HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-26, Page 1The Week`s 'Woother
satin; 1 tiro. Rain: .33 inns,
ivil Defence Is
Discussed by County
HenIs, d'esigrnated, do ♦'vial de-
'fence pZiaaining, as, the re,ceptaon
raarea, fore 94,000 people. County
Oorup'ue;6lr was. tioP ld ,1:a'slt• week by
Zagax' F. Bevis, civil derfe ice r o-
oirdii,•n+ator of Ouu ole, If nuclear
warfare, Comers, sra.id Mr Bevns,
maaam target amear5 such tars Wind -
Por and T•aa+ornito, ',vdal, be evacuat-
ed, Huron, v¢ill be- .expeciterd rto re-
,eeiv+e !evacuee's from the Windsor
"If t'hu's shonulyd happen tomamor
mow,,„ be siaid, llthewe WiN be
ipeopae from J�Dlss,ex and Kent
coluntties routed to you,"
The basis, for the dwil deafemce
job of l,aohimg after evacuees, or
W,ugeers, be, sad+d, is, 4a the +ruin'-
Op d, semibess;- ;p;orlrice, ,fine, lhiekal+tlh,
vwoifare amid engimeorrlUg.
Civil defence p'xian ing dsu Hur-
n, he warned, will ha" to c+om-
00 r Win deltaill wheat to do about
hous&ng, feeding, and, aoaWmg rafit-,
,erthe essential needs of the, people
lwbo wound' be, Huron's reispolru4_
rbiliity if ,the, 'Windsor area were
attacked or ordered evacuated.
a C Topics Discussed
By County Council
CJounty.• Coun,61 ,resitored the
$1.00 annual • ♦grant :to the county's
seven +live s -tack breeder orgtaau za
tions, sifter trimming them from
,the budget in January. Afterthis
year, on recommendation- of Reeve
William, McKenzie, Exeter, ithe ror-
giamnzattironswill have to submit
financial statements oto council,
and ,gro is wdrll be a14u tt+ed on the
basri!s +of 'these.
Council vo+ted 28-5 aagannsrt buy -
Ong 19, acres, near St. Joseph, for
use as a county park. Price- was
$1.7;000, 'Reeve. Vaalentine Becker,
Flay Tovwnshlip, Gone of the five
who voted for -the move) said (the
'Property 'has more ,than 60 rod's
of exce?,1en't sand beach, and is at
thre :termlinus of a'toW Ls, chip road.
"We all :feel we need land l ke,
Vis,,, said' 'Reeve Becker. "Mills
Rand is geitti,ng picked up a4omfl
the breach, and soon there. won't
,be any left, and people won't be
able rfr0 ,go, down to. 'the Water".
.Reeve, Oeall Blake, Ashfield f
Township, tsaWd he doubted that the
CTrvtario ;gonrerramvemt would be. in-
>berested an helping to abmy° achy
!,park lend' of Jess ,than 50 acres
Children's Aid
Mrs. Mary F. Chaffee, super-
intendent of the Chirldrenfs Aid
Sudety reported having 153 cUid-
rien under supervis_ron in their awn
homes, in boarding homes, or in
adoptive homes. Thiene are 35
Chromes on wahWing Jost tor child -
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Supervisor 'in Charge
,Th,e new suwirriming pool, at
111 LOW
,open, for, f12 �R+rpt )time lti1is Saar
J,ww 19
V. 57
'7.6 48
!the Shaer,
,tine are ra441owedl past the a7teps
ss 60
85 fib
76 52
74 08
satin; 1 tiro. Rain: .33 inns,
ivil Defence Is
Discussed by County
HenIs, d'esigrnated, do ♦'vial de-
'fence pZiaaining, as, the re,ceptaon
raarea, fore 94,000 people. County
Oorup'ue;6lr was. tioP ld ,1:a'slt• week by
Zagax' F. Bevis, civil derfe ice r o-
oirdii,•n+ator of Ouu ole, If nuclear
warfare, Comers, sra.id Mr Bevns,
maaam target amear5 such tars Wind -
Por and T•aa+ornito, ',vdal, be evacuat-
ed, Huron, v¢ill be- .expeciterd rto re-
,eeiv+e !evacuee's from the Windsor
"If t'hu's shonulyd happen tomamor
mow,,„ be siaid, llthewe WiN be
ipeopae from J�Dlss,ex and Kent
coluntties routed to you,"
The basis, for the dwil deafemce
job of l,aohimg after evacuees, or
W,ugeers, be, sad+d, is, 4a the +ruin'-
Op d, semibess;- ;p;orlrice, ,fine, lhiekal+tlh,
vwoifare amid engimeorrlUg.
