HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-06-05, Page 2Clinton News-Record THE -MINTON. NEWS-RECORD Amalgamated 1,9.24 Published. every ThinriffinY at the Heart of Ogren Comity. Clinton, Ontario Popigation 2,902 e it A. L. Coleerhoun, Publisher Wilma D. Dinnin, gaiter le r SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Payable in advance—Canada and Great Britain; $3.00 a year.; United States and Foreign: $4,00; Single Copies Seven. Cents Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1958 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. t D Every weekend throughout the summer months fparticillarly then because of the heavy traffic on highways, and the delight taken by thousand.s in the cooling waters of Canada's streams and lakes) the statistics of dead and injured are counted up and the totals announced in Monday's newspaper, One acquaintance remarked that the TV news was turning into statistics: sports news merely listed scores; weather reports spoke of WHOSE IS We cannot altogether go• along with the recent- commands and entreaties by those who are supposed to guide the country's best in- terests, when they say it is. time for the people to spend more—and spend it now. Certainly it looks as though more money in circulation would 'be a healthy thing. for Canada's economy. We don't, however, believe that this request to spend should be aimed, as it so obviously, toward the little man. The little fellow, with his regimented temperatures, !barometric pressures, rainfall in inches; and the news reports gave tot* of the dead and dying. By using ordinary common sense YOU can lessen the chances of having yourself or your family swell these latter totals. Fellow the ordinary safety rules of driving. Learn the rules of water safety. Make sure your family knows and recognizes the importance of them. Then, you and your loved ones can re- main alive, and uncounted! THE DUTY? income, has in alit probability stretched: himself to the limit already With time payments of one kind or another. To ask that he spend more, is merely to request something Which will force a demand for higher wages. It has been said: "It has never been the duty of the public to buy a product. It is the duty of the manufacturer to put on the market a desirable product, which the consumer will want to:. buy". ALIVE, AND UNCOUNTED SUGAR and SPICE (By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) From our Early Files 1 AND DAUGHTER you'll never run out, of hot water—with GAS! Heats wafer faster — for less ! Nothing else keeps up with the hot water needs of your family washer like Gas! It's faster—be- cause Gas starts heating more water as fast as • you use it. Costs less to buy, install, and operate, too! Baths for everybody—on washday! Every faucet pours hot water at your house, with an Automatic Gas hot water heater designed to handle your family's needs. Why not let us fit one "to measure" for you? Plenty of hot water costs so little to have! LOOK AT BOTH AND YOU'LL BUY GAS! UNION S COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 85 Downie St. Stratford, Ont. MY FAMILY TO THE LAKE SHOULD GC), THEY ALL NEED, A VACATION 50 ! WAKE UP, DON'T DREAM, IT'S CLEAR TO ME YOU NEED SOME CA51-I FROM T.C.C, I ARRANGED MY LOAN 50 PLEASANTLY NO FUSS, REP-TAPE- WITH TC,C, THE MORAL'S PLAIN. FOR ALL TO SEE, "WHEN YOU NEED CAN SEE TC,C, " TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARED PHONE 797 GODERICHy ONT.. Vgr, TRANS CANADA CREDIT 104Algi 0.11 Need cash for your vacation? Buying a boat, tent, or holiday needs of any kind? Then see Trans Canada Credit for one-stop financing. Loans from $150 to $2,500, or even more, can be arranged. Up to 20, or 30 months to repay. Call today. PAM; TWO ..01-4NTON ./sTEWS THURSDAY, JUNE '5,. 2958 Well, Daddy-O, are you all set for Father's Day? Will your big, old, soft heart be- just overflow- ing, your big, old, bloodshot eyes just all filled up, when the great day arrives? * * * It it is, and they are, you're as big a sucker as I 'think, and: Dad- dy-0 I think you're the biggest sucker history has seen since the invention of the wheel, • * Speaking of wheels—father us- ed to be the big wheel in the fam- ily. But in 'the past couple of gen- erations, he's merely had his shou- lder to it. Not to mention his nose to the grindstone. * * The degeneration of the father's role in our family life, in the past fifty years,,,is appalling. Father has sunk' from "HEAD of the HOUSE" to "figure of 'fun". • * He has sunk from a 'seven-foot adjutant to the Lord _Almighty 'down to a five-foot Mother's