Clinton News-Record, 1958-06-12, Page 7'TRUR$DAY, ITUNE 4 1958 CLINTON N%WS-REC4R7? Accommodation For (Rent NEVV 'SEL+T",C,ONTIAxNU house, ,-available 2 weeks, also moms, Ph- ione! HIU" 2-7086, in evenings. 20 -Z ItOOM !FURNTSHFJD apartment, :arvaalable June 14, Phone IT[T 2- 46610. 24•,b 3 ROOM AlP ,R.TiMi NT, furnislt- ,ed, suitable for coulple, available .June 15. Phone HU 2.9508, 24-,b APIANIIIl•,;NT IN FARM HOUSE 1% mile§, from ,gown, L. Ty2 Via, :HLJ 2-9904, •3 ,ROOM APARTMENT, private 'bathroom, heated, and, furnished available naw. Phone' HU 279506. .24: b a6 ROOM APARTMENT with bath, centrally located: on Albert Street. :Avallra'ble now. Phone E', 'B. Men- .:ties HU 2-9752. 2144f rCOMM, RTAIBLY x URNISB ED ,land clear,, well located .3 morn apartment, suitable for coupll'e, :available now. Phone RU 2,922 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, for Went, '1% miles south•, of 'Bayrfaeld; in, sande plumbing, refrigerator; avak-' :able June 21 to August 311.:Phone MU 2-9218, 24-b 4 -ROOM APARTMrENT, sell ;con tained; .hot sand cold,. Pantii=V furnished IT desired; also store, :size 122 X 45, located near main .Ws enseotson,' Phone HU 2-9682. .24-P :HOUSE on outskirts, of .Auburn. .All, modern convenlences. Unlfur- wshed. Garden available,-C7llayton tGrow, +RR, 1, Auburn, Thon'e 1.9x6, :SIMALIL APARTMrENT on Prim - ,mess Sit., Went, available Juane 15, Thane HU 2,9.743. 24-p 'sh ' house, 9 ROOM furnished mudern conveniences, for July and August, referen!cesl preferred. Phone HU 2- .9574. 24-b :Articles For Sale BIABIY BUGGY. Also an organ. :Both in 'good condition. Plh!one MU 2-9822, 24-p :DIMING ROOM SUITE., round i,tabae, ..6 chairs and buffet. Good =Qonditiom Phone HU 2-9.748. 23-4p 66 FT. SfTFJEll. SINKcomtbaxia- , :tion. Homart, priced -reasonable, Phone HU 2-9962, in irrorniavgs. 24-p BOAT -44 �. Nipis'sing Cedar Ztrup--,with 1,957 18 h.p. Evina lade motor. Completely •equipped. S. :Sch!oen,hals, HU 2-9777. 234f4 ,CANADIAN CEM'E'NT, runJamnted �quarvtity in stock. Low prices. A. •G, Grigg & Son, phone ICU 2-9411. 18-tfb. +CIROrF7T.JEX CAMERA., 3,5 Wollen- :sak lens, synchroriized for flash, 11 speed shutter: $.40; Weston 'light meter: $10. Phone HU 2- 1%68, between 6 -and 7 p.m. 24-;b ,CABIN TRAILER, 14 ft, X 6X/a it. ,Single axile, Complete with stove ,,,and, ice box. $275. Phone Goderich 11.21. Kenneth. M Mhster, Malt - 'land Road, Goderich, 24-b QETTING MARRIED? See samp- 'Jes of wedding stationery at the News -Record office. Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cake '.boxes, place cards, serviettes, snatch books, etc. 11-tfb 1$5 'DOWN delivers a fawn mower to your home! Ballance on easy --berms. Several makes; ,to choose &,oni. New and recomditLoned, `Wells Auto Electric, King Street, -Clinton. 22-rtfb 'MAGIC MARKERS, Will write on anything, glass; wood, paper, etc. 1 Dry immediately, Seven different ,colours. Good for poster work, signs, etc, $1,10 each, refills, 50c. dwl-inton News -Record. 37-tfb AR NG JUNE 20, shipment sof 16 ft. ,barn; flooring, heunlock ppm*, also 16 ft. inch siding. Ph. ,me Fred Hudae, HU 2-6655. 24b 100 ft, OF 6 in, BELTING, 4 ply, ,,,Charles, E. Elliott, ,phone HU 2- 7016. 