HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-26, Page 5TkWR$1)AY, 4VNE 26, 1958 The News -Record Setts Fine Wedding Stationery 0 GOOD US, FURNITURE Consisting of: 6 CHAIRS — Leathe,r Upholstered -- Solid Oak Arms and $5.00 $2 00 to Frames •-- Priced at .... Matching ""SLEEPER -LOUNGE" .............. $10.00 WINE UPHOLSTERED, VELOUR COVER DAVENPORT BED $39.00 In really good condition b_. Above Pieces Suitable for Den, Sunporch and Summer Cottage. BEATTIE FURNITURE GU1V'j'ON :NEVUS=RECORD. a —Hic s London Lady Gest wesleyrwjllls 1 IVIS I' icClii lye �l u ate' parson+ Speaker et Guild Healr$ Reports And aPge v�t'aS! settrhi>rg, or: Sattauxlay, Plan summer Jre¢,e �, � � riagte of 10 E daug'hiter ,� Meeting • in Auburn Tile Warn a`j; MissionarySoc. Mlr. and Mrs. Mane+: Kcks, Gode., midh. ApshdlS brad WpaIl6a George � � of Wesl'eZy-Wallis Ulla , a- fine M�ildm>ahay, sK1az � Mr. amrcZ Mui. la (BY our .t nbu,rae COMISponctent) ' urcA apt go Friday afterr,om, Ercnest MjcC U ncihey, Varna, Rev. Mrs, R. M. Weeks, 1, doa, wife June 2Q in. the church: parlor, Mrs, C. E. Peacock pe donned the cer- espy, of a former rector, wars gruest speaker at a special meeting of Nelson Presiding. P ud?g Letters were Gnveen ,in mau'ria�ge rby her talth- the L'atdles? Guild; of St. Mhmk's read of Schon' far Laderls. at St. er, Itlh,�e bride, was ltavelry in a b�aR- Anglican (�harch, Auburn-, held in 7hornas; report cif inter -church elrinja-lenb'rth g'i'n of dotted nyQ=, oveUc Witte ttafEe%, f'asbioned w connection with the 75Th an'n�R'er^ samy df the church, council' of W'ord's Day of Prayer;: �b bouffant Guests from G�,uilds of from Rev, C, E. Pearock and Dr, skirt, Bras veaand'Blyth Ang- $*mp'le about miss foo crnt ed w1ith. fabric, mope buds, wh- $ch were repeated on the mate'haing Churches, Be nary t'he Women's Mis- Society of Westfield Unit- the tion to be held September ' nAttens. Her fwrugiimtip wall of eT6- cd Church, Auburn-Presbyteinan X127. bMdemedgveit wtatg catughtt .to a and United mission, groups and Supply secretary Mrs. M. Ad - wreath lof w4lwte fomgelt-me-nots, women of ,the Baptist 0,'iurdl, dnson xeiported bales sent to To, and G!he carried a sheawer bouquet Auburn, were received by Mrs, Ed Davies and: Mrs!, Ntv'bit, ranto for overseasse relief, valvae of red roses. Joan l4M'cUlrixnchey, VT:arna, sister ,APlfred' !and rs'ekome4,b!y Mrs. ;John 1Daer, $24!2. The 'WMS will send a note of thanks to Mrs. Dennison- and Ofthe lwoorcn, was mald of honor, weanling Empire otylle, Frernich blue president. Minutes of .the first meeting of Mrs. Dawe (Who are rnovang 'way) cryisWebte, +alto Oleg nm'd the Guild, organized by Mrs, for ;their 'work with the Mission, bPonixlueePt ref gsrivnk cairnlaltiion5. Weeks do November, 1939, were Band. Mrs. JamesM'cGM. pres- Tfhe groomsman was Wilfred; read by Mrs. Alfred Nesbit. bytereal' supply secretary read let - Hicks, Godevich. Township, bmotlher Tea was served In, the schogi tens for bales sent to the west of the bride. room, of Knox presbyterian and ;Korea. A meeting will be held The ,beld'es mdther was gowned Church, where the table wasp ar- in July or August. in geleent and !brown flowered +Very- ranged wit'h, a 'lace cloth and bas... Mrs. Shepherd, took