The Wingham Times, 1889-04-19, Page 7'• ,
. 1.:7D1 4%PalAttit`bi,
it bee brie been the epithet ee weenie
*We Chet the eurious ,Nteils a the leeetle.
,tute Iedient oceans, ebe eircular caned
eelenee, iitcleeieg n, etellow basin of elle
Awe were to be expleietel its wit. Ara
eillgented by the Lite Charlea Darwin,
through the loug contiaeed enesidetwes
. of the Gee flexr on wheel they fe•itcd.
The idea' -teat tete cosel ilret found
100110141 a 1 'the ehoree of e, veleanic
or other in Oia peek projerting teem
the sea. It Willl further supposed that
the subsidence of the ocean floor gradu-
elle lowered the original island below
the level of tile sea„ while the coral reef,
growing, steadfastly upword, remained
after the treauntairi had disappeared to
mark itseoriginal site.
Alexander Agassiz, and Jelin Murray
have recently held to the electrine tut
the greater part of our atells at leiteteno
not thee formed, and, that the central
cup of the atoll is not due to the fact
that it 'occupies the position of a subsid-
ing mountain, but that it is brought
,about by a processof solution by which
,the creed rocks are dissolved away,
Dr. H. B. Guppy, a competent ob-
server, has, during a recent sojourn on
the Keeling atoll in the 'radiate Ocean,
bern enabled to eonfirm the opinions of
Messrs. Murray and Agassiz. It there
tore seems probable that wherever coral
reefs attain the surface of the sea the
vircular basin will naturally be formed,
nand that if Mr. Darwinevexplanation has
.any truth iss it, it is to be accepted only
in rare and, as yet, unascertained cases,
--Boston Herald,
imitative 'Eaters.
"Did you ever notice how strong the
snimetic faculty of human nature is,
'low prone to followanimitable example
7in some things? I have noticed and
watched it for several years while in this
business. A regular patron will come
into the restaurant, and not until lie is
asked what he wants does he give the
matter a single thought. Ile picks up
lho bill of fare. It is old to him. He
has seen it before, and it does notton-
"Win or suggest a single thing he thinks
lo would like. He turns to the waiter,
and tells him to beetle , out something
good to eat. The waiter does so, and
what is set before the patron is sorne-
thing he did not think of, and heoats
with relish. Other customers Collie in,
and, like the first, they do .nee, know
salad they want. They cast their eyes
about and see what the other is eating,
.and orders the same. This is a rule, and
if you watch you will notice it. No
matter what the first one is eatlng. It
might bo a piece of pastry or a large
Kneel, but the sight of it arouses the ap-
petite of the others who come .in later
.and they want the aarae.—St. Louie
"Globe -Democrat.
Reny Declined.
Ill all amusing sketch of Prince Henry
,of Datternbarg, the husband of Princess
'Beatrice, recentlyappOinted governor of
oaf the Isle of Wight (greatly -to the dis-
gust of the islanders), an English paper
gives a long list of the ladies who had
•deelined the honor of the inipeounions
princelings hand before he finally sue-
veeded in his matrimonial designs.
Aislong the number was one whom it
will not bo difficult to recognize and
who is described as "the daughter of an
American •inventor who had since be -
tonne the wife of an Baleen premier."
;Several °them aro naentioned, ineluding
anactrees or two and other women, an
AWE:AM with whom would not have been
particularly creditable.—San Francesco
Street Tramways in New Twit.
During the year ending Sept. 80, 1
TAILOR 8Hop teeleiethe fee Wee&
OISNi 8ften Pk rill Of TrifInnft ehe ft
Driolat end Imetisup; De4y.