Civil defence p'xian ing dsu Hur-
n, he warned, will ha" to c+om-
00 r Win deltaill wheat to do about
hous&ng, feeding, and, aoaWmg rafit-,
,erthe essential needs of the, people
lwbo wound' be, Huron's reispolru4_
rbiliity if ,the, 'Windsor area were
attacked or ordered evacuated.
a C Topics Discussed
By County Council
CJounty.• Coun,61 ,resitored the
$1.00 annual • ♦grant :to the county's
seven +live s -tack breeder orgtaau za
tions, sifter trimming them from
,the budget in January. Afterthis
year, on recommendation- of Reeve
William, McKenzie, Exeter, ithe ror-
giamnzattironswill have to submit
financial statements oto council,
and ,gro is wdrll be a14u tt+ed on the
basri!s +of 'these.
Council vo+ted 28-5 aagannsrt buy -
Ong 19, acres, near St. Joseph, for
use as a county park. Price- was
$1.7;000, 'Reeve. Vaalentine Becker,
Flay Tovwnshlip, Gone of the five
who voted for -the move) said (the
'Property 'has more ,than 60 rod's
of exce?,1en't sand beach, and is at
thre :termlinus of a'toW Ls, chip road.
"We all :feel we need land l ke,
Vis,,, said' 'Reeve Becker. "Mills
Rand is geitti,ng picked up a4omfl
the breach, and soon there. won't
,be any left, and people won't be
able rfr0 ,go, down to. 'the Water".
.Reeve, Oeall Blake, Ashfield f
Township, tsaWd he doubted that the
CTrvtario ;gonrerramvemt would be. in-
>berested an helping to abmy° achy
!,park lend' of Jess ,than 50 acres
Children's Aid
Mrs. Mary F. Chaffee, super-
intendent of the Chirldrenfs Aid
Sudety reported having 153 cUid-
rien under supervis_ron in their awn
homes, in boarding homes, or in
adoptive homes. Thiene are 35
Chromes on wahWing Jost tor child -
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Supervisor 'in Charge
,Th,e new suwirriming pool, at
rvivles acid nepOxtions
Maiton aCiom muntty Parr will bre
The fallluawang; armies have been
,open, for, f12 �R+rpt )time lti1is Saar
J,a ,hyo, a by the oo�llaT14't`t,ee, An Ch-
son ora: Fr d'aay, evening, June 27,
oMe, ,cru($ ful4, co-operation of ail'
wtitlx iswili mring from 7 to 9 P.m.
us em of the pool will, xnal�e tfor
k'lol,+lrawd!ng that ,reg!ullar schedulers
e, paeiasan't emtioyablie summer:
Will be carried out ,throughout
1., Nl,> spectators, are arilo wend
,the sR1Rnilrer:past
!the Shaer,
Maii,tUndr Jdgar, rteacahex at
2, Gam'''y betbems in batlAng art•
A/V/M Hugh, • Crampbreal Public
,tine are ra441owedl past the a7teps
Scluaol and well-known through-
leading to the pool,
,out ith+e area for his work wirth
S. There srhaR ,be no rrurunamg,
minor hockey teams, and as for-
pushing or horseplay ,of any 'kind -
ward With the Clinton Cats, will
in, Me pooa' area or dressing roan's.
,be supervisor of the pool.
4. Smoking caning and che'wi'ng
Tiwro, Ca+irftn young-stoms, Tien-
.g,um is )prohibited, un the pool
inreth 8rigoistaud and Diane CSamp-
bell, W -11T acct ra,,s• ali+feguards at the
5, The '!adders are +to be used
po,ol4. This, week they have been,
for climbing am or out of the poral
taking a• specaaii course- in water
OiN•ILY, The user must face the
safety nml: Ef"eving at Goderich,
whire!ir: Flying Officer G. L, „Bud"
6, Only one person is, dRowed
Hayter is conducting.
,oma the diving ,board at one haime.
histruc!tmess, Mis's Einerson,
7. Diving wiith: faipperro on, ore
Mderach, hays been, engalgeid for
,from the side, of board is, pro -
the summer season; and, will car-
ry out swimming lessons, each
$. Srvwirnmiang is not all awe�d in j
mrorning from 9.30 a.m. to 1,1.30
the 10%foort waiter depth. This
ami. T1erssons will: each, be a half an
hour, and there is no charge what-
end .is for avers only.
9. Do not .climb, on the guard
sloever to the pupils,
bowers, or on the fiance,
10. Use of Inflated titles, pdalaovws,
ArprPReaetipns for swimming ire-
etc., in. the Pool is, p¢rohiUt'ed.
sibrucdoln must be made am writ-
lx, 'Theme shraa4 he ma calling for
ing, and bear the, signature a
:the w.* d, of a Liffe Guard when such
parent or guardian,. These applica-
as not needed.
1'2, Splitting and rusting profane')
tion harms: appear lav ,chits issue
Ira!ngurage ane prohibited.�
of attic News-+Re'c4rcl.
13. Bathers, are vequured aro bake
a complete, shower before enter -
General sm mTn1ng vessdons wit
ding the ,pool].
be held each after -won from 2 to
14. Please -do not .converse with '
5 p.m., when it is. expected child-
the .Life, Guards and 'Staff, they
rem, wu!ll make use of the pool, and
have jobs to do.
:uv the, evenings froom 7 to, 9, when
15. No d-Aldren under six years
the aswammemis are expected, to be
of age, allowed an peal area.
mialWy a,du3&
16. Haws: Lessons from 9'.30
Seasons Tickets.
rt+or 11.30 a:m.., Monday through
Seasons! tickets for the after-
,Fvi,day. Csem,ea;al swimming from
nccn and ev+etniong s,ess!ions• are a-
2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 toe 9 p.m„
variable at erkher +the office of the
17. Amy p'ennn dismergamding tli-
C:Iriniton CPUC, or at the Town
ese rules for refusing to oobey',
(11,ez,k's• office. Cost is $1.50' for
members, or the staff, may be, de-
ehrldren; $3,00 for high school situ-
xi+ie'd +titre ,use of the, Poul and, Park.
den and., $4 for adualts.
All'. appl'iirca+ti.on foams are, too
be, in the hands of -t'he supervisor,
Wu[t4iout a season's ticket, ad-
Matiitlamd Edger, or .af the i<nsrtruc-'
ri itt Y>~e Ito r4h!e nodi +♦cats x0 c'en,41s,
-taew, M1gs, Etnemon by Sarturday,
for ch14!dren of pubaic school age;
June 28, ,at nater,,
25 cents for high school students
All p:ers'om wislhing to receive
and: ,adults.
instruction in swimming, should:
For ,two aiduC,ts and all children
be at -the pool by 9.30 in the
in one family, rates is $10 for
morning, Monday, June 30, when
the season.
they wall .be ,assigned ,to their
If no adults ,take part, then
classes. It is expected there, wild
$4.50• M-11, comer all• ,the children
be a !begrixnnems' das%; an. intrer-
.in ♦fancily for the season, regard
falces; ces; a scuta+ class and'.
less of how manythere are.
a Life Savers, class.
darn TroOhyln
'Postal Distribution
Two menti un CA'int,on Post Office
have brought homowr to theamseav-
o0 +anal 'tO -the office by winnin+g
the W. lvl, MaoLean 'Postal D,ist-
ributdon Trophy,
This trophy is presented fur of-
ficiency in sortling mails in the
j Priovince of Ontario, and this is
the third year it has been compet-
ed, for. Mr. McLean, was, form-
erly regional director of Ontario.
In the compotWoxn John Hart-
ley .and Gordon Sutcliffe !had to
be able to sort correctly, cards
beaming the addresses of 1;009
different ,postal' offices. These
thousand were selected froln, 2,-
4,0o in the .province. Between theme
they scared 99.9 percent.
For the past two years the
Gamanoque, .posit office has won'
this trophy, rt is, afar post offices
designated as Grade 9, 'and' there
are 35 in: that classification.
PUC Grants Services
Will Meet Council
Over Sever By -Law
;`%ydlra, "Water and sewage serv-
ice, to ,three, propent1% were O,K'di
on Tuesday evening W the Clinton
Pubhc UrtiQkwes• `Clounamiss(+om.: to
W. S. Craig, a. house on White-
head Street; to Roy Tyndall, for
.a house on aR,altWnbury S,treert,
next ,to Sit. Amrdrerw'4s Preaby,tenarn
Church; to Knox VA41amss for his
used car aiot on Victoria Street and,
to, Llrayd Batkin fox a. house on
Princess! Street East oppo+"sdite the
Consfidleving the fast that the
rariginai debentures on the sewage
disposal system are now half valid
off, PU(C gave a good ,dealt.' of
-time to the :prerblem outlined by
Commassdoner G,arrron as follows:
"Why shw1d, the person huffling
a Krouse now, on a ll t past which.
the sewer rums, be ali&vved to tap
6nta the made for service, and omlty
pay +tih!e same amourit of taxation
as° aklire iperson 4ic: s )oa.,pay-',
ing fior ,thee rpaslt ,teh y.�&s? They
shouldd, be required to •pay a cert-
ain share of the cost of ,the ryetem
for 20 years just as the resit of
,the, people an town have done."
Qommdstslonev� Ga+ion and Harold
E. Hartley were named a commit-
tee Ito contiacit council with view
,to huackng discussions : on the by-
law arnd .consiider making changes.
OranqePlanC*entennial Walk
„The Gloraous Twe,lftlh. of July" Boyne. Loyal Orange Lodges from 'known as Murphy Lodge) is cei-
wM be celebrated in Clintonon seven counties have been invited. ebratPng. ,threrir 100'bh anniversary.
Saturday, July 1,2, and ttJhousa:nds pal
important ithis year I The !last tune 'the Twelfth was
are empected to celebrate the 268th is the fact that Clinton Loyal celebrated in Clanton was, exactly
axmiuversaxy of ,the Batt'l'e of the Orange Lodge No. 710 (more often ten ,years ago, dn. 1948. Among
Elston Cardiff Invited to Orange Walk
Atnong the many dignitaries taking part in showing Ver. Cardiff receiving, his official in
the corning Centennial. Celebrations of the Clin- vitatiion ft'om Willaarn Riehl (official of the
tori Loyal Orange Lodge* will be Elston Cardiff, local lodge) was taken the night of the Mareh
MP, 13russtils. Mr. Cardiff will speak at tho 31 federal election at Clintowg train intersection,
July 12th Walk, which is schedttled to be hold while the Member was condueting his seventh
in Clinton this year, and to which lodges froin victory rnei h in the Huron hustings,
se'vern counties havd 'been invited. This picture (News -Record Photo)
features was a league baseball
game between RCAF Station
Clin+torn and the Gidntan: C Its.
That was the year the 'Colas went
are to wain the ,Human Perth base-
ball ti!tare.
About 1,000 people paraded in
the [traditional "walk" and there
were 30 Lodges represented. Danc-
es were held; both at the .park and
in, +the tam haul.
Tfwo marshals, Thomas Deeves
and Mervyn Falconer, both of the
Murphy Lodge, Clinton, lead ,the
,parade; mounted, on white homes.
County Master Asa Deeves walked
with Rivers tion Lodge No. 145,
Gaderich Township.
, ridesboro, carried the beset
banner in the, 1948 walk; Bayfield
was -rhe largest lodge on: parade,
with 68 present; best drummer
was George Armstrong Sea -
forth; best firer was Thom-
a s Shemri,tt, Bay,field; oadest
Orangeman was Thomas Apple-
man, 93, Gre,diton; runner-up;
Maxwell Gray, 87, Wrktortr.
Oldesrt lady present was. Ap-
paren�tly an Unknown from+ Dray-
ton, who arrived ,too Late for the
parade, ,but erndoyed eupprer at
Wegl!ey-Wdllls Umited Church in
the company of the Orange.
Contracts let For
Work at Swim, Fool
Meertinvg k5t -,weekend, the C hni
ton Swimrariing Pool Clomanibtee a-
warded the contract for wiring
the crew ,batlahaw80 to Clfi;nton; El-
ectric Shop. The, Xcundaltion ♦mrd
fluor being c'anrstmucteid ,by Mit-
dhe, McAdam are nearing corn -
lotion, and, the ptumb1bg has beern
inistahWed by Vad, Iveynoltls.
Though, wirth;o+ttt �Uh& to 1�om-
plote the ,pr!bject, fila, 0oMnrWttee
iba gbmg ahead at Bance ,to dtMite
tehd'eris fW W14 Of tfho deMbIn't
b1ortrlrs for trhe bathhouse.
It was ,the pleasure of the
coatnhnubiee ;to 'receuv,o Bent W.
fiord, elerpittiserltt ng the C linitoll
Lions, 'Teen 110,66, WhO pxes'eAW
eche swn of $15 tow8il'Cl the, cost
oil' the 'POOL
Post Office employees John Hartley (centre) E. Pearson, regional director of postal services,
and Gordon Sutcliffe earned this handsome who were in Clinton last week to make the
trophy for the Clinton Post Office through their
efficiency in distributing mail 99,9 percent. At presentation, Arthur Ball (right) is postmaster
left is J. A. Flaherty, district director and W. here. (Staff Photo)
New Street Lights Installed "m
Council Names
Wingham Man President
« first annual m]eeitirr,ng of the
Creating Modern, Look � County �iilm Caunciul WU
helld lin Clanton ons Tfue�sday evoai-
ling, June 24. Encouraging xeporlts
Wroth only 13 of the modern than of ,the ltights, at (tire March on, !devellopments in, +the new Mm
flUoresoeavt type bulbs yet to be' meeting, they neglected to put cunt were submitted, by rerpare-
insltalled ,on the ,street'Might strand- through a motion concerning the se!ntatrives, of ,local, film councils.
ar'rd's of the mua4,n thoroughrfares of h extra ouble,ts, This will no doubt New offtoe +s; elected fiat the 1958-
Cirntton, the town bas :taken on a' cause extra expense do the future, 59 term: were G. Sitwley Newman,
eleam-clllt, ,br igbt lbak. All down- should the, proposed plan be cram- WQmrghami, president; Tarr. C. J.