charge. A lene w1thi white awessariesP and corsage of yellow Carniatikrnvs. Thee kets of flowers, with two silver tea services. Mrs. Ezekiel Phallips duet was sung by Mrs. Wes H01 - hand and Mrs. D. Andrews, Mrs. groom's mother dose turquoise catton lace over tuff., wlit!h mart- and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor poured tea, and the anniversary wke was � Jervis ,gava a summary of at- c!hing thaffeha trash, matching ac- eut -by Mrs. George, HAmiitoR, and ems from her scrap 'book on Jap- eessomie's and corsage so'f yellow Mrs, George Beadle, two of the an,. The WA served a delicious eamnaitnlonst' Oldest members. Strawberry t'ea. FoPlglowing. a. reception at the bride's home-, the young couple left on a wedding rtAly to the Un- dmavea ited The bridePs.blue red costume was a. 'blwe rlIIlawered News, of Auburn glazed- Batton; dxvm wkh, white accessories and, corsage of red Correspondent -- MRS. FILED ROSS roses'. Phone Dungannon 9 r 15 a a Mr. and; Mutts. Don Haines, Mar- and the chair an anthem. The garet and Elddie vrished Mr, ,and cheurdl, wras decorated' with bas - Mrs, Rathbwrn, MI llsburg, on, Sun- kets of ,pink and white peonies. - �. day. At the morning sery ice'Rev, Week- + I The pupils of SS No. 5 with .esu rtook his itext from St. John 4-38, �i i � (•� thedr teacher, D. A. M1acKtvy amid and at the evening service the II % � `ti,( some p+arenits enjoyed' a bus trip to Guelph on Monday when they from k spoe own EjPhesdans 5-25. There cIM, visited the, O.A.C. was a splendiid attendance at troth Mrs. Fred Ross spent the week- services. end wifth, her soon, Donald and, Mrs. the / Ross, Oakville, and attended christendng oaf beer grand .daughter, t>r� tier <� � Carton Arran in -Kee Presby- tea�ian� ��.�. blur h L.O.L. Ball's CemeteryMurphy The 32nd annual Memorial Ser- t� vdce :of Bald s Cemetery will be No. 710 head Sunday, June 29, at 7 p.m. ANOTHER OI.O-FASHIONED The service will be in chau�ge Knox United Church. a v. Alex °� CENTENNIAL INSTITUTION WE DONT HEAR 'Rapson, Exeter, will deal er the So MUCH ABOUT IS THE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY" sermon' `75th Anniversary CHURCH PARADE . Nothing old-fashioned about Rev. R. M. Weekes, London, a us but our courtesy. We've former rector of .Sit, Mark's, Ang- was guest speaker licanthe Sunday, July modern servicing equip- G p' , 75th apt the 75th Antvivems�ar of the 6,1958 ment and facilities to put church Sunday meorning and eve - ndnrg. 10.45 a.m. your car in top-notch run- ning order. Rev. R. M. Me'ally, the present / rector was in, charge of the ser -Andrew's vice. Th q 4 air,.. wraa ?uhder the S t. direction of Mrs,: NLargarei dark. Presbyterian Church / At the morning eervrice the choir samlg ran, anthem and Mrs. GPordonAil Broth+e Brothers #o meet at the • 6wdrki *'a` Taylor sang a solo, "Where, Jesus Loved to Be". Hall at 10.30 o'clock At the evening service Frank Nesbit sang, "The Lord's; Prayer HARRY R. CRICH Worshipful Master Warrant Officers your $ at yDollar Da s Red&White Store $ McCracken And Stock Your Summer Cottages During This Special Event Naish Are Posted Among the personnel leaving 2--HEINZnTOM TO JUICE --Fancy Quality -20 fins... 7 for $1.00 aCD vFand,' Warrant offd�aOff this week ........... . ......... _ titian TISSUE—White Swan .................. 