HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-19, Page 11WEEKEND SPECIALS FOR YOU Oven-Randy Whole Select Quality BOILING FOWL 4-6 lb. overaoe lb. 49c who. FRYERS 2144 lb. oyerogo lb 39c Jubilee Rinciress BACON i diced) Maple Lear No 1 BOLOGNA 'Sugar Cured Smoked -BACON SQUARES „,,.,„ ...... . lbs. 75c To All Our Many Customers. OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION Thet'lirewsupsptoorrte siisn ourctreos m the gratifying . The New Modern Meat Market 0, STANLEY, Proprietor Phone HU 2.3834 Clinton SIGN OF CLEANLINESS AND QUALITY I lb, 2 lb; 7 5C Nicasmommommicim PASTURE . . . •Good pasture produces your cheapest milk. .Pasture improvement and management (a sub- ject we haven't space to cover here) deserve any good dairyman's attention. But for long- term results, even the best pasture requires some supplemental feeding . and poorer pastures, of course, require more. •-• Let's look at a 1,200 lb. cow. On winter feeding you figure that she needs 24 lbs. of good hay and 10 lbs. milking ration to keep up her milk flow and her body. That's dry regi~altialar feed, only 150/0 water. She is actually getting about 30 lbs. DRY SOLIDS per day. Now you turn her out on lush pasture. She eats to capacity- tsay even 115 lbs. a day. But it's 84% water. She is getting only 18 to 19 lbs. dry solids - not much over half what you felt she needed in the stable; and the pasture is stimulating her to make +more milk. Until she gets more dry solids than she can get out of pasture, !she draws heavily on her body, and runs herself down in weight •and condition. Then she drops off in milk; and you can't get her 'up again, no matter how well you feed, until you build that lost weight and condition back in. That's slow and expensive. It's :better to feed her first than last. `So PURINA SUGGESTS: 1. Feed good hay even on good past- ure, if you have it. 2. Feed BULKY-LAS, a gallon night and 7morning. Cows will eat it when they refuse hay. 3. As soon as (cows will eat it after turning out, begin ,feeding dairy ration. ,(Many good dairymen feed BULKY-LAS and grain, half-and-half, 'while pastures are good, and switch to milk-stimulating dairy ration (when pastures grow short and dry.). Clinton Farm Supply and MACHINE SHOP CHARLES NELSON Phone HU 2-9613 WRESTLING CLINTON LIONS ARENA Monday, June 23, 8.45 p.m. SPECIAL ATTRACTION 450-Pound Wrestling Bear vs. 2 Leading Heavyweights PLUS T.Y. MIDGETS 4). SONNY BOY CASSIDY FARMER PETE AND vs, AND IRISH JACK LITTLE EAGLE •••• SEMI-FINAL Ivan Volkoffe vs. Mighty Scot 2 out~ o 3 falls - 45 minute time limit MAIN EVENT GREAT MOTTO vs. BILL MELBY 2 out of 3 folk 60 minute time limit Admission: Ringside $1.25; General 4/. LONDESBORO George Webb, Maryland, U.S„ visited with his sister, Mrs. John Shobbrook last week. Miss Margaret Tamblyn, Leam- ington, spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. John Nott and Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Roberton visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Vodden on Sunday. Mrs, Elwood Shortreed, Timm- ins, accompanied by Mrs. Harvey Brown, Morris, were renewing old acquaintances in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Rose Russell and Mr. and Mrs. David Miller, Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yungblut and other relatives in the village. Michael Lumsdan, Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. Thomas Fair- service. The June meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society was held on Thursday with 15 members pre- sent. The secretary reported a bale of used clothing and ten quilts valued at $154 had been shipped. This is the second bale this year. A very interesting talk the theme "Meeting To-day's Cris- es Together" taken from the Study Book was given by Mrs. Frank Tamblyn. Him IMES n111111111 111111 111 Ill1111111111 III 111111111 111 S e e . . . HUGH HAWKINS For information OFFICIAL AGENT For Gas Installation for Furnaces, Hot Water Heaters, Stoves, etc. HAWKINS HARDWARE Clinton - HU 2-9433 114,11.1111111110111111 11111111111111101111111 M11111011111110 1111111111 III 11111111111 Douglas Armstrong, had an ac- cident on Saturday morning while on his way to. work in Zurich. Mr. and 'Mies. Bert McBride and Mr. and Mrs. Glare McBride mot- ored to Brampton on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott and family motored to St, Marys on SundaY. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keys spent Sunday at Brucefield. They at- tended the Golden Jubilee An- niversary with Mrs. Keys assist- ing in 'the choir. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Keys and Mr. and Mrs. Anson McKinley went on the bus' trip to York County, last Thursday, which was sponsored by the Huron and Perth Shorthorn Clubs. Gordon Hill, Varna, president of the Ontario Farmers Union was taken to Vietoria Hospital last Friday. When fixing 0. wagon at home a splinter of steel flew into his eye. He is expected to be there about ten - days, WMS Meeting The ladies of Goshen Woman's Missionary Society met at the parsonage, Varna, for the June meeting on Thursday night. Mrs. Elmer Hayter presided with Mrs, Russell Erma at the piano. 39 calls were reported made to the sick and shut-ins. Every year the WMS entertain the Baby Band and Mission Band at a picnic. The date for this is on July 10. Committees were appointed this year for both lunch and sports. The first vice-president in charge of the sports with one out of each group to look after the hunch. The program on Christian Giv- ing was prepared by Mrs. Bruce Keys and led by the president Mrs. Elmer Hayter. The minutes were read and 20 members, ,anewered the roll Mrs. Walter Eckel reported on the bale sent to Manitoba, Mrs. William Clark read letter from the Missionary for Prayer,. Miss Anne Davison. A thank you card was received from Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peck. The by was closed with prayer by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. Mission Rand Goshen Mission Band met on Sunday morning with Mrs. Clare McBride and Mrs. Robert Me- Kin'*.y in charge; Marlene Keys Preld:ng. The meeting opened by repeating the Mission Band Pur- PeSe and hymn. Gwen McBride read the minutes and- 21 answer- ed the roil call. One member had a birthday. The story of "Trip to Gifu" was read by Mrs. 1144Bride. The wor- ship period was followed as in the Leader's' Guide with call to worship by Marlene Keys; prayer by Patricia Robinson and eorn- ewe of Brucefield WMS Meeting The Woman's Missionary Society of Brucefield United Church met Tuesday afternoon, June 1.0 in the change of the 'assoeiate members. lYfIrs;, Robert - Sr., MO, vener, prepared the program and Mrs. Glen Swan took the .chair for the, eendtleting, of the program. quiet music and the call to wor- ship was .0119Wc:1 by A .Bible reading by Mrs, J. K. Cornish and poem by Mrs. Tena Dayman. • Mrs. .1S4-0.0 'Wilson, accompanied the pianist on the violin for the singing of the hymns, and also gave a viol- in selection. Mrs. R. Allan spoke of the splen- did co-operation given her by the -associate members and explained What was meant by a life, 'annual and associate member. Sketehet from ,the Free Press, on the topic, "Jesus Loved