HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-05, Page 7,:TM i•SBAY, JUNE 5, 195$ N NEyV�>-Rih Accommodation For Rent ITWIO' ROOMS, Carl MCQnchW pkhanie HU 2-3344. 2$,b :3 BROOM AtPARnUENT, f=-dSh-. suitable dor couple, available .June 15. Psion 'HU 2-9;x48. 23 -pr APARTMENT IN FARM HOUSE 11/4 males from town. L. ",Lynn—, MU 2-9904. 21tM 3 ROOM AP'AIMWNT, !heated and furanli hied, available mow. Pin- florie HU 2-9500. '23-b PS R00,M APARTMENT with bath, centrally llccated• on Albert Street. AvaWbl'e June 15.. Throne 'E. 'B, Menzies 'HU 2-9752. 23-+19 2 BEDROOM 'WARTIME! HOUSE ; min -furnished. Available i mme;claate- 11y. Apply 35 James St., Clldnton, 23-'p :3 BOOM APARTMENT, ENT, 'unfM. - nn5slned, prbmte balth, sellf-"contaan- ed, ,heated, cenitrally located, av mli1able June I. Finnie .HfJ 9498 nifter 6 p.m. :23p TWO FURNISHED .Apartments, I All modern conlveniienges, Heaped 1 by oil furnace. :Suitable for . aaouples. One inunedliate, athea' Thi . ne 1. Phone .11U, 2-9479 or HU " 9634. 17-,tfb Articles :For Sale FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 COLONY H10UsE 1:0 X 12. W. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb r v n �, U.a .v.— — Dln'one I1 Ci 2- ATZiF1NTTON FARMERS! Spray - 23'b ang field crops, corn, grain. and `DIMING 'ROOM SUIT, raunul pasture. Also white' washing, das- '�iabl'e, 6 chairs and (buffet. Gonad anfecti'ng and, 'cleansing ,barn& Ph- rcon&ti,on: Phoney 'HU 2-9748. 23-b one Hubert Cooper, Exeter, 23-28- . - — ti3-28-P Accommodation Wanted 2 BEDROOM JaOR�+NS?lA1RS apamtment for 2 'bedroom home Clinton, wanted for end! of July or middle, of August, Box 171, Clinton News-+R.eCand, 7.7 -,tib Automobiles For Salo 1954 pONTI&C DEIEUXE, SED- AN, Onnly 22,000 miles and in new car aonciltion, $1.,400. J1ohn Plum- tree, Maple Street, C ntonv. 22-3.4-p 1955 METEOR NIAGARA, ,two tone, buckskin brown and white, in excellent condition, many ac- cessories, one 'owner car. Appaiy 10 Winnipeg Road, RCAF Statn'on Clinton. 23-24-b BOARD AND 'ROOM 4CC7ONMODATION for ;roomers � )r boarders. Mrs. Carl McClinchey. ?hone HU 2-3844. 23-b SC MTCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches Business 0 orttlnitleS Availa(b1e an quantity. 5c each. 10 e - pp pads for 40c. Clinton News -R e- rWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. ted' 18atfb 'ontact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR sigh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- experts. Our work assures your on H,U 2-6692. 16tfb satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- CUSTOM WORK ed Jewellery Store. 23-p SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. 10 to 31-p EXPERT REPAIRS Lawn mowers and outboard mot- ors. Factory Trained mechanic. Free pack -up and delivery in town and RCAF Station. Phone HU 2- 9622. Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods. 14-tfb Property For Sale IN KIPPEN, INsruL BRICK Noor, seven x1oom House, large lot low taxes,Cheap for cash, Apply 552: St. James St., London, ,pho HUdsarci 7-$889, 23- SUM+MER COTTAGE, four rooms modern, in good repair; on Lake Huron, between Bayfield an God'e4ch, lovely .beach, Sitew SOhoexuha s, Clinton, Ontario phone HU 2-9772 18-+tfb. PROPERTY WANTED AIPPROXSMATELY 100 ACR of llla:nd', prefer 80 percent titallalble. Good. 'house, barn and water sup- Ally, +hydroa prelferre& Possession sof land an July' not necestsatly nor buildings until fall. Gutamantele one y'ear's, possession. Contact 'Olinton News -Record ;For bufoxma- ON1. 22-3-'p MISCELLANEOUS :33312. - 71L'MS DEVELOPED in 24 hours. ?Prompt photo finishing. Clinton i$owling Alley. 