9 for 1.00 Mccracken,CD.eW2�N� it$ 3 -TOILET Ti trans temired to RCAF Station Gan- 4—KLEENEX TiSSUE—Chubby or Reg. .. . .... . ........... 6 for $1.00 der, NiFtid'., and W02 McCeacken 5--MARMALADE—Wagstaffe's Two -Fruit ---24 oz. Ears .... 3 for $1.00 toAli tDPeffe,ne Headquarters, St. 6 --PLUM JAM—Wagstaffe's-24-oz. jars .......................... 3 for $1.00 w'o2, Nadsil,i enited do the 7—JELLY POWDERS --Red and White ................... 14 for $1.00 RCAF at Halifax in, 1936 and was tvansfarred to RGAtF Station Ciro= 8—CORN--Whole Kernel ---York Fancy ---14 oz. tins ........ , . 6 for $1.00 ton in 19W, from No. 6 Repair ... . 6 for $1.00 -lu pot, Trenton. Due h his, tour 9 ---APPLE SAUCE—Allen's-20 oz. tins ....... ... �mb�r ,�f Clinton he has hea+d a e ��aurty art I O --CORN Cream Style ---Standard Quality—I 5 oz. tins --10 for $1.00 supervisory positions I I--PEAS---Green—Standard Qualify -20 oz. tins .............. 9 for $1.00 oes':des b,eang Public Re7atdons! Of - y Hoer for Na. 1 Radar and CO m.- 12—TUNA---Southern Cross ---Solid White ---.i/2 Ib. tins . , , ..... 5 for $1.00 nunications ,srhooa. He w,il.' be 13 ---PEACHES --- Lincoln Choice — 15 oz. tins ....... 6 for $1.00 by his, Paa,aed to le. new station ........... . . by his, wife, Sheila and their ttl,- 14---STRAWBERRIES — King's Choice ---15 oz. tins 4 for $1.00 He dhildren, David, Peter and her. 15—RASPBERRIES ---King'Choice -- i 5' oz. tins ................ 3 for $1.00 W02 McCxaeken, joined) ,the 16• --PLUMS --- Green Gage ---- 20 oz. tins ......... . .... . ........... 7 for $1.00 RCMP' at Ottawa in 1938 and, was CAF 17—BEANS—King's Choice --Green Beans --20 oz. `fins ..,..... 7 for 1.00 S,tantlon, Tred �C: nt 1fpm,Rrin g � SPtaltion. TrePn)ton; in 1,954. During 18—SALMON--Fancy Pink ---1/2 (b. tins ...... . .............. . . . .. . ..... 4 for $1.00 1955 he. was srtart ion PuMdc Rela- tiPons Offrcer and has filled a 19----•CHOCO--Codbury`s Instant --Kids get a free flash ----2 Ib. tin $1.00 r�,amber of supervrisory positions: in THESE ARE JUST A FEW SPECIALS ---- THERE ARE MANY MORE AT No. 1 Radar and Gommunicattons School. In addition - he has been• ■ active on a number of station tact- Stanley's ite oo, .'tore :viadh G,in e sports ant was a te�aa�zr in the Protestant (11,apea Sunday School. His, wife Dorotlhy BEHIND HANOVER TRANSPORT` ON QUEEN STREET and thheemtwo sons, John and Ken will be rean�aiPnd;ng in, C;1$a,tton until Phone HU 2.3447 Open Friday' Night •-- -- Free Delivery qcco7nmodatim can be obtadned .n St. Hilbert, the prairie:, the Rockies, the B.C. Centennial.: i; daily trednc F% #0//f Tie 60Bl�BfOTBI For /nfornialoh #u4.-wx 'etiow photo SiL M OU A FRANK FALCONER Recording Secretary 26b NOW THE NEW oveo. HOME FREEZER Model C.S.1256 At $289.50 • The Revco Farm Freezer Con- struction assures you of high- est quality materials and work manship. • Revco's exclusive bonded faster freezing aluminum interior pro- vides superior freezing results. it 'you can judge a freezer by the speed of its freezing action. Faster freezing means the fla- vor and ff•eshness of your foods are sealed in. The new Revco has the fastest freezing action known. We can prove it in a two -minute test you should see and feel. You'll 'see why homemakers hail Revco as the best freezer buy -by far! Special FREE Offer Dr6{1 ire to our store and pick up latest "Home Freezing Hints"' booklet. Clinton Electric Shop'; D. W. IbOhNISH, Oroprie#ar Your wi sTtIVGHOUSI3 Dealer HU 1-$646 CLINTON „i,.,._,�...