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The Wingham Times, 1889-04-19, Page 8
.nlil • Mp•JUEV Shareholders' 14Fceti Oilteelxo end. Butter eisic»i to Belo The cheese industry the last decade has pie of the country's Ie The fine district of e .illuevale 111112 a reset any section in Ont course of developin farmers, alive to t and the public re fly the unceasing eff active and enthusiast`s working man• tigers, have mads the c 9 iryiui; repute. tion o£ Btueyale know throughout Ontaro, This is evid •need by the fact that the factory iter. as to design, eapac,A_y and equipage had' 110 se. perio#:; and few pipe, in Canada. r. ero.eittry :misfortune as overtaken the ;;ol; lany, But th y have shown 'that Ills? ----bashed alp y public eenti– silent +arta made of to stern staff to be d ti1x1<>.: hy.,. ea h avy misfortune :as the lass' of .their, factory by .fire.. •At tttis)iiiieWire f -w facts in con ';sxeeticn with the ear . history of this inati:= ution mfg not be. out of place. Drawing and. Pa 1 he .enlu,:viaiat.t3hees; and Butter Co. Miss M Zo'hns has op was I ri e.t led int , 879, with James in Winghat i for instructs Entre' e • is IP t pres , ent, and Diesars. i'*ots, Apply at her resi It. iillli `, i • Max' e11, J.'Dimentand P ?r a direc •'rs. John. Burgess roar was r ldo_ ra Dist ; eoretar has con- hnGv At Wingham, on 1 r y' iiver Q Itnox ,Min ham,+on titi}t^rte t*? lCL, ill hat oapaoit� ever ofM Drz orlon, nerchan sills t stead Y.O his business methods, i; 1.1s At 1Vin;;ham, ou eW,11,; .;lBr A2 andf, thfal and oris assn . of Mr M #Ianson, jeweller; a s in B,coawlrn--.At 'don ,effc t' �, `t l^?•euccess • f;the inatitutien is of ifr Beckwith, baker a da I Naonxat—At Wingham, to i. o .;tslalt' extent due. Earnest de- wife of Mr Chas y�,�+nechtel; 'voti • 1 tit the pu • is interest always Leine'–AA wthgham, on lir RotitLoiditt, tanner; a- •chaxteter z•.d the management. It Yan-At Teeswater, oh, th 1ni. a be crated teat previous to the oeI nToti –daughter. La ,on t for,t�l�t<,ln of the oVnapany A email MrC Horton": n eon• factory Wps cope acted by iter. John F King; a $9 SLkelet, ont1F0 3ieecli at:i1 this 'w s purchased by, ,the LAwasnor,–In Das s`wawa ^ , the wife of lite Lawronce;' aiew Lit:cel:orat8. At the commence- Moonrr—xn Nest Wawanna uiel,it c f O r tion the facilities were wife of 3 W Moc.re; twin da l AtrssN–Ia Turnberry, o1 indif .+$it, the b ildings and equip- Mr Wm Aitken; a don. rile ltra bcik? ; inad: • nate. The. make• MpoPrrocter Jrnelrg caught of the :first season .1tas about 80 tons of OAMrstar.r,–In i>otroit, on cep •se; Iii 1886 new buildings were DrJ Campbell a non. °reefed, whereb t�ie`faetor - was made �,,i . �e ,1' y .P"iis�xa—Krttnne—At Te `'One 'Of the -most capaeiou_9r modern, by theRnvww'Sparling, well equipped. and . handsome in the tOVANA oNB by trKarnes. t trati Province, It c siste3 of, a make :lir Ed Vanstone, ofChioat oa, t /y { 'ford,. both formerly of Seafort metre 72. Sent by 80- f Ot a , it press LA:lxr.