011 the and Collegiate Ineti. thing, he nevertheless xultea it by allying' programme for live or eke seieetions amine of other pro- it with Risowb Divini y to a Majesty und hut was encored I ys er es one might of the Woman's A Soeleby of the ednesday evening t is hoped that ees of Public sehoo ute Boards, and , o a a hearty glory whieli bedtted Omnipotent Zing nppreci ateal ewro i ;event times so Mr bavid 'esti° will no doubt wear a broad mile henceforth as his wife has prep. nted him with a goo To Mr. Welke the apperan painting bis of Wreiteter, smith shop to ing Amberl aro -visiting i daughter, lqrt 4 Of his place or penea up the general blackerui V. Mimi and the hamlet. —Mre.