20-1-2-3-p 14 ft. MAHOGANY BOAT. 25 h.p. .Tohnston Motor. Steering wheel and controls. Apply to Ha'rol'd .Jackson, Seaforth, ,phone 474. 23b BOAT -14 I'T. Nipissang Cedar ' Strip—+with 1957 18 1htp. Evanrude motor. Completely equipped. S. :.Schoenhails, HU 2-9777. 23-;tfb ' WF, D'MML HEAD, Hike new; 'see- ,ond ;hand punnp jacks and pumrps. '.Contact J. H. Brnunsdon, Cllnitonn. 23-p r CANADIAN �CUM'ENT, u nunnited I F,quantity an stock. Low prices. A.. ,G, Grigg & Son, phone HU 2 941.1. 18-tfb. Mrs. D. Nehogang, .of the S;pire'llra ,Corset farm, will be in Irwan's Ladles Wear June 9 and June 10. Come do or phone >Ew .:an appointment, 'HU 2-.6623. MOTOR .SCOOTER., Vespa, ex- cellent condition, wind 'shkad, ex- tra 'seat, spare 'fare, hee,'nsed, $185. `7 Quebec, RCAF Sitation. Phone TILT 2-3389. . 23�b CONTRACTOR'S 'GASOLINE, drii- Ven centrifUgal' water tpunvp an goad' condition,, complete with' 30 ft. of 2. in, rubber 'hose. A. Liver- more, phone, HIJ 2-7445. 23-p ,1,13=1 R QUEEN SALES and ser- vices. 'Repairs •to all mlatkes of vac- • uan cleaners. Reconditioned clean- ers ,of 9:-111 snakes ;for sale. Bob -P'bc'k, Varna. Phone Hensall 696x2. 23-p SETTING MARRIED? See samp- rles of wedding stationery at the :News -Record office. Invitations, -thank-you cards, wedding cake °boxes, ,place cards, serviettes, ,match books, etc. 11-tfb ' $5 DOWN delivers' a lawn- mower to your home! Balance on easy temms. Several mak-es: to choose from. New sand reconditioned. "Well's' Auto Electric, Icing Streieit, E Clinton, 22-tf b ?r,AGIC MARKERS. Will write on ,anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. 'Dry immediately. Seven different .colours. Good for .poster work, :signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. c inton News -Record. 37-tfb '[LARGE It1RIGIDAIRE E(rip& rest- auraunt &%rle; 'Coke closer; 4_bur- n'er Moffat flat ,gas ;grill, white '°IVlloffat 4 -burner :gas stave; a111' in ' igcod conditilon. Phone HU 2-3281. 23=b "YOUR. OLD WASHER IS WORVI money when traded on a new 'Westinghouse washer. T. A. Dut- -ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield. ,LP.hone Clinton IITJ 2-3232. 11-tfb ;SLT MAL NEW PATTERNS in TEnglish Bone China Dinnerware, .Including Iovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our . low prices for fine china. Counter'sg Jewellery; 23-p .30 (,thirty) ALUMINUM tPA,INf , 'ed steel ,boxes approximately 1't/2 fit. by 1% ft. 1by 2 ft., bottom, .ss2'ides-, suitable :for show purposes for poultry, pigeons; or ,any get •.stock, All in, perfect condition. Albert W. Shirray, Phone 683rJ.11 I-Jensaulil, RR 2, Hensaa'l, 23-b MOTORS AND GENERATORS ; rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; tsmall appliances repaired, Used .,or reconditioned motors for sale. .Art Levett. Isaac Street at Dunlop. ,SMALL TRICYCLE,. in good con- "ditian. P1110116 HU 2-9602, 22-p AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 1.0 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- formation: Mrs. Lourien Green, District Manager, Box 281, Han- over. 22-b WE ARE, AGAIN SPRAYING weeds this year. Weed sprays are getting better all the time. We now have an excellent spray for twitch grass which is guarant- eed. We abs'o ,have a special spray to use on, fields seeded with clov- er. Phone Lloyd Medd, HU 2-9836. Employment Wanted NEED STEADY SUMMER, emp- loyment, at end of schoia-1 tern. Ken tKnni+ghts, phone HU 2-6601. 23-tfib FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale 2 RANGE, SHELTERS. 100 ft. shay 1fork trope, ;good. 30rods No. 9 wire, -new. Hand washing mach- dne, all' steel, good condition. Ph- one ITU 2-3203, forenoon. 