Cork looked very bright anti bustling,
'the day we reached it. We had Melo
einne feats here nee there on our way,
prosily at out of este way, picturesque
villages, and on deeply had their meta
impreseed ue that Cork, with its ears rat -
thug up and down the eteep, stony
tercets, let noisy quay population, and all
Ihe hurry of the lower town, had the air
of a stirring izietropolis, How it would
strike us if we had visited it inana ediately
after landing faxen this Ottuarder and
with the reels of Chicago and New York
still Vesta in our recollection I eatmot
Fey, but it impressed us when we did see
it very favorably. Willie there were, of
course, some evidences of the universal
"bad tirnes," there were many signs of
undoubted prosperity. Its eonnectien,
through Cove er Queenstown, nine mike
distant, with America, accounts largely,
I think, for the latter. In the streets we
noticed ninny shops devoted exclusively
to the sale of American products, meths
fruit, tobacco, agricultural implements,
sewing machines, etc.
In the very gait'of the people we fan-
cied we could see an American freedom,
and energy'. And the contrast of this
,modern dash and life with the gray re-
minders—centuries old many of them—
of bygone times that meet one every-
where is very impressive to the street -
ger. Exceptionally fascinating was it
all to us, seeing it in the lingering pale
twilight of the day that had the north
in a sky of tenderest blue and the south
ih its balmy zephyrs. Old and weary as
time itself Kerns Ireland in the rain, but
the new morning, the rosy dawn of
childhood are no fresher or fairer—
nothing can be fresher or fairer than
Ireland when the magic blue of her skies
bends above her end the caresses of the
south wind play upon her.
Women in very ugly eaped cloaks, but
comfortably shod end UM of head --
servants and workingmen's wives—were
'bringing home basketfuls of marketing
from the great "English market," as it is
called. Carriagea waiting far their oc-
cupants were in line outside the dry
goods shops and bookstores; men of the
coal heaver type were going homeward
in groups, smoking and chatting cheer-
fully among each other; bustling coun-
trywomen with many an excited objurs
gation dragged their dilatory husbands
to the carts outside the public house
doors; cabs and outside cars dashed
madly along the streets; lights shone in
the shop windows and those of the
• hotels, and a melancholy man near the
bridge was playing the air of e4Bellews-
towu Ra,ces" in a manner that seemed to
have its effect on the feet of all who
passed, And that was how "the beauti-
ful city" appeared to us on the occasion
of our first visit.—Nora Creena in, Chi-
In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingli no, respectfully solicits a share
of public' patronage, It will he his endeavor .t'o give satisfaction t,,o all
entrusting him with their orders.
Being now in running order, desire to thank those who bave
favored him, and to say that no pains WW beispared to give matifactiou
in the future,
Wingham, January ilth, 18139.
DD. 1)1Nual NMI?
IIas a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST, and
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silver Goods.
Is the place to go if you want‘to get the BES r QUALITY OBIGOODS
at the
Cheapest Possible Prices
At which they can be sold,Eas
Vanstone 'sells Gold Filled Cased Watches on a little advance of what'
others sell the same movements for in Silver cases. Also keepon hand
a Large Selection of
Also a Large and Well Selected Stock of ,
Watches, Gooks, wary,•
Silyerware, .Spec.
tacies, &a.
I do all kinds of Repairing in Cloaks, Jewellery, &e, All work
Fog Office Block, Wingham.
Trailways and elevated railways of New
the number of passengers on the street ree.a.
fat, W..e.4
York elty was 876,013,580, an increase of
8,000,000 over the number for 1887. E-4 Th
, at the uniform fare of 5 cents, .
opresents a total revenue of e18,840,- a
870.80. There are nineteen "city rail. "1"...," 1 r4P-4
*ay" eompanies, eighteen of which are -
lone car Surface lines, and the other 18.
itbo elevated railway system, with its four
Intranet lines. The equipment consists -
eat 8,054 care and 18,586 horse. The ole -
Tilted lines have 921 cars and 291 locomos
tires. Thenumber of employes is 11,725.
—43cientific .American. •
LottiOrt Age.
,g, her heels and playing all the tieeks
'Few of the people who see Late kick-
as little girl on the stage, would place
her ago at the correct figure. This little
mite of a body doesn't look it, but She
.vias born in Nassau street, Nov. 27, 1840.
