HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-05, Page 6DISTRICT 'C" CANADIAN LEGION PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST FINALS SATURDAY, JUNE T — 2.30 pm. LEGION MEMORIAL HALL, KIRK STREET, CLINTON Miss Barbara Inder, pupil at Clinton Public School, will be contesting the Senior Public School Title, The Public Is Cordially Invited and will be Welcomed to this event. Entries from all over District "C". will compete. GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE ' who is planning a EN ROBING "June is the Month for Weddings" May We Suggest as Gifts: .„ • BLANKETS • BED SPREADS • LACE TABLECLOTHS • LINEN 'TABLECLOTHS • BED LINENS • PILLOW SLIPS • TEA SETS • TOWELS, TEA TOWELS Make "HER" Day a Happy Day, with Something Practical. Our Dresses, too, will blend with any wedding. For her going away ensemble, or for mother. There is a large selection at... /411111/1 LADIES' WEAR BILLFOLDS (Gold Lettered Free) SLIPPERS SPORT SHIRTS SOCKS & BELTS Canvass or Summer SHOES Choose From A Wide Selection of Clipper Bags Gladsfones Aeropacks Brief Cases AIKEN'S Metes and Boys' Footwear and Clothing HU 2,9352 4,40.111,14444, RELIANCE GARAGE Bill Chowen and Jack /Kerner SERVICE — REPAIRS Clinton HU 2-9052 ‘1Viveaew gaistaint "A 0000 LISTENER IS NOT ONLY POPULAR EVERYWHERE, BUT: AFTER AWHILE 4E KNOWS Somerunied 3 DAYS ONLY! 15% off :DAgiriiiims DOZENS OF ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM IN 3 to bx AND 7 to 14 RANGES, from SPORTSWEAR to DRESSES Take Advantage of This Special 15% Discount Offer and Open a Revolving Charge Account. • No Interest No Carrying Charges LEE'S AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT EVERY PICNIC IS A PARTY WITH OUR TASTY ak SANDWICHES TASTE BETTER MADE WITH BARTLIFFS ENRICHED BREAD HOT DOG and HAMBURG ROLLS Package of - 25c Reg. 35c for 29cl Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only LEMON SNOW BUNS BARTLIFFS BAKERY LTD. Bakery and Restaurant Gifts for Father ON HIS DAY: JUNE 15th PORTABLE RADIOS, TELEVISION .SETS Long Playing Phonograph Records Record Players All In Stock At GALBRAITH RADIO and TV CLINTON PAG' SIX -C7,,INTON THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 19.5$ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. 'and M. 'Maurice Hicks Wish to announce the engage- ment of their only -daughter,. Entity, to William .Geo- . rge McClincliey, 'son of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Mvalifrichey, Varna. The marriage will take 'pace the latter part of June. 23-lb LrOTON AUXILIARY 1VILL MEET ON MONDAY, JUNE 9 The regular meeting of the L. ad- ies, AilxiiiarY of the Canadian Le- glen Clinton Branch, No, 140 will he held on 'Monday, June 9, in the Legion Hall at '8.15 941.1. IneMbers are reminded of the baking sale on SatairdaY, Jame 7, SUPPER TO BJ I-011f41) ON iJtJN1 x7 The date for :the Presbyterian Girls Club pot luck supper at Mrs, Royce Maeatrilay's Cottage has been changed from jtine 1.1 to _June 17. Members Will meet at the -church at 8.30 Rin, 0 WMS Will ;.Entertain The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario Street United Ch- -Urea will entertain the Mission Band and Baby Band in the. Ow- ph on Tuesday, June 10 at 2.00 . . IIetirtbside Club Will Meet ,on _June 12 The Hearthside Club of Ord- ado Street United ',Chard) wiali meet en June 12. Guest speaker Will. be Jean Farley, telling of their work in !France. I 4 I I Personals Mr. -and Mra, Mei Crieh spent the weekend iun Essex at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E, K IVLeBrien.: Mr. and Mrs, Kerry Brandon and Mrs, Thomas Brandon, Water- loo, were Sunday visitors at Mr, and Mrs. A. C, ErandOn's, WOI„ and Mrs. Hal Walsh, RCAF Station Edgar, Ontario, were with Mr. and Mrs, Ron Mac- Donald over 'the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Wallace, plArcy Sesk„ left on IlridaY for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., after vls- tithing the Misses 1W, and J, Sterl- ing, Included in weekend visitors of Mr., and Mrs, Gordon' -Ctinings hame were Mr, and Mrs, Roy A. East, Toronto, brother and sister- in-Jaw of Mrs, Ouninghame, Mr. and Mrs. James Comerford (nee iShirley Ashton) motored here from Los Angeles, Calif., and are spending several weeks With her parents, Mr, 'and Mrs, Clifford Ashton. 111tolep=teiTtio /liniteb eburtb REV. J. A, MoKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNI'E. Choir Director Sunday, June 8 9.45 arm—Sunday School 11.00 am,—Plower Service, Guest speaker Rev. V. Buchannan, B.A., B.D. HOL/WESVILLE 9.45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10,45 a.m.—Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's — Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist' First Sunday After Trinity 830 -a-m.—Holy Communion 11,00 a.m.-.-Morning Prayer 41, Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, June 8 10.00 am.—Sunday School 111.00 la.m.—Morning Worship 8.00 pan.--Grospel Semice. Speak- er Mr. John M. Martin, Hawkesville. Mr. Sohn M. Martin guest speaker 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You 4,-.0 41,1,-.111. • Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hat invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, Order of meetings on L'h'a's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.M.