23-b McKEE', HARV:'EIS:TER and forage box; new 1957. -Harvested 12 ac- resi; 01Lpper 6 ft. combine, motor - driven, lin excellent condition, Scald the farm. William 'Gracey, RR 2, Springfield. 23-24-25-p McMEMICIK - DEERING .bean scuffler and puller; a few towns of miixed' ,grain. Phone HU 2-7430, 23-1} Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS:! ..Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, also dead cows and horses. Anything under 500 lbs. picked up free of charge. ^all collect Ed. Andrews, 851rl:1, Seaforth. Associated With Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd, 26-p-tfb MR. FARMER! CASH PAID for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, also dead cows and horses, Please phone promptly, 24-hour service. hour service. BRUCE ALMILATT, '?hone Collect 56 r 7 Brussels 12 -tib OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value, If dead, phone at once. GILBE:R.T BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. 52-27-p HELP WANTED MAN AND WIFE -to lade in stud care for c'11derlty couple an, village of Aubutan. Send replies! to Glenn Raithlby, •30 I3elgrave' Avenue, Lan- din, phone GEineral, &3017. 23-p HELP WANTED --FEMALE GIRLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY work. Contact Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb l- IO,UISIE)I.CMEI'P1E A for July and August in summer home in. Bay= flol;d, ,own! .private quarters, must ,be a own cook. Salary $100 Won. thlty. ,Phan, collect Stratford 4147, after 4 !p.yn. 23-p LIV'ES'TOCK FOR SALE P tG,IST J1 IbM I40LS,g1LJN ,COW, 5 years old, due, to freshen in one week, eight in every way. Apply to ,Don' Crich', AU 2-W.52, 23-p Pet Stock '13LACiK COMZR SPANItL pup, 3 ftnonthsi ,old. F;ric Switzei= ph - LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your. rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 23-p .For artiflcnal ins'ennination ser- vice or more information, tele- phone ('collect) the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Clinton HU 2-3441 Between .1:30 and 9:30 a.m. We supply service to top qual- 6ty ,bulls of 'the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford' (podlead and horned) Beef Shorthorn, (polled and horned'), and. Dual' Purpose Short'horn', Angus •and Charolalse breeds. The cost is low, 17tfb Poultry For Sole 300 SUSSfEX X RED pullets, st- arting to lay, Ernest Tonvnshend, olh,one HU 2-9107. 23b REAL ESTATE NORTH OF GODFIRICH -about 4 miles from, Lake Huron, good house, barn, garage•, henhouse, and 10 -acres of choice loam land, price $4,000—'down payment $2;000. jt1�5 ,ACRTEIS of clay doam land', 4 ,bedroom home, bathroom, garage, .barn, located near 'Clinton; only $5,500—down !payment $1,500. VERY GOOD 240 .ACRE FARM, modern, 5 bedroom. brick home, good barn, -implement shed, :gar- age. A rearl 'buy at $18,500. Mort- gage can be, arranged;. GOOD 2 BEDROOM HOME! in Goderich with extra lot, modern' conveniences; :om1y $4,300, NEWLY BUILT S'UM'MER COT- TAGE' along Lake Huron as low as $500 down paynnent. 151/2 'acres of lake frontage, with good wint- erized, ,home, 'barn, henhouse. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE 1108 Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld, Goderich 23-4-b Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be received up to noon on the 9th day of June, 1958, for the Inferior Decorating of Schools Nos. 4 and 9. Par- ticulars may be obtained from Mr. Clair Haney (No. 9) and Mr. Chester Hill (No. 4). W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer, Tuckersmith School Area Board, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 23-b ItE NDIERS, will be received by the undersigned until' the 20th, day otf June, 1958, for ,the ,interior and exterlor ,decorat';ng of USS No, 1x2, Mullett and Goderich. town- chaps (;Su'mmarh,ill). Particulars may be obtained from Bill Back- er ,or 'George Wright, Lowest ,ten- der �nat ,neces!sariiaccepted, y Signed—Bftfbak�a Lovett, Secretary -Treasurer RR I., Londesboro 23-1) Need A. Home,? Use a Want Ad, Clinton WI Names ,195R COMMiffpp. The Clinton Women's Institute b met an May 22: in t'he agr'icufftur- as .!office board voom with. the pre-. sId'el'nZ, Mrs. M Bailin, in the eh4 c1 air. Communications were read amt 'by Mrs. M. Wiltse an'd Prms'e was given MOs. C. Nelson and Mrs, ' T. O'?Connell for t'he5r work with the 441 Homemaking Club, whose' achievement day W-111 [be on July 1ti3. S Standing committees appointed are: home economics, Mrs. C. Nea- 8an'; health, Mm, T. O'Connell; citizen'shi'p, Mrs. J, Batkin; educa- tion, Mrs. N•, W. Trewartha' ag- raoullture., Mrs. Forest; +Canadian industry, Mrs. J. Johnston; histor- ical, research, Mrs. C, Ellliott; cur- rent 'events, Mrs, W. Ross. Mrs, M. •Batkii n ;gave a reading on the steel ,industry of, Sault Ste. Marie, w-bbeh was founded' in 1897 by S, H. Olergue. "From ny- lons; to refrigerators", whidhl prov- ed useful ,products in 'aur young country. A ;public schaoa has been built'to his nivnio ty. The largest number of delegates for years :past, attended: the d'is,t- ;ict annual, held May 28 in Me Kay Hall, Goderich. The maa srn is- ue was Daadilght S'eAng Time. The llooEG Women's' Institute won first prize 7'n the grandmoth'er's quilt block book competition. DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT BAYFIELD PAVILION KEN WILBEE ORCHESTRA Admission: 75 cents each $1.25 couples For Receptions and Private Parties Phone 29x3 Bayfield 'Day and Night , TAXI SERVICE ��tif! (4� Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your , Garage Call CLINTON CAB HU 2-9012 HSI 2-9036 Don Switzer - - Howard Grealls Night Calls Hix 29036 r lowers Telegraphed Anywhere Ko COOKE� FL0ItIST I�laI 14U 2.1012 Clinton 1 PAGE .SEVEN r .►� .�«. BIRTHS RAYMOND — In ClintonPn�bll ROXY THEATRE Clinton capital, ,an Monday, June 2, 195'8, •ta Mr. and Muss. Robert Raymond, I�russels, a "ugliter. Two Showa -Nightly � � Wide Sgregn Now Playing: ROBINS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, May 31, 1958, to AM and Mrs. D'a'vi.d Robin's, lM rr .01inton, a son. p E R B I �] WISO—In ,.CA+inton Public Hos, it -y" a1' on Monday, June 2, "1.958, to Wait Disney's Great' Nature $to In Story. Technicolor, NLrr, and Mrs. E'd'waxd Wase, RQ�,' 3, Clinton, a son. Monday Tuesday Wednesday DEATHS .,REACH EOR THE SKY'" HARR1SON At his home hi Me- Knllop Township, on Satuarclay, May' 24, 1958, Thomas Albert Inspiring true -life tale of Douglas Bader, one of the Harrils�on, beloved husband of great heroes of World War Il.. Annie Menzies, in Chas 69th year Kenneth Moore -- .Muriel Parlow -, Alexander Knox Funeral ffrorn the 'Box fun',eral Thursday Friday Saturday y y y chapel, Seaforth, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday after- noon,, May 27, THE SAD SACK,. CARDS OF THANKS •I would' Uke .to thank all any Army regulations and lovely gals make a peck of trouble for a rookie soldier who can't do anything right. friends, and neighbours for cards, treats, vis'i'ts :and flowers while a ,letty -, Lewis Phyllis Kirk -� David. Wayne y patient in Clinton Public HosOLtal and St Joseph, s' Haspttal; London. Spedial ,tinanks to Dr. W. A. Oak- es 