HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-19, Page 3.• r . � �, gIr111Mw1r1a' ,
!rim boom m WBL sMEL of AmerTeai a exists for titles, so lone
will the American store keeper an
niter, as well as the American Ileiresss,
: g , TAC r ori OF ulimnaKlam t '1 an cavy victim to the foreigis adven-
i d Y F TE iJ 5- : Wier who conics with 4 big sounding
tile.. The more n; 1 it a find the longer
'..a title tate better.—New YO,t'k Journal•
t Ile
the class.
"1 know," said Air. Arthur. "Alt i� -
pro neon ie a dint in a soft,plaoe."
"Young gentleman," raaiid the doctor,
removing his hand front his forehead
mid growing red la the face, "you are ex-
cused for the day."--•kliiladelphia North
.+nut,dt That Are sr 1'4.s Anmvgant-- nim �Arioa�7t.
*The Ate norrvo or .ittt i etivr-1see, Mz$, Sieeeme Shoes. t
%woo, lvoth,,,,,t 44 or nuteettm "People think that I actua' y wear C<ral+c,+ at >>84 7i'sr Pound
Itmetriaana. sone ilrs. Salamis' tames," said Airs. Ellen The steward of Air. Vaanderbilt's yacht
��` "� Tei.,', "but of course I don't. I +.�lierisli Alva entered a large fruit and confec-
On n �, iiuo slag* .TOU can cel 4)z them much too dearly for that, and Anly tionery store on Baltimore street just be -
fraudulent nobleineit 'airing sthenaklvee to think they were on the dear, tlese
.oa upper Broadway lady's feet. A present from one actreae
.� ,b R a B>a on, a• �coun#.eck`c�t rt�ount, e` to another. here lire tl a,
h qd impose are uredo o! silver satin, bound and
viii anTbotly- trimmed with red silk, a
Row can they be rietectedi'
spangles and gold emUroidery.'"
Emily 'b. Suppose you have R read, seams Cows.
sioltdenian presented to you; the intro, A few miles from the city of London
s3uoer:shouid l-ei able to vouch for hiw, tY resides a gentleman and his good wife,
She matter title ie* point in question. owning and tilling fifty acres of land.
Brat Tour bogus nobleman nearly all The gentleman has always had great
Ways presents 'himself, 'Then go to t faith in his cows paying well, but
stimulate s it his 'country., thought, the hens a bill of expense. The
.s SURTO VE7Sv'ro$. lady, on the other hand, contended that.
There it leeasy to satisfy+ yourself of the hens paid better than the awe. Ace
Ws identity, Generally 'speaking, al- cordingly one spring she determined to
ougla not always, real nobleraea regls keep books forone season and ascertain
ter atilt(' cc:ataviate on their *arrival la the respective.merits of both. She ored-
blew York, but every consulate. even of :ted the hens with all eggs laid, and in-
tthe ,gentleman liars not recorded there, is teresting indeed was the contest as the
more or teas. ahle to give information as - time drew nigh for receiving the check
Baa noblemen belonging to their country. from the cheese factory. But it came at
iahanks to the ;Swish Peerage (Durkee last, and behold, the hens were ahead.
5nd Debreteaa and the German Gotha- and so it continued throughout the, gee-
lsche, Grafen and i'reilierrn Calendar, as son.
well as to the €army lists of both .noun-• One Bundled hens to three cgws,,and bad literature of the day. Ninety -nits.
tries, it is pretty easy to .get at the facts., as they had decided in the spring that it novels out of a hundred are injurious. A..
And there are 'so many real nobleaxen, would cost about the same to has),t.each, woman aboard. never read a fictitioqyus
and officers of the German and Englist the gentleman was forced to yield the story which, misrepresents life; z,,1is-
armies here in this city that the bogue point and admit that the hens wero.niost should beware,of the sensational bowl;
arti+cle«could,easily be detected by bell ; profitable; and if ethers would:peep an and any book that influences the mind
„frond with the real one- exact account they, would be surprised by its passion. Qbscene pictures which
Tian imposter is generally good loohitag. at the result, but most farmeraele not are passing through our postofiices every
and diaiina a .and 'ivas: a dangeroau give their hens, credit for anything ex- day should be. anathematized In every
knowledge of what he is talking abautw,. cept what eggs are taken to market. It possible way. I am sometimes tempted
depending on This good looks aand talar, is not, at all difficult to, make hens pay to,•believe that amateur photography is a
eheak to marry him through. And our. $1 per head per annum;if properly tared; Gorse,
modern society one-half of the so-:
rich girls, blinded by what they believe,, for. The writer on one occasion made, diet men are wondering how in the
to ba the honor of being courted by a $8 per head on five dark Brahma bens
ideal live lord or oonnt, fall an easy vie- after paying all expenses. This, it will world they eA n get the wr!'ee of the other.•
tin to the unscrupulous fortune hunte be understood, was, ger• eggs and meat half. This; may bring smiles ,, to some r
Coiniterfelt noblemen en and real noble. alone, not for breeding, stock, as half A faces, bj;it will bring tears to the;eyeiin
horeta, olio have so fax forgotten what Is dollar was the highest; price realized fat: of others' in this city. Clubs and hotels,.
