HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-29, Page 10t. • ;one wn CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. A 114,1101,J..urruen Wednes. . day et test vie e, 5 the resideueeO 141.311HIE, LATII, ,t,ho,s EU LIME, Mr..., Ramie ve.ision,being the •abl unionof matrimony EST WM-WY Aetio MGM J him and Eatituates fitrttithed mkuppl ,„ to Apply to - • • 11 441eIX 000 vir.eteo,e,yeemesookemeseeteeheeropeeesm,04,,,,velhohoi,s0,,.4,%,,o..,„,,,,,,tol, Mr. jelueS 1:' ',.'-e id -1110 , The F. WRIGHT, V0..14 Ytor +ind Milder, • ' . . • ,. , A Intone St,,, Abigite. : • ....“," .., CON1140111 Virg ti pee'llriiied lky . Rey, wituvesed by35 tip e utimhar.of friends notoc T. '.... ,, . L i . A.. Y. liartley. "f Illativale, and wae -,. .. oiviirtisTmeraix' hi (VIC . . , . OUll!1,0 against . m estate of Elisithet Johns, late 'Oil et beautiful and tr 5frd presents, wheel tus 'Iowa ot %I haul In the V utity , of Hilton, it,t9)1.11 a ow h glt eiteem in which widow, deeessed; °tiled on ' about the 9,3rd ebtharY, 1889, are . l or het 0 the 2nd thy of elle is 1614. . After the knot was tied is'ere, lass, to deliver send y post prepaid to • fdary Enunline Johns, Of tile Said town, the tho WI101,0 , maitre y set down to a Udinalidratrilf. of the, real personal estate of saki ' . eumptuous repast, lifter which tile deceased, a statement of • Names and addresses, ttd 1011 particulars of th r c tins, together with 4 of the aoutraetIng pariies. The bride Of the ilev d Statutes of Ontario, ( 7), Chapte0 .. s cy Dq-PGeo-ds ;Store and eading Gen 's'; II. riiis.,hng HOuse t. k pur4 met wet erovelons -1 e. an. - . Th .„„ du,...rt,,vii,i0,4 d „. largo umber no., SOOtiOn that all creditors aud there hart t . .. : ' of Wingharn. :.. ,.. rest ut the eveuilig vas spent, in es,ri 11110 1011 of the semi • (it an held by them, our amaspnieuts-- hursday of last mentioned date the d administ trix will premed week beheld the self s I house in section _tio.etetttesnt d ,litsroettrogEtiag es6ezieilirr . No. 10, Crowded to it- utmost capacity, the claims of • nth notice has boon gi .11 as above required, alt ho sold achnittistratrix 11 not be liable for t said assets or any part ther f so dis- tributed t any meson of whose claim no e shall net bar cen received as aforesaid at the ti o the said di ribution is so made. Dat d at Wmatam this 2Qtn March, 1889. J. A, MORTON, Solicitor for Administratri nd. netted is further • von tha term the said last with youth iu all its beetity... The nert%re the weekly.debate. a always looked forwa by our young folks. OAS Otlealii011 WS Pea hes wieldedmo world•thau the 2,"or uiClb�aflialitttiVe ai ere, assieted by M ssm. Fraser and Johnston; while th negative aide WAS supported by Ale. auk Wood, assist - .ed by Messrs. t.aty and Smillie. • The eommittee gavdecision in favor of the affirmative. Lower Ingham. Mr. Alfred Ad ms has returned •home from Tot ermorey,—Robert, Samuel, wild W Wain Lockdridge returned home Irwut Michigan last week. Spring $hows. Winghtun, at Whig! ani, Thursday, lath April. South -Huron, tat Bitioefield, Wednesday 17th of April. Stephen and Ijaborae, at Exeter, 'Wed- nesday, 10th ApriL East Way., e.nosh, at Belgrave, Wednesday varied, shades and f attraction was event which is