Them" was taken by Mrs. K. Scott, Mrs. Marjorie Graham, Mrs. H, Berry and Miss Elliott; and from the "Wet Hour" Mrs. Mac Wilson gave the talk on "'Many Folds- One Flock:" Prayer was given by Swan and Nfrs, G, Ifender- son and Mrs, O. Richardson sang a duet, The president, Mrs, S. Davison, presided for the business session. $he thanked .all those who had taken .part ineany way in render, ing the associate members' meet- ing so inspiring, The minutes of the. previous meeting were given and roll call was answered by naming a parable or miracle, done by Jesus. After the treasurer's report; dis- cussion followed regarding the School for Leaders to be held at • Alma College, August 25 to 29, The WMS hopeful that two delegates will be able to attend, and the meeting agreed to help in some way to make this possible. A social time and lunch served by the WMS members brought the Meeting to a close. - GOSHEN NORTH (,14+ 140;1-CLARE MCBRIDE, Correspondent) PARRY WILLIAMS CONTRACT FOR OIL, INDEED YOU CA14- PAY FOE. IT OW THE MONTHLY PLAIJ HARRY WILLIAMS GASOLINE LUBRICANTS FUELOIL MOTOR OIL lohor Phone HD 2-663b R.R.2,CLINION•crimia 1111111111111111111111111111111111 Lucky 7 Sale 6 BIG BARGAIN DAYS - June 16 to 21 BIG SAVINGS IN COTTAGE, VACATION '& SUMMER NEEDS Every Price is ci Reduced Price RO-BALL Reg. 98c DEODORANT Sale 77c TOOTH BRUSHES Reg. 69c Nylon Bristle Sale 2 for 970 NEW ADRIENNE LIQUID CREAM Reg, 1.35 SHAMPOO Sale 97o CAPE COD Reg, $6.50 PICNIC JUG-128 oz. Sale $5.27 ECONOMY TOOTH BRUSH PACK Reg, 98c 4 Brushes Sale 4 for 57c MOTH FUME CRYSTALS BOBBY PINS Rubber Tipped FLORAL NOTES Assorted Designs SUN GLASSES Kiddies reg. 25c for 17c Adults reg. 1.69 for 1.07 BEACH BALLS Reg. 98c Assorted Colors Sale 77c WADING POOL With Swim Belt Reg. 10.95 Toy and Beach Bayy Sale 6.99 Reg. 63c Sale 57o Reg. 25c Sale 17c Reg. 50e Sale 37c Shower Miss Ann Shaddock; whose mar- riage will take place the latter Part of Jurie, Was the guest of honour at a shower field at the home of Mrs. Fiank McCullough. The evening was spent making a Bride's Book, and writing out favorite recipes, and these were given to the guest of honour. The gifts, *rapped' in dusters and tied with fancy ribbon were presented to Miss Shaddock in a decorated wheel barrow. Ann thanked everyone for their gifts. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gordon. Steepe, Mrs. L. E. Morton and Miss Fran- ces McCullough, WMS Meeting Mrs. L." Jervis's group was in charge of the June meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Holmesville United Church. Mrs. Jervis gave 'the call to wor- ship, and following the hymn, a general prayer of Thanksgiving was given in unison. Mrs. J. read the Scripture lesson with Mrs. I. A. McKim giving an in- teresting interpretation of it. The business „was conducted by the president, Mrs. N. Heard'. The spring bale is to be packed on ante 19, with Mrs. L. .Jervis, Mrs. E. Yee and Mrs. W. Bender pack- 6oderich Township Mr, Andrew Grindley, of the staff of thetiniVersity of Western Ontario, spent last weekend at the home of Mr, and IVIrs Fred Mid, clieton, The ministration of the Baptism of Infants. was conducted in James' church, Middleton, on Sun day afternoon, June 15, by the Rev. B. J. B, HarriSerl, Anne Katherine, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mullene, To- ronto, received this office. The gOdParents -thy proxy) were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Marshall, Toronto and, several members of the Mid- dleton family were present. D. and Mrs. Edward Wiens and farnily, Toronto, spent the weekend with 