due to their name that they closely tri-, yoamg birds.--FarmerssA,dvocatee, are becoming dens of corruption. I'a
ble the bad article, abound: and ai~
r • e shoe which
suint lled marquis. s oar never i domed witlk gilt
fore the yacht sailed and purchased,
nearly $7i5 worth of confectionery and
fruits, Before leaving he asked for seine
hothouse graposeand was told by the
proprietor that the•prico would bo $B per
pound. The steward gave an order for
ten pounds and asked that they be sent
to Mr. Vanderbilt's yacht. The store-
keeper declined to fill the order, because
he did not know of Mr. Vanderbilt.—Phil-.
rdelphia Times.
lli1esionaiy' Werit..
The societies of Chri»tian,Endeavor in
St. Louis have organized a "hotel com-
mittee," 'whose duty it is to see that
every arrival at the -hotels after noon on
each Saturday is furnished with' a cordial
invitation, to attend divine service at one
or another church, a .full list of the
Churches accompanying the invitation.
--St. Louis Republic
A. Bad state of Affairs,
An evil which threatens women is the
sem t° Cannunadtn to; Ri►iq.•, know a man in New leaven whose hand
ways will abound. in a great "osmopal-, one-half the people of tliia city would
:,'tau aaty like New. York. As long as thee A rather peculiar petitien-,we pro- be proud to grasp., Yet eknow that this ,
present inordinate love for titles •• sented to the Kansseeli use by Mr. ;Sher- man has two families. living; in different
man, of Rooks,.cotu ty , It was from 182 parts of; this country. There may be
3n this enlightened republic, people nnze�t ` citizdns of thsev couptYn They avant the others of, the same sort wham• I do not
net be aastonished If theyare theolu IEA
le hsmattering of• educe... legislature to male an 'appropriation for
know,--,Rev.,A. W. Wheeler, of New READY-MADE TINWARE, A HEAVY
tion rand the Ghee tct ; . mss nes • .: .
g title. ter of scouring..' artitleiel: raintalt,, try
one ch acfethey --that g their
posed-. as us vets. sof the Pe i o , y
��,iks occcotsions�tlieywillbr�tgti�Ctheiruolrig of us veterans.of t�e,.le,te warw•,ls,;lawitig pressico. be imagined than- the hat, "'WARE ROOMS eisD SHOPS ; Opposite Exchang8,,•,Hbtel, cornier �Iaseplitne
descent and thewill toll the tq�ist wonderful..from experience thet,heavyrainfi lls.fed- clothes and boots worn by the British and Victoria Streets.
,stories of their dei ll'tho iozneand of the. lowed each,;battle or•Ileaay cannoaaditig, clergymen who throng to London iii -
•doing s of their tangestozs genbx�tatina lam: - and believing thatrtliis•fact indicpites.that May? A nondescript seedy hat, generally
fore theofm, a man may produce; rainfall by artificial of the wideawake description, a long
The lab* ,specimen who has been aka- perturbation of thee,. atmosphere. when coat out like a sack, a pair of baggy •
otherwise • it would: not be experienced, trousers, very nsuclx •`wi`ne'd;' a huge( 1 •
noyingv}a.r,,hi�u'ee�familiStin, particalarlf S : and believing it ecoula be wigs for the pair of square toed bulgy boots and a
YY iX nephew of. he ti.....„:,....i....1:tate f Kansas tosuake tt reasonable ex- gingham umbrella Make nil a costume
himself'asmeet in the matter of tittomptang which is a o grotesque
.wx r II
P, oiling of till kinds attended to:
I : -
Having. purchase, the. stoop, of —NGSTQN & SONS, we are offering
for the next bib DAYS. ' COAL. and WOOD STOVES in Great
Owing, to the. numbers of Furnaces put 'in this year, we have some
SECOND-HAND. STOVES as good as new, at LESS THAN
irl sur. t ave .a the purpose cif 'experiment' n it4k anent•
k call ides I .by PrP !no haven. , .
high aoue 'co ter ORDERED
All these 'counterfeit sgciblemeli itasip means of cannonading: TlatxpetitiAni�cas Clothing at British Ctercyme+a.
• • ' i nets ?Allay Can anything more absurd and less inv. ' M.
Is, on all t t g SVO1IK, A SPECIALTY•
n, of • the latter, oal)ed s o an to t once rot and disrepntt
Yii"tnsolf sat various gimes Boniir pro duce artificial: rainfall, would most able. The old fashioned clergyman used,
Count von Arnun. on Fedwitz respectfully ask' you to make= appro- at leant to dress like a, gen ema]a;,an '3- '
various other team nation out of the treasury for the par- the Roman a o ac priest las a- ,•
tendons were have riot been fo metropole
P pose of such experiments either by can- U 1 f h I
yet. Inspector Byrnes of the metropdair
� � the
nonading or otherwise as may bo deemed
Bar and
P gentleman; d
es. tis1 C th 1' 1 peculiar,.
and tinniistaka le style o as own. .r
quite fail to see, therefaro, Why the.
modern curate should array lurnseif•like,
What i real lam- 1'
j01ae� �1.
inn• police has nipped a carr best." ---Kansas City Star
Iittd- b ,broken ,dol under-
- Ns or THE s trr.ID, -
° the ottceof th
Prussian service. He used to lunch reg- but a real artist, in. sculpture, and the • nese/meting, Vieille Cured-.
statue of the queen on,evhich, she;. is en .• A society hes been. organized in Dena,
tilarly nen mown told- restaurant, when
and -which, is- to. be • eeected ins mark reader,- the name of the "Celibacy •
one day he was told -ley the proprietor gaged,tr a
that lie had an ex -officer, who was donne
Kensington Gardens„between to -palace- Assurance society,” its object being to.
and the round pond, wilt aortal/Ay •be as,, peevide for.• those women who either
on his luck, las waiter- daring in design twit wjll be novgly, It cannot or "will not proviote themselves
Thesaid svelter -claire w to be s lim
• /.,.._., and said that he was y first die's- is intended to represent :her majesty -ars., with a husband. The premiums, which;,
tenant ;an t4 crook cavalry regiment she appeared on the -memorable m S rnhg- are on carious scales, begin at the ago.
the wards Tho writer was rathercarte- in June, 1837, when it was annou sed tee of 18 and end at 40, a period at winch,;*";
her that she was een<, cif. England. It is supposed most of the members will
y L the Y' as heKhad persen-
� was rather
will be remember d Sir George tayter's have abandoned any thought of mares •,.
asLeptica h to , identity, sett picture has commemorated it --that upon riage. Such being the case, the evpinan .,
the occasion the Princess Victoria ap• receives an annuityfor life.,Iff,liowever,
Ri RA GIB et
tQ �E
17s. a cross etween, ,a ro en, t
amusing. A Queer Statue, of Queen vtctorta. taker and cafe waiter out of erk.— • , • a� 0: 1 ��� ftct:
ewrittnr; Everybody knows. that the Princess I,aboucliere,in London Truth {Nj !d
- - tlta Louise is not a melee amateur dabbler, id
A peculiar and rather amus'
ands catxie under to n
himself for long years an *facer
Tastier Dtvai r8 , •
ling that be told wonderful stories of Aiis earecl in the scantiest of attire—a mere she marries at any time- after or before
thecount in reality having prowess during the Franco-German. wax. p
entered he robe de nuit, with ii, shawl hastily flung 40 she forfeits a},> her claims. With
over it; Rumor has it that the ,Princes$ the profits thus. accruing by chance or
army only af$er,..the close of the c�-.
At last tlhe-waiter made his appear-
ance, and after: having been taken to
task he ac iowledged that .he was hoot
the count; but was once the count's ser-
vant. The latter fact accounted for his
intimate knci ledgeo!. the.countefamily'
Many are•;tho .cases where American
wives have parried bogus noblemen eared
Buffered bitterly for it. ifterw ard, simply
because they ,did not take tale trouble t4',
make inquiries, `but believed everything
the smooth toi lied rascals said.
The writer wastall.iag, on Fifth'nvenne
with a gentieii ail, 'When ,Mie name of a
nsergiiis :velt k;'own. in Nov York was
mentioned, s-tn «raking what natio roil
iitt the ins z4 . was, he received ss
<'aia, be is, xiq't really a marquis, only
ivy all Bali hlm, se.
Louise is succeeding in giving to this purpose the society hopes to provide for
decidedly unconventional attire the ap- its members "doomed to single blessed-
pearance of quite classical drapery.-- ness."•-,Providence Jomaal.
London Life. His Y;rido Came Irrom Castle Garden.
That Settles It. The wife of Hieronymus Kirehnt3•, of
I met the lion. Fernando Jones jester Cranberry township, died leaving hilum a
say and, among other things, he ;asked wealthy widower of 70 odd years,•with a
mo if I had read the recent clise'tission longing for. a new wife. 1 -lo wrastedta
about the headwaters of thei'l1ise.sippi. mouth in. vainly looking around 'Ilea
"It,revived an old story in my,ni id," he he concluded to adVer�tisc, Mary Garbo,
said, "Henry R. Schoolcriift, .a, cele- a recent ari•fva1 At eetle Garden, heard,
grated traveler and writer, in his account of him and -came right oix to Butler. A ' ,
of it said the lake was 0010 Itasca, after meeting took place,'w,liioli was perfectly
two Latin words sianafy'in ","true Broad• I satisftictoryy, and the Aged groom and the
puzzled myself over t1d.i ri cod demi and blusliiiig 2i) -year -Old becameone.—.._' Groceries,
asked him one day how.he hutdu itt.:. 1I , ButlerkPa.) Cor.Pittsburg Commercial. ,DrsGoods.
' 1
THE, ;BEST. ' '
E. F.-., E
replied: 'Quite•; easily, Veritas' masa :a
d t h 1' Straddle ori the
]j bl f the' t1 o u have
trout is,a-prominent„ plate fora the pro-
true an cape eco • , Straddle g A erfumor says ,that there is ,more
first syllable tyI ilio first word ails the, downright fraud pezpetrated in rho man
last sq a o.,o. - io o: , yex on yo • „ ' of .eturo of attar of roses than In
Itasca—veir�Itas ca put. It is equal,
said Mr. �pnes, "to Loreto Bow's cele- maL•ing of any other,perfuifo: ° Iionnec-
'rhe :most dangerous are the Italiano brat�d tetra^ ainst the fnahicn of high
Spanish and liciirla marquises end otlh.�er! :Imes, is
rad dresge's: 'Le Lim trho la on th0 due of
ii of attar oi;;roses.. 13eliatropo,
noblemen, its Titles, xaf..uability runt at house top not come down.'' -^Chicago. 'made tho most
bini popular iol t and Nati lie in;
those countries• to. puohtits extent
certain'proportions,-Chicago Timm
There aro explosives which have
seventy tines more., power than gain
powder; and yet it is only note and thea
that t roan scats himself on a keg u!
powder to enjoy a gtiiet smote.
An Ohio farmer mortgaged his farm
to get his wife sott 1 diamond e arriti s,.
mai she lost one of them in the sada the
very first wash dayy and attempted ,tq,
hang hetrrelf in the been.
they are really dif icallt to cl:at sif3. '
All this makes. ill very hard fol Welk rrineeten Coilege,Ilnntnr.
noblemen who potprp, here to gain a foot- Ono .day Dr, l;fcCosh- came into the
,Trig b r ood coeiety,, as pceple 14vo Innen trental philosophy class and said:
50 often (loped• by the opurioas:Article "Ali, young;. i,entlemen. I have an Ina:
that when n aaattlipt1(. mail, conies leo ii pression: i
sit to be locked calx s Iti� a iluLOOus rya "Nov., yo to 1 cr+ lcnrcn," continued •
It the core ixia w here -rr trot • able to , ,tlte c1 tor, ire 1. 1.31°,414d leis . head with
siva lataraa,7d"i it it 't"•'1'"5 enoug'i•.to m
%trite to the stn voile an ea:nab is Leia I mre'n'Vr, '''a"" 4,911 lat-mo what an
den. Della, er 'i' 1 ateiei• country the... uanpression iu?'.
tel zitnant of the iiLlo emacs froze, to ret , No answer.
,,nitre i.tatlt,intic in,o naatit'n. "What? : No no l nowt? No one can
ailed is!" ex-
claitncd time doctor, looking, tip had down
Ant tfi lr ntr as Ike inordittate traci tt tell the Cabot f,ir 1.npre
Glassware, alts and Shoes,
Dress, Gooti3is,, Pants,
Collars, .c.
/'� ES T� ..
' 4/ INN r }, '�'„ wf:�l�e � . Or
l '
` ice „;aWLY' down.
teiest. Proattex,„
0 i� us &zeros .