d to with interest The suidect on asolved that the influence in the ." The speakers le were Mr, wat. l7th of April. Xildinay, on Thur -day, April lith. Teeswater, Tuesda April 9th. Listowel, Werluesd' y, April 17. •" East Huron, Bross s, Friday. April 12. BO AiCainsos—In Belgrave n tee 13th inst, the wife • of M F McKinnon; a dautil tor ,e0 Atinstutos-In East Waw nosh, on the 24th hist, the wife of Duncan Anders n; a son. drr Ilkaenstr-,•At Teeswater 0 the 18th hist, the wife f mitabtikadley 4 a da ghter. Malt IED. ,e•• Itomarerni-listnge-A Sunshine. on the 13th • inst,b, the Rev A W Tort e, of Blyth. Mr Thomas ,Tortsen to Miss Ile,gtri Baines, oath of Morris. TottNatum-EsOursiT- t Exeter, on the 13th itist, . at the residence of the b dettlather. by the Rev. Mr • - 'Wilson, Mr Wm Turnbul to Mitts Mary J Emend• , bold of. Exeter. DIED. Ratranntnrr-In Rtttn41eld, on the 213th inst, Miry nattenburs, sister of the ate John Eattonbury, aged . 74 years. Gm:tea-At Rarriatot4 on,the 21st inst,- John II Gordon, surgeon dentist aged 81 years. Wflif...4HAA.I. M.ARIMTS. . WINOIIAM, HARM 28, 1$89 - .0arrected Ly V. Deans, Produce Dealer. • :Irolir per 100 lbs, • 6' 2 50 to -2 50 _ 1411 Wheat per bushel, - 1 00 St•1111; " - 1 00 to 1 00 Onre, - • • - 30 (0 00 33 trley, 40 to 50 Peas, • - •`' - 53 to 53 Potatos, • 25 to 30 APPleS,Par bag . 20 to 20 Butter per lb., lit to 17 Eggs per dozen, 10 to 10 Dressed flogs, • 6 25 to 6 30 • Wood per cord, • - 1 26 to 1 00 Ray per tom .1..,. - 11 00 to 13 00, TDST ON; FRILhAY, El MARCH, BETWEEN. ! MY.'1. Lint& ' , Shnter St„ and Lower Wghsan,apa(*3el lttJulitg a pair of scissors. a fid tine, 4, dres tatt tracer and scale. The Ander will ideas -.cure stute to the TIMM Office Walt) liam. FOR SALE. A quantity of Black Tartar Oats, grown from it». ,Orted sunt last seasun. Froo honk fOul sender. Price to,a applEatied. JAMES GAUNT, Whitechurch P. 0. NOTE LOST. Lost in Wing•, a note 1 an favor of Henry Clark, of Vaughan] ,le eat:till% of West Wa. Yeamosh, ler 810 44, • which is past dee. A patties iri eauti •d a ist negOtiating for this neut. CLARE. • WIn• in, ,tat -oh 131h, '89. . • ,• - Tenders Wanted. Tenders will he received by the underaigned up ti 'Wednesday the lotof May '80., Fur Lathing, P11,16 r ing and refineries; the school house in S. S. N • 11, Turnberry (Lower Winglun.) Plans and sp itiea- i0L8 1111X be seen at the ()Mee of the to -tory. le Forest, or any tenor not Neceasudy ceeptod. L. 31cLsor, tleorelary, P. S , Board. Lower Wingbara, March tiOth. 1889. .... .......--. BULL ]'OR SA The subserliser offers for sale a st'class thorough. • Iowa 000 380 old Durban' Mil registered in the pe ini tioi. *)Pi Book. Natio: requiring such are Ire:pleiGe.a.1.) Apply to / CIKOrree •tcnoreioN, Lot 200n: 6, Ternberry 1,,, Or Al:thole, Wroket P. 0, _..,... Es TE OF THOMAS PRiOE, eased. I here give notice as attorney (or s. Martha Price that e said Martha Pricahas ass bed all her right, title a interest in said estate !minding her right to admit tration, to Mrs Allt • rice, adminis. tratrix of, the es te of said Thou s price; and I further give notic that all suits retoforedepancling between said Mart and Al e Price have been settled and that said artha rice has now no clatiu upon the estate of said he as Price or On any part thereof. Dated at Toronto this day of February, A. D'. 