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and family, St. Marys, visited on Sunday with various relatives in the district, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 'Middleton attended the annual Field Day of the Western. Ontario Aberdeen- -Angus Association at the home of Farms, Kerwood, on Saturday last. ing it. An article, "Religion in Life", was given by Mrs. If. Cudinore. Mrs, Frank McCullough told of some of the work of Miss Belva Howatt, one of the WMS work- ers in Vancouver, .33.C. Mrs. L. Jervis- read an article on temper- once. The questionaire on -Christian Stewardship was given with Mrs. I. Tebbutt asking the questions, and Mrs. W. R. Lehi) answering them. The meeting closed with, a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Jervis. The WA meeting followed, with Mrs. S, Farquhar, the president, in the chair. The meeting opened with 'the theme song and creed. T,he Scripture lesson and com- ments were given by Mrs. Farqu- har, Mrs. Ed Grigg gave the trea- surer's report. Plans were out- lined. for the church supper to be held on June 26 with. Mrs. M. Jones reading the committees to handle the' kitchen and table planning: This committee as Mrs. John Grigg, Mrs. K, Harris, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. L. Jervis, Mrs. H. Williams and Mrs. K. Trewar- th.a. The meeting closed with prayer 'by Mrs'. 'Farquhar. Hostess for the day were Mrs. W. Biggin, Mrs. R. Miler and Mrs. E. Yen Mrs. Charles Cucimore and son, Hamilton, .were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cuclmore.. mentes;. on the story by Mrs. Mc-ictha Jacqueline Peck read the Scrip- ture from Luke and Donna Peek took up offering with offertory prayer by Marlene Keys, The meeting closed by singing "I am so Glad that Our Father in Heav- en" with Donna Peck at the piano. Is Your $ubseription Paid. Up? • Short Sleeves fit Convertible Collar • Cool as a Cucumber WHITE SHIRTS $3195 All Sizes 1412 to l61/2 (Open Friday Evenings) Herman's Men's Wear HU 2-9351 Clinton REXALL TOOTH PASTE 2 Reg. Tubes .... $1.18 value Now S7c MINERAL OIL 8 oz. 50c for 37c Extra Heavy 16 oz. 85e for 67c BATH and SHAMPOO Reg. 98e SPRAY Sale 870 PHOTO-RAM-A Reg. 3.50 WALLETS Sale 2,47 ADHESIVE, 3:x5 yd. Reg. 89c and BANDAGE 2x10 .„. Sale 67c ADRIENNE CREAM Reg, 59c ea. DEODORANT Sale 2 for 870 REXALL 622 INSECT Reg. 69c REPELLANT , Sale 2 for 97c POLYMULS1ON Reg. 3.25 S oz. Sale 2 for 3.97 REXALL MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS Sale 2 / 3.27 50 tabs. Reg. 2.59 BISMA-REX Reg. 1.29 POWDER-4 oz. Sale 97c TIFFANY LIPSTICKS Reg. 1.50 Summer Shades Sale 970 SUMMER COLOGNES Reg. 2.00 4 Fragrances Sale Now 97c ASA-REX Reg. 1.69 HEADACHE TABLETS, Sale 1.17 300's W. C. Newcombe, Phm,B, Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-9511 CLINTON NEW HEARING MD TRIUMPHS OVER DEAFNESS TRY DAHLBERG'S Latest Newest "MAGIC EAR II" Newcombe's Rexall Drugs Clinton ---- - HU 2-9511 - Return Coupon For Full Information - PLEASE SEND FULL INFORMATION ON CORRECTING HEARING TO: Name I Address Post Office IMAM)" *TT= 10, 1.9$8 =moil Toms R=on) PAGV =Ann News of Holmesville Correspondent - MRS. F. MeCULLOYJOrn none HU 2-1411$ See the NEW ... for men Apache J8 Clinton Outboard Motor with air-cooled, world-famous . Clinton jewelled' engine (full 5 h.p. motor) Separate 1-gallon gas tank complete with 8 foot heavy neoprene hose - WEIGHS ONLY 13 POUNDS, for women - for children The whole family `EASIER TO CARRY! EASIER TO START! EASIER TO OPERATE! EASIER TO MAINTAIN! KING STREET CLINTON Phone tiLl 2-3851 Wells Auto Electric AUTO.LITE SERVICE PARTS ORIGINAL YOU CAN OVERCOME YOUR HANDICAP