--Rayshr At BCUse Rev J H Herr, Mr Louis L ''-` rooms, 50 b y'2t) fe' 'a curing room, oiila. Revell, both of Elmo. unanimously adopte a' last year raising the _of the ,20 was rescin ted oz aid• A De• 'V. Ilcudersml t discussion took pia n Canada in ¢ of raising the neon .loped into one that the directed ling rel;ources. and the sharehcl entry adjoining - agreement to ins equal to that of lass. They were rio, to the rapid sum net eltceedi t. Bnterpzising re -building and r en" own interests they to regulate uirolzleuts, guided best saw fit. -A Maxwell and A. Mu building erected by t Imosly carried, The remain in the hands.o Before the u eetij"'g dis was passed offering a for information that arrest and conviction parties who set fire Great enthusiasttl opinion characterize we may expect in a see a new structure, the old one erected ruins, 'te of intelligent, r_ wi .I rl•... r_ a The by-law of rico of silara�u to motion of Weers. Hewitt. Some on the best zllenus y. I.t was agreed procure the money ere entered into au re them against any utllorized to borrow a $2,000 to assist in - stocking the factory, e;payfnents as they , otion by Messrs, •,ley to have the der was unanii- upervisiou is to the directors, ersed a motion 'eward of $x00 ill lead to the of the party or to the •factory. d • unanimity of the. meeting and uta month, to ven superior to o• the Present T ,I, t• vles4 0 q -.Mlle;..- 4, i1Poli� ssiessil tali u.seri `no oltsieleilYs soVr�Ur' esiol'elsollsitithetc• •..!I�VM�id e Fancy illy Goods Store and leading Gent's fumishin "`� [louse of Wingharn, ilpoh lb'giiiisbel Nr'Atigobs i.�Nt� moh,p040ly'501,040l,phUu'lig'ykshi4,1402'lh'Nt'1911$151001h 1101101.4 • Dress Goods in Bisalt and. Color -ed Henrietta Cloths, Foyle Cloths, drape Clothe, Serges,,•Qpera Twills, l'un'.s Veiling, Mohair, Lace Stripes, Wool De Beige Sateens, Shits* Satins, biarvelieux, ].'lushes, Crape, Velvets, Spring Mantle Clothe. Dress 1'ifnmings in,eudless variety to match. 'fiumeuse variety in Prints, Zophyrs, Chambrey's, Tablinga, Damask,. Table Napkins, Mashes, Checks, . Malls, Downs, Curtain Net, Curtains, Quilts, Gloves end tiosiery in endless variety, TAILORING DEPARTMENT, - We control many lines of goods not to be found elsewhere in the trade, For the present seasolt the number ting. of - orders wee have taken show 'We .have what the trade requires, and the prices we ask defy competition. Our berms era liberal. . ed out olasaas as in these a111- 6000 on Wolin St. h inst, the wife of Mr the 12th inet, the wife , • a slaughter. rei4th inst, the wife he 18th inst, the wife hter• 'We make the requirements of the trade a n the 12th lust, the � fl study. aughter. e 11th Inst, the wife of n. 9th inst, the wife•of Dir e Nth ult, the wife of d lest, the wife of Mr WI, on the 3.2th inst. son. 'titer tho 12th inst., the haSlst vht, the wife of BOOTS AND . SHOES, For value, make and assorti elft, See theca Groceries, Pare an, Fresh. he lath lost, the wife of r, e loth-inst, the wife of water, on the 10th Met, Wm Sewer, of Chiron, i'ross. rd on the loth inst, Miss Vatic, of Strat- s, on the Oh inst. by tz, to Iliad Julia Pri- nshtp. '4 sr eet'r a an engine room,tam bye -I l'feet 1 roan the first and '>ts lroitghet t the lis -rtiest co-operation alga tile fall st pig • is confidence was experienced by..the company and the - career,• had, been one •f unbroken sue– ''coss..:;3. It:. *Der 1 as been president wince 1882, ;and no ore .effleient man. . WINGH.AM MARKETS. could be secured— onoxahle; nsiidiixshing.. The. • Piienssm-In Kincardine -on the 9th lust, Diary Ana: wife of Mr Jacob Pie son, in her 07th year. He,o'wiort In Eincard e township, oh the Ord Inst, Nicholas Ifartwick, : ed 88 years. 