1889. Slt d W KIN •TONE, Attune • for Martha' Price. Alt debts o to the estate of th. late Thomas Price aro t a paid 'forthwith to Mrs ee Price at Wingham otherwise immediate legal woceedings will be • en to collect them. JOHN 0 HOLMES, 16 Vitoria St, •ronto Solicitor for Mrs Alice Price, ronto, March 1st, A D 1880. RED ROCKER rurniture Store. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT FURNITURE of all Kinds 5. Which will be sold at lowest figures, HAND MADE OR ORDERED GOODS. See -my own make of Mstrasses, Lounges, &o, and everything in the upholstering line, Picture Framing and ordered work will receive prompt and careful attention. All work done in firstmlass style. Undertaking promptly attended to at any hour • Every requisite in Stock. Embalming a spemalty, . D. B.. CEMBICK. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Prices Lowes 4 Pornpatible with satis• • factory goods and MOST fASHIQNALE MKAS. ABSOLUTE FITS GUARANTEED - • , — Our own Goads, Out F,ree of Charge. Dress Goods in Black and Colored Henrietta Cloths, Fonle Cloths, Crape Cloths, Serges Opera Twills, Nuo's Veiling , Mohair, Lace Stripes, Wool De Beige Seteens,*Sillis,-Satins, Marvelieux, Plushee, Pivot's, $Prim; MantleCloths. Dress Timmings in endless variety to mach. Immense variety in Prints, Zephyrs, Oliambrey'e, Tablings, Daniask, Table Napkins, Ilinsline, Checks, Mulls, Downs, Curtain Net, Certains„ Quilts, Gloves and tiosiery in endless variety. TAILORING DB P.ARTMENT. We centre' many lines of goods uot to be found elsewhere in the trade. For the present season the number of orders we have taken show we have what the• trade requires, and the prices we ask defy competition. Our ierme are liberal... • BOOTS AND SHOES, For value, make and assortment, Seo them Groceries, Pure and 'Fresh. We make the requireznents of the.trade a study. See the immense variety our wok containe. Inspection requested. katige, Evellogog of Qualitg, the Stock now on hand at T. LESLIE'S • has no superioranywhere. Tho most fastidious can be suited in his,elegant lines of Canactian, ' English, Scotch, Irish and French Tw eeels. THE CEINA HOUSE. Via S. S. Circassian 1 HAD Printed Toilet Sets Beautiful Goods, extra cheap. CALL AND SEE THEM. . 5 JEROME, nisolls. J 9 Jetotno li tonotlitothring Juled ?bites Vulcanite plates of the ),'it met.srittl is cheap al they can be satin the Doinislort. Ali work war. bid Vapor sAininleterett for the painless of teeth, tho only *le anesthetic known, In tip Bever.,10Self, opposite the 4v/irk 'MAO. I-ENNA BREAD, CHOICE •FRESH. Celluloid St Maple Syrup. TRY OUR Tea and Coffees, and r lize how the public are daily guile by tea pedlars, W. T. YATES Pioneer Hardware Store, STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the following lis: Irmo npg, Att. SIZES TO 3 num. lit Inas Al.a) MUSS PIPE PITTINGs. FIR,E BRICKS, MACHINE AMERICA WAVER MILL PILES, 01143 'WEE/TE COAL We are sole agents in Wingliani for the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the best in the world. Consult your interests by giving us a call. ADM ST RATORS' °TICE. Pursuant to he Revised Statut chapter 100. s ction 30, the Palmater Sinn