HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-26, Page 9IMPROVED FORMULA MASTER CALF STARTER GROWER A scientific combination of pellets and specially processed grains MORE PALATABLE Even 3-day-old calves relish it. Watch your next calf thrive on Master Calf Starter Grower TOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER WETTLAUFER'S FEED MILL CLINTON Tele.: HU 2-9792 13,75 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! SUPER 88 HOLIDAY•COUPE • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Otuo 2AceottePhiti A sowto Aue4 114 Vie your Sovirios Accourit strictly for saving. to Keep it separate Pqrsbnalthaqswil ACcOost for paying bins. fly ihIslasy goat any WaYar breach MR ROYAL BANK' OF CANADA "—then Mother said, 'Let's give them a call tonight'!" Isn't there someone you'd like to call...right now? Telephone tonight* THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA *Zong Distance bargain rates—nights after 6 and all day Sunday MORE THAN A MODERN ENGINE... A ROCKET ACTION - ECONOMISER WITH ECON.O.WAY ,CARBURETION Put the ordinary behind you! Taste the thrill of genuine Rocket action, filled with all the flash and fleetness only an Olds can offer. There are three finer Rocket engines this year ... three great carburetors, too 4 .. including, for record gas savings, the famous new Econ-O- Way. 0.2450.1) SEE YOUR OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER TODAY! LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Phone HU 2,9321 Clinton, Ontario 41, MORE THAN A VELVETY TRANSMISSION . HYDRA-MATIC JETAWAY GETAWAY 'New smooth-ds-silk JetewayHydra.Matk transmission is especi. telly slick. Even ht -freezing ,E,tother, while other fluid drives 'seem sluggish, Olds slips through the shifts fan thermostat contrail Nothing beats JEtki WAY getaway! MORE THAN A LUXURIOUS INTERIOR A FABULOUS FASHION FLAIR Here indeed is the ultimate in interior excellence, Crafts- inonship is mere than evident. Hand-buffed, glove-soft leather, brushed aluminum trim, foam-backed carpeting! Color coordination throughout, All in excellent good ta stet Hill Family The ft Hill reunion wee held on June 22 in Mite:Ilea Corrannin,- ttY Perk, with about 130 des- mai:Tanta of the late Hugh- Hill 'and Jane Hill attending. Mr. and mrs, Isettaed the rtownsaida) of Hallett, Let 37, Concession 11 over 100 years, ago, _toter ,opening Ternaries by Hugh Hill, the entire family enjoyed a bountiful -turkey and ham dinner, Many incidents of bygone days were recalled and old pictures were especially enjoyed. !Ziehn, Snell, from the West, re- called the early settlers of the family who came from England, settled first in New Orleans, work- ing with the slaves, and larber moved to Brantford. On October ' 7, 1850 they settled in Huilett Tovvnship. The committee was unaadinous- ly re:eleeted and it was decided to hold another family reunion in 1960, 0 Ball Reunion The annual Ball . Reunion was held on Saturday, June 21 at Jaw- ett's Grove, Bayfield with a good attendance from Detroit, Cookes- Lendon, New Hamburg, Stratford end surrounding dist- ricts, A ballgame was followed by a bounteous supper, Mr. and Male. Fred Vocldfen and Mr. and Mrs. George 'Wright con- ducted the sports which everyone enjoyed. The :meeting followed with Dave McLeod:, the president, as chairman. The aninutee were read, and a moment's silent prayer ;observed in memory of those who had pessed on, 'and for those un- able to -attend, It was planned to hold next year's: picnic on the Ball Home- stead commemorating the 100th anniversary of the property 'being in the Bali name since being bought from the -Canada Co, It was then suggested 'to send "Get Well" cards to Mrs. Bert Shobbrook add Mrs. Amos Bali, who are patients in London hospi- tal. The new executive is as follows: Hanouraey president couple, Bert ,and Dora ,Shobbrook; president, couple, 'Leslie and Olive Ball; :vice- president 'couple, Stanley and Eth- el Ball; secretary-treasurer couple; Charles and Maxie Adams; execte Live !committee couples, George and Edith Weight, Warren and Marie Gibbings, Ernest and Max- ine Duenin. LONDESBORO Miss Ann Flairservice, Detroit, spent the weekend at her home here. The' Lyon-Lear reunion was held Saturday at the home of Ernest Stevens, Walton. Mr, and Mrs. Lu Goviee, Gade- rich, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Govier on Sunday. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott on, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee, Colborne and Mrs. Rucidell, Mr. and Mrs. William ,Sommer- villa, Se,aforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Small on Sun- day. Mrs. John S.cfatt, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Hewett and Mrs. Ruddell visited friends in the County Home' alt Clinton on, Sunday aft- ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Friar& Tarriblyn and Mr. and Mrs. William Mann- ing motored to Niagara Falls, New York, on Sunday to, visit ;their cousin, Ernest Morris and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan and son Prank, Darlin!gford, Man., were guests of -their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend dur- ing last week. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Bert Shobbrro,ok who met with a painful accident last Wednesday morning, having the misfortune to" break her leg. She is at pres- ent in Victoria Hospital, London, Mission: Circle The June meeting of the AIM- Mission 'Circle was held at the hoarse of Marjorie McNeal. Vice-president Mrs. Harry Lear, read a poem. 14 members an- swered the roil and there were six visitors present. Mrs, N. Forbes gave a chapter of the study book, "Far we are • members one eo another". Gladys Josling and June Pothergill were in charge of the program and had "Prayer" as their theme. June read the Scripture end. led it prayet. Gladys gave thoughts on the 'theme. June woad a poem, "With The Master". June teed a Father's Day Poem and Gladys tibsed the meeting with prayer, Laura and Pat served Ranch, WORSD-Alt 4C114213, .19.58 Toll I n IL LQANS—F5t TRANS CANADA CREDIT TT 4- qn ,11 ) to suit n % ,w: budget, OLlir le Flan. 5 140 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GoDERICH, ONT.. IF YOU NEED THEN DON'T DELAY OA !I, T.C,c, THF PIIDNE TODAY! Harrison Family The leventy-third. Harrison rein- Win Wa.5.110K et 1-Tarber Park, God. erich, on Saturday, jfune 14, with a good 'atten'dance .and faveurable weather, ,After dinner, races were run. The following lea alOt of races and winnere: Children 4 yeare and under, Sharon Wilbert, Billy Collins; girls 6' and under, KethY.Aclarns, Shar- on Wilbert; .boys 6 -end under, Roy Taylor, David Harrison,; girlie 8 and under Hazel Collins, Patsy boys! 8 and ender, Rieh- ard Willert, Roy Taylor; girlie 10 and under, Barbara Willer t, Viola bOYIs 10 and under, ;Doug- las Afton, Bobby Collins;' girls 12 and under, Barbara Collins; boys 12 and under, Ken Taylor, Bruce Collins; gizu .15 and under, Barbara Willert, Marj- orie Alton; boys 15 and under, Kee, Taylar, Bruce Collins; single ladies, Olive Aikenhead, Barbara Willert; single men, Lorne Hack- ett, Jimmy Harrison; married lad- ies, Olive Siernon, Joyce Willert; married men, Albert Taylor, ;Har- old Willert; ladies kick the slip- ,per, Muriel Harrison, Joyce Little; mens kick The slipper, Stewart Broadfoot, Jimmy Harrison; life- saver race, Bud Hunts team; mak bottle and 'clothes pin race, Bud Hunt's team. 'There was a candy scramble for,children and a bell game was played until supper. After supper, the election of officers 'took place. The following the new slate for 1959: presid- ent, Lorne. Hackett, Luc-know; secretary-treasurer, Jimmy Hack- ett, Goderich; directors, Mr. and Mrs, Ninian Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor; sports tommittee, Betty Alton, Chester Hackett, Marjorie Alton, Betty Harrison, It'was decided to hold the picnic next year on the second Saturday of June at Gadeeich. The youngest person present was JoAnne Collins, the oldest, Mrs. George Proctor, !Gado:eel-1. Coming the farthest were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pearson from. Stoney Creek. Mrs. Pearson won the draw for the towels. 0 The Rev. Bren de Vries, pastor of the Blyth-Auburn-Belgrave ch- arges of the Anglican Church in Canada, was inducted on June 15 as minister of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter and St. Paul's Church, Hensall. The Rev. F. G. Hardy, archdeacon of Lambton County presided. The annual' Snell Reunion was held :on Saturday, June 21, 1958, at LOreles'bero Cenenfunity 100. members signed the register, gleicKI, program of sperte was carried out anti to soft ball game was much enjoyed by young ' and Old, Some ;found badminton a favorite ,pant time. Lunch was served in the base. reent of the hall. Owing to the absence of the president, Humphrey Grey, who Was ill in a hospital in Bootee Harbor, Mich., Hugh Hill, Gode. rich 'acted et* chairman and pressed regret at the president being fumble to attend. Each family signed and sent a card .of Get Well Wishes to the presi- dent, The same slate of officers was returned and the group agreed to the third 'Saturday in June for the 1950 reunion, The couple coming the farthest were John and Wrethia Brandon, Manitoba. The couple celebrating their wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. 