24-+p "14 IT., BOAT, one, year cad, fibre glass covered, complete with: 22 'horsepower motor and trailer with ,vinch, !Phone HU 2-9224, 214-25-b •2 GUITARS in good condition. Prices $4 and $8. Phone Frain; 'MvC nvan, IW—nter 2-9260. 24-l; YOUR, OLD WASHER IS WORTF7 •money when tradad on a new 'Westinghouse washer. T. A. Dut- -ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield TPthone Clinton HU 2-3232. 11-tfb S!EiV'MAL NOW PATTERNS ir. :English Bone China Dinnerware, :including lovely "Cornflower", Set 'it and others in our window and ,get our low prices for .fine .china, x Counter's Jewellery, 24-l; MO'T'OIIS AND GEATORE ,rewound and repaired, Brushes 4capacitors, switches, bearings; .small appliances repaired, Usee or reconditioned motors for sale Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop 'Phone HU 2-$640, 44tt"t Articles Wanted SMALL O P11C s_ SA , wanted Phone Bayfield 53x2, 24-t BOY PS STD'EWAT X 13105tCLE, it good condition, 20" whacas if lr09- . aubae, Phone RV 243236. 244 Accommodation Wanted LOST and FOUND 2 BEDROOM DG` yX;ST&IRs HBIFEIR STlTifA 'EID -to farm of apamtment or 2 bedroom home 0a C1hat for ul Gordon Turner, Brueoje'ld, Ibe- and, 3 of June. Owner n'i, wanted' e'n' Banc or rpaddlre of August, may same by idmitifyin,g, Pgyjglg for this adv, and damage CAntoin Newar-Record, 17-fb done to fences, and feed. Signed Gordon Turner, phone HU 2-33Fr1, Automobiles For Sale 2�4-5-6-b 1,954 PONT XAC DELUXE SED- HELP WANTED AN, Only 22,000 miles and in new ear condition. $1;440. Jin Plum- � FOR HARDWA0.IE stare, tree, Maple Street, Clinton. 24-+tfb with some, knowledge of ;booklcee- ong. �Flulrl time. Cali ;at the store. IdawaUtrs Hardware. 25 1951 TR111I. MPI( Mayflower, ;good :trines', motor and body. Se'li cheap• JUNITOR MUSICIANS wanted for Good ass seed car. Jerry ?gond- Wingh!arn girl's 'and boys- bawd, erv,an, Victoria Terrace, Cautom� ,a ibraml and reed! Instruments, Pliane HU 2-3410. 2'4-'p transportation! supplied, Band- master George Wonch, Clinton', BOARD AND ROO phone HU 2-702$, 24tib ACCOMMODATION for roamers HELP 'WANTED ---FEMALE or boarders. Mrs. Garp McClinchey. GIRLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY Phone ITU 2-3844, 23-.p 24-b work. Contact Clinton Laundry and 'Dry Cleaners, 2-tfb Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, MGM SCHOOL GIIRL to assist an !beauty salon in, the A8r Force Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, high Street, Clinton. !Phone titin- 'Stallion an the evenings and: Sat - ton HU 2-6692. 16tfb urd'ays. Phone HU 2-341.1, local 301, .after 5 .p,m. 24-+b CUSTOM WORK Hd,U1SEIMDPIM for JOY and August in summer home in Bay - FOR YOUR FLUM$ING AND fiend' own quarters, must Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 be a goad' cook, good Saila24 Hawkins Hardware, 2-tfb , �tl2a�y. A;plply Box 24X, Clintonanta Apply News -Record. 23,p -24b ELECTRIC WIRING and instal- rations; repairs, :alternations and NEED AN ELECTRIC CLO`IE'S contracts. Phone Don Rooth, HU DRYER? Why not earn the catch 2-741.7. 2444h far such ;purchases in your spare, Mime, selldng Avon Products an your own district? Territaries, are ATI)EiNTIO'N FARMERS! Spray- Ing +field crops, corn, ,grain and pasture. Alla white washing; dls- avali:lable in Tackersmith and Sta- anfectang and cieang barns. Ph- nley townships. Waite far infmrma- L'i'on to Mrs, Lourien Green, Dist - one Hubert Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3. 