Hel- per, in the eyes of his children. Ever since he stopped knocking Mother about the cave with the jaw-bone of a saber-tooth tiger, he has been losing ground steadily. * * * "It's a man's world", whines scene fluffy, little, steely-eyed woman. Saying which, she pro- ceeds to go out and reduce to a quivering foil for her whim of iron the first figure of a man she can get her silken-covered hooks into. * All I have' ,to' do is think back to my own father, if I want a wave of ineffable sadness to creep over me. Even then, the rot was creeping in, the jackals were gnawing at the hamstrings of the Father, but I was too young to re- alize it, * * My Dad was a quiet man, a good man, and' a wise one. He knew when he was up against superior armament, and in most cases he Withdrew in good order, when he was outgunned. But 'once in a while, with the flash of the fire of his male forbears, he would stand and fight, with all the glory of an old buck turning on the tor- Mending hounds, * * * For example, he'd hit his thumb With a hammer. "Holy jumpin' The Bible Today Although production of Script- ures by the British and Foreign Bible Sudety hat tripled in 'the past ten years, there are still hum- dredt of thousands of dollars wor- th Of orders that. cannot be Mil- led due to laek .of ! fOndt, reports the Rev, K. 0. McMillan,, general I Secretary for Canada, Since 70 percent of its Scriptures are solid at lets' than cost, the increasing &Mend calls for a larger subsid- iary. Mr. McMillan emphasizes that while the British and Foreign Bib- le ,Society has been at work for 154 years, the effort ;to provide Scriptures fOr the: world ib. really in its. infancy. In Imb'a, for ex- arripile,_ the rate of literacy is ex- pected to increase front its pres- ent 17 percent to 50 percent, and the population, of nearly 400 mil- lion is growing by five million year. This situation, as applied. other countries as well, presents the, greatest challenge of all time to the Bible .SoeietieS. BLAST ! I",he would roar like a wounded lion. My mother would- turn pale and get to her 'ironing. We kids would cringe under tab- les, behind 'chairs, hearts thump- ing with fear and excitement. * * What happens' nowadays? I hit my thumb with a hammer, "Hell's holy old Malkin' bells!", I mur- mur, sotto voce, dancing around :on one foot, clutching the thumb. "I'm gonna tell Mom. you swore, Dad", pipes Hugh, from the next room. "You won't go to Heaven, Daddy, if you talk like that," cries Kim from under the table. "That's certainly wonderful language to be using in front of the children," callt Her Nibs, from upstairs. * * * My Dad dichint have to resort to violence, or even anger, to keep us kids in line. If we got lippy at the dinner table, he'd just lay down his knife and fork and give us' one piercing look. That was enough, and deadly silence reign- ed. * * I tried that the other day. I was :attempting to tell the Sup- reme 'Commander that I wouldn't be able to do !the dishes that night. The klds were carrying on a crossfire of 'gab and 'giggles. I laid !down my fork and knife and gave them a piercing look. It. had all the . effect a piercing look would' have on Niagara Falls. * * When my father told us some- thing, we accepted it. It he said 'black and green cows gave white milk, that was good enough for Us. If I make 'a statement it calls for a panel discussion, invariably commencing: 'Yabbut, listen, Dad, how come . . etc. ?" * * I realize fathers have brought lit on :themselves, with their spineless submission all the way down the line. But the ridiculous pretence, once a year, that father is loved,- honoured end obeyed It merely rubbing salt in the wounds. *- So when it comes to Father's Day, include me out. Unless, that is, there's as new set of golf clubs, or something worthwhile in it. AUCTIONEER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant GODERICH, Ontario Telephone 1011 Box 478 45-17-b RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office and Residence Rattenbury Street East Phone HU 2-9677 CLINTON, ONTARIO 50-tfb DOCTOR G. A. WEBB, D.C.* .*Doctor of Chiropractic 433 MAIN STREET, EXETER X-Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. & 'Thurs. Evenings 7-9 vor•Appointment - Phone 606 3. E. LONGSTAFF Hours: Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday-9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Thursday evening by appointment only. Clinton: Above Hawkins Hard- ware—Mondays only-9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Phone HUnter 2-7010 Clinton PHONE 791 SEAFORTII OPTOMETRY G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich dNINK11•04.114NOIPINNIPOOM~.04,11.04.