Albert Street, and at -thee mailn x1e'd out. Cost rof the outlet in- Ross, Gademich, vice-presiderit and
intersection, the new rights gleam. s,tadl diortn had been estimated at C. H. Magee, C1bnt,an; secretary -
0 braasumer.non rorroweaLaddr ,
truck fm+om ,the G+orderi:cih PUC far
work in lnsrtaliling the bulbs•. They
are cornsusedmg the purchase of tl Bell Telephone Company Again Asking
new or usedtruck:Box, use in.the
tel wnm..
sit was .expected that 'rel the
-new lights went up; they would For Overall Increase in "Phone Rates
-be equipped Wirth outtlats, which
could 'be used for a'ttaghing lighted' The Belil. Telephone Company hard been approved ,by the Board
orriaments, at Chrls,tmas time. has, again filed, an appldeation of Transport Commissioners, aai
However, when co:uncilput thmaug'h seeking approval ,to increase. tela- increase In net income of some,
a muata,on .,authorizing the ans+tIa- Phone nates. Proposed anarea'ses $'8 mmllion is required. Because of
No Paper Next
Week, Holidays
There- will, be no. News -Rec-
ord printed next week. 1n
order for Uhe 2staff to enjoy
a holiday, It ds necessary to
cease publication for one, issue.
We hope this, inconvem!ienee ,to
our ,subscribers. will not be
too great.
The next issue wall go to
press on Wednesday, amid will
be distributed on Thursday,
July 10.
The office will m-ernain open
for the convenience of ,those
who wish ,to ,place advertis-
ing, contribute news items, or
pray accounts.
for residence rags range from
the e,bfect of taxes, tiring neuumk-
10 to 45 cents per month and
ates a gross increase in operat-
,forr business service :from 15 to
Ing revenue ,of $16 million".
$$1.65 per month.
:..• .--- -� - o
Thehearing w0d open in. Ottawa
Lady Conservatives
on, September 16.
,mi explrarirning why the company
Annual Meetitng
is agatin ap!plyin.,g for revised, rates,
Satisfying reprortrs were, heard
foblawirng :.the federal cabinet's tar-
from; all, cormnAttees at the annual
dear rof April 29 rescinding the
meeting of the Clinton Ladies:
January 10 judgement of the
Progressive Conservatdve rri'eetirng
Board of Transport Coanm4ssi:on-
held ,Last week. Mrs, F. G. Thom-
ers which +avward'e:d, the ,company'
psora was. re-elected' !president of
higher rates, Thomas W. Eadie,
th,e group, and, Mrs. Douglas :.Free -
the camplariy's. president writes;
roan ,is. vice-apresiident. Mms. W.
"Th,is. company has an ,obligat-
S. R. Hoarnes, is second vlce�pres-
ion. oto nerve the. Public, To do so,
+dent and Mrs. Tihum,as S!teepe is
we, mush re,tafin ,the confidence
secretary4reasurerr. Miss Maude
of investors through as sound ap-
Siltamran is :press secretary,
roach ,to (filnandatl as weal as, ather
Conveners are from St, And -
management problems. Early rate
rew',s Ward, Mrs. Elliott Brarblliff;
relief is ess'entiad if we, are to
St. George's Ward; Mrs. George
prres+erve, this corifidence, and to
Ebbott; St. James' Ward, Mrs, Er -
operate and develop our servsces
nest 1+ pips,; St. Jah!nr s Ward, Mms.
in a sway [that will satisfy the
H. Watkin. and Kris. Thomas O' -
needs of our customers.
"To achieve (the level of earn
A srodal half hour followed the
ings -of $2.43 per share, which
RCAF Guides and Brownies Awards
Winners of spocial awards given the oulaes the year", Front, Louise Nickerson, Anne ROW-
andbrownies at ACA;+ Station Clinton last land and Gail Hopaluk, each received their Gold -
week, were (back Trow) tCar6h Uattinger, first en Hand badge---higho9t award in Brbvvr►lo work.
class badger and Anne Ttia lot, chosen "Guide of (Nowt-lRocord Photo)