23 -28- rict Manager; Box 281, Hanover. p 24 -ib AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. _ PASTURE FOR RENT Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75N cents. Automatic butcher knife PASTURE, a few head of and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cattle; plenty of water and shade. Phone HU 2-9836• 24-25-b - cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. Property For Sale y 'Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton, Phone HU 2-9664. 35 -.p -tib p Employment Wanted SUMMER, COTTAGE, flour rooms, modern,, in good repair; on Lake Human, between Bayfield and Goderich, .lovely beach, Stewart LIGBTI" HOUSEWORK at night, Droning or mending. Phone, HU 2- Schoenhals, 'Clinton, Ontario, 3451, 'Wilma. Dranderborst. 24-b phone HU 2-9777. 18-Jtfb. MIDDLE, AGED WOMAN, to do housework 4 or 5 days weekly. PROPERTY WANTED Apply to Box 2140, Clinton News - Record, 2.4-p 150 TO 200 ACRE faint would like to rent, with option to buy; must 'be 'goold buildings, Will pay NEED STEADY SUMMER emp- loymxent, at end o2 school .term. all cash third year up to $12,000. Ken 'Knights, phone HU 2-660.1. Write E t1lis, RR 8, Dunnville, 23-:tbb 24-,p ANY FARMER IN Blyth Clinton MISCELLANEOUS area, wanting a boy 13 years old SCRATCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches for summer months? Apply Percy Adam, BIWth. Phone Blyth 179. Available in quantity. 5e each. 10 24-b pads for 40c. Clinton News -Re- cord. 18-4tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts.: Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, ALLIS - CHAMBER COMBINE, with (pickup, in good condition. Huron County's Oldest Establish - Apply Wilfred Ross, Brucefield. ed Jewellery Store. 24-p 24-25-b SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS etc„ pumped and cleaned with MASSEY-HARRRI,S No. 1 Hay Bal er, Power take -off. Three years modern equipment. Ail work old. Good working order. Apply guaranteed, Write or phone Louis to George J, Colclough, Phone ,HU Blake, RR 2, Brussels, Phone 2-8585, 2.4-25-b 42r6, Brussels. 10 to 31-p McNEE HARVESTER and forage EXPERT REPAIRS box, new 1957. Harvested. 12 ac- Lanvin mowers and outboard mot - res; 011pper 6 St, combine, motor- ors. Factory trained mechanic, driven, an excellent condition. Free pick-up and delivery in town Sold the farm.. William Gracey, and RCAF Station, Phone HU 2 - RR 2, Springfield, 23-24-25-p 9622. Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods. 14-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR 'like new. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 24-b safely secured --don't take chan- cos, Expert work done reasonably 112OVING—+Household effects' for to your satisfaction. Watch re- sale, includIng new bedroom: suite, pairs and Pearl restringing. W. power lawn avower, 2 single cant- N. Counter. 24-p a,nental' bedsi, 'chests of drawers•, Por artificial idsemima cion ser - desk, etc. ,Phone HU 2-3411., local 271, IS Victoria Blvd., RCAF vice or more information, tele - Station. 24-25-p phone (collect) the Clinton HU 2-3441 211" TV. Philips table model with stand' and, Anlphenol. antenna, Between And Bre a.m. �pri;ce $1.!95, Address 11 Toronto Cattle Waterloo Ceding Association Breeding Blvd, ROA,F Station, Phone HU We supply service to top qua1- 2-7566. 