HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-12, Page 8P,QiGV ]FIGHT News of Bayfiold By MISS LUCY W WoOPS 45.r3 N 13.A.Y>�LD PHONE- E Mr, and Mrs. Walli= Parker aa, and R'ick'y, visited her parents, spesltt F�iday and S'atu'rday at Mr, and Mrs. Willard :Stu!rgeon, am we Su . . Sunday. and O n Mrs, Warn MaaCrapkea, Tran- Mr. and' Mrs. C. W. McrDerrnitt, od'osv, has ,been, staying for a week St. Catherines ar'e spending' th it with, Mrs'. George, hiolidays; an Mrs, Andrew Gard - Mr: and Mrs W. C. Heine, nlem'si cottage on, the, lake shore. London,. are spending two weeks Donald Mathews; London, spent in tale village, ,the weekend with his wife and QVir. .and Mrs, Douglas Va#y &ugh:ter, at the Albion Hotel. and ebilldrc'en, London, spent the UP% Rance Bricker, and Mrs'. weekend at the Peck cottage; G, Weaver, Waterloo, were at the Mm', Robert Gw rie, Detroit, Langford cottage,this, week. was the weekend' .guest of the Mr, and, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Misseo Kruke, London, with. Sandra, Cathy and Mrs, Frank V, Martin, Detroit, Jackie, visited at the homes, of is at her cottage, " T3owlder Lod- ARC tScotchmer Jr„ and Mrs, tge" during June, Jack Clufif, qn Sunday. Susanne Weston and her (father Mm. A. F. Furter, London, ca - Mr. Harold Weston, Detroit, spent me on Sunday to visit her brother ,the weekend here, and George Harold Stinson, with, daily visits Weston,returned 4th, then, fOr to her mother, Mrs. W Mam Stin• a vdsdt. spm, in theP .C15ntorn ublic Hospital, John MacLeod, Port StanaOy was T&, and MTs, Nelson Heard, .at lyes. faxni'ly home, over the and Mr. and Mrs'. Lloyd HeaVA Weekend, visiting his parents Mr, wdth sons Eddie and TmW, vus- and Ms.. Lcdis Macleod, ited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirk - Mr. •and. Mrs, Weldon Hovey, ham 4a, London, on Sunday. L•u,aan, were guests'. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Mair, Taranto, was Mrs. Ernest Hovey on Sunday. guest .of Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and, Mrs. Riebard' Moore, Mnu'my, Detroit, who have been Detroit, opened 'their summer ho- staying With, ,their mother Mir rue, ",Fairlawn" this week. Agnes Murray. Mr, and $Vers Dr. H. D. Southam, Sackvil e, Muxray ,drove; to Detroit, on Mon Nanv ,Brgnswlck, :professor, at Mt,. day, n ,U Allison, spent ,th;e ewe- S'gt, F41ph Moyer, fatber of ekend, at the Albion Hotel, Bayfield's well, remembered twins', Mr. and Mrs, Davad Baird from who now lives in British Colum, London, spent the weekend, with bia, is taking,a special- course at ,Mrs. I3'aird's sister, Mrs'. Edward. Trenton, and surprised ,his friends: Sturgeon, and Mr. S,turgeoni. by calling to the village oni Set - Mr, and Mrs, ,Dermis Blisback, urclay, Clinton!, spent Sunday with their J. P. tFininega.n, London, watth Ipare,nts', Mr. and Mins. E,.:Slturg- his daughter, Miss Isabel Maine - con. gan, were ues s this week at the Mrs. Mallvena Irwin, with Sand- I tLitae inn. Mr. Finnegan had FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We WIN pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth 'Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 43-tfib Raising Veal Calves: Feed NURSING CHOW gruel first four weeks. Keep a mixture of 1 part PURINA BEEF CHOW and 2 parts coarsely ground grain or PUR- INA OMALENE in front of calves all the time. At four weeks cut off the gruel and mix I Ib. dry NURS- ING CHOW per calf per day with STEER FATI NA and grain. Feed . this way for another 25 days or so. The calf -starting plan outlined really GROWS calves. It HELPS SAVE calves, too. In the big Purina Research Farm herd every heifer calf dropped in over two yearshas been successfully raised. Disinfecting calving stalls, disinfecting the dam's udder and flanks, disinfecting utensils, holding down flies, all helped too. ON DISPLAY NOW ... POWER MOWERS (Rotary and Reel Types) MAXWELL HAND MOWERS Try Our Lawn Mower Sharpening Service Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop Charles Nelson, Prop. — Phone HU 2-9613 root been an ,hayfield for over 25. years,, and e'n' yed the way tthle, village rotaans its.f IndrviduZ c4hanrn, and yet noted m4ny changes, too The annual' joint mee ling of 010 Aanlglican Woanen's Aucid'iaty, Will a,h • e eild in a Pas riih Hall of Trinity, ,Ci?wch 4n Thursday, June rile S . James ]}�, wick, the 1 sof t rr, s auxch, IVIad!dd'etgat, as ,hostesses. MrS. H, IV Pain] wall be the sp- eaker and bring reports of the Annual Diocesan Meeting • held in Windsor than year. In itheir cottages, overthe week- end; were Mr. I and' . Cavanaugh, Lond Mrs. iPo,tter, Betty Anne anici, Garry, L'an'dau; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon, Pfaff, WSndisor, George Fedl1ows., and ,Fred ,Fraser; Dr, Friel, Stew- axt and fan -Aly, Wip4sor, Mr. an'd' Mrs, Harry Bauer and, Tom, Wat- erloo; Miss Jessie Metcaltfe, Det- roIt, the A. S. Charlton family, Stratford, Mrs. William Moairoe, London. Martin Ormond, of Cheahs, Washmgton, is: visiting his par- ent, Mr.. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond. Mrs. E. A. Featherston was hostess to Trinity Church: Guild ait her home on Tuesday evening with Ten menvbe+rs, ;present, The meeting w'as opened by the .pr a - ,dent, Mrs. Percy Weston, secre- tary's .report was, read by Mrs. M. Merner. f he meeting was closed by prayer by Mrs. Viii+lliam, Parker after which followed a social hour.. Mrs. fi're'd Weston entertadned at dinner on Tuesday.evenang cele- brating her •daugh,beT' Ja,cqulune's 12tth birthday. Those present were Roberta McLeod', Freda McLeod, Sylvia Fitzsimons, Ramona Tel- ford, Carol Wallis, Kathy Sterling, �Gay,le Turner, Jacky and her sdst- ems Elaine and'Cathy. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weeks, St. Catharines, visited mother and sa's'ter,' Mrs. Newman, and Mrs, R. Roy Fitzsimons, Wednesday. Ladies Meet The Womerds Missionary Soc- iety of ,the United. Church met Thursday evening at ,the home of Mrs. Bert Greer, with a good attendance, Mas. Peacock read the Study Book on Japan, the chapter, 'Oth- er churches and- ,the Faith'; this had to do with the. work of the other Christian denominations in Japan. Rom6.n ,Cartholic and Gre- ek Orthodox, also the numerous seats which; hatae sprung up as well as Buddhism 'and Shtintoasm .and, other nTon-,Christian ,groups. Miss Stirling, Stewardship Sec- retary game some facts. regarding ,the Missionary Society. Financ- ial objective for the year ds $1,- 360,000; the polloy of the organ- ization is, to raise ,the money the year ,before ,it is ll used and a single missionaries of the church are paid by the VMS. The Women'•s Association had many deems, of buss-ness to dis- cuss and Plans. to make for their work :during :the summex. T11here is! a reversing falilsat the, mouth, of the St. John River fh , New Brunswick; at low Malde the Aver makes an 11 -foot drop to the sea, ,but at 'high tide, the waters flow upstream. rOLD 'ivisEs gPLUNo��R WE Ia0 NOT MAKE' BIG JOBS OF SMALL - - �.• WE OO GOOD } HONEST - THATS ALL 010 SAT `'✓OUR �/ SERvrcE� BRUCEr"i"ELD UNITED CHURCH GOLDEN JUBILEE SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 15 `i 1 a.m. and 7.30,p.m. Guest Preacher: Rev, C. A. Mustard, B.A., DA Toronto Special Music by Augmented Choir Organist., Mrs. J, R. Murdoch HAM and STRAWBE.ARY SUPPER MONDAY, .LUNE 16 Served from 6 to 8.20 p.m. Adult's. $1.25 --• Children, 75 Vents Short Program by Focal Talenf EVERYBODY WELCOME , 4LTNTQT�T 'VIEWS-REG4]R;D News of Goderikh Township Mr. tand' Mrs, Roy Lamont, Zur- Ing ,message which included an cnr, . sI�nt Sunday with Mr, and account of a unique WA meeting ,Tames R, Stirlin'-. held in a sanitarium in Prince Women'a Apxlllttry Albert, Sask., alscu an'; mVn a aye The Womeanls' Auxiliary of St. prayer ipartners and the Lambeth James Anglican Church, Middle- Conference, She concluded with %n, metWednesdayo.fternoPn a poed,KaeSSmr , June 4, at the home of Ms G riVTM. Milton teepe gave a gr- don-Steepe, ,Holmesville, w4ith TS aphiie description, of the very le1- lodies, :present, The president, aborate flower Sunday Service Mrs, A. E: Rowden, opened the which; she attended the previous meeting with special prayer, for Sunday :in Winglaam 'Ur}'ated Ch, Mowed .by the members prayer and LUVIL The tbeme was "Safe's the Lord's, Prayer. Guld'eposts"•, with decorations Mrs, John Grigg read ttbe scrip- carriedout with, lilac blooms, tore lesson, Romans 8.20-39. Mrs, Rowden closed the meet - Minutes were read by Mrs. Keith ing with prayer and a lovely Miller and, Mrs. Dutot presented lunch was. served, .the treasurer's. report. Community Club Frans were made for ,the joint The S'S No. 4 Community Clau;b Women's Auxilsary meeting to be met at the home of Mrs. Donald held in ,Bayfield' on. Thursday, Forbes with Mr's, J. Tebbutt, pres- June 19, with the- Middleton ,Aux- •ident conducting the meeting. Rall, dliamy in charge of the lunch. call, was answered by 16 mem- Mrs. F. H. Paull will the guest bers and -there- was- one visitor speaker, present, The -treasurers report Mrs. Ray Wise gave the special showed $52,38 on hand. prayer •for ,the Prayer ;partner. The annual ;picnic was discus - Mrs, Fred Middleton read several sed and final plans will be made Interesting articles from the liv- at the June meeting,, A quilt News of Correspondent; Mli Phone Seat Ronald Riley, Toronto, visited Douglas Riley over th'e weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter visited the la,tter's sister, Mass Uilly Adaansi, Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Josepih Youngblut, Lan&%boro, visited: Mr; and Mrs ,Charles Dexter on: Saturday. Mrs, Ethel Stephenson and Mrs. Roy Lawson, Seaforth, were recent Asitiars with. Mr. and Ms. James ,Dale. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Dale, Wilma and' Cheryl, attended, the Guern- sey ju;dgin!g school" held at G1en- vdlie Farms at Newmarket last week. Mr. and Mrs. William, Dale and family attended' a twilight meet - Ing of the Western, Counties Gu- er+nsey Club ;held at CaverhiIDl fa- rms at Ildetitan. Mrs. Dale won fairs -It prlse, In, the ladies divisticn For judging and' reasons and WE - ma won fanst prize for 4-H Club members. Mrs, Mary E. Jewitt, Iiazelanme Sask., and Mrs, Leslie Fox and daughter, Leslie, Regina, Sask., are visiting with the formers sons, Wi0iiam and Waibur Jewitt, Mrs. Fox ,is a sister. Mrs. Fl,arence Chowent, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Witham Knox, Lon- desbono, vesited Mr. and Mrs, Ja- mes Da! e on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Preszcator on the arrival of a daughter in. Seaforth hos- LONDESBORO Field, day .for the: Hul7ett sch- ools was ,held inthe, batll park on Friday .atftern,00n. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott As- ited with ,the Alister ,Braad':foots over .the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vodden and famhy, Paris, and, Kenneth spent the weekend with Wesley Vod'den Mr. and, Mss. Stan Crawford, Toronto, spent the weekend; with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mrs. Mae Hod(g rt and Joa,nn,e, Thames .Road, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wiemer Howatt on) Sat- urday ,and Suaday. Miss Dorothy • Uttle, 'Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Ber�B t en- thram, Oshawa spent the. week- end with. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Towunsend, Mir. .and Mrs. MbKind'ey, Tor- onto, visited the aattetr's sinter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Skimmins last week. Miss Carol; Marks, Elmira,; Glen Beuder, Palmerston, visited on. ;Friday evening with Mr. and m?rs. Ted Fathergil. Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Tambdyn accompanied .by Mas. Margaret Manning visited on .Sunday with Mr, and Mrs!. Milton. Lee and Chester and James Morris, all of Paris, also calling ,on Rev. and Mrs. ,Brenton in Woodstock, Women's Institute, The June meeting of the Wom- en's Institutie was held In the Community Hall on: May 5 with a good attendance, Mrs. Duncan McCallum, Blyth, demonstrated the making of corsages from home grown flowers, Aliss Margaret Brophy gave, a spile:nd!i.d talk on her ,firip to, Bermuda with: a goad' descrlp't:on. .of the islands, also showing r,'iides of the beautiful scenery. Lunch served' by the hostesses brought the meeting to a c:ose. (onstance S, FRANK RILEY orth 841r32 pitaa on June 9. Court Constantine Ladies . No. 1'842 will .be constituted and the installation of officers will be. head on Friday, June 13 at 8.30 pan. in; the C.O.F. Hall. 'Everyone is cordially invited to, see this cer- emony. Lunch wall ,be served and a dance Will follow the. in- s,:allation, The Sunday School Anniversary will :be held this Sunday, June 115 at two o'clock. Charles Scott, Auburn will be guest speaker. Special music is being prepared by the junior chair. 1 t ►'I II III��� A � 4' S 1 'SpECTMTHESE ANIMALS GE -r A LOT OF GOOD LA1J6NS OUT OF US FOLkg EVERY DAY Don't monkey around with your car . do the sen- sible thing, bring it to us and let us make all the necessary adjustments . you'll add years to the life of your car, cut down on upkeep, too. 600dSings riri TI-WRSDAY. JUNE 12, 185$ W -M quilted during the, afternoon The Jeune! meeting w -M, be Meld H d l� 464 was served with WS, at 'the 'Mane of Mrs: Fred Lot), Oakes and Hers. S, Fa'rtluhar vwitth t'he roil sell tp be eanswve¢1.. axS'istting the hostess. by 'giving a household hint. Your Best Buy Is Kz_ n � iz�e p at I9G*A* KING SIZE—SAVE 10c BREEZE --Blue or White (with Bath owe $1.4. KING SIZE—.SAYE 10c LUX LI9UID DETERGENT .......... • ........... 99c KING SIZE—SAVE 10c WISK Detergent ...... . .... . ...................... $1,59 GIANT—SAVE 14c BLUESURF ...................... • . • . • • . • ................ 694 SAVE 20c ALL.. i 0th ..... •................................ $2.99 RAINBOW PACK—SAVE 74 LUX TOILET SOAP ........................ 4 for 39c SAVE 13c SOLO MARGARINE ...... • ............. 4 for 99c BORDEN'S plain or Pimento --SAVE 3;:- CHATEAU cCHATEAU CHEESE ... • ..... • ...... • ..... pkg. 31 c RED ROSE — SAVE 20c INSTANT COFFEE ..... • ...... • ................ • .... 99c SAVE 6c — (Hot Dog - Hamburger, -• Bariiecue) HEINZ RELISHES .... • ............ • .. • . • ....... 33c SAVE 10c KOTEX--Regular ................ • ........ • 2 for 7.9c I.G.A. , Ripe 'n Ragged PEACHES ............ 2 for 49C Fruit Specials GRAPEFRUIT ..... 616r 49c WIDE AWAKE -- Size 80's JUMBO SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPES .......... • • .. • ............... • .. 29C Meat Features TABLERITE BONELESS Round Steak Roasts or Boneless Rum Roasts . C 1b. SMOKED -- 6 oz. Vac Pak k C BACK BACON ........... • .......... • • .. • .. pkg. t 53 TABLERITE CHICKEN LOAF --6 oz. pkg: ` pkg. 29c MINCED HAM --6 oz. pkg. G7 SAVE IGA GOLD CASH REGISTER: SLIPS -- IT WILL PAY YOU, — CLINTON MARKET Corner of Isaac & Mary Streets=Clinton Come and Hear MR. JOHN M. MARTIN --- at --- Maple $t. Gospel Hall CLINTON Mr. Martin Will be using a large chart outlining his topics taken from the Book of Romans. Services Held Every Night 8 :p.M. June I Sth to 29th (Except Monday and Saturday) EVERYBODY 'WELCOME r