—Sunday School 7.00 pan,—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Mrs, janac.0 Keen Stratferd, held a graduation tea for her` niece, Miss Polly Jervis, on Sat- urday, May 31. Guests were .pres- cut from Windsor, Goderiela Port Elgin, Stratford, Noirneaville and' Mr, and Mrs. M. T, -Codes re- turned home Saturday 'after about two week's visit with Mr, and Mrs, Benson Corless, Milton, and with. relatives and friends at To- ronto, Leaside and Vineland, Mr, ;044 Mrs, K. M. Breaker and $cyn Richard', with Mr. and Mrs, Lorenzo Dal Bello, Zurillein; also Mr, and Mm, Gordon Dow, Rus.seidale, and Mrs. John James, Lanach, were weekend guests of Mr. 'and Mrs, M. T, iCerless, Mrs," Minnie _Stins,on, Dundalk, spent several days with Mr, and Mrs, James S. Loelthart last week. Also her son Ernest Stinson, his wife and daughter Lynn, Mr, and Mrs. George Henderson, Oorbet- on, were callers at 'the Lockhart home, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, June 6- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, June 8- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7,00 p,m,—Gospel Service Tuesday, June 10- 8,00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, June 8 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest speaker, Dr. Bob Ou- ghton, sponsored by Y.F.C. 7.30 p.m—Evening Service Dr. Bob Oughton, guest sp- eaker. Wed., 8 p,m.—Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, Christian Reformed Church REV. a J. HOYTEIVIA, Minister 10,00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m.—Sunday School 2,30 p.m.—Service in English Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.--Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CICOC, 8.30 a.m,, 1070 Ices, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 10,30 p.m., 800 kcs. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ID. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 8 9.45 aah.—Church School for all corners. 10.45 a.m.—Divine Service Everybody Welcome Graduated rikumcc Jprorxs daughter of Mr, ,and Mrs, Rob- ert Jervis, a graduate of -CDC', graduated from. Stratford Gen- eral Hospital School of Nurs- ing 'on Saturday, May 31. She received the Dr. Lorne Rob- ertson Scholarship for Profic- iency in -theory and practise, On September 1 she will begin work in Clinton Public Hospit, al. Friendship Club Tea and Bazaar Termed Success The Annual Spring Blossom Tea and Bazaar held at St. Paul's' Anglican 'Church, Parish Hall, Saturday afternoon under the aus- pices' of 'the Friendship Club was ,an outstanding success. Gay spring flowers formed' an attractive setting while the tea tables featured white linen cloths centred with lily-of-the-valley and pansies. The tea was officially opened by Rev. C. S. Inder and President, Mrs H. Thompson, and vice-pres- ident ' Mrs. Cl. Herman received guests at the door, The tea tables were convened by Mrs. R. Bellinger, assisted by Mrs. W. Counter, Mrs, R. Camp- bell, Mrs. C. Dixon, Mrs. G. W- ins, Mrs. N :Counter and Mrs. 3, Barnard, and Mrs, Tom Twyford. Mrs. M, McAdam convened the kitchen, and was assisted by Mrs. 'W. Beck, Mrs, C. Wilson, Mrs. R. Thompson, Mrs. L. Arnston, Mrs. R. Cuelmore, Mrs. R. Schoen.- hals, Mrs, L. Slade, Mrs. R. Kra- meta/ and Mrs. W. Burton, The baking table was convened Eby Mrs. H. Johnston, assisted by Mrs. R. Scott and. Mrs, Tom De- eves. Mrs. Eric ,Switzer assisted by Mrs. E. Reichert convened the candy table, Mrs. Arthur Ley- burnc convened the fiShpond booth. Mrs. G. Elliott convened the miscellaneous and dolls clothes. Mrs. Vi Habgood convened the apron table and was assisted by Mrs. 3, Hart, Mrs. 3. Murphy and Mrs. B. Bartliff. Hospital Auxiliary Plans Activities For fall Season 'Sixteen members of the Ladies Auxiliary 'to the 'Clinton Public HesPitail, met in, the nurses res.-idence on Tuesday evening, June 3, with the president in -charge, The treasurer's report .showed .balance of $421.36, An invitation was read for ail those (interested to attend the opening of the new nurses res.-, iclence ;in Exeter on Sunday, June 8, commencing at 2 ,p,M, Mrs. Fingland teak charge of STANLEY TOWNSHIP Jack Graham, 'Toronto, spent the weekend at his home, Miss Mice Caldwell, Lon, don, visited at her home over the weekend. Mrs. Ella 14009wail, left this week to visit her 'daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Albert 13att, Stonffville. the meeting, and plans were made for the regional Meeting of hos- Pltal auxiliaries which will 'be held in Clinton on September 24. Committees were appoints() for this occasion, Plans also were made for the annual Penny Sale on -Oetob.er 4, and members were given 1.tickets to sell for tills- event. • HEAVY-WEIGHT WRESTLER and CHAMPION WEIGHT LIFTER REV. BOB OUGHTON Belleville, Illinois He will show you how he gets out of a straight jacket while in a mail bag. Mrs. Oughton—Guest Soloist Clinton Legion Memorial Hall SATURDAY, JUNE 7 - at 8 p.m. Triton* Youth for Christ Church Directory CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor; JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 11.00 a.m..—"God-given Bread" 12.00 noon—Sunday School 3.00 p.m,—Worship Service at Auburn A Cordial Welcome to All ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor-a-REV. GRANT MILLS, S.A. 10.30 ti,m.—Sunclay School 111.0 ,a.m.--Sunday School Anniversary Rev., Grant Meiklejoitir, Lt.A, B.O., Lucknow 7,00 pan.---Evening Chapel TURNER'S catructi 2.00 pana-Vorship Service 3,00 'p„tn.--Sunday School