24-b ity bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, USED •CI !JElST1tMFIELD SUITE ,three piece. Phone HU 2-6628, Red Poll, Hereford, (,polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (periled and 'horned), and Dual, Purpose Poultry For Sale Shorthorn, Angus and Charolaise --• breeds. The cost as low. 17tfb 8,006 DENALB PULL( TS FOR LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIAi E'. Healthy, well ,raised, vac- citrated for bronchitis and New- Jas le, 12 weeks oJune 26 and 21 PIGS far sale, 7 and 12 weeks July 3. Discount anne Ra+i�ge orders, of age. Apply Wm. Jenkins, HU 24=b Free• delivery on. ;all omd'ers of 240 2-3290, or more. Inspection! invited, En- quiries promptly answered, Call Livestock Wanted or write "MOOROS POULTRY ANTENTION FARMERS:! .•Cash FA.;RM,% RR 3, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 647r31 24-tfb paid for sick, down and disabled caws and horses, also dead cows and horses. Anything under 500 AUCTION SALE lbs. picked up free of charge. wall collect. lid. Andrews, s51r11, � Seaforth. Associated with Darling Of Household Effects, from the and Co. of Canada Ltd, 26-p-tfb - home of James McGill, Lot 17, Concetsibn 1, Hullett Township) No. 4 Mit. VAUMVIt,! down one mite east of Clinton on CASH PAID for sick, Highway, on and disabled cows and horses, also WedneSda , JUYiC 1 $ y dead cows and horses. Please phone promptly, 24-hour service, at 2 o'clock: hour service, Kitchen chairs, kitchen table, UnT50EIVA9LATT, Phone Collect 56 r 7 Brussels glass cupboard, rocking chairs, kit- 12 -tib then stove, 12 -gauge shot gun, OLD HORS Mi WANTED AT 3i/sc bedroom suite complete, bed, springs and mattress; kitchen dish- es and numerous other articles, lb , and dead cattle at value, If dead, phone at once, GIL13Ei�T JAM98 McG(LL, Proprietor, BR& MINK ItANCEr, phone col- 9dwAm W. 0liott, Auctioneer lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 31, 24b 52-27-P I REAL �ESTATr� NORTH OF GODEIRICH about 4 miles from Lake• Huron, 'good house, barn, garage, henhouse, and 10 acres of lchoace+ loam land, price $4,000 --down payment $200. 10 ACRFS sof clay d aan had', 4 bedroom, home, rb'atbroom, garage, barn, located near Clinton; only $5,500 --down Payment $1,500, VERY GOOD 240 AMIE VARM, modern, '5 bedroom, brick home, -good barn.', implement stied, ;ga'r- age. A real' 'buy' at $18,500, Mort- gage can be arranged. GOOD 2 BEDROOM HOME! in Goderiich with extra clot, modern conveniences; only $4,300. NFAWLY BUILT SUMMER COT- TAGE along Lake Huron as lbw as $500 down payment. 15x/2 acres of lake frontage, with good wint- erized 'home, barn, henhouse. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE 9908 Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld, Goderich 23-4-b AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from the home of John Neilans, Gordon Street, Clinton (first house ac- ross the C.N.R. tracks --off High- way No. 4) on Saturday, June 14, 1,30 p.m. the following: 2 piece chesterfield' suite (vel- our velvet) ; 2 console tables; 2 occasional chairs; combination buf- fet and china cabinet; small tab- les; , , ng room table and chraams; kitchen table and chairs; metal bed, springs and mattress; Kelv- inator 