'and ;the nursing staff. Harold Soper, 23-p IN MEMORIAM ViAINDEfRBERG—In lioAng ane- rnory of Isabell Vand'erberg, who died .June, 5, 1957; "In our hearts your mere ling- ers Always tender, fond and true There's not a day dear Daughter, We ado not think of you," —Elver remembered by fatherand mother, Mn and, Mrs. Wesley Vandenberg, and family, 23-P PARK THEATRE G 0 D E R I C H Now Playing: ERROL FLYNN and Cornell Borchers in "ISTANBUL" Filmed in Turkey—in Technicolor Mon., Tues. and Wed. John Gregson -- Anthony Quayle ind with Deter Finch as the note- worthy Captain Langsdorff Presenting the superb J. A. Rank version of one of the war's most significant and exciting naval engagements. "BATTLE OF THE RIVER PLATTE" In response to several Requests — ` rhur., Fri. and Sat. Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Sullivan with Scott Brady Mary Murphy and- Wallace Ford fell of a Virginia girl who be- ,omes the outlaw queen of Wyom- ng in the early roaring eighties. "The MAVERICK QUEEN" — In Naturama Color Corning: HAL MARCH T.Ws quizmaster of the $64,000 Challenge in "HEAR ME GOOD" with Merry Anders .AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from the home of John Neiluns, Gordon Street, CUnton (first house ac- ross the O.N.W traelts--off High- way No. 4) on AT 1.30 P.M. the following: 2 piece chesterfield suite (vea- our velvet); 2 console tables; 2 accasional' chairs; cowlAnatiom; iauf- fet and china cabinet; small- ,tab - Iles; dining room table and ebadrs; k"C"en' table and di-aars; meta& bed, springs and, mattress; ,Kely- inatar 8 cu. ft.. refrigerator; May, tag washing machine; sideboard; wheel barrow; garden tools; dish- es, cooking utensils and numer- ous other articles. NOTE: Further additions may be added to this sale, Terms: (lash John Neilans Edward W. Elliott Proprietor Auctioneer 23 -2q -b STRAWBERRIES OWING TO THE SEVERE FROSTS LATELY, OUR BERRY CROP WILL BE SHORT. We request our customers to order their supply early, and be assured of their berries. Prices Will Not Be More Than Last Year 50 Good Strawberry Pickers Wanted F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON Dial HU 2-3462 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DEER LODGE PARK Bayfield" Ontario Situated just north of Bayfield on Highway 21, this popular resort park which has become famous as a fav- ourite family cottage location has nine, three-bedroom cottages, all completely furnished, located on the top of the bank overlooking beautiful Lake Huron, which are al- ready, almost all rented for the coming summer season and one comfortable cottage for the owner's residence. A private sandy beach is only a few feet from each cottage. An excellent motel site is included with the property and there is still space for additional cottages to be built on the lake bank. Here is an exceptional opportunity to invest in summer rental property with a very high return on your capital, and possession is available immediately. Please contact this broker for complete information, Exclusive Agent HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton Street, Goderich---Phone 766 ------------------------------------------------- -b SUNDAY, JUNE 15. MAKE HIM KING ON HIS DAY10 GIVE HIM GIFTS HE CAN WEAR Ken and Bob suggest: SHIRTS 0 TIES * SOCKS SWEATERS • PYJAMAS JEWELLERY • ,JACKETS • BELTS SPORT SHIRTS TEE SHIRTS SPORT COATS • SLACKS * Etc. Gift Boxes Gift Certificates WHITE SHIRTS Complete Selection No -bowls — Nylon tricot — Broadcloth F Pick tt & Campbell Lim-ited'. PHONE HU 2,932 CLINTON OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS