HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-04-19, Page 2U0l (aimed himself by a supreme •cubit Tee mesal reee Pelson Glands. 1I d ,, cosi • way -I still have you stilt coed tins cam The bloodthirsty mosquito is not mar • atm said : lv escribed, if Ri . y fig. we may ucrellt the investigations o not the uccilpatiuu of a teaalaer, he It is through our t ttorance� a sn . tib 1 MOM Mile d to the station to which past, Awes, that you have given rite Professor George MucLoskie 1Io has e tints l t? Would o ,nm i .o i n i u+11, Int as to sc t o levo •hue of ea e '!ri p y ,� �1 �, 111 xllt� pa►t►�� f f 1tont X10 That picttlrte it pre- been able, by tstaining anti dissection. to' i. 1 fill)AY, APRIL. 19, 110'9. i you evidently belong. such a wound. • e—e.._,.. _ - ...._..,,,.,_....- - --.--T - It was a *ridden impulse which led 8t ae myeda daugst hter, lila eof Her r very , me to itnswer you* notice. Poor papa AGZv ie::a � ORIt �► UE. 'd' 1 a !baa been gods from the whole year young m thcr ; "and when 1 at last i�T L�t:I +I`U i. and now 1 havej use bard 64611 the forgave her slat debt, and gore her veeted the lace left n :;vole, Miss. Agues, or your iuucH'll iu arey heleft nsurancelost. Cotu au ,n which heart,tblotedesert d Meifor abst anger Abe cold as u ntolte, l iu I+ue I P y was As 4he l;iuii olcl• housekeeper looked i Has failed, I must earn toy own. Liv- pr vadtianl in g t leeft eso) t mention into the: room her face took ou en ing some Way. pre ed nes ugtan Agnes- 1 have And soyou pluckily siezed the first ^ ' 6 bowanxed n expression as she saw ;the P S learned to depend upon your love and bowed ) gun.g 404 and heard • the chance that seemed to present itself a nl nth Do not ills, rwothered sobs eaf the mistress (,Good 1 1 like your spirit. The ) Agnes .s»foo disappoint instant mato -of whore sue Was se unselfishly fond, taking of such a trying and respon' surprise,gnoodbut not inng to What is it hooey ? did the letter sable place as that of ilia directing, lodging, spirit of my may household machinery plead for forgiveness for the discarded brief; bad newsy Tell me all about would not be feasible ; but I have an child of whose existence she had now .it and ay be the telling of your invalid aunt who its about to part with heard fur the first time.trouble'll make it easier to bear. her companion— a lady who has come It seemed so cruel for her to be Avert raised her head and looked into a small property lately, and so enjoying the beautiful home of her l noble hearted husband, while his show that the poison gland is one of I .,...-QX+'.- three minute glands (the others being ordinary salivary glands) on each side ofI the head, and connected with a minute .tV�RTHductwhich traverses the length of the1UtOOft long pointed piercer which forms an im- pottnt portion of the mouth parts of the mosquito, Theivriter maintains that this fluid is intended mainly to prevent General the coagulation of the proteids of plants I which the aminal pucks from the and that its poisotfous effect upon other animals is only secondary. If so, it would perhaps froom that it is not in. I troduced into the human flesh as a poison. ill It is difficult to se'p what purpose the ir• 1 ritating effect of the bite upon other1 animals can serve,the musquito, sinceIt must make the hence of its getting nourishment from the blood of other animals many times less than it other - at Mrs. Willard in a dazed sort o way doss not need the position any gager, for an instant. Theta with an short 11 yod succeed in melting a favorable daughter tuna nn exile from it. wise would be. It may be worthy of in- afro controlled herself sufficiently toBut A n s had the raregift o,f quiry whether the"irritating effect is not imprasaiet upon the old lady, why is Patience. So she s d nothin until incidental and pe laps only occasional, •speak and uuburtheu her mind of the rather set in her wan, it will be a much !� g' and due to other swiss than the fluid sad truth which pressed so heavily easier employment than that of house- she could tee the way clear not to which seems, by nalogy, to have fluid upon it. " keeping. I will conduct you to her, injure the cause of the absent one, which dissect naloglSt. Louie Es. We'll soon be without a home, bier., and see how the pial is likely to sec But from the time when her 1►usband ID other . first disclosed to her the carefully Willard! The money that papa left Deed. guarded secret at his heart, she deter - ma is all lost. The letter is to tell Agnes's modest face at once attract- raided to eventually shear a tee der r- me.