8 cu. ft. refrigerator; May- tag washing machine; sideboard; wheel barrow; garden tools; dish- es, cooking utensils and numer- ous other articles, NOTE: Furtherr additions may be added to this sale. Terms: Cash John Neilans Edward W. Elliott Proprietor Auctioneer 23-24-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES S ]EVERY FRIDAY at 7.80 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager BOB MCNAFR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk I)'ay and Night TAXI SERVICE ►rc Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your Garage Call CLINTON CAB HU 2-9012 HU 2-9036 Don Switzer - - Howard Grealis ; Night Calls HU 2-9036 5h9� Hoy A A0 rs �a M Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE, FL0ItIST Bial HU 2-7012-- Cfinton BIRTHS LA=lx — To Q41ton Fluidic Ho4lplt'al, ,on Wednesday, June 4, 19"0'8, to IF/S and Mrs. La - CAP Station RCAF Station Clinton, a, daughter, DWJAMP4S---IAn Cllioton Public Hospital, -on F4d'W, June 6, 1958, to C01.and Mrs. W. Dea- an!des, RCAF Statim! Clintlan; a son, WILLIAMS --- In Clinton Public Hospital', on Saturday, June' 71 1958; to I,.rA!C and Mrs. Chris, lWHIllam;s, RCAF Station Clant- on a son. C1AI�WFLLr-- Trp: C ttnbon Public MospiW, on Monday, June 9, 1958, to Mr„ ,and, Mrs. Jack Caldwell, RR 3, Blyth, a son. DEATHS GRUMMETT Sn Ma Wont, Sank., on Sunday, Juste 1, 1.958, Ann Eliza Flarquh!ar, widow of Mat- thew Grum mett, formerly of Saskatoon, Bask., and brother of John Farquhar, Clinton, can Iter 1101st year. Funeral ifxom McXague's funeral home, Sank - atom, on Wednesday afternoon, .lune 4. EAGLESON--On Saturday, May 3[i, 1958, in St. *els Hospital', Aberdeen, North Dakot;a•, Wil- liam B, Elaglesm, formerly of Bayfield', beloved husband of Alma Stevens, in his 87th, year. ,Funeral (morn the Gates ,funeral home; ;to Riverside Cemetery, Aberdeen, on; Wednesday after- noon, June 4. CARDS OF THANKS Th'e fanvily of the date Norman Lever wish, to express their snn- oere thanks to all their friends and neighbours during their rec- ent bereavement for their, acts of kind'n!es's, messagesof symvpa. tby .and floral !offerings. Mitis, Lever, land family. 24b Maltorn Woods, RR 2, Bay!fa'eld', wishes to -extend' his sincere th- anks' to akl his friends and nelgh- bours for cards, ,treats; visits and' flowers while .a patieavt an Clanton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff. 24 -ib I wish to express airy sincere thanks- for flowers, cards, visits v&dle• !a patient an -Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to. Dr. W, A. Oakes., Dr. J, A. Addison and the nursing staff, ---EJgjn Josling. 24-p IN MEMORIAM GARRETT In ,loving memory of my father, John Garrett, who passed: away Juane 13, 1950. Always rem'embere'd by his' I daughter Laura, (Mrs. Arthur I Tobicoe, Hagersvill'e, Ont,) 24 -pi In 'loving memory of a clear l husband Walmer Wallis who pas-' sed laway three years ago, June 9, 1,955, "He is gone but not forgotten. And as: dawns another year., In our lonely hours' of thinking rnioughts of .hien are always near. Daysli of sadness! stall come o'er us. Fb.7lends may think the wound pis healed, But they little know the sorrow 'Th'a't lies within the- heart ,concealed." —S,adly missed lay his wife, Glad- ys' Wallas. 