#44114P00 REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker High Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 40 YEARS AGO CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, ,Tune 6, 1918 Sergeant Frank ,Andrews, who has been in Landon for the past few weeks, has received his ,dils- charge from 'the la17115". "The Governor-General and his Party, it is, 'announced, will tour Ontario and visit even insignifi!. cant :places like Owen Sound and Stratford. Can it he possible that the Duke has never heard of Greater Goderich.?" .CiodOieh 'Signal. Yes, indeed, and Clinton, The Hub of Huron, right in the. Hoe of mardh. .Somebody ought to do something about it. aViiiiss !Shirley Bawden hat taken a 'position in the offiee of the Public Utilities Commission. Tarvia is being, put on the st- reets this week. Some people complain of the odor but it is a wholesome one and will soon wear off, 40 YEARS AGO CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, June 6, 1918 The oar of tarvia arrived on Monday !and the street committee are busy now 'getting it put on the macadam roads. Tarvia costs $651.60, while freight 'amounted to $94.05. Pay sheet for streets for May was $226,01. Street lighting and hall, $124.02. INSURANCE INSURE THE CO-OP WAY Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone H' 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office HU 2-9644, Res., HU 2-9787 Insurance Real Estate Agent: Mutual. Life Assurance Cc Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN Insurance and Real Estate Representative Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Clinton PHONES Office HU 2-9747—Res. 2-7556 3. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Ontario Automobile Association Car - Fire - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I nave a Policy THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S Alexander, Walton; vice-president Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec retary-treasurer and manager, 1 A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: John H. McEvving Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wel. ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har. vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea. forth. Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londe& boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen, Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Should. the war continue far 441, other year, food! cards and a rat- ioning system, may have to be instituted. These conditions point to the necessity of Canada know- ing the .eocaet capabilities of her men and women at liOrne. It is quite probable that before lire War is won our .government may have to place restrictions up- on the occupations in which men and women may engage, All par- sons ireadding in Canada, male or female, British or alien of 16 years of .age or over, will be re- quired to register on June 22, and 'truthfully answer the ques- tons set forth upon the registra- tion card. 25 YEARS AGO CLINTON NEWS-RECORD )ThursdaY, dune 8, 1933 Two Goderr.ch Township young men, King Harris and William Pearson, lost their livih in one .of the most 'terrible accidents in the history' of tire township, Death was caused by gas which had formed well into which the young men descended. It is said that ,old well-diggers have, often had to do with gas and are Wary of it. It is similar in its effects to 'that caused hy gasoline, as' the :deadly fumes from the exhaust pipe of an automobile, and ex-. perilenced rnen are on the lookout for it. Cash specials at Lobb's General Stone include: dairy butter, 3 fibs, for 50c; P & G soap, per bar, 3c; toilet soap, 3 for Sc; Ayliner park and beans', 5 for 25c. 10 YEARS AGO CLINTON NEWS-UPOQRP Thursday, June 3, 1948 Miss ,Doan Siornan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred S1'csnan, Cap real, and Clinton, received her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Western: Ontario,, London, Miss: Simian graduatO from Clinton Collegiate Institute hr 1944, A 'large group of Hellanderis Who will work farms in the area of London, 'Chatham, Woodstock, Aylmer, Norwich, Clinton' and Sap- aria, is expected to arrive in the district next weekend, The hxr- miigrant ship "Tablota" is sched- uled to-dock at Quebec City, A frame barn, owned by aithr. ford Keys, Varna, was destroyed by fire about midnight Sunday. The barn is on the Robert Elliott place three miles south of Varna- Business and Professional — Directory —