• ed the invalid's fancy,. and she'engag- tion. Welt, Miss Agnes, you have your ed to take the place the following By inquiries site fearued the whole Cousin Ernest to look to. He will week. bitter truth. Grace Durant had fall - take care of you. She fulfilled her duties satisfactorily en in love with the son of Mr Durant - A crimson flush chases away• the and after a few muntiis she became bitter enemy, and hopeless of gaining •;girl's pallor fondly attached to th lessors inwell knThoughtGOODS, foundreal had yielded to the entreaties of her bite to we again: he is married. The make her life as happy as it mile be, young lover and had aloes a elandes- news carne this morning. while enduring so much pain. Her tine match .with him. He had lived Bad luck to him! and he engaged to death came suddenly, and was suck .a but a few 'year*, and then had left his you 1 He is a black -hearted— shock to the kind young care taker darling to battle with the world, and No, Mrs. Willard, he's only fickle that at first it put all other thoughts to try and wrest a living from it for .and thoughtless. Hes fell desperately out of her mind. Tlien she awoke to herself and baby boy, c in love with the pretl)y young thing the knowledge that she must leave the Surely Agnes had something to he has married, and they Have wade hospitable' home that had sheltered work upon. Who could resist the as runaway match. I am glad he her. thought of a little grandson. +found out the nature,, of his liking for When she broached the matter to She put herself at Duce in commnni bale before instead of after our union Mr. Durant, however, he would not tattoo with her step -daughter, and had taken place. Hebad a cousinly listen to it, and, to her .great surprise,, succeeded in obtaining the child's fondues for nae. That was all. supplemented her refusal by an offer. picture. • Agnes spoke with a quiet dignity of marriage.AgaMin, she went toff her husband which silenced her listener at once. I never thought • to put trust in with a likeness ; but this time of a as she stepped a Well Dome and have your lunch woman again, I e said; but I have dimpled, dark -eyed boy. was about to return the pocketbook she 'HOW, 1 broiled a bit, of chicken for learned' to like to see you about this He received it from her carelessly ; had dropped, Vvh_. ` she noticed the bas- oF --- ou •and I hope it will taste good, lonesome old" house• You are still n looked at it in a listless way, thea ket in his hand d blurted out: "No, we don't want nything," .Then she straight ahead, and after he had gone a __. •rr few blocks he noticed a stylishly dressed TETE STOO :. lady alight from a handsome equipage house. He thought he noticed her drop and run hurriedly up the steps of a something, and when he reached the rr 1 � � sidewalk in front ' f the }louse where the jr Assorted. carriage had stooc he looked down and discovered a fat pl}rse. Picking it up he Call and get Harpies while the tripped up the ste*s and rang the door Stock is complete. • ng been admitted be- —o its ring was answered .--THIS 1js A eat maid whom he the house was in. bell, the lady ha fore he came up. in a moment by a asked if the lady The lady evideni y heard the Ienuine Cleaiin Sale n fitting here and fretting won't mend the sunny side of Ilfe, andaro or y roused into sudden intentness . glommed tliedoor in his face, He wanted ,things a bit. But I will try to make you happy. Who is this, Agnes? The young wife trembled ; but she tO explain, but it 'wounded hispride to Te w ' MILLS She succeeded in coaxing Agnes into Do not answer me'' now. hat I have said, and .-.-Think ine not P + H be taken fora peddler, and he tucked the pocketbook of in iris e- on his way home. paper de her plate, and then left Surprised and ewe sae child. His Lather is dead, an is ` withdrew Scannable Elle Ullll47{'LVV ut, end poured .., • »...•r - answered bravelypocket and proceeded ;fra*trans Mocha, laid the morning reply to-morrow'a ttbi • time. at the ~ It is 'your grandson, and nam d hi a er Desi On his way down town in themorning Sign of the Red Flag. her slows. sudden proposition. Agnes tth mother, your slily .daughter, to sup • the gentleman stopped again at the lady's Agnes sipped the coffee and tasted from Mr..Durant.'s presence.. • • porting'herseitrby giving (mesio lessons. 'house to return eleepocketbeek. His.wifo "tire ckiekeu. Then she glanced over Was there such a thing as true lova Olt my husband, if you love ing, for- had not been satisfied, with the work - the ooluinns of the newspaper• in the world ? she questioned herself,; give and forget the past 1 Take your basket he had brought home with him, An advertisement attracted her that is, in a man's heart 1 dear ones; into your heartand home. and lie carried it along to exchange for attention It was this. Her own sad experience taught her Mr, Durant looked at the fair young another. It happened that when he rang tho WANTED—A housekeeper. She to answer. No. pleader. ourit;-ously. A suspicions moil- 1bellof the house; the number of which mutt be active and good-tempered, as She did not love Dir. Durant, but sure dimmed for an instant the he had carefully; noted the day before, well as