0 menthe and 28 days. MoAL1•rama–In Culro , on the and inst, 'Haugh McAllister, aged 50 years. reWd: Corrected by 11,'79eane Wnioirix, April 18, 1889 , Produce"Dealer merit board of moue per lee lbs. s 2, .7.6,to , 2 76 GlifeCfors are • I[essr R Miller J Fan atperbushel, . 0.06 .0 88 Sprfn 1e • t 0 Ole to 0 98 Buie t, R, Maxwell, W. rsbister. and oats! • • - 20 to 28 re!' 40 to 150 J.4 Dimeut. Last years make of Pena, - . - ss to 50 --ahe8a.6 was i 0;0001 s dr ' •135tans. Potatos, - - 20 to 26 A les er b 80 to 40 10 to • 17 9 -tc: 9 -6 25 to a se 1 26 to 1.60 11 00 to 23 00 The:directors ,realize 3i`alpil they had a maki'r, ono whose h gent co operation wit ineA, 'A' competes stand factor in the s "vf a ehees8 factory •. fsessed in -the person Me8•in:r, whose sl:"re wes:admitted'otl:all hands. He has. acted in alis. eapecl .s since the second' F� yea" Last year th factory had 208 1.1511 aha in al'i W tlst ,complete, ar,• ,witneatifo e ltiortole rangements were.m; defer entering on what promised to b= n most prosperous year, the old -adag. , "tire best laid .. - 4)1GYCLE FOR BALE: schemes et niee - •A tl men gang aft 84 inch,Eritish Ciiallen;io, in 'perfect order, Only og1.eP," was ft,rcibl illustrated. The twosoasonsMuse' Address,•' • incendiarytame w s lit'fl.fid in a few . BICYCLIST, Ileums "3',e finv+..st ucture send equip mentsare'a mass n ruins TOWIt AND)'ViLLA.GE LOTS Ik, sl .'A1tB1tOLDI6B;' BTING1..•- DECISIOtr, FOR 8 ,• TO R c -BMW, Town lot 469, west side Leopold street, %Ingham. and Village lot 26, McOroa's survey, Eolgrave, both Thedireetors'u;dcalled a meeting exoebentbukel:12hitos,are.forsalo. Apply to of shareholders. to • Monday hist to con. .' . A, MORTON, • eider what was be .t ter be done. In con- sequenee there w, s -a very large gather- ' notiolr & tt: w.strle. - ' iztt; zax rli� -' ,use+gas Hall at 2 o'010Rk- The president,. `t r Miller, explained the object of -.he meeting. He said. I+ k 11. I+. s vi::x8M Ann eIvnt ENat$SIes, the bo • w is innnred hi the Iin�10n Mnttiuu . for $g,VV0&, and, the, ;LIsSOW$L caro 11'INCIIAM. plant .t , , if+iw,;tc Mutual for 161,000. , Tit (, I1re 16:1 1:t ,ekhn`ders, 'The fac- neilo p ottrFla t,an+ i"0%,o1lc of rho Tf1I11a tor, wad paid }r except 0800 and ssrr.;:. that in i ir. T. 3.. Butter'per lbw, most ebDtpetent Agr.g,I Flogarr' rty and intelli- woad per cord, Oaypertou, -' of material lassie'= r9sLle,Sinan."