Is, late of th County et Hurot and Provi keeper, who die on or January, A D 1884, e req ronto General Trusts .m to, County of YOrk, deceased, on or before t 1889, their names ad the full particulars of teir their accounts and t nature held bythem, and lice is he said administrator will immedia ly after the last mentioned day pr !earl to distelbut he assets of the said deceased an • g the parties e 'tied thereto, having regard 0 3e to the claims of wit they shall then have had °ace. J. A. MOItTOIT, Solicitor for Adinin h February', 1889. o Ontario, 1887, editors of Robert Town of Winghant, co oS Ontario, hotel - out the lith day of red to send to the To- ny, at the City of Toon. dministrators of the said th day of April, A. sees and desertptions ; ims; a statement of f securities (if any) v given that tho Wingham, rotors, MANITOBA • FOR SALE. 320 Aceed Section) of First Class Land, only Five Miles from the rapidlygrowing City of I3RAND ON. The grain Minneapolis of the North-west. itte abOVe fR really a deSinable Farm and %Albs Mel M. H. MeINDOO. THE: CITY , 'RESTAURANT IS THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY 0 s WSTVIV QRSAINS, FRXITGEE NUGGETV; ORANGES FROM 15 CENTS TO 35 CENTS' PR DOZEN, LEMONS " 25 " 30 " B a liana Bitter Oranges. FRESH OYSTERSD" AND CANNED GOODS Always on band and served in any style. T M IF I 111 R 0 R S • WEST :OF LONDON. < ROBT. HILL, Formerly of the Pop business, GREEN'S BLOCS, WINGHAIVI. VANSTONir Is the place to go if you want to get the BEST t QUALITY OF GOODS at t -he Cheapest Possible Prices At which' they can be sold, as HE BUYS FOR SPOT -CASH. • Ironstone sells Gold Filled Cased Watches on a little advance of what. others sell the same movements for in Silver eases. Also keep on hand a Large Selection of FINE STONE SET RINGS, BEEPER AND 'PLAIN GOLD RINGS. Also a Large and Well Selected Stock of Watches, Glecks, trewelry, Silverware, Spec- Ude% dm. I do all kinds of Repairing in Clocks, Jewellery, &e. All work Warranted. Post Office Nock, Wingban?, UNSIONE, • SUCCESSOR TO II, PARK. THE LEADING BOOT AND:SHOE 'STORE, Cheap/ Owing to the late Boom I have made room for and bitY0 on hand A Plaining IVIi.11 • 30 by 80 feet • 'n BROWN BREIIIM% . VITO graitmo .nd am determined to sell for CASH, AT 1100X 13OTTOM. PRICES, 111 .m1(11'601.1 to my Ouiltmo Emlinswg, I defy Competition in Quality3 Siaes5 , --A Large Stock' • 1111- D1 BOOTS aft SNOBS r5; r 51 re 1. CORN BREAD A kinds of shelf and cotazoriginthbokedeti1 tuatshineter for hiehutee. tilatiter 4lboa tuthstrieleoring, ifouldinga,13nooni to WNW' acritopairiog at ming, and Oernoot l'atobing tt Speeidty. solitit This vskisbie reset is in flits tutligine Rips 'IsXed free in all ImOts purchased from me. and if e BO* rim rote' en iron She** a share of the,, patronage, Don't lieorget thei Place Opposite the Ceara' Beta. . hotry Hardy/are* bottom prices anti in the bead et the h etude* depot of the order, situated in rande near the It 3 dth, g Sewn ett he I* Mainsail lluttor and eggs teken as cash in exchange for goods, oars en. Title perfect. remelt, Vtiopass u, .pr4OriGtVra isaritt5t3r bap always qa liasi-11:i621:2(118.1** L'1"4." t1445ItY." "d4-1•! - taltnistlattv 1,1; ft tilt it Par .; • 10.H0RODERrin3v WL"a4115 01,1T,