'E'er father, John Ashworth Crabtree,
its an Etglishman, and kept ti book
store, which he abandoned to go to Cali -
tote& during the gold craze of '49. Lath,
.11as betenon the stage since 1868, and she
118 credited with the largest pile of dollars
,cit at woman in the profession, the
greater part at which she owes to her
mother's business shrewdness. -- New
'VOA Press.
Not needreblo for Sticides.
P.afel tower le Well a blot on the
•*tale beauty of Paris that it offers no
temptation to the would bo suicide as a
jumping off place. The true Parislau 18
nothing if not consistent in his art Me
411104 To throVx one's self from the top
-of, the Aro de Triotnehe is one thing; to
ettitige headlong from a structure so de -
vista of beauty at the Eiffel tow& is quite
another matter. The authorities need
kayo no fear that this eighth ivbnder of
Ute world will he utilised for an' *volt
purpOse, —Boston 1Z4• '
40 CD 1.4
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Owing to the late Boom I have made ronin for and have on hand
--A Large Stock of-------
. I
- 111111E' 1100TS.and, S11083,
In addition to my Custom Busines's, 1 defy Cotnpetitien in Quality, Sizes,
and am determined to sell for CASH, AT ROOK BOTTOM. P11,10E8
Agraepairing as usual. and Cement Patching a Speeialty. I solicit
a share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Central Hotel.
Rips sewed free in all boots purchased from Mo.
Butter and eggs taknit se cash in exchange for goods.
wis,00,11V, ONT.
The Soulety InCide every third kiondiy
month. Wilting brethren welcome.
Thia cannuodknis tan ba seemed tor eider
Mironents et trery kihd At s very We kers. For
terser ke., erely to
JAente teatTre,
es neer e We,
MISS Nztlo mcaAntrz.
Organ, to Woe come met netteone.
Ms.s took' ; esevvaelloove.
eagle Tielee.
Bunting e Coyote.
Pullman Superintendent Ellwood, of
this city, Superintendent Toni Urquhart,
of the Los Angeles division of the South-
ern Pacific, and Superintendent Beal, of
the .Atlantic and Pacific. met in M. Ur-
quhart's office at Mojave one day, and
agreed to go hunting upon the Kern
county desert for coyotes. They armed
themselves with rifles, secured a carriage
and driver, andotarted out early in the
morning across a cactus covered plain.
Very soon through the yuecas, they sawstanding pensively a lone coyote. He
was reflecting upon itis sins, perhaps, or
upon his hunger.
"Let me shoot! Let me shoot!" said
Mr. Beal, excitedly, raising his gun, and
Toni Urquhart gratefully yielded to his
guest. Mr. ileal shot and missed the
coyote by at least forty feet. The coyote
was a sensible animal, for he knew that
the closer to the guns he got the safer he
was. Ile did not seek to escape through
the yuccas—he started directly for the
wagon. Mr. Urquhart is a brave raan,
but that coyote looked hungry, and be
turned pale. Though he trembled, yet
he leaped into the breacti to save his
friends. Raising his gun, he took delib-
erate 2.1331, fired—and struck a yucca one
hundred yards to the right of the line of
advance. 'The coyote still came on. It
was a thrilling moment. The driver
turned his horses and galloped off, the
coyote in pursuit. The animal passed
under the wagon in a 2:08 gait and die-
; appeared. Tho railroad men returned to
Mojave, and they have not yet ceased to
talk about their narrow escape fromalso
ferocione beast.—Los Angeles Tribene.
Just Like Pork.
A freed of mine who Wed to have a
hotwo in Paris under the empire, and
was well acquainted with all the artists
of imperial France, teed me apropos ef
the picture by Gerorne, exhibited in
the American galleries, a story that is
worth repeating here. Every orie who
loves art must know the Islam* (or the
engraving from the picture) representing
"Moller° breakfasting with Louis Qua-
torxe My friend happened to run into
Gerosee's studio just after the canvas
was completed. It was in its. triune and
en the ()Mel, and GerOrde WAS chuckling
its. his saturnine way as he entered,
"What de you think?" said tho paiette.
