HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-19, Page 4Ale
d..t.oiL d,istow®1• I and J.Coultes. Both, we believe, me)
LYtlT R, uocpssity o conyersra-- as�a coo i 1 well fitted for then position,• brit it :tl
OA, Wawa PIP; CliNx t,oAN.•+'•Por.IXt04iG '0 adutiaaioli«, li.gv. : :' sboxtt or. A
r, ratepayers went cite that will da li
..... qua ciatiziiivlas
The farmer in this neighborhood
� tanhai>.p, raatj paper ort p a ..say they nevers+Lvr•t ie a• w tea►. oo . utmost fair the good ti€ rite 7.'awusltip
Eleuient'io Oerisiete Work, showing more promising at this :season of the utI et1`)"i he c4 the man with elle
x f Tli l� y k ' l look l4 ,:
blixDAY, AL `ltl4L 18, .SS9. ere the alcor et tea wtsapara wtsa, the necessity for, its • cievelopr Lente IIL year.,---Oonfirrnatton eervtcee were field �'
f I sawmill.—Albert soli of a se, P. iecen• -
1)lT0RIAL. Z�UTB6' debate of apy note was an,oug th.e meet pexis 1 an ie, Eatero. lien. Dr. Rev. 1lt. Arendt - niee$rd, H. Fred., ie ca
Me, J, Ross lYaSzwi'soTT, o the finanoiera. of the House on the gum Wild,. of Toem 1 tNatuied on T(WS el of Bt.. l<larys, and W.B.Davis 1 '-"7
Toronto Evening Telegram, has win ill •bort of rho. late loan.. .Sir, Br,tohard dile evenings in 41)e Opera,FH,ouse, to a, .Qf 147itcl)pll, ware chosen at tti recent Wltitel '•
i� brought. r Inst him b Cartwright drew the attention of rite targe and euthusiastig audience, on, rite Conservative ecu veietion to be the The WoiliiLai's 1!'uxeigu n1i s ovary
the libel salt i.ou„ ag.i y Finance Minister to the oltaractax of r, , " ►
firm of street evement aontractore. lrs cru- }Jesuit Estate's .13111. Itev. 4°6ep L standard bearers at.the comity Do- 8oclety of tbis•pluce,li,'id their rerefer
P the rue ictus egad 'b t Gov
A y Cook', of Boston, also le+ Lured cat Wed• minion. and Provincial plcatiaus for meeting ou Tu�as,�ay, April 9tIS, at. the
I'.a is said that important changes 'went o.skina for: tenders for the late needay evening, on " Jesuit Aggreseieo South Perth. _ Mr. Joseph Bette House of Mrs Henderson, After 'the
will be made in the Beads of several loan. Thu prospHutus sets forth that in America, especially ot} the Public brother to 4r. ltoht.:Itoth, brewer, of',u'sua1' (piling cervico of singing, read-'..
nts of theCauaciian the . naw bonds will be bought up school SysGetn of the United States," this town, died tri Toroute IIospittl} inn of scripture and prayer, a very
a£ the departments annnail to too amount o£ nearly two The lecture was in consonance with . .
l'azaifio Railwa . The xep)gc)ation of Yi+ ou I`nesday of )act weep, cif oonsomp- interxstu,,, iiud instructive paper was
Y enema el ii -`This will morally tbe,iecturt.r's, ferns, merited by gi,,,at tlo,.;-,-tlr.• B. lEathwellf, princiral of read by Lilies G•raca 7klarvbray. This
Mr Tattle, passenger trafilc manager, bind the Uovernmeut to buy up the clearness of reaso.niilg, and Chl'isttun our public. school, and. fianisl3', were Sudety ,et A hiteehurah' was organised
is sliced announced,, He goes to _ hoods at wl)ateyer the market price spirit. M. Jolie Rituhie Lyes 1?ri'sent, taken" suddenly ill, on Sunday week, . twoeyears ago, tLud has already crone
New fork to ecce t the ohaixmanshig of them may be This also converts at the Association as lay delegate from after having partakeiF of seine meat, excellent service; The object of these
P Fortunately nothing •stripes has taken � meetings is.to assist in the great work
of the passenger ca 't f -.
o hN, n uneVent u to order to the wife. and spiritual progStosFt.;:iii the Luttiert►u Ghuruh hew
Irlua week brie
-. the .ai'lltluientitiry vircle. The only of the church. Tee .4ssora►aticin ;s to 'Sunday lest, cunduct�ed.; by the pastor,. Wi *hot u beat it in t.WQ alma twt:tl 7„
truck lines.
a fifty year loan into a ten year loan.. Win {uLm, and have an account of flow
Hunk tee o e
Place. -The • aMI-important,oMI-important,topic of wLula Ulirist left ills followers to tic?