•ia no ceessful working welve Acres 'Able •tire. pOS- 'of' wingha of Mr ".William' saniessorn Mesa and success t For Sale.' and adjoining the Corporation to Turnberey, free of stones And ell fenced, shade trees and a never nQ• 4tptlly to A. ROE; Queen's Hotel. SALE, aresin Tawnship"of Wb. heap–address London. • Barrister. &e,, WUNOIIAM, pint, I,lf ) were -diva'illuted; in. dividends 1bfst =ler, piwrt, shares had beet sold sit 16 tel; 1n. sy r,'when $11;proriiulrlt W,. z 3iii n. It was agreed:,. tlla' e.h tz,1t. el ak but once except ,fol. - o t - f. ±z motion was triode l,. •w' G �f,)'ia,rts n and 13 D+ i o ts.,l•Itlllltru, This w r # : tw! ref,rried ttnirnt i • I., ; z Y i:litre!! reported per; p,41., ,•:-, , sr•• i "rip' of :frame farad 1;ri•• a 1"if•a t} u .:ch ho had carefully eKil l,� b .e3 building- about, tti<< n ,'s, ..i, a Y; t it old one Was esti• - v`f,:,fh .:t; , '!lt r t egnippt•c1, froth ' 1.1(1'1;W ,4;gt0 Uossrs. -3. Elston .hote,rlritlfrnma 8I 1Nii that a brlek t•eilunlg •: erect. . Wltf; ail1ze)st J S. Vi RAQ•EY, 11 do- Supplies all necessaries for fun. eral.furnishing holm( llollvety Wagon spookily for this branoh of. business, All 1rr1drA attended lser8onitilly. and, delivered any: where within 10 miles of Wing: ben. Rei'a'tmbor the place, first door south et the big brick hotel on the main street, Wingla:ini,,,. „ i '1 See the immense variety our stack contains. Inspection requested. M. H. SOT cIND O. SPRING- ' 1889.kange, E eiiein0f Queltg, MRS. HERDSMAN' the Stock now on hand at , Begs to announce. to her many patrons that her stock of 1iIliiery LESLIE'SSp1n: has no superior anywhere. for this season, is complete in every line. The goods 'were bought for Cub, in the best tome and Foreign Markets and will be sold at the The most fastidious can be suited in lowest possible profits. his elegant lines of .. - Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins, Brocades, Plasm: CJataaciian, English, Scotch, - . and Velvet Manua ,Cloths. Trish and French Tweeds.. tar GOODS IMPORTED DSRECT.' ' EGGS TA1tEN AS CASH.' M4tS. HERDSMAN. Prices Lowest,' Compatible' with 'sails• factory goods and', MosTAUHION�I$I�E I KAE, I.N 'EBSTER' .. ABSOLUTE FITS GUARZANTEED Qur own Goods tint Free,, of Charge. MHANT ?ALQN MUNE Consult yourInterests `givinguePriee ,,�„PyD *"�,i o a call. y by 1 "`` cJ iBRB EO MANITOBA FOR SALE. 820 Ad'ans a Section) of, First Class Land, only Five Miles,troni the. rapidly growing City. of 13 R A.ND ON, The grain Ninnea,polis of the North-west. The above is really a desirable Farm and will be sold Cheap. A -r,© A Maiming Mill 30 by 30 feet TWO SRO 114 Containing all the modern machinery for morn/fee. tortnpr Fleeting, Mouldings, b'lh, Door &c1 Boder and Engine Room Pim Proof with 'an iron /Thriving Ebony attached, This Valuable property Is in first•elass running order, situated itt Brandon near the 0 1' R station, and In the heatt of the manufacturing depot et the city where s Urge and Profitable business can be realised, immediate pesetas -ion can be, given. Title perfect. For tuts particulars apply to ' P. A1SI1Eh Wingham r, 0. VIENNA BREAD, BROWN BREAD, CORN BREAD, at 8 cents per 4 ib. bat. Arai BREAD , viztaas1 vtrralt' BOUGHT.. ;: T1 CITY .BA1fERt" • 3, &LIMN. est IN 'WINGRAIVI.. Pine Scotch, English,, : Canadian and those Celebrated' f IF ra' [► I,, .L�.X TWEED•'`,; SUITS, At prices that will' astonish -you. • J � t St .,ngel ,, s . a Specialty. Remember *v'e gt�srotnte+v .to eve you a per- fect fitting suit. A trl.al `ii : o6i puce. . .