competent to direct the domes- she was conscious of "a feeling of re- brightness of his dark eyes. Then he the lady herself „was in the hall. She ties. under her particular charge. spect and of admiration for him. Hesaid slowly: hastened to the door and when she saw Address E., Box 65. had not professed to lova her. It Do you know „what your interees- the man and the basket again she petu- Iwill have to earn my living now, would be a purely friendly union, and sion will cost you—that is if I accede lantly exclaimed, "I told you Last night. thought Agues, with a sigh, and I kept was it not the truest kind of mar - to your requests Agnes, think well sir, 'that we wanted nothing," and for house for papa; so why can't I for riage, after all 1 of what you are dying. My will is the second time:she slammed the door in tome one else ? At any rate, 1 will Thus she reasoned down ,her eon - made and it is in your favor. his countenance. This made him hot Burn it 1 destroy it ! it is unjust. When he reached his office he put the answer this advertisement, and learn scientious scruples, and at last made pocketbook in ,a sealed envelope and what kind of duties are required. ' up her mind to tell Mr. Durant that Here is your rightful heir, and Agnes tucked it away in his safe. For a whole She wrote a note and sent it to the if he would take her for his wifepointed to the blooming childish face week afterward the lady advertised in liven address. knowing that her heart had once wall an earnest beseeching gesture. all of the papers for her lost wealth. The following day brought a reply received a blow which had given love You are a good little thing, Agnes At last the lawyer addressed her a note, from Mr. Durant, requesting her to its death wound, and to accept friend- asking her' to call ut his office. When stn oat deceived in you. I read it call at the writer's house, and ship and respect instead, she world be in your fape when I first saw you. she came he sat her down, explained all ,giving it and the name of the street. to Lim a trio and faithful companion Be it as you say. I stave enough for the circumstances to her, and then hand - d a long walk aha reached the throughout life's journey. ail. eci over her pocketbook. It contained place. It was an imposing -looking Mr. Durant was pleased with her before it, and a liveried footman ran were married, Thus Agnes made peace between the 6sG1, Now looks it is a safeoa bet cathatvasser when a mansion. A carriage was drawn up .candor, and after a brief delay they father and daughter; and when the man who Lilcnrings. her door bell she will Search her pockets sweet gift of a young soul clad inbefore she turns hint' away.—Chicago up the steps and gave a tremendous The young wife proved like a ray of mortal guise can e' to her own arms a gerald. . pull at the bell, glancing at Agnes sunshine in the grand gid house. few months later, he was received eurioualy as he did so. Every room showed tokens of the with a joy' which was not dimmedtby' Indiana alone has 875 gas evens 'and A servant tains to the door. Agnes change that had been inaugurated with the feeling that her own little son was tho prediction that a largo portion of the gave him her curd, and he moved its new ntistralas ; and, best of all, noiselessly away, ruturuing to say. Agues learned to love her husband i an interloper—taking the inheritance (date will ultimately sink many first is heir ;and the bless rearing the Hoosiers.from the Tier—ti ing Please. Miss, walk into the library. not with the romantic devotion which ing which is promised to all "peace- Wnr will you'couah when Shiloh'e Cure CABINETS �IdD FAMILY GROUP A gentleman was seated at the characterized the first love, that had makers" descended upon the happy will Rive you immediate relief? Price 1,10, table writing. He turned his head as elided so diaasterously, but with f a home, making it like a foretaste of _ .A apEC1ALTY. tesely at first : then curiously. His better calculated to make its object For all was Harmony and love, a young Liberals of Toronto A Largs Asst•rtment of ices 05 eyes were very dark and bright and happy. voted down by an overwhelming ma- kept eonstactly, on hand. •Prices as hair expression was ono uurois a •- + ho have taken a prominent art in _ __•,�.._ __ _. _ . sib some old fashioned daguerreotypes, It it a common expression of mer- �' p Oat Meal T11 Opened. The undersigned desire to inform' farm- ers and the people generally that they pare reopened theirs Oat Meal Mill in Winghne, And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the Highest Markt Price. They will supply customers with the Burr C•}nnnsa in Oat Meal. ELDER $E CLEGG, WIZ\TGH.A.2& - - OTT - BROOKENSHIRE'S Photograph . ;allary. Long Experience, close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me to" turn out uniformly a class of work equal to that of any Gallery in the west, 'Work of every description artiti•. tally, promptly and satisfactorily dons. 50a. and nil. For sale by (1. E.Williams. Agnes entered, and looked at her care- calm, enduring affection,whtch was.far heaven to live within its boundaries, 'Th t of t k One morning while looking over The Time to Advertise. jority a motion censuring elergymPn low as are consistent with good work. l• surprise• - the anti•Jesuit a matron. Are you the iedy who answered my packed away in the drawer of an old oh ante tha"'business its so dull it will g •advertleeinent 1 he asked. cabinet, Agnes came upon an ex uis we think of the w What would Sinton sCtTannn Itsilsnx apoIitiveeure itely painted miniature of a young not h to/advertise". rking man who, for Catarrh,Diphtheria and Canker Mouth pay Yea, sir, said. Agnes, timidly, feel- ing for the first time that she had girl. The artist had depleted a sweet colica work is scarce, would not try all Lor sale by C. L'. Wilhama. done very foolish thing in imagin, face wftlt a sialic curving the delicate the harder to tind it? The duty of , Los Angelos, Cal, has a successful ing herself competent for' the posi- lips, dimpling the pink cheeks, and the merchant or manufacturer at such ostrich farm, where operations had be - tion, laughing rogttiably out of file eyes, as times is to create business by offering gun in 188 , Rthe birds being imported I was struck with the businesslike blue as the flax blossom. new and lnttraotive "styles. by Reeking from South Africa. Thus far they i oonoieenest of your note, Miss Bel. Agnes hastened with her new-found customers and pushing beyond usual have realized' over $226 for each bird+ font, and hoped to find rnyself suited treasure to the library_her:husband's neighboring; limits. He should not sit sold. - iu obsaining a su1►stitate for the faith favorite haunt, toward him. down and wait for trade 10 come to Awl person Who is leaving me. But . She held the picturehim, but seek it on every side* and as Itnv. (?xo, H, Tna+rsa, of Bourbon, through the rise of every lawful in - our plays: "Both myself and wife owe With a half smile, 1 hope you will See what I have found 1 What b our lives to hinttoa's CONSIIMrxtON Oua>r." . pardon • no for saying that your youth g e which is be ' is T "zepl �1*`etant tads to all pane, by awing eat tannins* tad ***awhile* the people as e� 'them, ' erenn o`n 1n eeaaccbll eeloc freet$bl t u Ini-a echine rude 4 tWit *81eleotteantd free a cope line of ear costly cod ♦eleahle re. white. In intently* ea that yea show what we *end, re those code Inky tau et your treat, mud after $ neoathe hll *hall beton your ewe, property TSU Arland naeblitrte. ,pada ener the Ain1ter. $ wmobha b run S&withthe mama hyoid 0114 * sena the * Ilse. Best, end now Nile 50 tllli*e, 0 in*the wor,Derro,a- (el Wahine l* the world. An M No espitst t.ot 150. net . Self IuNrpot19. Minn. I`Ra* irl»wNt/ td . ,, este Mn M'• sen ,Io. o the beet tekipt•arae4tae Yr Lha world, cod W ,,lnnntltaeofworkeetht ha�everehew`nla6etherfuAn�etya•. SiIIat r*e C0.6 onyx '540. Anew$** xltlarw. C VBBINC3 ,itATF.S. Any of the followinrmetrn oli'an weeklies tante obtained with the Winiilam Times at *1 a dgures bet. xir and Moho.. • •' •• •• 's)'' Taus, Mall, and i;arni an"1'rirrair e, •. „ I '1' Tlil><a, 010*», and Rut f1.onadian,. Die Tlxtie Ter Adverliect, .. 'rt„Mnan(i MontrealWitese, ,. •• 1 f}_ 'floss and Toronto News, .. .. , • :.x Touts and daily World 'r.p,tl;i Tams end weekly IQew* with premiere, •, t wi I teeferc Pilate,'.. Alco,"Father! el 0onftidete •'r • .. A 1 atrumentality, When trade is dull shame for such a beautiful 10.08 to s For sale by C, E. Williams. is against you. luclden away lit ;a p ac - more exertion must be made to secure - it than when bnsinoss is ltrisk. When The Humane society of Toronto has Agnes tried to make her voice seldom visited. decided to erect drtnkin fouimnns stea•1y as she answerers, but, in spite Mr Durant glanced up with a pre..times are Hush site money plentiful it g of her rtfuttar it trembled, ooeupied look, bot as bid eyes t•bdted requires but little effort to sell goods. in Lha city far horses, to be kept epee I never hirci trouble with our own upon the picture, with a mutton dark There is not so ttinolt need of advertis- winter and summer. Thea also strong- Servitnts, and, and so I 'thought 1 ening of his usually' -lain* face, and ittg at such. times ly condemned the use of uvercheck 1ft}t+llt manage tither people's ; but I With a lowering brow, he caught it reins on horses. front A nets and threw it across the p tib toui rril:ttain g s l i* wife'* ha Veit tedltuu:ant Liver Complaint V hid OtAtli, t� hiliGsts*s >ea fr tooth cb klo L wan, again eek pardon for intend- rosin, Then, seeing ly t vttattrrr. ti sewn fntistaiuty Mverate 5 Atsbro A Irtalruta, op gigot up).t rax.' Birt velyi pallor duo lie ii%a start eel liar, lie tt+it tow, 1 1 i e