A ten year loan could be put on the ,the church debt' was provided for.
market with greater advantage than
late here has beery theHess
Bros'. to seal .a the Gospel to every creature,
Th death is announed of the Rev. 'a fifty year lean but while it was The old Gore. ,
negotiated. as a -fifty par can, ie , or a o e insurinry pu - � ti0 'cera "rtrest as nLltc r as possi . e iu
d theG vernmeut is morally, bound to pry •1• ue in on the dollar, ..Most of the smaller'the Mission clause, and to endeavor to
)A tie siva a .Few is its 111 Ole isR
it In ten ears, au consequently, iu- , • ,
e eal b camproln ee '1'lie 'largest creditors by giving as wd have• been blessed,, to
0o le wA now
J G W d F Ir S� tl 11 k n y 1 t P th benefit
f th A eeoiu to be prepared totake'c ). others1 b
naturalist. The wonder an y d "
of nature found in himconnection with the Gore District Vire creditors are ,determined not to make promote lrencfiuial, elLristlan•• know
beautiesau stead of the interest being three per .any compromise., The largest creditor, �• Mitmeen.
enthusiastic and intelligent exponent• cent, in all likelihood it will amount Insurance Coni15inyof Galt for 'the Y P gledge.
the Bank of Hamilton, is secured by
'go 'oneperhaps in the 'present age, to 4 - per cent, The Government past year: 1t is wellworthy of Peru •uor�„ages, itv. a
tg r . If ; satisfactory B,luevale.
was more diligent and successful, by takes the position'that it is'not
bound sal, and is an excellent illustration of settlement is made, the fiat/ purposes
8 by rite Qrospectus, bat it rite bonds• what•ma• be accomplished bycareful establishing -iryuiii �iu Listowel the Mt R. N: Duff is busy cutting
l e'writings'and lectures, in fostering he House ha:? been in tlomli)ittep y P s ., lens clogs into square timber • tor role
especially in the minds of the 'young, • ineelagement. It is now '£ty-,ttvo chair fec.tory,,. a. L they will not be in a lens which is to be shipped to the•
P y f h �y (l t f th t :It I U t G 11 T t Ile s
o ..t e,; toe moa 'o a pas we curs old. and malty n arl.A Gem:. paeitioti to t0t)ul In
droit o.— ire
e love of'the study,of livin`i thfugs y•Liverpool markets twill have sic
A statement of insurance companies b
o' kdt the estimates. ,f There has panics, both stock. and wutuat, have b tl d f tl •
een considerable sparring. between • Qtio to. it •th tl t t'lite night. O W d clay moruiiig of or seven car. loads. 11r. Jae. Gray, g .son of Mr. Andrew" ,Gray, sent. home
._ e
aloins business in Canada shows s, a overrnmpn � While esteadily y ga I i as weak, from Loirsfana a -few days ago,
amount of fire insurance in 1888. ' many of the items of expenditure, its age. Notwithstanding the severe vey's.atore was discovered to be on
• f tl G t:rnment d ' * g ,fire, d k "f � t (mulct got the specfmcris of plums and be8ns,
wail W) in ia.. tipie,
nae rtn�
e have again Home'.:.. )e or .er o le
niry i , n 8 ueS
C d'the ill G t and Opposition on }i'1 it t d'1 tt e s strength Aith last Iv 1 about 5 o'clock Paul Har-
„ In Canadian ooln anies $120158 592; The supporters o ie ov , lessee it oust
aiue in 8 .r the array ofre, an ie ole water oou
p ' ' ' ' have easy and tranquil tunes, 'l'hey figures under the' heading :ai-sets, is 'bdl,ding was completely gutted. , But also mots, which in that. country
in British companies,, $376,408,822 ;; river bother their heads shout ex en. henrys as eautifal pendenta from
P eery assurtn when we consider h to cap he le the fir find k a 1 t li Robert 'deo has
d this I ti full confidence in Ontario l Itsb' seems to 3 li less than five attempts been very poorly winter
th tkYr k tl ntry sate in thea bills receivablet to.' about ,first t} residence of Mr J E. e