24-p STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Manley Taylor, Toronto, spent last weekend at his home. Hugh McGregor, Detroit, visit- ed with his sister last week before going on Greyhound bus, trip for a month, to Alaska and return. P404 SEv.EN BOXY THEATRE ((rotor Two S;bgw_ ANiohtly Wada $croon Now Playing: "$AD SACK" 4erKy Lewis Phyllis kirk - ..David Wayne Monday Tuesday Wednesday "MIDNIGHT STORY" The strangest manhunt in the history of crime -- a chase which led .over San Francisco's fog -shrouded docks and crowded wharves, Black and white, Cinemascope, Tong Curtis Marisa Pavan -- Gilbert Roland Thursday Friday Saturday 'THE MAVERICK QUEEN'" The first picture made in the unbelievably beautiful Naturama process. The story of a woman who ruled in a wild land and gave her life for the law, Barrer Sullivan -- Barbara Stanwyck -- Scott Brady St. Joseph's CWL • Regular MeetingPARK THEATRE Re 9 'Me regular nieeting of the G O `} E R I C H Catholic Women's League wasp held June 3 with Mrs, J. Blake Presiding ;and, 32 members pres- ent. Mrs. Blake gave an interest- ing account of the recent diocesan convention in Leamingto)j, The highlight of the meeting was a farewell presentation to -Father Graham, A sale of canned goods was held and arrangements were made for a bake sale in the town hall on June, 14 and, a strawbemry festival: rfor .the next Meeting, July 7. Mrs. L. Denomme, Mrs. Theo Flynn, and Mrs. D:e,Coo are on the visiting committee for June, Mrs. W. Watkins acted: as social convener and refreshments were served by Mays. A. Dale, Mrs, G, Brown, and 'Mrs. J. Blake. ,,atilt 1111111 l lllllllll ll 111111 111 11 l 111 11@I 111 111 111 llllIIIIIIIII INIIIIIIIII IIIlIII�I!lllllnlllllu!,. NOTICE The Town Clerk will accept subscriptions for public school debenture issue. It is expec- ted the approval of the Ontar- io Municipal Board will be re - ceived by July 2, 9958. signed John Livermore, town clerk "'!1IIIII�IIIIIIUIIIIIiIiIIIiII11111111Ulilllillillililillllllliilllllliflliillllilllillllilllllllllllllllll"' Now Playing; Barbara Stanwyck as "The Maverick Queen" Cinemaseope and Color Mon., Tues. and Wed. HAL MARCH Joe E. Ross and Merry Anders TV's popular $64,000 Challenge lends its MC for a Broadway com- edy omedy story based on the ever-pres., ent beauty contests, .,Hear Me Good" Thur., Fri, and Sat. GLEN FORD Shirley MaoLaine & Leslie Nielsen You would enjoy this exceptionally good outdoor comedy drama about a sheepman in hostile territory. "The Shee man" -- Cinemascope and Technicolor Coming: "Old Yeller" Walt Disney's Greatest Hitt Here all week June 23rd to 28th VARNA Mir. and Mrs. Sidney Lowder, (mail, B.C.; Mr. .and Mrs. Derek n aWoodstock, f�owder a d s n, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Al- Iiistair Murray this: week. HOPSON GREENHOUSE BAYFIELD, ONTARIO Box Plants ---• 'Tomatoes --- Cabbage — Asters Snapdragons -- Zinnias --- Etc. Cemetery Baskets Made Up SUNDAY, JUNE 15 MAKE HIM KING ON HIS DAYI, GIVE HIM GIFTS HE CAN WEAR . Ken and Bolo suggest: SHIRTS a TIES • SOCKS SWEATERS a PYJAMAS JEWELLERY • JACKETS a BELTS a SPORT SHIRTS TEE SHIRTS • SPORT COATS a SLACKS a Etc. Gift Boxes Gift Certificates WHITE SHIRTS - -- Complete Selection No.lrons — Nylon Tricot — Broadcloth Pickett & Campbell Limited PHONE HU 2-9732 CLINTON OPEN PRIDAY EVENINGS