�.-•� � rr nil FAG?l F Mothers' Stu 4y b r y J ooa , by Pray - The , The Miothers Study Group of eJoYalAe wimbers on the Wesioy-W'U UOiW Chwvh held +0, on were plpfd by Mrs, their June meeting on Tuesday Holliand. Mi s. HSA V mean an Bga1 >H evenn which wnrted 04t di alt Mod Mme' � eo rails wa tolave ioulgh a er e , cd na g`ss sn- child i cl ,beeni a wednw roastt a<t John 1Vad- to d . W healthy bodies, due s f 46t tigers cottagre, ;but the weather- that they are dtlly� tad t everly Man. ehase rho change the rplaW. Mrs, Bial 1 was p mar ' W—V they tgo. Much dnsouxsi Cin rfalowed •tthls. Of +the read ¢>exwod. Mrs, d Tke meeting closed and the Wrdg4,t acead a veay Utiumorous Snti?ar axrd Spdf?e amtieA y Ball: mothems enjoined the hot-diogs - Y. The Semuptura, was read wfthout Pthe beach dime. JU Holiday Specials 1955 Plymouth V8 Relvedere 2 -Door Hardtop. Radio, white wall tires; real sharp .............. Only $1!595 1956 Dodge Sedan in very goad condition ..... Only .$1,575 1953 Dodge 2 -Door Just the car for trouble-freeOnly holiday driving ..................... Only TRUCK SPECIAL 1950 Studebaker 1/2 Ton Complete with Rack��ly � ��� and Tarp. ......................... - . NOTICE We will be Closed on Mon., June 30 and Tues., July 1, -all day. Thanks For Your Co-operation. Murphy Chrysler --- Plymouth -- Fargo Sales and Service 'Huron St. CLMON Clinton Community Swimming Pool . Application For Swimming Instruction Summer of 1958 Nameof Applicant.............................................................................................. Address.............. ..-...... .......... ................... ............................................ Age... Height .................................. Weight,....,........, .......... How much swimming experience or instruction has applicant had? is the applicant anxious to take swimming instructions? ...................... In making this application, I agree that the applicant will attend; aIi scheduled instruction periods as may be arranged, and it is further understood that the Clinton Community Swimming Pool Committee assumes no responsibility in respect of the applicant dur- ing the course of the instruction. Signature of AppiiCant Signature of Parent or Guardian i PLEASE NOTE: 1. There is no charge of any kind for the instruetlon. All Costs are borne by the Clinton Community Swimming' Pool Committee. Classes of one-half hour each Will be held each Week day morning from 9.30 to 1.1.30 a.m. Applicants will be assigned to classes on the basis of age and experience. 3. If the child is to obtain the proper benefit from the instruction, regular and prompt attendance is a necessity. 4. F'iease provide the information requested above as fully as possible. Vtom it the instructor will be able to assign the applicant to his or her proper class. Return form, immediately to supervisor at the pool.