to $6,402,60$. The net cash paid for Th are always Lead. to t cash assets are of .first- '1'erhuue bitrr'stcr.. which was totall last week. --•Wm 'Messer irate Hamr1-
tae : e e .wore
in American companies, $44,861,343, diture. They. take Ito pelt in the die- 'its busineg+ is• restricts d, k4 "western desperation On Tuesday beGtveeiY 1 and tie recta. rs, The premiums charge upon suss'on, flaying u . , u arto on y, usinese a,rn w ei� no l all w'nt r and
insurance amounted' the Mieisters' judgment aud'integrity, :be welkin hand, agents' balances and • at firing buil 1 ,ll mendin+, very sl.,wly,—Hugh •Ros
$541,000,000 0€ shipped ,L very fine a•r load•,, of cattle
dings were,mite t:., re b
e is • )e ..sou ', , amounting was the
hands. They Y $� 500. Its s s , i Y
tort a visit on business last week.—
fi 076 280 l life• m°11r- vote the items through, no matter haw class' material, onnsiatllrr., of :(xovrrt,- destroy:ed,:the *,family merelyescaping.
auoe, 11 •Canadian, 16 British: and 13 scaly it looks.' The Government merit and batik deposits and first. wort- with° their lives, Before the firemen; Elenry Ilsekens- has. arrived : home
American com anies operated in supporters..are•not free rota. Iii pri• gegeseamou.ntingini;al1,kith L few smell were away fro this, another Lire from Louisiana and is delighted with
P vale ounversation, theysa the are r,rhe eountrys prospects.. Mrs. Applet
Canada in 1888: " The policies.iri force Y Y addittenal' items, toll 10,000: lh'ie, broke< out in -the eastern :part of the ,came baelr with him.
and the amounts x ere : Canadian, tired of voting party •upon every ques with 'uutouoiled "undertakings" , of town, being, the stable in oounectioz�•
tion;`and" hope ' the day is not fat $148,000,, hives an ac;l;regate of $258 - with rite Baptist Ch
losses wag , , :ii. '
P 000 forureh parsonage,
72,203; X114,03:9,270; British,r14,734, distant when -more freed of o Luton the pro of policy hold -.The titin. )Lir,. Uaoli's.lioise was burnt, Glenannan..
1&30,665,465 ; American, 46,781, and action will be allowed to private ers.
bVell irtiglit the Eton Mr:. ' onnl; with the building: While this fire "The Mair: behind:the • plough" is
fr7 7241194 The total premiums i. ember. .p think. the time is coming the• President take pride in looking was raging',:a most.d t ing attempt was uow. the order ' of the elvy.—Mrs. J.
paid during the year amounted to when the 'electors will support mea- on it lis occupying the stro
$6,560,218, being an increase of $558,, ; sures, instead of party. It would be nancial position of any C��
813 on the premiums paid the ;pre- ea happy 'day 'for• ;this, country, and ,its class in Canada -all i
vious year. , would `allow each representative to-Thesiy of the •Stock Oo
expeess, his •own conscientious opin', t'he"mutual policy I
The experiment of sharing profits .ions, rather than be forced by party menace at twee
est�fi made to burn the .house of Mrs. Bar- Midcalf returned on Frivay 'last from
patty, 'of ber, not : n any 'erods away. Rags etteedance on the sick bed •'of her
rower that. ssttirated with coal oil were placed mother, Mrs. Stephenson, of Stii'n ley
Fianies, whi•si uuder'tlie.ciirners of the building and —Mrs J Johnson, . of Wanstead, Co
dors get their,in ,set on,. fire, brit fortunately were dis• Lainbton, is paying a visit to•ber
per cent per annum covered beforegaiuiiig much headway. home.—The .seats in school vacated by
' with employees,•. 4is - :being tried by. ;exigencies, t,o do violence to itis own less. We are leased to haus that,. This was the property . of a widow. the big boys and girls are now w elf:.
Messrs. Bertram & Sons, of the Can-- ;conscience -and injery'to the 'best much of its'necess is attributable: .t..Three atte pts were made to burin filled by the very "young. idea."Miss
sees Tool' :•:Works at Dundee,. .0•:t.• crests of the country, R. Cann Anon, the resident agent at Dili: Valentine Ieerger's• stabler, but' Agner'Wen treated. a number .of her
ed Wallace's Oombine's:13i11 was before Gee • ivei•e uusuccessful. Not being satisfied friends to a "taffy pp ull" on Tuesday
'Nearly a year ago, this firm enter .
the Committee,,orl Barlkmg and Coni,: — ,., with burning . Mx:'• Terhune's douse evening of last week. All were of the
into an arrangement with its employes•
tsoiitente;bis stable was fired abilut o -inion that. the had a sweettinie.
incite this week After hearine many Turnenerry P y
by which each of them receive a members of deputations, who were . two hours after but was discovered
Mr, f' .: &litchell intends taking a
bonus in proportion to the • amount. resent to oppose the bill the Com- • before gaining much . headwap. It
P P P PP trip to Dakota early. date .• He Kineartdine.
of his earnings during the year,, but ;mitten declared the preamble proven. has , three .. nimbus of ''his Tamil seems scarcely credible their in a'fair
P i t hell refarned Y 4lr da morning arryarPt lt'IcLeod,•
fprfeitiii§, 2G cents for each day.:.:tliat Its further: consideration will come a there • ytx. Day d M. c cod. ntr like.out s such human monsters a Suedes d• Inman gut withe
ve Tuesday, I6th. test. ;`x'Iiis'is a Dilly from +lorida,.•where. he has been for.' rxist,.uttt; :they do, for these. w,ere.ailgelier
he absents himself from work, except very dtfpioutt, to frame t protect the undoubtedly incendiarisms. Three son, was found lying, on• the Hoot -dead.
that he does so on account` of sickness, public and topreserve the rights of the past three year - Settl•ing has persons have be)n. arrested: en sue: Her son was asleep in. another .room
commenced.— if r., G. Fergie s little and was byEdwin. _Batman The first distribution of profits recent-. .business men. The evidence taken boy is .sick. He fell, injuring ^his evid'enceulias very
stronge I broucight; tmstaatiaiforwaid and Kenneth awakened Maths n, who discover -
1y shows thi.t so far as.the employees before lite Combine's Committee last spine sometime a R :Dl e • g `
bo.— ev. ,', against bee "Alex.. D1clEenzio,. jr., who ed the body: An inquest was held •
are concerned, the system has wonted year proves the necessity of legislation Kelly is,visiting friends at 'home . He , " Monday. Although foul la 'was at
neon this question. The consumers; . was seen prowling aro-tind.that'reign, Y g p y
i udvpnttigeously. The food. amounted must be protected against combines occupied_ the pulpit in the Baptist ins in ,a suspicious ntairuer. Also, first suspected, it would teeth that
P a church. last SundayThe Rev. Mr: Mar area
to' nearly $1,200, and the amounts tend trusts whose ,object is :to fill their . the party who attempted firing Mr. g ,her son and a young man .
receiyed.b each employee, inc'udin own octets at the. expense.:of •the . MOoreliouse delivered'cne of his in •;Io®rger's.stable .took.a Guelph fercury, had been drinking: on Saturday night,
Yg Pteresting lectures in the •school' boas, that theyall beoitine drunk,. the nice
appreutiees, ranged' from $25 to- $.50. consumer: No doubt. a bill can be of B. S. No, 6,'last week,Thursda tiit in two pieces„set one piece on
No doubt a eat advantages have 'framed to protect the interests. of all,y' fire' and threw it .through the window fell asleep and the woman, in falling
accrued, to q he proprietors. The. without interfering with the le�;i`tfniate. `mr'' S. Porter, of YVlediciiip•T3,at, N, ou some' !straw• The remainder was off her chair, was ' saffbeated:-Ori
ccruedeeigular atteu- rite f won Iileii upon rights of. erany. ; This:is all that tiso W' fi:,y'fornnerly of Turnberry, ie found near the windbw,''having
un it, aturday night burglars found their
their duties,would of itself,' we ma• ''so�tt sought, and o doubt ,this will be ao vision¢ friends in the vicinity of
the priuted' label of Alex. McKenzie, way to the room.in which Mn Peter -
8 , Win,liam. He brine's a favorable
P elcGaw was s'eP ill p
gine, be almost cesufficieut recompense oomplished. The sentiment , of;; the '.re ort of, the country around Medicine 'Phe other two alzer.rs are' Wm, p g and.took a ociiet•
to the employers: [Louse is• largely in •favor of. some PHee ide and Jas. Walzer• The taking book containing $110.
Hat.. -.�1r. Andrew .Agar has tented '
,,, measure to protect the public froiu; n evidence in rite investigation :tom-
�he Winnipeg Sun gives a sketch: the operations of these combines• and' the farm of •Mr. Stevens,, on. the 'Jth ',nruced .oil Tuesday evening, and at •
lielgrave, -
Con, tatting potseseion, first , week: ,
of Premier Greenway. It says : 13e trusts. Wallace's B'►11, it is to be 11 o'clock au adjournment wag, had; Mr. T. S. Wilkinson and: S: Rile
Realizing- the filet that it' isnot wellRipley
was cradled le Oorhwull, Eng., March feared, wilt'iot pass this session%. ,It ” till Wednesday evening at 7.30, was in town Saturda .—Mr,' 'Fred.
fora MOM to be .alone; Andrew. alas ,. y
25, 1888, carne to Canaria when only is a Measnre that will require a goad
hired a.bo to tee him coin an ,but Kay spent Sunday last at alis home in.
n to perfect it, and Y P' P Y East Wstwanosh.
six years °flip, and was educated in he doea.not seem to be just. satisfied • Belmare.—Mrs. James Stewai t, who.
hereoisf dnoutime at this stage of,, the
Ontario. Removing to Manitoba, his, yet. Try again, Andrew, and,profit be Messrs, Robt. Currie, Sent, John has been sick for - many months, is
session to do so. itexperience.--Mr..• acnes Willem), has Coeltes-and• W. Roach wore nomitie now, we are glad too hear, slowly,
first experience was in locating` settlers Ottawa, 15th A,prilj 1889. moved into one of Mr Gihnore's ated Saturday last, the 18th inst td fill recovering.•—Mrs, M,Kibbon is still •
on lands throughout the Province. houses.–eche school in:8 S. ; No. 6 is the vacancy ill the Municipal council very . Tow. Dr• Garner, Liicknow; •
Being chosen} as a meinber of the `d onerosattona1ists en net utona t losed for. a couple of wseke, the teach of the Township' of EtiseeWawanosh, was in.attendaiice Saturday last. --E..
Legislature 1 y the people of Mountain The Western Congregational ;Assn- 13r1` Miss Porter; being still unable to causedeby the resignation of Robt. B. Kingsley, traveller for ,!:'D: King
lie has sat there continuously ever- oiatidti met in London on the-9thand. resume her duties.--I-Iolstein cattle McGowan. 1ltr. 'Currie declined' to & Co,, Toronto, was in town this:.
sines for mate y -years as leader of the '10th instants: The president, Rev; are rapidly coming into publie•favor,
nand as a. candidate, and withdraw week,—Messrs. Agnew gild _Budge, of
' Geo. Fuller, of Brantford,, delivered. ,To the enterprise of Mr. James, 'Elliot his nomination, leaving Messrs. Clinton Colieeiate Institute, are home.
Opposition, and for little over a year the opening address, A motion by •of Con:,4 is clue the credit . of intro= Joultes and Roach to fight it out ' at, 'fqr a few holidays at presentee -Rev.
as First Minister, Mr, Greenway ie Mr. D. D. Hay, of Stratford, to estab clueing, this breed into this, locality. the polls;.Saturday .first, the 26th inst. elreLaw preached in Brussels Sunday
a pretty healthy looking specimen of lish an Advisory Committee for Home The, auperla, well derived bull,. Crown --W' F, Oakes, of Clinton, spent; last in Mr,.,tiowie's stead.—Miss Bella
manhood,. and is the father of no leas. , P p p" Y iss M. 14x; Morrison
n4rssion Churches, ,was adb ted. A. Imperial, erfal, is available for the improve-
rove- Sunda at ►lr. W. Rath's, on the 7th. Geddes and 1\f
0. then, fourteen children, all of whom discussion ou Foreign ll[issiens was went of .stock on. Mr. Elliot's farm. Our assessor, Mr, Fountain Naglor1 spent Sunday last in Winnliam.---Mr.
introduced by Lica.- -1. IC. Unsworth," C)res�t"n Imperial, fiom• thtj herd of has finished his rounds.—Mr. Robt..' James gyuer and Wm. Watson ex-
are alive and nearly all of therm real- of ?iris. Four students train lite S; •Bollert,' Cassell,. Ontario, amongst eloGowau- left for Washington Te,t:, U.' changed their places of abode on Tues- -
tient in Southwestern Manitoba. college ateelontreal intend to proceed; the best breeders of tliis class of ani• S on Tuesday last.—Mr. 5, McLean, day last. Mn Tyner occupies his
While the Attorney General is looked to foreign work. Of above, one goes rials in Canada, la:descended from the of Kincardine, is buying cattle n this house near the mill as it is somewhat
upon as the peer among public; men to Africa, another to Japan. Time , best Holsteins in, America, his sire vicinity —Mr. Jahrt Tabb returned to hearer his pleat of business, Mr, bat-
xri the Province to day for departmen . destinations of the others was not prairie Aaggie Prince, now lieadlnhr t3ad Axe, Miele, on. ,–'elnesday, after, . son the' one vacated by Mr. Tyner.
lal work, and perhaps forgeneral mentioned. On Tuesday, a very large the herd M ,MMesar;, .Hallman. & Oo., Vending a week or two ;with friends. Tliere'are two empty houses in town
executive) ability, 'still &Ir. Green- gathering of Sabbath School children Whig- bred by T. G. Youmans & Sons, Here.—A petitions againist granting mow?' . Saicnehody ought to make a
way is the. .nen .who has the was held, and :addresses delivered ley of Walworth, 1,i•. Y. ffit his sire rte^ther hotel license in Belgrave 11a5. move. We do not like to see empty
;personal'follow.iug in the Legislature Eev. Geo.' Fuller, and Mt. Yeigh, of Royal Aaggie, $1500 wits pitid when been circulated and largely sighed by. houses.—ears. W. Cisooks, who had
tad cointneeies the supaiortou per Toronto. On• 4Vednesday,the elaima orae year old and. he commends, a fee the ratepayers of this township. -Mr. the misfortune to break her leg a
aoual grounds et about rweetytwo of the College Jubilee Endowment of 000. Themile record of these P. Anderson is rin=wring for the Weet, short time ago, is rapidly
ri.'u out of a II: 'Ilse of thirty-eight. were ably urged by Rev. J. P. Gerrie, strain of auimis is somethitig extra. b'1 aw:tnosh Fere Insurance Company. The following paragraph has been
Tete 1.'reeeior is ti<Z.Ian who niiicht past of Stratford. R3v. Mr. McGregor, of ordinaiy and is well worthy the atteu• _--Cliere is .considerable 8xoitenient�sent tis .by one calcitic ,sur regular
tor f,trty, He is.slightly grey, and Guelph, stated that Hamilton hail nota of fLLrniers. It may be teem on _ )nor the election wtrii It ie to take correspondent : ,Certain individuals
Maio wily thing that melees him. feel already eueserihei $149 to the fund. the pedigree and description Garde . place on S,Lturdity for the purpose of were busy Air day getting signatures
that he is gr'tti;i;.i on in years is Rev. iias.Webb, of New Durham, read recently sent out by Nit. Eliot, electin=g a councillo,• t:i fill the place to that anti•hotel petition from par.
1) i • paper on ..the Lasix of etembersliil) R of Rol)ort McGowan, resigned. Tue ties living nearly ten' eilet s out of:
l.ec+itis;i he has beim Ciucrt. �.lia to'eveiu.''ti a . r.
ike,etwelc's. i . our Unwell '0, e.npliataisiug the ; Try tin') Trees fcr job printing.
eiti.didates are .fries -,s. tri. Roach town. .,