"1 have just received the visit of tta
Anierican ticherd, who has. Made rhe
what he considers a great offer tor my
'1doliere.' rfs has offered Dm a thousand
francs a head for ft. 1 have refused, as
1 would if theed had beets a flock oe
dourtiers. 1 cannot fano eeiling a plc,
tura as Ono 1c0111t1 pork." Tho picture
was *old tor 110,006 -To wn Topic
Economical !
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness,.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they{
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors, • To be sure of
success, use only the Dmr49ND'
Dees for coloring Dresses, Stock.
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathert,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack, -
age for package, than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors* Ask
for the Diamond and take no other:"
A Dress Dyed "RI'
A Coat Colored 10 1
Oa1 rments Renewed cEwrs.
Child can 11$6` tfteini 8.
aza Itteratiibu. tlyeRookftee:
Montreal, P. ,
The Meet Saccesefal Remedy ever disco"-
ered, as it he certain in its effects end does
not blister. Saadi:roof below.
Orme ova:mute 4. SNIVIDA,
scurnaalte BAN AND Tztorrese Baan Hosts.
Banzpits os‘
DEserwoo Nov.30, IBM
DR. B. T. Katmer.r. Co.
Dear Sirs: I have always pnrcbaseel
dell's Spavin Cure by the Ulf dozen bottles. X
would like prices fu lager Quantity. I think it is
0110 01 the beat liniment^ onearth., 1 have needle
en wit:Mid:for three leers •
• Tours truly, Cats. A. Simints.
Thwortine, N. T.. November 3. Nee,
Et.i. J. Kentuzzu Co.
r Sirs : I desire to give yen teetisnonial of my
goo opinionof your Kendall'agpaviz: Cure. 'hae
used it for Lameness. 8119- Jolare alod.
Gpnvinr, and I have found it a sure cure, I omit -
ally recommend it to allhorsemen.
Tours trate__ _ A.B. GUMMI'.
naneger Troy Lanniry Stables.
• Senn Wflgros Conan, Oso, ltso. IP, iffel.
Dn. D. 3. KUNDALL Co.
Cads: I feel it my duty ta say what I bare ions
with your Kendall's Sparta Cure. I have cured
Ring Roue. nine afflicted with I Read Ana
twentydve horses that bad Syr% ten or
seven of Big Jaw. Bine° I have 011001 7055
books and followed the din:elle:m.1 bare never
lost a caseof any idni.
• Tonne init. Artintrw TOMB*
Kern Doctor.
Prlee el per bottle, or six bottles for 45. All Inas,
gists have lt or can itet it for you. or it wili be seat
so any address on receipt of price by the prolate -
tors. Dn. B. J. ICIANDALL Co., ignobly& Twisivt.
Vhen I say Otnact do not mean merely to
stop them for a time, and then have th re -
tern again. I mule .4. RADICAL
I have made the disease of
&lifelong et -nay. I krAltRA14-3 my remedy to
Cetus the 'Worst ease!. elements others nave
falledis no reason for net now teem mg a our*.
Seed at on de tor s treatise and &Fags Dome
of ni; Iiirerffilltas ItsztmllY. Give Erpreen
Me Cat °Mee. Ie costs you nothing say Of
and it will cure you. Addrese
Glemissixii0T. 37 Toe iroste, Ost.
Ovenect by Janette ffillotts BinetMe. trek by. 13.
leet, Cassel. Ont.. Ilebe-orbieth, April t35& 134thtch, NO. 3,237. IL. it 13., Dem b*lowitaa,
Slid SO, Os% IL P. IL 11, Dee4i by II, 11011$ rt. clot,
tel, Ont. IntohAint Purchiteen: let teviutette to
strut rdi tad the Ikea