1-rarry Saueill, Londesboro, The youngest baby was the two- 171110111th,,Old daughter of Mr. end -Keith -Snell, South Buxton. 'Catherine Welsh played two' pi- ano solos. Heather Snell sang a !sole; Melva Boyce gave a reading; a Saxophone solo was played by David Welsh accompanied by his sister iCatherine or' ithe prang. Hensall Newly.Weds Honoured At Grand Bend Home Mr, and Mrs, Murray Verner (nee Marion Deejardine), a re- cent 'bridal couple, were honored at a reception held' for them in the recreation room of the home ,of Mr, 'and Mrs. Pat Jennison, Grand Bend', on Thursday evening. The couple were presented with many gifts. A Social hour of cards and. bingo was enjoyed-, followed with refreshnients. Rev. and Mrs, .Edward Paulson, Saga, Japan, missionaries home on furlough until September, were guests last week with- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faber. Mrs. Paulson is a daughter of the late Alex McDougall 'of the. Klippen area, and a cousin of Ma's, Faber, whom she has not seen for 25 years. The visit was a surprise one. VARNA The annual !rhumb fservice of the Varna L,O.L, 1035 will be held next Sunday evening, June 29 in the Anglican Church at 740 Dan. A number from here attended the Webster picnic in leicknow :PA,OV MNII1 last Saturday, Gorden, Hill hay returned home from Victoria Hospital, Lopcipp, where he underwent treatment feg an injttred. eye, A large number from here -ate tended 'the decoration service in Baird's. Cemetery on Sunday last. The maw friends of IVEise. Ree, .0104 Johnston -wish her a speedy recovery from her 'Illness, CLINTON 7,Vxn-13,,v.conp District Family 'Reunions Snell Family OLDSMOBILE! MORE EXCITING TO OWN . MORE ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE MORE THAN A CAR ... A WHOLE NEW WAY OF GOING PLACES Never has traditional Oldsmobile quality combined more beautifully with economy of operation. Styled and crafted to get you ahead and keep you there with. out high cost, Oldsmobile is the official economy champion of its class! MORE THAN A PURCHASE ... A LASTING INVESTMENT! Priced actually below many so-called low priced cars, Olds offers you even greater value. Look-ahead style and quiet good taste almost compel proud ownership —and higher resale value when you sell. Olds is indeed your smartest investment. INSTALL LEI GH IMPERIAL AWNINGS YOURSELF. Carefully designed, Leigh fmnerioi Awn. • Inas Ore easily assembled from instret. Itont included In each package , only a screw driver is needed, they go op in minutes, have unsightly brace*. Z41/_ IthINC, PRODUCT', CONSTANCE Correspondent MRS. F. UTLEY Photte Seaforth 841r32 Mr, and Mae, Stanley Prem. gator and family, Centralia; Lea !Pres:teeter, iToranto, and J.PreSZ- eater, Exeter, visited the latter's sans Reward and Kenneth Presz- calor ail& families on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs.. Prank Riley vie. ited. Mr, and Mrs, Bert Riley at VA-lora-arty on -Sunday, . -and Mrs. George Weis and family and Mrs. .Sarah, Brown, I-Tancrver, visited Mr, and Mrs, Borden Brawn and family on SIM- daY. The Sunday School and 88 No. picnic will he held in. the Lions Park at Seatorth Ort Friday aft. erno0a, Jttrie 27. AWNINGS and CANOPIES There is no end fo comfort end beauty that Leigh Imperial awnings will add to your home . . oil year 'round. In summer, they shade Your windows and keop your hems many de4 areas cooler, Ventilated to ptovido ample alt circulation at all times. During the winter months, your windows and storm Windows art shielded front the inroads of slot, rain and snow. The gay Color combinations . Tile hod and White, Gtedn and White, Slue and White . fit into your particular cofor Schenie, adding e distinctive note to sot your homb apart. And Leigh Imperial quality construction Al Serve for years and ybott. Each Individual panel Is zinc dieted, gondortzed and then flnishort in high.aiost, baked enamel. Every sedate in thee• wig* protected, thoreughiy weothergosirlant. AS 1,0W AS 40XVIN 1 5 Ball-Macaulay Ltd. CLINTON StAFP#TO„